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Investigating relationships of benthic invertebrates and sedimentation is challenging because fine sediments act as both natural habitat and potential pollutant at excessive levels. Determining benthic invertebrate sensitivity to sedimentation in forested headwater streams comprised of extreme spatial heterogeneity is even more challenging, especially when associated with a background of historical and intense watershed disturbances that contributed unknown amounts of fine sediments to stream channels. This scenario exists in the Chattahoochee National Forest where such historical timber harvests and contemporary land-uses associated with recreation have potentially affected the biological integrity of headwater streams. In this study, we investigated relationships of sedimentation and the macroinvertebrate assemblages among 14 headwater streams in the forest by assigning 30, 100-m reaches to low, medium, or high sedimentation categories. Only one of 17 assemblage metrics (percent clingers) varied significantly across these categories. This finding has important implications for biological assessments by showing streams impaired physically by sedimentation may not be impaired biologically, at least using traditional approaches. A subsequent multivariate cluster analysis and indicator species analysis were used to further investigate biological patterns independent of sedimentation categories. Evaluating the distribution of sedimentation categories among biological reach clusters showed both within-stream variability in reach-scale sedimentation and sedimentation categories generally variable within clusters, reflecting the overall physical heterogeneity of these headwater environments. Furthermore, relationships of individual sedimentation variables and metrics across the biological cluster groups were weak, suggesting these measures of sedimentation are poor predictors of macroinvertebrate assemblage structure when using a systematic longitudinal sampling design. Further investigations of invertebrate sensitivity to sedimentation may benefit from assessments of sedimentation impacts at different spatial scales, determining compromised physical habitat integrity of specific taxa and developing alternative streambed measures for quantifying sedimentation.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the effects of spatially and temporally varying abiotic conditions on the nekton residing in tidally influenced streams and determine the comparability of the assemblage response across the various gears needed to fully characterize the biota. Three tidal streams were sampled seasonally for 2 years for chemical (physiochemical profiles), physical (in-stream and riparian habitat classification), and biological (nekton sampled with bag seines, trawls, and gill nets) components of ecosystem integrity. Multiple sampling stations on each stream encompassed the transitional character of the tidally influenced ecosystem, from the freshwater of the river to the saltwater of the bay. Instead of characterizing the biota with traditional fish-based indexes of biotic integrity, analysis methodologies relying heavily on multivariate ordination techniques were used. This study showed that the temporal and spatial relationships among nekton assemblages and abiotic environmental conditions were quite gear dependent. The greatest degree of difference in indicators of ecosystem health all involved upstream–downstream gradients that appear to be driven by salinity structure. Based on the results of this study, dissolved oxygen concentration does not appear to be a major structuring factor in the physical, chemical, or biological component of ecosystem integrity.  相似文献   

From a policy perspective, it is important to understand forestry effects on surface waters from a landscape perspective. The EU Water Framework Directive demands remedial actions if not achieving good ecological status. In Sweden, 44 % of the surface water bodies have moderate ecological status or worse. Many of these drain catchments with a mosaic of managed forests. It is important for the forestry sector and water authorities to be able to identify where, in the forested landscape, special precautions are necessary. The aim of this study was to quantify the relations between forestry parameters and headwater stream concentrations of nutrients, organic matter and acid-base chemistry. The results are put into the context of regional climate, sulphur and nitrogen deposition, as well as marine influences. Water chemistry was measured in 179 randomly selected headwater streams from two regions in southwest and central Sweden, corresponding to 10 % of the Swedish land area. Forest status was determined from satellite images and Swedish National Forest Inventory data using the probabilistic classifier method, which was used to model stream water chemistry with Bayesian model averaging. The results indicate that concentrations of e.g. nitrogen, phosphorus and organic matter are related to factors associated with forest production but that it is not forestry per se that causes the excess losses. Instead, factors simultaneously affecting forest production and stream water chemistry, such as climate, extensive soil pools and nitrogen deposition, are the most likely candidates The relationships with clear-felled and wetland areas are likely to be direct effects.  相似文献   

Arsenic groundwater contamination exceeding 0.05 mg/l affecting the Newer Alluvial tracts of Patna and Bhojpur, the two worst affected districts located in the Middle Ganga Plain in the Bihar state, has been studied The area is underlain by two-tier Quaternary aquifer systems within a depth of 300 m below ground level, separated by a 15?C32-m-thick clay/sandy clay aquitard. The upper part (<50 m depth) of the shallow aquifer system is arsenic-contaminated. The deeper aquifer system (lying below 120?C130 m depth) exhibits low arsenic load (max 0.0035 mg/l), having hydraulic conductivity between 64.88 and 82.04 m/day. Groundwater in the deeper aquifer occurs under semi-confined to confined condition due to poor hydraulic conductivity of the middle clay (4.7 × 10???2???7.2 × 10???3 m/day). Hydraulic head of the deeper aquifer remains close to the surface than the shallow aquifer. The two aquifer systems in the Newer Alluvium are replaced by a thick single aquifer system in the adjoining Older Alluvium, within a depth of 330 m below ground. In the arsenic-contaminated area, deeper aquifer is protected by a middle clay, which may be developed for community drinking water supply by deep tube wells having a yield capacity of 150 m3/h.  相似文献   

With increasing cascading effects of climate change on the marine environment, as well as pollution and anthropogenic utilization of the seafloor, there is increasing interest in tracking changes to benthic communities. Macrofaunal surveys are traditionally conducted as part of pre-incident environmental assessment studies and post-incident monitoring studies when there is a potential impact to the seafloor. These surveys usually characterize the structure and/or spatiotemporal distribution of macrofaunal assemblages collected with sediment cores; however, many different sampling protocols have been used. An assessment of the comparability of past and current survey methods was in need to facilitate future surveys and comparisons. This was the aim of the present study, conducted off the Oregon coast in waters 25–35 m deep. Our results show that the use of a sieve with a 1.0-mm mesh size gives results for community structure comparable to results obtained from a 0.5-mm mesh size, which allows reliable comparisons of recent and past spatiotemporal surveys of macroinfauna. In addition to our primary objective of comparing methods, we also found interacting effects of seasons and depths of collection. Seasonal differences (summer and fall) were seen in infaunal assemblages in the wave-induced sediment motion zone but not deeper. Thus, studies where wave-induced sediment motion can structure the benthic communities, especially during the winter months, should consider this effect when making temporal comparisons. In addition, some macrofauna taxa-like polychaetes and amphipods show high interannual variabilities, so spatiotemporal studies should make sure to cover several years before drawing any conclusions.  相似文献   

2019年10月—2020年10月在江淮平原东部城市淮安开展持续1 a的PM2.5采样分析,研究PM2.5的组成和污染特征。结果表明:淮安市大气PM2.5年均质量浓度为(52.2±27.1)μg/m3,是国家二级标准(35 μg/m3)的1.5倍,其中冬季最高,为(67.5±36.4)μg/m3,是国家二级标准的1.9倍;PM2.5中的ρ(NO3-)/ρ(SO2-4)=1.76,说明机动车尾气排放对淮安市PM2.5的影响较大;PM2.5中平均ρ(OC)/ρ(EC)值为4.1±1.1,说明淮安市PM2.5受大气二次生成影响明显;Si、Al、Ca等无机元素的质量浓度较高,表明淮安须加大对扬尘污染的治理力度。  相似文献   

Biomonitoring programs are often required to assess streams for which assessment tools have not been developed. For example, low-gradient streams (slope ≤1%) comprise 20–30% of stream miles in California and are of particular interest to watershed managers, yet most sampling methods and bioassessment indices in the state were developed in high-gradient systems. This study evaluated the performance of three sampling methods [targeted riffle composite (TRC), reach-wide benthos (RWB), and the margin–center–margin modification of RWB (MCM)] and two indices [the Southern California Index of Biotic Integrity (SCIBI) and the ratio of observed to expected taxa (O/E)] in low-gradient streams in California for application in this habitat type. Performance was evaluated in terms of efficacy (i.e., ability to collect enough individuals for index calculation), comparability (i.e., similarity of assemblages and index scores), sensitivity (i.e., responsiveness to disturbance), and precision (i.e., ability to detect small differences in index scores). The sampling methods varied in the degree to which they targeted macroinvertebrate-rich microhabitats, such as riffles and vegetated margins, which may be naturally scarce in low-gradient streams. The RWB method failed to collect sufficient numbers of individuals (i.e., ≥450) to calculate the SCIBI in 28 of 45 samples and often collected fewer than 100 individuals, suggesting it is inappropriate for low-gradient streams in California; failures for the other methods were less common (TRC, 16 samples; MCM, 11 samples). Within-site precision, measured as the minimum detectable difference (MDD) was poor but similar across methods for the SCIBI (ranging from 19 to 22). However, RWB had the lowest MDD for O/E scores (0.20 versus 0.24 and 0.28 for MCM and TRC, respectively). Mantel correlations showed that assemblages were more similar within sites among methods than within methods among sites, suggesting that the sampling methods were collecting similar assemblages of organisms. Statistically significant disagreements among methods were not detected, although O/E scores were higher for RWB samples than TRC. Index scores suggested impairment at all sites in the study. Although index scores did not respond strongly to several measurements of disturbance in the watershed, percent agriculture showed a significant, negative relationship with O/E scores.  相似文献   

A part of the Gangetic Alluvial Plain covering 2,228 km2, in the state of Bihar, is studied for demarcating groundwater development potential zones. The area is mainly agrarian and experiencing intensive groundwater draft to the tune of 0.12 million cubic metre per square kilometres per year from the Quaternary marginal alluvial deposits, unconformably overlain northerly sloping Precambrian bedrock. Multiparametric data on groundwater comprising water level, hydraulic gradient (pre- and post-monsoon), aquifer thickness, permeability, suitability of groundwater for drinking and irrigation and groundwater resources vs. draft are spatially analysed and integrated on a Geographical Information System platform to generate thematic layers. By integrating these layers, three zones have been delineated based on groundwater development potential. It is inferred that about 48% of the area covering northern part has high development potential, while medium and low development potential category covers 41% of the area. Further increase in groundwater extraction is not recommended for an area of 173 km2, affected by over-exploitation. The replenishable groundwater resource available for further extraction has been estimated. The development potential enhances towards north with increase in thickness of sediments. Local deviations are due to variation of—(1) cummulative thickness of aquifers, (2) deeper water level resulting from localised heavy groundwater extraction and (3) aquifer permeability.  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates are sampled in streams and rivers as one of the assessment elements of the US Environmental Protection Agency’s National Rivers and Streams Assessment. In a 2006 report, the recommendation was made that different yet comparable methods be evaluated for different types of streams (e.g., low gradient vs. high gradient). Consequently, a research element was added to the 2008–2009 National Rivers and Streams Assessment to conduct a side-by-side comparison of the standard macroinvertebrate sampling method with an alternate method specifically designed for low-gradient wadeable streams and rivers that focused more on stream edge habitat. Samples were collected using each method at 525 sites in five of nine aggregate ecoregions located in the conterminous USA. Methods were compared using the benthic macroinvertebrate multimetric index developed for the 2006 Wadeable Streams Assessment. Statistical analysis did not reveal any trends that would suggest the overall assessment of low-gradient streams on a regional or national scale would change if the alternate method was used rather than the standard sampling method, regardless of the gradient cutoff used to define low-gradient streams. Based on these results, the National Rivers and Streams Survey should continue to use the standard field method for sampling all streams.  相似文献   

Community, diversity, and biological index metrics for chironomid surface-floating pupal exuviae (SFPE) were assessed at different subsample sizes and sampling frequencies from wadeable streams in Minnesota (USA). Timed collections of SFPE were made using a biweekly sampling interval in groundwater-dominated (GWD) and surface-water-dominated (SWD) streams. These two types of stream were sampled because they support different Chironomidae communities with different phenologies which could necessitate sampling methodologies specific to each stream type. A subsample size of 300 individuals was sufficient to collect on average 85% of total taxa richness and to estimate most metrics with an error of about 1% relative to 1,000 count samples. SWD streams required larger subsample sizes to achieve similar estimates of taxa richness and metric error compared to GWD streams, but these differences were not large enough to recommend different subsampling methods for these stream types. Analysis of sample timing determined that 97% of emergence occurred from April through September. We recommend in studies where estimation of winter emergence is not important that sampling be limited to this period. Sampling frequency also affected the proportion of the community collected. To maximize the portion of the community, collected samples should be taken across seasons although no specific sampling interval is recommended. Subsampling and sampling frequency was also assessed simultaneously. When using a 300-count subsample, a 4-week sampling interval from April through September was required to collect on average 71% of the community. Due to differences in elements of the chironomid community evaluated by different studies (e.g., biological condition, phenology, and taxonomic composition), richness estimates are documented for five sampling intervals (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, and 12 weeks) and five subsample sizes (100, 200, 300, 500, and 1,000 counts). This research will enhance future studies by providing guidelines for tailoring SFPE methods to study specific goals and resources.  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) partitioning among dissolved phase, suspended particulate matter, pore water, and sediment was studied in one moderately contaminated river (Yongding New River) and two highly contaminated drainage canals (South Drainage Canal and North Drainage Canal) of Tianjin, China. PAHs concentrations in sediment (ranged from 0.2 to 195 μg/g) showed positive relations with both total organic carbon contents (ranged from 0.7% to 31.1%, dw) and black carbon contents (ranged from 0.1% to 2.1%, dw) in the sediments. Moreover, most of the measured organic carbon normalized partition coefficients of PAHs in the three streams were 0.76 to 1.54 log units higher than the predicted values. These indicated that strong and nonlinear sorption of PAHs by carbonaceous geosorbents such as black carbon (BC) existed in the streams, and BC was an important part of the carbonaceous particles controlling the partitioning of PAHs in the sediments of this study. PAH component ratio analyses suggested that PAHs in the three streams, effluent samples from wastewater treatment plants, and soil samples by the riverbank had similar main sources, which is coal/petroleum combustion. We suggested the transportation and transformation of both carbonaceous particles and PAHs during wastewater treatment process, surface runoff, etc, should be studied further in order to make decisions on PAHs controlling measures.  相似文献   

In this investigation, concentrations of physico-chemical and bacteriological qualities of water samples from the major streams within the Owabi watershed in Kumasi, Ghana, were measured at five different locations. The streams were moderately soft and neutral, having a mean pH range of 7.08 ± 0.2 to 7.88 ± 0.6. Total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, grease and oil, alkalinity, and the major ion levels varied significantly at each sampling site. Nutrient levels were however low and did not show any clear variation at sample locations. The bacteriological quality of the water was poor, rendering it unsafe for domestic purposes without treatment. The poor bacteriological quality was due to direct contamination by animal and human wastes. The streams have an appreciable self-purification capacity which is stressed by persistent pollution overloads caused by expanding human activities within the catchment. Cluster analysis performed on the data to determine pollution patterns between the streams depicts that River Owabi was less polluted, Rivers Akyeampomene and Sukobri were moderately polluted, while River Pumpunase was highly polluted.  相似文献   

In an ongoing effort to propose biologically protective nutrient criteria, we examined how total nitrogen (TN) and its forms were associated with macroinvertebrate communities in wadeable streams of Maryland. Taxonomic and functional metrics of an index of biological integrity (IBI) were significantly associated with multiple nutrient measures; however, the highest correlations with nutrients were for ammonia-N and nitrite-N and among macroinvertebrate measures were for Beck’s Biotic Index and its metrics. Since IBI metrics showed comparatively less association, we evaluated how macroinvertebrate taxa related to proposed nutrient criteria previously derived for those same streams instead of developing nutrient–biology thresholds. We identified one tolerant and three intolerant taxa whose occurrence appeared related to a TN benchmark. Individually, these taxa poorly indicated whether streams exceeded the benchmark, but combining taxa notably improved classification rates. We then extracted major physiochemical gradients using principal components analysis to develop models that assessed their influence on nutrient indicator taxa. The response of intolerant taxa was predominantly influenced by a nutrient-forest cover gradient. In contrast, habitat quality had a greater effect on tolerant taxa. When taxa were aggregated into a nutrient sensitive index, the response was primarily influenced by the nutrient-forest gradient. Multiple lines of evidence highlight the effects of excessive nutrients in streams on macroinvertebrate communities and taxa in Maryland, whose loss may not be reflected in metrics that form the basis of biological criteria. Refinement of indicator taxa and a nutrient-sensitive index is warranted before thresholds in aquatic life to water quality are quantified.  相似文献   

Understanding the spatiotemporal relationships between land use/cover changes (LUCC) and groundwater resources is necessary for effective and efficient land use management. In this paper, geographically weighted regression (GWR) and ordinary least squares (OLS) models have been expanded to analyze varying spatial relationships between groundwater quantity changes and LUCC for three periods: 1987–2000, 2000–2010, and 1987–2010 in the Khanmirza Plain of southwestern Iran. For this purpose, TM images were used to generate LUCC (rainfed, irrigated, meadow, and bare lands). Groundwater quantity variables, including groundwater level changes (GLC) and groundwater withdrawal differences (GWD), were gathered from piezometric and agricultural wells data. The analysis of spatial autocorrelation (Moran’s I and local indicators of spatial association ) demonstrated that GWR has a better ability to model spatially varying data with very minimal clustering of residuals. The results R 2 and corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion parameters revealed that the GWR has the lowest similarity in space and time in neighboring situations and it has the high ability to explain more variance in the LUCC as a function of the groundwater quantity changes. All results of the distribution of local R 2 values from GWR confirm our assertion that there is a spatiotemporal relationship between types of land use and each of groundwater quantity variables within the region. According to the t test results from GWR, there are significant differences between the GLC and GWD and the land use types in different places of region in each of the three time series. The GWR results can help decision-makers to make appropriate decisions for future planning.  相似文献   

The choice of spatial and temporal scale used in environmental assessments may influence the observed results. One method of assessing the impact of stream habitat alterations involves the comparison of response variables among treatment categories (i.e., impacted and unimpacted sites). The influence of spatial resolution on patterns of response variables among treatment categories in assessments of stream channelization and other types of habitat alterations has not been evaluated. We examined how patterns of 10 community response variables among channel types and our interpretations of channelization impacts on fish and macroinvertebrate communities differed among three spatial resolutions in a warmwater stream in Mississippi and Alabama. Four fish and three macroinvertebrate community response variables exhibited different patterns among channel types at different spatial resolutions. Our interpretations of the impacts of channelization on fish and macroinvertebrate communities differed among spatial resolutions. Channelization had a negative influence on fish communities either with or without evidence of potential community recovery in one channel type. Channelization impacts on macroinvertebrate communities ranged from a negative influence to no effect. Our results suggest that spatial resolution can influence the observed results and interpretations derived from assessments of stream habitat alterations.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and carbon monoxide (CO) exert significant influence on local and regional atmospheric chemistry. Temporal and spatial variability of these gases are investigated using surface measurements by the Central Pollution Control Board (India) during 2005–2009 over six urban locations in and around the Indo-Gangetic Plain (IGP) and supported using the satellite measurements of these gases. The stations chosen are Jodhpur (west of IGP), Delhi (central IGP), Kolkata and Durgapur (eastern IGP), Guwahati (east of IGP), and Nagpur (south of IGP). Among the stations studied, SO2 concentrations are found to be the highest over Kolkata megacity. Elevated levels of NO2 occur over the IGP stations of Durgapur, Kolkata, and Delhi. Columnar NO2 values are also found to be elevated over these regions during winter due to high surface concentrations while columnar SO2 values show a monsoon maximum. Elevated columnar CO over Guwahati during pre-monsoon are attributed to biomass burning. Statistically significant correlations between columnar NO2 and surface NO2 obtained for Delhi, Kolkata, and Durgapur along with very low SO2 to NO2 ratios (≤0.2) indicate fossil fuel combustion from mobile sources as major contributors to the ambient air over these regions.  相似文献   

There is an increasing need to monitor concentrations of polar organic contaminants in the aquatic environment. Integrative passive samplers can be used to assess time weighted average aqueous concentrations, provided calibration data are available and sampling rates are known. The sampling rate depends on environmental factors, such as temperature and water flow rate. Here we introduce an apparatus to investigate the sampling properties of passive samplers using river-like flow conditions and ambient environmental matrices: river water and treated sewage effluent. As a model sampler we selected Empore SDB-RPS disks in a Chemcatcher housing. The disks were exposed for 1 to 8 days at flow rates between 0.03 and 0.4 m s(-1). Samples were analysed using a bioassay for estrogenic activity and by LC-MS-MS target analysis of the pharmaceuticals sulfamethoxazole, carbamazepine and clarithromycin. In order to assess sampling rates of SDB disks, we also measured aqueous concentrations of the pharmaceuticals. Sampling rates increased with increasing flow rate and this relationship was not affected by the environmental matrix. However, SDB disks were only sampling in the integrative mode at low flow rates <0.1 m s(-1) and/or for short sampling times. The duration of linear uptake was particularly short for sulfamethoxazole (1 day) and longer for clarithromycin (5 days). At 0.03 m s(-1) and 12-14 degrees C, the sampling rate of SDB disks was 0.09 L day(-1) for clarithromycin, 0.14 L day(-1) for sulfamethoxazole and 0.25 L day(-1) for carbamazepine. The results show that under controlled conditions, SDB disks can be effectively used as passive sampling devices.  相似文献   

The concentration of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in rivers can change intermittently within minutes depending on the weather and water discharge (Q), or activities in the watershed. Accordingly, accurate estimation of the annual DRP load requires frequent sampling or even continuous monitoring, which is laborious and cost-intensive. We present the design and laboratory evaluation of a new, robust, low-cost, low-tech device based on passive samplers (P-traps). The traps use Fe-(oxy)hydroxide coated quartz sand as an adsorbent enclosed in a vertical grid of individual cells separated from the river water by filter membranes. They are inexpensive, easy to handle, resistant to repeated desiccation and immersion and exposable for several months. They permit estimation of discharge dependent time weighted average DRP concentrations (C-Q relationships) and annual P loads of rivers characterized by highly variable DRP concentrations with a relative accuracy of +/- 3%.  相似文献   

Endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) are becoming of increasing concern in waterways of the USA and worldwide. What remains poorly understood, however, is how prevalent these emerging contaminants are in the environment and what methods are best able to determine landscape sources of EDCs. We describe the development of a spatially structured sampling design and a reconnaissance survey of estrogenic activity along gradients of land use within sub-watersheds. We present this example as a useful approach for state and federal agencies with an interest in identifying locations potentially impacted by EDCs that warrant more intensive, focused research. Our study confirms the importance of agricultural activities on levels of a measured estrogenic equivalent (E2Eq) and also highlights the importance of other potential sources of E2Eq in areas where intensive agriculture is not the dominant land use. Through application of readily available geographic information system (GIS) data, coupled with spatial statistical analysis, we demonstrate the correlation of specific land use types to levels of estrogenic activity across a large area in a consistent and unbiased manner.  相似文献   

Groundwater vulnerability assessments provide a measure of the sensitivity of groundwater quality to an imposed contaminant load and are globally recognized as an essential element of all aquifer management and protection plans. In this paper, the vulnerability of groundwaters underlying the Yinchuan Plain of Northwest China is determined using OREADIC, a GIS-based assessment tool that incorporates the key characteristics of the universally popular DRASTIC approach to vulnerability assessment but has been modified to consider important additional hydrogeological factors that are specific to the region. The results show that areas of high vulnerability are distributed mainly around Qingtongxia City, Wuzhong City, Lingwu City, and Yongning County and are associated with high rates of aquifer recharge, shallow depths to the water table, and highly permeable aquifer materials. The presence of elevated NO3 in the high vulnerability areas endorses the OREADIC approach. The vulnerability maps developed in this study have become valuable tools for environmental planning in the region and will be used for predictive management of the groundwater resource.  相似文献   

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