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J. J. Gonor 《Marine Biology》1973,19(4):278-280
Examination of large numbers of the echinoid Strongylocentrotus purpuratus (Stimpson) in the years 1969, 1970 and 1971 indicated that the sex ratio at Yaquina Head, Oregon (USA) was significantly different from 1:1, with males predominating. During 1968, 1970 and 1971 at Boiler Bay and Whale Cove, Oregon, the sex ratio did not differ significantly from 1:1 but, in 1969 at Boiler Bay, the proportion of males was 0.61. Two functionally hermaphroditic individuals were found among the 1,354 Yaquina Head echinoids examined, but none were found at Boiler Bay in an equal number of individuals. The hypothesis is proposed that S. purpuratus is a labile gonochorist, with a multiple, autosomal, sex-determining mechanism whose expression may be influenced by the environment.  相似文献   

Despite the great diversity of pollination and fertilization mechanisms observed in marine plants, little is known about the causes or maintenance of this variation. In this study, I estimated outcrossing rates and levels of inbreeding depression in Zostera marina L. (eelgrass), providing the first empirical test of hypotheses about the evolution of breeding systems in plants with submerged flowers. This study also addressed temporal separation of female and male flowering (dichogamy) in eelgrass as a mechanism promoting an outcrossing mating system, and whether the mating system in eelgrass is related to the degree of dichogamy in the field. Outcrossing rates (0<t<1) estimated from two polymorphic allozyme loci indicate that the Z. marina population in intertidal and subtidal habitats in False Bay, Washington, USA, was highly outcrossing in both 1991 (intertidal t=0.905, subtidal t=1.0) and 1992 (intertidal t=0.775, subtidal t=0.611). The outcrossing rates were positively associated with the degree of dichogamy in 1992; intertidal plants exhibited a greater temporal separation of female and male flowering and a higher outcrossing rate than did subtidal plants. Inbreeding depression at seed set was estimated from hand pollinations (self- and outcross) on 20 reproductive individuals from the False Bay population. Averaged across all maternal parents, a greater proportion of outcrossed flowers set seed than selfed flowers; i.e., inbreeding depression was detected. Plants exhibited genetic variation for inbreeding depression, detected as a significant pollination treatment × maternal family interaction in a log-likelihood analysis. By the end of the seed-maturation period (7 mo after intial seed set) some families showed outbreeding depression, i.e., greater fitness in progeny derived from selfing than in progeny from outcrossing. The inbreeding depression in the False Bay population may be an important selective factor contributing to the maintenance of dichogamy and an outcrossing mating system, as proposed for aquatic plants.  相似文献   

Summary Considerable controversy exists over the question of the importance of kin selection in the maintenance of helping behaviors among birds. We examined nine different hypotheses of how helpers might benefit from engaging in alloparental care activities. We break these into four categories: Through its activities the helper may A) improve its probability of surviving to the following breeding season, B) enhance its probability of becoming a breeder in the future, C) increase its reproductive success when it does become a breeder, and D) increase the production of non-descendent kin. The first three categories provide direct fitness gains to the helper; in the fourth, the benefit is indirect. The hypotheses are not mutually exclusive; rather their fitness effects are additive. Each hypothesis, however, makes specific and often separable predictions about both 1) the type of fitness benefits expected, and 2) the characteristics of the birds that serve as helpers. We tested these predictions using five year's data from a color marked and geneologically known population of white-fronted bee-eaters (Merops bullockoides) in Kenya. A) Survival was not related to status (breeder, helper, non-participant); nor did individuals living in large clans have better survival than those living in small ones. B) Newly formed pairs were equally likely to become future breeders irrespective of whether or not one or both individuals had helped previously. C) The mean number of young fledged by a first time breeder was unaffected by its prior helping experience. Neither were first time breeding pairs more likely to gain the services of others as their helpers than were pairs without prior helping experience. Taken together these results demonstrate that beeeaters gain very little direct benefit from alloparenting. D) Helpers did not enhance the survival of the breeders that they helped. But they did have a major effect in increasing nestling survival. Because bee-eater helpers are closely related to the nestlings they help to rear (average r=0.33), they obtain a large indirect benefit by increasing the production of non-descendent kin. We quantified the relative importance of indirect and direct benefits of helping (to the helper) using Vehrencamp's kin index, I k (1979). I k compares the fitness consequences of helping against an alternative strategy and calculates the proportion of the inclusive fitness gain or loss that is due to kin (indirect) benefits. Comparing the strategy sets of helping versus not helping for bee-eaters, I k=0.89 (indicating that 89% of the benefit derived from helping is indirect). When helping was compared against the alternative of breeding, I k=2.17. Values of I k greater than 1.0 indicate that direct fitness gains from the alternate strategy (breeding) are greater than those from helping. The value of 2.17 indicates that the helping strategy would not be maintained except for the indirect fitness gained through the increased production of close kin. Alloparenting in white-fronted bee-eaters can thus be considered as altruistic.  相似文献   

Juvenile weakfish, Cynoscion regalis (Bloch and Schneider, 1801), exhibit significant spatial diffrences in growth rate and condition factor among estuarine nursery zones in Delaware Bay. The potential influence of temperature and salinity on the suitability of estuarine nursery areas for juvenile weakfish was investigated in laboratory experiments by measuring ad libitum feeding rate, growth rate and gross growth efficiency of juveniles collected in Delaware Bay in 1990 (40 to 50 mm standard length; 1.4 to 2.1 g) in 12 temperature/salinity treatments (temperatures: 20, 24, 28°C; salinities: 5, 12, 19, 26 ppt) representing conditions encountered in different estuarine zones during spring/summer. Feeding rates (FR) increased significantly with temperature at all salinities, ranging from 10 to 15% body wt d-1 at 20°C to 33–39% body wt d-1 at 28°C. Specific growth rates (SGR) ranged from 1.4 to 9.4% body wt d-1 (0.3 to 1.5 mm d-1) and gross growth efficiencies (K 1) varied from 13.6 to 26.4% across temperature/salinity combinations. Based on nonlinear multiple regression models, predicted optimal temperatures for SGR and K 1 were 29 and 27°C, respectively. Salinity effects on SGR and K 1 were significant at 24 and 28°C where predicted optimal salinity was 20 ppt. At these warmer temperatures, SGR and K 1 were significantly lower at 5 than at 19 ppt despite higher FR at 5 ppt. Therefore, maximum growth rate and growth efficiency occurred under conditions characteristic of mesohaline nurseries. This finding is consistent with spatial patterns of growth in Delaware Bay, implying that physicochemical gradients influence the value of particular estuarine zones as nurseries for juvenile weakfish by affecting the energetics of feeding and growth. Laboratory results indicate a seasonal shift in the location of physiologically optimal nurseries within estuaries. During late spring/early summer, warmer temperatures in oligohaline areas permit higher feeding rate and faster growth compared to mesohaline areas. By mid-late summer, spatial temperature gradients diminish and mesohaline areas provide more suitable physicochemical conditions for growth rate and growth efficiency whereas oligohaline areas become energetically stressful. Substantial mortality occurred at 5 ppt and 28°C, providing additional evidence that oligohaline conditions are stressful during late summer. Furthermore, juveniles provided a choice among salinities in laboratory trials preferred those salinities which promoted higher growth rates. The extensive use of oligohaline nurseries by juvenile weakfish despite the potential for reduced growth rate and growth efficiency suggests this estuarine zone may provide a substantial refuge from predation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Juvenile growth rate and adult body size are important components of life‐history strategies because of their direct impact on fitness. The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a sexually dimorphic, long‐lived turtle inhabiting brackish waters throughout the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States. In parts of its range, terrapins face anthropogenically imposed mortality: juveniles of both sexes inadvertently enter commercial crab traps and drown. For adult females, the carapace eventually grows large enough that they cannot enter traps, whereas males almost never reach that critical size. We compared age structure, carapace dimensions, growth curves, and indices of sexual dimorphism for a Chesapeake Bay population of terrapins (where mortality of turtles is high due to crab traps) with contemporary terrapins from Long Island Sound and museum specimens from Chesapeake Bay (neither group subject to commercial crab traps). We also calculated the allochronic and synchronic rates of evolutionary change (haldanes) for males and females to measure the rate of trait change in a population or between populations, respectively. We found a dramatic shift to a younger male age structure, a decrease in the length of time to terminal female carapace size, a 15% increase in female carapace width, and an increase in sexual dimorphism in Chesapeake Bay. In a new twist, our results implicate a fishery in the selective increase in size of a reptilian bycatch species. These sex‐specific changes in life history and demography have implications for population viability that need to be considered when addressing conservation of this threatened turtle.  相似文献   

We analyzed a data set collected over 15 yr, containing growth data from strains of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin, 1791), initiated from parent populations in Long Island Sound, Delaware Bay, and lower Chesapeake Bay. The long-term growth data proved to be a powerful tool for examining patterns of growth differentiation among separated populations of C. virginica. The oyster strains had been grown in a common environment in lower Delaware Bay for up to seven generations. We found that the oyster strains with origins in Long Island Sound were significantly larger over several generations than oyster strains from Delaware Bay and Chesapeake Bay. Chesapeake Bay oyster strains were larger than Delaware Bay oyster strains at 1.5 yr old, but Delaware Bay oysters were larger at 2.5 yr. Year-to-year variation in environmental conditions had a strong significant effect on absolute oyster size and the relative sizes of the oyster strains. Persistent differences between oyster strains from different origins over several generations support a hypothesis that these estuarine populations have experienced long-term genetically-based population differentiation. This result is consistent with hypotheses of population differentiation of oysters based on observations of local reproductive timing. Received: 12 August 1997 / Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

The relation among inbreeding, heterozygosity, and fitness has been studied primarily among outbred populations, and little is known about these phenomena in endangered populations. Most researchers conclude that the relation between coefficient of inbreeding estimated from pedigrees and fitness traits (inbreeding‐fitness correlations) better reflects inbreeding depression than the relation between marker heterozygosity and fitness traits (heterozygosity‐fitness correlations). However, it has been suggested recently that heterozygosity‐fitness correlations should only be expected when inbreeding generates extensive identity disequilibrium (correlations in heterozygosity and homozygosity across loci throughout the genome). We tested this hypothesis in Mohor gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr) and Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus). For Mohor gazelle, we calculated the inbreeding coefficient and measured heterozygosity at 17 microsatellite loci. For Iberian lynx, we measured heterozygosity at 36 microsatellite loci. In both species we estimated semen quality, a phenotypic trait directly related to fitness that is controlled by many loci and is affected by inbreeding depression. Both species showed evidence of extensive identity disequilibrium, and in both species heterozygosity was associated with semen quality. In the Iberian lynx the low proportion of normal sperm associated with low levels of heterozygosity was so extreme that it is likely to limit the fertility of males. In Mohor gazelle, although heterozygosity was associated with semen quality, inbreeding coefficient was not. This result suggests that when coefficient of inbreeding is calculated on the basis of a genealogy that begins after a long history of inbreeding, the coefficient of inbreeding fails to capture previous demographic information because it is a poor estimator of accumulated individual inbreeding. We conclude that among highly endangered species with extensive identity disequilibrium, examination of heterozygosity‐fitness correlations may be an effective way to detect inbreeding depression, whereas inbreeding‐fitness correlations may be poor indicators of inbreeding depression if the pedigree does not accurately reflect the history of inbreeding. Correlaciones Heterocigosidad‐ Adaptabilidad y Depresión Endogámica en Dos Especies de Mamíferos Críticamente en Peligro  相似文献   

To examine variation in diet and daily ration of the bonnethead shark, Sphyrna tiburo (Linnaeus 1758), animals were collected from three areas in the eastern Gulf of Mexico: northwest Florida (∼29°40′N, 85°13′W), Tampa Bay near Anclote Key (∼28°10′N, 82°42.5′W), and Florida Bay (∼24°50′N, 80°48′W) from March through September, 1998–2000. In each area, diet was assessed by life stage (young-of-the year, juveniles, and adults) and quantified using five indices: percent by number (%N), percent by weight (%W), frequency of occurrence (%O), index of relative importance expressed on a percent basis (%IRI), and %IRI based on diet category (%IRIDC). Diet could not be assessed for young-of-the-year in Tampa Bay or Florida Bay owing to low sample size. Diet analysis showed an ontogenetic shift in northwest Florida. Young-of-the-year stomachs from northwest Florida (n = 68, 1 empty) contained a mix of seagrass and crustaceans while juvenile stomachs (n = 82, 0 empty) contained a mix of crabs and seagrass and adult stomachs (n = 39, 1 empty) contained almost exclusively crabs. Crabs made up the majority of both juvenile and adult diet in Tampa Bay (n = 79, 2 empty, and n = 88, 1 empty, respectively). Juvenile stomachs from Florida Bay (n = 72, 0 empty) contained seagrass and a mix of crustaceans while adult stomachs contained more shrimp and cephalopods (n = 82, 3 empty). Diets in northwest Florida and Tampa Bay were similar. The diet in Florida Bay was different from those in the other two areas, consisting of fewer crabs and more cephalopods and lobsters. Plant material was found in large quantities in all stomachs examined from all locations (>15 %IRIDC in 6 of the 7 life stage-area combinations, >30 %IRIDC in 4 of the 7 combinations, and 62 %IRIDC in young-of-the-year diet in northwest Florida). Using species- and area-specific inputs, a bioenergetic model was constructed to estimate daily ration. Models were constructed under two scenarios: assuming plant material was and was not part of the diet. Overall, daily ration was significantly different by sex, life stage, and region. The bioenergetic model predicted increasing daily ration with decreasing latitude and decreasing daily ration with ontogeny regardless of the inclusion or exclusion of plant material. These results provide evidence that bonnetheads continuously exposed to warmer temperatures have elevated metabolism and require additional energy consumption to maintain growth and reproduction. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Comparative restriction-fragment analysis was used to analyze the nuclear ribosomal DNA, and alcohol dehydrogenase-1 loci of Zostera marina L., for variation within and among populations. Eelgrass is a perennial marine flowering plant that is widespread and ecologically significant throughout the temperate northern hemisphere. A chemical method was developed to obtain restriction-quality DNA without CsCl fractionation from experimentally relevant quantities of seagrass tissues (0.5 to 1.0 g). The yield was 25 g g-1 fresh weight. The three morphologically distinct forms of Z. marina from disjunct populations examined in this study were found to be genetically distinct; morphologically similar populations were indistinguishable genetically. Genetic distinction also correlated with habitat depth, as subtidal and intertidal populations were clearly divergent. Homologous probes for the 17S and 28S ribosomal DNA genes were used to map 24 restriction sites on the rDNA repeat of Z. marina, which was determined to be about 14 kb in length. At least 1 length mutation and 5 restriction-site changes were identified that distinguished Z. marina populations from San Diego and Monterey Bay (Del Monte Beach) from Z. marina populations from Elkhorn Slough and Tomales Bay. Estimated sequence variation (100×p) between eelgrass populations ranged from 0.00 to 0.69. Individual plants were observed to contain as many as four different rDNA-repeat length variants. The mean number of rDNA-repeat length variants per individual in Z. marina was about two. Intrapopulation variation in rDNA-repeat type was observed in only one individual from the Tomales Bay population.  相似文献   

Sexual systems vary considerably among caridean shrimps and while most species are gonochoric, others are described as sequential protandric hermaphrodites or simultaneous hermaphrodites with an early male phase. At present, there is confusion about the sexual system exhibited by several species mostly because those studies attempting to reveal their sexual system draw inferences solely from the distribution of the sexes across size classes. Here we investigated the sexual system of the shrimp Hippolyte williamsi from Chile to determine if the species is protandric or gonochoric with sexual dimorphism (males smaller than females). Morphological identification and size frequency distributions indicated that the population comprised small males, small immature females, and large mature females, which was confirmed by dissections. No transitional individuals were found. Males maintained in the laboratory molted 1–8 times, and many grew up to reach sizes observed in only a small fraction of males in the field. No indication of sex change was recorded. Our results indicate that H. williamsi is a sexually dimorphic gonochoric species and emphasizes the importance of using several kinds of evidence (size measurements, growth experiments, morphological dissections, and histological studies) to reveal the sexual system of Hippolyte species. Whether the observed size dimorphism between males and females in many species of Hippolyte is expression of contrasting sexual and natural selection, and whether divergent sexual fitness functions can contribute to the evolution of hermaphroditism remains to be revealed in future studies.  相似文献   

The host size model, an adaptive model for maternal manipulation of offspring sex ratio, was examined for the parasitoid wasp Spalangia endius. In a Florida strain, as the model predicts, daughters emerged from larger hosts than sons, but only when mothers received both small and large hosts simultaneously. The pattern appeared to result from the mother's ovipositional choice and not from differential mortality of the sexes during development. If sex ratio manipulation is adaptive in the Florida strain, it appears to be through a benefit to daughters of developing on large hosts rather than through a benefit to sons of developing on small hosts. Both female and male parasitoids were larger when they developed on larger hosts. For females, developing on a larger host (1) increased offspring production, except for the largest hosts, (2) increased longevity, (3) lengthened development, and (4) had no effect on wing loading. For males, development on a larger host had no effect on any measure of male fitness – mating success, longevity, development duration, or wing loading. In contrast, a strain from India showed no difference in the size of hosts from which daughters versus sons emerged, although both female and male parasitoids were larger when they developed on larger hosts. These results together with previous studies of Spalangia reveal no consistent connection between host-size-dependent sex ratio and host-size-dependent parasitoid size among strains of S. endius or among species of Spalangia. Received: 28 October 1998 / Received in revised form: 20 May 1999 / Accepted: 30 May 1999  相似文献   

When fitness returns or production costs vary between male and female offspring, selection is expected to favor females that adjust offspring sex ratio accordingly. However, to what extent vertebrates can do so is the subject of ongoing debate. Here, we explore primary sex ratios in 125 broods of cooperatively breeding purple-crowned fairy-wrens Malurus coronatus. We expected that females might adjust offspring sex ratio because this passerine species experiences considerable variation in social and environmental conditions. (1) However, although helpers substantially increase parental fitness, females (particularly in pairs and small groups) did not overproduce philopatric males (helper-repayment hypothesis). (2) Sex-ratio adjustment based on competition among individuals (helper-competition hypothesis) did not conceal helper-repayment effects or drive sex allocation on its own: while high-quality territories can accommodate more birds, brood sex ratios were independent of territory quality, alone or in interaction with group size. (3) Additionally, males are larger than females and are possibly more costly to produce (costly sex hypothesis), and (4) female offspring may benefit more from long-term effects of favorable conditions early in life (Trivers–Willard hypothesis). Nonetheless, large seasonal variation in food abundance was not associated with a consistent skew in primary sex ratios. Thus, overall, our results did not support the main hypotheses of adaptive sex-ratio adjustment in M. coronatus. We discuss that long-term differential costs and benefits may be insufficient to drive evolution of primary sex-ratio manipulation by M. coronatus females. More investigation is therefore needed to determine the general required sex differences in long-term fitness returns for mechanisms of primary sex-ratio manipulation to evolve.  相似文献   

M. Alber  I. Valiela 《Marine Biology》1994,121(2):259-265
Two marine mussels, Geukensia demissa (Dillwyn) and Mytilus edulis (L.) collected in 1990 in Old Silver Beach, Falmouth, Massachusetts, incorporated nitrogen when fed 15N-labelled organic aggregates produced from dissolved organic nitrogen released by the brown sea-weed Fucus vesiculosis. Uptake of 15N on the aggregate diet was linear over the course of 24 h, and unincorporated 15N was eliminated from the gut after 48 h. Both species of mussels incorporated approximately five times more N when they were fed organic aggregates than when they were fed either 15N-labelled dissolved organic material (DOM) or particulate detritus, both of which were also derived from the seaweed. Nitrogen uptake was greatest in controls fed the diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii; mussels fed phytoplankton incorporated seven times more nitrogen than those fed aggregates. However, aggregates could supply an estimated 7 to 14% of the N requirements for both mussels, whereas DOM or particulate detritus could only supply 1 to 3%. These data provide evidence that a food web pathway exists from primary producer to released dissolved organic nitrogen to microbial organic aggregate to metazoan consumer, and, further, that it can be more important in a detrital food web than either particulate detritus or DOM.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in mitochondrial large subunit (16S) ribosomal RNA haplotypes was examined for blue mussels, Mytilus trossulus Gould, 1850 and M. galloprovincialis Lamarck, 1819, sampled from ten sites along the Pacific coast of the USA in January of 1993. Using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) assays we determined haplotype frequencies for both the male and female mussel mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) lineages. Populations from Morro Bay south to San Diego, California, contained only M. galloprovincialis male and female haplotypes, while those from Arcata Bay, California, north to Port Orford, Oregon, were fixed for M. trossulus haplotypes. Populations from Monterey Bay to Bodega Bay, California, contained a mixture of M. trossulus and M. galloprovincialis haplotypes. Overall only 2 of 97 heteroplasmic individuals had a mixed M. trossulus/M. galloprovincialis mitochondrial genotype indicating that hybridization is uncommon in the populations sampled. Further, there was no evidence of extensive introgression between these mussel taxa at the level of mtDNA. This is in contrast to previously published results which suggested the significant introgression of M. trossulus haplotypes into southern populations containing primarily M. galloprovincialis nuclear genotypes. We feel the discrepancy lies in the ability of our assays to detect haplotypes corresponding to both the male and female mtDNA lineages. Potential explanations for the lack of mtDNA introgression include, low levels of backcrossing between hybrids and parental taxa, epistatic interaction between nuclear and mitochondrial genes and the breakdown of a sex-specific inheritance pattern for mtDNA in hybrids.  相似文献   

We describe feeding behavior of Aurelia aurita (Linnaeus) using gut content analyses of field-collected specimens and a mesocosm experiment. The field studies were conducted in Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA from March to April 1988, and the mesocosm studies were done at the Marine Ecosystems Research Laboratory at the University of Rhode Island. Patterns of prey selection changed with medusa diameter. Smaller medusae (12 mm diameter) consumed mostly hydromedusan prey whereas larger medusae (up to 30 mm diameter) ingested greater numbers of copepod prey. While larger medusae did feed on copepods, their diet also contained more barnacle nauplii and hydromedusae than expected from the relative abundances of these prey types in plankton samples. A marginal flow mechanism of feeding by A. aurita provided an explanation for the patterns of prey selection we observed in medusae of different sizes and among widely divergent prey types. Our data indicated that large prey, with escape speeds slower than the marginal flow velocities around the bell margins of A. aurita, made up a substantial fraction of the daily ration when they were available. Such prey species may be more important to nutrition than the more abundant copepods and microzooplankton. Successful development of young medusae may depend upon an adequate supply of slowly escaping prey.  相似文献   

Genetic divergence among samples of summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus, Linnaeus) was estimated to evaluate the effect of Cape Hatteras, a well-known zoogeographic barrier in the western Atlantic Ocean, on intraspecific gene flow. Previous studies based on meristic and morphometric variation and tagging data suggested that gene flow might be limited among summer flounder populations north and south of Cape Hatteras, although the high vagility of both juveniles and adults suggests otherwise. We analyzed genetic diversity revealed in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region in samples of juveniles and adults collected in 1992 to 1996 from coastal sites from Buzzard's Bay, Massachusetts to Charleston, South Carolina. In contrast to previous morphological studies, analyses of mtDNA variation reveal no significant population subdivision centered around Cape Hatteras. Received: 17 September 1997 / Accepted: 8 September 1998  相似文献   

To examine current genetic-based paradigms pertaining to the structure and possible philopatry of red drum populations, we used solution-based inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) to analyze the otolith chemistry of juvenile red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) from eight different estuaries in the Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the North Atlantic Ocean. One estuary (Tampa Bay, Fla.) was sampled in three different years. Analyses of variance for five elemental ratios (Mg/Ca, Mn/Ca, Zn/Ca, Sr/Ca, Ba/Ca) were all significantly different between estuaries, as was a multi-element signature (MANOVA, Pillais trace F 50, 1020=19.41, P<0.0001). We also found that red drum from the Gulf could be distinguished from those taken from the Atlantic Ocean with 99.5% accuracy, likely due to differences in water chemistry between these water masses. A discriminant function developed using these elemental ratios was more than 80% accurate in assigning juvenile red drum to their natal estuary, or in the case of Tampa Bay, to the correct year of spawning. We also used laser ablation ICP-MS to examine the otolith core chemistry of adult red drum collected from spawning aggregations near Tampa Bay. Using a discriminant function analysis with a calibration data set derived from juvenile signatures, we found that 75% of the adult cores matched the juvenile signal established for Tampa Bay 1982. Although preliminary, the results presented here suggest that red drum may return to their natal estuary to spawn, which has been postulated from genetic data.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

When allocating investment among offspring, parents might maximize their fitness by biasing investment toward offspring with the best direct fitness prospects. The observed preferences of avian parents for carotenoid-rich mouth colors that advertise good condition has been interpreted as support for this hypothesis. However, because these condition-dependent visual signals might also make offspring more visually conspicuous, active parental preferences for carotenoid-rich traits are difficult to distinguish from passive responses to differences in detectability among offspring. Here, we used a visual model to examine how mouth colors influence the visual conspicuousness of nestling house sparrows (Passer domesticus) to parents under a suite of realistic ambient light conditions. We found little evidence that mouths rich in carotenoids provided more conspicuous targets to parents than mouths poor in carotenoids. While other features of mouth color may have evolved to increase conspicuousness, our results suggest that carotenoid-based coloration is not a product of detectability pressures and rather may serve as a signal of nestling quality.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns in site fidelity is important for defining the ecological role of species in the systems they use and for gauging the effects of human impacts on their populations. We analyzed long-term movement data of adult spottail sharks (Carcharhinus sorrah) in Cleveland Bay, Australia, to define the degree of site fidelity this species shows to coastal areas. Individuals were monitored in the study site for 28–566 days, and residency index (i.e., proportion of days present to total monitoring period) ranged from 0.08 to 0.95. Using a randomization procedure, we determined that the movement paths for 90 % of individuals (11 female and 7 male) were more constrained than random, with individuals exhibiting a high degree of site fidelity to consistent areas within the study site. Examining distances moved revealed that individuals used the same areas repeatedly and remained in close proximity (i.e., <6 km) to their location of first detection. While some individuals consistently used and returned back to the same locations, low residency among others suggests that a portion of the population may roam more widely. Long-term site fidelity to consistent areas may be a successful behavioral strategy for C. sorrah by increasing individual fitness through spatial familiarity and knowledge of resources.  相似文献   

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