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彭海珠  张新妙 《化工环保》2019,39(5):516-520
采用“沉淀—超滤—反渗透—电去离子”工艺处理精对苯二甲酸精制废水,产水作为生产工艺用水回用于生产系统,考察了各工艺单元的操作条件。实验结果表明,在沉淀时间为4 h、超滤膜截留分子量为1 000且采用错流过滤模式、反渗透运行压力为1.8~2.2 MPa且温度控制在25~30 ℃、电去离子单元出水电阻率为5 MΩ·cm的操作条件下,最终出水水质优于GB/T 50109—2014《工业用水软化除盐设计规范》中的二级除盐水指标,可回用为生产工艺用水。  相似文献   

In situ bioremediation was selected in the Record of Decision (ROD) as the remedial technology for a 29‐acre dilute, acidic and aerobic, chlorinated solvent plume (principally trichloroethylene [TCE] and 1,1‐dichloroethylene) for a Superfund site located in central New Jersey. Implementation of the remedy at full‐scale began in late 2010, using reductive dechlorination and bioaugmentation, and treatment has continued steadily over the last 9 years. The amendments injected include electron donor and alkaline (bicarbonate) buffer solution and, once anaerobic aquifer conditions became established, a bioaugmentation culture. Amendment injections occurred in multilevel injection wells (IWs), to maintain control over the vertical interval of amendment delivery. The areal coverage of the plume has been reduced by 59% based on the 10 µg/L TCE isocontour and the contaminant mass has been reduced by 79% through the 9 years of treatment. Lessons learned from this project include the need for bioaugmentation in the acidic aquifer and an efficient and effective manner of well construction and amendment injection using multiscreen single casing IWs and packer systems. Additional lessons learned include differences in longevity of the electron donor amendment versus the bicarbonate neutralization additive, and the need for varied amendment delivery techniques (IWs, direct injection, horizontal well installation) in selected lower permeable zones to attain treatment.  相似文献   

以椰壳活性炭(CSAC)为载体负载CuO制备了CuO/CSAC催化剂。采用正交实验优化了CuO/CSAC催化剂的制备工艺条件,采用单因素实验和响应面实验优化了CuO/CSAC催化剂处理模拟酸性大红GR废水的工艺参数。结果表明:在CSAC加入量5 g、煅烧时间2.5 h、煅烧温度300 ℃、0.5 mol/L的硝酸铜溶液用量15 mL的最佳工艺条件下,CuO/CSAC催化剂微孔结构丰富,CuO特征峰明显;CuO/CSAC催化剂处理酸性大红GR废水的最佳工艺参数为pH 5.0,曝气时间4.10 h,催化剂加入量0.57 g,可将100 mL初始COD 962 mg/L、初始色度32 700倍的废水分别处理至残余COD 41.5 mg/L,残余色度28.4倍。建立了以残余COD和残余色度为响应值的工艺模型,计算值与实验值的相对误差均在±10%以内。  相似文献   

There has been a great deal of focus on methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE) over the past few years by local, state, and federal government, industry, public stakeholders, the environmental services market, and educational institutions. This focus is, in large part, the result of the widespread detection of MTBE in groundwater and surface waters across the United States. The presence of MTBE in groundwater has been attributed primarily to the release from underground storage tank (UST) systems at gasoline service stations. MTBE's physical and chemical properties are different than other constituents of gasoline that have traditionally been cause for concern [benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes (BTEX)]. This difference in properties is why MTBE migrates differently in the subsurface environment and exhibits different constraints relative to mitigation and remediation of MTBE once it has been released to subsurface soils and groundwater. Resource Control Corporation (RCC) has accomplished the remediation of MTBE from subsurface soil and groundwater at multiple sites using ozone. RCC has successfully applied ozone at several sites with different lithologies, geochemistry, and concentrations of constituents of concern. This article presents results from several projects utilizing in situ chemical oxidation with ozone. On these projects MTBE concentrations in groundwater were reduced to remedial objectives usually sooner than anticipated. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

制皂工业废水处理新工艺   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了用脱硫-混凝-膜过滤处理制皂工业废水的新工艺,并就担任条件的变化对试验结果的影响进行了分析和探讨。  相似文献   

Since the early 1970s, technologies for remediating organic contamination in soils and groundwater have evolved through three stages with primary emphasis on (1) gross removal processes, (2) active in situ treatment, and (3) risk-based closure and natural attentuation. Technologies for treating metals contamination are evolving through similar stages. In the late 1990s, metals remediation has arrived at the second stage in which a wide range of in situ technologies are available either to extract metals directly from the subsurface or to render them immobile and harmless. In situ geochemical fixation is an example of a commercial technology capable of addressing a wide range of metals contamination sites. Four case histories demonstrate the versatility of this approach. Other promising technologies for treating metals contamination are also emerging. These include geokinetics, biocatalytic precipitation processes, phytoremediation, and artificial wetlands. As our knowledge continues to grow, the most elegant solutions to metals contamination will rely more and more heavily on the soil's natural capacity to stabilize and immobilize metals over time.  相似文献   

Fresh leachate, generated in municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) plants, contains various pollutants with extremely high strength organics, which usually requires expensive and complex treatment processes. This study investigated the feasibility of blending treatment of MSWI leachate with municipal wastewater. Fresh MSWI leachate was pretreated by coagulation–flocculation with FeCl3 2 g/L and CaO 25 g/L, plate-and-frame filter press, followed by ammonia stripping at pH above 12. After that, blending treatment was carried out in a full-scale municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) for approximately 3 months. Different operational modes consisting of different pretreated leachate and methanol addition levels were tested, and their performances were evaluated. Results showed that throughout the experimental period, monitored parameters in the WWTP effluent, including COD (<60 mg/L), BOD5 (<20 mg/L), ammonium (<8 mg/L), phosphorus (<1.5 mg/L) and heavy metals, generally complied with the Chinese sewage discharged standard. Under the experimental conditions, a certain amount of methanol was needed to fulfill TN removal. An estimation of the operation cost revealed that the expenditure of blending treatment was much lower than the total costs of respective treatment of MSWI leachate and municipal wastewater. The outcomes indicated that blending treatment could not only improve the treatability of the MSWI leachate, but also reduce the treatment cost of the two different wastewaters.  相似文献   

陈燕斌 《化工环保》2012,40(3):342-345
针对已建炼化污水处理装置提质达标的需求,采用旋流强化工艺对缺氧-好氧(A/O)池进行改造,生化出水TN由(32.8±8.9)mg/L降至(25.6±5.7) mg/L,TN平均去除率提高了约10百分点,且出水TN达标率达到100%,出水水质稳定达到GB 31570—2015《石油炼制行业污染物排放标准》的TN排放限值要求。旋流强化工艺技术先进,便于实施,适用于石化行业污水处理装置的改造升级,具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

化学沉淀-微滤法处理FGD废水的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了化学沉淀-微滤法工艺处理湿法烟气脱硫(FGD)废水的效果、实际运行中可能出现的膜污染及其解决方法。试验表明,化学沉淀-微滤工艺处理FGD废水,效果好、抗冲击负荷能力强、系统占地小、自控性强、易于操作,但随着系统的运行,污泥浓度会随之增大,从而导致膜污染,必须定期排泥和进行膜清洗。  相似文献   

In situ chemical fixation represents a promising and potentially cost‐effective treatment alternative for metal‐contaminated soils. This article presents the findings of the use of iron‐bearing soil amendments to reduce the leachability and bioaccessibility of arsenic in soils impacted by stack fallout from a zinc smelter. The focus of this investigation was to reduce the lead bioaccessibility of the soils through addition with phosphorus‐bearing amendments. However, as phosphorus addition was expected to increase arsenic mobility, the fixation strategy also incorporated use of iron‐bearing amendments to offset or reverse these effects. The findings of this investigation demonstrated that inclusion of iron‐bearing chemicals in the amendment formulation reduced arsenic leachability and bioaccessibility without compromising amendment effectiveness for reducing lead bioaccessibility. These results suggest that in situ chemical fixation has the potential to be an effective strategy for treatment of the impacted soils. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

中试研究了内循环(IC)反应器处理甲醇制烯烃(MTO)废水的启动和运行过程,同时考察了颗粒污泥的性状及沼气产量的变化情况。试验过程运行稳定,系统抗冲击性强。以絮状污泥为接种污泥,经过131 d的启动和运行,IC反应器的COD去除负荷可达10 kg/(m~3·d)以上,COD去除率可达90%以上。IC反应器中的成熟颗粒污泥形状规则、密实、粒径大、沉降速率快。IC反应器的沼气产量符合理论预期。  相似文献   

An immobilized microbial cell system was developed and tested for the treatment of industrial wastewater. A consortium of selected aerobic microorganisms was immobilized onto several different support matrices in a packed bed reactor configuration and operated in a continuous process mode. Comparison of the support matrices showed only small differences in treatment efficiency, but significant differences in sludge production and process stability. Porous polymer supports were highly resistant to feedstream upsets and produced 80% lower sludge solids as compared with non-porous supports. These results were seen at both the benchtop and pilot plant scale for treatment of complex industrial waste streams. This technology was applied, in preliminary experiments, to the treatment of a model waste stream simulating wastewater from a Controlled Ecological Life-Support System (CELSS).  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Red gypsum comes from TiO2 production industry by sulfate method, which comes from the low acidic liquid stream treatment using lime or limestone....  相似文献   

李述良 《化工环保》2012,40(5):551-554
对某炼油厂废水处理装置进行提标改造。在原炼油废水处理流程的基础上将接触氧化池改造为移动床生物膜反应器(MBBR),将斜板沉淀池改换为高密度沉淀池,分别为新增曝气生物滤池(BAF)、催化臭氧氧化等深度处理工艺。改造后装置运行平稳,出水各项指标的6个月平均值:COD 25.2 mg/L,ρ(NH3-N) 1.3 mg/L,TN 12.6 mg/L,TP 0.11 mg/L,满足《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》(GB 31570—2015)的排放要求。改造后每年COD和NH3-N消减分别约为240 t和44 t,环境效益显著。  相似文献   

建筑涂料生产废水的处理技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用混凝沉淀-芬顿试剂催化氧化-活性炭吸附工艺对建筑涂料生产废水的处理进行了研究。用硫酸铝作混凝剂,投加量为500mg/L:芬顿试剂法处理的废水pH为6.0,H2O2/COD值为4.0,FeSO4投加量为1540mg/L,氧化反应时间大于4h;活性炭投加量为0.2g/L时,处理后出水COD小于100mg/L。  相似文献   

We have succeeded in converting waste polystyrene from electrical appliances into a polymer flocculant for treating some kinds of wastewater after chemical modification. Waste polystyrene, such as polystyrene foam and additive-containing TV cabinets, was converted into a water-soluble polymer, polystyrene sulfate (PSS), and PSS of various degrees of aqueous viscosity was obtained by introducing sulfone bridges during sulfonation. We examined the relationship between the degree of flocculation of wastewater and the aqueous viscosity of the PSS, and found that PSS with medium viscosity is most suitable for flocculating inorganic wastewater from a factory, and PSS with high viscosity is most suitable for dewatering organic domestic wastewater. We report how PSS containing sulfone bridges works as a polymer flocculant for treating wastewater. Received: July 19, 2000 / Accepted: September 21, 2000  相似文献   

洗车废水产生的污染越发严重,对洗车废水进行回收利用势在必行.介绍了洗车废水的水质特点,概括和比较了目前用于洗车废水处理和回用的工艺和主要装置,分析了其各自的适用情况和存在问题,并对发展方向进行了展望.  相似文献   

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