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冀东油田钻井施工现场大多处于环境敏感区,噪声及废气排放管控要求十分严格。通过采用网电钻井技术,以网电设备替代动力柴油机,消除了最强噪声源,施工现场噪声降至85~90dB(A),同时减排二氧化硫79.625t/a、氮氧化物54.6t/a、烟尘11.47t/a、温室气体10.19万t/a,年节约投资2 000万元以上,实现了经济效益和社会效益双丰收。  相似文献   

中三角区域已经是我国第四个国家级城市群,也将成为我国经济增长的"第四极"。在经济发展的同时,更需要以节能减排、资源环境等为重点,以实现经济建设与生态文明"双可持续"的协同发展。本文以二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘为主要大气污染物,对我国中三角区域大气污染物排放进行了详细的分析,并与京津冀、长三角、珠三角、"三区十群"等进行了多方位比较。结果表明,2013年中三角区域二氧化硫排放量为151.7万t,其中工业二氧化硫排放量为140.1万t;氮氧化物排放量为147.2万t,其中工业氮氧化物排放量为93.6万t;烟(粉)尘排放量为81.8万t,其中工业烟(粉)尘排放量为71.4万t。中三角区域二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘排放量均位于"四极"的第三。中三角区域二氧化硫、氮氧化物、烟(粉)尘单位GDP排放强度分别为25.03t/亿元、24.29 t/亿元、13.50 t/亿元,分别位于"四极"的第一、第二、第二。同时,本文还从经济发展模式、产业结构调整、煤炭消费方式等方面对我国中三角等经济"四极"提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

简要介绍了广东省开展清洁生产的历程及主要成果,清洁生产工作的开展有利地促进了企业的升级改造和节能减排。到2014年,广东省共16批1 267家省级清洁生产企业通过开展清洁生产审核,实现节约标煤169.75万t/a,节水1.93亿t/a,COD减排2.07万t/a,SO2减排3.04万t/a,NH3-N减排0.30万t/a等,成效显著。为加快推进广东省清洁生产工作,提出了针对性的措施和建议。  相似文献   

从环境效益、技术可行性、经济效益及对生产的影响等方面进行清洁生产审核效果分析和评价。介绍了风城油田作业区自实施清洁生产以来,审核工作开展情况,物料与能耗分析;筛选出无费方案2个、低费方案6个、中费方案4个、高费方案2个,实施率分别为100%、100%、50%和100%。结论如下:节约电能1209.19万kW·h/a,节约天然气2739.25×10~4m~3/a,减少CO_2排放27682.84 t/a,减少NO_2排放645.22 t/a,减少SO_2排放17.35 t/a,减少烟尘排放396.90 t/a,减少固体废物排放0.12t/a,清洁生产方案将产生经济效益达4263.32万元/a。  相似文献   

六厂(场)一车,是指污水处理厂、造纸厂、畜禽养殖场、火电厂、钢铁厂、水泥厂和机动车。六厂(场)一车的化学需氧量、二氧化硫、氨氮和氮氧化物4种污染物排放量占全国排放总量的2/3以上。因此,我国将这4种污染物纳入"十二五"污染物减排的约束性指标,并列为"十二五"减排的  相似文献   

总量控制是国家节能减排的主要手段,二氧化硫排放量控制是大气污染物削减的主要控制指标。在污染源普查数据统计分析的基础上,对伊宁市废气中二氧化硫排放按污染源和区域进行分担率研究,掌握并了解产生排放二氧化硫按污染源、区域、行业分布情况,确定伊宁市二氧化硫减排的重点行业和区域,为政府调整产业结构及企业合理布局提供决策依据。  相似文献   

环境保护部有关负责人公布了2013年上半年各省自治区直辖市主要污染物减排情况。上半年,全国四项主要污染物排放量均保持下降,各地减排工作都取得了一定进展,但新疆、新疆建设兵团、海南、贵州、青海、四川、内蒙古等地氮氧化物排放增加,云南、新疆生产建设兵团二氧化硫排放反弹,新疆、青海、新疆生产建设兵团及广西等地氨氮排放不降反升。  相似文献   

"十二五"期间,为改善大气环境,张家口市以电力、钢铁和水泥行业的大气污染治理工作为着重点,采取了优化产业结构、推进环保设施改造及加重执法处罚力度等措施。根据环境统计数据和国家环保部减排核查确认结果计算,2015年二氧化硫、氮氧化物的排放总量较2011年分别下降了63.0%、61.1%,实现了大气污染物排放量的明显减少。建议张家口市从加强监管、强化治理、压减产能、降低煤耗等方面提出治理对策。  相似文献   

排放权分配与减排分担始终是国际气候治理的关键问题,基于2℃环境约束与公平感受视角,利用多原则综合加权的分配方法,对全球排放权分配与减排分担展开研究,其结论如下:(1)在温升控制目标下,全球年均排放空间为177.42亿t;满足公平感受要求的全球年均配额为207.59亿t;以2015年实际排放为例,全球年均贡献减排与责任减排分别为30.17亿t、120.42亿t。(2)应用六大单一原则的排放权配额分配,其结果相差悬殊;发达国家和地区普遍偏好等产出原则,发展中国家和地区偏好排放责任原则;基于公平感受的综合加权分配方案降低了单一原则分配的规则"刚性",能缓解分配中的"南北"失衡现象。(3)减排分担结果显示,分担集中于少数Ⅰ类地区的国家和地区,而大多数Ⅴ类地区的国家和地区减排分担不高,当前全球仍处于责任减排阶段。因此,排放权分配要在公平与可行、总量目标与个体标准之间寻求平衡,充分挖掘减排潜力;减排分担应坚持两个区分,减排目标实现按三阶段渐进。  相似文献   

白山市环保局坚持把污染减排作为改善环境质量、促进经济发展方式转变的重要抓手,环境质量得到明显提升,主要污染物排放总量连续五年实现化学需氧量和二氧化硫减排任务"双下降",为加快发展腾出了环境容量。近年来,白山市坚持落实  相似文献   

本文通过对吉林市江北化工区内、外的大气污染物SO2排放调查,以及环境空气中SO2浓度调查,并应用多源模型(ISC3),结合B值削减分配法计算江北化工区环境空气中SO2的环境容量,计算出该区域的剩余环境容量为16732.04t/a。  相似文献   

为满足石油化工企业总量控制的要求,采取相应的治理措施,降低污染物排放总量,避免采取大量投资和占地的末端治理措施,在工艺过程中采取措施降低主要污染物排放总量是行之有效的途径,采用催化工艺中添加硫转移脱氮剂的办法、热电厂锅炉采用改善炉体燃烧状态、配合石灰石脱硫等工艺过程措施,探讨进一步减少二氧化硫排放总量的可行性。  相似文献   

/ Air quality in most Asian cities is poor and getting worse. It will soon become impossible to sustain population, economic, and industrial growth without severe deterioration of the atmospheric environment. This paper addresses the city of Shanghai, the air-quality problems it faces over the next 30 years, and the potential of advanced technology to alleviate these problems. Population, energy consumption, and emission profiles are developed for the city at 0.1 degrees x 0.1 degrees resolution and extrapolated from 1990 to 2020 using sector-specific economic growth factors. Within the context of the RAINS-Asia model, eight technology scenarios are examined for their effects on ambient concentrations of sulfur dioxide and sulfate and their emission control costs. Without new control measures, it is projected that the number of people exposed to sulfur dioxide concentrations in excess of guidelines established by the World Health Organization will rise from 650,000 in 1990 to more than 14 million in 2020. It is apparent that efforts to reduce emissions are likely to have significant health benefits, measured in terms of the cost of reducing the number of people exposed to concentrations in excess of the guidelines ($10-50 annually per person protected). Focusing efforts on the control of new coal-fired power plants and industrial facilities has the greatest benefit. However, none of the scenarios examined is alone capable of arresting the increases in emissions, concentrations, and population exposure. It is concluded that combinations of stringent scenarios in several sectors will be necessary to stabilize the situation, at a potential cost of $500 million annually by the year 2020. KEY WORDS: Coal; China; Shanghai; Sulfur dioxide; Air quality; Health effects  相似文献   

Electric power generating plants that use coal were among the key targets of Title IV of the 1990 Clean Air Act. Under the first phase of the act, 110 coal-fired electric power plants were required to reduce their sulfur dioxide emissions by 1995 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 1996. Phase 2 of the act requires even greater reduction of sulfur dioxide emissions by 2000 and nitrogen oxide emissions by 2008. This study examines whether the 107 targeted plants (three plants went off-line) have achieved the desired sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide emission levels. The analysis of sulfur dioxide is based on data from 1990, 1995, and 1999. The findings show that although sulfur oxide increased by 3% from 1995 to 1999, it decreased by 45% over the 1990–1999 period at the firm level for the targeted firms. The findings also indicate that the overall reduction in sulfur dioxide was achieved by utilizing low sulfur coal and by purchasing emission allowances. So far as nitrogen oxides are concerned, there has been a reduction of 14% over the 1990–1999 period, of which 7% was achieved during the 1995–1999 period. An evaluation of emissions at the plant level indicates that several plants do not meet the emissions level for sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxides. These results provide a mixed scorecard for reduction in emissions both for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Even though there is reduction in the emissions on an overall basis at the firm level, several plants that have not been able to reduce emissions deserve special attention to meet the goals of the act in reducing emissions.  相似文献   

根据《“十二五”主要污染物总量控制规划编制技术指南》提供的公式,预测社会经济发展主要参数,包括GDP、能源消费总量、煤炭消费量等指标。二氧化硫新增量预测以宏观测算方法为主,并按行业测算方法予以校核。宏观测算分为火电行业和非电力行业,结果为1.419万t;分行业预测分为石化、建材(水泥)、有色、冶金和其他行业,结果为1.774万t,两者预测偏差为25%,采用分行业预测结果作为2015年二氧化硫新增量预测。  相似文献   

Acid Deposition and Integrated Zoning Control in China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
China's rapidly growing economy is coupled with the consumption of large amounts of coal. An energy mix dominated by coal and inefficient energy utilization processes have led to increasingly serious problems of acid rain and sulfur dioxide pollution. Moreover, trends in the emissions of acidifying air pollutants lead to predictions of a very serious acid deposition problem in the future. In the absence of mitigating actions, these trends foretell a future of increasingly detrimental impacts to ecosystems in China and, potentially, to ecosystems in neighboring countries. China has implemented a two control zone (TCZ) policy, resulting in the establishment of acid rain and sulfur dioxide control zones, in an attempt to implement a cost-effective approach to mitigating acid deposition problems. While some short-term successes have resulted from management actions associated with the TCZ policy, it is clear additional measures and new policy directions are needed to reverse worsening acid deposition problems in the long term. To this end the following recommendations are presented: adjusting the primary energy mix, placing a greater emphasis on abating the effects of acid deposition, concentrating pollution control on large point sources, implementing an emission permit system for coal-fired power plants, utilizing an integrated approach in designing and evaluating control measures, and developing a greater research capacity. Research strategies must be developed that will lead to: (1) an improved scientific understanding of the sources of acidifying pollutants, their associated migration patterns, and their impacts; and (2) an identification of cost-effective mitigating strategies for the entire country.  相似文献   

针对高含硫气田试气作业排放二氧化硫的问题,利用电化学传感器建立试气监测方法。介绍了方法的原理、监测要求、设计了比对实验,结果表明:复合式气体检测仪方法监测结果能够反映试气二氧化硫扩散特征,该方法与常规人工采样监测方法监测结果的均值和标准差基本符合;两种方法监测结果的线性相关系数为0.993,使用该方法监测试气作业时大气中二氧化硫浓度能满足监测工作要求。  相似文献   

我国大气细颗粒物污染防治目标和控制措施研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
我国面临着严重的细颗粒物(PM2.5)污染问题,PM2.5对人体健康、能见度、气候变化、生态系统等均产生了不良影响。本文旨在提出我国PM2.5污染防治目标和控制措施,为从根本上改善空气质量提供科学依据。首先,本文提出了2020年和2030年我国PM2.5污染防治目标。其次,采用能源和污染排放技术模型,分情景预测了我国未来一次大气污染物排放量的变化趋势。基于情景预测结果和此前研究建立的一次污染物排放与PM2.5浓度间的非线性关系,确定了2020年—2030年与PM2.5浓度改善相适应的全国和重点区域大气污染物减排目标。最后,利用能源和污染排放技术模型,提出了实现大气污染物减排的技术措施和对策建议。研究表明,2030年全国二氧化硫、氮氧化物、一次PM2.5和挥发性有机物的排放量应分别比2012年至少削减51%、64%、53%和36%,氨排放量也要略有下降。对于污染严重的重点区域,必须采取更严格的控制力度。要实现上述减排,应加快能源结构调整,推进煤炭清洁高效集中可持续利用,建立"车-油-路"一体的移动源控制体系,并强化多源多污染物的末端控制。  相似文献   

枣庄市一次能源消费以煤为主,空气污染为煤烟型污染。因而,必需采取调整产业结构,发展集中供热和联片采暖,开展清洁能源替代等综合措施控制二氧化硫污染。  相似文献   

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