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硝化棉已分别列入危险化学品、易制爆危险化学品和第二批重点监管的危险化学品,硝酸铵也分别列入危险化学品、民用爆炸物品和首批重点监管的危险化学品,二者都是重点监管的对象,但二者相关事故还是时有发生。为了更全面和深刻理解天津港“8·12”特别重大火灾爆炸事故的发生,以危险化学品储存场所外部距离标准要求为切入点,分析了储存场所外部距离变化过程;介绍了初始起火物质硝化棉和导致事故后果严重扩大的硝酸铵2种危险化学品的国内监管分类和相关标准要求,并与事故调查报告中给出的结论进行了对比;针对本起火灾爆炸事故后果特点和非法储存危险物质罪罪行认定条件,剖析了现存的问题。分析结果旨在为政府有关部门及事故调查等工作提供参考。  相似文献   

In the past, the chemical industry in Japan has been the cause of a number of major industrial accidents. Subsequent to each accident, specific lessons have been learned. These lessons learned have been implemented in terms of safety education of the employees and/or safety measures of the equipment and facilities resulting in a rapid decrease of corresponding accident frequencies. In this paper, we summarized both recent and past major accidents caused by chemical substances in fixed installations in Japan. Case studies show that runaway reactions are among the main causes of major accident occurrences in the chemical process industry in Japan. A recent fatal poisoning accident caused by H2S gas generated during maintenance work again highlights the necessity of adequate safety management in a chemical factory. Therefore, even if hazard evaluation of chemical substances and chemical processes is necessary to prevent runaway reactions, human error is also an important factor contributing to reaction hazards [Wakakura, M. (1997) Human factor in chemical accidents, J. Safety Eng. High Press. Gas. Safety Inst. Japan, 34, 846].  相似文献   

From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. Occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 19 years, chemical accident prevention system has been stabilized and various kinds of effectiveness and desirable customer satisfaction have been made.  相似文献   

The article reports the results of different methods of modelling releases and dispersion of dangerous gases or vapours in cases of major accidents from road and rail transportation in urban zones. Transport accidents of dangerous substances are increasingly frequent and can cause serious injuries in densely inhabited areas or pollution of the environment. For quantitative risk assessment and mitigation planning, consequence modelling is necessary.

The modelling of dangerous substance dispersion by standard methods does not fully represent the behaviour of toxic or flammable clouds in obstructed areas such as street canyons. Therefore the predictions from common software packages as ALOHA, EFFECTS, TerEx should be augmented with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) models or physical modelling in aerodynamic tunnels, and further studies are planned to do this.

The goal of this article is to present the results of the first approach of modelling using these standard methods and to demonstrate the importance of the next development stage in the area of transport accident modelling of releases and dispersions of dangerous substances in urban zones in cases of major accident or terrorist attacks.  相似文献   

化工园区内重大危险源数量多、密度大,存在着发生重特大事故的现实性和可能性。因此,亟需建立化工园区安全监控系统对化工园区内的固定危险源、危险工艺过程、危化品车辆和公共区域重要部位进行动态监控和安全监管,预防和消除事故风险,并为化工园区安全监控与事故应急提供技术支持。提出了化工园区安全监控系统系统硬件架构,介绍了化工园区安全参数设置方法、安全监控流程和事故预警机制,提出了系统软件的总体架构和功能。  相似文献   

基于风险管理方法的危险源评价分级研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
以化工企业内涉及危险物质的装置、设施而构成的危险源为研究对象,在简要分析重大危险源评价分级的作用与方法的基础上,针对中小型化工企业,提出基于风险管理方法的危险源评价分级概念。通过计算危险源引发事故的概率和事故后果来确定危险源的风险值,并将其分为4个等级,指导企业制定合适的安全管理制度、使用恰当的安全技术措施,以最小化的代价确保危险源安全运行,从而提高中小型化工企业的危险源管理水平。  相似文献   

简要论述了建国以来数次事故高峰和当前安全生产面临的严峻局面,分析了事故高发和职业危害严重的主要原因及隐患整治、重大危险源控制、安全法制、安全生产管理体制、职工素质、舆论监督、伤亡事故统计、经济处罚等方面存在的问题,提出了控制对策和建议。  相似文献   

聚合岗位是石油化工厂聚丙烯车间重要且非常危险的岗位,一旦发生意外事故,将会导致人员的重大伤亡和巨大的经济损失。笔者依据聚丙烯车间生产现状,详细地介绍了12m3 釜聚合岗位工艺流程,用“系统安全”的理论和方法对其主要物质、生产工艺、操作过程的危险性进行了辨识,且绘制了主要危险点分布图;通过危险源辨识可知,聚合釜具有的超温、超压特点是该岗位众多危险源中最为严重的潜在危险,应用“事故树法”对聚合釜超温、超压爆炸事故进行了危险分析,找出其爆炸潜在的危险因素有2 4种,该事故树的最小割集共有6 6个,表明聚合釜爆炸可能性是很大的。依据分析结果,针对聚合釜爆炸可能性最大的危险因素,提出了安全对策与措施,以避免或减少爆炸事故的发生  相似文献   

重大危险源普查与建立重大事故预防控制体系   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
本简要介绍了重大危险源普查技术方法和北京、上海等6城市重大危险源普查结果。论述了重大事故预防控制体系要素,包括重大危险源普查(辨识)、评价、安全管理、应急计划、安全规划、安全监察,GIS网络监控系统等。  相似文献   

事故致因因素和危险源理论分析   总被引:12,自引:6,他引:6  
基于事故的致因因素,国内外提出了各种危险源的概念和分类方式,如能量单元的危险源、两类危险源和三类危险源。我国安全生产法规和标准对事故致因因素也有"危险因素"、"有害因素"、"不安全因素"、"事故隐患"等术语形式的表述。为准确理解和运用系统安全理论和方法,应基于事故致因理论,系统分析事故致因因素,在该基础上,诠释各种危险源理论,明晰各种涉及事故致因因素的概念。分析表明:事故致因因素包括能量物质或载体、物的不安全状态和人的不安全行为以及管理因素;各种危险源的概念和分类,都是基于事故致因因素的划分和表述。  相似文献   

The production and storage of dangerous substances in an industrial establishment creates risks for man, environment and properties in the surrounding area. Safety regulations require the establishment of a preventive information campaign regarding industrial risks and self-defence measures to adopt in an emergency situation. In the case of a major accident, people must be promptly made aware of the appropriate self-defence actions and behaviours to adopt. This strategic activity can reduce the panic effect, make citizens more cooperative and guarantee the effectiveness of any emergency plan. In this paper, the information chain is studied as an industrial process modelled by the IDEF0 language. Through this method, each link in the chain has been deeply analysed. For each function of the process, the inputs, outputs and necessary controls and resources have been identified. Starting from a clear view of the current state, the process of re-engineering has been implemented to minimise or eliminate downtime, deficiencies and illnesses and, thus, consequent time losses. The main contribution of the IDEF0 application in emergency management is to provide a clear view of the whole system, a communication system between emergency actors, a rich information source and a structured base for the re-engineering process.  相似文献   

简述了我国重大工业事故发生的主要原因,提出了建立重大事故预防控制体系的建议,制定《重大事故预防和控制法》,实行重大危险源上报、登记、评价、分级监察管理,建立国家、省、市三级重大事故应急反应系统和重大危险源动态监控网络系统。  相似文献   

危险化学品火灾爆炸事故鉴证   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
笔者综述危险化学品火灾爆炸事故鉴证工作的重要作用,针对分析鉴定工作中存在的问题和难点,提出鉴证工作的基本程序和方法即包括各种物证(含气态、液态和固态等物证)的采集、检材的提取、分析检验。在该类火灾爆炸事故发生后,对危险化学品生产、储存、运输过程进行综合分析,取得事故鉴证的结论——查明事故发生的真实原因,作为事故处理的技术依据。从而不仅查找出导致事故发生的原因,且可以举一反三,了解和消除生产过程中存在的问题和隐患,真正做到防患于未然。  相似文献   

危险源的概念辨析   总被引:4,自引:10,他引:4  
在现代安全科学理论中,危险源是人们认识事故形成机理的重要因素。但在学术研究领域,目前对于危险源的描述和表达并不统一。这不利于人们在生产活动中应用危险源理论开展事故预防工作。虽然危险源的一些主流概念和分类方法,从不同侧面阐明了危险源的特征和本质,却仍有其局限性。主流的危险源分类方法包括根源危险源和状态危险源、第一类危险源和第二类危险源、固有型危险源和触发型危险源、固有危险源和变动危险源、物质性危险源和非物质性危险源等。基本型危险源和控制型危险源是在传统危险源概念和分类方法基础上,对于危险源本质和特征的新的认识。基本型危险源的本质是能量或危险物质,而控制型危险源导致了前者的约束机制失效。从本质上讲,无论是约束机制自身还是约束机制失效,都是一个控制问题和系统问题。  相似文献   

近年来我国发生的一些危险化学品环境污染重特大事故,其产生的原因主要是危险化学品在生产、运输、储存和使用中突发事故使危险化学品进入环境,从而造成污染.降低危险化学品突发事故环境污染的危害,一方面需要做好防灾工作,科学合理地规划与布局,加强安全生产监管,做好事故预案,科学处置突发事故;另一方面要积极采取有效减灾措施,对陆地、水环境中的危险化学品进行控制和处理,对大气中的危险化学品及燃烧爆炸的产物进行净化,对救援中产生的污水进行无毒化处理.  相似文献   

From the 1960s, Korean industries have been encouraged by the government to nurture heavy and chemical industry and to modernize the economics and industrial structures. The development of chemical industry particularly became the turning point in industrial development, and played a major role in the construction of a new industrialized country. However, the process systems in the chemical industry have become more complex and larger, and the inventories of dangerous chemicals that are produced or consumed have continuously increased. Therefore, the hazards from potential accidents such as fire and explosion or release of toxic chemicals have also increased. In fact, from the end of 1980s to the beginning of 1990s in Korea, a number of major industrial accidents such as ABS extruder explosion, TDI release and dryer explosion, etc. occurred and caused many fatalities. As the chemical companies recognized the importance of preventing major hazards, PSM system, the prevention of major industrial accidents, was introduced in January 1995 by amending Industrial Safety and Health Act, and it has been enforced from January 1, 1996. According to the law, the business owner of a workplace with hazardous or dangerous equipment shall submit a process safety report to the Government to prevent any accidents, which could inflict an immediate damage on workers or on areas in the vicinity of the workplaces. As a result of PSM implementation for 7 years, various kinds of effectiveness have been made. Accident rate including number of fatalities has been decreased, and productivity has been increased as well as product quality.  相似文献   

Export inherent safety NOT risk   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The author presents a personal view that production of bulk chemicals and the attendant risks are being transferred from developed to developing nations. Some evidence is presented on the transfer of production. The transferred risk is increased because of the larger scale plants that are now built in locales that are less able to cope with the increased hazards. Bhopal was an example of an inherently unsafe plant, with major hazards that could have been avoided or drastically reduced by design. It behoves the industry to adopt the inherently safer philosophy and practice in the new plants that it builds, in order to minimise the opportunity for another accident like Bhopal and the threat to our industry that such an accident would pose.  相似文献   

This paper highlights major steps in the procedure for evaluating the consequences of accidents involving dangerous substances, especially during the storage, and loading/unloading activities. The procedure relies on identifying accident scenarios that could be encountered at particular plants, followed by a modelling of these scenarios by means of available modelling systems. Finally, the resultant outcomes are identified, together with their effects on both people and property. The resources needed to perform this procedure are discussed, in order to clarify the roles of plant operators, external experts and other institutions when evaluating any accident consequences. Four examples, all relevant in industrial practice, are given in order to illustrate the procedure: the releasing of liquified petroleum gas, flammable organic solvents, toxic chlorine, and oil fuels. The results of these studies may be used for a quick order-of-magnitude estimation of accidents consequences.  相似文献   

In this paper, after briefly outlining the main features of TRAT2, its application to the land transport of dangerous goods through the downtown of Messina is outlined. Owing to its particular location, there is a large flow of hazardous materials through the city of Messina. Many of these substances come from the greatest industrialised areas of Sicily. Goods reach the town by rail or road, and cross the Straits by ship. A complete inventory of dangerous substances, detailed in the paper, was the basis of a complete risk analysis, whose results, obtained by means of the TRAT2 software, have been analysed and discussed. From both individual risk distribution and societal risk curves the importance of parameters has been obtained and this has suggested measures to improve the safety of the urban area.  相似文献   

论重大危险源监控与重大事故隐患治理   总被引:19,自引:12,他引:19  
重大危险源是指工业活动中危险物质或能量超过临界量的设备、设施或场所。工业活动中重大火灾、爆炸、毒物泄漏事故 ,尽管其起因和影响不尽相同 ,但都有一个共同的特征 :其根源是存在大量的易燃、易爆、有毒物质或具有引发灾难事故的能量。重大危险源同重大事故隐患是两个既有联系又有区别的概念 ,前者强调设备、设施、场所中存在或固有的危险物质 (能量 )的多少 ,后者则可以认为是出现明显缺陷 (人的不安全行为 ,物的不安全状态或管理上的缺陷 )的重大危险源。从重大事故隐患治理到重大危险源普查 (申报 )、监控是预防重大事故理论与技术的进步 ,是从源头抓预防 ,是落实预防为主 ,关口前移的具体体现 ,也是国家安全生产法律、法规的强制要求。笔者论述了重大危险源监控、重大事故隐患治理与重大事故预防之间的区别与联系 ,用事故是能量意外释放的观点 ,论述了安全是相对的、危险是永存的、事故是可以预防的 ;分析了建立重大危险源监控体系与重大事故预防控制体系的几大要素 ,即危险源辨识、评价、分级管理与监控 ,应急救援等。  相似文献   

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