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Night-migrating song birds travel to and from their wintering and breeding areas often separated thousands of kilometers apart and are clearly capable of finding intended goal areas from a distant location. Displacement experiments provide a useful way to highlight orientation and navigational skills in migrants. To investigate which cues birds actually use to compensate for displacement and the exact mechanism of each cue, experiments with manipulation of single cues are required. We conducted a simulated displacement of lesser whitethroats Sylvia curruca on spring migration. Birds were displaced not geographically but in geomagnetic space only, north and south of their breeding area to test whether they incorporate information from the geomagnetic field to find their breeding area. Lesser whitethroats held in southeast Sweden but experiencing a simulated displacement north of their breeding area (Norway) failed to show a consistent direction of orientation, whereas birds displaced south of their breeding area (Czech Republic) exhibited consistent northerly orientation, close to the expected seasonally appropriate direction, after displacement toward the trapping location. The absence of a clear compensatory direction in birds displaced north might be due to unfamiliar magnetic information or lack of sufficient information such as a magnetic gradient when moving around. By isolating one orientation cue, the geomagnetic field, we have been able to show that lesser whitethroats might incorporate geomagnetic field information to determine latitude during spring migration.  相似文献   

Dispersal is a process critical for the dynamics and persistence of metapopulations, but it is difficult to quantify. It has been suggested that the old-forest lichen Lobaria pulmonaria is limited by insufficient dispersal ability. We analyzed 240 DNA extracts derived from snow samples by a L. pulmonaria-specific real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) assay of the ITS (internal transcribed spacer) region allowing for the discrimination among propagules originating from a single, isolated source tree or propagules originating from other locations. Samples that were detected as positives by real-time PCR were additionally genotyped for five L. pulmonaria microsatellite loci. Both molecular approaches demonstrated substantial dispersal from other than local sources. In a landscape approach, we additionally analyzed 240 snow samples with real-time PCR of ITS and detected propagules not only in forests where L. pulmonaria was present, but also in large unforested pasture areas and in forest patches where L. pulmonaria was not found. Monitoring of soredia of L. pulmonaria transplanted to maple bark after two vegetation periods showed high variance in growth among forest stands, but no significant differences among different transplantation treatments. Hence, it is probably not dispersal limitation that hinders colonization in the old-forest lichen L. pulmonaria, but ecological constraints at the stand level that can result in establishment limitation. Our study exemplifies that care has to be taken to adequately separate the effects of dispersal limitation from a limitation of establishment.  相似文献   

Persecution and overexploitation by humans are major causes of species extinctions. Rare species, often confined to small geographic ranges, are usually at highest risk, whereas extinctions of superabundant species with very large ranges are rare. The Yellow‐breasted Bunting (Emberiza aureola) used to be one of the most abundant songbirds of the Palearctic, with a very large breeding range stretching from Scandinavia to the Russian Far East. Anecdotal information about rapid population declines across the range caused concern about unsustainable trapping along the species’ migration routes. We conducted a literature review and used long‐term monitoring data from across the species’ range to model population trend and geographical patterns of extinction. The population declined by 84.3–94.7% between 1980 and 2013, and the species’ range contracted by 5000 km. Quantitative evidence from police raids suggested rampant illegal trapping of the species along its East Asian flyway in China. A population model simulating an initial harvest level of 2% of the population, and an annual increase of 0.2% during the monitoring period produced a population trajectory that matched the observed decline. We suggest that trapping strongly contributed to the decline because the consumption of Yellow‐breasted Bunting and other songbirds has increased as a result of economic growth and prosperity in East Asia. The magnitude and speed of the decline is unprecedented among birds with a comparable range size, with the exception of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius), which went extinct in 1914 due to industrial‐scale hunting. Our results demonstrate the urgent need for an improved monitoring of common and widespread species’ populations, and consumption levels throughout East Asia.  相似文献   

Dispersal kernels in grid-based population models specify the proportion, distance and direction of movements within the model landscape. Spatial errors in dispersal kernels can have large compounding effects on model accuracy. Circular Gaussian and Laplacian dispersal kernels at a range of spatial resolutions were investigated, and methods for minimizing errors caused by the discretizing process were explored. Kernels of progressively smaller sizes relative to the landscape grid size were calculated using cell-integration and cell-center methods. These kernels were convolved repeatedly, and the final distribution was compared with a reference analytical solution. For large Gaussian kernels (σ > 10 cells), the total kernel error was <10−11 compared to analytical results. Using an invasion model that tracked the time a population took to reach a defined goal, the discrete model results were comparable to the analytical reference. With Gaussian kernels that had σ ≤ 0.12 using the cell integration method, or σ ≤ 0.22 using the cell center method, the kernel error was greater than 10%, which resulted in invasion times that were orders of magnitude different than theoretical results. A goal-seeking routine was developed to adjust the kernels to minimize overall error. With this, corrections for small kernels were found that decreased overall kernel error to <10−11 and invasion time error to <5%.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2005,188(1):52-61
In order to describe the spatial dispersion of a population of annual plants with a seed bank, we have formulated a delay integrodifference equation model. The plant population growth is considered as being dependent on the density of seedlings that spring from seeds of the two previous years. We have analyzed the effects of the seed bank on the total population size, on the population spatial distribution as well as on the population velocity of invasion. It is showed that the seed bank can significantly alter the dynamics of annual plants, since it can have both a stabilizing and a destabilizing effect on the total population and can also homogenize the spatial distribution of the plants.  相似文献   

J. E. Duffy 《Marine Biology》1993,116(3):459-470
The spatial context in which host races of parasitic animals originate is a central issue in the controversial theory of sympatric speciation. Sponge-dwelling shrimps in the genus Synalpheus provide a good system for evaluating the possibility of resource-associated divergence in sympatry. I used allozyme electrophoresis to assess the genetic population structure of two Caribbean Synalpheus species sampled in 1988 to 1990 at a hierarchy of spatial scales. S. brooksi Coutière is a host-generalist, using several sponge species in an area, and develops directly, with no planktonic larval stage. G-tests and estimates of F ST revealed highly structured populations in this species, with significant differentiation among samples from individual reefs within a region, and strong divergence among regions (Panama, Belize, Florida). Moreover, samples of S. brooksi taken from the two sponges Spheciospongia vesparium (Lamarck) and Agelas clathrodes (Schmidt) in Panama, and separated by 3 km, showed significant differentiation at both of the loci that were polymorphic in these populations. Genetic distances between these host-associated populations averaged >60% greater than distances between samples from the same host species and were comparable to, or greater tha, those for some inter-regional comparisons. These genetic data corroborate a previous finding of demographic differences between the same populations. The second species, S. pectiniger Coutière, occurs only in Spheciospongia vesparium, and produces swimming larvae. Although allele frequencies in this species differed significantly among the three regions, S. pectiniger showed no differentiation within regions, and significantly lower differentiation (F ST) among regions than its direct-developing congener. These data suggest that genetic population structure in these two commensal crustaceans is related to dispersal potential, and that restricted dispersal may allow the divergence of host-associated populations on a local scale.  相似文献   

The complex ritualized displays of males in many territorial species suggest that selection has shaped male behaviors in ways that affect fitness. In this study, we evaluated the link between display behavior during male–male interactions and reproductive success in the Australian jacky dragon (Amphibolurus muricatus), a lizard species that uses a complex series of movement patterns for communication. We quantified variation in male display behaviors by using video playback experiments in the laboratory, and subsequently assessed variation in male reproductive success by paternity analyses of offspring. Because the lizards used in this study came from eggs incubated under three thermal environments, we also could evaluate the impact of developmental temperature on adult behavior and reproductive success. Incubation temperature had a strong effect on male reproductive success; males produced under intermediate temperatures sired more offspring than those produced under extreme developmental temperatures. However, incubation temperature did not affect male display behavior, nor was male behavior associated with reproductive success. Our findings do not support the common assumption that display behaviors used during male–male interactions affect reproductive success.  相似文献   

Stable-isotope profiles of feathers can reveal the location or habitat used by individual birds during the molting period. Heterogeneity in isotope profiles will reflect heterogeneity in molt locations, but also heterogeneity in breeding locations, because spatial heterogeneity in molt locations will be congruent with spatial heterogeneity in breeding locations in species with high connectivity between breeding and molting sites. We used information on the congruence of spatial heterogeneity in molt and breeding location to study population processes in Barn Swallows (Hirundo rustica) from a region. near Chernobyl, Ukraine, that has been radioactively contaminated since 1986; from an uncontaminated control region near Kanev, Ukraine; and from a sample of pre-1986 museum specimens used to investigate patterns prior to the nuclear disaster at Chernobyl, from both regions. Previous studies have revealed severe reductions in Barn Swallow reproductive performance and adult survival in the Chernobyl region, implying that the population is a sink and unable to sustain itself. Female Barn Swallows are known to disperse farther from their natal site than males, implying that female stable-isotope profiles should tend to be more variable than profiles of males. However, if the Barn Swallows breeding at Chernobyl are not self-sustaining, we would expect males there also to originate from a larger area than males from the control region. We found evidence that the sample of adult Barn Swallows from the Chernobyl region was more isotopically heterogeneous than the control sample, as evidenced from a significant correlation between feather sigma13C and sigma15N values in the control region, but not in the Chernobyl region. Furthermore, we found a significant difference in feather sigma15N values between regions and periods (before and after 1986). When we compared the variances in sigma13C values of feathers, we found that variances in both sexes from post-1986 samples from Chernobyl were significantly larger than variances for feather samples from the control region, and than variances for historical samples from both regions. These findings suggest that stable-isotope measurements can provide information about population processes following environmental perturbations.  相似文献   

Waterbirds are known to disperse invertebrate propagules that survive gut passage, but there is very little information about how the probability of dispersal changes at different times of the annual cycle when birds move in different directions, or how it is affected by changes in diet. We studied internal transport of brine shrimp Artemia cysts by migratory waders in the Odiel saltworks in south-west Spain. Viable cysts of parthenogenetic Artemia were abundant in the faeces and regurgitated pellets of redshank Tringa totanus, pellets of spotted redshank T. erythropus, and faeces of black-tailed godwit Limosa limosa during spring and/or autumn migrations in 2001–2002, but were not recorded during winter. Godwits did not produce pellets, and spotted redshank faeces were not sampled. Significant correlations between the number of cysts in a pellet or faecal sample and the proportion of that sample constituted by Artemia adults suggested that most cysts were ingested while in the ovisacs of gravid females. The proportion of cysts destroyed during digestion increased when accompanied by harder food items or grit, and when fewer cysts were ingested. The median number of intact cysts was higher in redshank faeces than in their pellets, but cysts extracted from pellets were more likely to hatch. A higher proportion of redshank pellets contained Artemia cysts in spring than in autumn, but more redshank migrated through the area in autumn. Significantly fewer cysts were recorded in redshank pellets in winter than in spring or autumn. Our results confirm that there is potential for long-distance dispersal of Artemia cysts via waders during both northwards (spring) and southwards (autumn) migrations.  相似文献   

Kolb A  Dahlgren JP  Ehrlén J 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3210-3217
Negative effects of habitat fragmentation on individual performance have been widely documented, but relatively little is known about how simultaneous effects on multiple vital rates translate into effects on population viability in long-lived species. In this study, we examined relationships between population size, individual growth, survival and reproduction, and population growth rate in the perennial plant Phyteuma spicatum. Population size positively affected the growth of seedlings, the survival of juveniles, the proportion of adults flowering, and potential seed production. Analyses with integral projection models, however, showed no relationship between population size and population growth rate. This was due to the fact that herbivores and pathogens eliminated the relationship between population size and seed production, and that population growth rate was not sensitive to changes in the vital rates that varied with population size. We conclude that effects of population size on vital rates must not translate into effects on population growth rate, and that populations of long-lived organisms may partly be able to buffer negative effects of small population size on vital rates that have a relatively small influence on population growth rate. Our study illustrates that we need to be cautious when assessing the consequences of habitat fragmentation for population viability based on effects on only one or a few vital rates.  相似文献   

A transmission model was devised for trichostrongyloid nematodes of saiga antelopes and domestic sheep in Kazakhstan. The framework extends previous models by including seasonal migration of saigas, contact with separate populations of sheep, and climate-driven stochasticity in herbage biomass and in the development, survival and migration onto herbage of free-living larvae. The model was parameterised for the contrasting life histories of Marshallagia, Haemonchus and Nematodirus, three important parasites of saigas and sheep in the region, and was successful at predicting broad qualitative patterns of infection dynamics in sheep and saigas. Parasite transmission between saigas and sheep was predicted to be most important for Marshallagia (from sheep to saigas in the south in winter, and onward transmission to sheep in the north in summer) and Haemonchus (from sheep in the north in summer via saigas to sheep further south in autumn). Model predictions for winter transmission of Marshallagia infection in saigas were consistent with field data, which showed that saigas culled before they have grazed the winter range carry lower burdens of this parasite than older animals. The model provides a mechanistic explanation for its predictions, which will assist hypothesis formation, and further the epidemiological basis of efforts to control parasite transmission between wildlife and livestock in both directions. A similar modelling approach could prove useful in other situations where detailed mechanistic models of parasite transmission are inappropriate in the face of parameter uncertainty and spatio-temporal variation in climate and host density. This is likely to include the majority of wildlife-parasite systems.  相似文献   

Many animals use multiple signals in sexual communication, but our understanding of the interactions between multiple signals, particularly in inexperienced breeders, is limited. In birds, delayed plumage maturation (DPM) is well documented; young birds appear duller than adults, despite reaching sexual maturity. Age-related changes in song structure are also common in songbirds, though the extent to which songs of yearling males differ from those of adults (delayed song maturation, DSM) and its prevalence in species with DPM is unknown. We tested for DSM in the mate-attraction (repeat) song of a species with dramatic DPM, the American redstart (Setophaga ruticilla). Repeat song structure of territorial yearling and adult males differed significantly, based on discriminant analysis of nine non-collinear song features. Combined with previous evidence of delayed maturation in territorial (serial) song, we provide the first evidence for DSM in different song types used in different behavioral contexts during the breeding season of a migratory songbird. Within adults, variation in repeat song was associated with pairing, earlier onset of breeding, and number of offspring sired, suggesting a potential benefit for expressing more adult-like song. We found no relationship between the expression of adult-like repeat song and plumage in either age class. These results indicate that delayed maturation of repeat song in yearling redstarts is not due to a generalized delay in signal development, and suggest further work is needed to determine whether mate attraction (for both yearling and adult males) provides greater pressure to sound more “adult-like” than to look more “adult-like”.  相似文献   

Ground-dwelling sciurids exhibit a continuum of sociality and several models predict levels of sociality within this taxon. Models of ground squirrel sociality predict round-tailed ground squirrels (Xerospermophilus tereticaudus) to be solitary; however, previous behavioral studies suggest round-tailed ground squirrels have a matrilineal social structure. To resolve this discrepancy, we combined behavioral observations with genetic analyses of population structure. We assessed levels of agonistic and amicable behaviors combined with fine-scale population genetic structure of round-tailed ground squirrels in a multi-year study in AZ. Only 45 agonistic and 40 amicable interactions were observed between adults in over 137 h of observations. Overall rates of agonistic or amicable interactions between adults were low (≤0.69/h), with no relationship between relatedness of individuals and rates of either amicable or agonistic interactions. Interactions between juvenile littermates were predominantly amicable. Population substructure was not evident with Bayesian analyses, global or pairwise F ST values; average relatedness among females was not different from males. However, in 2006, the year after a population reduction through targeted animal elimination, a population bottleneck was detected within at least five of seven loci. Contrary to previous behavioral studies, this population of round-tailed ground squirrels, although aggregated spatially, did not exhibit high levels of social behavior nor subpopulation genetic structure. Analyses of the genetic relationships and sociality along a continuum, particularly within aggregates of individuals, may lead to insights into the origin and maintenance of social behaviors by elucidating the mechanisms by which aggregates with intermediate social levels are formed and maintained.  相似文献   

Lowe WH 《Ecology》2010,91(10):3008-3015
Long-distance dispersal (LDD) may contribute disproportionately to range expansions, the creation of new evolutionary lineages, and species persistence in human-dominated landscapes. However, because data on the individual consequences of dispersal distance are extremely limited, we have little insight on how LDD is maintained in natural populations. I used six years of spatially explicit capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data to test the prediction that individual performance increases with dispersal distance in the stream salamander Gyrinophilus porphyriticus. Dispersal distance was total distance moved along the 1-km study stream, ranging from 0 to 565 m. To quantify individual performance, I used CMR estimates of survival and individual growth rates based on change in body length. Survival and growth rates increased significantly with dispersal distance. These relationships were not confounded by pre-dispersal body condition or by ecological gradients along the stream. Individual benefits of LDD were likely caused by an increase in the upper limit of settlement site quality with dispersal distance. My results do not support the view that the fitness consequences of LDD are unpredictable and instead suggest that consistent evolutionary mechanisms may explain the prevalence of LDD in nature. They also highlight the value of direct CMR data for understanding the individual consequences of variation in dispersal distance and how that variation is maintained in natural populations.  相似文献   

Levine JM  McEachern AK  Cowan C 《Ecology》2011,92(12):2236-2247
A major challenge in forecasting the ecological consequences of climate change is understanding the relative importance of changes to mean conditions vs. changes to discrete climatic events, such as storms, frosts, or droughts. Here we show that the first major storm of the growing season strongly influences the population dynamics of three rare and endangered annual plant species in a coastal California (USA) ecosystem. In a field experiment we used moisture barriers and water addition to manipulate the timing and temperature associated with first major rains of the season. The three focal species showed two- to fivefold variation in per capita population growth rates between the different storm treatments, comparable to variation found in a prior experiment imposing eightfold differences in season-long precipitation. Variation in germination was a major demographic driver of how two of three species responded to the first rains. For one of these species, the timing of the storm was the most critical determinant of its germination, while the other showed enhanced germination with colder storm temperatures. The role of temperature was further supported by laboratory trials showing enhanced germination in cooler treatments. Our work suggests that, because of species-specific cues for demographic transitions such as germination, changes to discrete climate events may be as, if not more, important than changes to season-long variables.  相似文献   

Phenotype-dependent arrival time and its consequences in a migratory bird   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Arrival times for migratory animals can be viewed as the result of an optimization process of costs and benefits of early arrival, and when the cost and benefit functions of early arrival depend on phenotypic quality, this will result in phenotype-dependent optimal arrival times. This hypothesis was tested for males of the migratory and sexually size-dimorphic barn swallow Hirundo rustica. The major cost of early arrival is poor environmental conditions which resulted in mortality of short-tailed early-arriving males in one year. The major benefits of early arrival are higher mating success, enhanced reproductive success, improved recruitment rates for offspring, and enhanced quality of the mate acquired. Annual variation in male arrival date is related to weather conditions at the breeding grounds, but also to some extent to weather conditions in the African winter quarters. Individual variation in arrival time can be explained by phenotype-dependent cost and benefit functions of early arrival. Male barn swallows with long tail ornaments arrived earlier than short-tailed males. The costs of early arrival should be particularly high under poor environmental conditions and lead to a stronger negative relationship between arrival date and phenotypic quality in years with poor environmental conditions. This prediction was confirmed by a stronger negative relationship between male tail length and date of arrival in years when arrival was relatively late because of poor weather. A female preference for early-arriving males may result in acquisition of good genes for optimal migratory behaviour, if migratory direction and extent have a genetic basis as shown in a number of different bird species.  相似文献   

The primary cue for initiation of spring migratory restlessness (Zugunruhe) in landbird migrants is photoperiod. Gonadal hormones are known to have a role in the regulation of migratory disposition; however, the extent of their effect is not well understood. We examined the impact of exogenous testosterone on the onset of migratory restlessness in gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis). Catbirds were stratified by sex and randomly assigned to two rooms; individuals in one room were photoadvanced to initiate migratory restlessness and the other room was maintained on a 12:12 light/dark photoperiod. Each room had three groups (n?=?10/group); males with testosterone implants, males with empty implants, and females. We predicted that in the photoadvanced room males with testosterone implants would initiate migratory activity earlier than empty-implanted males. We found that in the photoadvanced group, testosterone-implanted males initiated migration 2 weeks prior to empty-implanted males, and 3 weeks prior to females. In the non-photoadvanced males, the testosterone-implanted males initiated migration at the same time as the corresponding group in the photoadvanced room, while the empty-implanted males and females did not exhibit Zugunruhe. Our results illustrate that elevated testosterone can advance the onset of Zugunruhe, even in the absence of an extended photoperiod. Additionally, the onset of migratory restlessness observed in the photoadvanced, non-testosterone-implanted males and females further supports the importance of photoperiod as a cue for migratory restlessness. An interesting observation was the intersexual differences in the onset of migratory activity in gray catbirds, a species not previously known to exhibit protandry.  相似文献   

Spatial model of annual weed seed dispersal, in this article, was theoretically derived. According to the requirements of building the spatial model, we designed and done an indoor experiment of weed seed dispersal by wind. In the experiment, the seeds of Bromus sterilis were released at 100 cm height under different wind velocity conditions. Based on the experimental data, the spatial models of seed dispersal of the weed species were built, which were divided into three types according to the coefficient β < 0, β = 0, β > 0. The results showed that dispersal of annual weed seed in any direction obeyed an approximate Gaussian distribution; under the experimental conditions, spatial distribution type of weed seed dispersal changed with variation of wind velocity. Well-known Howard et al.'s model (Howard et al., 1991) of Bromus sterilis seed dispersal is an especial example of the model built in this article. The result of model analysis indicated that the distribution type described by Howard's model was similar to that of seed dispersal of the weed species at the height of 100 cm under the condition of lower wind velocity (about 2.18 m/s). Using CA simulation analysis we found that mean control agent applying to a cell with weed should have a decrease with an increase of wind velocity to prevent weed with the initial configuration from spreading, which implicated less herbicide needs spraying in every cell with weed on average when wind velocity increases.  相似文献   

Péron G  Crochet PA  Doherty PF  Lebreton JD 《Ecology》2010,91(11):3365-3375
Researchers often rely on capture-mark-recapture (CMR) data to study animal dispersal in the wild. Yet their spatial coverage often does not encompass the entire dispersal range of the study individuals, sometimes producing misleading results. Information contained in population surveys and variation in population spatial structure can be used to overcome this issue. We build an integrated model in a multisite context in which CMR data are only collected at a subset of sites, but numbers of breeding pairs are counted at all sites. In a Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus population, the integrated-modeling approach induces an increase in precision for the demographic parameters of interest (variances, on average, were decreased by 20%) and provides a more precise extrapolation of results from the CMR data to the whole population. Patterns of condition-dependent dispersal are therefore made easier to detect, and we obtain evidence for colony-size dependence in recruitment, dispersal, and breeding success. These results suggest that first-time breeders disperse to small colonies in order to recruit earlier. The exchange of experienced breeders between colonies appears as a main determinant of the observed variation in colony sizes.  相似文献   

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