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基于集成法的道路交通安全评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了对道路交通安全进行较为客观的定量评价,将一种新的集成评价方法运用到评价中.该方法是包括德尔斐法、层次分析法、灰色聚类法、模糊评判、矩阵方法等一系列方法的综合应用.在该方法中,德尔斐法被用于建立道路交通安全的评价指标体系,层次分析法被用来确定各评价指标间的权重,灰色聚类法被用来对专家评分进行处理,模糊评判以及矩阵方法被用在整个运算过程中.不同的理论有不同的适用性,在道路交通安全评价中的不同阶段使用不同的理论,就能获得一个直观的评价结果.最后用一个算例说明了整个思路,并证明了该法是有效可行的,且有对历史样本数据无依赖、简单直观等优点.  相似文献   

The hazardous chemicals maritime transportation system (HCMTS) belongs to a typical complex tech-social system, which is comprised of multiple functions with interactions. To quantitatively assess the risks triggered by failure coupling links (CLs) between upstream and downstream functions, a hybrid method integrating the Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM), fuzzy set theory, and risk matrix is proposed in the present study. A total of 10 essential functions and 16 CLs involved in HCMTS were identified by FRAM. The fuzzy set theory was adopted to aggregate the weights of risk consequence and likelihood for CLs. A risk matrix with a continuous scale was utilized to assess and rank the CLs’ risks. The results have been demonstrated by the comparisons, indicated that the risk indexes (RIs) of the CLs between the functions < Consignment of HCs> and <Undertaking the transportation>, <Consignment of HCs> and <Declaration of HCs>, <Loading HCs in port> and <Ship navigation at sea > are higher in the whole chain of HCMTS.  相似文献   

Performance evaluation of Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) is the measurement of a company's achievement in HSE management. In order to receive a comprehensive and objective evaluation result, it is necessary to consider all evaluation factors and experts at different levels when HSE performance assessment is conducted. To improve conventional HSE performance evaluation, where weighted average method was used, a Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation (FCE) method is used in this study by taking experts' weights into account. Further, an HSE operating performance assessment system is designed to simplify manual and complex assessment process and generate charts and analysis reports automatically. Finally, a case of petrochemical enterprise is used to illustrate the effectiveness of the method and system.  相似文献   

模型评估方法研究是模型研发工作的重要组成部分。基于科学性验证与统计性确认提出了大气扩散CFD模型的综合确认评估方法,通过示例的方式展示了方法的使用效果。综合确认评估方法可以提高模型筛选的速度,降低统计性评估对确认性试验数据的需求量,从总体上提高模型确认的效率。评估理论的研究有助于提高基于模型的大气扩散研究的准确性,也有利于高精度模型和试验的设计、开发与遴选。  相似文献   

Introduction: There have been a number of studies that have led to the development of safety risk assessment models to quantify the probability of crash frequencies on roadway facilities (both at micro- and macro-levels), over a specified time period. However, past research has rarely focused on heterogeneous traffic conditions in developing countries. Method: This paper puts forward several models related to the traditional count approach to estimate crash frequency at a micro-level in a non-lane based bi-directional heterogeneous traffic environment. The paper shows the results of dispersion, zero-inflation, and random heterogeneity effects of different exogenous factors by comparing Poisson (P); Negative Binomial (NB); random and fixed parameter Zero-Inflated Poisson (ZIP); and Latent Class Models (LCM). The empirical analysis is based on data from a section of a major national highway in Bangladesh. The performance of the models was validated using different statistical goodness-of-fit measures that compared the estimated and observed average crash frequencies at individual locations. With the identification of the most significant influencing factors, the paper discusses the practical policy implications using partial effects analysis and spatial distribution. Results: It was found that the Zero-Inflated Random Parameter model gives a slightly better statistical fit when compared to alternative approaches. Practical applications: This micro-level modeling approach would be useful to identify significant crash risk factors; to prioritize road sections according to their safety level; to select site-specific appropriate counter-measures; and devise proactive target oriented safety management strategies. Thus, the results shown here could be a point of reference in the planning, designing, maintaining, and managing two-lane highway sections in developing countries.  相似文献   

为了能够全面、客观地评估企业职业卫生风险管理质量,利用美国EPA吸入风险评估模型、新加坡化学物职业暴露半定量风险评估模型以及风险指数评估模型,对作业场所存在的职业病危害因素进行风险水平评估,并结合企业职业卫生管理评估模型,对企业职业卫生管理水平进行定量评估,以风险等级和管理水平,综合判断企业职业卫生风险水平。将该体系应用于实例分析,结果表明:体系在充分考虑企业职业病危害因素时空分布以及企业管理现状的基础上,能够定量评估职业病危害因素的急慢性影响以及企业职业卫生管理水平。  相似文献   

IntroductionMany U.S. cities have adopted the Vision Zero strategy with the specific goal of eliminating traffic-related deaths and injuries. To achieve this ambitious goal, safety professionals have increasingly called for the development of a safe systems approach to traffic safety. This approach calls for examining the macrolevel risk factors that may lead road users to engage in errors that result in crashes. This study explores the relationship between built environment variables and crash frequency, paying specific attention to the environmental mediating factors, such as traffic exposure, traffic conflicts, and network-level speed characteristics. Methods: Three years (2011–2013) of crash data from Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, were used to model crash frequency on surface streets as a function of built environment variables at the census block group level. Separate models were developed for total and KAB crashes (i.e., crashes resulting in fatalities (K), incapacitating injuries (A), or non-incapacitating injuries (B)) using the conditional autoregressive modeling approach to account for unobserved heterogeneity and spatial autocorrelation present in data. Results: Built environment variables that are found to have positive associations with both total and KAB crash frequencies include population, vehicle miles traveled, big box stores, intersections, and bus stops. On the other hand, the number of total and KAB crashes tend to be lower in census block groups with a higher proportion of two-lane roads and a higher proportion of roads with posted speed limits of 35 mph or less. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the plausible mechanism of how the built environment influences traffic safety. The variables found to be significant are all policy-relevant variables that can be manipulated to improve traffic safety. Practical Applications: The study findings will shape transportation planning and policy level decisions in designing the built environment for safer travels.  相似文献   

针对近些年频繁发生的突发性泄漏事件,为了能快速应急响应以降低事故的伤害程度,构建了突发性泄漏事件大气环境与健康风险评估系统.该系统以广泛应用的重气扩散模型SLAB以及最佳毒物伤害准则AEGLs为基础,将两者有机结合,可以实时有效地给出毒物事故性泄漏所造成的致死、致残、致伤等伤害区域分布以及各区域的最大半宽、最大纵深和面积统计量.针对事故的泄漏方式、泄漏物质、持续泄漏时间和气象条件等因子进行了一系列敏感性试验.分析表明,事故性泄漏的伤害区域分布几乎不受泄漏方式、环境温度、相对湿度的影响,而主要取决于泄漏物质、持续泄漏时间、环境风速和环境稳定度等因素.  相似文献   

地表水模糊综合评价中隶属度的图算方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
地表水环境质量模糊综合评价方法评价结果准确客观,可靠性好,但数据处理工作量较大.本文根据隶属度函数的几何意义设计了隶属度的图算方法.依据地面水环境质量分类标准,应用模糊数学的理论,建立了不同类别水质的隶属度函数及不同指标参数的权重,进行水环境质量模糊综合评价.该方法曾应用于一个火力发电厂的环境评价,评价结果与环境现状相符.  相似文献   

针对现有城市生活垃圾处理方式的不足。结合垃圾生物处理特点。设计了集混合菌群降解、生物过滤除臭、污水回用及植被绿化于一体的立体处理体系。结果表明.该系统在城市生活垃圾的“三化”处理中具有显的潜势:既使生活垃圾在食物链外形成安全的闭路循环,防止有害物质向人居环境入渗;同时。处理设施的立体化、终产物的生物转化以及即刻的市场效应,有效地增强了系统的消纳能力。缓解了传统处理方式对城市空间的压力。该系统对我国中小城市生活垃圾的综合利用具有积极的参考价值。  相似文献   

综合评价方法在环境评价中的应用   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
近年来,环境评价由单因素简单评价向多因素综合评价方向发展.综合评价方法由于引入了数学模型和空间信息技术等手段,能够充分利用环境监测数据,克服了简单评价反映信息不完全、容易失真的缺点,更为客观、合理,受到越来越广泛的关  相似文献   

道路交通安全性评估模式的探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
鉴于目前我国高等级道路事故多点(段)通常是车辆实际行驶车速远高于"设计车速"的道路路段这一共同特征,从道路使用者的角度,提出评估道路路段的交通安全性时应引入"道路认知安全性"这一新评价指标,并从人-车-路-环境系统安全考量,对道路的"设计安全性"和"认知安全性"进行了初步定义.在此基础上,分析了道路认知安全性指标与道路实际安全水平的定性关系,阐述了道路的认知安全性评价模式在贯彻"以人为本"的道路设计新理念以及在科学分析道路事故多发点成因等方面的重要意义.最后提出了实施道路认知安全性评价的初步设想.  相似文献   

汶川大地震在给我国带来巨大的悲痛和损失的同时,也检验了我国政府的突发事件应急能力.此次抗震救灾凸显出我国地震灾害应急能力存在的一些小足.建立"突发事件综合应急能力评估指标体系"的目的是为了评估政府的突发事件应急能力,以评促建.地震灾害由于其不同于其它突发事件的特性,其应急管理也有其特定的内容.现以地震灾害特征为标准,选取13个省市为样本,套用已有评估指标体系,分析和评估我国地震灾害应急能力.研究认为,我国应加强地震灾害应急能力建设,同时认为已有评估指标体系能满足使用要求.  相似文献   

地震灾害综合应急能力评估研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
汶川大地震在给我国带来巨大的悲痛和损失的同时,也检验了我国政府的突发事件应急能力。此次抗震救灾凸显出我国地震灾害应急能力存在的一些不足。建立“突发事件综合应急能力评估指标体系”的目的是为了评估政府的突发事件应急能力,以评促建。地震灾害由于其不同于其它突发事件的特性,其应急管理也有其特定的内容。现以地震灾害特征为标准,选取13个省市为样本,套用已有评估指标体系,分析和评估我国地震灾害应急能力。研究认为,我国应加强地震灾害应急能力建设,同时认为已有评估指标体系能满足使用要求。  相似文献   

运用零膨胀负二项回归模型,分析水上交通事故中人员死亡失踪数量的各影响因素的影响程度。通过Pearson相关分析得到与水上交通事故中人员死亡失踪人数密切相关的因素,建立ZINB回归模型得到各因素的参数估计值。运用弹性分析方法对不同影响因素的影响程度进行评估,根据影响程度对各影响因素进行排序。将该方法应用于长江海事局辖区范围内的水上交通事故人员死亡失踪分析,取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

为了研究交通环境中NOX浓度和噪声的相关性 ,探索一种更为简洁的环境监测手段解决城市道路交通环境问题 ,在和兴路上沿道路横断面布点 ,对NOX浓度和噪声进行监测。实验表明 ,在交通环境中 ,对于同一点不同时刻的NOX浓度和噪声值有一定的相关性 ,而对同一时刻不同点则无明显的相关性。  相似文献   

为了分析现行尾流间隔的安全性,建立了尾涡安全评估模型,基于国内现行尾流间隔标准,对诱导滚转力矩系数和所需滚转角速度计算数据进行统计,选择所需滚转角速度作为安全性衡量指标。计算分析了气象条件尾涡遭遇严重度的影响,对不同机型类别组合下的所需滚转角速度计算数据进行统计分析。研究结果表明:与滚转力矩系数相比,所需滚转角速度更适合作为尾流安全性的衡量指标;在顶风条件下可适度缩减所需的尾流间隔,提高空管运行效率;不同类别组合下的当量均值可以反映不同类别组合下的安全程度和潜在的间隔缩减潜力,当量标准值则可反映类别中所属机型之间的差异性。  相似文献   

为了保证城市地下交通枢纽中人员财产的安全,有必要对其进行风险评价.在多种评价方法中,选择模糊综合评价法来识别地下交通枢纽安全水平.基于模糊综合评价法的原理,构建了地下多层交通枢纽多灾种安全等级的评估模型.进而,针对北京市西直门地下多层交通枢纽的多灾种安全进行了工程实例分析.在评价过程中,建立了适用于地下交通枢纽的火灾、炸弹和生化恐怖袭击、水灾、地震灾害等4种主要火害的安全评价指标体系,利用层次分析获得了体系中各级评价指标的权重,通过判断矩阵和指标权重得到了指标的隶属度,最终确定了该交通枢纽的灾害风险评价等级,从而验证了模糊综合评价法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

This paper describes the pedestrian safety crossing behaviour at signalized crosswalks in an urban traffic environment based on human reliability analysis. In our research, pedestrians’ waiting durations are modelled by a non-parametric and two parametric reliability models that recognize the effects of covariates. The covariates include pedestrian personal characteristics and urban traffic conditions in order to reflect the effects of human factors and internal environment comprehensively. The results indicate that most pedestrians show distinct time-dependent reliability but a few pedestrians are too impatient to wait for the lights changes.  相似文献   

采场作业环境安全灰色评价及应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
作业环境研究是人机工程学的一个重要方面,作业环境质量的好坏直接影响作业的效率,同时还关系到作业人员的人身健康与安全。在采场作业环境下,作业人员在一个受限的空间范围内作业,作业环境的安全问题成为影响作业人员人身健康甚至生命安全的重要方面,科学合理地评价其安全状况对改善室内环境安全具有重要意义。由于影响采场作业环境安全状况的因素复杂,这些因素具有模糊性、不确定性,具有典型的灰色特征,本文运用灰色理论的灰色关联分析对采场作业环境的安全状况进行综合评价,并用实例分析进行说明,从而为管理者提供辅助决策,实现采场作业环境的安全、高效。  相似文献   

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