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Soil nematode communities (taxa composition, trophic structure, ecological indices) in the area of metallurgical factory (Oravské ferozliatinárske závody) in ?iroká, Northern Slovakia were investigated in 2009. The factory belongs to main sources of emissions originated by ferroalloy production in this region. Four sites (meadows) were selected in a downwind direction from the factory: site A was located 0.85 km far from the factory, and the other sites were maintained in approximately 2-km intervals from each other. Chemical analysis of soil samples showed low concentrations of heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn), with all values being under Slovak limit concentrations of heavy metals in soils. Only the Cd content in the soil sample from site A slightly exceeded the allowable threshold, but it was decreasing with the distance from the factory, similarly as remaining metals except Cr, with slightly increasing trend of concentration. Within 64 identified nematode genera, the Helicotylenchus, Paratylenchus, Pratylenchus, Acrobeloides, Cephalobus and Rhabditis were most common and eudominant. This was clearly reflected on the trophic structure of nematode communities, where plant feeding nematodes and bacteriovorous prevailed. Significant negative correlation (P?相似文献   

Levels and speciation of heavy metals in soils of industrial Southern Nigeria   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A knowledge of the total content of trace metals is not enoughto fully assess the environmental impact of polluted soils. Forthis reason, the determination of metal species in solution isimportant to evaluate their behaviour in the environment andtheir mobilization capacity. Sequential extraction procedure wasused to speciate five heavy metals (Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn) fromfour contaminated soils of Southern Nigeria into sixoperationally defined geochemical species: water soluble,enchangeable, carbonates, Fe-Mn oxide, organic and residual.Metal recoveries were within ± 10% of the independentlydetermined total Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn concentrations. The highest amount of Cd (avg. 30%) in the nonresidual fractionswas found in the exchangeable fraction, while Cu and Zn weresignificantly associated with the organic fraction. Thecarbonate fraction contained on average 14, 18.6, 12.6, 13 and11% and the residual fraction contained on average 47, 18, 33,50 and 25% of Cd, Pb, Cu, Ni and Zn respectively. Assuming thatmobility and bioavailability of these metals are related to thesolubility of the geochemical form of the metals, and that theydecrease in the order of extraction sequence, the apparentmobility and potential bioavailability for these five metals inthe soil were: Pb > Zn > Cu > Ni > Cd. The mobility indexes ofcopper and nickel correlated positively and significantly withthe total content of metals, while mobility indexes of cadmiumand zinc correlated negatively and significantly with the totalcontent of metals.  相似文献   

With the development of urbanization and industrialization, soils have become increasingly polluted by heavy metals. Phytoremediation, an emerging cost-effective, nonintrusive, and aesthetically pleasing technology that uses the remarkable ability of plants to concentrate elements, can be potentially used to remediate metal-contaminated sites. In this research, two processes of phytoremediation (phytoextraction and phytostabilization) were surveyed in some plant species around an industrial town in the Hamedan Province in the central-western part of Iran. To this purpose, shoots and roots of the seven plant species and the associated soil samples were collected and analyzed by measuring Pb, Fe, Mn, Cu, and Zn concentrations using ICP-AES and then calculating the biological absorption coefficient, bioconcentration factor, and translocation factor parameters for each element. The obtained results showed that among the collected plants, Salsola soda is the most effective species for phytoextraction and phytostabilization and Cirsium arvense has the potential for phytostabilization of the measured heavy metals.  相似文献   

Several leaching tests were applied and compared to study metal remobilisation on various unpolluted and contaminated soils and on several contaminated sediments. The trace elements considered were Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn, and leaching tests consisted of the application of reagents with contrasting characteristics and strengths in order to assess the information provided. An extraction with aqua regia permitted the estimation of the pseudo-total metal content in the sample. Mild extractants such as H2O, CaCl2 and NaNO3 showed low and similar leaching capacities. Acid (CH3COOH) and complexing (EDTA) agents were more effective in remobilising trace metals from soils and sediments. Cd and Zn showed similar extraction characteristics under both extractant solutions, whereas Cu and Pb were more sensitive to complexation, and Ni and Cr to acidification processes. Sequential chemical extractions provided additional information on the association of the trace elements with the different soil and sediment phases. Cd and Zn showed the highest mobility, Pb was associated to reducible solid phases, Cu and Ni to oxidisable phases, and Cr remained mostly in the residual fraction. The results obtained in this paper provided valuable information for choosing a leaching test, which is an instrument of environmental analysis for the estimation of trace metal mobility.  相似文献   

The study deals with the combined contribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and metals to health risk in Delhi soils. Surface soils (0–5 cm) collected from three different land-use regions (industrial, flood-plain and a reference site) in Delhi, India over a period of 1 year were characterized with respect to 16 US Environmental Protection Agency priority PAHs and five trace metals (Zn, Fe, Ni, Cr and Cd). Mean annual ∑16PAH concentrations at the industrial and flood-plain sites (10,893.2?±?2826.4 and 3075.4?±?948.7 μg/kg, respectively) were ~15 and ~4 times, respectively, higher than reference levels. Significant spatial and seasonal variations were observed for PAHs. Toxicity potentials of industrial and flood-plain soils were ~88 and ~8 times higher than reference levels. Trace metal concentrations in soils also showed marked dependencies on nearness to sources and seasonal effects. Correlation analysis, PAH diagnostic ratios and principal component analysis (PCA) led to the identification of sources such as coal and wood combustion, vehicular and industrial emissions, and atmospheric transport. Metal enrichment in soil and the degree of soil contamination were investigated using enrichment factors and index of geoaccumulation, respectively. Health risk assessment (incremental lifetime cancer risk and hazard index) showed that floodplain soils have potential high risk due to PAHs while industrial soils have potential risks due to both PAHs and Cr.  相似文献   

Trace metals in soils may be inherited from the parent materials or added to the system due to anthropogenic activities. In proposed mining areas, trace metals become an integral part of the soil system. Usually, researchers undertake experiments on plant species selection (for the restoration plan) only after the termination of mining activities, i.e. without any pre-mining information about the soil-plant interactions. Though not shown in studies, it is clear that several recovery plans remain unsuccessful while carrying out restoration experiments. Therefore, we hypothesize that to restore the area effectively, it is imperative to consider the pre-mining scenario of metal levels in parent material as well as the vegetation ecology of the region. With these specifics, we examined the concentrations of trace metals in parent soils at three proposed bauxite locations in the Eastern Ghats, India, and compared them at a spatio-temporal scale. Vegetation quantification and other basic soil parameters accounted for establishing the connection between soil and plants. The study recorded significant spatial heterogeneity in trace metal concentrations and the role of vegetation on metal availability. Oxidation reduction potential (ORP), pH and cation exchange capacity (CEC) directly influenced metal content, and Cu and Ni were lithogenic in origin. It implies that for effective restoration plant species varies for each geological location.  相似文献   

This study focuses on a heavily polluted effluent-dominated stream that passes through an industrialized region near Izmir, Turkey. The intermittent creek receives domestic and industrial discharges of Kemalpa?a District Center and its neighborhoods and more than 180 factories of the organized industrial zone. A monitoring campaign was conducted on the creek and samples were taken in two different seasons with distinct hydrological characteristics from 20 stations along the creek to quantify the quality status of water and sediment columns. A number of physicochemical parameters, heavy metals, and trace elements were measured by field and laboratory techniques to assess the status of creek’s water and sediment quality. The spatial and temporal variations were determined, and statistical tools were used to conduct an environmental forensic overview along the creek. A geo-accumulation index and a modified heavy metal pollution index were calculated to cumulatively assess the quality of sediment and water columns, respectively. The results revealed that the creek was under significant pollution load from the industrial zone where metal processing, food and beverage production, marble and natural stone manufacturing, and paper production are made. In particular, elements such as Co, Cu, Cd, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, and Zr were found to be above the surface water quality standard values. Similarly, B, Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn, and Sn were determined to be in extreme levels in the sediment column with values exceeding the probable effect concentrations.  相似文献   

Recent efforts have been made to determine the environmental impact of mining over the past 11 years in the Jequetepeque River basin, in northern Peru. We have now analyzed data from two studies to elucidate the spatial and temporal trace metal distributions and to assess the sources of contamination. These two studies were carried out from 2003 to 2008 by a Peruvian government administration and from 2008 to 2010 by us. We analyzed 249 samples by principal component analysis, measuring: pH, electrical conductivity, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, chloride, weak-acid-dissociable cyanide, total cyanide, nitrite and nitrate, ammonium, sulfate, and trace metals and metalloids (Al, As, Ca, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn). Within the spatial distribution of the basin, the highest Al, As, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Pb concentrations were found at the closest point to the mine sites for both periods of time, with the higher peaks measured during the first years of the sampling data. Temporal trends showed higher concentrations of Cu and Fe in samples taken before 2005, at which point the two mines were closed. Risk assessment was quantified by the hazard quotient as related to water ingestion. The risk for human health posed by the concentrations of several trace metals and metalloids was found to be highly adverse (As and Cr), significant (Al, Cd, Cu, Fe, and Pb), or minimal (Ni and Zn).  相似文献   

Hydrochemical investigations of the groundwater and the seasonal effect on the chemical budget of ions along the course of the polluted river Adyar were carried out. From the geochemical results, it has been found that the seasonal effect does not change the order of abundance of both cations and anions, but it does change the concentration of various ions present in the groundwater. Among the chemical budget of ions, sodium and chloride were found to be the most predominant ions. The nitrate concentration in the groundwater ranges from 4.21 to 45.93 mg/l in pre-monsoon and in post-monsoon it ranges from 1.02 to 75.91 mg/l. The nitrate concentrations in the post-monsoon are high in some places especially in the upper stretch of the river. The intense agricultural activities near the upper stretch of the river may be an important factor for the higher concentration of nitrates in these aquifers. In order to determine the geochemical nature of water, the data was interpreted using the piper diagram wherein the results show the predominance of NaCl and CaMgCl types. Equiline diagrams, 1:1, were applied to evaluate the affinity ion relationship between various ions present in these waters. The quality of the groundwater was assessed with regard to its suitability to drinking and irrigation. A comparison of the groundwater quality in relation to drinking water quality standards shows that most of the water samples are not suitable for drinking, especially in post-monsoon period. US Salinity Laboratory's, Wilcox's diagrams, Kellys ratio and magnesium ratio were used for evaluating the water quality for irrigation which suggest that the majority of the groundwater samples are not good for irrigation in post-monsoon compared to that in pre-monsoon. Moreover the source of the ions in the water was examined and classified accordingly using Gibb's diagram. The analytical results reveals that the TDS values of the pre-monsoon samples were found to be lower than the post-monsoon reflecting that leaching predominates over that of the dilution factor.  相似文献   

The three-stage sequential extraction procedure for the fractionation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn, proposed by the Commission of the European Communities Bureau of Reference, was applied to sediment five samples collected from the Sal estuary, Sergipe State, northeast Brazil, in September 2009. The method showed satisfactory recoveries, detection limits, and standard deviations for determinations of trace metals in the sediments. Cd and Pb were the metals most prevalent in the bioavailable fractions (carbonates, Fe and Mn oxides, organic matter, and sulfides), while Ni, Zn, Cu, and Cr showed higher percentages in the inert fraction. The order of mobility of the metals was Cd (66 %) > Pb (65 %) > Zn (59 %) > Ni (57 %) = Cr (57 %) > Cu (56 %). Possible toxicity related to these metals was examined using the risk assessment code, and by comparing the chemical data with sediment quality guideline ERL-ERM values. Results obtained using the two methods were in agreement, and showed low to medium risk for all metals, indicating that adverse effects on aquatic biota should rarely occur.  相似文献   

A comprehensive environmental evaluation was completed on 20 metals: two reference metals (Fe, Al) and several minor trace metals (As, Ba, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn) for surface soils and sediments collected from 50 sites in Everglades National Park (ENP), the coastal fringes of Biscayne National Park (BNP), and Big Cypress National Preserve. Samples were prepared by acid digestion (EPA3050) and analyzed by ICP/MS detection (EPA6020). Although no widespread contamination was detected across the two parks and one preserve, there were some specific areas where metal concentrations exceeded Florida’s ecological thresholds, suggesting that some metals were of concern. A screening-level evaluation based on a proposed effect index grouped trace metals by their potential for causing negligible, possible, and probable effects on the biota. For example, Cu in BNP and Cr and Pb in ENP were considered of concern because their adverse effect likelihood to biota was assessed as probable; consequently, these trace metals were selected for further risk characterization. Also, stations were ranked based on a proposed overall contamination index that showed that: site BB10 in BNP and sites E3 and E5 in ENP had the highest scores. The first site was located in a marina in BNP, and the other two sites were along the eastern boundary of ENP adjacent to current or former agricultural lands. An assessment tool for south Florida protected lands was developed for evaluating impacts from on-going Everglades restoration projects and to assist State and Federal agencies with resource management. The tool consists of enrichment plots and statistically derived background concentrations based on soil/sediment data collected from the two national parks and one preserve. Finally, an equally accurate but much simplified approach is offered for developing enrichment plots for other environmental settings.  相似文献   

Air pollution induced changes were observed both in plant communities and in soil chemistry in forest ecosystems near the nickel-copper smelter in the Kola Peninsula, Russia. All measured forest plant community parameters describing their floristic composition and structure were affected by pollution. Heavy metals were significantly concentrated in organic horizons of forest soils. The concentrations of ammonium acetate-extractable nickel and copper in organic horizons near the smelter were approximately two orders of magnitude higher than the background levels in the region. Based on pH values, air pollution has not resulted in a detectable topsoil acidification near the smelter. However, concentrations of extractable magnesium, potassium and nitrogen in organic horizons tended to be lower towards the smelter. The spatial variability of data obtained results in necessity of the two complementary, macroscopic and microscopic, approaches to ecosystem investigation. The macroscopic approach better revealed the influence of pollution. The ordination of the major species diversity indexes was highly related to soil properties, suggesting that the content of heavy metals and nutrients is the best soil related predictor of species diversity in polluted areas. Besides direct input of pollutants from the atmosphere, soil contamination and nutritional disturbance contribute significantly to the observed vegetation damage in subarctic forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the principle and latest development of the diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) technology and its applications in environmental studies with a focus on bioavailability assessment of phosphorus and metals in sediments and soils. Compared with conventional methods, DGT, as a passive sampling method, has significant advantages: in situ measurement, time averaged concentrations and high spatial resolution. The in situ measurement avoids artificial influences including contamination of samples and sample treatment which may change the forms of chemicals. The time averaged concentration reflects representative measurement over a period of time. The high-resolution information captures the biogeochemical heterogeneity of elements of interest distributed in microenvironments, such as in the rhizosphere and the vicinity of the sediment-water interface. Moreover, DGT is a dynamic technique which simultaneously considers the diffusion of solutes and their kinetic resupply from the solid phases. All the advantages of DGT significantly promote the collection of “true” information of the bioavailable or labile forms of chemicals in the environment. DGT provides potential for applications in agriculture, environmental monitoring and the mining industry. However, the applications are still at the early testing stage. Further studies are needed to properly interpret the DGT-measured results under complex environmental conditions, and standard procedures and guideline values based on DGT are required to pave the way for its routine applications in environmental monitoring.  相似文献   

River Benue, the second largest river in Nigeria, serves as the major source of municipal water supplies for towns and villages along its course. Water samples from the river were collected at ten stations in the Makurdi metropolitan area (7°44 N, 8°32 E) in Benue State, Central Nigeria, for 12 months and analyzed for their heavy metals concentration, along with other water-quality parameters such as turbidity, pH, total dissolved solids and total solids. The results revealed that the mean concentrations of heavy metals in the river was in the following ascending order, Cd < Cu < Zn < Mn < Pb < Cr < Fe. The levels of most of the parameters determined, with the exception of Cd, Cr and Pb were, generally, within acceptable limits for drinking water. From the present study, it is concluded that the River Benue is only moderately contaminated with regard to heavy metals, in the Makurdi metropolitan area.  相似文献   

The distribution of trace metals in sediments of the lower reaches of the New Calabar River, Nigeria was evaluated togetherwith the partitioning of their chemical species between fivegeochemical phases. Samplings were made in five zones at the lower reaches of the New Calaber River. All the trace metals were determined by AAS after selective chemical extractions andconcentrations given in g gm-1 (dry weight basis). The average totalconcentrations found for trace metals in the sediment were (mean ± rsd.) Pb: 41.6 ± 0.29, Zn: 31.60 ± 0.42, Cd: 12.80 ± 0.92, Co: 92 ± 0.25, Cu: 25.5 ± 0.65 and Ni: 3.2 ± 0.25. Maxima and minima concentrations are inconsistent with previous studies in other rivers of this region. Spatial distribution revealed that the sources of trace metals into theriver appeared to be of non-point. Five contamination indices were applied in studying the partitioning of the trace metals inthe sediment. These indices provided bases for ascertaining the potential environmental risk of trace metals in the river system.The results denote high partition levels in the more mobile andmore dangerous phases.  相似文献   

To examine the status and risk of heavy metal pollution, the distribution of As, Cd, Cr, Ni, and Pb in the sediment of Lake Uluabat was characterized. The present study used a four-stage method to assess the ecotoxicological effects of the heavy metal and trace elements fractions in the sediment of Lake Uluabat. Total Cr and Ni concentrations in the sediment were determined to have exceeded the severe effect level (SEL) limit values. The percentages of the variable fractions of Cr and Ni were below 10%. Because of this reason, they were not defined to have a high risk. The relationships among the physicochemical parameters, heavy metals and trace elements in water and sediment were determined statistically. Pb, Cd, and As in the water were found in relation with some of the fractions. Moreover, it was thought that the amounts of the elements of As releasing into the water might be increased due to their relations with the physicochemical parameters.  相似文献   

A detailed investigation was conducted to evaluate heavy metal sources and their spatial distribution in agricultural fields in the south of Tehran using statistics, geostatistics, and a geographic information system. The content of Cd, Cu, Co, Pb, Zn, Cr, and Ni were determined in 106 samples. The results showed that the primary inputs of Cr, Co, and Ni were due to pedogenic factors, while the inputs of Zn, Pb, and Cu were due to anthropogenic sources. Cd was associated with distinct sources, such as agricultural and industrial pollution. Ordinary kriging was carried out to map the spatial patters of heavy metals, and disjunctive kriging was used to quantify the probability of heavy metal concentrations higher than their recommended threshold values. The results show that Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn exhibit pollution risk in the study area. The sources of the high pollution levels evaluated were related to the use of urban and industrial wastewater and agricultural practices. These results are useful for the development of proper management strategies for remediation practices in the polluted area.  相似文献   

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