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8月5日,世界自然基金会(简称WWF)发起“20行动中小学节能教育试点项目”,在未来的一年里,北京、上海、成都和保定四地100多所中小学将在课堂内外开展一系列以节能为主题的教育活动。在项目的启动仪式上,一本名为《中小学节能减排教育指导手册》的书籍正式发布,该书系统地讲述了在中小学建立节能教育体系的重要性,书中的案例分析和点评能够给中小学教师以借鉴和参考。这本指导手册将作为四个城市节能教育试点项目的教师用书。 相似文献
8月5日,世界自然基金会(简称WWF)发起"20行动中小学节能教育试点项目",在未来的一年里,北京、上海、成都和保定四地100多所中小学将在课堂内外开展一系列以节能为主题的教育活动. 相似文献
<正>北京世界自然基金会(WWF)2010年《地球生命力报告》的地球健康调查分析指出,热带物种的种群数量正在急剧下降,人类对自然资源的需求已经超出了地球生态承载力的50%。两年一度的《地球生命力报告》是 相似文献
我刊自去年第5期开辟“绿色教育行动”专栏以来,已陆续刊登了3期有关“中国中小学绿色教育行动”项目的概况及进展。上期,我刊就项目有关问题采访了教育部基础教育司副司长朱慕菊及该项目主要资助方英国BP集团副总裁,BP中国首席执行官GaryDirks先生。那么作为项目主要执行方——世界自然基金会北京办事处,究竟在项目中起到一个什么样的作用?又是如何运行该项目的?就这些问题,本刊记者近日采访了世界自然基金会北京办事处首席代表James Harkness(郝克明)先生。 相似文献
This study adopts and modifies the WWF Rapid assessment and prioritization of protected areas management methodology (RAPPAM) to evaluate the management effectiveness of five protected areas in Taiwan. The results indicate that, unlike the situation in most developing countries, the threats and pressures faced by protected areas in Taiwan come mainly from the outside-with pollution as the most common pressure and threat, and difficult for their management authorities to deal with effectively. The categories and extent of these pressures and threats are related to remoteness and geographic location of the protected areas. All five cases under study reveal a similar management approach, clear management goals, adequate basic infrastructure and clear management decision-making; on the down side, however, all of them suffer from the lack of an effective comprehensive management plan, inadequate or poor quality human resources and insufficient funding. The present study suggests that first priority should be given to strengthening management planning in order to improve management effectiveness of protected areas in Taiwan. The adjustment made to RAPPAM in this study was to amend and take the format of the management plan as the basis for evaluation material preparations and open the discussion to encourage stakeholders' participation to open the dialogue among them. The results indicate that, although the system evaluation design still has some constraints, the quality of information collected is improved and can respond more directly to the specific demands of the respective areas. 相似文献