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This article reviews the literatureon the use of mosses for monitoring atmospheric metalpollution. It discusses the nature of mosses, themechanisms for moss uptake of metals from the air andwet precipitation, the various forms in which mossesare used for this purpose, and cases in which mosseshave been used for monitoring local hot spots ofpollution, and regional patterns of metal pollution.Also highlighted are the questions of uptake of metalsfrom the substrates, interspecies differences, and acomparison of the effectiveness of mosses with otherindicator materials, among other issues.  相似文献   

沙尘暴--一种跨区域的大气环境污染物   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对十多年来发生在我国西北地区的较大沙尘暴,沙尘暴尘的沉降量、沉降范围、化学组分、粒径分布、对大气环境降尘背景值的影响等问题进行了调查、分析,综述了这方面的一些研究成果。  相似文献   

Sulphate-sulphur levels were determined in topsoils from areas of varying vehicular traffic densities, population densities and industrial activities in Ibadan City, Nigeria. The factors of traffic and population densities, as well as industrial activities, had been shown to correlate positively with ambient sulphur dioxide levels.The soil-SO 4 = levels correlated positively with gradients in the factors tested. Vehicular traffic density variations had the most pronounced and significant effect on the SO 4 = level trend. The results indicate that soil-SO 4 = levels may be indirectly empirically related to ambient sulphur dioxide levels derived from diffuse sources.  相似文献   

An ambient air quality study was undertaken in two cities (Pamplona and Alsasua) of the Province of Navarre in northern Spain from July 2001 to June 2004. The data were obtained from two urban monitoring sites. At both monitoring sites, ambient levels of ozone, NOx, and SO2 were measured. Simultaneously with levels of PM10 measured at Alsasua (using a laser particle counter), PM10 levels were also determined at Pamplona (using a beta attenuation monitor). Mean annual PM10 concentrations in Pamplona and Alsasua reached 30 and 28 μg m−3, respectively. These concentrations are typical for urban background sites in Northern Spain. By using meteorological information and back trajectories, it was found that the number of exceedances of the daily PM10 limit as well as the PM10 temporal variation was highly influenced by air masses from North Africa. Although North African transport was observed on only 9% of the days, it contributed the highest observed PM10 levels. Transport from the Atlantic Ocean was observed on 68% of the days; transport from Europe on 13%; low transport and local influences on 7%; and transport from the Mediterranean region on 3% of the days. The mean O3 concentrations were 45 and 55 μg m−3 in Pamplona and Alsasua, respectively, which were above the values reported for the main Spanish cities. The mean NO and NO2 levels were very similar in both sites (12 and 26 μg m−3, respectively). Mean SO2 levels were 8 μg m−3 in Pamplona and 5 μg m−3 in Alsasua. Hourly levels of PM10, NO and NO2 showed similar variations with the typically two coincident maximums during traffic rush hours demonstrating a major anthropogenic origin of PM10, in spite of the sporadic dust outbreaks.  相似文献   

The authors consider some possible ways of regulating three types of atmospheric emission of pollutants:
  1. emission of substances causing pollution of the natural environment on the global scale (global pollutants);
  2. emission of substances causing pollution on a regional scale, most often including territories of several countries (international pollutants);
  3. emission of substances causing negative effects in a relatively limited region, for example within border area of two adjoining countries.
Substances (gaseous, as a rule) of a long life-time in the atmosphere that can contaminate natural media on a global scale irrespective of the place of emission refer to the first class of pollutants that are subject to emission regulation at an international level and to quota establishement for individual countries. They are carbon dioxide, freon, krypton-85. Various approaches to determining permissible emission and to quota establishing are discussed in the paper. The second group includes substances of a limited, yet rather long, life-time whose emission intensity makes a notable contribution to environmental pollution of a large region including territories of several countries. Here it is needed to regulate internationally not the atmospheric emission as it is but pollutant transport over national boundaries (sulphur and nitrogen oxides, pesticides, heavy metals). The third group includes substances of relatively short time of life producing local effects. Emission regulation in such cases should be based upon bilateral agreements with due account of countries' mutual interests.  相似文献   

为客观评价兰州市大气污染的状况,本文以兰州市2009—2013年空气污染检测相关数据为依据,研究了兰州市的大气污染现状和演变情况。研究结果表明:1兰州市大气污染为扬尘、煤烟和机动车尾气的混合型污染,主要污染物为可吸入颗粒物、SO2和NO2。2013年可吸入颗粒物、SO2和NO2的年平均浓度分别为0.153、0.033、0.035mg/m3,可吸入颗粒物是引起兰州空气污染的主要因素;2兰州市空气污染的易发季节为冬、春两季,空气污染的诱发因素为地理环境与大气条件;3近5年来,兰州市空气质量总体呈好转趋势,优良天数逐年增长,增幅达34%;大气中3项主要污染物浓度总体呈下降趋势,SO2累积降幅达到44%;NO2较最高值降幅为27%。  相似文献   

As early as 1968, WMO decided to start a programme on atmospheric pollution. Consequently, a Panel of Experts on Meteorological Aspects of Atmospheric Pollution was established. It was also decided to operate a network of background air pollution monitoring stations. With increasing public concern on environmental pollution impacts, a growing number of WMO Members joined the programme. The Environmental Pollution Monitoring and Research Programme, as well as the World Climate Programme launched in the late seventies, will provide information on a possible influence of pollution on climate.When the network of background ait pollution monitoring started, some Members had already proposed to carry out multimedia monitoring at suitable stations. Later on, it became obvious that more information is required on levels and trends of pollutants in media interacting with the atmosphere and a project on integrated monitoring was established, the purpose of which is to define the objectives and uses of integrated monitoring and to establish procedures for routine standardized integrated monitoring of the of the environment.Pilot projects presently being carried out in a few Member countries are meant to provide most of the information required for the implementation of global background integrated environmental monitorting.  相似文献   

Heavy metal levels in top-soils, plant litter and mosses from uninhabited areas of southwest Nigeria were used to examine the gradients of metal contamination levels in the area. Correlations of metal levels between the different materials were poor. However, the highest levels of some of the metals were obtained in all the indicator materials within the higher pollution zones. Thus, the materials were all suitable for discerning the pollution zones.Higher levels of most metals were accumulated in mosses than in soil or litter within the lower and higher pollution zones. The extents of accumulation in the higher pollution zone relative to the lower pollution zone showed that the moss was not necessarily more effective in indicating the gradients in metal levels than the top-soil and plant litter.  相似文献   

青岛市区大气环境中苯系物的污染状况及变化规律的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
研究了青岛市大气环境中苯系物的污染状况和变化规律,青岛市大气中苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯的年平均浓度分别为9.20土1.21、9.80±1.18、2.62±0.256、7.09士0.71/m3/m3,年变化规律是以冬季最高,昼夜变化规律是苯在630~830和1630~1830时间内有两个峰值,与一氧化碳的变化规律相吻合,在苯系物中以苯和甲苯的相关性最好,青岛市苯系物中苯所占的比例明显高于国外.  相似文献   

The impact of liquid wastes from a paper mill on the benthic diatoms in flowing waters has been studied for a period of two years. Water and algal samples were analysed at monthly intervals at three sites along the course of the river, along with raw effluents. The water before the confluence of effluents was well oxygenated with an alkaline pH. Organic matter, NH3 and nutrients were recorded at low concentrations. At the entry of effluents, the water showed considerable decline in dissolved oxygen content, increase in organic matter, hardness, Cl, HCO3 and total dissolved solids. Diatoms constituted 61% by numerical abundance and were reduced to 25% of total algae at the entry of effluents. Multiple regression analysis was employed to discover the relative importance of various physicochemical variables on the abundance and distribution of diatoms at various sampling stations. Mathematical equations were derived involving the physicochemical variables for better prediction of algal number.  相似文献   

The potential use of dust particles trapped on Scots pine needles for tracking dust migration around flotation tailings ponds in the Silesian-Krakowian ore district, Southern Poland was tested. 1-, 2- and 3-years old needles were studied using a scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Particle sizes and morphologies, and the nature of the compounds hosting metals ions, were examined. A large majority of the particles examined are <10 microm in size. Almost 80% of particles represent respirable dust. All the components in the flotation wastes appear among the chemical compounds identified in particles on the pine needles. The quantity of the waste particles decreases with distance from the flotation tailings ponds. The analysis of dust particles on pine needles could be a useful method for estimating vectors and travel distances of suspended dust migrating around open flotation tailings ponds and around other point sources emitting dust particles with chemical compositions differing from the environmental background.  相似文献   

An environmental study was done to examine the prevalence of Salmonella in some aquatic environments of Jabalpur. Environmental factors in the fresh-water environment exert an influence on the distribution and behaviour of pathogenic bacteria. During the period from January 1991 to December 1992, a total number of 103 isolates of Salmonella were tested for their resistance against antibiotics. Among different isolates, Salmonella paratyphii showed 100% multiple resistance against antibiotics, i.e. Ampicillin, Carbenicillin, Cephalexin, Chloramphenicol, Gentamicin, Penicillin, Streptomycin, Tetracycline, Norfloxacine and Cloxacine. The density of Salmonella correlated with the densities of total coliforms, faecal coliforms and faecal streptococci. The increased survival, possible indigenous nature and behaviour of Salmonella further emphasize the need for direct enumeration, reformation of standards and health risk assessments for underdeveloped countries, where waterborne disease exert a horrible toll.  相似文献   

Concentrations of cadmium, lead, copper and zinc were measured in individuals of Arianta arbustorum from different urban sampling sites. In comparison to snails from a reference site, the animals collected in the city showed higher concentrations of cadmium, lead, and copper, indicating elevated levels of metal pollution. The most pronounced difference in tissue concentrations between control animals and contaminated snails was observed for lead. Within the city, metal levels in snails differed significantly, even between adjacent populations. Arianta arbustorum is a suitable species for biomonitoring, because it is widespread, resident and easy to collect; it has a high capacity for metal accumulation and shows different concentrations depending on metal contamination of the sampling area. An interspecific comparison of metal concentrations in terrestrial gastropods was conducted to define background levels and classes of burden. Three pollution levels are distinguished on the basis of the snails' metal burden: no pollution (class 1: reference sites), moderate (class 2: traffic and other human activities in urban areas), and high pollution (class 3: mining and heavy industry).  相似文献   

Environmental protection has advanced in leaps and bounds over recent years and today we undoubtedly live in a much cleaner world than we did a generation ago. But look closely and all is not what it seems. Rather than reducing pollution, we are, in fact, still bathed in a sea of chemicals. What is more, most of them originate not from factories or agriculture but from our own homes, in the form of drugs and consumer products. Tackling these diffuse sources presents one of the main environmental challenges of the 21st century.  相似文献   

In the frame of an active monitoring study at the Serra do Mar near the industrial pool of Cubatão, Brazil,Hemerocallis was tested for its suitability as bioindicator of airborne fluoride pollution. In a screening experiment with various cultivars comparison of susceptibility, correlation of visible injury and foliar fluoride concentration as well as comparison with exposure ofGladiolus gave best results for theHemerocallis cultivar ‘Red Moon’. When exposed simultaneously foliar fluoride accumulation ofHemerocallis showed a highly significant linear correlation with fluoride content ofLolium multiflorum, the ‘standardized grass culture’ andGladiolus, well-known bioindicator species for fluoride impact. With respect to the extent of foliar injuryHemerocallis was less sensitive thanGladiolus, in terms of accumulation capacity it ranged betweenLolium andGladiolus. In general, the results of the biomonitoring study proved that the Atlantic Forest vegetation in a valley downwind from the Cubatão fertilizer industries is still suffering from severe fluoride pollution.  相似文献   

Red Sea corals have been found to be biomonitors of trace metal pollution. A comparative study was undertaken on three species from a polluted area near a desalination plant at Jeddah (Saudi Arabia) and from an unpolluted area. The results show that corals take-up trace elements from their aquatic environment and thereby act to record changes in the composition of that environment. Variations in the composition of skeletons and soft tissues of corals have been correlated with changes in sea water composition. Three coral species, Porites lutea, Goniastrea retiformis and Pocillopora verrucosa have been analysed for Hg, Cu, Zn, Pb, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cd, V, Al, Cr, Mg, B, Ca, and Sr in both skeletal and soft tissues. Results show that corals in the polluted areas have significantly higher concentrations of trace elements compared to that of corals from unpolluted areas.  相似文献   

Studies on the use of tree bark as biomonitors for environmental pollutants are still very scarce. We evaluated the reliability of using Jacaranda mimosifolia, a common tree in Tshwane City of South Africa, as a suitable biomonitor of atmospheric trace metals. Bark samples were collected from ten different locations during two sampling periods. The concentrations of the metals were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The concentrations of the metals were 33.2–1,795 μg/g (Pb), 21.4–210 μg/g (Cu), 68.4–490 μg/g (Zn), 30.6–2,916 μg/g (Cr), 0.12–1.34 μg/g (Cd), and 6.04–68.0 μg/g (V), respectively. The differences obtained for the results from different sites were significant (p?< 0.05). A significant difference was also observed between the two sampling periods. The trace metals concentrations suggested that automobile emissions are a major source of these metals. The study also confirms the suitability of J. mimosifolia as a biomonitor of atmospheric deposition of these metals.  相似文献   

Elevated carbon monoxide (CO) mixing ratios in excess of those derived from emissions inventories have been observed in plumes from one gas- and coal-fired power plant and three of four lignite coal-fired electric utility power plants observed in east and central Texas. Observations of elevated CO on days characterized by differing wind directions show that CO emissions from the lignite plants were relatively constant over time and cannot be ascribed to separate sources adjacent to the power plants. These three plants were found to be emitting CO at rates 22 to 34 times those tabulated in State and Federal emissions inventories. Elevated CO emissions from the gas- and coal-fired plant were highly variable on time scales of hours to days, in one case changing by a factor of 8 within an hour. Three other fossil-fueled power plants, including one lignite-fired plant observed during this study, did not emit substantial amounts of CO, suggesting that a combination of plant operating conditions and the use of lignite coal may contribute to the enhanced emissions. Observed elevated CO emissions from the three lignite plants, if representative of average operating conditions, represent an additional 30% of the annual total CO emissions from point sources for the state of Texas.  相似文献   

The linearity of the interspecies relation between the elemental contents in Parmelia sulcata and Lecanora conizaeoides, sampled in a polluted area, was examined by the function y=az+b and yz –1=a+bz –1, with y and z being the elemental content in Parmelia and Lecanora, respectively. For As, Co, V and Zn significant positive a and b values were found, allowing interspecies calibration. For Br, Cd, Cr, Fe, La, Sb, Se and W the a values were zero and the b values were positive, indicating saturation of Parmelia and thus ruling out interspecies calibration. For Cu a part of the data set showed saturation effects in Lecanora. The results showed that the average concentration ratio could not be used for intercalibration purposes, because the concentration ratios were dependent on the concentrations.  相似文献   

Some higher plant species or varieties are very sensitive to certain gaseous air pollutants, and the resulting effects show sometimes more or less specific, well-visible and measurable symptoms.On this basis several species and varieties of natural and cultivated plants have been selected to serve as biological indicators for the possible presence of certain air polluting substances. But these indicator plants may also be used for the quantitative determination of the effect intensities of the air pollutants involved.Besides, some plant species or varieties may accumulate certain components of air pollution, without changing these substances, in such a way that after accumulation in the plants these substances may be analyzed physicochemically (qualitatively and quantitatively).Definitions are proposed and examples are given of both indicator and accumulator plants. Also information is displayed on the methods for the use of plants as indicators and accumulators of air pollutants (standardized system of plant cultivation and exposure). Some applications of biomonitoring the effects of air pollution with plants are discussed and illustrated with data from The Netherlands.Paper presented at a Symposium held on 14 and 15 October 1982, in Utrecht, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

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