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As a first step to work out an abatement plan against air pollution, a local emission inventory with 1 hr temporal and 1 km spatial resolution in the city of Izmir and its surroundings was prepared. The study area consisted of a 200 × 170 km2 rectangle having the city of Izmir at the centre. The studied pollutants were total particulate matter (PM), sulfur oxides (SOx), nitrogen oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and carbon monoxide (CO). Emissions of these pollutants were determined by estimation methods making use of suitable emission factors. Emission sources were evaluated in three categories; point, area and line sources. For year 2000 total emissions in the study area on an average day were estimated as 173 tons PM, 299 tons SOx, 136 tons NOx, 68 tons VOC and 320 tons CO. At the second part of the study, calculated emissions were transformed into air quality predictions in the area by using the Industrial Source Complex – Short Term (ISCST3) dispersion model. Model results were tested with monitoring data from urban air quality stations obtained during the year 2000. Results of the past, present and future air quality estimates in the region were discussed. In order to do so, future scenarios including various control technology applications were formulated and tested to see their effect on the future air quality.  相似文献   

This paper presents some recent research work that has beendeveloped for the major Portuguese agglomerations. Threemain topics are developed: the methodology used in Portugalto limit agglomerations (as they are defined by theEuropean Air Quality Framework Directive 96/62/EC), thepreliminary assessment of the air quality levels in themost densely populated agglomerations over the last fiveyears and their influence on the air quality levels acrossthe country (a requirement by Directive 96/62/EC), and theuse of an air quality index to raise public awareness aboutair quality levels. It is concluded that particulate matteris the critical pollutant in Portuguese populated urbanareas. In Lisbon and Oporto, based in 1999 data, in allmonitoring stations, the daily average limit value of 50g m-3 for particulate matter (PM10) isexceeded more times during a year period then allowed byDirective 99/30/EC. In the same areas, nitrogen dioxideconcentrations are above the annual limit value of 40g m-3 for the protection of human health set byDirective 99/30/EC, and influence pollution concentrationswithin a few tens of kilometres surrounding the urbanareas.  相似文献   

Integrated environmental management in urban areas is nowadaysconsidered a sine qua non objective of Community and nationalenvironmental and development policies. A large amount ofscientific information on the state of the environment is nowavailable from a large pool of data sources. This work presentsan innovative method for integration of these data sources andeffective coupling of environmental information with appropriatemodels and decision-support tools. State-of-the-art Earthobservation techniques, ground-based air quality measurements,atmospheric transport and chemical modelling, and multi-criteriadecision-aid systems are used in an integrated information fusionenvironment in support of environmental and health impactassessment and decision-making at the urban and regional scales. Results of the pilot application of the method in the area ofLombardy in Northern Italy demonstrate the validity andusefulness of this novel approach.  相似文献   

The last decade progress in numericalweather prediction (NWP) modelling and studies of urbanatmospheric processes for providing meteorological data forurban air pollution forecasting is analysed on examples ofseveral European meteorological centres. Modern nested NWP models are utilising land-use databasesdown to 1 km resolution or finer, and are approaching thenecessary horizontal and vertical resolution suitable forcity scale. The recent scientific developments in the fieldof urban atmospheric physics and the growing availabilityof high-resolution urban surface characteristics datapromise further improvements of the capability of NWPmodels for this aim. A strategy to improve NWP data forthe urban air pollution forecasting is suggested.  相似文献   

Planning effective strategies to combat air pollution in amajor city such as London requires integration ofinformation on atmospheric concentrations and where theyexceed prescribed air quality standards, detailed data onemissions and potential measures to reduce them includingcosts, and a good understanding of the relativecontributions of different emission sources to pollutantconcentrations plus the remaining background. The UrbanScale Integrated Assessment Model (USIAM) is designed as atool to integrate such information, and to explore andassess a variety of potential strategies for improving airquality. It is based on the same principles as theAbatement Strategies Assessment Model (ASAM) that has beenused in the UN Economic Commission for Europe. To startwith the USIAM model is being developed with respect to theparticulate PM10 only, and in particular the primaryparticulate contribution. The secondary particulate istreated as part of the background superimposed on theprimary particulate concentrations; this may need to betreated more specifically at a later stage, particularlywith respect to nitrate formation over the city. The USIAMmodel therefore sets out to examine a selection of severeepisode conditions as well as long-term annual averageconcentrations, and aims to find strategies that aresuccessful in eliminating exceedance of the prescribedtarget concentrations. By ranking different options forabatement of emissions, for example in terms of cost orease of implementation, the USIAM model can also select andprioritise different potential strategies.  相似文献   

回顾了国内外区域开发环境管理的发展历程,简要论述了区域环境规划与区域开发环境影响评价在区域开发环境管理中的作用和地位以及两者的相互关系。  相似文献   

Concentration fields of different pollutants that spread outside two roadtunnels predicted with a CFD code will be presented. The solution domain represents the city area located between two tunnel outlets – tunnel Strahov and tunnel Mrazovka in Prague. The vicinity of both tunnels is a heavily built up area with tall buildings forming typical street canyons. The CFD modelling predicts the situation after the tunnel Mrazovka will be finished and traffic will increase considerably between both tunnels. Namely, an interest was given to the prediction of dispersion of emissions leaving both tunnel and the area touched by the traffic. For the CFD predictions, a method previously developed for moving vehicles was used. The method uses combination of Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to moving objects and is capable of modeling different speeds and traffic rates of cars as well as traffic-induced turbulence. Influence of several meteorological parameters was studied, namely wind speed and direction and traffic parameters, like traffic rates and speed of cars. The method separates contributions from different sources to the total concentration field, namely from background, tunnel outlet and roadway. Results are presented in the form of horizontal and vertical concentration fields of NOx.  相似文献   

This study uses a combination of data from U.K. monitoringstations and from modelling undertaken with the U.K.Meteorological Office's NAME Model to investigate therelative influences of primary and secondary particulateson total PM10 levels at sites in the United Kingdom. Co-located PM10 and sulphate aerosol measurementsindicate that sulphate has a disproportionately largeinfluence on the variation of PM10 levels incomparison to its contribution to their total mass.Comparisons of measured PM10 at urban centre, roadsideand rural sites suggest that local primary sources havevery little influence on daily mean levels. NAME has beenused to model both primary particles and sulphate aerosolfrom sources across the whole of Europe. The discrepanciesbetween modelled and observed PM10 suggest that coarseparticles, such as windblown dust and resuspended roaddust,may comprise a very large, if not dominant, proportion ofobserved PM10 levels. The apparently minor role ofprimary particles (especially locally-sourced ones) raisesa number of issues regarding the suitability of current U.K.and European legislation to addressing the particle problem.  相似文献   

概述了国外化学品环境管理和技术支撑体系发展现状,分析了我国化学品环境管理和技术支撑体系与国外的差距,针对国内化学品环境管理对科技的需求,提出了需优先开展的科学研究领域和课题建议.  相似文献   

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