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城市空气质量的管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据“城市空气质量管理,欧盟和中国的实践与经验”国际会专家的发言,整理出有关中国城市空气质量管理的10条建议,城市空气质量管理工作要加强其有生的评估,环保立法 和标准工作要体现先进性,发挥引导作用,城市空气质量管理要有科学研究的支持增强科学性;城市空气质量管理要有区域性的观点,城市质量管理要有前瞻性;城市质量要贯彻可持续发展战略,环保部门负责做好;空气质量管理,积极参与空气的污染治理,深化空气质量  相似文献   

用空气污染指数评价城市空气质量   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
主要介绍空气污染指数的概念,分级浓度限值,空气污染系数的计算方法,如何用空气污染指数评价城市空气质量,空气质量周报的发布,以及利用空气污染指数评价重点城市空气质量时存在的问题。  相似文献   

据新华社电世界卫生组织日前发布的最新城市空气质量数据库显示,数据库涵盖的多数城市的室外空气质量超过其设定的健康标准。新数据库覆盖90多个国家的1600个城市,其覆盖范围较2011年版本大幅提高,并首次将众多中小城市空气污染数据纳入其中。  相似文献   

据中国环境监测总站对47个环境保护重点城市2004年1至11月空气质量监测结果分析表明:与2003年同期相比,空气质量整体略有提高;二级及好于二级天数比例增加的城市有22个,天数减少的城市有19个。空气质量全都为二级及好于二级的城市有7个,分别为海口、北海、珠海、桂林、湛江、汕头和厦门;90%以上天数空气质量为二级及好于二级的城市有21个,占总数的44.7%,比去年同期减少2.1%。  相似文献   

空气质量日报传输方法的改进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
中国环境监测总站已从2000年6月5日起在中央电视台一套节目发布重点城市空气质量日报,并同时在中国环保网站上发布,为了作好此项工作,中国环境监测总站下发了<城市空气质量日报技术规定>、<关于尽快完成空气质量日报数据传输的紧急通知>、<关于加强空气质量日报数据传输时效和规范性的紧急通知>等一系列通知,要求各重点城市按照日报技术规定每日按时向中国环境监测总站传报数据.  相似文献   

运用神经网络方法,将城市空气质量状况与大气污染物对空气质量的损害程度相关联,采用了"基于大气污染损害率的API法"评价概念,模拟发布长春市空气质量日报,同时公布次要污染物,并与API法进行同时段比对实验与综合分析。  相似文献   

据中国环境监测总站对47个环境保护重点城市2005年上半年空气质量分析表明,与2004年相比,空气质量整体有所提高;二级及好于二级天数增加的城市有28个,天数相同的城市有6个,天数减少的城市有13个。空气质量全都为二级及好于二级的城市有7个;90%以上天数空气质量为二级及好于二级的城市有27个,占总数的57.4%,比2004年增加17.0%。二级及好于二级空气质量天数比2004年同期增加20%以上的城市有3个。  相似文献   

浅谈空气质量预报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
空气质量从周报、日报发展到预报,这是一个飞跃,如何进入这个飞跃,目前各城市都在摸索,现就此问题谈几点粗浅的看法。1环境空气质量预报与周(日)报的区别空气质量的周报、日报与预报,虽然一字之差,但它们有着显著的区别,前者是仪器直接监测并经过处理的数据,它...  相似文献   

重点城市空气质量日报分析和图形表征技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了利用数据库管理系统和ArcGIS平台开发的全国重点城市空气质量空间查询、分析和图形表征系统,较好地利用全国重点城市空气质量日报数据分析全国空气质量时间变化趋势和空间区域分布.  相似文献   

基于“数字政府”统一框架,设计并建立了基于大数据智能技术的空气质量综合分析系统,集空气质量大数据集成、数据审核、监控报警、综合分析、达标管理、污染溯源功能于一体,建立城市空气质量综合监管数学模型,实现空气质量大数据快速分析及可视化、空气质量预测及评价,可以全方位提升城市环境空气质量综合监测与分析能力,及时、迅速地对城市环境空气质量异常状况作出应对,为环境空气污染精准治理及确保空气站监测数据准确性提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

美国空气质量监测的经验与启示   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
2013年9月10日,国务院发布《大气污染防治行动计划》,为当前和今后一个时期全国大气污染防治工作提供行动指南。近年来,中国空气质量监测工作发展迅猛,但新的空气质量管理目标对空气质量监测水平提出了更高的要求。为了加强中国空气质量监测能力,文章总结了美国空气质量监测四十多年的发展历程,介绍了美国系统谋划监测战略、合理布设监测网络、严格控制数据质量、开展污染组分分析、科学应用监测结果、积极推动公众参与等方面的经验,为中国发展和完善空气质量监测体系提供参考,为切实改善空气质量提供技术支持。  相似文献   

面对严峻的大气污染防治形势,国务院《大气污染防治行动计划》(简称国家"大气十条")明确了到2017年大气污染防治的阶段性目标。在借鉴国外有关空气质量达标管理经验的基础上,提出组织实施"大气十条",需要以空气质量持续改善为目标,围绕空气质量达标管理这条主线,完善配套的政策、法规、标准、技术以及评估、考核等一系列方法和制度体系。  相似文献   

对我国《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)和《地下水质量标准》(GB/T 14848-1993)与美国EPA《清洁水法案》和《安全饮用水法案》中适用范围、分类分级、指标项目、标准限值以及修订周期等方面内容进行比较分析。指出了我国饮用水水源水质标准存在的问题,提出构建和修订我国水源地水质标准的建议。  相似文献   

The success of the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions requires that there are scientifically sound and usable measurement methods for the emission baseline. Three different methods are investigated in the context of China’s electrical sector: simulation with dispatch analysis, decomposition analysis, and operating and build margin analysis. It is found that dispatch analysis is the best method available as it is able to consider important regional and temporal dimensions, while decomposition analysis can help quantify the potential effects of different energy and environment policy choices.  相似文献   

借鉴美国加州南岸空气质量预报经验,特别是其运行管理模式对于现阶段中国城市环境空气质量预测预报具有极高的参考价值。简要介绍了加州南岸空气质量管理局(SCAQMD)空气质量预报业务流程、技术方法、信息发布方式和预报效果评估策略。建议从4个方面借鉴SCAQMD经验:(1)建立相对完善的空气质量预报体系,分层级自上而下指导预报工作;(2)选择合适的空气质量预报方法,综合统筹成本-效益评估工作;(3)评估预报效果进而提高预报准确率;(4)在优化空气质量预报能力的基础上,有序开展预警协同控制工作。  相似文献   

States may protect coral reefs using biological water quality standards outlined by the Clean Water Act. This requires biological assessments with indicators sensitive to human disturbance and regional, probability-based survey designs. Stony coral condition was characterized on a regional scale for the first time in the nearshore waters of the US Virgin Islands (USVI). Coral composition, abundance, size, and health were assessed at 66 stations in the St. Croix region in fall 2007 and at 63 stations in the St. Thomas and St. John region in winter 2009. Indicators were chosen for their sensitivity to human disturbance. Both surveys were probability-based (random) designs with station locations preselected from areas covered by hardbottom and coral reef substrate. Taxa richness was as high as 21 species but more than half the area of both regions exhibited taxa richness of <10 species in the 25 m2 transect area. Coral density was as high as 5 colonies m?2 but more than half the area of both regions had <2 colonies m?2. Both regions showed similar dominant species based on frequency of occurrence and relative abundance. Because of large colony sizes, Montastrea annularis provided more total surface area and live surface area than more abundant species. The surveys establish baseline regional conditions and provide a foundation for long-term regional monitoring envisioned by the USVI Department of Planning and Natural Resources. The probabilistic sampling design assures the data can be used in Clean Water Act reporting.  相似文献   

This investigation presents the assessment of ambient air quality with respect to suspended particulate matter (SPM), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) at four sites (RGC, SRS, BBC and BCC) in the Raniganj-Asansol area in West Bengal, India. Ambient air was monitored with a sampling frequency of twenty four hours (3 × 8 hours) at each site on every alternate day (3 days a week) covering a period of one year. A total of 429 samples were collected from RGC, 429 from SRS and 435 each from the BBC and BCC sites. Meteorological parameters such as temperature, relative humidity, wind-speed and wind-direction were also recorded simultaneously during the sampling period. Monthly and seasonal variation of these pollutants have been observed and recorded. The annual average and range values have also been calculated. Results of the investigation indicates that the 95th percentile values of SPM levels exceed the limits (200 g m-3) at RGC, SRS and BBC sites and is within the limit of 500 g m-3 at the BCC sites. The 95th percentile values of SO2 levels did not exceed the reference level at any of the monitoring stations. The 95th percentile values of NOX are found to be exceeding the limit (80 g m-3) at RGC, SRS and BBC sites but is within the prescribed limit of 120 g m-3 at the BCC site. Further, it has been observed that the concentrations of the pollutants are high in winter in comparison to the summer or the monsoon seasons. Results of the investigation indicates that industrial activities, indiscriminate open air burning of coal by the local inhabitants for cooking as well as coking purposes, vehicular traffic, etc. are responsible for the high concentration of pollutants in this area.  相似文献   

A method is proposed to build integrated models (also called Metamodels) aimed at quantifying the economic efficiency of air quality policies. This Metamodeling approach is based on the coupling of two complementary models, that operate at different scales in space and time, and which represent the economic and the physical and chemical processes, respectively. The joint consideration of the physico-chemical and techno-economic structure of the pollution control problems permits a comprehensive evaluation of air pollution abatement strategies. The motivating pollution control problems include urban-regional air quality management through efficient energy and traffic control policies. A pilot study, exploiting data collected in the Geneva canton (Switzerland), is used to demonstrate the potential of the approach.  相似文献   

空气净化器可有效改善雾霾天气下室内空气质量,颗粒物去除效果与洁净空气量(CADR)是衡量其性能的主要参数。在典型室内环境下,以香烟源颗粒物为目标,开展空气扰动对净化器去除颗粒物效果和CADR的影响实验与评价分析。结果显示,在室内空气扰动下,净化器对粒径≥5μm的颗粒物去除率为75.6%,在无空气扰动情况下的去除率为46.6%。空气净化器对粒径0.3μm^5μm的颗粒物有较好的去除效果,而对于粒径10μm的较大颗粒物,空气扰动造成CADR增加。空气扰动在一定程度上提升了空气净化器的净化能力,同时在性能方面也存在影响。  相似文献   

A quantitatively robust yet parsimonious air-quality monitoring network in mountainous regions requires special attention to relevant spatial and temporal scales of measurement and inference. The design of monitoring networks should focus on the objectives required by public agencies, namely: 1) determine if some threshold has been exceeded (e.g., for regulatory purposes), and 2) identify spatial patterns and temporal trends (e.g., to protect natural resources). A short-term, multi-scale assessment to quantify spatial variability in air quality is a valuable asset in designing a network, in conjunction with an evaluation of existing data and simulation-model output. A recent assessment in Washington state (USA) quantified spatial variability in tropospheric ozone distribution ranging from a single watershed to the western third of the state. Spatial and temporal coherence in ozone exposure modified by predictable elevational relationships ( 1.3 ppbv ozone per 100 m elevation gain) extends from urban areas to the crest of the Cascade Range. This suggests that a sparse network of permanent analyzers is sufficient at all spatial scales, with the option of periodic intensive measurements to validate network design. It is imperative that agencies cooperate in the design of monitoring networks in mountainous regions to optimize data collection and financial efficiencies.  相似文献   

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