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笔者从平均基准费率水平、工伤保险基金期望的支出构成比较和工伤保险刺激事故预防的费率机制的形成 3个方面 ,对欧洲国家工伤保险费率进行了分析 ,对若干欧洲国家用工伤保险经济手段促进企业改善劳动条件的成功经验给以总结 ,并对我国新近出台的《工伤保险条例》提出一些修改建议。  相似文献   

当前工伤保险制度存在一些不足,导致工伤保险的作用发挥受到很大的限制,因此建立和完善与工伤风险相对应的费率机制和强化工会组织在贯彻落实<工伤保险条例>中的作用势在必行,同时两者系统地结合将促使企业由"重赔偿、轻预防"的模式向事故预防为主的方向转变,有力推进绿色劳动的全面推广.  相似文献   

费率制度是工伤保险的核心制度之一,大陆在工伤保险费率设置和保险费计算方面有其进步的方面,但也呈现许多不足。通过与台湾地区工伤保险费率制度相关问题的比较分析,大陆应恰当设置缴费主体,重置政府在工伤保险中的责任,优化行业差别费率和浮动费率。  相似文献   

简要介绍部分国家工伤保险差别费率情况;通过对相关数据的分析,提出我国工伤保险差别费率分类应以行业工伤事故死亡风险、重伤和轻伤风险、职业病风险和基金支出情况为指标和依据,尤其不能忽视行业轻伤和职业病风险指标;计算了我国近几年各行业工伤事故的个人死亡风险。建议:增加行业风险类别和工伤保险费率差距范围;完善工伤事故、职业病和工伤保险统计指标体系;工伤保险基金应加大对预防、康复、科研、教育培训工作的投入。  相似文献   

工伤保险费率是工伤保险基金筹集的核心问题。工伤保险费用的征缴、调节和支付都要求确定一个合理的费率。合理的费率可以促进工伤保险事业的发展 ,改进企业的安全生产状况。我们需要研究的问题是 ,工伤保险费率应维持什么水平 ,如何通过工伤保险费率的调整 ,使工伤保险在安全生产与事故预防中起到经济杠杆的作用。5 .1  工伤保险费率的确定原则我国社会保险正在建立与完善中。在发达工业国家 ,工伤保险是社会保险中开展最早 ,发展最完备的。这是因为大工业的发展和机械化、自动化的提高 ,带来了工伤事故的增多及经济损失的提高 ,迫使雇…  相似文献   

目前 ,我国工伤保险加快了改革的步伐 ,工伤保险必将对安全生产起到很大的促进作用。讲座从工伤保险的意义与作用、现状与发展、基本原则和特点、工伤保险补偿待遇、工伤保险费率水平与调节作用及工伤保险基金管理等方面讲述了工伤保险及其相关知识  相似文献   

近几年,煤矿发生的各类事故一直居全国工矿企业前列,给人民群众的生命财产造成极大的损失。而解决事故当中工伤职工的待遇和安置问题也成为市场经济改革所面临的突出难题,究其原因就在于:一方面,我国工伤保险费率水平偏低,行业费率档次少,差别拉得不大,工伤保险覆盖面很低;另一方面,煤炭等高风险行业被“工伤保险”拒于门外。在如此之低的费率和近年来特、重大事故频繁发生的情况下,工伤保险结余却居高不下,如1999年全国工伤保险的累计  相似文献   

工伤保险行业差别费率确定方法探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
制定合理的行业差别费率对于工伤保险基金的稳定、促进企业改善安全生产状况具有积极作用.我国工伤保险制度处于起步阶段,有些地区对行业差别费率厘定进行了探索,但费率与风险的关联性不强,影响了低风险企业参加工伤保险统筹的积极性.本文针对工伤统计数据缺乏的现状,分析了现阶段工伤保险行业差别费率确定方法的研究现状,重点讨论了确定行业风险等级的3种方法,即聚类分析法、风险系数测评和模糊风险评估法的应用过程以及优缺点;另外,强调了在确定行业风险指数时,应注意根据不同事故类别的严重度来确定各风险因素指标的权重大小.最后,应用风险评估理论分析工伤保险行业差别费率的运作机理,提出应用工伤赔付支出费用计算行业差别费率的数学公式,此公式原理清晰、操作方便,且有利于各统筹地区根据实际情况划分行业差别费率.  相似文献   

高技能人才由于职业、岗位、才技与众不同,其工伤保护也存在一些特殊性。实践中,并未专门针对高技能人才制定特别的工伤保护措施。为此,笔者分析高技能人才工作时段和场所较易变动、劳动强度较大等特点,提出风险和事故的高发生率是科技活动内在的客观规律等,提出应给予失败者和事故责任者必要的宽容。建议政府应结合不同行业、不同岗位的技术含量和风险特点,从工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定、工伤保险待遇及浮动费率核算几方面改进现有工伤保护政策,且应加强高技能人才工伤预防和促进高技能人才职业康复。结合前文论述,笔者提出了相应政策和实用的对策。  相似文献   

陈光 《劳动保护》2008,(12):13-15
在工业化国家,工伤保险、安全立法和国家监察作为构成安全生产工作的三大支柱,在事故预防、医疗康复、工伤赔付方面发挥了不可替代的作用。工伤保险的事故预防机制通过收与支两个方面来实现,前者通过调整生产经营单位缴纳保险金的差别费率与浮动费率,激励和督促企业从自身经济利益上考量:必须改善安全生产状况,减少生产事故和职业危害的发生;后者则是从保险基金中划拨出一定比例的经费用于生产事故与职业危害的预防,包括安全技术服务、培训和宣传教育等等。  相似文献   

建设项目职业病危害预评价方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
目前,建设项目职业病危害预评价方法比较单一,只能反映拟建项目在职业病危害方面与现行法规、标准的符合程度,并不能对项目进行全面、动态的评估,也无法评价职业危害事故风险。通过分析环境影响评价、安全评价中相关的评价方法在评价职业病危害因素分布、长期作用的影响、危害分级、事故风险等方面的优势,探讨其在建设项目职业病危害预评价中的应用。笔者提出,合理借鉴环境影响评价、安全评价方法,可拓展职业病危害预评价的深度和广度,在拟建项目职业病防治、建设项目职业危害分级管理和职业危害事故防范等方面都具有积极的指导作用。  相似文献   

职业中毒是我国的主要职业病之一,严重影响着劳动者的健康和社会的和谐稳定。根据卫生部2000-2009年公布的职业病统计数据,分析总结我国职业中毒的发生规律。结果表明:职业中毒是仅次于尘肺病的第二大类职业病。职业中毒占职业病总数的12.8%-18%,在职业中毒病例中,急性职业中毒占22.4%-39.6%,慢性职业中毒占60.4%-77.6%。职业中毒总人数变化从2000年到2005年较平稳,从2006年起,呈波浪形上升趋势,但其增幅远小于职业病总数和尘肺病新发病例人数的增幅。其中,急性职业中毒总人数略有下降趋势,慢性职业中毒总人数呈波浪形上升趋势。引起急性职业中毒占前两位的化学毒物主要是一氧化碳和硫化氢,引起慢性职业中毒占前两位的化学毒物主要是铅及其化合物和苯。中小企业职业中毒发生率高。建议各级职能部门重点加强相关行业的监管,尤其是其中的中小企业的监管;履行指导的职责,加强有效果的安全教育和培训;同时加强职业监控监护。  相似文献   



This paper aims at examining the occupational accident rate in Spain in the olive oil mill industry. These mills produce olive oil by physical or mechanical, but not chemical procedures. Although Spain is the leading olive oil producer in the world with 1,200,000 tons/year and over 25% of the world olive farming area, the occupational accident rate in this sector has been little studied in the relevant scientific literature.


Our study analyses all occupational accidents which occurred during 2004-2009, with or without sick leave, at 90 Andalusian olive oil mills covered by one of the biggest state insurance companies for accidents at work and occupational diseases (within the Spanish Social Security system).

Results and discussion

Slips or trips are the most frequent cause of occupational accidents in this sector, accounting for 14.86% of the cases. In second position, incorrectly coordinated bodily movements account for almost 13.51% of the accidents. Falls from height, 12.2% of the cases, are also statistically noteworthy. As for the seriousness of the injuries, entrapments are particularly important, since in 2.70% of the cases they result in the traumatic amputation of a part of the body. The analysis of accidents without sick leave reveals that a high number of incidents are caused by contact of the skin and eyes with hazardous substances (20% of the cases) and 10% of them involve superficial injuries.

Impact on the industry

This paper provides a clear and updated image of the accident rate in Spanish olive oil mills and can be a useful tool for the design and adequate adjustment of the management systems implemented in these plants to guarantee a satisfactory level of occupational health and safety by means of more efficient planning and monitoring of measures intended to reduce professional risks and improve working conditions.


Given not only the high incidence of falls on the same level and the potential seriousness of falls from different levels, but also the small, round fruit involved, with a high oil content and a hard round stone, it is extremely important to design and implement safe working procedures and specifically train both operatives and managers in charge of the tidiness, cleanliness and regular control of the premises and operations. The analysis of the accidents not requiring sick leave (mostly cases of contact with hazardous substances on the skin or eyes, or superficial injuries) clearly reveals that the use of suitable personal protective equipment and the relevant training are crucial issues.  相似文献   

职业危害现状与对策分析   总被引:8,自引:11,他引:8  
本文陈述了我国职业危害作业场所多、涉及面广、职业病患者多的现状,阐述了职业病防治技术和能力落后、有毒有害工种和工序转移、预防性工作审核不严等产生职业危害的原因;论述了职业病危害由城市向农村、由东部向西部、由大企业向小企业的转移倾向和职业病发病年龄呈现年轻化及新兴职业相关疾病发生的特点,提出相应的预防和控制职业危害的对策。  相似文献   

Many work related electric accidents occurred in electric energy industries and they were very often fatal. The situation of electric accidents in electric companies worldwide is investigated by reviewing the scientific literature, to offer perspectives on the types and kinds of statistics available, the factors regarded as influencing their occurrence, their consequences, and also methodological shortcomings.

Worldwide, reliable comparable data exist and indicate a downward trend in fatal electric accidents. Difficulties were encountered in compiling international statistics because of differences in how accident data were defined and recorded, variations in mandatory practices, lack of suitable data and indices, accident insurance systems, and lack of correlation between technical, financial, and medical aspects.  相似文献   

针对企业事故灾害预防控制的保险应急手段不健全现状,阐述了安全经济管理、风险管理、保险三者的区别与关系以及保险对企业事故灾害预防的作用。根据企业事故灾害预防控制、风险控制和发展与保险防灾的相关性、企业安全事故经济损失的社会保险补偿及其损失的商业保险补偿等问题,对与企业事故灾害预防控制相关的保险问题进行研究,以在企业事故灾害预防控制过程中,管理人员能高度认识保险的作用。  相似文献   

Information resulting from the occurrence of accidents and near-accidents is the basis for most accident prevention efforts. However, such information may not normally be incorporated into local safety activities. A group to assist supervisors in their investigations of accidents and a procedure to prompt the reporting of near-accidents by employees were tested at one company as means of improving local safety activities. The accident investigation group was in operation in all departments and was associated with improved accident reporting and prevention activities as well as a reduction in accident severity. The near-accident reporting procedure was tested in one department and led to improved knowledge about risks, although no reductions in accident frequency and severity were shown. On the basis of these results, the company safety committee decided at the end of the first year to extend the mandate of the investigation group but not to continue with near-accident reporting. Follow-ups after 2 and 3 years indicated that improvements in prevention activities had been maintained and that accident severity had been further reduced.  相似文献   

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