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区域污染源的管理和治理既涉及到广域的地理空间实体又涉及到众多相关的环境因素。改善区域环境质量需要高效适用的空间分析技术,统计分析与GIS平台有效集成是解决区域环境各类问题的突破口和发展趋势。本论文及其工作构建了基于GIS的区域污染源统计分析系统,并在平台基础上以北京市某区域的环境污染分析为例,对该区域的主要污染因子与相关变量进行了尝试性的分析评价。为区域环境管理及环境质量改善打造了高效的数字化管理平台与可借鉴的管理技术。  相似文献   

污染源管理是环境监管的重点,信息化是提高污染源管理水平的重要手段。阐述污染源管理信息化现状,分析污染源管理信息来源及信息化发展中的不足,提出加强基层环保部门污染源监管信息化建设的建议,为污染源管理信息化建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

我市是一座新兴的以钢铁冶炼为主的重工业城市,由于建市初期受历史条件的制约,环保遗留问题较多,污染严重,70年代末一度出现了全市环境恶化的局面。针对这一严峻的环境状况,十多年来,我市在狠抓新建、改建、扩建项目环境管理的同时,相继投  相似文献   

福建省放射性污染源主要以开放型放射性同位素、密封源、伴生放射性矿物、铀矿、射线装置等类型分布,在放射性环境管理方面还须进一步加强。  相似文献   

结合第一次全国污染源普查工作实际,给出普查数据质量评估指标,提出污染源普查数据质量评估内容。在此基础上,研究普查数据质量检验评估方法,确立普查数据质量评估体系,为计算机辅助污染源普查质量评估建立理论基础。  相似文献   

国家环境保护总局于1999年11月1日下发《关于印发污染源监测管理办法的通知》(环发〔1999〕246号),全文如下:各省、自治区、直辖市环境保护局,国务院各有关部委、直属机构,解放军环境保护局:为了加强污染源监督管理力度,及时了解和掌握污染物排放情况,更好地为环境管理和?..  相似文献   

中国石油第二次污染源普查工作已圆满完成,如何将污染源普查成果充分利用到日常环境管理工作中是一项重要课题。文章从环保监管、污染源治理、环境统计数据完善、排污许可证申报、"十四五"生态环境保护规划、环境风险防控等方面进行分析,阐述了普查成果与环境管理工作的有效结合,以期为今后环境保护工作提供借鉴。  相似文献   

长期以来,环保部门内部存在多套环境基础数据,不仅破坏了数据本身的准确性、科学性和严肃性,还造成总体环境管理工作的混乱。“九五”以来,金昌市环保局通过强化依法行政、统一规范排污口、全面推行排污许可证等措施,初步实现了全环境数据的统一。  相似文献   

Management of riparian habitats has been recognized for its importance in reducing instream effects of agricultural nonpoint source pollution. By serving as a buffer, well structured riparian habitats can reduce nonpoint source impacts by filtering surface runoff from field to stream. A system has been developed where key characteristics of riparian habitat, vegetation type, height, width, riparian and shoreline bank slope, and land use are classified as discrete categorical units. This classification system recognizes seven riparian vegetation types, which are determined by dominant plant type. Riparian and shoreline bank slope, in addition to riparian width and height, each consist of five categories. Classification by discrete units allows for ready digitizing of information for production of spatial maps using a geographic information system (GIS). The classification system was tested for field efficiency on Tom Beall Creek watershed, an agriculturally impacted third-order stream in the Clearwater River drainage, Nez Perce County, Idaho, USA. The classification system was simple to use during field applications and provided a good inventory of riparian habitat. After successful field tests, spatial maps were produced for each component using the Professional Map Analysis Package (pMAP), a GIS program. With pMAP, a map describing general riparian habitat condition was produced by combining the maps of components of riparian habitat, and the condition map was integrated with a map of soil erosion potential in order to determine areas along the stream that are susceptible to nonpoint source pollution inputs. Integration of spatial maps of riparian classification and watershed characteristics has great potential as a tool for aiding in making management decisions for mitigating off-site impacts of agricultural nonpoint source pollution.  相似文献   

通过了解国内外化学污染事故的现状,分析了化学污染事故的严重性及其特征,结合我国现有的环境风险管理状况,探讨了化学污染事故环境风险管理的途径。  相似文献   

Soil erosion associated with non-point source pollution is viewed as a process of land degradation in many terrestrial environments. Careful monitoring and assessment of land use variations with different temporal and spatial scales would reveal a fluctuating interface, punctuated by changes in rainfall and runoff, movement of people, perturbation from environmental disasters, and shifts in agricultural activities and cropping patterns. The use of multi-temporal remote sensing images in support of environmental modeling analysis in a geographic information system (GIS) environment leading to identification of a variety of long-term interactions between land, resources, and the built environment has been a highly promising approach in recent years. This paper started with a series of supervised land use classifications, using SPOT satellite imagery as a means, in the Kao-Ping River Basin, South Taiwan. Then, it was designed to differentiate the variations of eight land use patterns in the past decade, including orchard, farmland, sugarcane field, forest, grassland, barren, community, and water body. Final accuracy was confirmed based on interpretation of available aerial photographs and global positioning system (GPS) measurements. Finally, a numerical simulation model (General Watershed Loading Function, GWLF) was used to relate soil erosion to non-point source pollution impacts in the coupled land and river water systems. Research findings indicate that while the decadal increase in orchards poses a significant threat to water quality, the continual decrease in forested land exhibits a potential impact on water quality management. Non-point source pollution, contributing to part of the downstream water quality deterioration of the Kao-Ping River system in the last decade, has resulted in an irreversible impact on land integrity from a long-term perspective.  相似文献   

Nonpoint source pollution control requires assessment of the influence of dispersed runoff-contributing areas on downstream water quality. This evaluation must consider two separate phases: site-to-stream loading and downstream fluvial transport. Any model, combination of models, or procedure for making this assessment can be generalized to a simple spatial model or framework, which considers runoff or pollutant loading per unit area and down-stream attenuation, with drainage area as a scaling factor. This spatial model has a probabilistic interpretation and can be used in conjunction with a standard dilution model to give a probabilistic estimate of the impacts at the basin mouth of runoff from a specific upstream contributing area. It is illustrated by applying it to an assessment of the probability that various copper concentrations at the mouth of the urbanized South Platte River basin in Denver, Colorado, USA, will be exceeded as a result of runoff from a subbasin within the city. Determining the probability that a concentration of a pollutant at the basin mouth can be attributed to runoff from a discrete area within the basin is useful for targeting and risk assessment because it enables quantitative risk-based comparisons. The spatial framework is also useful for evaluating management and control options, since actions within the basin can be directly linked to water quality at a downstream point.  相似文献   

Roofing as a source of nonpoint water pollution   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Sixteen wooden structures with two roofs each were installed to study runoff quality for four commonly used roofing materials (wood shingle, composition shingle, painted aluminum, and galvanized iron) at Nacogdoches, Texas. Each roof, either facing NW or SE, was 1.22 m wide x 3.66 m long with a 25.8% roof slope. Thus, there were 32 alternatively arranged roofs, consisting of four roof types x two aspects x four replicates, in the study. Runoff from the roofs was collected through galvanized gutters, downspouts, and splitters. The roof runoff was compared to rainwater collected by a wet/dry acid rain collector for the concentrations of eight water quality variables, i.e. Cu(2+), Mn(2+), Pb(2+), Zn(2+), Mg(2+), Al(3+), EC and pH. Based on 31 storms collected between October 1997 and December 1998, the results showed: (1) concentrations of pH, Cu, and Zn in rainwater already exceed the EPA freshwater quality standards even without pollutant inputs from roofs, (2) Zn and Cu, the two most serious pollutants in roof runoff, exceeded the EPA national freshwater water quality standards in virtually 100% and more than 60% of the samples, respectively, (3) pH, EC, and Zn were the only three variables significantly affected by roofing materials, (4) differences in Zn concentrations were significant among all roof types and between all roof runoff and rainwater samples, (5) although there were no differences in Cu concentrations among all roof types and between roof runoff and rainwater, all means and medians of runoff and rainwater exceeded the national water quality standards, (6) water quality from wood shingles was the worst among the roof types studied, and (7) although SE is the most frequent and NW the least frequent direction for incoming storms, only EC, Mg, Mn, and Zn in wood shingle runoff from the SE were significantly higher than those from the NW; the two aspects affected no other elements in runoff from the other three roof types. Also, Zn concentrations from new wood-shingle roofs were significantly higher than those from aged roofs of a previous study. The study demonstrated that roofs could be a serious source of nonpoint water pollution. Since Zn is the most serious water pollutant and wood shingle is the worst of the four roof types, using less compounds and materials associated with Zn along with good care and maintenance of roofs are critical in reducing Zn pollution in roof runoff.  相似文献   

Landscape characteristics of a watershed are important variables that influence surface water quality. Understanding the relationship between these variables and surface water quality is critical in predicting pollution potential and developing watershed management practices to eliminate or reduce pollution risk. To understand the impacts of landscape characteristics on water quality in mine waste-located watersheds, we conducted a case study in the Tri-State Mining District which is located in the conjunction of three states (Missouri, Kansas and Oklahoma). Severe heavy metal pollution exists in that area resulting from historical mining activities. We characterized land use/land cover over the last three decades by classifying historical multi-temporal Landsat imagery. Landscape metrics such as proportion, edge density and contagion were calculated based on the classified imagery. In-stream water quality data over three decades were collected, including lead, zinc, iron, cadmium, aluminum and conductivity which were used as key water quality indicators. Statistical analyses were performed to quantify the relationship between landscape metrics and surface water quality. Results showed that landscape characteristics in mine waste-located watersheds could account for as much as 77% of the variation of water quality indicators. A single landscape metric alone, such as proportion of mine waste area, could be used to predict surface water quality; but its predicting power is limited, usually accounting for less than 60% of the variance of water quality indicators.  相似文献   

当前的长三角区域环境治理尽管取得了一定成效,但其治理成本过高且难以达到持久改善的效果。长三角环境污染的根源在于投资驱动型增长导致的结构性污染锁定,以及低端经济导致的能源升级障碍。因此,环境治理应着眼于区域增长方式转型和环境与发展关系的优化,关键问题在于如何改变经济增长的推动方式与路径依赖,如何在新常态经济格局下寻求新的经济增长点,以及如何协调好不同行政区划之间的利益冲突。当前长三角区域需建立区域一体化的环境协同治理机制,推进能源升级与产业去重化进程,促进地区间错位发展与联动发展,以新型城镇化调动新的增长潜力,结合智慧城市建设转变公共服务供给方式,优化城市布局。  相似文献   

排污许可证制度作为污染源管理的一项基本制度,经过多年的探索实践,逐渐向一证管理的方向发展。以排污许可证制度为核心,统筹整合各项点源环境管理制度,可以实现对点源全周期的高效管理,对提升点源环境管理综合效能十分有效,也是当前排污许可证制度改革的重要内容。本文在对现有各项点源环境管理制度的执行局限进行详细分析的基础上,提出各项点源环境管理制度与基于"一证式"管理的排污许可证制度的衔接和整合方式,将排污许可证制度贯穿整个项目筹建期、建设及试运营期、正式运营期和停产修复期,把现有各项点源环境管理制度中对排污单位影响环境的开发、建设、经营等活动的管理要求通过排污许可证集中体现,强化排污单位持证排污、按证排污的法律要求,有效解决现有的其他点源环境管理制度仅作用于排污单位生存周期某一阶段的应用局限,全面改变现有点源环境管理制度各自为营的分散模式,重新构建了符合新时期环境保护工作需求的高效化、精细化点源环境管理制度体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine what role lakeshore homeowner associations might play in environmental management. Lakeshore homeowner associations are formally organized groups of individuals owning property on or in the vicinity of a lake. Lakeshore homeowner associations in the Adirondack Park region of New York State were investigated by both a questionnaire mailed to all presidents and an informal field survey of some permanent lakeshore residents. The study showed that many of these organizations have become highly involved in an array of environmental management activities during their relatively long history. These activities include monitoring septic tank seepage, regulating the use of motorboats, restricting shoreline development, and assisting state and local planning agencies in detecting zoning violations. Some lakeshore homeowner associations are not highly involved in activities designed to maintain or improve quality of the lake environment. These associations are concerned instead primarily with organizing social events and performing other miscellaneous activities, such as access road maintenance. These associations, however, report lower overall water quality in their lakes than those associations with a high degree of involvement in environmental management. The study uncovered two important factors that tend to undermine the ability of lakeshore homeowner associations to undertake environmental management activities. One is the extent of cooperation that can be expected from nonmember residents of the lakeshore, such as seasonal vacationers. The second is an environmental problem that does not originate locally and therefore cannot be controlled by a local organization. Acid precipitation, rated by association presidents as their foremost water quality concern, is one such problem in the Adirondack Park Region.  相似文献   

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