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Six chemical reaction mechanisms for photochemical smog are analyzed to determine why, under identical conditions, they predict different maximum ozone concentrations. Answers to previously inaccessible questions such as the relative contributions of individual organic species to photochemical ozone formation are obtained. Based on the results of the analysis we have identified specific aspects of each mechanism that are responsible for the discrepancies with other mechanisms and with an explicit mechanism based on the latest understanding of atmospheric chemistry. For each mechanism critical areas are identified that when altered bring the predictions of the various mechanisms into much closer agreement. Thus, we identify why the predictions of the mechanisms are different, and have recommended research efforts that are needed to eliminate many of the discrepancies.  相似文献   

The photo-oxidation of toluene/NOx exhibits several features that distinguish it from olefin and paraffin smog systems: highly photolytic products, a relatively low production rate of peroxy radicals, and strong sinks for NOx. The underlying chemical behavior of the toluene smog system is discussed and a kinetic simulation mechanism is presented. The mechanism simulates toluene smog chamber experiments conducted at two facilities: the University of California at Riverside evacuable chamber, and the outdoor smog chamber at the University of North Carolina.  相似文献   

Aerosols in the Mexico City atmosphere can have a non-negligible effect on the ultraviolet radiation field and hence on the formation of photochemical smog. We used estimates of aerosol optical depths from sun photometer observations in a detailed radiative transfer model, to calculate photolysis rate coefficients (JNO2) for the key reaction NO2+→NO+O (λ<430 nm). The calculated values are in good agreement with previously published measurements of JNO2at two sites in Mexico City: Palacio de Minerı́a (19°25′59″N, 99°07′58″W, 2233 masl), and IMP (19°28′48″N, 99°11′07″W, 2277 masl) and in Tres Marias, a town near Mexico City (19°03′N, 99°14′W, 2810 masl). In particular, the model reproduces very well the contrast between the two urban sites and the evidently much cleaner Tres Marias site. For the measurement days, reductions in surface JNO2 by 10–30% could be attributed to the presence of aerosols, with considerable uncertainty due largely to lack of detailed data on aerosol optical properties at ultraviolet wavelengths (esp. the single scattering albedo). The potential impact of such large reductions in photolysis rates on surface ozone concentrations is illustrated with a simple zero-dimensional photochemical model.  相似文献   

The evolution of photochemical smog in a plant plume was investigated with the aid of an instrumented helicopter. Air samples were taken in the plume of the Cumberland Power Plant, located in central Tennessee, during the afternoon of 16 July 1995 as part of the Southern Oxidants Study – Nashville Middle Tennessee Ozone Study. Twelve cross-wind air sampling traverses were made at six distance groups from 35 to 116 km from the source. During the sampling period the winds were from the west–northwest and the plume drifted towards the city of Nashville TN. Ten of the traverses were made upwind of the city, where the power plant plume was isolated, and two traverses downwind of the city when the plumes were possibly mixed. The results revealed that even six hours after the release, excess ozone production was limited to the edges of the plume. Only when the plume was sufficiently dispersed, but still upwind of Nashville, was excess ozone (up to 109 ppbv, 50–60 ppbv above background levels) produced in the center of the plume. The concentrations image of the plume and a Lagrangian particle model suggests that portions of the power plant plume mixed with the urban plume. The mixed urban power plant plume began to regenerate O3 that peaked at 120 ppbv at a short distance (15–25 km) downwind of Nashville. Ozone productivity (the ratio of excess O3 to NOy and NOz) in the isolated plume was significantly lower compared with that found in the city plume. The production of nitrate, a chain termination product, was significantly higher in the power plant plume compared to the mixed plume, indicating shorter chain length of the photochemical smog chain reaction mechanism.  相似文献   

Two-year-old seedlings of ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. ex Laws) were exposed to ambient concentrations of photochemical smog (AA) and clean air (CA) during a single field season at Tanbark Flat of the San Gabriel Mountains in the Los Angeles Basin. The seedlings were grown in a perlite-vermiculite medium with full supply of nutrients (based on modified Hoagland solution); reduced to 50% supply of N; reduced to 50% supply of Mg; and reduced to 50% supply of N+Mg. No significant effects of air pollution exposures on injury development, stem growth and concentrations of plant pigments were determined. The seedlings in the AA treatment had decreased N concentration in current year needles compared with CA seedlings; however, the needle concentrations of other elements did not change. Reduction of N supply in the growing medium caused decreased N, P, Ca, K and chlorophyll a concentrations in needles. Stem growth of the seedlings with reduced N supply was significantly decreased as well. No changes in stem growth or chemical composition of plants with reduced Mg supply were noted. Reduction of supply of nutrients did not change responses of trees to the air pollution exposures.  相似文献   

The UCD/CIT air quality model was modified to predict source contributions to secondary organic aerosol (SOA) by expanding the Caltech Atmospheric Chemistry Mechanism to separately track source apportionment information through the chemical reaction system as precursor species react to form condensable products. The model was used to predict source contributions to SOA in Los Angeles from catalyst-equipped gasoline vehicles, non-catalyst equipped gasoline vehicles, diesel vehicles, combustion of high sulfur fuel, other anthropogenic sources, biogenic sources, and initial/boundary conditions during the severe photochemical smog episode that occurred on 9 September 1993. Gasoline engines (catalyst+non-catalyst equipped) were found to be the single-largest anthropogenic source of SOA averaged over the entire model domain. The region-wide 24-h average concentration of SOA produced by gasoline engines was predicted to be 0.34 μg m−3 with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 1.81 μg m−3 downwind of central Los Angeles. The region-wide 24-h average concentration of SOA produced by diesel engines was predicted to be 0.02 μg m−3, with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 0.12 μg m−3 downwind of central Los Angeles. Biogenic sources are predicted to produce a region-wide 24-h average SOA value of 0.16 μg m−3, with a maximum 24-h average concentration of 1.37 μg m−3 in the less-heavily populated regions at the northern and southern edges of the air basin (close to the biogenic emissions sources). SOA concentrations associated with anthropogenic sources were weakly diurnal, with slightly lower concentrations during the day as mixing depth increased. SOA concentrations associated with biogenic sources were strongly diurnal, with higher concentrations of aqueous biogenic SOA at night when relative humidity (RH) peaked and little biogenic SOA formation during the day when RH decreased.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study was concerned with the temporal analysis of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes (BTEXs), and ozone in Rochester, New York, between 2012...  相似文献   

The objective of this project is to demonstrate how the ambient air measurement record can be used to define the relationship between O3 (as a surrogate for photochemistry) and secondary particulate matter (PM) in urban air. The approach used is to develop a time-series transfer-function model describing the daily PM10 (PM with less than 10 microm aerodynamic diameter) concentration as a function of lagged PM and current and lagged O3, NO or NO2, CO, and SO2. Approximately 3 years of daily average PM10, daily maximum 8-hr average O3 and CO, daily 24-hr average SO2 and NO2, and daily 6:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. average NO from the Aerometric Information Retrieval System (AIRS) air quality subsystem are used for this analysis. Urban areas modeled are Chicago, IL; Los Angeles, CA; Phoenix, AZ; Philadelphia, PA; Sacramento, CA; and Detroit, MI. Time-series analysis identified significant autocorrelation in the O3, PM10, NO, NO2, CO, and SO2 series. Cross correlations between PM10 (dependent variable) and gaseous pollutants (independent variables) show that all of the gases are significantly correlated with PM10 and that O3 is also significantly correlated lagged up to two previous days. Once a transfer-function model of current PM10 is defined for an urban location, the effect of an O3-control strategy on PM concentrations is estimated by calculating daily PM10 concentrations with reduced O3 concentrations. Forecasted summertime PM10 reductions resulting from a 5 percent decrease in ambient O3 range from 1.2 microg/m3 (3.03%) in Chicago to 3.9 microg/m3 (7.65%) in Phoenix.  相似文献   

Urban runoff has been reported as the second most frequent cause of surface water pollution in the United States. Due to the incidence of runoff in urban areas, it was of interest to estimate the impact runoff may have to recent sediment quality within the lower reaches of the Passaic River. Study objectives included i) review of recent urban runoff studies to determine the occurrence and pattern of distribution of chemicals in runoff; ii)comparison of the "fingerprints" from urban runoff studies to the contaminant distributions in surface sediments from the River; and iii) estimation of mass loadings to the surface sediments using surrogate data. The analyses showed that metals and PAH distributions in the sediments were similar to those observed in runoff from diverse locations, suggesting that urban runoff composition within the Passaic watershed is similar to other urban areas. Mass loading calculations demonstrated that urban runoff is a significant source of the metals observed in the sediments, and that PAH and DDT sediment loadings could, in some cases, be accounted for by urban runoff. Observed sediment loads for PCBs, however, were significantly higher than were estimated from urban runoff.  相似文献   

High emission levels and the unfavourable topography are the main reasons for the alarming photochemical air pollution levels in Athens. An analysis of available air quality data proves that air pollution levels in Athens are largely affected by local wind circulation systems. The most frequent of these systems is dominated by the phenomenon of the sea breeze. Severe air pollution episodes occur, however, primarily under synoptic situations leading to stagnant conditions in the atmosphere over Athens. Photosmog formation in the Athens Basin is studied with the photochemical dispersion model MARS. The implicit solution algorithm incorporated in MARS is characterized by a variable time increment and a variable order. This solver allows avoiding unnecessary operator splitting by a coupled treatment of vertical diffusion and chemical kinetics. In this paper, MARS is used to analyse the situation on 25 May 1990, a day for which very high air pollution levels were reported in Athens. The simulation results elucidate the characteristics of a photosmog episode under stagnant conditions in Athens. In general, the model results reproduce satisfactorily the observed air pollution patterns.  相似文献   

The CIT/UCD three-dimensional source-oriented externally mixed air quality model is tested during a severe photochemical smog episode (Los Angeles, 7–9 September 1993) using two different chemical mechanisms that describe the formation of ozone and secondary reaction products. The first chemical mechanism is the secondary organic aerosol mechanism (SOAM) that is based on SAPRC90 with extensions to describe the formation of condensable organic products. The second chemical mechanism is the caltech atmospheric chemistry mechanism (CACM) that is based on SAPRC99 with more detailed treatment of organic oxidation products.The predicted ozone concentrations from the CIT/UCD/SOAM and the CIT/UCD/CACM models agree well with the observations made at most monitoring sites with a mean normalized error of approximately 0.4–0.5. Good agreement is generally found between the predicted and measured NOx concentrations except during morning rush hours of 6–10 am when NOx concentrations are under-predicted at most locations. Total VOC concentrations predicted by the two chemical mechanisms agree reasonably well with the observations at three of the four sites where measurements were made. Gas-phase concentrations of phenolic compounds and benzaldehyde predicted by the UCD/CIT/CACM model are higher than the measured concentrations whereas the predicted concentrations of other aromatic compounds approximately agree with the measured values.The fine airborne particulate matter mass concentrations (PM2.5) predicted by the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models are slightly greater than the observed values during evening hours and lower than observed values during morning rush hours. The evening over-predictions are driven by an excess of nitrate, ammonium ion and sulfate. The UCD/CIT/CACM model predicts higher nighttime concentrations of gaseous precursors leading to the formation of particulate nitrate than the UCD/CIT/SOAM model. Elemental carbon and total organic mass are under-predicted by both models during morning rush hour periods. When this latter finding is combined with the NOx under-predictions that occur at the same time, it suggests a systematic bias in the diesel engine emissions inventory. The mass of particulate total organic carbon is under-predicted by both the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models during afternoon hours. Elemental carbon concentrations generally agree with the observations at this time. Both the UCD/CIT/SOAM and UCD/CIT/CACM models predict low concentrations of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) (<3.5 μg m−3) indicating that both models could be missing SOA formation pathways. The representation of the aerosol as an internal mixture vs. a source-oriented external mixture did not significantly affect the predicted concentrations during the current study.  相似文献   

International regulation of the emission of acidic sulphur and nitrogen oxides from commercial shipping has focused on the risks to human health, with little attention paid to the consequences for the marine environment. The introduction of stricter regulations in northern Europe has led to substantial investment in scrubbers that absorb the sulphur oxides in a counterflow of seawater. This paper examines the consequences of smokestack and scrubber release of acidic oxides in the Baltic Sea according to a range of scenarios for the coming decades. While shipping is projected to become a major source of strong acid deposition to the Baltic Sea by 2050, the long-term effect on the pH and alkalinity is projected to be significantly smaller than estimated from previous scoping studies. A significant contribution to this difference is the efficient export of surface water acidification to the North Sea on a timescale of 15–20 years.  相似文献   

We conducted a study to assess to what extent current ecolabels contain standards that stimulate conservation and sustainable use of on-farm biodiversity of agricultural landscapes (agrobiodiversity). First, we developed an agrobiodiversity management yardstick to assess and compare the labeling schemes of ecolabels for arable farming. Key characteristics of the yardstick are the five levels linking the abstract notion of agrobiodiversity management to concrete measures on a farm and its foundation upon expert judgment regarding the effect of farming practices on agrobiodiversity. Several environmental themes, among them agrobiodiversity management, are regulated through the standards of labeling schemes of ecolabels. With the aid of this yardstick, the labeling schemes were scrutinized and the number, average efficacy, and compulsory nature of relevant standards was determined for 10 categories of farm management. The results show that all examined ecolabels contain at least some standards that stimulate conservation and sustainable use of agrobiodiversity, but there are large differences between the labels. We consider the results of the five ecolabels to be insufficient to warrant their usefulness as a governance strategy that the Dutch government could refer to and depend on as part of a national agrobiodiversity policy to stimulate agrobiodiversity.  相似文献   

As a model of heterogeneous photochemical smog formation reaction, butene-NO2-air systems in the presence of zinc oxide were experimentally studied using a flowing reaction system. Zinc oxide revealed a remarkable photocatalytic action which involved the production of hitherto unreported species such as cyano-compounds (HCN and CH3CN) as well as a striking change in the distribution of the reaction products (aldehydes, ketones, epoxides, alkyl nitrates, HNO3, CO, CO2, etc.). It is confirmed that ZnO little affected the initial process of gas-phase photochemical reactions but interacted photocatalytically with the gas-phase reaction products.  相似文献   

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