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A portion of Arizona’s San Pedro River is managed as a National Riparian Conservation Area but is potentially affected by ground-water withdrawals beyond the conservation area borders. We applied an assessment model to the Conservation Area as a basis for monitoring long-term changes in riparian ecosystem condition resulting from changes in river water availability, and collected multi-year data on a subset of the most sensitive bioindicators. The assessment model is based on nine vegetation bioindicators that are sensitive to changes in surface water or ground water. Site index scores allow for placement into one of three condition classes, each reflecting particular ranges for site hydrology and vegetation structure. We collected the bioindicator data at 26 sites distributed among 14 reaches that had similar stream flow hydrology (spatial flow intermittency) and geomorphology (channel sinuosity, flood-plain width). Overall, 39% of the riparian corridor fell within condition class 3 (the wettest condition), 55% in condition class 2, and 6% in the driest condition class. Condition class 3 reaches have high cover of herbaceous wetland plants (e.g., Juncus and Schoenoplectus spp.) along the perennial stream channel and dense, multi-aged Populus-Salix woodlands in the flood plain, sustained by shallow ground water in the stream alluvium. In condition class 2, intermittent stream flows result in low cover of streamside wetland herbs, but Populus-Salix remain abundant in the flood plain. Perennial wetland plants are absent from condition class 1, reflecting highly intermittent stream flows; the flood plain is vegetated by Tamarixa small tree that tolerates the deep and fluctuating ground water levels that typify this reach type. Abundance of herbaceous wetland plants and growth rate of Salix gooddingii varied between years with different stream flow rates, indicating utility of these measures for tracking short-term responses to hydrologic change. Repeat measurement of all bioindicators will indicate long-term trends in hydro-vegetational condition.  相似文献   

We describe a flexible, computationally efficient stream network model, which forms the core of a simulation framework that spatially integrates the contributions from point and nonpoint sources in a watershed. The model uses the map and stream topology information in the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Reach File 3 to generate a spatially explicit network of stream reaches. Water and materials are routed through the stream network to the watershed outlet, and the routing process accounts for transit times and for possible nutrient losses in streams. This model can be applied wherever Reach File maps or maps from the newer National Hydrography Dataset are available, and it can be combined with models of other watershed processes to create a complete watershed simulation system. We present an application of the stream network model to two watersheds of different sizes in the Patuxent River watershed of Maryland, USA. Simulated predictions of streamflow and nitrate concentrations are either very good or good according to standards developed for evaluating the widely used Hydrologic Simulation Program – Fortran (HSPF) watershed model.  相似文献   

An Overview of EPA's Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) Program   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Regional Vulnerability Assessment (ReVA) is an approach to place-based ecological risk assessment that is currently under development by EPA's Office of Research and Development. The pilot assessment will be done for the mid-Atlantic region and builds on data collected for the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program. ReVA is being developed to identify those ecosystems most vulnerable to being lost or degraded in the next 5 to 50 years and to elucidate which stressors cause the greatest risk to ecosystem goods and services. The goal here is not exact predictions, but an early warning system to identify and prioritize the undesirable environmental changes we should expect over the next few decades. As such, ReVA represents a new risk paradigm for EPA that will require innovative approaches to combine existing knowledge, focus new research, and synthesize many types of information into a meaningful assessment designed to inform environmental decision-makers about future environmental risk.  相似文献   

A screening-level assessment of dissolved zinc from inactive and abandoned metal mines in the Cement Creek Basin was performed. The basin is part of the Upper Animas River Basin in the San Juan Mountains of southwestern Colorado. Stream discharge and dissolved zinc concentrations were measured at 49 stations below nonpoint sources including tailings and waste rock, point sources such as adits, and background areas. One measurement was made at a station during three flow events: storm runoff, peak snowmelt runoff, and baseflow. The highest concentrations occurred in the upper part of the basin immediately downstream from nonpoint and point source discharges, especially in the North Fork of Cement Creek. The mean concentration in Cement Creek was highest during baseflow (1350 g l-1) and lowest during snowmelt (796 g l-1). Most exceedances of national acute and chronic criteria for brown trout were chronic criteria exceedances in the upper part of the basin. Subareas with the greatest extent of nonpoint source areas in the upper part of the watershed, especially those contributing to Upper Cement Creek and the North Fork of Cement Creek, generally had the highest loadings and unit area loadings. The greatest loadings from all subareas to Cement Creek occurred during snowmelt (219 000 g day-1 and 17 400 kg for the snowmelt season). The highest unit area loadings from all subareas also occurred during snowmelt (190 g ha-1 day-1 and 15 147 g ha-1 for the snowmelt season). Loadings from subareas with extensive nonpoint source areas were always much greater than those from point sources and background areas.  相似文献   

应用生物完整性理论和方法,研究基于浮游植物生物完整性指数(Phytoplanktonic Index of Biotic Integrity,P-IBI)在海湾生态评价中的方法构建,通过生境区域划分、评价因子选择、阈值确定等构建适合海湾的P-IBI生态健康评价指标体系,并以北部湾为例开展应用与验证。基于P-IBI的北部湾生态健康评价结果显示:3个水期中枯水期相对较好,丰水期次之,平水期最差,钦州市茅尾海海域内4个采样点在3个水期评价结果大部分为"差"和"较差",其余大部分采样点都在"一般"及以上。Spearman相关性分析显示,P-IBI均与水质类别正相关。研究结果表明P-IBI指数在北部湾生态健康评价应用与验证结果基本符合实际,应用P-IBI能够较好地开展海湾的生态健康评价,可因地制宜应用于近岸海域生态评价。  相似文献   

某化工厂致癌有机污染物分层健康风险评估   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以某化工厂污染场地为例,根据《污染场地风险评估技术导则》(HJ 25.3-2014),运用HERA风险评估软件,将污染场地分为4层分别进行人体健康风险评估,结果表明:该场地存在高致癌风险,需要修复后才能开发再利用;关注污染物氯仿、苯,在地下0 m~3 m的风险控制值分别为0.07 mg/kg、0.83 mg/kg,在地下3 m~5 m的风险控制值分别为0.15 mg/kg、1.91 mg/kg,在地下5 m~9 m的风险控制值分别为0.40 mg/kg、5.05 mg/kg,在地下9 m~18 m的风险控制值分别为0.73 mg/kg、7.82 mg/kg。与以往计算单一的风险控制相比,分层计算污染物的风险控制值能有效减少治理土方量,降低治理成本。  相似文献   

Manchar Lake is the largest natural freshwater lake in Pakistan. The Lake has received less fresh water in past few years. In addition, drainage water is being discharged in the Lake through Main Nara Valley Drain (MNVD) since many years. Consequently, concern has grown regarding the water quality of the Lake. The aim of this study was to assess the water quality of Manchar Lake and MNVD and the objectives were to determine physiochemical properties and the concentrations of common cations and anions as well as seven trace metals i.e. Cu, Ni, Zn, Co, Fe, Pb and Cd. The concentration of the trace metals were determined by simultaneous preconcentration and solvent extraction using flame atomic absorption spectrometer. Results of physicochemical parameters of Manchar Lake water samples showed mean pH 8.4 (±0.2), conductivity 2,310.3 (±581.3) μS cm−1 and hardness (as CaCO3) 213.1 (±62.3) mg l−1. Mean concentrations of cations and anions were Na 521.5 (±49.7), Cl 413.6 (±225.7), Ca 70.7 (±12.9), Mg 56.2 (±28.9), K 17.6 (±6.5), 0.34 (±0.2) and 0.02 (±0.01) mg l−1. Mean concentrations of trace metals were Zn 15.7 (±1), Fe 12 (±3.5), Pb 9 (±2.7), Cu 8.9 (±7.7), Ni 4.3 (±3.4), Co 4 (±3.4) and Cd 1.1 (±1) μg l−1. MNVD water samples showed mean pH 8.9 (±0.8), conductivity 1,735.7 (±567.8) μS cm−1 and hardness (as CaCO3) 184.8 (±32.4) mg l−1. In MNWD, the mean concentrations of cations and anions were Na 482.7 (±11.7), Cl 395.7 (±271.5), Ca 79.1 (±23.5), Mg 54.2 (±28.1), K 26.2 (±21.3), NO−3 0.5 (±0.3) and 0.1 (±0.1) mg l−1. Mean concentrations of trace metals observed in MNWD water were Fe 14.9(±3.5), Cd 8.3 (±9.4), Pb 6.9 (±2.4), Cu 6.6 (±3.1), Zn 6.2 (±1.8), Co 4.5 (±2.7), and Ni 3.5 (±2.9) μg l−1. The pH of both Manchar Lake and MNVD waters and concentration of Pb in Manchar Lake and concentration of Cd in MNVD water were higher than the World Health Organisation’s guideline values for the drinking water quality. The water quality of Manchar Lake was found degraded.  相似文献   

Lake Vela, located in the Portuguese littoral-centre, is a temperate shallow lake exhibiting a high trophic status. This aquatic ecosystem has been potentially exposed to contamination generated by agricultural and livestock activities held in their drainage basin, which seriously compromise their health. This work summarizes some background information and presents the problem formulation step of the ERA. Therefore, it evaluates the characteristics of the stressor(s), describes the ecological system and receptors and suggests a conceptual model, which predicts the potential exposure pathways, relating suspected sources to the defined endpoints. This introductory step also described an analysis plan on the entire study, which includes a delineation of the assessment design, data needs, measures, and methods for conducting the analysis phase of the risk assessment process.  相似文献   

水质指数(WQI)在环境保护的日常工作中发挥了重要作用。以鳌江为例,运用加拿大环境部长理事会水质指数(CCME WQI)方法,选取pH、溶解氧、高锰酸盐指数、氨氮、总氮、总磷、石油类、氟化物、阴离子表面活性剂、粪大肠菌群10项水质监测项目,评估了入海河流干流感潮河段4个监测断面的地表水环境质量,并对CCME WQI与最差因子法以及CCME WQI优缺点进行比较和分析。研究结果显示,2014年埭头、江屿、方岩渡、江口渡监测断面水质分别为良好、较差、中等、中等。与传统水质评价最差因子法比较,运用CCME WQI评价结果容忍度较高,更贴近实际水质状况。CCME WQI量化形式为属地流域环境管理带来便利。监测断面水质目标和参评项目对CCME WQI评价结果起决定性作用。针对CCME WQI在实际应用中存在的问题给出了建议。  相似文献   

Screening-level ecological risk assessments of di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) for aquatic organisms in Japan were conducted using estimated statistical values based on surface water and sediment monitoring data and effect threshold values based on a large aquatic toxicity database. An alternative method is proposed to handle monitoring data that contain nondetects including multiple detection limits and to determine the statistical values of DEHP concentrations in Japanese surface waters. The No-Observed-Effect-Concentration (NOECwater) of DEHP for aquatic life of 77 μ g/L was determined giving equal importance to both physical effects probably caused by undissolved DEHP and to the intrinsic toxicity potentially caused by DEHP. The NOECsediment of 615,000 μg/kg was determined by the Equilibrium Partitioning (EqP) theory, conservatively assuming a threshold effect level in the water column as the water solubility of 3 μ g/L. The potential risks of DEHP in Japanese water environments were characterized simply by comparing the margin of exposure (MOE) with a specified uncertainty multiplier (UM). The MOE is expressed as the ratio of NOECwater or NOECsediment to the expected environmental concentrations such as the 95th percentiles of the estimated DEHP concentration distributions for surface water or sediment. The results of risk characterization show that all MOE values calculated using the statistical values of DEHP concentrations in Japanese surface waters and sediments are above 10, indicating minimal risk. Although the DEHP concentrations of some surface water samples showed MOE values of less than 10, considering environmental chemistry such as bioavailable fractions and the form of existence of DEHP in a water environment, we conclude that the current levels of DEHP are of little concern to aquatic life in the majority of Japanese surface waters and sediments.  相似文献   

In the arid regions of Tunisia, considerable investments are being made to maintain the old water harvesting techniques and introduce new ones to capture the scarce amount of rainwater (100 mm to 230 mm annually) for agricultural and domestic purposes. However, no detailed assessment of the multiple effects and the costs and benefits of these techniques have been made so far. This paper summarizes the results of an in depth investigation of the multiple impacts (runoff mobilization, ground water recharge, agro-socio-economic impacts) of the water harvesting works undertaken in the watershed of oued Oum Zessar (southeastern Tunisia). The importance of interdisciplinary and integrated approaches was revealed through this detailed impact assessment and economic evaluation. In fact, the profitability of the water harvesting works depends largely on the criteria chosen. However, further refinements are needed to better include all possible impacts (positive and negative) that occur as a result of the installation of the water harvesting structures.  相似文献   

Section 305(b) of the United States’ Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to assess the overall quality of waters in the states, while Section 303(d) requires states to develop a list of the specific waters in their state not attaining water quality standards (a.k.at impaired waters). An integrated, efficient and cost-effective process is needed to acquire and assess the data needed to meet both these mandates. A subset of presentations at the 2002 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) Symposium provided information on how probability data, tools and methods could be used by states and other entities to aid in development of their overall assessment of condition and list of impaired waters. Discussion identified some of the technical and institutional problems that hinder the use of EMAP methods and data in the analysis to identify impaired waters as well as development needs to overcome these problems.  相似文献   

This paper gives step-by-step instructions for assessing aquatic selenium hazards associated with mining. The procedure was developed to provide the U.S. Forest Service with a proactive capability for determining the risk of selenium pollution when it reviews mine permit applications in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). The procedural framework is constructed in a decision-tree format in order to guide users through the various steps, provide a logical sequence for completing individual tasks, and identify key decision points. There are five major components designed to gather information on operational parameters of the proposed mine as well as key aspects of the physical, chemical, and biological environment surrounding it — geological assessment, mine operation assessment, hydrological assessment, biological assessment, and hazard assessment. Validation tests conducted at three mines where selenium pollution has occurred confirmed that the procedure will accurately predict ecological risks. In each case, it correctly identified and quantified selenium hazard, and indicated the steps needed to reduce this hazard to an acceptable level. By utilizing the procedure, NEPA workers can be confident in their ability to understand the risk of aquatic selenium pollution and take appropriate action. Although the procedure was developed for the Forest Service it should also be useful to other federal land management agencies that conduct NEPA assessments, as well as regulatory agencies responsible for issuing coal mining permits under the authority of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) and associated Section 401 water quality certification under the Clean Water Act. Mining companies will also benefit from the application of this procedure because priority selenium sources can be identified in relation to specific mine operating parameters. The procedure will reveal the point(s) at which there is a need to modify operating conditions to meet environmental quality goals. By recognizing concerns early in the NEPA process, it may be possible for a mining company to match operational parameters with environmental requirements, thereby increasing the likelihood that the permit application will be approved.  相似文献   

An essential step in the development of products based on biotechnology is an assessment of their potential economic impacts and safety, including an evaluation of the potential impact of transgenic crops and practices related to their cultivation on the environment and human or animal health. The purpose of this paper is to provide an assessment method to evaluate the impact of biotechnologies that uses quantifiable parameters and allows a comparative analysis between conventional technology and technologies using GMOs. This paper introduces a method to perform an impact analysis associated with the commercial release and use of genetically modified plants, the Assessment System GMP Method. The assessment is performed through indicators that are arranged according to their dimension criterion likewise: environmental, economic, social, capability and institutional approach. To perform an accurate evaluation of the GMP specific indicators related to genetic modification are grouped in common fields: genetic insert features, GM plant features, gene flow, food/feed field, introduction of the GMP, unexpected occurrences and specific indicators. The novelty is the possibility to include specific parameters to the biotechnology under assessment. In this case by case analysis the factors of moderation and the indexes are parameterized to perform an available assessment.  相似文献   

为了解当前不同来源环境空气气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气质量状况,选择12家主流气态污染物(CO、SO2、NO)标气制造商,分别匿名采购3种气态污染物标气,建立2家参考实验室共同测试的模式和计量溯源一致性评价方法,对标气进行测试后,采用En值法评价其定值准确性,同时评估其技术资料完整性。结果显示:12家制造商的72瓶有证标气中,有9瓶标气定值结果准确性评价为不合格,涉及5个制造商来源,其中NO作为反应性气体,不合格标气数量最多,占比达20.8%;12家制造商中8家技术资料完整。鉴于标准气体对气态污染物监测结果的准确性、可比性和可溯源性具有重要意义,建议进一步加强标气质量事中事后监管和行业评估,推动制造商不断提高标气生产水平。标气使用者则应尽量选择质量可靠的有证标气。  相似文献   

Global Warming Potential (GWP) is an index used to measure the cumulative radiative forcing of a tonne of greenhouse house gas (GHG) relative to that of a ‘reference’ gas (CO2). Under the Kyoto Protocol, GWP can be used as a fixed index to govern the trade-off between different GHGs in a multi-gas approach to GHGs abatement. The use of fixed GWPs has been criticized for not being very cost effective compared to the use of some flexible indices. To gain wider acceptance, however, a flexible index must also prove to be easy to use, and the economic gains from its adoption must be significant. In this paper, we develop a flexible index based on the concept of marginal rather than cumulative or average global warming potentials. These marginal global warming potentials (MGWPs) can be endogenously determined within a climate model given a particular climate objective based on radiative forcing level. The MGPWs are then linked to the marginal abatement costs of the GHGs, which are also endogenously determined within an economic model. When the two concepts are linked in this way, the result is a cost-effective way of achieving a particular climate change objective with multigas abatement. We show that the savings in costs when using this flexible MGPWs can be significant, and more importantly, they are not uniformly distributed across different regions.
Claudia KemfertEmail:

On 25 April 1998, as a consequence of the breaking of a dam containing the tailings of a pyrite mine, a land strip of approximately 43 km in length was covered with a layer of black sludge, containing high levels of heavy metals, along the Guadiamar River Basin (southern Spain). In this investigation we carried out an ecotoxicological assessment (field and laboratory studies) of the impact of residual heavy metals (Cu, Pb, Zn, Ni) on soil nematodes in the impacted riparian zone, two years after the huge mine spillage. Concentrations of residual heavy metals were significantly (P<0.05) higher at the impacted sampling sectors (S-2, S-3, S-4, S-5) than at the unpolluted (reference) sampling sector (S-1). Nickel however exhibited the lowest increases at the impacted sectors. As a consequence, correlation coefficients between concentrations of heavy metals and values of ecological indices were not significant for Ni. In contrast, copper, lead and zinc exhibited significant (P<0.05) negative correlation coefficients with ecological indices, particularly with diversity indices (including the~number of taxa). In addition, the toxicity of Cu and Pb to nematode test species (Aphelenchus avenae and Cephalobus persegnis) during short-term toxicity bioassays was much higher than the toxicity of Zn and Ni. We conclude that residual heavy metals were still influencing adversely the community of soil nematodes in the impacted riparian zone of the Guadiamar River Basin. Cu, Pb and, to a lesser extent, Zn would be major responsible for the observed impact.  相似文献   

This study examines perceived risk data from the U.S., China, Japan, and South Korea. These data are then compared with similar results collected from previous studies. Psychometric scaling scores from Burkino Faso (a West African Country), France, Norway, and Hungary have been analyzed and compared with results from our study. The data reveal certain risk events like nuclear weapons, war, and AIDS to have high perceived risks in all countries. These data also show that many of the events have dissimilar perceived risks in different countries. The conclusions also show some countries have higher over all levels of perceive risk (South Korea) while others like the United States display generally lower values.  相似文献   

The use of low-cost and environmental safety amendments for the in situ immobilization of heavy metals has been investigated as a promising method for contaminated soil remediation. Natural materials and waste products from certain industries with high captive capacity of heavy metals can be obtained and employed. Reduction of extractable metal concentration and phytotoxicity could be evaluated and demonstrated by the feasibility of various amendments in fixing remediation. In this review, an extensive list of references has been compiled to provide a summary of information on a wide range of potentially amendment resources, including organic, inorganic and combined organic-inorganic materials. The assessment based on the economic efficiency and environmental risks brought forth the potential application values and future development directions of this method on solving the soil contamination.  相似文献   

Monitoring of indicators of the ecological condition of bays, tidal rivers, and estuaries within the Virginian Biogeographic Province (Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Cape Henry, Virginia) was conducted annually by the U.S. EPA's Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program (EMAP) during the summer months of 1990 to 1993. Data were collected at 425 probability-based stations within the Province. Indicators monitored included water quality (temperature, salinity, water clarity, and dissolved oxygen concentration), sediment contamination, sediment toxicity, benthic community structure, fish community structure, and fish gross external pathology. Data were used to estimate the current status of the ecological condition of Virginian Province estuarine resources, and provide a baseline for identifying possible future changes. Estimates, with 95% confidence limits, of the areal extent of impacted resources within the Province are provided. Data are also presented by estuarine class (large estuaries, small estuarine systems, and large tidal rivers). Results show that, overall, approximately half of the estuarine waters of the Virginian Province can be classified as impacted based on multiple indicators, with hypoxia being the major stressor.  相似文献   

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