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我国城市周边规划建设用地利用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈子玉 《四川环境》2004,23(3):68-70,74
随着我国城市面积的不断扩大,大量的郊区耕地成为或即将成为城市的建设用地,同时与城市建设相伴相随的建筑渣土的堆放已成为城市的一大问题,本文按照循环经济原则,提出利用规划期内即将建设的城市周边耕地资源建立供应城市建筑的制砖企业,同时利用取土坑填埋建筑渣土,建立城市物质的有效循环,实现城市建筑的循环经济。并对此物质循环方式做了生态经济的分析,也对此物质循环中存在的障碍提出了解决的方法。  相似文献   

李钰 《环境教育》2012,(12):53-53
日前,江苏省连云新城低碳生态建设规划中期成果汇报会正式召开,标志着连云新城向宜居宜业宜游,绿色低碳、智慧集约新城的进程又加快一步。中期成果分析了连云新城的基本情况,在水资源利用、能源系统、绿色建筑、绿色交通、综合性防灾与公共安全、生态环境建设和保护等方面进行了系统的研究,并为连云新城构建生态共生、舒适宜居、节能低碳、先进智能的城市发展模式提出了实施建议。  相似文献   

建材行业的发展为城市化建设提供了重要保障,在我国城市化快速发展、建筑材料需求旺盛的带动下,建材行业发展强劲,但大多属于高能耗高污染行业,加之城市拆迁改造产生大量建筑废弃物,环境压力十分巨大,必须加强建筑废弃物的环境管理。对建筑废弃物再利用、再循环以及减少建筑废弃物是解决建筑行业环境问题的重要方式,实施这些仍有很大的提升空间。本文回顾了近年来建筑废弃物再生利用方面的各种可行性技术。主要是针对沥青、砖、混凝土、金属、玻璃等几种物质再生利用的可行性技术进行综述,为未来建筑废弃物再生利用领域提供参考。  相似文献   

分析评价了灾后重建土地利用规划的管理机制与实施对策。研究结果表明,为了确保减灾防灾目标的实现,有效抗御地震灾害,灾后重建应对土地利用进行科学的管理和规划,建立预防机制,从源头上消除安全隐患;提高工程建设安全标准,加强建筑质量安全监管;要有切实可行的规划实施对策和措施,确保规划目标的贯彻落实。国家应给予灾后重建特殊的政策支持,以人为本,科学规划,切实加强与灾后重建各相关规划相协调;从严控制新增建设用地,严格保护耕地,节约和集约利用耕地,搞好灾毁土地的整理与复垦。  相似文献   

建筑垃圾的资源化利用是保护生态的有效途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对建筑垃圾的成分和特征进行了研究,介绍了国外建筑垃圾管理中资源化利用值得借鉴的经验和方法,分析了国内建筑垃圾资源化的管理体制以及综合利用建筑垃圾的状况.通过分析提出了我国建筑垃圾循环再利用的一些基本对策,并就建筑垃圾资源化与环境保护的关系做了阐述.以资源化再利用为主体的全过程循环模式符合国家产业政策,是今后处理建筑垃圾的发展方向.  相似文献   

建筑垃圾量逐年增长,其对环境危害越来越严重,提高建筑垃圾处置技术水平和资源化利用率势在必行。阐述了我国建筑垃圾的类型、成分特性、再生资源化产品种类与用途、分选工艺、资源化再生利用工艺系统,预测了建筑垃圾成分复杂程度的未来演化趋势,并对不同类型建筑垃圾组分复杂程度、分选与资源化难度和资源化利用优先次序进行了排序,对“除土+三破三筛+风选除杂”分选工艺和混凝土砌块生产系统进行了详细描述,为制定建筑垃圾资源化利用方案提供了技术借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

最近,在清华大学校园东区,将建一座总面积2800平方米的超低能耗示范建筑,预计将于今年4月破土动工。这栋示范楼汇集了目前国内外最新的建筑节能科研成果,总能耗是常规建筑的1/3。据中国工程院院士、清华大学建筑学院教授江亿说,目前,全世界有近30%的能源消耗在建筑物上,长此以往,将严重影响世界经济的可持续发展。随着建筑面积的不断扩大,能源与建筑垃圾成为两大问题。目前,国人的节能意识越来越强,我们应该用建筑全生命周期的观点考虑问题。将要建在清华大学里的这座超低能耗示范楼,无论从规划,还是设计、技术、节…  相似文献   

综述了欧美、日本等发达国家和地区在建筑垃圾的处理、规范管理和再利用等方面的管理模式和政策法规。结合我国的国情和现行的法规政策进行了对比和分析,旨在为我国建筑垃圾的资源再利用提供参考。  相似文献   

三峡民居的建筑特色及其旅游开发初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
三峡地区有着悠久的文化历史,三峡传统民居是三峡地域文化的杰出代表,其建筑形态与风格不但体现了实用与审美、建筑与场所的完美结合,而且记载了峡区民众对宇宙、自然以及住所环境的理性思考,是他们聪明才智和创造精神的物化反映.在旅游业迅速发展的今天,三峡民居的珍贵历史价值、深厚的文化积淀、独特的古韵风貌成为十分宝贵的旅游文化资源.因此,分析研究三峡传统民居的建筑特色,挖掘其潜力并提出合理规划、开发的对策与措施,使其旅游价值得到充分利用,将有助于进一步提升三峡旅游产品的品质,促进库区旅游业的繁荣.  相似文献   

严华东  丰景春  朱红 《中国环境管理》2022,14(1):109-115,100
特许经营模式能够较好地发挥市场化、效率化、竞争化导向作用,充分发挥市场机制在资源配置中的决定性作用,在建筑垃圾资源化利用项目中得到了一定的应用。本文在分析江苏省建筑垃圾资源化利用项目中特许经营模式的实践经验和面临问题的基础上,总结了特许经营模式典型的交易结构,从物品属性、市场逻辑、风险分担和垄断之争四个方面对存在的争议问题和观点进行辨析,提出了国家层面制定规则、科学选择运作方式、确保采购充分竞争、合理确定项目补贴、加强政府规制作用和持续优化营商环境等政策建议,以期为未来建筑垃圾资源利用推广采用特许经营模式提供参考和启示。  相似文献   

在研究大量地热地质资料的基础上,发现秦皇岛地区存在以断裂构造活动为主要特征的地下热水,区内地下热水的赋存受区域构造、断裂活动、盖层等因素的影响。根据地热资源分布及热储特征,提出秦皇岛地区地热资源开发利用可优先考虑的方向:抚宁县温泉堡、北戴河机场、卢龙县刘田各庄乡赵官庄、黄金海岸及北戴河新城七里海团组。  相似文献   

Frequent floods have led to loss of lives and destruction of property in both coastal and landlocked cities across the globe, particularly where floodplains have been developed without recourse to space standards. This paper investigated the contributions of contravention of building codes to flooding in flood-prone areas in the Lagos metropolis. Global Positioning Systems (GPSs) were used to determine the location and elevation above sea level of 1,025 buildings situated in 211 streets that were prone to flooding. The distance of buildings from drainage channels/the lagoon was determined in ArcGIS 10.2 environment. Findings revealed that building code contravention contributed significantly to flooding (r = 0.926). About 63.5% and 63.3% of sampled buildings contravened building-plot ratio and statutory setbacks from drainage channels/the lagoon, respectively. Proactive urban planning, strict enforcement of building codes and development control regulations are required to reduce flooding and its consequences in cities of developing nations where flooding has become an annual occurrence.  相似文献   

北戴河及相邻地区的鸟类种数繁多,约有409种,其中属国家一类保护鸟类的有12种,二类保护鸟类的有49种。分析其原因,一是北戴河位于中国东部候鸟迁徙的停歇地;二是生境复杂多样,环境质量优良。为保护鸟类及其生境,应制定并实施相应的地方法规和经济技术政策,建立并完善自然保护区,开展宣传教育,动员公众参与。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨如何使较大生态空间斑块形成闭合区域,在空间属性上保持相对的完整性和单一性,并加以有效保护,使生态空间真正成为城市发展的绿色屏障。从现有文献和同江市"多规合一"实践看,由于历史遗留、追逐利益和监管不力等诸多因素,生态空间甚至核心区域内有耕地和较大面积的生活聚居区挤占生态空间,导致环境质量下降。可通过退耕还林还草工程、迁出生态空间居民工程和加强生物多样性保护工程等路径实现生态空间完整性。与此同时,采取加大对生态空间的保护力度、提高公众对生态空间完整性的认识、建立科学的生态补偿机制及加强中俄生态保护合作等措施加以保护。  相似文献   

Globalization and region enlargement has increased the emphasis of local authorities on being competitive for inward investment and taxpayers. This can lead to a subordination of environmental concerns. In order to secure environmental and other national interests, planning and regulation at supra-local level is required, especially if the local authorities have different motivations and goals from the central government. The central government policy guidelines of the Norwegian planning system and the possibility for regional state authorities to make objections are an apparatus to protect national interests in planning. However, there has been a significant change in the central government’s practice when deciding on objections by regional state authorities against municipal plans since the new right-wing Norwegian government came into power. The losers from the changed practice are the environmental interests, widely defined. The new government’s prioritization of local self-determination and planning processes rather than contents resonates with key features of neoliberalism, but also with important elements of communicative planning theory.  相似文献   

由于城镇化进程的需要,越来越多的高层建筑出现在城市里,承担了我们的工作、居家、休闲娱乐的功能。随着公众环境意识逐步增强,高层建筑的电磁环境现状已成为公众关注的焦点。本文针对成都市区的高层建筑的电磁环境现状进行了调查分析。  相似文献   

利用2001—2010年1~12月北戴河观测站气象资料,筛选出401个样本个例,应用常规统计学方法及天气学理论,按不同分级统计分析降雨(雪)前6~8 h风向、风速及转为海风时温度变化基本数据,计算不同分级相关系数值,得出海上偏东风与降水、温度半定量化估计值。并用临近4个观测站同步资料对比分析,偏东风动态变化对岸区强降水落区具有指示意义;北戴河至内陆延伸温度梯度估计值为:夏季平均值0.6℃/10 km,冬季0.3℃/10 km;为单站精细化预报方法研究及中尺度数值模式检验提供基本依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this field study was to determine the concentrations and emissions of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in different types of pig buildings in Korea to allow objective comparison between pig housing types in Korea and other countries. Concentrations of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in the pig buildings averaged 7.5ppm and 286.5ppb and ranged from 0.8 to 21.4ppm and from 45.8 to 1235ppb, respectively. The mean emissions of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide per pig (normalized to 75kg liveweight) and area (m2) from pig buildings were 250.2 and 37.8mg/h/pig and 336.3 and 50.9mg/h/m2, respectively. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations and emissions were higher in the pig buildings managed with deep-pit manure systems with slats and mechanical ventilation than in other housing types.  相似文献   

Construction and building industry is in dire need for developing sustainability assessment frameworks that can evaluate and integrate related environmental and socioeconomic impacts. This paper discusses an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based sustainability evaluation framework for mid-rise residential buildings based on a broad range of environmental and socioeconomic criteria. A cradle to grave life cycle assessment technique was applied to identify, classify, and assess triple bottom line (TBL) sustainability performance indicators of buildings. Then, the AHP was applied to aggregate the impacts into a unified sustainability index. The framework is demonstrated through a case study to investigate two six storey structural systems (i.e. concrete and wood) in Vancouver, Canada. The results of this paper show that the environmental performance of a building in Canada, even in regions with milder weather such as Vancouver, is highly dependent on service life energy, rather than structural materials.  相似文献   

Urbanization has a great impact on urban evapotranspiration. Water evaporation inside buildings is an important part of urban water vapor resources and a crucial core of urban hydrological processes. The systematic studies on building water evaporation (BWE) are mostly the method of experimental monitoring. This study proposed a new method to simulate and estimate water evaporation flux inside buildings in urban areas. Based on the nighttime light data and urban per capita gross domestic product (GDP), a new modeling system was built to simulate the total BWE. Building area was calculated using the nighttime light data. And the BWE coefficient Df was estimated according to the important indicator of economic development per capita GDP value. Then the water evaporation inside urban buildings and the spatial distribution of water evaporation inside buildings in typical cities could be obtained. The results showed that the total amount of water evaporation inside buildings in China's urban areas was 24.5 billion m3. Among the 31 provincial capitals in China, Shanghai had the largest BWE of 1.08 billion m3. The minimum water evaporation of buildings in Lhasa was 20.0 million m3. Studies of BWE can assess urban water budgets, support on-demand allocation of water resources, and provide a fundamental understanding of the relationship between water resources and energy heat island effects in urban areas.  相似文献   

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