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A four-stage systematic tracking survey of 240 households was conducted from the summer of 2011 to the spring of 2012 in a Chinese city of Suzhou to determine the characteristics of household hazardous waste (HHW) generated by the city. Factor analysis and a regression model were used to study the major driving forces of HHW generation. The results indicate that the rate of HHW generation was 6.16 (0.16–31.74, 95% CI) g/person/day, which accounted for 2.23% of the household solid waste stream. The major waste categories contributing to total HHW were home cleaning products (21.33%), medicines (17.67%) and personal care products (15.19%). Packaging and containers (one-way) and products (single-use) accounted for over 80% of total HHW generation, implying a considerable potential to mitigate HHW generation by changing the packaging design and materials used by manufacturing enterprises. Strong correlations were observed between HHW generation (g/person/day) and the driving forces group of “household structure” and “consumer preferences” (among which the educational level of the household financial manager has the greatest impact). Furthermore, the HHW generation stream in Suzhou suggested the influence of another set of variables, such as local customs and culture, consumption patterns, and urban residential life-style. This study emphasizes that HHW should be categorized at its source (residential households) as an important step toward controlling the HHW hazards of Chinese cities.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This study analyzes the mechanism of hydrogen sulfide generation in a composite landfill site where demolition and domestic wastes were deposited....  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - This paper has outlined the measures and challenges facing Thailand, which was forced to address a surge in imports of plastic waste and e-waste...  相似文献   

We summarize the measures taken by the Japanese government to prevent the emission of dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) into the environment. Because incineration is the main method of waste management in Japan, reducing the amount of dioxins emitted from waste incinerators is an essential aspect of proper waste treatment. Intensive measures to prevent the formation of dioxins at the source have been implemented, with a focus on waste treatment methods and improving comprehensive management. The efforts have been very successful, with a 95% reduction in the amount of dioxins emitted between 1997 and 2003. The toxicity of PCBs has been monitored with keen interest since the Yusho incident. Unfortunately, treatment facilities for PCB wastes were not built until long after PCBs had been removed from use, and PCB wastes remained in storage in an untreated state. The Japanese government has promoted the construction of facilities for treating PCB wastes, and five such facilities have commenced operations. To more completely eradicate dioxins, a future challenge will be to reduce the amount of PCB-derived dioxins, which are persistent in the environment and have a long exposure pathway from the environment media to the organism and the human body.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Amid the 4th wave of COVID-19, Vietnam reopened its economy, which placed extra burdens on the COVID-19 waste management system. This study...  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to assess boundaries and potential for implementation of waste-to-energy projects in developing and transition countries in order to give realistic future directions for waste-to-energy initiatives. For this purpose, Serbia is taken as an example. In order to highlight the most important issues, which hinder the feasibility of waste-to-energy projects, analysis of the status quo of Serbian municipal solid waste management is performed. In addition, based on the current political and social status of the country, the most important factors that need to be solved as a precondition to waste-to-energy projects are defined. This analysis revealed that aside from technical factors, sociopolitical and cultural obstacles must be eliminated as a prerequisite for successful implementation of waste-to-energy projects. We define the most sustainable pathway for waste-to-energy initiatives in Serbia as well as other similar developing and transition countries, which can complement development of the entire waste management system.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Human and livestock waste, i.e., excreta, were intensively used in crop cultivation in Asia over the years. However, rapid economic growth induced...  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to discuss the role of networks formed of waste-picker cooperatives in ameliorating problems of final disposal of solid waste in the city of Rio de Janeiro, since the city’s main landfill will soon have to close because of exhausted capacity. However, it is estimated that in the city of Rio de Janeiro there are around five thousand waste-pickers working in poor conditions, with lack of physical infrastructure and training, but contributing significantly by diverting solid waste from landfills. According to the Sustainable Development Indicators (IBGE, 2010a, IBGE, 2010b) in Brazil, recycling rates hover between 45% and 55%. In the municipality of Rio de Janeiro, only 1% of the waste produced is collected selectively by the government (COMLURB, 2010), demonstrating that recycling is mainly performed by waste-pickers. Furthermore, since the recycling market is an oligopsony that requires economies of scale to negotiate directly with industries, the idea of working in networks of cooperatives meets the demands for joint marketing of recyclable materials. Thus, this work presents a method for creating and structuring a network of recycling cooperatives, with prior training for working in networks, so that the expected synergies and joint efforts can lead to concrete results. We intend to demonstrate that it is first essential to strengthen the waste-pickers’ cooperatives in terms of infrastructure, governance and training so that solid waste management can be environmentally, socially and economically sustainable in the city of Rio de Janeiro.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of methane fermentation treatment used in food waste processing is currently limited by solubilization and acidogenesis. In efforts to improve the treatment process, this study examined the effects of temperature on solubilization and acidogenesis. The solubilization rate of food waste, which was based on suspended solid removal, was 47.5%, 62.2%, 70.0%, 72.7%, 56.1% and 45.9% at 15 °C, 25 °C, 35 °C, 45 °C, 55 °C and 65 °C, respectively. Solubilization rate was accelerated from the middle to late experimental periods under mesophilic (35 °C and 45 °C) conditions. In contrast, overall solubilization rate was significantly lower under thermophilic (55 °C and 65 °C) conditions than under mesophilic conditions, although solubilization occurred rapidly in the early experimental period. The production of biogas was high under mesophilic conditions of 35 °C and 45 °C, at 64.7 and 62.7 mL/g-VS, respectively, while it was scarce under thermophilic conditions. Solubilization of food waste was accelerated under both mesophilic and thermophilic conditions; however, solubilization rate was observed to be particularly high under mesophilic conditions, and a shortening of the hydraulic retention time is expected under thermophilic conditions.  相似文献   

The continuously increasing solid waste generation worldwide calls for management strategies that integrate concerns for environmental sustainability. By quantifying environmental impacts of systems, life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool, which can contribute to answer that call. But how, where and to which extent has it been applied to solid waste management systems (SWMSs) until now, and which lessons can be learnt from the findings of these LCA applications? To address these questions, we performed a critical review of 222 published LCA studies of SWMS. We first analysed the geographic distribution and found that the published studies have primarily been concentrated in Europe with little application in developing countries. In terms of technological coverage, they have largely overlooked application of LCA to waste prevention activities and to relevant waste types apart from household waste, e.g. construction and demolition waste. Waste management practitioners are thus encouraged to abridge these gaps in future applications of LCA. In addition to this contextual analysis, we also evaluated the findings of selected studies of good quality and found that there is little agreement in the conclusions among them. The strong dependence of each SWMS on local conditions, such as waste composition or energy system, prevents a meaningful generalisation of the LCA results as we find it in the waste hierarchy. We therefore recommend stakeholders in solid waste management to regard LCA as a tool, which, by its ability of capturing the local specific conditions in the modelling of environmental impacts and benefits of a SWMS, allows identifying critical problems and proposing improvement options adapted to the local specificities.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the state of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in the capital of Cameroon, Yaoundé, and suggests some possible solutions for its improvement. The institutional, financial, and physical aspects of MSW management, as well as the livelihoods of the population, were analyzed. Our study revealed that distances and lack of infrastructure have a major impact on waste collection. Garbage bins are systematically mentioned as the primary infrastructure needed by the population in all quarters, whether it be a high or low standard community. The construction of transfer stations and the installation of garbage bins are suggested as a solution to reduce distances between households and garbage bins, thus improving waste collection vehicle accessibility. Transfer stations and garbage bins would enable the official waste collection company to expand its range of services and significantly improve waste collection rates. Several transfer stations have already been set up by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community-based organizations (CBOs), but they require technical, institutional and funding support. Research is needed on the quality and safety of community-made compost, as well as on soil fertility in urban and peri-urban areas. Most of the stakeholders, municipalities, the official waste collection company and households acknowledge the need for better monitoring and regulation of MSW management. The urban community of Yaoundé also needs to maintain its support of MSW management and promote the sustainability of NGOs and CBOs operating in underserved areas not yet covered by adequate infrastructures. A major opportunity for implementation of such waste policy is the heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC) program dedicated to urban planning and good governance.  相似文献   

According to the Brazilian law, implementation of a Medical Waste Management Plan (MWMP) in health-care units is mandatory, but as far as we know evaluation of such implementation has not taken place yet. The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the improvements deriving from the implementation of a MWMP in a Primary Health-care Center (PHC) located in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. The method proposed for evaluation compares the first situation prevailing at this PHC with the situation 1 year after implementation of the MWMP, thus allowing verification of the evolution of the PHC performance. For prior and post-diagnosis, the method was based on: (1) application of a tool (check list) which considered all legal requirements in force; (2) quantification of solid waste subdivided into three categories: infectious waste and sharp devices, recyclable materials and non-recyclable waste; and (3) identification of non-conformity practices. Lack of knowledge on the pertinent legislation by health workers has contributed to non-conformity instances. The legal requirements in force in Brazil today gave origin to a tool (check list) which was utilized in the management of medical waste at the health-care unit studied. This tool resulted into an adequate and simple instrument, required a low investment, allowed collecting data to feed indicators and also conquered the participation of the unit whole staff. Several non-conformities identified in the first diagnosis could be corrected by the instrument utilized. Total waste generation increased 9.8%, but it was possible to reduce the volume of non-recyclable materials (11%) and increase the volume of recyclable materials (4%). It was also possible to segregate organic waste (7%), which was forwarded for production of compost. The rate of infectious waste generation in critical areas decreased from 0.021 to 0.018 kg/procedure. Many improvements have been observed, and now the PHC complies with most of legal requirements, offers periodic training and better biosafety conditions to workers, has reduced the volume of waste sent to sanitary landfills, and has introduced indicators for monitoring its own performance. This evaluation method might subsidize the creation and evaluation of medical waste management plans in similar heath institutions.  相似文献   


The first draft scenario toward net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050 for the material cycles and waste management sector was presented by the Ministry of the Environment, Japan in August 2021. The details of the future GHG emission estimation used to create the draft scenario are described in this document. For multiple scenarios where more aggressive measures, such as carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS), were included in addition to business-as-usual and the current policy continuity scenario, future GHG emissions were estimated as the sum of the products of activities and emission factors indicating changes in measures between scenarios. The estimation outcomes demonstrated that future GHG emissions from the solid waste management sector could be anticipated to be zero or even negative when material conversion to biomass, primarily for plastics, recycling to raw materials, and installation of CCUS at incineration facilities are assumed. Extensions of prior plans are not enough to reach the goal of net zero emissions, according to the measures necessary and the volume and pace of their implementation suggested in this study. Stakeholders should collaborate with great ambition.


Life cycle assessment (LCA) is increasingly used in waste management to identify strategies that prevent or minimise negative impacts on ecosystems, human health or natural resources. However, the quality of the provided support to decision- and policy-makers is strongly dependent on a proper conduct of the LCA. How has LCA been applied until now? Are there any inconsistencies in the past practice? To answer these questions, we draw on a critical review of 222 published LCA studies of solid waste management systems. We analyse the past practice against the ISO standard requirements and the ILCD Handbook guidelines for each major step within the goal definition, scope definition, inventory analysis, impact assessment, and interpretation phases of the methodology. Results show that malpractices exist in several aspects of the LCA with large differences across studies. Examples are a frequent neglect of the goal definition, a frequent lack of transparency and precision in the definition of the scope of the study, e.g. an unclear delimitation of the system boundaries, a truncated impact coverage, difficulties in capturing influential local specificities such as representative waste compositions into the inventory, and a frequent lack of essential sensitivity and uncertainty analyses. Many of these aspects are important for the reliability of the results. For each of them, we therefore provide detailed recommendations to practitioners of waste management LCAs.  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - With the rapid development of China’s industrial sector, solid waste emissions have exploded along with the mismatch between treatment...  相似文献   

Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management - Several sustainable white ceramic composites were prepared from 3 to 7 wt.% of hazardous toner waste, 30–40% of spent foundry sand,...  相似文献   

Preliminary results of a study undertaken to characterize dioxin and furan releases from waste incineration plants operating in Medellín-Colombia are presented. Emission and fly ash samples were collected from representative plants burning medical and industrial residues to characterize PCDD/PCDF levels. Analyses were carried out following European standards for stationary gas emissions EN-1948:1996 and US EPA 1613 (fly ashes). Final extracts were analyzed by both high resolution gas chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC-HRMS) and high resolution gas chromatography coupled to ion trap tandem mass spectrometry (HRGC-ITMS/MS). Preliminary results revealed emission levels of 1-30.3 ng I-TEQ/Nm3 depending on whether or not an air pollution control system (APCS) was installed. Fly ashes contained 8.5-68 ng I-TEQ/g. Critical issues that should be addressed in an assessment and in developing waste management plans in Colombia are discussed.  相似文献   

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