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Evidence from an international survey in the Atlantic biogeographic region of Europe indicates that chronic nitrogen deposition is reducing plant species richness in acid grasslands. Across the deposition gradient in this region (2-44 kg N ha−1 yr−1) species richness showed a curvilinear response, with greatest reductions in species richness when deposition increased from low levels. This has important implications for conservation policies, suggesting that to protect the most sensitive grasslands resources should be focussed where deposition is currently low. Soil pH is also an important driver of species richness indicating that the acidifying effect of nitrogen deposition may be contributing to species richness reductions. The results of this survey suggest that the impacts of nitrogen deposition can be observed over a large geographical range.  相似文献   

The effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on the species richness of acid grasslands was investigated by combining data from a large Danish monitoring program with a large European data set, where a significant non-linear negative effect of nitrogen deposition had been demonstrated (Stevens et al., 2010). The nitrogen deposition range in Denmark is relatively small and when only considering the Danish data a non-significant decrease in the species richness with nitrogen deposition was observed. However, when both data sets were combined, then the conclusion of the European survey was further corroborated by the results of the Danish monitoring. Furthermore, by combining the two data sets a more comprehensive picture of the threats to the biodiversity of acid grasslands emerge; i.e., species richness in remnant patches of acid grassland in intensively cultivated agricultural landscapes is under influence not only from nitrogen deposition, but also from current and historical land use.  相似文献   

Climate change will impact the dynamics of invasive alien plant species (IAPS). However, the ability of IAPS under changing climate to invade mountain ecosystems, particularly the Himalayan region, is less known. This study investigates the current and future habitat of five IAPS of the Himalayan region using MaxEnt and two representative concentration pathways (RCPs). Two invasive species, Ageratum conyzoides and Parthenium hysterophorus, will lose overall suitable area by 2070, while Ageratina adenophora, Chromolaena odorata and Lantana camara will gain suitable areas and all of them will retain most of the current habitat as stable. The southern Himalayan foothills will mostly conserve species ecological niches, while suitability of all the five species will decrease with increasing elevation. Such invasion dynamics in the Himalayan region could have impacts on numerous ecosystems and their biota, ecosystem services and human well-being. Trans-boundary response strategies suitable to the local context of the region could buffer some of the likely invasion impacts.  相似文献   

Wetlands provide multiple ecosystem services, the sustainable use of which requires knowledge of the underlying ecological mechanisms. Functional traits, particularly the community-weighted mean trait (CWMT), provide a strong link between species communities and ecosystem functioning. We here combine species distribution modeling and plant functional traits to estimate the direction of change of ecosystem processes under climate change. We model changes in CWMT values for traits relevant to three key services, focusing on the regional species pool in the Norrström area (central Sweden) and three main wetland types. Our method predicts proportional shifts toward faster growing, more productive and taller species, which tend to increase CWMT values of specific leaf area and canopy height, whereas changes in root depth vary. The predicted changes in CWMT values suggest a potential increase in flood attenuation services, a potential increase in short (but not long)-term nutrient retention, and ambiguous outcomes for carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of two amendments for the in situ remediation of a Cd- and Ni-contaminated soil in the Louis Fargue long-term field experiment was assessed. In April 1995, one replicate plot (S1) was amended with 5% w/w of beringite (B), a coal fly ash (treatment S1+B), and a second plot with 1% w/w zerovalent-Fe iron grit (SS) (treatment S1+SS), with the aim of increasing metal sorption and attenuating metal impacts. Long-term responses of daily respiration rates, microbial biomass, bacterial species richness and the activities of key soil enzymes (acid and alkaline phosphatase, arylsulfatase, beta-glucosidase, urease and protease activities) were studied in relation to soil metal extractability. Seven years after initial amendments, the labile fractions of Cd and Ni in both the S1+B and S1+SS soils were reduced to various extents depending on the metal and fractions considered. The soil microbial biomass and respiration rate were not affected by metal contamination and amendments in the S1+B and S1+SS soils, whereas the activity of different soil enzymes was restored. The SS treatment was more effective in reducing labile pools of Cd and Ni and led to a greater recovery of soil enzyme activities than the B treatment. Bacterial species richness in the S1 soil did not alter with either treatment. It was concluded that monitoring of the composition and activity of the soil microbial community is important in evaluating the effectiveness of soil remediation practices.  相似文献   

Forty native Mediterranean plant species were screened for emissions of the C5 and C10 hydrocarbons, isoprene and monoterpenes, in five different habitats. A total of 32 compounds were observed in the emissions from these plants. The number of compounds emitted by different plant species varied from 19 (Quercus ilex) to a single compound emission, usually of isoprene. Emission rates were normalised to generate emission factors for each plant species for each sampling event at standard conditions of temperature and light intensity. Plant species were categorised according to their main emitted compound, the major groups being isoprene, α-pinene, linalool, and limonene emitters. Estimates of habitat fluxes for each emitted compound were derived from the contributing plant species’ emission factors, biomass and ground cover. Emissions of individual compounds ranged from 0.002 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (camphene from garrigue in Spain in autumn and isoprene from riverside habitats in Spain in late spring; respectively). Emissions of isoprene ranged from 0.3 to 505 g ha−1 h−1 (macchia in Italy in late spring and autumn; and riverside in Spain in late spring; respectively) and α-pinene emissions ranged from 0.51 to 52.92 g ha−1 h−1 (garrigue in Spain in late spring; and forest in France in autumn; respectively). Habitat fluxes of most compounds in autumn were greater than in late spring, dominated by emissions from Quercus ilex, Genista scorpius and Quercus pubescens. This study contributes to regional emission inventories and will be of use to tropospheric chemical modellers.  相似文献   

Agricultural land use is transforming rapidly in Southeast Asia, often supported by development policies aiming primarily at economic growth. However, the socioeconomic outcomes of these changes for smallholder farmers remain unclear. Here, we systematically review cases of agricultural land use change in Southeast Asia to assess their socioeconomic outcomes and potential trade-off and synergies in these outcomes. Of the 126 reviewed cases, we find mostly positive outcomes for income (SDG 1, 100 cases) and employment (SDG 8, 11 cases), while outcomes on health (SDG 3, 9 cases) were mixed, and outcomes for food security (SDG 2, 44 cases), gender equality (SDG 5, 13 cases), and economic equality (SDG 10, 14 cases) were mostly negative. Studies describing multiple outcomes show indications of synergies between income and food security, and between income and employment, but also potential trade-offs between income and economic equality. In addition, we find that economic land concessions result in multiple negative outcomes more often than other types of land governance regimes. The results provide evidence that economic gains from agricultural land use change often come at a cost of other dimensions of sustainable development.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13280-022-01712-4.  相似文献   

Tributyltin (TBT) and dibutyltin (DBT) were analyzed in sediment samples collected from intertidal locations in Portland and Boothbay Harbor, Maine (USA) in 1990 and 1992. Surface sediment TBT concentrations ranged from 24 to 12 400 ng gm(-1) (dry wt basis). Sediments with the highest TBT concentrations were associated with shipyard hull washing/refinishing activities. Analysis of different layers in core samples found that butyltin concentrations decreased with depth at the Boothbay site and remained relatively constant with depth at the Portland site. Elutriate analysis showed that soluble TBT was released from a heavily contaminated sediment. The resulting TBT seawater concentration 1400 ng liter(-1) was < 0.03% of reported seawater solubilities of TBT and was only 0.14% of the total TBT in the sediment sample. This suggests that the TBT in the sediments analyzed is in a bound matrix form, such as paint particles, that releases the biocide slowly. The results indicate that there is a potential for future release of TBT from the resuspension of fine sediments at certain locations in Maine.  相似文献   

Outdoor fires, such as wildfires and prescribed burns, can emit substantial amounts of particulate matter and other pollutants into the atmosphere. In Texas, an inventory of forest, grassland and agricultural burning activities revealed that fires consumed vegetation on 1.6 and 1.7 million acres of land, in 1996 and 1997, respectively. Emissions from the fires were estimated based on survey and field data on acres burned and land cover and literature data on fuel consumption and emission factors. Fire data were allocated spatially by county and temporally by month. While fire events can cause high transient air pollutant concentrations, for most criteria pollutants, the fire emissions were a relatively small fraction of the annual emission inventory for the State. For fine particulate matter, however, the annual emission estimates were 40,000 tons/yr, which is likely to represent a significant fraction of the State's emission inventory, especially in the counties where the emissions are concentrated.  相似文献   

In agricultural areas, the contamination of feedstuffs with molds and mycotoxins presents major environmental and health concerns. During cattle feeding, fungi and mycotoxins were monitored in corn silage, oilseed cakes and bioaerosols collected in Normandy. Most of the corn silages were found to be contaminated by deoxynivalenol (mean concentration: 1883 μg kg?1) while a few of oilseed cakes were contaminated by alternariol, fumonisin B1 or gliotoxin. In ambient bioaerosols, the values for fungi per cubic meter of air varied from 4.3 × 102 to 6.2 × 105 cfu m?3. Seasonal variations were observed with some species like Aspergillus fumigatus which significantly decreased between the 2 seasons (P = 0.0186) while the Penicillium roqueforti group significantly increased during the second season (P = 0.0156). In the personal bioaerosols, the values for fungi per cubic meter of air varied from 3.3 103 to 1.7 106 cfu m?3 and the number of A. fumigatus spores significantly decreased between the 2 seasons (P = 0.0488). Gliotoxin, an immunosuppressive mycotoxin, was quantified in 3 personal filters at 3.73 μg m?3, 1.09 μg m?3 and 2.97 μg m?3.  相似文献   

Biodiversity within European semi-natural biotopes in agro-ecosystem is declining, and herbicide drift from neighbouring fields is considered as an important factor for the decline. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether the growth and competitive interactions in a model system of two perennial grass species, Festuca ovina and Agrostis capillaris, are affected by sub-lethal doses of glyphosate in field margins. In a glasshouse experiment with ample nitrogen, the interspecific competitive interactions were found to be significantly affected by glyphosate; the competitive effect of F. ovina on A. capillaris increased and the competitive effect of A. capillaris on F. ovina decreased with increasing doses of glyphosate. Furthermore, the importance of interspecific competition increased with the glyphosate dose. The results of the study of competitive interactions are in agreement with the observed plant community dynamics at the field site where F. ovina was found to be more dominant in plots treated with a relatively high dose of glyphosate. Importantly, the effects of glyphosate on the plant community dynamics critically depended on the effect of glyphosate on the plant competitive interactions. The study concludes that the current practice in the environmental risk assessment of non-target effects of herbicides, where single species are tested in the greenhouse, may be inadequate for assessing the effect of herbicides in semi-natural plant communities. The presented methods can be used for assessing the importance of competitive interactions for the sensitivity of non-target plants to herbicides in risk assessment.  相似文献   

Valiela I  Bowen JL 《Ambio》2003,32(7):476-480
As global warming intensified toward the end of the 20th century, there was a northward shift in winter ranges of bird species in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA. These poleward shifts were correlated to local increases in minimum winter temperatures and global temperature anomalies. This evidence, plus other recent results, suggests that during the last two decades global warming has led to massive and widespread biogeographic shifts with potentially major ecological and human consequences. Local habitat changes associated with urban sprawl affected mainly forest birds with more northern winter distributions. In Cape Cod, the effects of warming on bird distributions are more substantial at the start of the 21st century, than those of habitat alteration, but as urban sprawl continues its importance may rival that of global warming.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Conventional agriculture relies heavily on chemical pesticides and fertilizers to control plant pests and diseases and improve production....  相似文献   

Extensive data used to quantify broad soil C changes (without information about causation), coupled with intensive data used for attribution of changes to specific management practices, could form the basis of an efficient national grassland soil C monitoring network. Based on variability of extensive (USDA/NRCS pedon database) and intensive field-level soil C data, we evaluated the efficacy of future sample collection to detect changes in soil C in grasslands. Potential soil C changes at a range of spatial scales related to changes in grassland management can be verified (alpha=0.1) after 5 years with collection of 34, 224, 501 samples at the county, state, or national scales, respectively. Farm-level analysis indicates that equivalent numbers of cores and distinct groups of cores (microplots) results in lowest soil C coefficients of variation for a variety of ecosystems. Our results suggest that grassland soil C changes can be precisely quantified using current technology at scales ranging from farms to the entire nation.  相似文献   

Weckström K  Korhola A  Weckström J 《Ambio》2007,36(2-3):155-160
Increased nutrient and sediment loading can affect the functioning and biodiversity of coastal ecosystems. Lacking long-term monitoring data, paleolimnological techniques enable the estimation of habitat and diversity change through time. Using these methods we assessed the effects of eutrophication on diatom community structure and species richness over the past ca. 200 years in coastal waters of the Gulf of Finland. The abundance of planktonic diatoms has increased markedly because of increased eutrophication and turbidity. The loss of benthic habitats resulted in a clear decrease in diatom species richness after a threshold of 400-600 microg L(-1) total dissolved nitrogen; no unimodal pattern between diversity and productivity was observed in our data. The urban sites displayed a marked decrease in species richness starting in the late 19th century with increased urbanization. A clear recovery was visible after the cessation of point source loading by the mid-1980s at two sites, whereas at the third site no recovery was detected because of diffuse loading from the large catchment. Changes in the rural sites were minor and did not start until the 1940s.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to assess the amounts of (i) total Pb in soil, (ii) inorganic Pb species: exchangeable (EXCH), carbonate (CARB), easily reducible (EASR), moderately reducible (MODR), organic matter and sulfides (ORGS), and residual (RESD) bound Pb, and (iii) total organo-lead as alkyllead, in alluvial and lacustrine soils of the Nile delta, Egypt. Wide ranges of soil Pb were found in the alluvial (18.2-1850 microg g(-1)) and the lacustrine (39-1985 microg g(-1)) soils. The topsoil was highly enriched with Pb relative to the subsurface soils, especially in highly contaminated soils. There was no significant relationship between soil type and Pb content. Amounts of soil Pb greater than the background level (14 microg g(-1)) are due to Pb deposited from various anthropogenic activities. The partitioning of soil Pb into different species varied according to the intensity of contamination. It followed the sequence: RESD > ORGS > CARB > MODR > EASR in the slightly contaminated alluvial as well as lacustrine soils. In the highly contaminated soils, it followed the sequence: ORGS > MODR > CARB > EASR > RESD in the alluvial soils, and the sequence: ORGS > CARB > MODR > EASR > RESD in the lacustrine soils. There is high binding capacity of organic matter and sulfides to Pb, especially in the highly contaminated soils. The concentrations of total alkyllead in soils varied markedly and were related to both intensity of contamination and depth in the soil. The subsurface soil (15-30 cm) was highly enriched by alkyllead (means 224 and 353 ng g(-1) in the alluvial and lacustrine soils, respectively) relative to the surface and deeper soils. The proportion of total alkyllead as a percentage of total Pb in the soil was generally very low. It did not exceed 1.6% in the slightly contaminated soils, and 0.6% in the highly contaminated ones.  相似文献   

Based upon 16S rDNA sequence homology, 15 phorate-degrading bacteria isolated from sugarcane field soils by selective enrichment were identified to be different species of Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Brevibacterium, and Staphylococcus. Relative phorate degradation in a mineral salt medium containing phorate (50 μg ml?1) as sole carbon source established that all the bacterial species could actively degrade more than 97 % phorate during 21 days. Three of these species viz. Bacillus aerophilus strain IMBL 4.1, Brevibacterium frigoritolerans strain IMBL 2.1, and Pseudomonas fulva strain IMBL 5.1 were found to be most active phorate metabolizers, degrading more than 96 % phorate during 2 days and 100 % phorate during 13 days. Qualitative analysis of phorate residues by gas liquid chromatography revealed complete metabolization of phorate without detectable accumulation of any known phorate metabolites. Phorate degradation by these bacterial species did not follow the first-order kinetics except the P. fulva strain IMBL 5.1 with half-life period (t½) ranging between 0.40 and 5.47 days.  相似文献   

A more detailed characterization of particulate organic matter in wastewater streams is needed to improve solid-liquid separation and biological processes for wastewater treatment. The objective of this paper was to evaluate particle size distributions and the associated chemical composition for municipal, industrial, and agricultural waste streams. Most of the organic matter in these wastewaters was larger than a molecular weight of 10(3) amu and therefore would require extracellular hydrolysis before any bacterial metabolism. Particle size distributions were significantly different for the studied waste streams. In municipal wastewater, the organic matter was evenly distributed in all eight size fractions ranging from 10(3) amu up to 63 microm. The industrial and agricultural wastewaters, however, contained mainly soluble organic matter (<10(3) amu) and larger particles (>1.2 microm for the industrial and >10 microm for the agricultural waste) leaving a gap in the size range of large macromolecules and colloids. The relative protein and carbohydrate concentrations varied for the different size fractions compared to the measured chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the corresponding size fraction. Thus, the design of the solid-liquid separation at a treatment plant could be used to purposefully modify the overall chemical composition of the organic matter before further biological treatment. Particle size distributions will influence design and operation of biological nutrient removal processes such as denitrification or biological phosphorus removal that may be carbon limited if a large fraction of the organic matter is composed of large particles with slow hydrolysis rates. Measured particle size distributions for the different waste streams in this study (municipal, industrial, agricultural) were significantly different requiring specific approaches for treatment plant design.  相似文献   

This study presents determinations of the uptake and translocation of Pu in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea) and sunflower (Helianthus annuus) from Pu contaminated solution media. The initial activity levels of Pu were 18.50 and 37.00 Bq ml(-1), for Pu-nitrate [239Pu(NO3)4] and for Pu-citrate [239Pu(C6H5O7)+] in nutrient solution. Plutonium-diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA: [239Pu-C14H23O10N3] solution was prepared by adding 0, 5, 10, and 50 microg of DTPA ml(-1) with 239Pu(NO3)4 in nutrient solution. Concentration ratios (CR, Pu concentration in dry plant material/Pu concentration in nutrient solution) and transport indices (Tl, Pu content in the shoot/Pu content in the whole plant) were calculated to evaluate Pu uptake and translocation. All experiments were conducted in hydroponic solution in an environmental growth chamber. Plutonium concentration in the plant tissue was increased with increased Pu contamination. Plant tissue Pu concentration for Pu-nitrate and Pu-citrate application was not correlated and may be dependent on plant species. For plants receiving Pu-DTPA, the Pu concentration was increased in the shoots but decreased in the roots resulting in a negative correlation between the Pu concentrations in the plant shoots and roots. The Pu concentration in shoots of Indian mustard was increased for application rates up to 10 microg DTPA ml(-1) and up to 5 microg DTPA ml(-1) for sunflower. Similar trends were observed for the CR of plants compared to the Pu concentration in the shoots and roots, whereas the Tl was increased with increasing DTPA concentration. Plutonium in shoots of Indian mustard was up to 10 times higher than that in shoots of sunflower. The Pu concentration in the apparent free space (AFS) of plant root tissue of sunflower was more affected by concentration of DTPA than that of Indian mustard.  相似文献   

Bergström L  Goulding KW 《Ambio》2005,34(4-5):283-287
Producing an adequate quantity of healthy food without polluting the environment is a serious challenge for future agriculture around the world. The Food 21 research program in Sweden has researched all aspects--economic, environmental, and social--of sustainable farming systems. This paper presents some of the research from that and other relevant international research programs that have focused on better nutrient-use efficiency, especially for nitrogen and phosphorus. It shows that a range of sustainable solutions to nutrient-use efficiency exists, some of which are complex but some very simple. Government policies, including subsidies; research and technology; and public acceptance of farming practices all combine to create these solutions. Participatory approaches to knowledge transfer are needed, in which scientists, policy makers, farmers, advisers, and consumers exchange information and together build sustainable farming systems.  相似文献   

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