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The effects of changing precipitation on soil leaching in a deciduous forest were examined by experimentally manipulating throughfall fluxes in the field. In addition to an ambient treatment (AMB), throughfall fluxes were reduced by 33% (DRY treatment) and increased by 33% (WET treatment) using a system of rain gutters and sprinklers on Walker Branch Watershed, Tennessee. Soil leaching was measured with resin lysimeters in the O horizons and with ceramic cup lysimeters in the E (25 cm) and Bt (70 cm) horizons. Large and statistically significant treatment effects on N fluxes were found in the O horizons (lower N fluxes in the DRY and higher N fluxes in the WET treatment). Together with the greater O horizon N content observed in the DRY treatment, this suggested that N was being immobilized at a greater rate in the DRY treatment than in the AMB or WET treatments. No statistically significant treatment effects on soil solution were found in the E horizons with the exception of (Ca2+ + Mg2+) to K+ ratio. Statistically significant treatment effects on electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO4(2-), and Cl- were found in the Bt horizons due to differences between the DRY and other treatments. Despite this, calculated fluxes of Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na+, SO4(2-), and Cl- were lowest in the DRY treatment. These results suggest that lower precipitation will cause temporary N immobilization in litter and long-term enrichment in soil base cations whereas increased precipitation will cause long-term depletion of soil base cations.  相似文献   

Land application of animal manures, such as pig slurry (PS), is a common practice in intensive-farming agriculture. However, this practice has a pitfall consisting of the loss of nutrients, in particular nitrate, toward water courses. The objective of this study was to evaluate nitrate leaching for three application rates of pig slurry (50, 100, and 200 Mg ha(-1)) and a control treatment of mineral fertilizer (275 kg N ha(-1)) applied to corn grown in 10 drainage lysimeters. The effects of two irrigation regimes (low vs. high irrigation efficiency) were also analyzed. In the first two irrigation events, drainage NO(3)-N concentrations as high as 145 and 69 mg L(-1) were measured in the high and moderate PS rate treatments, respectively, in the low irrigation efficiency treatments. This indicates the fast transformation of the PS ammonium into nitrate and the subsequent leaching of the transformed nitrate. Drainage NO(3)-N concentration and load increased linearly by 0.69 mg NO(3)-N L(-1) and 4.6 kg NO(3)-N ha(-1), respectively, for each 10 kg N ha(-1) applied over the minimum of 275 kg N ha(-1). An increase in irrigation efficiency did not induce a significant increase of leachate concentration and the amount of nitrate leached decreased about 65%. Application of low PS doses before sowing complemented with sidedressing N application and a good irrigation management are the key factors to reduce nitrate contamination of water courses.  相似文献   

Dynamics of potassium leaching on a hillslope grassland soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been only a few studies of potassium (K) losses from grassland systems, and little is known about their dynamics, especially in relation to nitrogen (N) management. A study was performed during the autumn and winter of 1999 and 2000 to understand the effects of N and drainage on the dynamics of K leaching on a hillslope grassland soil in southwestern England. Two N application rates were studied (0 and 280 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), both with and without tile drainage. Treatments receiving N also received farmyard manure (FM). Higher total K losses and K concentrations in the leachates were found in the N + FM treatments (150 and 185% higher than in 0 N treatments), which were related to K additions in the FM. Drainage reduced K losses by 35% because of an increase in dry matter production and a reduction in overland and preferential flow. The pattern of change in K concentration in the leachates was associated with preferential flow at the beginning of the drainage season and with matrix flow later in winter, and was best described by a double exponential curve. Rainfall intensity and the autumn application of FM were the main determinants of K losses by leaching. The study provided new insights into the relationships between soil hydrology, rainfall, and K leaching and its implications for grassland systems.  相似文献   

We use a travel cost model to test the effects of wild and prescribed fire on visitation by hikers and mountain bikers in New Mexico. Our results indicate that net benefits for mountain bikers is $150 per trip and that they take an average of 6.2 trips per year. Hikers take 2.8 trips per year with individual net benefits per trip of $130. Both hikers' and mountain bikers' demand functions react adversely to prescribed burning. Net benefits for both groups fall as areas recover from prescribed burns. Because both visitation and annual recreation benefits decrease to these two types of visitors, this gives rise to multiple use costs associated with prescribed burning. With respect to wildfire, hikers and mountain bikers both exhibit decreased visitation as areas recover from wildfires, however, only hikers indicate an increase in per trip net benefits. Bikers' demand effectively drops to zero. These results differ from previous findings in the literature and have implications for efficient implementation of the National Fire Plan and whether prescribed burning is a cost effective tool for multiple use management of National Forests. Specifically, that fire and recreation managers cannot expect recreation users to react similarly to fire across recreation activities, or different geographic regions. What is cost effective in one region may not be so in another.  相似文献   

A series of computer programs designed to predict gross annual soil loss on a watershed basis by application of the Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) have been developed. The programs provide an easy-to-use, flexible, and standardized means of organizing base data and applying the USLE to large land areas. The programs can be used to assess and to evaluate the effects of changing land-use patterns and conservation practices on soil losses. Critical or problem areas can be readily identified. The USLE Computer Programs are a useful research tool for investigators involved in water quality management, 208 planning, or conservation research.The package of computer programs consists of three main components: data input, the Main Program, and the Totals Program. Input data include both field base data describing the watershed and corresponding values for the factors in the USLE. The Main Program calculates the average rate of soil loss (tons/ acre/yr) and the total soil loss (tons/yr) for the smallest subunit of the watershed identified as the soil unit. Also calculated is an RKLS factor, which is an indication of the erosive potential of a given soil type, slope, and slope length, under a particular rainfall regime. The Totals Program aggregates soil unit losses into progressively larger units, that is, field, farm, subwatershed, and watershed units. An example of the programs' versatility and use is presented.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that stable C and N isotope values in surface soil and litter would be increased by fire due to volatilization of lighter isotopes. The hypothesis was tested by: (1) performing experimental laboratory burns of organic and mineral soil materials from a watershed at combinations of temperature ranging 100 to 600 degrees C and duration ranging from 1 to 60 min; (2) testing field samples of upland soils before, shortly after, and 1 yr following a wildfire in the same watershed; and (3) testing field soil samples from a down-gradient ash/sediment depositional area in a riparian zone following a runoff event after the wildfire. Muffle furnace results indicated the most effective temperature range for using stable isotopes for tracing fire impacts is 200 to 400 degrees C because lower burn temperatures may not produce strong isotopic shifts, and at temperatures>or=600 degrees C, N and C content of residual material is too low. Analyses of field soil samples were inconclusive: there was a slightly significant effect of the wildfire on delta15N values in upland watershed analyses 1 yr postburn, while riparian zone analyses results indicated that delta13C values significantly decreased approximately 0.71 per thousand over a 9 mo post-fire period (p=0.015), and ash/sediment layer delta13C values were approximately 0.65 per thousand higher than those in the A horizon. The lack of field confirmation may have been due to overall wildfire burn temperatures being <200 degrees C and/or microbial recovery and vegetative growth in the field. Thus, the muffle furnace experiment supported the hypothesis, but it is as yet unconfirmed by actual wildfire field data.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) production in the smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe is based on both organic and mineral nutrient sources. A study was conducted to determine the effect of composted cattle manure, mineral N fertilizer, and their combinations on NO3 concentrations in leachate leaving the root zone and to establish N fertilization rates that minimize leaching. Maize was grown for three seasons (1996-1997, 1997-1998, and 1998-1999) in field lysimeters repacked with a coarse-grained sandy soil (Typic Kandiustalf). Leachate volumes ranged from 480 to 509 mm yr(-1) (1395 mm rainfall) in 1996-1997, 296 to 335 mm yr(-1) (840 mm rainfall) in 1997-1998, and 606 to 635 mm yr(-1) (1387 mm rainfall) in 1998-1999. Mineral N fertilizer, especially the high rate (120 kg N ha(-1)), and manure plus mineral N fertilizer combinations resulted in high NO3 leachate concentrations (up to 34 mg N L(-1)) and NO3 losses (up to 56 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) in 1996-1997, which represent both environmental and economic concerns. Although the leaching losses were relatively small in the other seasons, they are still of great significance in African smallholder farming where fertilizer is unaffordable for most farmers. Nitrate leaching from sole manure treatments was relatively low (average of less than 20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), whereas the crop uptake efficiency of mineral N fertilizer was enhanced by up to 26% when manure and mineral N fertilizer were applied in combination. The low manure (12.5 Mg ha(-1)) plus 60 kg N ha(-1) fertilizer treatment was best in terms of maintaining dry matter yield and minimizing N leaching losses.  相似文献   

Phosphorus leaching in relation to soil type and soil phosphorus content   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Phosphorus losses from arable soils contribute to eutrophication of freshwater systems. In addition to losses through surface runoff, leaching has lately gained increased attention as an important P transport pathway. Increased P levels in arable soils have highlighted the necessity of establishing a relationship between actual P leaching and soil P levels. In this study, we measured leaching of total phosphorus (TP) and dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) during three years in undisturbed soil columns of five soils. The soils were collected at sites, established between 1957 and 1966, included in a long-term Swedish fertility experiment with four P fertilization levels at each site. Total P losses varied between 0.03 and 1.09 kg ha(-1) yr(-1), but no general correlation could be found between P concentrations and soil test P (Olsen P and phosphorus content in ammonium lactate extract [P-AL]) or P sorption indices (single-point phosphorus sorption index [PSI] and P sorption saturation) of the topsoil. Instead, water transport mechanism through the soil and subsoil properties seemed to be more important for P leaching than soil test P value in the topsoil. In one soil, where preferential flow was the dominant water transport pathway, water and P bypassed the high sorption capacity of the subsoil, resulting in high losses. On the other hand, P leaching from some soils was low in spite of high P applications due to high P sorption capacity in the subsoil. Therefore, site-specific factors may serve as indicators for P leaching losses, but a single, general indicator for all soil types was not found in this study.  相似文献   

Assessment of regional scale soil spatial variation and mapping their distribution is constrained by sparse data which are collected using field surveys that are labor intensive and cost prohibitive. We explored geostatistical (ordinary kriging-OK), regression (Regression Tree-RT), and hybrid methods (RT plus residual Sequential Gaussian Simulation-SGS) to map soil textural fractions across the Santa Fe River Watershed (3585 km2) in north-east Florida. Soil samples collected from four depths (L1: 0–30 cm, L2: 30–60 cm, L3: 60–120 cm, and L4: 120–180 cm) at 141 locations were analyzed for soil textural fractions (sand, silt and clay contents), and combined with textural data (15 profiles) assembled under the Florida Soil Characterization program. Textural fractions in L1 and L2 were autocorrelated, and spatially mapped across the watershed. OK performance was poor, which may be attributed to the sparse sampling. RT model structure varied among textural fractions, and the model explained variations ranged from 25% for L1 silt to 61% for L2 clay content. Regression residuals were simulated using SGS, and the average of simulated residuals were used to approximate regression residual distribution map, which were added to regression trend maps. Independent validation of the prediction maps showed that regression models performed slightly better than OK, and regression combined with average of simulated regression residuals improved predictions beyond the regression model. Sand content >90% in both 0–30 and 30–60 cm covered 80.6% of the watershed area.  相似文献   

The soil organic partition coefficient (Koc) is one of the most important parameters to depict the transfer and fate of a chemical in the soil-water system. Predicting Koc by using a chromatographic technique has been developing into a convenient and low-cost method. In this paper, a soil leaching column chromatograpy (SLCC) method employing the soil column packed with reference soil GSE 17201 (obtained from Bayer Landwirtschaftszentrum, Monheim, Germany) and methanol-water eluents was developed to predict the Koc of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs), over a log Koc range of 4.8 orders of magnitude, from their capacity factors. The capacity factor with water as an eluent (k'w) could be obtained by linearly extrapolating capacity factors in methanol-water eluents (k'w) with various volume fractions of methanol (symbol in text). The important effects of solute activity coefficients in water on k'w and Koc were illustrated. Hence, the correlation between log Koc and log k'w (and log k') exists in the soil. The correlation coefficient (r) of the log Koc vs. log k'w correlation for 58 apolar and polar compounds could reach 0.987, while the correlation coefficients of the log Koc -log k' correlations were no less than 0.968, with (symbol in text)ranging from 0 to 0.50. The smaller the (symbol in text), the higher the r. Therefore, it is recommended that the eluent of smaller (symbol in text), such as water, be used for accurately estimating Koc. Correspondingly, the r value of the log Koc -log k'w correlation on a reversed-phase Hypersil ODS (Thermo Hypersil, Kleinostheim, Germany) column was less than 0.940 for the same solutes. The SLCC method could provide a more reliable route to predict Koc indirectly from a correlation with k'w than the reversed-phase liquid chromatographic (RPLC) one.  相似文献   

Process-based models are frequently used to assess the water quality impacts of turfgrass management emanating from proposed or existing golf courses. Thatch complicates the prediction of pesticide transport because surface-applied pesticides must pass through an organic-rich layer before entering the soil. This study was conducted to (i) compare the use of a linear equilibrium model (LEM) and two-site nonequilibrium (2SNE) model to predict pesticide transport through soil and thatch + soil columns, and (ii) evaluate thatch effects on pesticide transport through soil columns with a volume-averaging approach. Pesticide breakthrough curves were obtained for soil and thatch + soil columns from a 1 cm h(-1) flux applied one day after applying triclopyr (3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinyloxyacetic acid) and carbaryl (1-napthyl-methyl carbamate). Pesticide and bromide transport parameters indicated that nonequilibrium processes were affecting pesticide transport. Columns containing zoysiagrass (Zoysia japonica Steud.) thatch had lower triclopyr and carbaryl leaching losses than did soil-only columns, although total reductions attributable to thatch did not exceed 15% of the applied pesticide. When laboratory-based retardation factors were used, the 2SNE model explained 88 to 93% of the variability for triclopyr and 70 to 94% of the variability for carbaryl. Laboratory-based retardation factors performed well in a 2SNE model to predict the peak concentration and tailing behavior of triclopyr and carbaryl with a volume-averaging approach. These results suggest that separate representation of the thatch layer in process-based models is not a prerequisite to obtain reasonable estimates of pesticide transport under steady state flow conditions.  相似文献   

Phosphorus leaching from cow manure patches on soil columns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The loss of P in overland flow or leachate from manure patches can impair surface water quality. We studied leaching of P from 10-cm-high lysimeters filled with intact grassland soil or with acid-washed sand. A manure patch was created on two grassland and two sand-filled lysimeters, and an additional two grass lysimeters served as blanks. Lysimeters were leached in the laboratory during 234 d with a diluted salt solution, and column effluent was passed through a 0.45-microm filter, analyzed for pH, dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total dissolved P (TDP). At the end of the experiment lysimeter soil was sampled and analyzed for pH, available P, and oxalate-extractable P, Fe, and Al. The concentration of TDP in the effluent from the sand column increased to 25 mg L-1 during the first weeks and remained above 10 mg L-1 during the rest of the percolation. In effluent from grass + patch lysimeters TDP gradually increased to 4 mg L-1. Both in the manure and in the effluent of the sand lysimeter P was found mainly in the form of DRP, but in the effluent from the grass lysimeters was found mainly as dissolved unreactive P (DUP=TDP-DRP). Earthworm activity was responsible for decomposition of the manure patch on the grass lysimeters. Manure patches and their remains were found to be a long-term source of high concentrations of P in leachates. Spreading of patches after a grazing period could reduce their possible negative impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

A field study was initiated in 1992 to investigate the long-term impacts of beef feedlot manure application (composted and uncomposted) on nutrient accumulation and movement in soil, corn silage yield, and nutrient uptake. Two application strategies were compared: providing the annual crop nitrogen (N) requirement (N-based rate) or crop phosphorus (P) removal (P-based rate), as well as a comparison to inorganic fertilizer. Additionally, effects of a winter cover crop were evaluated. Irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) was produced annually from 1993 through 2002. Average silage yield and crop nutrient removal were highest with N-based manure treatments, intermediate with P-based manure treatments, and least with inorganic N fertilizer. Use of a winter cover crop resulted in silage yield reductions in four of ten years, most likely due to soil moisture depletion in the spring by the cover crop. However, the cover crop did significantly reduce NO3-N accumulation in the shallow vadose zone, particularly in latter years of the study. The composted manure N-based treatment resulted in significantly greater soil profile NO3-N concentration and higher soil P concentration near the soil surface. The accounting procedure used to calculate N-based treatment application rates resulted in acceptable soil profile NO3-N concentrations over the short term. While repeated annual manure application to supply the total crop N requirement may be acceptable for this soil for several years, sustained application over many years carries the risk of unacceptable soil P concentrations.  相似文献   

Nutrient concentrations in Buttermilk Bay, a coastal embayment on the northern end of Buzzards Bay, MA, are higher in the nearshore where salinities are lower. This pattern suggests that freshwater sources may contribute significantly to nutrient inputs into Buttermilk Bay. To evaluate the relative importance of the various sources we estimated inputs of nutrients by each major source into the watershed and into the bay itself. Septic systems contributed about 40% of the nitrogen and phosphorus entering the watershed, with precipitation and fertilizer use adding the remainder. Groundwater transported over 85% of the nitrogen and 75% of the phosphorus entering the bay. Most nutrients entering the watershed failed to reach the bay; uptake by forests, soils, denitrification, and adsorption intercepted two-thirds of the nitrogen and nine-tenths of the phosphorus that entered the watershed. The nutrients that did reach the bay most likely originated from subsoil injections into groundwater by septic tanks, plus some leaching of fertilizers.Buttermilk Bay water has relatively low nutrient concentrations, probably because of uptake of nutrients by macrophytes and because of relatively rapid tidal flushing. Annual budgets of nutrients entering the watershed showed a low nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio of 6, but passage of nutrients through the watershed raised N/P to 23, probably because of adsorption of PO4 during transit. The N/P ratio of water that leaves the watershed and presumably enters the bay is probably high enough to maintain active growth of nitrogenlimited coastal producers. There is a seasonal shift in N/P in the water column of Buttermilk Bay. N/P exceeded the 161 Redfield ratio during midwinter; the remainder of the year N/P fell below 161. This suggests that annual budgets do not provide sufficiently detailed data with which to interpret nutrient-limitation of producers. Further, some idea of water turnover is also needed to evaluate impact of loading rates. Urbanization of watersheds seems to increase loadings to nearshore environments, and to shift the nutrient loadings delivered to coastal waters to relatively high N-to-P ratios, potentially stimulating growth of nitrogen-limited primary producers.  相似文献   

In the new Dutch decision tree for the evaluation of pesticide leaching to groundwater, spatially distributed soil data are used by the GeoPEARL model to calculate the 90th percentile of the spatial cumulative distribution function of the leaching concentration in the area of potential usage (SP90). Until now it was not known to what extent uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties propagate to spatially aggregated parameters like the SP90. A study was performed to quantify the uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties and to analyze their contribution to the uncertainty in SP90. First, uncertainties in the soil and pesticide properties were quantified. Next, a regular grid sample of points covering the whole of the agricultural area in the Netherlands was randomly selected. At the grid nodes, realizations from the probability distributions of the uncertain inputs were generated and used as input to a Monte Carlo uncertainty propagation analysis. The analysis showed that the uncertainty concerning the SP90 is 10 times smaller than the uncertainty about the leaching concentration at individual point locations. The parameters that contribute most to the uncertainty about the SP90 are, however, the same as the parameters that contribute most to uncertainty about the leaching concentration at individual point locations (e.g., the transformation half-life in soil and the coefficient of sorption on organic matter). Taking uncertainties in soil and pesticide properties into account further leads to a systematic increase of the predicted SP90. The important implication for pesticide regulation is that the leaching concentration is systematically underestimated when these uncertainties are ignored.  相似文献   

Ground water pollution due to herbicide leaching has become a serious environmental problem. Imazaquin [2-(4-isopropyl-4-methyl-5-oxo-2-imidazolin-2-yl)quinoline-3-carboxylic acid] is an herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in legume crops. Imazaquin is negatively charged at the basic pH of calcareous soils and exhibits high leaching potential in soils. Our aim was to design formulation of imazaquin to reduce herbicide leaching. Imazaquin sorption on pillared clay (PC) and crystal violet (CV)-montmorillonite complexes was studied. The CV-montmorillonite complexes become positively charged with adsorption of CV above the cation exchange capacity (CEC) of montmorillonite, and thus can sorb imazaquin. The Langmuir equation provides a good fit to isotherms of imazaquin sorption on PC and CV-montmorillonite complexes, but for charged complexes an equation that combines electrostatics with specific binding was preferred. Maximal imazaquin sorption was 17.3 mmol kg-1 for PC and 22.2 mmol kg-1 for CV-montmorillonite complexes. The extents of imazaquin desorption into water were 21% for PC and 5% for CV-clay complexes. The presence of anions decreased imazaquin sorption on both sorbents in the sequence phosphate > acetate > sulfate. Reduction of imazaquin sorption by the anions and the extent of its desorption in electrolyte solutions were higher for PC than for CV-clay complexes. Leaching of imazaquin from CV-montmorillonite formulations through soil (Rhodoxeralf) columns was two times less than from PC formulations and four times less than that of technical imazaquin. The CV-montmorillonite complexes at a loading above the CEC appear to be suitable for preparation of organo-clay-imazaquin formulations that may reduce herbicide leaching significantly.  相似文献   

Many soils of the Mediterranean region with a semiarid climate are subjected to progressive degradation as a result of water erosion. Biosolids and municipal solid wastes (MSW) were surface-applied once at three rates (40, 80, and 120 Mg ha(-1)) to different plots in a degraded semiarid ecosystem. The study was conducted to determine the effects of such applications on soil chemical properties and native vegetation over a three-year period. Soil N, P, and K initially increased with increasing biowaste application rates, but then decreased over time. Levels of Zn and Cu were higher in MSW than biosolid-treated plots, and increased in both years after application. Concentrations of soil Cd, Pb, Ni, and Cr did not change as a result of biowaste amendment in the study period. The growth of native plants was enhanced by the addition of biowastes. Total plant canopy and plant biomass increased significantly and remained higher in all treatments than in the control plot over the three-year period. The species richness of native plants decreased with increasing biowaste rates. Differences in the development of native plant communities between treatments were observed, and were more remarkable three years after biowaste application. Tissue N, P, K, Zn, and Cu levels increased with the biowaste application rate, but concentrations of tissue Pb, Cd, Ni, and Cr did not increase significantly. Biowastes applied at the rate of 80 Mg ha(-1) gave rise to the most favorable soil and native vegetation results while avoiding environmental risks.  相似文献   

Use of adjuvants to minimize leaching of herbicides in soil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Excessive leaching of herbicides affects their efficacy against target weeds and results in contamination of groundwater. Use of adjuvants that can weakly bind herbicides and in turn release them slowly is a valuable technique to prolong the efficacy of herbicides and to minimize their leaching into groundwater. Effects of activated charcoal, three humic substances (Enersol SP 85%, Enersol 12%, and Agroliz), or a synthetic polymer (Hydrosorb) on the leaching of bromacil, dicamba, and simazine were investigated in leaching columns using a Candler fine sand (Typic Quartzipsamment). The addition of adjuvants had no harmful effects on physical properties of the soil as evident from lack of its affects on water percolation. When no adjuvants were used, 69%, 37%, and 4% of applied dicamba, bromacil, and simazine, respectively, were leached in the first pore volume of leachate (⋍3.2 cm rainfall). With five pore volumes of leachate (⋍16 cm rainfall), bromacil and dicamba were leached completely and only 80% of simazine was leached. Using Enersol 12% adjuvant resulted in a 13%–18% reduction in leaching of dicamba and bromacil in five pore volumes of leachate. The leaching of simazine was significantly decreased when any of the five adjuvants mentioned above were used. However, the decrease in leaching was significantly greater when using Enersol SP 85% or Enersol 12% (24%–28%) than when using the other adjuvants (12%–16%).  相似文献   

Microbial respiration in peat and overlying plant litter, as influenced by water level and phosphorus enrichment, was evaluated for an Everglades (Florida, USA) marsh ecosystem by measuring CO2 and CH4 release from soil-water microcosms. Intact cores of peat, overlying plant litter, and surface water were collected at seven locations in cattail (Typha domingensis Pers.) and sawgrass (Cladium jamaicense Crantz) stands along a phosphorus (P) enrichment gradient in Water Conservation Area 2A (WCA-2A). Each soil-water microcosm was outfitted with a controlled air circulation system whereby outflow gas from the headspace could be analyzed for CO2 and CH4 to determine flux of C from the soil-water column to the atmosphere. Gaseous C flux was determined for flooded conditions (10-cm water depth) and for water levels of 0, 5, 10, and 15 cm below the peat surface. Overall, decreasing water level resulted in significantly increased C flux, although rates were significantly higher under flooded conditions than under nonflooded, saturated-soil conditions, presumably due to O2 availability associated with algal photosynthesis within the litter layer in the water column. Carbon flux decreased significantly for sites increasingly distant from the primary hydrologic and nutrient inflows to WCA-2A. The microcosm study demonstrated that the C turnover rate was significantly increased by accelerated nutrient loading to the marsh, and was further enhanced by decreasing water level under drained conditions. Our results also demonstrated that photosynthesis within the water column is a potentially important regulator of C mineralization rate in the litter layer of the marsh system.  相似文献   

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