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问:车辆超速的危害有哪些?答:车辆超导致交通事故的一个主要原因,超速行驶已成为道路交通安全的第一杀手。车辆超速行驶,车速超过了交通安全法律、法规规定或道路交通环境允许的速度,车速越高控制车辆的难度越大,极易导致交通事故。车辆超速  相似文献   

对于生产经营单位来说,车辆运输安全包括社会道路行驶的车辆运输安全及厂内车辆行驶、流动机械运输安全等.运输车辆分机动车和非机动车.机动车是指动力装置驱动的车辆,流动机械也属于机动车;非机动车是指人力驱动的车辆. 厂内车辆、流动机械具有特定场所行驶、用途广泛的特点;作业人员在行驶时应注意来往车辆,遵守厂内道路交通规则和安全技术操作规程;作业人员与车辆配合作业时,应注意作业车辆动态,与车辆保持一定的安全距离;作业人员不准搭乘流动机械;严禁无关人员进入搬运、流动机械安全警示区.  相似文献   

为提高交通安全管理水平,促进交通的可持续发展。基于解释结构模型原理,综合考虑车、路和环境因素,构建了影响道路交通安全的影响因素结构模型。该模型不但能够弥补分析结构要素之间内在影响机制的不足,而且对于研究道路交通安全结构要素之间的层次性和复杂性有天然的优势。数据来源于由13位专家构成的ISM小组,其中7位为来自高校从事交通安全研究的教授,6位为来自北京市、上海市、广州市、武汉市等交通运输委员会的高层管理者,保证了数据的科学性和可靠性。采用解释结构图分析车、路和环境各影响因素之间的关系,结果表明,众多因素会对道路交通安全产生影响,车辆技术条件、定期检验合格率、车辆救援设备的完备状况、安全设施是制约道路交通安全的直接影响因素,道路限速、道路负荷度、大客(或货车)比例、交通量、交通监控是影响道路交通安全的间接因素,车辆超限(超载)状况、车流密度、道路路面类型、道路设施完备性、天气状况、单向车道数和地形特征是影响道路交通安全的最根本因素。为提高道路交通安全管理水平,首先,应进一步完善《道路交通安全法实施条例》,加强对车辆定期检验的监督;其次,健全道路信息公示制度,提升交通监控水平,引入相关路段道路限速、负荷度、交通量动态信息显示及预警机制;最后,加强车辆超限(超载)及车流密度的监控,健全道路设施的配套制度。  相似文献   

问:车辆超速的危害有哪些? 答:车辆超导致交通事故的一个主要原因,超速行驶已成为道路交通安全的“第一杀手”。车辆超速行驶,车速超过了交通安全法律、法规规定或道路交通环境允许的速度,车速越高控制车辆的难度越大,极易导致交通事故。车辆超速的危害主要有:  相似文献   

在分析我国道路交通安全现状的基础上,详细介绍了国内道路交通安全的特点.道路交通事故是我国导致死亡人数最多的事故类型,它的发生与驾驶员、车辆、道路和行驶环境等因素有着密切的关系.运用安全系统工程方法,分析了其发生原因,提出了针对我国交通特点的道路安全对策,期望对预防及减少交通事故的发生起到积极作用.  相似文献   

介绍和分析现代道路交通安全治理的3种思想。应用其中非常值得我国借鉴的系统治理思想对现行道路交通安全立法进行分析。现行道路交通安全立法仅围绕驾驶人的行为控制而设计,围绕道路交通安全管理部门的职能而展开,在很大程度上局限于道路交通秩序管理,在体系上存在缺失,影响道路交通安全治理的工作及其成效。基于当前形势分析,我国有必要也有条件借鉴道路交通安全系统治理的先进思想,重新构建道路交通安全立法的体系。该体系的重构需从道路安全保障、车辆安全保障、交通秩序管理、运输安全运营、交通事故处理等5个方面展开。  相似文献   

农村道路交通是我省道路交通安全监管工作的弱点、难点和事故多发的领域,在我省。道路交通事故死亡人数占全省各类事故死亡人数的比重一直都在85%以上,而农村道路交通事故死亡人数则在全省道路交通事故死亡人数中占有较大的比重,在现有的道路、车辆技术状况和人的道路交通安全意识条件下,随着我省农村公路里程的不断延长和农村车辆的迅速增加,如何确保农村道路交通安全形势的平稳,是当前我省道路交通安全甚至是整个安全生产工作必须加以认真研究和懈决的一个重要课题。  相似文献   

货车"大吨小标"是货车行业存在的毒瘤.目前市场上依然存在大量货运车辆尤其是轻型货车"大吨小标",货车整备质量严重超限、非法改装等违法违规问题,成为危及道路交通安全和人民生命财产安全的重大隐患,是当前道路交通安全管理工作的一大难点.本文主要介绍货车超载认定、整备质量检验法律法规,分析货车"大吨小标"产生的背景、原因及其危...  相似文献   

"目前已有12940辆营运车辆安装了GPS卫星定位安全服务系统,所有的省际班车、市际班车、旅游班车、出租汽车、危险品货车等营运车辆GPS车载终端(或行车记录仪)安装率达到100%."11月19日,厦门市安监局代局长柯继安代表厦门市政府向省政府安委会道路交通安全第二督查组汇报时表示.  相似文献   

鑫鑫 《安全》2010,31(2):53-54
大雪天路滑,极易引发事故,道路交通中车辆、行人的安全问题突出,司机如何把好方向盘,行人如何安全行走,大雪天需要注意哪些事项来保证安全?  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to identify the prevalence and potential risk factors of farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes among farm vehicle drivers in southern China.

Methods: A cross-sectional study was used to interview 1,422 farm vehicle drivers in southern China. Farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes that occurred from December 2013 to November 2014 were investigated. Data on farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes and related factors were collected by face-to-face interviews.

Results: The prevalence of farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes among the investigated drivers was 7.2%. Farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes were significantly associated with self-reported vision problem (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 6.48, 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.86–10.87), self-reported sleep disorders (AOR = 10.03, 95% CI, 6.28–15.99), self-reported stress (AOR = 20.47, 95% CI, 9.96–42.08), reported history of crashes (AOR = 5.40, 95% CI, 3.47–8.42), reported history of drunk driving (AOR = 5.07, 95% CI, 2.97–8.65), and reported history of fatigued driving (AOR = 5.72, 95% CI, 3.73–8.78). The number of road traffic crashes was highest in the daytime and during harvest season. In over 96% of farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes, drivers were believed to be responsible for the crash. Major crash-causing factors included improper driving, careless driving, violating of traffic signals or signs, and being in the wrong lane.

Conclusion: Findings of this study suggest that farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes have become a burgeoning public health problem in China. Programs need to be developed to prevent farm vehicle–related road traffic crashes in this emerging country.  相似文献   

关于行驶中的车辆在交通系统各因素作用下的行驶安全性评价,在现有交通系统四大要素的基础上加入车辆行驶状态,构成"人-车-环境-路-车辆行驶状态"5要素。并对各要素评价指标的选定做了细致的筛选,建立了车辆行驶安全性评价指标体系。其中"人-车-环境-路"因素采用打分的形式确定其参数的分值,并利用层次分析法(AHP)计算各参数权重来构建模型的;"车辆行驶状态"因素则是引入加速度干扰的定义,建立基于道路结构的加速度干扰模型。最后,运用层级分析法建立了总的车辆行驶安全评价模型。  相似文献   

为探究和定量分析疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度的影响因素,以广东省1 370条疲劳驾驶事故数据为基础,对比分析不同年份、时间段以及年龄段的疲劳驾驶交通事故特征;以交通事故严重程度为因变量,将其分为严重事故和非严重事故,从驾驶员年龄、驾龄、车辆类型等17个初步选择的自变量中筛选对疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度具有显著影响的因素;采用二元Logistic回归模型分别对全体数据和不同道路类型下的数据建立疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度预测模型,并对模型进行参数估计和检验。研究结果表明:模型拟合度良好,准确性高;对疲劳驾驶交通事故严重程度具有显著影响的因素有年龄、人员类型、车辆类型、道路类型、道路线形和能见度;车辆类型和道路线形是影响城市道路交通事故严重程度的重要因素,能见度是影响1,2级及其他更低级道路交通事故严重程度的重要因素。  相似文献   

IntroductionFatigue driving is one of the most risky driving-related behaviors and represented a significant social and economic cost to the community. Several studies have already examined the relationship between fatigue driving behavior and traffic injury severity from different aspects. However, fatigue driving and injury severity in traffic crash may share some common influential factors. Ignoring the impact of these common factors will lead to endogeneity problem and result in biased parameter estimation.MethodBased on 38,564 crash records during 2006–2011 in Guangdong province, China, we apply a bivariate endogenous binary-ordered probit model to examine the relationship between fatigue driving and injury severity considering endogeneity of fatigue driving. We also explore the difference of influential factors between commercial and non-commercial vehicle drivers.ResultsThis study identifies several common observed influential factors of fatigue driving propensity and fatal injury propensity and reveals a substantial and significant negative correlation of unobserved factors between them.ConclusionsThe influence of fatigue driving on injury severity is significantly underestimated if the endogeneity of fatigue driving on fatal injury propensity is ignored. Factors such as vehicle insurance and road types not only affect fatal injury propensity, but also fatigue driving propensity.Practical applicationsThe findings in this study can help better understand how those factors affect fatigue driving and injury severity, and contributes to more efficient policy for preventing the harmfulness of fatigue-related crashes.  相似文献   

从道路交通事故统计分析对比谈预防措施   总被引:11,自引:11,他引:11  
笔者通过对比我国与世界上部分发达国家近十年来在道路交通事故方面的统计数据 ,并根据经济发展水平与机动车保有量的正比例关系及当前我国道路交通事故现状 ,分析得出道路交通安全事故的发生 ,与人、车辆、道路、环境信息及管理等因素具有密切关系 ,其中人 (尤其是驾驶员 )作为交通行为的主体 ,是道路交通事故诱因中一个关键性因素。由此 ,作者提出了要有效预防和减少道路交通事故的发生 ,必须将人、车、路、环境信息和管理等诸因素作为一个有机整体系统思考 ,且在未来的道路交通发展中应引入交通稳静化理念 ,以实现道路交通的安全、畅通与高效  相似文献   

为了使驾驶者安全驾驶,达到减少交通事故和降低保险公司理赔支出的目的,笔者的研究课题是从安全角度出发,通过条款细分的方法讨论了安全驾驶与保费厘定之间的关系,确立了“以人为本”、“从车原则”的车险条款厘定细分原则。通过分析人的性别、年龄、驾龄、驾驶记录因素、车的安全性能和使用方式等因素对安全驾驶的影响,可以得出以下结论:适当减少安全驾车者的投保费用,增加风险大的驾驶者和投保车辆的投保费用,这样可以做到以防为主,减少交通事故发生,发挥保险对交通危险的调控作用,也有利于整治保险行业的违规行为,实现车险市场的公开、公平、公正的竞争态势。  相似文献   

IntroductionFreeway accidents are a leading cause of death in China, which also triggers substantial economic loss and an emotional burden to society. However, the internal mechanism of how microscopic kinetic parameters of vehicles influenced by road characteristics determine the occurrence of different types of accidents has not been explicitly studied. This research aimed to explore the “link role” of tire microscopic kinetic parameters in road characteristic variables and traffic accidents to aid in facilitating the traffic design and management, and thus to prevent traffic accident. Method: A mountain freeway in Zhejiang Province, China was used as the research object and the data used in this paper were obtained through a real-time vehicle experiment. Multiple estimation models, including the standard ordered logit (SOL) model, fixed parameters logit (FPL) model, and random parameters logit (RPL) model were established. Results: The findings show that road characteristics will affect the longitudinal kinetic characteristics of the vehicle and, consequently, map the level of risk of rear-end accidents. Driving compensation effects were also identified in this paper (i.e., the drivers tend to be more cautious in complicated driving circumstances). Another finding relating to the mountain freeway is that different tunnel characteristics (e.g., tunnel entrance and tunnel exit) have different effects on different types of traffic accidents. Practical Applications: The framework proposed in this article can provide new insight for researchers to enlarge the research subjects of both explanatory and outcome variables in accident analysis. Future research could be implemented to consider more driving conditions.  相似文献   

道路运营安全性评价方法与指标   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
笔者从道路交通设施系统客观安全性和道路用户主观安全性的角度,应用交通冲突分析技术、运行车速预测方法、行车动力学仿真分析[空间视距模型、人工神经网络(ANN)模型],研究并分析车辆在自由流和非自由流两种状态下运营安全性,提出跟驰风险指数、变换车道风险指数、高速行车风险指数,建立了服务于道路安全运营管理的道路交通设施系统及其运营安全性的分析评价方法和指标。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) proposed guidelines for highway design to increase the safe driving ability of older drivers; however, little empirical evidence exists to support the effectiveness of these guidelines. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of implementing these guidelines (in 4 pairs of intersections) on safe driving performance of older and younger drivers using a high-fidelity driving simulator. DESIGN AND METHODS: We replicated four intersection pairs (improved versus unimproved) in a high-fidelity, virtual reality driving simulator. Simulator scenarios were created from actual road locations, replicating road geometrics and traffic control devices. The simulator's controls were integrated with an actual vehicle to make the driving experience as realistic as possible. Kinematic measures were obtained from the simulator in conjunction with driving errors recorded by trained driving evaluators sitting in the cab of the car. Thirty-nine subjects, 19 younger and 20 older adults, participated in the study. RESULTS: For the kinematic data we found greater lateral control, as indicated by significantly smaller maximum yaw during the turn phase, at all of the improved intersections when compared to the unimproved intersections. We found some significant age differences, but mostly in only one of the intersection-pairs. For the behavioral data, there were significant differences in driving errors between improved and unimproved intersections in two intersection-pairs; however, there were no significant differences in driving errors between the older and younger drivers. IMPLICATIONS: The findings suggest that both young and older drivers may benefit from roadways with safety features recommended by the FHWA guidelines as indicated by the increased lateral control of the vehicle when negotiating these intersections. These findings generate critical information for those involved in the design of roadway systems.  相似文献   

中美两国汽车驾驶安全影响因素研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
影响汽车驾驶安全的各国道路交通系统以及驾驶员的驾驶行为等存在着差异性 ,许多差异可以通过统计数据的分析 ,或者其他定量研究方法获取 ,但仍然有许多影响驾驶安全的因素难以发现。笔者通过焦点团体座谈会的方法 ,从驾驶者的角度 ,搜集并分析了中美两国驾驶安全的主要影响因素 ,以及具有美国驾驶经历会对我国驾驶员有何影响。通过中美两国定性数据的对比分析 ,得出了主要影响因素 ,与此同时 ,通过问卷调查定量地分析了这些因素的严重程度。  相似文献   

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