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产业、人口和土地非农化是城市化的基本内涵与表现,其协调性关系到城市化的可持续发展。运用协调耦合度模型和重心法分析1999年至2011年浙江省城市化过程中产业、人口与土地非农化的协调性与空间均衡性,通过皮尔逊相关性检验协调耦合度的影响因素,结果表明:1研究期全省产业、人口与土地非农化的协调耦合度得到持续提高,由0.54上升至0.76,从中协调耦合等级发展为较协调耦合等级,各市协调耦合度及其等级都获得相应提高,但北高南低,南北分化的空间差异特征依然显著;2以2005年为界,前半期全省及省内各市协调耦合度增速较快,但2005年之后显著放缓,说明促进各要素协调非农化的难度在上升;3地区不平衡未得到有效控制,西北部人口非农化速度领先、东北部产业非农化较快、中南部土地非农化超前,阻碍了综合协调耦合度的提高;4经济发展、城乡居民收入与公共服务水平,就业结构和土地资源禀赋等是影响产业、人口与土地协调非农化的重要因素。今后产业、人口和土地非农化协调性的提高将依赖于各要素非农化相互作用和地区平衡性的改善。东北部地区需着重推进产业升级和城乡一体化建设;西北部地区提高失业、住房等社会保障覆盖面,促进进城农民工市民化;中南部巩固农业的同时积极发展二三产业,增加非农就业,改善公共服务,同时优化土地利用管理,控制城市低效蔓延。 相似文献
转型期中国耕地非农化与土地退化的实证分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
改革开放以来.伴随着国民经济的快速发展.中国的耕地非农化速度也在不断加快。并由此产生了大量的社会和环境问题。本文从人类土地利用行为变化的角度提出了分析耕地非农化对土地退化影响的基本思路:然后基于这一思路.并结合对全国层面统计数据的计量分析.深入探讨了转型期中国的耕地非农化对土地退化的影响:研究表明由耕地非农化所引致的耕地开垦、耕地集约利用以及非农建设用地扩张等人们土地利用行为的变化会最终引起土地资源的退化:包括水土流失和土地沙化的加剧、土壤质量的退化以及土地污染的加剧等。 相似文献
基于结构视角的中国人口城市化与土地城市化异速增长研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
回顾中国最近20年的快速城市化里程,土地资源紧缺和城市化空间需求剧增的矛盾一直尖锐。而土地城市化快于人口城市化已经成为社会各界的共识。但从系统角度看,这仅是城市系统的表象,应从结构层面剖析其内在差异性。本文从区域结构、建设用地结构、城市规模结构等视角,采用异速增长模型,分析了我国2001-2014年土地城市化与人口城市化异速增长的内在关系。结果表明:从区域结构视角看,近14年我国东部地区和中部地区土地城市化始终快于人口城市化,而西部地区则不存在该问题;从建设用地结构角度看,公共管理和公共服务用地、物流仓储用地和居住用地也不存在土地城市化快于人口城市化的问题,虽工业用地、绿地和道路与交通设施用地扩张速度快于城市人口增速,但这体现了城市功能的优化和提升;从城市规模结构角度看,20万以下、500万以上的城市土地城市化慢于人口城市化,而20-50万、50-100万城市的土地城市化快于人口城市化现象明显,100-300万、300-500万的城市则出现了异速增长模式的不同转换。结果证明,中国的人口城市化与土地城市化之间存在明显的区域和结构差异,今后新型城镇化方针政策也应因地因城制宜。 相似文献
本文将人口变量引入城市用地扩张的理论模型中,以级差地租收益分配为核心,剖析了人口增长与用地扩张之间的互动关系。研究发现,在政府主导的城市化发展中,受发展竞争驱动,地方政府将城市中决定用地规模的经济活动人口和享有公共物品的户籍人口割裂开来:一方面,尽可能多的扩张城市用地面积以容纳更多的经济活动人口、攫取地租收益;另一方面,在级差地租分配中,拒绝让非户籍移民以公共物品的形式分享城市增长中的级差地租收益,从而降低城市化发展的成本。地方政府在享有外来人口集聚带来的级差地租收益的同时却不必承担相应的公共物品成本,这种成本收益计算中的扭曲进而导致了城市增长中的用地过度扩张、整体社会福利水平下降的问题。有鉴于此,在城市化相关改革政策中,应当引入人地统筹的调控思路,将级差地租收益分配与人口市民化问题相挂钩,有助于实现城市增长中的人地关系协调,抑制过度"土地城市化"并合理推进"人口城市化"。 相似文献
Land use is an important carrier and intuitive result of urbanization process. Driven by the dual transformation of China’s land system and developed regional economy, the interrelationship between urbanization and land use non agriculturalization in coastal areas and its evolution are uniquely explored. Based on the county land use information of Zhejiang Province in 2005, 2010 and 2015, this paper quantitatively analyzes the differentiation of county comprehensive urbanization, land use non agriculturalization and the conversion source and flow of key county construction land in 2005-2015. Then use the Theil index and the bivariate spatial autocorrelation method to explore the spatial correlation model of urbanization level and land use non agriculturalization in Zhejiang Provinces. (1) The level of urbanization in Zhejiang County is rapidly increasing and gradually achieving spatial balance and forming a group like urbanization situation centered on Hangzhou, Ningbo,Jinhua, Wenzhou and other municipal districts; the focus of construction land changes from the central and northern plains to the southeast coastal plains. However, the increase in the municipal area is still the most obvious. The increase or decrease of land for agricultural conversion is the key reason for the large scale change in construction land in Zhejiang County; (2) The spatial positive correlation between land non agriculturalization and urbanization in Zhejiang Province has increased significantly, and the spatial differentiation situation has been highlighted. It has shown that the high aggregation area has shifted from the middle part to the east coast of Zhejiang and the islands. In general, the high high type is mostly distributed in the northern Zhejiang Plain, while the low low type extends from the coastal to the inland. (3) There is a significant scale effect of comprehensive urbanization and land use non agriculturalization in Zhejiang Province, and the correlation difference increases with spatial scale. This study reveals the spatial correlation between urbanization and land non agriculturalization in the period of urbanization of economically developed provinces. It has important guiding value for promoting the synergy of land use planning and urban planning, and implementing land transfer and trans administrative area replacement according to local conditions. 相似文献
日本工业化、城市化进程中的"农地非农化" 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在人多地少的国家里,如何正确处理“农地非农化”与保障农业发展和粮食安全的相互关系,是顺利推进工业化、城市化必须合理解决的难题之一。日本战后工业化、城市化与“农地非农化”的历程和经验教训表明:“农地非农化”与“农民非农化”和“市民化”应该基本同步,“农地非农化”必须与耕地保护相结合,实现农地的合理流转,促进农业的规模化经营,“农地非农化”主要应该通过市场机制的作用实现,政府进行必要的合理的规划和调控等。 相似文献
近十多年来,中国房价快速上涨,人口半城镇化率也随之迅速上升。针对这一现象,本文首次将土地供给、房价与人口半城镇化置于同一框架下进行系统分析,采用两阶段最小二乘法,以土地出让面积作为房价的工具变量,有效克服模型的内生性,从理论和实证两个方面研究了房价上涨对人口半城镇化的影响。结果发现:土地供给减少导致房价上涨,进而推升了人口半城镇化率,抑制了农村转移人口市民化。房价每上涨一个百分点,人口半城镇化率大约上升0.189 4个百分点。在未考虑内生性的情况下,房价对人口半城镇化的影响严重被低估。而2003年后土地供给政策收紧且向中西部地区偏移是导致东部房价上涨进而推升人口半城镇化率的重要根源。另外,还发现对外开放程度提高以及人力资本积累均有利于降低人口半城镇化率,相反,财政负担能力和户籍制度改革则产生了不利影响。因此,为了降低人口半城镇化率,有序促进农村转移人口市民化,提出如下三点政策建议:(1)调整土地供给政策,并且健全住房供应体系,防止房价上涨过快。为此,需要增加东部地区以及大城市的土地供给,使土地供给与人口流动方向以及经济发展需求相匹配,同时增加廉租房和保障房的供应。(2)大力发展工业、服务业,并提高对外开放程度,以创造更多就业机会,增加居民收入,进而促进地区人口城镇化。(3)深化户籍制度,切实放宽农村转移人口的落户条件,同时还需要深化财政制度改革,增加地方公共服务并努力促进公共服务均等化。 相似文献
芜湖市土地资源人口承载力与可持续发展研究 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
作为人类赖以生存和发展物质基础的土地资源有限性与人口的增长加剧了人地间的矛盾,土地资源人口承载力问题日益引起社会关注。在总结芜湖市土地资源利用现状、特点和当前人口食物消费水平的基础上分析了土地现实生产能力,同时为预测芜湖市2000、2005、2010年人口数量、复种指数、耕地面积及粮食单产发展趋势而分别建立了一元线性回归模型与灰色系统GM(1,1)模型,通过取其平均值以提高其精度;并结合温饱型、宽裕型、小康型与富裕型四种消费水平分别探讨了预测期内芜湖市土地资源人口承载力状况,最后从耕地总量动态平衡、提高粮食单产与质量及控制人口增长等方面提出了可持续发展对策,为芜湖市建立稳定、协调、持续发展的人地关系提供科学的理论依据。 相似文献
土地功能视角下的土地资源人口承载力研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
长期以来,国内外对土地资源人口承载力的研究基本上都是围绕“耕地 粮食 人口”这一思路而展开的。在当前经济全球化、快速城市化的背景下,单一评价方法难以全面反映社会发展实际。从土地功能视角出发提出土地资源人口承载力评价的新体系:基于土地粮食视角的人口承载力、基于建设用地视角的人口承载力、基于土地经济关系视角的人口承载力。首次将土地经济关系引入土地资源承载力评价中,利用不同土地类型与国民经济部门的关系进行人口测算,可以真实反映当今经济社会下人口承载的实际状态。以攀枝花市、六盘水市为例进行了实证研究,仅从本区域评价结果来看,原有传统的土地粮食人口承载能力在此次评价中并不构成最大限制因素,而是建设用地或者土地经济关系等因素决定了人口承载力,这也证明了土地资源人口承载力研究方法的可行性和相对合理性 相似文献
作为人类赖以生存和发展物质基础的土地资源有限性与人口的增长加剧了人地间的矛盾 ,土地资源人口承载力问题日益引起社会关注。在总结芜湖市土地资源利用现状、特点和当前人口食物消费水平的基础上分析了土地现实生产能力 ,同时为预测芜湖市 2 0 0 0、2 0 0 5、2 0 10年人口数量、复种指数、耕地面积及粮食单产发展趋势而分别建立了一元线性回归模型与灰色系统 GM(1,1)模型 ,通过取其平均值以提高其精度 ;并结合温饱型、宽裕型、小康型与富裕型四种消费水平分别探讨了预测期内芜湖市土地资源人口承载力状况 ,最后从耕地总量动态平衡、提高粮食单产与质量及控制人口增长等方面提出了可持续发展对策 ,为芜湖市建立稳定、协调、持续发展的人地关系提供科学的理论依据 相似文献
Abstract: his paper explored the relationships among nonagricultural population, employment and land in an integrated framework, taking account of rural-urban land conversion into Carlino-Mills's model on the regional growth. Two-stage-leastsquares and ordinary-least-squares were employed. Recent data for district (grade) cities in China (from 1999 to 2005) were used. Our results showed that: first, urban population influenced non-agricultural employment, and vice versa, but the evidence that non-agricultural employment influenced urban population was stronger than the evidence that urban population influenced non-agricultural employment; second, urban population and non-agricultural employment both influenced ruralurban land conversion, but the evidence that urban population influenced rural urban land conversion was more stronger than the evidence that non-agricultural employment did. We also found that: first, the employment from the secondary industry influenced urban population in a positive way, and vice versa, but the employment from the tertiary industry influenced urban population in a negative way, and vice versa; second, the employment from the secondary industry influenced rural-urban land conversion in a positive way, but the employment from the tertiary industry influenced rural-urban land conversion in a negative way. We can conclude that the key of urbanization is to speed up the process of non-agricultural employment, especially the employment from the tertiary industry, which might promote non-agricultural population, employment and land harmoniously. 相似文献
Abstract This paper explored the relationships among nonagricultural population, employment and land in an integrated framework, taking account of rural-urban land conversion into Carlino–Mills’s model on the regional growth. Two-stage-leastsquares and ordinary-least-squares were employed. Recent data for district (grade) cities in China (from 1999 to 2005) were used. Our results showed that: first, urban population influenced non-agricultural employment, and vice versa, but the evidence that non-agricultural employment influenced urban population was stronger than the evidence that urban population influenced non-agricultural employment; second, urban population and non-agricultural employment both influenced ruralurban land conversion, but the evidence that urban population influenced rural urban land conversion was more stronger than the evidence that non-agricultural employment did. We also found that: first, the employment from the secondary industry influenced urban population in a positive way, and vice versa, but the employment from the tertiary industry influenced urban population in a negative way, and vice versa; second, the employment from the secondary industry influenced rural-urban land conversion in a positive way, but the employment from the tertiary industry influenced rural-urban land conversion in a negative way. We can conclude that the key of urbanization is to speed up the process of non-agricultural employment, especially the employment from the tertiary industry, which might promote non-agricultural population, employment and land harmoniously. 相似文献
城市建设用地、经济发展与城市化关系的计量分析 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为考察城市建设用地与经济发展和城市化之间的关系,本文依据我国1981-2007年的时序数据,利用动态计量分析中的协整检验、脉冲响应函数及方差分解等方法,对城市建设用地、经济发展与城市化之间的长期均衡和短期动态关系进行了检验和分析.研究发现在研究期内我国城市建设用地、经济发展与城市化之间存在协整关系,期长期均衡关系;误差修正模型表明城市建设用地在短期偏离长期均衡时,会以45%的力度被调整到均衡状态;城市建设用地变动主要受到自身冲击的影响,与其滞后值关联度很大,城市建设用地对经济发展起到了重要作用,且其扩张有利于城市化的进程.城市政府应该严格遵循城市规划和土地利用规划,控制城市增长的边界,规范土地市场秩序,提高土地利用效率,积极转变经济增长的方式,鼓励节地型产业的发展. 相似文献
土地开发转让制度在区域土地空间配置及利益分配中的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
土地是社会经济发展最基本且具有固定性的生产要素,因此"地根"是宏观调控区域社会经济及其它生产要素集聚发展的重要手段,而区域内地区之间的经济利益如何分配是当前其产业和用地空间集聚规模发展能否实现的关键。本文借鉴国外土地开发权转让制度的经验并根据机会成本理论构建区域农地非农化指标二次配置及其利益主体内部之间利益分配的初步构想,并通过经济模型和以河南省农地非农化用地指标配置为例论证其可行性,经分析土地开发转让后,河南省的农业产值和非农产值都有不同程度的增加。研究结果表明:土地开发权空间转让后的土地配置方式不仅有利于非农经济发展的集聚发展,区域的非农经济和农业生产都有一定的提高,而且其利益分配方式体现了利益主体经济收益的公平性,促进区域地区间农业和非农建设的分工与协作,减少非农建设对农业发展的不利影响。 相似文献
发达地区人口、土地与经济城镇化协调发展度研究 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
江苏省作为中国东部沿海经济发达地区省份的典型代表,正处于城镇化加速发展的关键时期。新时期的城镇化是一个融合人口、土地与经济的复杂系统,不能从单方面衡量城镇化发展水平。在归纳总结城镇化内涵的基础上,选择人口城镇化、土地城镇化和经济城镇化为切入点,从三个方面衡量江苏省的城镇化水平的变化过程,研究不同时空城市在人口、土地和产业三方面协调发展的状态。结果显示,1998-2009年12年间江苏省人口城镇化、土地城镇化和经济城镇化的发展都呈现上升趋势,但在不同阶段处于主导地位的城镇化驱动力量不同,协调发展度也处于上升状态,从衰退发展阶段(1998-2003)逐渐发展到过渡阶段(2004-2005),最后到达协调发展阶段(2006-2009);在空间分布上,以2009年为例,综合评价结果显示,江苏省的城镇化水平和协调发展度总体水平较高,但是也存在区域分异明显的特点。 相似文献
农地非农化中不同利益主体博弈行为分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
随着我国社会经济的发展,城市的加剧扩张和建设用地需求的不断增长而带来的农地非农化在近年来表现得尤为突出,已经严重影响着我国的粮食安全和生态安全.因此,从决策主体行为出发,研究农地非农化问题,对于我国城市化的正常推进以及农地的有效保护具有重要的现实意义.本文从博弈论的角度探讨农地非农化过程中相关利益主体的行为倾向和博弈关系.研究结果表明:(1)中央政府应该加大给予地方政府和农民进行耕地保护的奖励以及提高违规的惩罚力度,抑制农地非农化的速度,遏制违法占用,提高土地的利用率,减少耕地资源的闲置和浪费;(2)中央政府和地方政府应完善相关政策,缩小城乡土地价格差异,提高征地补偿标准,逐步建立公正的补偿机制和科学合理的补偿标准;(3)地方政府应进行土地利用制度和模式的创新,注重力拓土地后备资源,盘活存量资源,减少建设占用农地,不仅能有效地解决经济建设和耕地保护的两难困境,而且能有效地保护生态环境,实现土地资源的可持续合理利用. 相似文献
C.M.Lakshmana 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2013,11(4):367-374
High population growth and continued economic development have caused serious environmental damage in the Asia Pacific region.However,the recent experience is that the pace of environmental degradation is faster in developing countries than in developed countries.To this end,the study seeks to assess the impact of population pressure on India’s environment,with particular reference to the degradation of natural endowments like land and water resources and the resultant environmental pollution in the six regions of India.The rapid economic growth and expansion of infrastructure development in recent decades have not come without serious environmental consequences particularly in the southern,northern,and western regions.But in the eastern,north-eastern,and central regions of the country,environmental damage has been mainly due to rapid population growth. 相似文献
Population Structure of Sable in the Baikal Mountain Land: Analysis of Genetic and Phenotypic Traits
Russian Journal of Ecology - The genetic and phenotypic structure (according to the fur color) of 14 sable samples from the Baikal mountain land (BML) has been studied by analyzing 257 animals for... 相似文献
Du Yu Wang Chuansheng Fan Jie 《中国人口.资源与环境(英文版)》2007,5(4):64-73
With the further development of socialist market economy, the mobility of factor markets in China, especially the labor market, is strengthened. Externalities interacts with the agglomeration of productive factors. Under the framework of new economic geography, this article presents a theoretical model involving the endogenous population density affected by urban externalities. Results show that the population density is more concentrated around the center because the degree and extent of interaction between individuals intensifies when the distance from the center decreases. When there are several externalities resources, the aggregation of externalities changes the configuration of spatial factor allocation. These results fit well with the empirical facts about the decreasing density of floating population along the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province which is situated in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta. We fred that under the impacts of externalities released from Hong Kong into the coast, floating population was more concentrated around Shenzhen and Dongguan, which are more adjacent to Hong Kong compared with Guangzhou City. 相似文献
Abstract With the further development of socialist market economy, the mobility of factor markets in China, especially the labor market, is strengthened. Externalities interacts with the agglomeration of productive factors. Under the framework of new economic geography, this article presents a theoretical model involving the endogenous population density affected by urban externalities. Results show that the population density is more concentrated around the center because the degree and extent of interaction between individuals intensifies when the distance from the center decreases. When there are several externalities resources, the aggregation of externalities changes the configuration of spatial factor allocation. These results fit well with the empirical facts about the decreasing density of floating population along the cities of Guangzhou, Dongguan and Shenzhen in Guangdong Province which is situated in the eastern coast of the Pearl River Delta. We find that under the impacts of externalities released from Hong Kong into the coast, floating population was more concentrated around Shenzhen and Dongguan, which are more adjacent to Hong Kong compared with Guangzhou City. 相似文献