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Macroalgal fields are a feature of the shallow tropical benthos, yet their importance for coral reef fish population dynamics remains poorly understood. The abundance of fish recruits was recorded using underwater visual census at six macroalgal and 11 coral reef sites in the Montebello and Barrow Islands. Surveys identified 6,935 individual recruit fish from 105 species, 54 genera and 20 families. Of these, 1,401 recruits from 48 species, 31 genera and 14 families were observed in macroalgal sites. Sixteen of the 105 recruit species (15.2 %) were observed exclusively at macroalgal sites. Forty-two (87.5 %) of these species have been observed as adults on adjacent coral reefs. Species composition of fish recruits differed significantly between the two habitats. Corallivore, small omnivore and zooplanktivore recruits had significantly higher numbers in the coral sites, while the results clearly demonstrate that juveniles, within the genera Lethrinus and Choerodon, as well as large algal croppers, are predominantly found at macroalgal (74–100 %) rather than coral-dominated sites. High-canopy macroalgae cover was positively correlated with abundance of these taxa, particularly Lethrinids (r 2 = 0.40). This study is the first to highlight the important attributes of tropical macroalgal fields and suggests that they have a similar role to seagrass meadows as essential juvenile habitat, thus warranting greater attention in conservation planning and ecological studies.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in site quality can play an important role in patterns of abundance and population dynamics. Yet, estimating site quality in natural systems can be problematic because site quality can (1) vary through ontogeny for a focal organism, leading to shifts in site quality with age, (2) be confounded with (or masked by) variation in traits of individuals populating the sites, and (3) be correlated with local density. For example, if high-quality sites attract more individuals but vital rates are density dependent, then observed vital rates will be relatively homogeneous in space despite strong heterogeneity in site quality. Here, we operationally define site quality for a reef fish as the mean survival time of juveniles transplanted to sites at a common density and size structure, with random assignment of individuals to sites to remove potential confounding effects of local variation in individual quality and density. Our assays using juvenile age classes of the six-bar wrasse (Thalassoma hardwicke) showed that site quality varied in space (i.e., among patch reefs) but was constant through time. Site quality increased with availability of the branching coral Pocillopora (which is used as a refuge), but decreased with density of a predator, the arc-eye hawkfish, Paracirrhites arcatus (which also uses Pocillopora). We experimentally added colonies of Pocillopora to reefs and (1) increased site quality, (2) enhanced natural settlement rates of six-bar wrasse, but (3) attracted more hawkfish predators, and (4) did not increase survival of juvenile fish under ambient densities. Our results suggest that Pocillopora increases site quality, but attracts greater densities of settlers and predators, resulting in increased density dependence and predation, which mask the underlying effects of Pocillopora on site quality (supporting the hypothesis of "cryptic density dependence"). Variation in site quality and the possible confounding effects of density and individual traits warrant more experimental study.  相似文献   

Many exploited reef fish are vulnerable to overfishing because they concentrate over hard-bottom patchy habitats. How mobile reef fish use patchy habitat, and the potential consequences on demographic parameters, must be known for spatially explicit population dynamics modeling, for discriminating essential fish habitat (EFH), and for effectively planning conservation measures (e.g., marine protected areas, stock enhancement, and artificial reefs). Gag, Mycteroperca microlepis, is an ecologically and economically important warm-temperate grouper in the southeastern United States, with behavioral and life history traits conducive to large-scale field experiments. The Suwannee Regional Reef System (SRRS) was built of standard habitat units (SHUs) in 1991-1993 to manipulate and control habitat patchiness and intrinsic habitat quality, and thereby test predictions from habitat selection theory. Colonization of the SRRS by gag over the first six years showed significant interactions of SHU size, spacing, and reef age; with trajectories modeled using a quadratic function for closely spaced SHUs (25 m) and a linear model for widely spaced SHUs (225 m), with larger SHUs (16 standardized cubes) accumulating significantly more gag faster than smaller 4-cube SHUs (mean = 72.5 gag/16-cube SHU at 225-m spacing by year 6, compared to 24.2 gag/4-cube SHU for same spacing and reef age). Residency times (mean = 9.8 mo), indicative of choice and measured by ultrasonic telemetry (1995-1998), showed significant interaction of SHU size and spacing consistent with colonization trajectories. Average relative weight (W(r)) and incremental growth were greater on smaller than larger SHUs (mean W(r) = 104.2 vs. 97.7; incremental growth differed by 15%), contrary to patterns of abundance and residency. Experimental manipulation of shelter on a subset of SRRS sites (2000-2001) confirmed our hypothesis that shelter limits local densities of gag, which, in turn, regulates their growth and condition. Density-dependent habitat selection for shelter and individual growth dynamics were therefore interdependent ecological processes that help to explain how patchy reef habitat sustains gag production. Moreover, gag selected shelter at the expense of maximizing their growth. Thus, mobile reef fishes could experience density-dependent effects on growth, survival, and/or reproduction (i.e., demographic parameters) despite reduced stock sizes as a consequence of fishing.  相似文献   

Coral reefs are threatened by human activities on both the land (e.g., deforestation) and the sea (e.g., overfishing). Most conservation planning for coral reefs focuses on removing threats in the sea, neglecting management actions on the land. A more integrated approach to coral reef conservation, inclusive of land-sea connections, requires an understanding of how and where terrestrial conservation actions influence reefs. We address this by developing a land-sea planning approach to inform fine-scale spatial management decisions and test it in Fiji. Our aim is to determine where the protection of forest can deliver the greatest return on investment for coral reef ecosystems. To assess the benefits of conservation to coral reefs, we estimate their relative condition as influenced by watershed-based pollution and fishing. We calculate the cost-effectiveness of protecting forest and find that investments deliver rapidly diminishing returns for improvements to relative reef condition. For example, protecting 2% of forest in one area is almost 500 times more beneficial than protecting 2% in another area, making prioritization essential. For the scenarios evaluated, relative coral reef condition could be improved by 8-58% if all remnant forest in Fiji were protected rather than deforested. Finally, we determine the priority of each coral reef for implementing a marine protected area when all remnant forest is protected for conservation. The general results will support decisions made by the Fiji Protected Area Committee as they establish a national protected area network that aims to protect 20% of the land and 30% of the inshore waters by 2020. Although challenges remain, we can inform conservation decisions around the globe by tackling the complex issues relevant to integrated land-sea planning.  相似文献   

Stier AC  Osenberg CW 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2826-2832
Increased habitat availability or quality can alter production of habitat-dependent organisms in two contrasting ways: (1) by enhancing input of new colonists to the new sites (the Field-of-Dreams Hypothesis); and (2) by drawing colonists away from existing sites (the Propagule Redirection Hypothesis), and thus reducing the deleterious effects of density. We conducted a field experiment on coral reef fishes in Moorea, French Polynesia, to quantify how differing levels of habitat availability (controlling for quality) increased and/or redirected colonizing larval fish. Focal reefs without neighboring reefs received two to four times more settlers than reefs with adjacent habitat, demonstrating that increased habitat redirected larval fish. At the scale of the entire reef array, total colonization increased 1.3-fold in response to a sixfold increase in reef area (and a 2.75-fold increase in adjusted habitat availability). Thus, propagules were both increased and redirected, a result midway between the Field-of-Dreams and Propagule Redirection Hypotheses. A recruitment model using our data and field estimates of density-dependent recruitment predicts that habitat addition increases recruitment primarily by ameliorating the negative effects of competition at existing sites rather than increasing colonization at the new sites per se. Understanding long-term implications of these effects depends upon the interplay among habitat dynamics, population connectivity, colonization dynamics, and density dependence.  相似文献   

White JW  Caselle JE 《Ecology》2008,89(5):1323-1333
While there is great interest in the degree to which local interactions "scale-up" to predict regional patterns of abundance, few studies in marine systems have simultaneously examined patterns of abundance at both the large scale (tens of kilometers) typical of larval movement and the small scale (meters) typical of post-settlement interactions. We addressed this gap by monitoring larval supply, adult survivorship, and giant kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera, a primary habitat-forming species) abundance for 13 populations of kelp bass (Paralabrax clathratus) spread over approximately 200 km in the Santa Barbara Channel, California, USA. At the small, within-site scale, both recruitment and adult survivorship of kelp bass were density-dependent and positively related to kelp abundance. At the larger, among-site scale, the spatial pattern of adult kelp bass abundance was predicted well by the pattern of kelp bass larval supply, but there was a consistent negative spatial relationship between kelp abundance and kelp bass larval supply despite the positive effects of kelp on kelp bass at the smaller spatial scale. This large-scale negative relationship was likely a product of a channel-wide spatial mismatch between oceanographic conditions that favor kelp survival and those that concentrate and distribute fish larvae. These results generally support the recruit-adult hypothesis: kelp bass populations are limited by recruitment at low recruit densities but by density-dependent competition for food resources and/or predator refuges at high recruit densities. At the same time, spatial variation in kelp abundance produced substantial spatiotemporal heterogeneity in kelp bass demographics, which argues for a multispecies, metacommunity approach to predicting kelp bass dynamics.  相似文献   

Seagrass beds are often considered to be important nurseries for coral reef fish, yet the effectiveness of these nursery functions (refuge and food availability) at different juvenile stages is poorly understood. To understand how the demands of juvenile fish on seagrass nursery functions determines the timing of ontogenetic habitat shifts from seagrass beds to coral reefs, we conducted visual transect survey and field tethering and caging experiments on three different sizes of the coral reef fish Pacific yellowtail emperor (Lethrinus atkinsoni) during its juvenile tenure in seagrass beds at Ishigaki Island, southern Japan. The study showed that although the number of individual L. atkinsoni juveniles decreased by >90 % during their stay in the seagrass nursery, the shelter and/or food availability functions of the nursery, at least for a juvenile size of approximately 5 cm total length (TL), provided the best survival and growth option. The timing of ontogenetic migration to coral reefs of larger fish (>8 cm TL) was attributed to foraging efficiency for larger food items in different habitats. Overall, the function of the seagrass bed nursery changed with juvenile body size, with marginally higher survival and significantly greater growth rates during early juvenile stages in seagrass beds compared to coral reefs. This would contribute to the enhancement in the number of individuals eventually recruited to adult populations.  相似文献   

Post-settlement events can significantly alter the density distribution of settlers and subsequently the adult population structure. The temporal and inter-annual variability of settlement and the effects of mortality on recruitment were investigated across 2 years in the vicinities of Cabo de Palos–Islas Hormigas Marine Reserve by visual census and light trap sampling. Settlement was seasonal with greater species richness and abundance in summer. Although temporal synchronization was observed between larval supply and settlement, densities of settlers could not be predicted from post-larval abundances. Timing of settlement was consistent between years but with high inter-annual variation in abundance. High mortality (~80 %) and general decoupling between post-larval and settlement stages suggest that early mortality is driving such patterns. Nevertheless, indications of habitat-mediated mortality were found for benthic species such as Symphodus and Diplodus, highlighting the importance of habitat in shaping population demography.  相似文献   

Parasitism is hypothesized to reduce reproductive success in heavily parasitized males because females may preferentially mate with less parasitized males (parasite-mediated sexual selection) or parasites may compromise male competitiveness. In marine systems, this hypothesis is largely unexplored. This paper provides the first confirmed record of a copepod ectoparasite (Caligus buechlerae Hewitt 1964) on the common triplefin (Forsterygion lapillum) and evaluates the hypothesis that males parasitized with C. buechlerae experience lower reproductive success than unparasitized males (as determined by the presence and area of eggs within male nests). We found that 38 % of males we surveyed were infected with at least one C. buechlerae, with a median of two individuals per infected male. About 32 % of males were defending eggs, with 62.5 % of those males infected with at least one parasite. Males of greater total length (TL) were both more likely to be infected and more likely to be defending eggs. However, when statistically accounting for the effects of TL, parasite infection had no effect on the probability of defending eggs, or the average surface area of eggs when present. Positive covariation in fish length, the presence of eggs and parasite infection observed here potentially suggest that the importance of parasitic infection on reproductive success may depend upon the strength of selection for larger male body size. Our study is one of the few studies to investigate the effects of ectoparasites on reproductive success in reef fish and also provides a quantitative measure of infection for a widespread species within New Zealand.  相似文献   

Identification of critical habitat in estuarine nursery areas is an important conservation and management objective. Habitat can be viewed as a mosaic of both temporally variable environmental features and spatially variable structural features that combine to define optimal habitat. Effective models of juvenile distributions should account for individual movement, as well as the full suite of habitat variability including both spatial and temporal components. We have extended a terrestrial model of small-scale movement patterns to describe habitat choices of an index juvenile fish in an estuarine nursery system. Movement of small juvenile fishes was found to be influenced by both spatial and temporal patterns in habitat quality, and it was a balanced mix of both that resulted in an optimal distribution. Fishes that perceive habitat on a scale much smaller than the scale of spatial heterogeneity may respond to temporal change as a movement cue allowing for more deterministic outcomes at larger scales despite perceptual limitations. These model outcomes suggest a hierarchical approach is best for describing habitat choice in juvenile fishes and this approach will be used in the future to explore individual and population responses to predictable habitat change.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of a fully protected marine reserve on commercially valuable scallops and benthic habitats in Lamlash Bay, Isle of Arran, United Kingdom. Dive surveys found the abundance of juvenile scallops to be greater within the marine reserve than outside. A novel multivariate approach, based upon neural networks and generalised linear models, revealed the greater abundance of juveniles to be related to the greater presence of macroalgae and maerl within the reserve boundaries. This complex habitat appeared to have positively encouraged spat settlement. In contrast, the density of adult scallops did not differ between the two treatments, possibly due to the short duration of protection. However, the age, size and biomass of adult scallops were significantly greater within the reserve. Overall, this study suggests that the newly created marine reserve is already providing benefits which are flowing back to species targeted by fisheries, emphasising the importance of marine reserves in ecosystem-based management of fisheries.  相似文献   

The influence of genetic relatedness on the individual performance (e.g. growth, development) of animals is often tied to agonistic or cooperative behaviors among conspecifics, and studies of the effects of kinship have produced mixed results. To explore genetic relatedness independent of these behaviors, we investigated the effects of kinship on the growth of the kelp perch Brachyistius frenatus, a live-bearing, planktivorous marine reef fish that is capable of only limited dispersal. Although juveniles occur in aggregations and compete for food resources, they do not exhibit overt aggressive or cooperative behavioral interactions. We hypothesized that under competition and in the absence of these behaviors, sibling and non-sibling groups of juvenile B. frenatus raised at the same densities in the field would not differ in average growth, but that siblings would exhibit lower variation in growth, simply due to genetic similarities in inherent growth rates. Pregnant, female kelp perch were collected and placed in cages until parturition was complete. Groups of young, recently born from the same mother or from different mothers, were then raised in the field for 9 wk. Our results revealed that average growth rates were similar between sibling and non-sibling treatments. While variation in growth increased initially in non-siblings, siblings showed little such variation. This divergence, however, was not consistent over the duration of the experiment, and variation in the growth of siblings ultimately converged with that of non-siblings. Effects of genetic relatedness would be most likely to manifest themselves early after birth, before environmental factors exert their influence, and this may explain the initial separation but eventual convergence in variation in growth between sibling and non-sibling treatments. For B. frenatus and other organisms that will encounter relatives and compete for resources without overt behavioral interactions, the degree of kinship may play a minor role in the demography of local populations. Received: 26 January 1998 / Accepted: 30 September 1998  相似文献   

Coupled bio-physical models of larval dispersal predict that the Costa Rica–Panama (CR–PAN) reefs should constitute a demographically isolated region in the western Caribbean. We tested the hypothesis that CR–PAN coral reef fish populations would be isolated from Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System (MBRS) populations. To test that, we assessed population genetic structure in bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) from both regions. Adult fish were genotyped from five reefs in CR–PAN and from four reefs along the MBRS at 12 microsatellite loci. Between-region F ST (F ST = 0.0030, P < 0.005) and exact test (x 2 = 74.34, df = 18, P < 0.0001) results indicated that there is weak but significant genetic differentiation between regions, suggesting some restriction in connectivity along the Central American coastline, as predicted by bio-oceanographic models. Additionally, there is among-site genetic structure in the CR–PAN region, relative to the MBRS and between regions, suggesting higher self-recruitment within CR–PAN. This finding may be explained by differences in habitat characteristics.  相似文献   

The diurnal use of space by 25 resident species of coral reef fishes was investigated along three depth (10 to 40 m) transects over an 18 month period. Emphasis was placed on the small, cryptic members of the communities. Three aspects of the use of space — temporal utilization, occupancy and time span — are defined and quantified for each of the species. In addition, an estimate of the diurnal home range volume of each species is provided. The territorial pomacentrids showed the highest level of temporal utilization, holding the same territories throughout the study. The consistent presence of the holocentrid species within the reef infrastructure had the potential to influence the space available to other species. Some species residing in tube-worm holes and sponges also exhibited constant use of space.  相似文献   

Preferential use of one side of the body for cognitive or behavioural tasks (lateralization) is common in many animals, including humans. However, few studies have demonstrated whether lateralization is phenotypically plastic, and varies depending on the ecological context. We studied lateralization (measured as a turning preference) in the bridled monocle bream (Scolopsis bilineatus). This coral reef fish is commonly infected by a large, ectoparasitic isopod (Anilocra nemipteri) that attaches to the left or right side of its host’s head. Fish that were parasitized showed no turning bias with respect to the side on which the parasite had attached. On average, however, parasitised fish were significantly more lateralized (i.e. had a strong side bias) than unparasitized fish. The extent of lateralization declined significantly when we experimentally removed the parasite. Our results indicate that lateralization can vary with the ecological context. One possible explanation is that lateralization shortens the response time until fish flee after encountering a predator. A stronger side bias might be advantageous for parasitized individuals to overcome their recently documented lower maximum swimming speed.  相似文献   

Two complete collections of the fishes residing on an isolated coral patch reef ( 1500 m2) at Oahu, Hawaii, were made 11 years apart. Of the 112 species of fishes in both collections combined, only 40% were in common, but these made up more than 85% of the wet biomass in each collection. The two assemblages of fishes were similar in trophic structure and standing crop. Many coral reef fish communities are dominated by carnivorous forms. In the present study, planktivorous fishes were the most important trophic group in the community; this was related to abundant zooplankton resources. Following the second collection in 1977, recolonization by fishes was followed for 1 year. Recolonization proceeded rapidly and was primarily by juvenile fishes well beyond larval metamorphosis. Within 6 months of the second collection, the trophic structure had been re-established. The MacArthur-Wilson model of insular colonization described the recolonization process and predicted an equilibrium situation in less than 2 years. The recolonization data suggested that chance factors may explain the colonization process on a small scale, but a relatively deterministic pattern emerged when considering the entire reef. Thus, at the community level the fishes are a persistent and predictable entity.  相似文献   

Large animals are severely depleted in many ecosystems, yet we are only beginning to understand the ecological implications of their loss. To empirically measure the short-term effects of removing large animals from an ocean ecosystem, we used exclosures to remove large fish from a near-pristine coral reef at Palmyra Atoll, Central Pacific Ocean. We identified a range of effects that followed from the removal of these large fish. These effects were revealed within weeks of their removal. Removing large fish (1) altered the behavior of prey fish; (2) reduced rates of herbivory on certain species of reef algae; (3) had both direct positive (reduced mortality of coral recruits) and indirect negative (through reduced grazing pressure on competitive algae) impacts on recruiting corals; and (4) tended to decrease abundances of small mobile benthic invertebrates. Results of this kind help advance our understanding of the ecological importance of large animals in ecosystems.  相似文献   

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