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Nutrients, soluble salts, and pathogenic bacteria in feedlot-pen manure have the potential to cause pollution of the environment. A three-year study (1998-2000) was conducted at a beef cattle (Bos taurus) feedlot in southern Alberta, Canada to determine the effect of bedding material [barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) straw versus wood chips] and season on the chemical and bacterial properties of pen-floor manure. Manure was sampled for chemical content (N, P, soluble salts, electrical conductivity, and pH) and populations of four groups of bacteria (Escherichia coli, total coliforms, and total aerobic heterotrophs at 27 and 39 degrees C). More chemical parameters of manure were significantly (P < or = 0.05) affected by season (SO4, Na, Mg, K, Ca, sodium adsorption ratio [SAR], total C, NO3-N, NH4-N, total P, and available P) than by bedding (K, pH, total C, C to N ratio, NH4-N, and available P). Bedding had no significant (P > 0.05) effect on the four bacterial groups whereas season affected all four groups. Numbers of E. coli and total coliforms (TC) were significantly higher by 1.72 to 2.02 log10 units in the summer than the other three seasons, which was consistent with a strong positive correlation of E. coli and TC with air temperature. The low ratio of bedding to manure in the pens was probably the major cause of the lack of significant bedding effects. Bedding material and seasonal timing of cleaning feedlot pens and land application of manure may be a potential tool to manage nutrients, soluble salts, and pathogens in manure.  相似文献   

Southern Alberta, which has a cold climate dominated by strong chinook winds, has the highest density of feedlot cattle in Canada. However, the quantity and quality of runoff from beef cattle (Bos taurus) feedlots in this unique region has not been investigated. Our objectives were to compare runoff quantity (1998-2002) with catch-basin design criteria; determine concentrations of selected inorganic chemical parameters (1998-2000) in runoff in relation to water quality guidelines and the potential implications of irrigating adjacent crop-land; and determine if total heterotrophs, total coliforms, and Escherichia coli (1998-2000) persisted in the catch-basin water and soil. Runoff (< 0.1 to 42.5 mm) for a 24-h duration that included maximum peak discharge was less than the recommended design criteria of 90 mm based on runoff from 24 h of rainfall with a 30-yr return period. We found that curve numbers between 52 and 96 (mode of 90) were required to match the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service predicted runoff and actual runoff volumes. Total P posed the greatest threat to water quality guidelines, and K posed the greatest threat for exceeding crop fertilizer requirements if catch-basin effluent was used as irrigation water. Water in the catch basin had continually high populations of E. coli throughout the study, with values ranging between log10 2 and log10 8 100 mL(-1). In contrast, soil in the catch basin generally had low populations of E. coli that were < log10 2 g(-1) wet wt., but at times higher populations between log10 2 and log10 6 g(-1) wet wt. were also found.  相似文献   

The low-carbon, intensively cropped Coastal Plain soils of Georgia are susceptible to runoff, soil loss, and drought. Reduced tillage systems offer the best management tool for sustained row crop production. Understanding runoff, sediment, and chemical losses from conventional and reduced tillage systems is expected to improve if the effect of a variable rainfall intensity storm was quantified. Our objective was to quantify and compare effects of a constant (Ic) intensity pattern and a more realistic, observed, variable (Iv) rainfall intensity pattern on runoff (R), sediment (E), and carbon losses (C) from a Tifton loamy sand cropped to conventional-till (CT) and strip-till (ST) cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Four treatments were evaluated: CT-Ic, CT-Iv, ST-Ic, and ST-Iv, each replicated three times. Field plots (n=12), each 2 by 3 m, were established on each treatment. Each 6-m2 field plot received simulated rainfall at a constant (57 mm h(-1)) or variable rainfall intensity pattern for 70 min (12-run ave.=1402 mL; CV=3%). The Iv pattern represented the most frequent occurring intensity pattern for spring storms in the region. Compared with CT, ST decreased R by 2.5-fold, E by 3.5-fold, and C by 7-fold. Maximum runoff values for Iv events were 1.6-fold higher than those for Ic events and occurred 38 min earlier. Values for Etot and Ctot for Iv events were 19-36% and 1.5-fold higher than corresponding values for Ic events. Values for Emax and Cmax for Iv events were 3-fold and 4-fold higher than corresponding values for Ic events. Carbon enrichment ratios (CER) were or=1.0 for CT plots (except for first 20 min). Maximum CER for CT-Ic, CT-Iv, ST-Ic, and ST-Iv were 2.0, 2.2, 1.0, and 1.2, respectively. Transport of sediment, carbon, and agrichemicals would be better understood if variable rainfall intensity patterns derived from natural rainfall were used in rainfall simulations to evaluate their fate and transport from CT and ST systems.  相似文献   

Though runoff from manure spread fields is recognized as an important mode of nonpoint-source pollution, there are no models that mechanistically describe transport from a field-spread manure-type source. A mechanistic, physically based model for pollutant release from a surface source, such as field-spread manure, was hypothesized, laboratory tested, and field-applied. The primary objective of this study was to demonstrate the potential applicability of a mechanistic model to pollutant release from surface sources. The laboratory investigation used stable sources and a conservative "pollutant" (KCl) so that the dynamic effects of source dissolution and chemical transformations could be ignored and transport processes isolated. The field investigation used runoff and soluble reactive phosphorus (SP) data collected from a dairy-manure-spread field in the Cannonsville watershed in the Catskills region of New York State. The model predictions corroborated well with observations of runoff and pollutant delivery in both the laboratory and the field. "Pollutant" release from surface sources was generally predicted within 11% of laboratory KCl measurements and field SP observations. Laboratory flume runoff predictions with 15 and 26% errors for 25 and 15 mm h(-1) simulated rainfall intensity experiments, respectively, represented root mean square errors of less than 0.2 mLs(-1). A 26% error was calculated for overland flow predictions in the field, which translated into approximately a 39 mLs(-1) error. Results suggest that the hypothesized model satisfactorily represents the primary mechanisms in pollutant release from surface sources.  相似文献   

Surface-applied biosolids, the option most often used on range-lands, can increase the concentration of macronutrients and trace elements in the runoff water and can potentially produce eutrophication or contamination of surface waters. In this study, the effects of postapplication age of biosolids (18, 12, 6, and 0.5 mo) and rate of application (0, 7, 18, 34, and 90 Mg ha(-1)) on the quality of runoff water from shrubland and grassland soils were assessed. Between July and October 1996 simulated rainfall was applied to 0.50-m2 plots for 30 min at a rate of 160 mm h(-1). All of the runoff water was collected. The concentration of NH4+ -N, NO3- -N, PO4(3-)-P, total dissolved phosphorus (TDP), Cu, and Mn in the runoff water increased with rate of biosolids application and decreased with time of postapplication on the two soils. The highest PO4(3-)-P and NH4+ -N concentrations, 4.96 and 97 mg L(-1), respectively, were recorded in the grassland soil treated with 90 Mg ha(-1) of biosolids 0.5 mo postapplication. For the same soil, rate, and postapplication age of biosolids, Cu exceeded the upper limit (0.50 mg L(-1) in drinking water for livestock. Ammonium N and PO4(3-)-P should be the main compounds considered when surface-applying biosolids. Ammonium N at concentrations found in all biosolids-treated plots may affect the quality of livestock drinking water by causing taste and smell problems. Orthophosphate can contribute to eutrophication if the runoff from biosolids-treated areas enter surface waters.  相似文献   

Pesticide runoff research relies heavily on rainfall simulation experiments. Most are conducted at a constant intensity, i.e., at a fixed rainfall rate; however, large differences in natural rainfall intensity is common. To assess implications we quantified runoff of two herbicides, fluometuron and pendimethalin, and applied preemergence after planting cotton on Tifton loamy sand. Rainfall at constant and variable intensity patterns representative of late spring thunderstorms in the Atlantic Coastal Plain region of Georgia (USA) were simulated on 6-m2 plots under strip- (ST) and conventional-tillage (CT) management. The variable pattern produced significantly higher runoff rates of both compounds from CT but not ST plots. However, on an event-basis, runoff totals (% applied) were not significantly different, with one exception: fluometuron runoff from CT plots. There was about 25% more fluometuron runoff with the variable versus the constant intensity pattern (P = 0.10). Study results suggest that conduct of simulations using variable intensity storm patterns may provide more representative rainfall simulation-based estimates of pesticide runoff and that the greatest impacts will be observed with CT. The study also found significantly more fluometuron in runoff from ST than CT plots. Further work is needed to determine whether this behavior may be generalized to other active ingredients with similar properties [low K(oc) (organic carbon partition coefficient) approximately 100 mL g(-1); high water solubility approximately 100 mg L(-1)]. If so, it should be considered when making tillage-specific herbicide recommendations to reduce runoff potential.  相似文献   

Phosphorus losses from agricultural land can cause accelerated eutrophication of surface water bodies. This study evaluated the use of soil test phosphorus (STP) levels to predict dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) concentrations in runoff water from agricultural soils using laboratory rainfall simulation. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) to what extent STP concentrations can be used as a basis to predict P losses from Alberta soils and (ii) how extended rainfall simulation run times affected DIP losses. Soil samples collected from a total of 38 field sites, widely scattered throughout the southern half of Alberta, were subjected to rainfall simulation in the laboratory. The STP concentrations were determined using Miller-Axley, Norwest, Kelowna, Modified Kelowna Mehlich-III, and distilled water extraction methods. Each rainfall simulation event lasted for at least 90 min. Runoff samples were collected in time series for the duration of each simulation, during two distinct runoff intervals: (i) for the first 30 min of continuous runoff (T30) and (ii) for 40 min during runoff equilibrium (Teq). For all the STP extractants and both runoff intervals, the relationship with DIP-flow-weighted mean concentration (FWMC) was linear and highly significant with r2 values ranging from 0.74 to 0.96. However, the slopes of the resulting regression lines were, on average, 1.85 times greater for the T30 runoff interval over those computed for the Teq interval. Thus experimental methodology greatly influenced regression parameters, suggesting that more work was needed to verify these relationships under natural conditions. In addition, with many of the r2 values greater than 0.90 there would be little, if any, benefit derived by including soil properties in regression analysis.  相似文献   

Rainfall simulation experiments are widely used to study erosion and contaminant transport in overland flow. We investigated the use of two rainfall simulators designed to rain on 2-m-long (2-m2) and 10.7-m-long (32.6-m2) plots to estimate overland flow and phosphorus (P) transport in comparison with watershed-scale data. Simulated rainfall (75 mm h(-1)) generated more overland flow from 2-m-long (20 L m2) than from 10.7-m-long (10 L m2) plots established in grass, no-till corn (Zea mays L.), and recently tilled fields, because a relatively greater area of the smaller plots became saturated (>75% of area) during rainfall compared with large plots (<75% area). Although average concentrations of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) in overland flow were greater from 2-m-long (0.50 mg L(-1)) than 10.7-m-long (0.35 mg L(-1)) plots, the relationship between DRP and Mehlich-3 soil P (as defined by regression slope) was similar for both plots and for published watershed data (0.0022 for grassed, 0.0036 for no-till, and 0.0112 for tilled sites). Conversely, sediment, particulate phosphorus (PP), and total phosphorus (TP) concentrations and selective transport of soil fines (<2 microm) were significantly lower from 2- than 10.7-m-long plots. However, slopes of the logarithmic regression between P enrichment ratio and sediment discharge were similar (0.281-0.301) for 2- and 10.7-m-long plots, and published watershed data. While concentrations and loads of P change with plot scales, processes governing DRP and PP transport in overland flow are consistent, supporting the limited use of small plots and rainfall simulators to assess the relationship between soil P and overland flow P as a function of soil type and management.  相似文献   

Southern Alberta has the highest density of feedlot cattle in Canada, and there is a concern that leaching of water and contaminants may be greater for feedlots located on coarser-textured than finer-textured soils. Our objective was to determine if infiltration and leaching were greater for a 4-yr-old feedlot located on a moderately coarse-textured (MC) soil compared with two feedlots located on moderately fine-textured (MF) soils (5- and 52-yr-old pens). Various soil physical properties of feedlot pen surfaces were measured, including field-saturated hydraulic conductivity (K(fs)) and near-saturated hydraulic conductivity at -0.9 and -3.9 cm water potential. Selected chemical properties of feedlot soil layers were measured, as well as the chloride content of the soil profile (0-100 cm). Mean K(fs), K(-0.9), and K(-3.9) values were not significantly (P > 0.10) greater at the MC site than the two MF sites, indicating no evidence of greater infiltration on coarser-textured soils. In addition, mean K(fs), K(-0.9), and K(-3.9) values of soils within feedlot pens at all three sites were significantly (P < or = 0.10) reduced by 46 to 78% compared with soil outside the pens. Depth of chloride accumulation was greatest at the 52-yr-old feedlot on MF soil (60-70 cm), followed by 4-yr-old feedlot on MC soil (40-50 cm) and 5-yr-old feedlot on MF soil (30-40 cm). Visual inspection determined that the black interface layer formed within 2 mo of cattle stocking at all three sites.  相似文献   

Livestock manure is a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emissions. In the atmosphere, NH3 is a precursor to the formation of fine aerosols that contribute to poor air quality associated with human health. Other environmental issues result when NH3 is deposited to land and water. Our study documented the quantity of NH3 emitted from a feedlot housing growing beef cattle. The study was conducted between June and October 2006 at a feedlot with a one-time capacity of 22,500 cattle located in southern Alberta, Canada. A backward Lagrangian stochastic (bLS) inverse-dispersion technique was used to calculate NH3 emissions, based on measurements of NH3 concentration (open-path laser) and wind (sonic anemometer) taken above the interior of the feedlot. There was an average of 3146 kg NH3 d(-1) lost from the entire feedlot, equivalent to 84 microg NH3 m(-2) s(-1) or 140 g NH3 head(-1) d(-1). The NH3 emissions correlated with sensible heat flux (r2 = 0.84) and to a lesser extent the wind speed (r2 = 0.56). There was also evidence that rain suppressed the NH3 emission. Quantifying NH3 emission and dispersion from farms is essential to show the impact of farm management on reducing NH3-related environmental issues.  相似文献   

Determining the survival of zoonotic pathogens in livestock manure and runoff is critical for understanding the environmental and public health risks associated with these wastes. The occurrence and persistence of the bacterial pathogens Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter spp. in a passive beef cattle feedlot runoff control-vegetative treatment system were examined over a 26-mo period. Incidence of the protozoans Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia spp. was also assessed. The control system utilizes a shallow basin to collect liquid runoff and accumulate eroded solids from the pen surfaces; when an adequate liquid volume is attained, the liquid is discharged from the basin onto a 4.5-ha vegetative treatment area (VTA) of bromegrass which is harvested as hay. Basin discharge transported E. coli O157, Campylobacter spp., and generic E. coli into the VTA soil, but without additional discharge from the basin, the pathogen prevalences decreased over time. Similarly, the VTA soil concentrations of generic E. coli initially decreased rapidly, but lower residual populations persisted. Isolation of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts from VTA samples was infrequent, indicating differences in sedimentation and/or transport in comparison to bacteria. Isolation of generic E. coli from freshly cut hay from VTA regions that received basin discharge (12 of 30 vs. 1 of 30 control samples) provided evidence for the risk of contamination; however, neither E. coli O157 or Campylobacter spp. were recovered from the hay following baling. This work indicates that the runoff control system is effective for reducing environmental risk by containing and removing pathogens from feedlot runoff.  相似文献   

Paper mills generate large amounts of solid waste consisting of fibrous cellulose, clay, and lime. Paper mill sludge (PMS) can improve reclamation of surface-coal mines where low pH and organic-carbon levels in the spoil cover material can inhibit revegetation. When applied at high rates, however, PMS may adversely impact the quality of surface runoff. Therefore, we applied PMS at 0, 224, and 672 dry Mg ha(-)(1) to 22.1 x 4.6-m plots at a recently mined site and monitored runoff for a total of 13 mo. The zero-rate plots served as controls and received standard reclamation consisting of mulching with hay and fertilization at planting. Compared to the control plots, PMS reduced runoff fourfold to sixfold and decreased erosion from 47 Mg ha(-1) to <1 Mg ha(-1). Most of the reduction occurred in the 2.5 mo before the plots were planted. Flow-weighted average dissolved oxygen concentrations in runoff from plots at the 224 and 672 Mg ha(-1) rates, however, were much lower (相似文献   

Loss of soil nutrients in runoff accelerates eutrophication of surface waters. This study evaluated P and N in surface runoff in relation to rainfall intensity and hydrology for two soils along a single hillslope. Experiments were initiated on 1- by 2-m plots at foot-slope (6%) and mid-slope (30%) positions within an alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)-orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) field. Rain simulations (2.9 and 7.0 cm h(-1)) were conducted under wet (spring) and dry (late-summer) conditions. Elevated, antecedent soil moisture at the foot-slope during the spring resulted in less rain required to generate runoff and greater runoff volumes, compared with runoff from the well-drained mid-slope in spring and at both landscape positions in late summer. Phosphorus in runoff was primarily in dissolved reactive form (DRP averaged 71% of total P), with DRP concentrations from the two soils corresponding with soil test P levels. Nitrogen in runoff was mainly nitrate (NO3-N averaged 77% of total N). Site hydrology, not chemistry, was primarily responsible for variations in mass N and P losses with landscape position. Larger runoff volumes from the foot-slope produced higher losses of total P (0.08 kg ha(-1)) and N (1.35 kg ha(-1)) than did runoff from the mid-slope (0.05 total P kg ha(-1); 0.48 kg N ha(-1)), particularly under wet, spring-time conditions. Nutrient losses were significantly greater under the high intensity rainfall due to larger runoff volumes. Results affirm the critical source area concept for both N and P: both nutrient availability and hydrology in combination control nutrient loss.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have evaluated the efficacy of outdoor rainfall simulations to predict P concentrations in surface runoff, few studies have linked indoor rainfall simulations to P concentrations in surface runoff from agricultural fields. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capacity of indoor rainfall simulation to predict total dissolved P concentrations [TP(<0.45)] in field runoff for four dominant agricultural soils in South Dakota. Surface runoff from 10 residue-free field plots (2 m wide by 2 m long, 2-3% slope) and packed soil boxes (1 m long by 20 cm wide by 7.5 cm high, 2-3% slope) was compared. Surface runoff was generated via rainfall simulation at an intensity of 65 mm h(-1) and was collected for 30 min. Packed boxes produced approximately 24% more runoff (range = 2.8-3.4 cm) than field plots (range = 2.3-2.7 cm) among all soils. No statistical differences in either TP(<0.45) concentration or TP(<0.45) loss was observed in runoff from packed boxes and field plots among soil series (0.17 < P < 0.83). Three of four soils showed significantly more total P lost from packed boxes than field plots. The TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff from field plots can be predicted from TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff from the packed boxes (0.68 < r(2) < 0.94). A single relationship was derived to predict field TP(<0.45) concentration in surface runoff using surface runoff TP(<0.45) concentration from packed boxes. Evidence is provided that indoor runoff can adequately predict TP(<0.45) concentration in field surface runoff for select soils.  相似文献   

A runoff study was conducted near Tifton, GA to measure the losses of water, sediment, and diclosulam (N-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-5-ethoxy-7-fluoro-[1,2,4]triazolo-[1,5c]-pyrimidine- 2-sulfonamide), a new broadleaf herbicide, under a 50-mm-in-3-h simulated rainfall event on three separate 0.05-ha plots. Results of a runoff study were used to validate the Pesticide Root Zone Model (PRZM, v. 3.12) using field-measured soil, chemical, and weather inputs. The model-predicted edge-of-field diclosulam loading was within 1% of the average observed diclosulam runoff from the field study; however, partitioning between phases was not as well predicted. The model was subsequently used with worst-case agricultural practice inputs and a 41-yr weather record from Dublin, GA to simulate edge-of-field runoff losses for the two most prevalent soils (Tifton and Bibb) in the southeastern U.S. peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) market for 328 simulation years, and showed that the 90th percentile runoff amounts, expressed as percent of applied diclosulam, were 1.8, 0.6, and 5.2% for the runoff study plots and Tifton and Bibb soils, respectively. The runoff study and modeling indicated that more than 97% of the total diclosulam runoff was transported off the field by water, with < 3% associated with the sediment. Diclosulam losses due to runoff can be further reduced by lower application rates, tillage and crop residue management practices that reduce edge-of-field runoff, and conservation practices such as vegetated filter strips.  相似文献   

Composting of manure may lead to the degradation of veterinary antimicrobials, but it is largely unknown if the presence of antimicrobials affects the composting process. Open-air windrow composting of manure from beef cattle (Bos taurus) administered chlortetracycline, sulfamethazine, and tylosin was investigated in a 2-yr study. At windrow construction, chlortetracycline had extensively isomerized to iso-chlortetracycline. Sulfamethazine, tylosin, and iso-chlortetracycline dissipated by first-order kinetics, whereas the dissipation of enol/keto-chlortetracycline was better described by exponential equations. At the end of the composting period, proportions of antimicrobials remaining were as follows: iso-chlortetracycline (< 1%), chlortetracycline (1 to 4.5%), tylosin (6.3%), and sulfamethazine (6.8% [2005], 41% [2006]). Times for 50% dissipation (DT50) decreased in the order: tylosin (20.3 to 43.5 d) > iso-chlortetracycline (13.5 to 26.5 d) > enol/keto-chlortetracycline (5.5 to 9.8 d). The DT50 values for sulfamethazine varied from 26.8 d in 2005 to 237 d in 2006. Treatments with chlortetracycline showed significantly reduced temperature rises (10.1 to 11.0 degrees C) between Days 21 to 28 in 2006 compared with rises of 26.6 to 31.0 degrees C for control and tylosin treatments, suggesting an inhibition of microbial activity. During composting in 2005, manure from cattle administered chlortetracycline at 44 mg kg(-1) of feed lost significantly less dry matter, carbon, and nitrogen than manure from cattle fed 11 mg chlortetracycline kg(-1) of feed, implying that the higher level of chlortetracycline inhibited microbial decomposition of organic matter. The study shows that while composting leads to dissipation of antimicrobials, the microbially driven composting process may be inhibited by their presence.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is one of the most important mineral nutrients in agricultural systems, and along with nitrogen (N), is generally the most limiting nutrient for plant production. Farming systems have intensified greatly over time, and in recent years it has become apparent that the concomitant increase in losses of N and P from agricultural land is having a serious detrimental effect on water quality and the environment. The last two decades have seen a marked increase in research into the issues surrounding diffuse losses of P to surface and ground water. This paper reviews this research, examining the issue of P forms in runoff, and highlighting the exceptions to some generally held assumptions about land use and P transport. In particular the review focuses on P losses associated with recent P fertilizer application, as opposed to organic manures, both on the amounts and the forms of P in runoff water. The effects of the physicochemical characteristics of different forms of P fertilizer are explored, particularly in relation to water solubility. Various means of mitigating the risk of loss of P are discussed. It is argued that the influence of recent fertilizer applications is an under-researched area, yet may offer the most readily applicable opportunity to mitigate P losses by land users. This review highlights and discusses some options that have recently become available that may make a significant contribution to the task of sustainable management of nutrient losses from agriculture.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in evaluating the effects of corn silage harvesting methods on erosion control. Increasing the silage cutting height will increase residue cover and could conceivably minimize off-site migration of sediments compared with conventional silage harvesting. The effects of residue level and manure application timing on runoff and sediment losses from no-till corn were examined. Treatments included conventional corn grain (G) and silage (SL) and nonconventional, high-cut (60-65 cm) silage (SH). Corn harvesting treatments were subjected to different manure application regimes: no manure (N) or surface application in fall (F) or spring (S). Simulated rainfall (76 mm/h; 1 h) was applied in spring and fall for two years (2002-2003), runoff from 2.0- x 1.5-m plots collected, and a subsample analyzed for sediment concentration and aggregate size distribution. Runoff volume was inversely related to residue cover. Manure addition to silage plots reduced spring runoff by 71 to 88%, attributable to an increase in soil organic matter content, compared with SH-N and SL-N. Differences in sediment concentration between SH and SL were not significant. For silage plots, spring-applied manure had the greatest influence on sediment export reducing it by 84 to 93% in spring runoff compared with corresponding N plots. Sediment loads were also 85 to 97% lower from SH-S compared with SL-N in all four seasons. Except for spring 2003, sediment export was lower from G compared with SL. The combination of manure and higher residue associated with high-cut silage often lowered sediment export compared with low-cut silage. Nearly identical aggregate size distributions were observed in sediments from SH and SL plots. High residue levels combined with spring-applied manure led to enrichment in the clay-sized fraction of runoff sediment. Recently applied manure and higher residue levels achieved by high-cutting silage can substantially lower sediment losses in spring runoff when soil is most susceptible to erosion.  相似文献   

Manure application can lead to excessive soil test P levels in surface soil, which can contribute to increased P concentration in runoff. However, manure application often results in reduced runoff and sediment loss. Research was conducted to determine the residual effects of previously applied compost, plowing of soil with excessive soil test P, and application of additional compost after plowing on volume of runoff and loss of sediment and P in runoff. The research was conducted in 2004 and 2005 under natural rainfall events with plots of 11-m length where low-P and high-P compost had been applied during April 1998 to January 2001. During this initial application period, Bray-P1 in the surface 5-cm of depth was increased from 14 to 553 mg kg(-1) for the high-P compost. Inversion plowing in the spring of 2004 greatly decreased P levels in the surface soil and over the following year reduced runoff by 35% and total P losses by 51% compared with the unplowed compost treatments. Sediment loss was increased with plowing compared with the unplowed compost applied treatments but less than with the no-compost treatment. The application of additional compost after plowing increased surface soil P and dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff but did not increase particulate P in runoff. Unplowed compost-amended soil continued to reduce sediment loss but exhibited increased DRP loss even 5 yr after the last application. Plowing to invert excessively high-P surface soil was effective in reducing runoff and DRP loss.  相似文献   

Excessive manure phosphorus (P) application increases risk of P loss from fields. This study assessed total runoff P (TPR), bioavailable P (BAP), and dissolved reactive P (DRP) concentrations and loads in surface runoff after liquid swine (Sus scrofa domesticus) manure application with or without incorporation into soil and different timing of rainfall. Four replicated manure P treatments were applied in 2002 and in 2003 to two Iowa soils testing low in P managed with corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] rotations. Total P applied each time was 0 to 80 kg P ha(-1) at one site and 0 to 108 kg P ha(-1) at the other. Simulated rainfall was applied within 24 h of P application or after 10 to 16 d and 5 to 6 mo. Nonincorporated manure P increased DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations and loads linearly or exponentially for 24-h and 10- to 16-d runoff events. On average for the 24-h events, DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations were 5.4, 4.7, and 2.2 times higher, respectively, for nonincorporated manure than for incorporated manure; P loads were 3.8, 7.7, and 3.6 times higher; and DRP and BAP concentrations were 54% of TPR for nonincorporated manure and 22 to 25% for incorporated manure. A 10- to 16-d rainfall delay resulted in DRP, BAP, and TPR concentrations that were 3.1, 2.7, and 1.1 times lower, respectively, than for 24-h events across all nonincorporated P rates, sites, and years, whereas runoff P loads were 3.8, 3.6, and 1.6 times lower, respectively. A 5- to 6-mo simulated rainfall delay reduced runoff P to levels similar to control plots. Incorporating swine manure when the probability of immediate rainfall is high reduces the risk of P loss in surface runoff; however, this benefit sharply decreases with time.  相似文献   

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