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Taking the European Union (EU) as a case study, we simulate the application of non-uniform national mitigation targets to achieve a sectoral reduction in agricultural non-carbon dioxide (CO2) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Scenario results show substantial impacts on EU agricultural production, in particular, the livestock sector. Significant increases in imports and decreases in exports result in rather moderate domestic consumption impacts but induce production increases in non-EU countries that are associated with considerable emission leakage effects. The results underline four major challenges for the general integration of agriculture into national and global climate change mitigation policy frameworks and strategies, as they strengthen requests for (1) a targeted but flexible implementation of mitigation obligations at national and global level and (2) the need for a wider consideration of technological mitigation options. The results also indicate that a globally effective reduction in agricultural emissions requires (3) multilateral commitments for agriculture to limit emission leakage and may have to (4) consider options that tackle the reduction in GHG emissions from the consumption side.  相似文献   

黑土地是重要的农产品生产基地之一,承担着保障国家粮食安全和维护农业生态安全的重要责任,保护好黑土地对促进我国农业可持续发展至关重要。测算与分析2000—2020年东北黑土地粮食生产耕地压力的变化情况,研究国际贸易对东北黑土地粮食生产的耕地压力的影响,利用国际市场占有率指数和贸易竞争优势指数分析东北黑土地农产品在国内及国际两个市场的竞争优势。结果表明:近20年来东北黑土地粮食生产的耕地压力基本处于安全压力区并呈逐步下降的趋势,玉米、大豆、稻谷三种主要作物生产的耕地压力分别从2000年的1.94、1.09和0.63下降至2020年的0.69、0.26和0.54。国际粮食贸易对黑土地粮食生产耕地压力减缓的作用显著且呈现出逐年上升的趋势,2020年对黑土地粮食生产耕地压力减缓的贡献率达26.22%,其中对大豆生产的耕地压力减缓的贡献率达511.48%。农产品贸易优势度分析结果显示,东北黑土地农产品在国内市场具有明显的贸易竞争优势,但在国际贸易中的竞争优势不明显。为此,提出了国际贸易粮食贸易变化背景下黑土地保护的若干建议,为东北黑土地保护及其粮食产能保障相关决策提供参考。  相似文献   

挑选与中国农产品贸易额较大且具有代表性的10个国家,构建包含资源环境要素的虚拟水投入产出模型,计算农产品贸易隐含虚拟水的转移情况.进而以国际贸易理论为基础构建了以虚拟水净进口量为被解释变量的贸易引力模型,重点探究了包括自由贸易协定和关税在内的各因素对虚拟水转移的影响.结果表明,中国的农业用水效率虽然在逐年提高,但与农业发达国家相比仍有较大差距;中国通过农产品国际贸易实现了对大部分国家虚拟水的贸易逆差;土地资源、劳动力数量、农业生产效率等方面的比较优势以及是否签订自由贸易协定、关税水平等变量是农产品贸易虚拟水流动的显著影响因素.中国通过进一步发展和壮大农产品国际贸易可以有效缓解国内水资源压力,因此应当在提高自身农业比较优势的同时,加快发展对外贸易关系,并充分发挥自由贸易协定在农产品国际贸易中的关键作用.  相似文献   

中国农产品贸易格局变化及海外农业资源利用对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2017年中国大宗农产品虚拟耕地净进口量达到6784万hm2,对外依存度为33.4%,其中巴西和美国是主要的进口来源国。以大豆为重点的土地密集型农产品的大量进口,在一定程度上保证了中国粮食供给,但要从根本上保障中国粮食安全也应实施农业“走出去”战略。尽管近年中国海外农业投资逐年增加,但由于缺乏长远的投资战略指导,海外农产品资源的控制能力差,生产风险高。为此,为保障中国粮食安全,应从构建人类命运共同体、提高全球农产品供给能力的战略高度,选择最佳海外投资区域,优先开发中国进口量大、对外依存度高的国际大豆和棕榈油等油脂油料资源;扶持多类型企业主体参与海外农业资源开发;在农业投资目的国通过“订单+农户”模式进行深度合作,并融入全球农产品贸易体系。  相似文献   

In light of the recent rise in global food prices, much of the literature on crop-based biofuel production focuses on the potential impacts on food security. Studies have identified linkages between the usage of feedstocks in biofuel production and international food price increases. In addition, these studies indicate that food prices are expected to continue to rise over the next decade in response to biofuel consumption targets adopted in the U.S. and E.U. Despite these indications, some countries for whom food security and poverty reduction are still an issue have initiated crop-based biofuel development and set forth national blending targets for energy use within the transportation sector. As a result, a broader examination of the tradeoffs concerning welfare and food security related to biofuel development merit consideration. Opportunities to generate income and expand agricultural production technology through biofuel development may provide welfare gains that can improve purchasing power and decrease vulnerability to price shocks for food and energy. In addition, biofuel production schemes that promote alternative energy sources for household uses can improve productivity and health, especially for women and children. To assist with the sector development that maximizes welfare gains, we suggest a number of key indicators that might be useful in constructing a typology that can be applied across countries to characterize their energy needs and better target the types of bioenergy uses that might be best suited for them. In addition, biofuel production models are reviewed and best-practices identified that can expand welfare gains for smallholders and the poor. Through these examples, we demonstrate a basis upon which policymakers might approach the prioritization of their national strategies towards developing renewable energy sources, such that they can have the maximum impact upon important goals of human welfare and development.  相似文献   

从理论到实践的美国排污交易   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
郑元  张天柱 《上海环境科学》2000,19(11):505-507
阐述了排污交易产生的背景,排污权与排放许可证的概念,TDP的理论研究和实践应用,排污交易政策在美国的发展等。美国的排污交易政策由补偿政策、气泡政策、净得政策和排污银行4项组成,以美国酸雨计划为例说明了排污交易的巨大环境经济效益,并给出了建议。  相似文献   

贸易自由化和区域经济一体化不仅会通过比较优势整合市场、提升效率,还会带来农产品贸易中虚拟资源的流动。以中国—巴基斯坦大米贸易为研究对象,使用两国大米贸易数据,首先检验中巴粮食市场整合程度,其次分析中巴大米贸易带来的虚拟水和虚拟土地的流动。结果表明:(1)中巴之间大米市场已经高度整合,且价格存在长期均衡,但巴基斯坦大米价格比中国波动大,其对中国大米的价格弹性为1.097;“一带一路”倡议带来了巴方大米价格7.8%的下降,增加了穷人的福利。(2)贸易带来了虚拟水土资源的流动。中国累计从巴基斯坦净进口大米354万t,相当于净进口国内52万hm2、巴基斯坦96.4万hm2耕地,以及国内34.4亿t、巴基斯坦101.7亿t水资源。中国应加大技术支持和扩散的力度,具有促进粮食安全,节约全球资源的意义。  相似文献   

刘一  王震 《环境科学学报》2016,36(2):710-716
产品碳足迹及其绿色贸易壁垒的研究越来越得到重视,但另一方面,进口模式对碳足迹的影响研究尚不充分.本研究采用生命周期评价方法,对橱柜的国内加工阶段的碳排放、国外不同原材料生产阶段碳排放分别进行计算,并分析不同进口模式情景下上游原材料对橱柜整体碳足迹的影响.主要结论如下:1不同进口模式原材料碳排放差异较大:北欧的原材料碳排放高于中欧和美国,碳排放的主要来源材料为胶合板.2全球的原材料碳排放波动最大,最大原材料碳排放是最小原材料碳排放的7.26倍;美国的原材料碳排放波动最小;3不同进口模式对我国产品碳足迹的影响不同,从贡献结构上看,除了北欧最大碳排放进口模式和全球最大碳排放进口模式是外源型以外,其余模式的产品碳足迹来源皆为内源型,即主要贡献仍为国内加工阶段.4从减排潜力看贸易策略,减排潜力最大的是全球进口模式,为30%~52%,并建议转变北欧为其它进口模式,以寻求更大的减排空间.本文结论可服务于企业绿色采购策略中原材料减排潜力的发掘,以及国家贸易政策的制定.  相似文献   

Consumer's choice of food can influence the environment. In Sweden, in common with many other countries, consumers need to be given information so they can make environmentally informed shopping choices. However, what is the most advantageous dietary choice to lower greenhouse emissions? This study investigates the greenhouse gas emissions associated with food production for food consumed in Sweden annually. Specifically, this study compares greenhouse gas emissions associated with a nutritionally and environmentally sustainable diet with the average consumption of food in Sweden 1999. The study concludes that the change in energy use and greenhouse gas emission associated with this change of diet is negligible. Lowering greenhouse gas emissions by changing food production processes results in more profound changes than teaching consumers to make environmentally correct choices. There is a basic need for a reduction or a replacement of the use of fossil fuels to produce and distribute our food in order to reach any significant reduction in the emission of greenhouse gases. Swedish agricultural policy does not provide ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In Sweden therefore there is an immediate need to design policy instruments with the primary aim of reducing the greenhouse effect.  相似文献   

Increasing the share of renewable energy is of principal concern for the EU energy policy. A number of policies have been adopted, and, in part, been implemented by the EU member countries. An increasing share of renewable energy implies an increasing utilisation of biofuels in general and of forest-based biomass in particular. However, in the EU, the endowment and uses of forest-base biomass are diverse suggesting that an increasing trade would become necessary in order to cost effectively increase the utilisation of forest-based biomass. The purpose of this study is to, in the presence of EU energy policy, quantify and analyse possible trade levels for forest fuels in the EU. Particularly, the consequences on trade after implementing the White Paper and the RES-E Directive are analysed. Investigating the European trade in forest fuels is important for understanding how industry sectors in the EU will be affected by the policies. The results suggest that the implementation of the White Paper and the RES-E Directive will increase the trade in forest fuels, resulting in total trade increases of up to 67 percent. Furthermore, the national net trading levels are possible to derive. Depending on policy implementation the results differ – a country that was net importing given the White Paper implementation can instead be net exporting when applying the RES-E Directive. The fact that the policy implementations will increase the trade may mitigate potential industry problems to secure the needed inputs. On the other hand, the integration of countries increases the possibility for some industries to increase their production even more, possibly strengthening any input scarcity problems. It is therefore not possible to generally conclude if a more integrated European forest fuel market, and hence an increased European forest fuel trade, will mitigate industry problems to secure their needed inputs or not.  相似文献   

全球化与粮食安全新格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当今世界正面临“百年未有之大变局”,中国与全球的粮食安全面临重大挑战。为了系统认知全球化与粮食安全的新格局、新问题和新路径,邀请了十位来自不同专业领域的知名专家,就耕地增产潜力、农业水土资源与粮食生产、食物浪费、国际农产品贸易、重点农产品保供稳供、全球农业食物系统、双循环与企业行动、全球粮食生产与消费、国际粮安治理、粮食安全研究前沿等领域进行了一对一的交流访谈。访谈结果表明:全球农业食物系统进入复合型高风险时代,国际粮安治理面临资源、约束力、行动力等方面的挑战,凸显国家粮食安全尤其是进口依赖型农产品的保供稳供压力,需要加强国内农业供给侧改革与需求侧管理。全球化发生新变化,考验中国深化农业对外开放、参与全球粮安治理、实现国家粮食安全的能力水平。面对复杂的国际国内形势,国家粮食安全治理需要坚持系统思维、统筹国内国际、瞄准全产业链、强调风险管控、处理好政府与市场关系,进一步深入研究食物系统和粮食安全、生态系统和粮食安全、高质量发展与粮食安全、农业对外开放与粮食安全、双循环新格局与粮食安全等方面的具体方式路径,为新时期建立健全“以我为主、立足国内、确保产能、适度进口、科技支撑”的国家粮食安全战略提供科学参考。  相似文献   

Enteric fermentation in livestock is an important source of anthropogenic methane emission. India, with its large livestock population, is estimated to contribute 10.8 Tg of methane annually from this source. An evaluation of various methane mitigation options indicate that some of the available technologies like, diet supplementation with feed additive and molasses urea product are highly cost effective in reducing enteric methane emissions. The gross cost of methane abatement from use of feed additive monensin premix ranges from €0.6 to €1.8/ton CO2 equivalent, for buffaloes and indigenous cows, respectively. The gross cost of enteric methane mitigation from supplementing molasses urea products and dietary manipulation through increased concentrate feeding is much higher. But, as the monetary value of the increased milk production on application of these technologies was higher than the annual cost of reduction strategy for buffaloes and crossbred cows, the net costs of the former mitigation option was negative for buffaloes (€-28.1/ton CO2) and of the latter for crossbred cows (€-7.0/ton CO2,). The availability of cost-effective technologies suggest that the methane mitigation projects under CDM, can be planned in the Indian dairy sector to the mutual benefit of countries with emission targets and India. The vast dairy animal population of India and resulting methane emissions provide good opportunity these countries to buy reasonable quantum of emission credits from projects in India. Such projects will work to the benefit to India by providing a tool for technology transfer to increase animal productivity and attract capital that assists in more prosperous and environmental friendly milk production in the country.  相似文献   

全球农产品贸易网络及其演化分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
论文基于复杂网络视角,选择谷物、油料、纤维、糖料、果蔬、肉类6大类57种农产品,用1986—2013年间的贸易数据,构建全球农产品贸易网络,定量分析了这个复杂网络的特征和演化趋势。结果表明:1)1986—2013年,全球农产品贸易总量增加了2.26倍,其中油料作物增加幅度最大,增加了4.97倍。参与到全球农产品贸易网络中的国家(地区)逐年增多。2)拟合节点累积度分布的幂函数曲线,表明全球农产品贸易节点度分布具有不均匀性,节点度小的节点数量多,节点度大的节点数量少,满足幂律分布。“枢纽”节点不断成长。3)全球农产品贸易网络密度上升、平均路径长度下降、多元化趋势加强、网络结构复杂化等特征日益突出。4)我国农产品进口来源国(地区)集中程度较高,农产品进口潜在风险较大。一方面要进一步扩大开放,拓展进口来源国(地区)的数量,更好地利用国际资源;另一方面强化农业基础,提高农业综合生产能力,防范风险,保障粮食安全。  相似文献   

The global demand for agricultural products, including food, is rapidly increasing due to population growth and shifts in consumption patterns. The required increase in agricultural production is predominantly to be achieved in countries with relatively low agricultural production levels at present. These are mainly developing countries and countries in transition, the so-called non-Annex I countries of the UNFCCC. However, intensification of agricultural production systems is currently closely linked to high emissions of greenhouse gases notably nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). In this paper the relations between population growth, agricultural development and emissions of N2O and CH4 were assessed for 10 non-Annex I countries, viz. China, India, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Mongolia, Nigeria, Tanzania and South Africa. We combined FAO data on agricultural production levels, CENSUS data on population statistics and EDGAR data on N2O and CH4 emissions. The projected trends in agricultural production indicate that emissions of N2O and CH4 are expected to increase rapidly in the coming years and will level off from 2040 onwards. The results confirm the positive relation between population increase and increased emissions from agricultural activities for most countries. However, for some countries (South Africa, China and Mexico) this relation was weak or absent. Although numerous factors (e.g. changes in international trade) may have scattered the relation and we were unable to explain this decoupling, it suggests that population growth can be possible without additional emissions. The variation between the different countries and farming systems is however large and mitigation measures at farm-level should be tailored to the wide diversity in environmental conditions, regional customs and farming systems.  相似文献   

罗秀丽  杨忍  徐茜 《自然资源学报》2021,36(6):1381-1397
基于重心模型和空间错位指数方法,系统分析了1990—2017年全球人口与粮食的时空格局、空间错位特征及影响因素等。结果表明:(1)近30年来,全球人口与粮食均呈增长态势,两者的时序变化特征存在明显差异,全球人均粮食产量的区域差异特征显著,多数国家的“人粮关系”矛盾突出。(2)在全球尺度,人口与粮食重心存在显著的空间错位特征,两者在空间分布上呈现反向错位发展的态势。(3)在国家尺度,人口与粮食的空间错位格局呈现由南至北依次为“正错位区—负错位区—正错位区”。负向高错位区稳定在印度、日本等国家,正向高错位区稳定在美国、加拿大等国家。(4)全球各大洲人口与粮食的空间错位格局基本稳定,空间错位指数发生转向的国家分布在亚洲、欧洲、南美洲和非洲。(5)自然环境、国际环境、农业发展、社会环境等多种因素综合作用致使人口规模和粮食产量在空间分布上存在区域差异,促成全球人口与粮食的空间错位格局。政策启示:中国有必要加快农业供给侧结构性改革,增强农业竞争力和粮食自给率,合理统筹配置两种资源和处理两个市场之间的关系,建立规避世界粮食贸易波动和不确定性风险的应对策略,构建中国农业生态安全和粮食安全的保障体系。  相似文献   

生产低硫汽油的新技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了我国及欧美等国家车用汽油标准中对硫含量的规定,以及降低催化汽油硫含量的几种工艺方法,特别是新发展起来的FCC脱硫助剂、FCC脱硫催化剂和膜分离等技术。采用新的脱硫技术可以在不同程度上降低催化汽油的硫含量。适应不同的脱硫要求,为炼油厂生产低硫汽油提供了更多的技术选择。  相似文献   

基于多区域投入产出模型的戈什模型,以中国为主要研究对象,核算并分析了1995~2011年全球41个国家和地区的下游碳贸易平衡.结果表明,研究期间内中国收益侧碳排放远小于直接碳排放,下游碳贸易平衡年均增长率达11.92%,中国是收益侧碳排放最大的净进口国.日本、美国、德国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚及巴西等国对中国收益侧碳排放净出口规模不断扩大,中国已经成为这些国家和地区收益侧碳排放转移的重要目的地之一.建立以收益原则为基础的碳排放责任核算体系有利于建立更加公正和有效的碳减排方案,有利于中国主张合理的碳排放责任原则和实行有效的碳减排政策.  相似文献   

The global land area required to meet the German consumption of agricultural products for food and non-food use was quantified, and the related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, particularly those induced by land-use changes in tropical countries, were estimated. Two comprehensive business-as-usual scenarios describe the development corridor of biomass for non-food use in terms of energetic and non-energetic purposes. In terms of land use, Germany was already a net importer of agricultural land in 2004, and the net additional land required by 2030 is estimated to comprise 2.5–3.4 Mha. This is mainly due to biofuel demand driven by current policy targets. Meeting the required biodiesel import demand would result in an additional GWP of 23–37 Tg of CO2 equivalents through direct and indirect land-use changes. Alternative scenario elements outline the potential options for reducing Germany's land requirement, which reflect future global per capita availability.  相似文献   

Agriculture is one of the major sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emission. It accounts for approximately 15% of the total global anthropogenic emissions of GHGs. Emissions could be twice as much if indirect emissions are also taken into the consideration. However, unlike other high emitting sectors such as transport or energy, agriculture is potentially a significant carbon “sink”. It has high technical potential as a carbon sink and if tapped, can substantially enhance global sequestration efforts. The technical potential, however, may not translate into actual GHG reduction because of the capital assets and institutional constraints faced by the smallholder farmers in the developing countries. In this paper we develop a capital assets based framework of physical, financial, social, human and natural barriers to agricultural carbon mitigation initiatives and through analysis of current initiatives, we set out policy based options to reduce each of these barriers. Fundamentally, barrier removal will entail designing agricultural carbon mitigation initiatives in collaboration with farmer communities, through strengthening local institutions, understanding land tenure and natural resource cultures, ensuring legitimacy and equity in payments and fast tracking training and information. We provide a framework that simultaneously aids the dual objectives of alleviating poverty in the poor farming communities of developing countries and lowering global greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

According to Food and Agriculture Organization and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change reports, climate change will lead to a severe food-supply problem. In the future, food production will continually decrease because of aggravated effects of climate change, causing food production to continually decrease. Food production will be unable to satisfy the demand of the global population, leading to a food-security crisis. As the world population continues to increase, the shortage of food will become increasingly severe, particularly for those located in “climate impact hotspots” of tropical, subtropical, small-island countries, and countries that are dependent on imports to meet domestic demand such as Taiwan. Numerous Taiwanese studies have suggested that agricultural and fishery productivity has declined because of climate variation, which may cause changes and instability in food quantity and quality, and increase deficiency and uncertainty in the food supply. Therefore, to discuss the risks posed by climate change to the stability of food supply and demand, this paper, taking Taiwan as a case, explored the impact of climate variation on food security and future adaptation strategies. TaiCCAT’s supportive system for decision-making (TSSDA) was adopted here to assess and analyze the current situations of agricultural and fisheries production and supply, as well as future food supply risks, in addition to evaluating the deficiencies in the existing climate adaptation strategies in order to plan and revise feasible future adaptation alternatives. Based on the rule of risk management, the adaptation strategies recommended in this study were differentiated into two categories: proactive adaptation and planned adaptation. Proactive adaptation is emphasized to counter the uncertainty of food production, which increases the difficulty of production and necessity to import food. Conversely, planned adaptation can be used to manage the uncertainty of food supply to implement adjustments in production and marketing, as well as to mitigate the impact of climate variation.  相似文献   

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