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Drivers under the age of 70 whose prior 4-year accident and conviction records showed no entries when examined 2 months prior to the date of expiration of their driver licenses were randomly assigned to either a group that renewed licenses in the normal manner or a group that was offered the opportunity to receive a 4-year license extension by mail. A related experiment involved comparing clean-record drivers of any age who were given a 2-year extension with a group of drivers required to renew in person. Examination of driver records 18 and 28 months subsequent to extension uncovered no deleterious effects of the program, while savings of roughly 3 million dollars annually are expected. Findings are tentative, however, until 4-year data can be collected. The report concludes that the extension program has been successful, that multiple extensions should be authorized and evaluated for drivers with continuing clean records, and that the present exclusion of drivers 70 and above does not appear to be defensible.  相似文献   

This study examines the effectiveness of a license renewal program for elderly drivers, based on vision and medical evaluations, in terms of its direct outcomes. The license renewal process of a complete cohort of Israeli drivers aged 65 and up, whose license renewal date fell during 1980 was followed up. It was found that following a protracted and costly renewal process, practically all licenses were revalidated. New driving restrictions were common, mostly related to the use of eyeglasses during driving; however, these restrictions were found to have little practical significance. The findings lead to questioning the policy of targeting the renewal tests for a subgroup of drivers that accounts for a small percentage of the driver population and an even smaller fraction of the accidents.  相似文献   

The major purpose of this study was to determine the accident rate of drivers with bioptic telescopic lenses (“bioptic drivers”) in California. The bioptic driver group consisted of 229 drivers, while a randomly selected comparison sample consisted of 21,064 drivers. The 2-year total and fatal/injury accident rates of the bioptic group were normalized to the age/sex distribution of the comparison sample. Normalized accident rates for bioptic drivers were significantly greater than the corresponding rates for comparison drivers. The study also included an analysis of the driving records of bioptic drivers prior and subsequent to acquisition of telescopic lenses and an analysis of total and fatal/injury accidents for bioptic and comparison drivers with valid licenses only. It was recommended that California continue to license bioptic drivers, but with greater use of license restrictions and more stringent post-licensing control.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn 2007, the California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) undertook a pilot study of the 3-Tier Assessment System, the purpose of which was to examine, in a large-scale real-time public agency setting, the effectiveness of this method for both reducing the crash risk of individual drivers and for extending the safe driving years of Californian drivers of all ages.MethodThe 3-Tier Assessment System consisted of tiered series of screening tools incorporated into the in-office driver's license renewal process. These screening tools identified drivers with various kinds of functional limitations (physical, visual, and cognitive/perceptual), that might impact safe driving. Paired with the screening tools were educational materials designed to improve drivers' knowledge of their own limitations, including compensating techniques. The present study is a population-based evaluation of the effects of the pilot on subsequent crash risk and mobility outcomes (including delicensure) of participating drivers age 70 and older. Pilot participants were compared with two control groups processed according to standard California DMV license renewal procedures. Because the 3-Tier Assessment System was designed to identify limitations normally associated with aging, the present analyses focus on drivers age 70 and older. However, it should be emphasized that during the 3-Tier pilot the screening tools were applied to drivers of all ages.ResultsThere were two main findings. First, there were no consistent, statistically significant differences between the pilot and control groups in crash risk in the two years following screening. Second, pilot participants experienced statistically significant effects on mobility. These effects included delays in time to complete their license renewal, an increase in the number of assigned license restrictions, and an increase in the number of customers failing to renew their driving privilege.ConclusionsBased on these findings, suggestions for further research are made.Impact on industryNone.  相似文献   

This report presents the results of a study of the effectiveness of license revocation for habitual offenders. Drivers whose licenses were revoked were compared with a similar group of drivers whose licenses were not revoked. All revoked drivers had significantly fewer nonmajor violations than did the control drivers. Revoked drivers who received the revocation notice (47%) also had significantly fewer accidents and major violations. Moreover, revoked drivers demonstrated a significant change in the pattern of violation types after revocation. It was concluded that: (a) revocation seems to be an effective way to deter habitual traffic offenders, because habitual offenders whose licenses are revoked have fewer traffic involvements than would be expected if they were not revoked; (b) license revocation would be more effective if the rate of delivery of the revocation notice was higher; and (c) even though many habitual offenders drive illegally after revocation, there is evidence that improved driving behavior, as well as reduced exposure, contributes to the effectiveness of the program.  相似文献   

This study compares the recidivism rates of two groups of Illinois drivers who had their driver's licenses revoked for alcohol-impaired driving and who received restricted driving permits. Drivers in both groups had more than two driving under the influence (DUI) actions against their record within 5 years or were classed as level III alcohol dependents. Drivers in one group were required to install breath alcohol ignition interlock devices in their vehicles and drivers in the other group were not. The research found that drivers with the interlock were one-fifth as likely to be arrested for DUI during the 1 year the device was installed as the comparison group, which did not have the device. However, once the ignition interlock was removed, drivers in this group rapidly returned to DUI arrest rates similar to those in the comparison group. These findings echo previous literature. Additionally, the study showed that this voluntary program in Illinois reached only 16% of the drivers who met the requirements for installing the interlock device. Finally, this study found that individuals who were removed from the interlock program and returned to revoked status continued to drive. Within 3 years, approximately 50% of this latter group were involved in a crash or were arrested for DUI or with an invalid driver's license. Conclusions drawn from the study suggest that the breath alcohol ignition interlock device is effective in preventing continued driving while impaired. However, the large-scale effectiveness of the device is limited since most of the drivers eligible for the device do not have it installed. To have a significant impact, the interlock device must represent a better alternative to drivers whose licenses were suspended or revoked because of alcohol arrests compared to remaining on revoked status without having the device installed. Finally the research suggests that, given the rapid return to predevice recidivism, the devices should remain installed until drivers can demonstrate an extended period of being alcohol free.  相似文献   

This study compares the recidivism rates of two groups of Illinois drivers who had their driver's licenses revoked for alcohol-impaired driving and who received restricted driving permits. Drivers in both groups had more than two driving under the influence (DUI) actions against their record within 5 years or were classed as level III alcohol dependents. Drivers in one group were required to install breath alcohol ignition interlock devices in their vehicles and drivers in the other group were not. The research found that drivers with the interlock were one-fifth as likely to be arrested for DUI during the 1 year the device was installed as the comparison group, which did not have the device. However, once the ignition interlock was removed, drivers in this group rapidly returned to DUI arrest rates similar to those in the comparison group. These findings echo previous literature. Additionally, the study showed that this voluntary program in Illinois reached only 16% of the drivers who met the requirements for installing the interlock device. Finally, this study found that individuals who were removed from the interlock program and returned to revoked status continued to drive. Within 3 years, approximately 50% of this latter group were involved in a crash or were arrested for DUI or with an invalid driver's license. Conclusions drawn from the study suggest that the breath alcohol ignition interlock device is effective in preventing continued driving while impaired. However, the large-scale effectiveness of the device is limited since most of the drivers eligible for the device do not have it installed. To have a significant impact, the interlock device must represent a better alternative to drivers whose licenses were suspended or revoked because of alcohol arrests compared to remaining on revoked status without having the device installed. Finally the research suggests that, given the rapid return to predevice recidivism, the devices should remain installed until drivers can demonstrate an extended period of being alcohol free.  相似文献   

The California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) implemented and evaluated a pilot driver improvement program involving the withholding (“masking”) from public inspection of one conviction from the driving record of qualifying drivers. To qualify for masking, the driver had to complete and return a mailed, self-administered test and remain free of traffic convictions and accidents for a period of 6 months after selection into the program. This Home Instruction/Point Reduction Incentive (HI/PRI) countermeasure was developed in two distinct versions: the Speed HI/PRI was designed for multiple violators of the 55 Maximum Speed Law (MSL), and the Negligent Operator (Neg-Op) HI/PRI was designed for drivers classified as negligent operators based on their traffic conviction record. Both HI/PRI countermeasures covered the safety and energy-saving advantages of 55-MSL compliance; the Neg-Op HI/PRI included general traffic safety material as well. The multiple 55-MSL violators were assigned at random to either the Speed HI/PRI or a no-contact comparison group. The negligent operators were assigned at random to one of four conditions: the Neg-Op HI/PRI, the existing DMV group educational meeting, a modified group meeting incorporating 55-MSL issues, or a no-contact comparison group. The Speed HI/ PRI and Neg-Op HI/PRI were each estimated to be cost-beneficial on the basis of accidents prevented. In addition, the Neg-Op HI/PRI had a larger estimated effect on accidents and lower cost than the group meeting countermeasures, which were also cost-beneficial. The coverage of 55-MSL issues in the group meeting did not appear to influence its effect in reducing either accidents or convictions. All of the countermeasures appeared to reduce subsequent convictions.  相似文献   

Most licensing jurisdictions in Australia maintain mandatory assessment programs targeting older drivers, whereby a driver reaching a specified age is required to prove his or her fitness to drive through medical assessment and/or on-road testing. Previous studies both in Australia and elsewhere have consistently failed to demonstrate that age-based mandatory assessment results in reduced crash involvement for older drivers. However studies that have based their results upon either per-population or per-driver crash rates fail to take into account possible differences in driving activity. Because some older people maintain their driving licenses but rarely if ever drive, the proportion of inactive license-holders might be higher in jurisdictions without mandatory assessment relative to jurisdictions with periodic license assessment, where inactive drivers may more readily either surrender or lose their licenses. The failure to control for possible differences in driving activity across jurisdictions may be disguising possible safety benefits associated with mandatory assessment. The current study compared the crash rates of drivers in Melbourne, Australia, where there is no mandatory assessment and Sydney, Australia, where there is regular mandatory assessment from 80 years of age onward. The crash rate comparisons were based on four exposure measures: per population, per licensed driver, per distance driven, and per time spent driving. Poisson regression analysis incorporating an offset to control for inter-jurisdictional road safety differences indicated that there was no difference in crash risk for older drivers based on population. However drivers aged 80 years and older in the Sydney region had statistically higher rates of casualty crash involvement than their Melbourne counterparts on a per license issued basis (RR: 1.15, 1.02-1.29, p=0.02) and time spent driving basis (RR: 1.19, 1.06-1.34, p=0.03). A similar trend was apparent based on distance travelled but was of borderline statistical significance (RR: 1.11, 0.99-1.25, p=0.07). Collectively, it can be inferred from these findings that mandatory license re-testing schemes of the type evaluated have no demonstrable road safety benefits overall. Further research to resolve this on-going policy debate is discussed and recommended.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn 1996, the Ministry of Transportation in Ontario (MTO) implemented the Group Education Session (GES), which is a mandatory license renewal program for drivers aged 80 and older. This study describes an evaluation of the GES to assess its impact on road safety in Ontario, as well as its effect on the safety of individual drivers who participated in the program.MethodsTime series analysis of senior driver records both before and after implementation of the GES, and logistic regression and survival analysis examining senior driver records prior to, and following, their participation in the GES.ResultsUsing time series analysis there is some evidence to suggest that the GES had a positive impact on road safety. According to the other analyses, participation in the GES is associated with a decrease in the odds of collisions and convictions, regardless of whether drivers pass their first attempt of the knowledge test or not. In addition, failing the first road test and/or having demerit points are strong indicators of future collision and conviction involvement.DiscussionResults from this evaluation suggest that the GES has had a protective effect on the safety of senior drivers.Practical ApplicationsThe findings and discussion will help MTO improve the GES program and provide insights to other jurisdictions that have, or are considering, introducing new senior driver programs.  相似文献   

Problem: This study evaluates the degree to which courts have implemented California's ignition interlock program, and surveys judges and district/city attorneys to identify barriers to implementing a successful interlock program. Method: There are three parts to the evaluation. In the first, a sample of drivers arrested for driving on a driving under the influence (DUI)-suspended driver license was examined to calculate the rate at which courts order interlocks for DUI-suspended drivers, as required by California law. The second part of the study used Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) records to count the statewide rate of court-ignition interlock device (IID) orders across time and jurisdictions. The final part surveyed judges, district/city attorneys, and offenders installing an interlock to obtain information about their use of interlock, barriers to implementing an interlock program, and the effectiveness of the devices in preventing drinking and driving. Results: It was found that conviction rates for driving while suspended are low; that judges order interlocks for only a fraction of the convicted driving-while-suspended (DWS) offenders who should receive such an order; and that the majority of offenders who are ordered by the court to install an ignition interlock in their vehicle do not do so. Impact on Industry: Any successful interlock program will need to find a way to balance the inability of many offenders to pay for the devices, with the need for the industry to remain economically viable.  相似文献   

现行安全生产法所规定的各项制度对建立我国新型安全生产秩序、扭转长期落后的被动局面发挥了至关重要的作用,但在安全生产大发展的新形势下,有些地方还有必要进行改革和完善。笔者重点提出并论述六大安全生产法律制度的改革和完善方案即包括:安全设备检测检验制度、安全生产许可证制度、安全生产教育培训制度、安全条件评价制度、生产安全质量标准化建设、安全事故调查程序制度的改革和完善。核心观点是实行分类分级许可发证;安全教育培训要与生产培训相结合;实行矿长、特种作业人员职业技能资格证制度;安全评价工作改为政府部门评审制;安全设备测验工作应充分调动、发挥企业的积极性;应建立安全事故调查组的强制调查手段等。  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this study were to examine characteristics of drivers involved in fatal accidents and to determine if those drivers could be distinguished from California's general driving population on the basis of prior driving record. A sample of drivers involved in 1970–1971 fatal accidents was analyzed and compared to a sample of drivers from the general driving population during the same time period. Drivers who had been drinking prior to the accident, who were considered at-fault for the accident, or whose accident occurred at night were found to have worse prior driving records than other fatal accident-involved drivers. The results also indicated that, as a whole, drivers involved in fatal accidents had worse violation and/or accident records, as well as different demographic and license characteristics than drivers in the general population. The classification functions derived to predict fatal accidents, however, did not differ greatly from regression equations that have been constructed to predict total accidents. It was therefore concluded that prediction systems keyed to total accidents will, to a large extent, also identify high-risk fatal accident drivers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The risk of motor-vehicle collisions increases as driving-related functional abilities decline. These declines can accompany normal or pathological aging and can be identified through driving-related functional screening exams upon license renewal. The objective of this cost-benefit analysis was to determine the utility of four functional screening procedures used to identify drivers at risk for motor-vehicle collisions, as well as an intervention designed to maintain or improve functional abilities. Additionally, this study sought to determine the expected cost per driver if an intervention was designed to target only those drivers who failed the functional ability-based driving screen, versus the expected cost per driver if the intervention was distributed en masse to all drivers 75 years and older. Improving functional abilities in older adults has potential far-reaching health and financial impacts which are broader than their impact of maintaining mobility. METHODS: A decision tree was constructed to evaluate the expected costs and benefits of (a) screening all drivers and intervening when indicated (several screening batteries of varying length were considered), (b) no screening, but intervening with all drivers of older age, or (c) neither screening nor intervening (i.e., re-licensing per usual). Test characteristics and risk probabilities were based on a cohort of drivers aged 75 and older from a previous study (Ball et al., 2006). Relevant sensitivity analyses were conducted. RESULTS: Providing all drivers with the speed-of-processing intervention is the most cost-beneficial option (expected cost per driver = $493.30), even if the cost of the intervention doubles. Sensitivity analysis indicated the effectiveness of the intervention could drop from 86% to 25% and the preventative approach of intervening with all drivers remains the most cost-beneficial strategy. The least cost-beneficial option is almost always re-licensing per usual (expected cost per driver = $1,562.84). CONCLUSION: Screening drivers upon license renewal is not currently beneficial because the available technology cannot consistently identify drivers at risk for a collision. However, the speed-of-processing intervention has demonstrated efficacy in improving driving competence (Roenker et al., 2003) and is a non-invasive, moderate-cost intervention that has the potential to protect the safety and mobility, as well as the financial interests, of older drivers and the community at large.  相似文献   

ProblemTeens and young drivers are often reported as one driver group that has significantly lower seatbelt use rates than other age groups.ObjectiveThis study was designed to address the questions of whether and how seatbelt-use behavior of novice teen drivers is different from young adult drivers and other adult drivers when driving on real roads.MethodDriving data from 148 drivers who participated in two previous naturalistic driving studies were further analyzed. The combined dataset represents 313,500 miles, 37,695 valid trips, and about 9500 h of driving. Drivers did not wear their seatbelts at all during 1284 trips. Two dependent variables were calculated, whether and when drivers used seatbelts during a trip, and analyzed using logistic regression models.ResultsResults of this study found significant differences in the likelihood of seatbelt use between novice teen drivers and each of the three adult groups. Novice teen drivers who recently received their driver's licenses were the most likely to use a seatbelt, followed by older drivers, middle-aged drivers, and young drivers. Young drivers were the least likely to use a seatbelt. Older drivers were also more likely to use seatbelts than the other two adult groups. The results also showed that novice teen drivers were more likely to fasten their seatbelts at the beginning of a trip when compared to the other three adult groups.SummaryNovice teen drivers who were still in the first year after obtaining their driver's license were the most conservative seatbelt users, when compared to adult drivers.Practical applicationFindings from this study have practical application insights in both developing training programs for novice teen drivers and designing seatbelt reminder and interlock systems to promote seatbelt use in certain driver groups.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to assess the effectiveness of Michigan’s graduated driver licensing (GDL) program in terms of nighttime driving restriction. The research uses the quasi-induced exposure technique to capture and represent the exposure and accident risk change of the impacted driver groups due to the implementation of the GDL program. Six years of Michigan accident data were used, including three years before the GDL implementation and three years after. The effectiveness of Michigan’s GDL program in terms of nighttime driving is reflected in several dimensions: for the impacted drivers (16- and 17-year-olds), there is a significant reduction of exposure compared to the reference group and a decrease in the relative accident involvement ratio (thus a reduced accident risk); and examination of time of day distributions of impacted teenage drivers shows that there is a conspicuous percentage drop of impacted teenage drivers at the point where the nighttime curfew starts. With the implementation of the GDL program, the affected group tends to drive increasingly more in the several hours prior to the restricted time period to avoid violating the curfew law. As opposed to the traditional exposure measurements such as population or licensed drivers, quasi-induced exposure technique has the capability of depicting the accident propensity and quantifying exposure change from different age groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine whether a persuasive educational intervention could increase licensure among motorcycle owners. Unlicensed motorcycle operators appear to be disproportionately involved in police-reported motorcycle crashes in Maryland, accounting for about 27% of motorcycle operators in police-reported crashes, although unlicensed owners comprise 17% of primary motorcycle owners. METHODS: A randomized controlled trial was conducted among unlicensed owners. Linking Maryland records of registered motorcycles with license files, 8,499 unlicensed owners who had no licensed co-owners were identified. Half were randomized to receive a persuasive educational mailing in early June 2005 from Maryland Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA). Motorcycle licenses can be attained by passing an accredited motorcycle training class or passing knowledge and skills tests administered by the state driver licensing agency. Licensure rates and motorcycle class enrollment were followed for 6 months post-intervention. RESULTS: As of December 16, 2005, 280 intervention group owners had obtained Class M motorcycle licenses and 158 had obtained Class R motorcycle learner's permits. The comparison group obtained 209 M licenses and 122 R permits. The overall success rate in the intervention group, defined as obtaining Class M or R, was 10.4% compared with 7.9% in the comparison group (licensure ratio (LR) = 1.33; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.16-1.52). The intervention was most successful among men, whose LR for obtaining M licenses was 1.45 (95% CI = 1.21-1.75). LRs were higher among owners ages 40-48 and 49+ receiving the intervention compared with younger groups. Motorcycle training class enrollment rates were higher in the intervention group, particularly among those taking a course for riders with intermediate skills (enrollment ratio = 2.24; 95% CI = 1.41-3.55). CONCLUSION: The intervention appeared to increase licensure, yet the licensure rate remained low among the intervention group. Potential risks and benefits of increasing the percentage of motorcyclists who are licensed need to be studied.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons behind older women's driving cessation by comparing the driving histories of Finnish women who either gave up or renewed their drivers license at the age of 70. METHOD: A mail survey was sent to all Finnish women born in 1927 who gave up their license in 1997 (N=1,476) and to a corresponding random sample of women who renewed their license (N=1,494). The total response rate was 42.1%. RESULTS: The length and level of activity of personal driving history were strongly associated with driving cessation and continuation. Ex-drivers tended to have an inactive driving career behind them, whereas drivers had a more active personal driving history. In addition, those women with an active, "male-like" driving history who had decided to stop driving gave reasons for driving cessation that were similar to what is known about older men's reasons to give up driving. The results suggest that the decision to stop driving is related to driving habits rather than gender.  相似文献   



Young male drivers are over-represented in traffic accidents; they were involved in 14% of fatal accidents from 1991 to 2003 while holding only 8% of all drivers licenses in the UK. In this study, a subset of the UK national road accident data from 1991 to 2003 has been analyzed. The primary aim is to determine how to best use monetary and progressive resources to understand how road safety measures will reduce the severity of accidents involving young male drivers in both London and Great Britain.


Ordered probit models were used to identify specific accident characteristics that increase the likelihood of one of three categorical outcomes of accident severity: slight, serious, or fatal.


Characteristics found to lead to a higher likelihood of serious and fatal injuries are generally similar across Great Britain and London but are different from those predicted to lead to a higher likelihood of slight injuries. Those characteristics predicted to lead to serious and fatal injuries include driving in darkness, between Friday and Sunday, on roads with a speed limit of 60 mph, on single carriageways, overtaking, skidding, hitting an object off the carriageway, and when passing the site of a previous accident. Characteristics predicted to lead to slight injuries include driving in daylight, between Monday and Thursday, on roads with a speed limit of 30 mph or less, at a roundabout, waiting to move, and when an animal is on the carriageway.

Impact on Industry

These results aid the selection of policy options that are most likely to reduce the severity of accidents involving young male drivers.  相似文献   

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