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A study was conducted to determine the joint effect of gaseous atmospheric pollutants and trace elements on epiphytic lichens. We used our data to test the hypothesis that lichens are generally insensitive to toxic effects of trace elements, and can therefore be used as accumulator organisms to estimate concentrations of these elements in the environment. In a field study in The Netherlands the abundance of epiphytic lichen species was estimated, and their supporting bark was collected. Concentrations of a range of trace elements were determined in the bark, and concentrations of atmospheric trace gases were estimated at the sites of collection. Multivariate statistics were used to determine the relation between the abundance of the species and pollutant concentrations. Atmospheric SO2 and NO2 appeared to be the most important factors determining lichen biodiversity. Nearly all species were sensitive to these compounds. The effect of the other trace elements was very slight; only Sb had a significantly negative effect on the abundance of a few species. It is concluded that lichens can safely be used as accumulator organisms in pollution studies, provided that concentration in lichen thalli reflect atmospheric concentrations.  相似文献   

There is still a long-term debate concerning the relative contributions of naturally emitted and anthropogenic Se at the regional and local scales. Here, Se and heavy metal concentrations are reported for epiphytic lichens collected in coastal and inland areas from the USA, Canada and France for assessing atmospheric Se source. Correlations found between Se and Cl in lichens confirmed the major marine biogenic source for atmospheric Se. Continental samples do not show systematic relationships between Se and other metal (Pb, Cu, In …) contents, even for lichens collected in the vicinity of smelters or close to urban areas. Our results suggest that, although anthropogenic Se may be present, the marine biogenic Se source is a major contributor to atmospheric Se for our sampling locations. The contribution of naturally emitted atmospheric Se may be significant in urban and industrial areas and should be taken into account for further studies.  相似文献   

The Canoparmelia texana epiphytic lichenized fungi was used to monitor atmospheric pollution in the S?o Paulo metropolitan region, SP, Brazil. The cluster analysis applied to the element concentration values confirmed the site groups of different levels of pollution due to industrial and vehicular emissions. In the distribution maps of element concentrations, higher concentrations of Ba and Mn were observed in the vicinity of industries and of a petrochemical complex. The highest concentration of Co found in lichens from the S?o Miguel Paulista site is due to the emissions from a metallurgical processing plant that produces this element. For Br and Zn, the highest concentrations could be associated both to vehicular and industrial emissions. Exploratory analyses revealed that the accumulation of toxic elements in C. texana may be of use in evaluating the human risk of cardiopulmonary mortality due to prolonged exposure to ambient levels of air pollution.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 32 elements, Ag, As, Au, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, U, W, Yb, and Zn were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in the early preserved epiphytic lichens (Parmotrema recticulatum) from the remote southwestern China area in the 1960s, 1980s and 1990s. The concentrations of Ag, As, Ce, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Nd, Ni, Sc, Se, Sm, Tb, U, Yb and Zn were dropped down by the temporal prolongation. The elemental concentration levels obtained from the organisms indicate that the extent of heavy metal atmospheric deposition among the sampling sites has been declining during the past decades.  相似文献   

Ambient airborne particulate matter (PM) in southwestern North America consists of naturally derived desert dust, plus anthropogenic inputs from several sources. Epiphytic lichens (Usnea sp.) in this region are a useful biomonitor for the airborne PM because they derive nutrients and moisture largely from incorporated atmospheric aerosols, and not by absorption from the host tree limb from which they are suspended. Using a broad-based sampling strategy from southern Chihuahua, Mexico, to northern New Mexico, USA, we show that select elemental abundance ratios and lead isotopes from epiphytic lichens are useful for distinguishing between sources of airborne PM, and for gauging anthropogenic inputs into desert ecosystems. Abundance patterns of the trace elements La, Nd, and Sm in the lichens suggest origination from continental crust, but rare earth elements display a pronounced enrichment relative to the major element Fe by a factor of about 5. This enrichment appears related to geologic weathering, aeolian transport, and grain-size biases toward trace-element-rich mineral grains in the arid setting. Using the metal Pb as an indicator of human inputs, epiphytic lichens typically show Pb enrichments by a factor of about 25–60 over typical upper crustal values. Regional-scale differences in Pb isotope ratios of these lichens relate to different pollutant sources in southwestern North America.  相似文献   

The iron content was studied in the epiphytic lichens Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl. and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf, in the terricolous lichens Cladina sp. and Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., and in pine bark collected from 31 sites in Finland. There appeared to be differences between lichen species, epiphytes having generally higher concentrations. The iron content of H. physodes was highly significantly correlated (p<0.001) with its sulphur content, reflecting the relations of these elements in precipitation. The highly significant correlations between the iron and titanium contents indicated differences of the phorophytes. The iron/sulphur ratio of H. physodes on pine was 1.3 and on birch 1.4 and iron/titanium ratios were 10.4 and 11.3 respectively. The iron content of Cladina sp. showed highly significant parallel correlations (p<0.001) with its sulphur and titanium contents. The iron/titanium ratio decreased from 9.6 to 8.2 when the iron content increased by 95%, the sulphur content being equal. The iron/titanium ratio of Cladina sp. was nearly identical to that of P. furfuracea. The relation between iron and sulphur, and the fraction of soluble and insoluble iron in precipitation versus lichens and pine bark were considered. Special attention was paid in the discussion to differences in substrate: pine and birch bark for H. physodes, and soil for Cladina sp.  相似文献   

Blubber collected from beluga whales and ringed seals during subsistence hunts in the southern Baffin Island region of the Canadian Arctic were analysed for polychlorinated naphthalenes and eight planar PCB congeners (mono-ortho PCBs: 105, 114, 118 and 156; non-ortho PCBs: 77, 81, 126, 169). SigmaPCN (3-7 Cl) concentrations in blubber ranged from 35.9-383 pg/g (lipid weight; lw) in beluga and 35.4-71.3 pg/g (lw) in ringed seal. These represent the first measurements of PCNs in marine mammals in the Canadian Arctic, mammals which are an important part of the traditional diet of the indigenous population. SigmaCoplPCB concentrations were much higher, ranging from 15.5-317 ng/g (lw) in beluga whale blubber and 16.5-40.9 ng/g (lw) in ringed seal blubber. PCNs and coplanar PCBs both exhibit dioxin-like toxicity. Although average sigmaPCN concentrations were less than 1% of sigmaCoplPCBs, PCNs contribute up to 11% of TEQ relative to the coplanar PCBs based on TEFs determined by H4IIE enzyme assays.  相似文献   

The characteristics of an unknown source of emissions in the atmosphere are identified using an Adaptive Evolutionary Strategy (AES) methodology based on ground concentration measurements and a Gaussian plume model. The AES methodology selects an initial set of source characteristics including position, size, mass emission rate, and wind direction, from which a forward dispersion simulation is performed. The error between the simulated concentrations from the tentative source and the observed ground measurements is calculated. Then the AES algorithm prescribes the next tentative set of source characteristics. The iteration proceeds towards minimum error, corresponding to convergence towards the real source.The proposed methodology was used to identify the source characteristics of 12 releases from the Prairie Grass field experiment of dispersion, two for each atmospheric stability class, ranging from very unstable to stable atmosphere. The AES algorithm was found to have advantages over a simple canonical ES and a Monte Carlo (MC) method which were used as benchmarks.  相似文献   

The results of a survey aimed at investigating whether NO2 and NH3 emitted by road traffic can influence lichen diversity, lichen vitality and the accumulation of nitrogen in lichen thalli are reported. For this purpose, distance from a highway in a rural environment of central Italy was regarded as the main parameter to check this hypothesis. The results of the present survey indicated that road traffic is not a relevant source of NH3. On the other hand, NO2 concentrations, although rather low, were negatively correlated with distance from the highway according to a typical logarithmic function. No association between NO2 concentrations and the diversity of epiphytic lichens was found, probably because of the low NO2 values measured. Also bark properties were not influenced by distance from the highway. Accumulation of nitrogen, reduction in the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and total carotenoids were found in transplanted thalli of Evernia prunastri, but NO2 was not responsible for these changes, which were probably caused by applications of N-based fertilizers.  相似文献   

The sulphur isotope composition of the epiphytic lichens, Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl and Pseudevernia furfuracea (L.) Zopf, of the terricolous lichens, Cladina sp. and Peltigera aphthosa (L.) Willd., and of pine bark, at 31 sites in Finland, appeared to be dependent on lichen and tree species. The negative correlation of sulphur isotope composition with sulphur content was highly significant (P<0.001) in H. physodes and significant (P<0.01) in Pseudevernia furfuracea and Peltigera aphthosa. No correlation between the sulphur isotope composition and sulphur content was found for Cladina sp. and pine bark. The sulphur isotope compositions displayed statistically significant regional variation from south to north. Microenvironmental factors were considered, including phorophyte species and the chemical form of sulphur.  相似文献   

Two country-wide surveys using epiphytic lichens as biomonitors of atmospheric pollution carried out during 2000 and 2001 in Slovenia were compared with surveys in 1991 and 1992. In the first survey, epiphytic lichen cover was studied in more than 500 plots of the 4 x 4 km national grid carried out within the framework of forest decline inventories. In the second survey, the epiphytic lichen Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl., was collected on a 16 x 16 km bioindication grid and analysed for S, N, As, Br, Ce, Cd, Cr, K, La, Mo, Rb, Sb, Th, U and Zn contents. Only 'forested area' sampling points were included in the present study. Lichen cover was low, with about 70% of plots with less than 10% foliose lichen cover. No relationship was found between Hypogymnia trace element, N and S concentrations and foliose epiphytic lichen cover.  相似文献   

The principal processes by which sulphur compounds are emitted into the atmosphere are reviewed in the light of the most recent data. The main natural source of the atmospheric sulphur is biogenic activity, although considerable uncertainty still exists regarding both the nature and the amounts of the principal reduced sulphur compounds generated in this way.The combustion of coal and petroleum accounts for ca 90% of the total sulphur emitted by man, the only other large source being the smelting of copper ores. Comparisons are made between the man-made emissions calculated on a per unit area and a per capita basis for the whole Earth and for some industrialized countries.Estimates for 1976, made with the aid of emission factors, indicate that man's activities generate a total of 104 Tg Sa−1. This already represents over 40% of all atmospheric sulphur emissions and, if it continues to increase at the present rate, will exceed Nature's contribution well before the end of the present century.  相似文献   

The results of a biomonitoring survey carried out in the town of Siena (central Italy) using the biodiversity of epiphytic lichens as indicator of air pollution are reported. The general picture was rather good, with more than 60% of the study area being in the categories "semi-natural" or "natural" according to a calibrated scale of environmental naturality/alteration. Compared with the situation of 1995, ameliorating conditions were found as a result of an improvement in air quality over time.  相似文献   

This paper develops a simple model and suggests a plausible chemico-physical mechanism for a non-linear response between atmospheric sulphur and sulphur emissions. It contains simplified representations of transport, deposition and conversion processes and uses a proxy in-cloud oxidant-limited reaction along a pathway connecting an emission source with a receptor site. Individual pathway responses to emissions show linear behaviour above a threshold. However, by averaging the values of SO2 at the receptor site from different pathways a continuous non-linear relationship is obtained. As emissions reduce, distant emission sources become less significant contributors of sulphur dioxide at a receptor site but their emissions are still counted in an emission inventory, leading to an apparent non-linearity. Sulphate is always found to contribute a signal to the receptor site total. This model goes someway to explaining a proposed 'crossover' between observed proportions of wet and dry deposited sulphur in the UK as emissions have been reduced.  相似文献   

Single-particle mass spectra were collected using an Aerosol Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer (ATOFMS) during December of 2003 and February of 2004 at an industrially impacted location in East St. Louis, IL. Hourly integrated peak areas for twenty ions were evaluated for their suitability in representing metals/metalloids, particularly those reported in the US EPA Toxic Release Inventory (TRI). Of the initial twenty ions examined, six (Al, As, Cu, Hg, Ti, and V) were found to be unsuitable due to strong isobaric interferences with commonly observed organic fragments, and one (Be) was found to have no significant signal. The usability of three ions (Co, Cr, and Mn) was limited due to suspected isobaric interferences based on temporal comparisons with commonly observed organic fragments. The identity of the remaining ions (Sb, Ba, Cd, Ca, Fe, Ni, Pb, K, Se, and Zn) was substantiated by comparing their signals with the integrated hourly signals of one or more isotope ions. When compared with one-in-six day integrated elemental data as determined by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF), the daily integrated ATOFMS signal for several metal ions revealed a semi-quantitative relationship between ATOFMS peak area and XRF concentrations, although in some cases comparison of these measurements were poor at low elemental concentrations/ion signals due to isobaric interferences. A method of estimating the impact of local point sources was developed using hourly integrated ATOFMS peak areas, and this method attributed as much as 85% of the concentration of individual metals observed at the study site to local point sources. Hourly surface wind data were used in conjunction with TRI facility emissions data to reveal likely point sources impacting metal concentrations at the study site and to illustrate the utility of using single-particle mass spectral data to characterize atmospheric metals and identify point sources.  相似文献   

Lichens and atmospheric sulphur: what stable isotopes reveal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stable isotopes expand the range of applications for lichen biomonitoring of atmospheric sulphur.  相似文献   

A field experiment was carried out in the urban environment of the Grenoble area using two epiphytic lichens: the nitrophytic Physcia adscendens and the acidiphytic Hypogymnia physodes. Two complementary studies characterized this experiment. Firstly, a sampling of the two lichens in 48 sites randomly located throughout the Grenoble area indicated that roads (size and proximity to sampling sites) influenced the nitrogen concentrations of P. adscendens, but not those of H. physodes. Secondly, to study more accurately the influence of roads, a traffic index was calculated and applied along two transects located perpendicularly to urban motorways. Significant positive correlations were found between this traffic index and the total nitrogen concentration of P. adscendens.  相似文献   

Nguyen HV  Hur J 《Chemosphere》2011,85(5):782-789
Structural and chemical characteristics of refractory dissolved organic matter (RDOM) from seven different sources (algae, leaf litter, reed, compost, field soil, paddy water, treated sewage) were examined using multiple analytical tools, and they were compared with those of RDOM in a large artificial lake (Lake Paldang, Korea). Treated sewage, paddy water, and field soil were distinguished from the other sources investigated by their relatively low specific UV absorbance (SUVA) values and more pronounced fulvic-like versus humic-like fluorescence of the RDOM samples. Microbial derived RDOM from algae and treated sewage showed relatively low apparent molecular weight and a higher fraction of hydrophilic bases relative to the total hydrophilic fraction. For the biopolymer types, the presence of polyhydroxy aromatics with the high abundance of proteins was observed only for vascular plant-based RDOM (i.e., leaf litter and reed). Molecular weight values exhibited positive correlations with the SUVA and the hydrophobic content among the different RDOM, suggesting that hydrophobic and condensed aromatic structures may be the main components of high molecular weight RDOM. Principal component analysis revealed that approximately 77% of the variance in the RDOM characteristics might be explained by the source difference (i.e., terrestrial and microbial derived) and a tendency of further microbial transformation. Combined results demonstrated that the properties of the lake RDOM were largely affected by the upstream sources of field soil, paddy water, and treated sewage, which are characterized by low molecular weight UV-absorbing and non-aromatic structures with relatively high resistance to further degradation.  相似文献   

Emissions of sulphur and nitrogen compounds from power stations represent a significant fraction of the total emissions of these elements to the atmosphere. Understanding their subsequent chemical reactions in the atmosphere is of fundamental importance as without it, a quantitative assessment of their contribution to local and regional scale air pollution is not possible. Here the atmospheric chemistry of sulphur dioxide and the oxides of nitrogen, and their resultant likely behaviour in the plumes of power stations are reviewed.  相似文献   

The long distance transport of air pollutants and summer visibility in London is related to sulphate concentration and wind direction. The results suggest that a non-linear, approximately inverse relationship exists between visibility and aerosol sulphate concentration. The worst mean visibility (6.4km) and the highest daily mean sulphate concentration (16.0 μg m−3) both occur in airflows between east and south. The most likely source of the sulphate on these occasions would be emissions on the continental mainland.  相似文献   

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