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污染土壤电动修复及供能方式研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污染土壤电动修复是一项新兴的绿色原位修复技术.其原理是在土壤上施加直流电场,利用电迁移和电渗流去除污染物.电动修复的效率主要受到土壤pH、Zeta电位以及土壤化学性质等因素影响.在研究中使用的供能方式有两种控制电位法和控制电流法.这两种供能方式有不同特点和应用范围.控制电压法在理论模型、酸碱增强法以及阳离子膜增强修复方面有着广泛应用;控制电流法在计算目标污染物的迁移数、电渗析修复法以及难溶性重金属污染物的修复中得到应用.  相似文献   

铬渣污染场地污染状况研究与修复技术分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
曹泉  王兴润 《环境工程学报》2009,3(8):1493-1497
选取某一化工厂铬渣堆放场地作为典型铬渣污染场地,对其钻孔并采集不同深度土壤和地下水样品进行分析。研究发现,该铬渣污染场地存在很严重的土壤和地下水污染。污染物地表扩散较小,剖面扩散很严重,污染深度达6 m,不同特性土壤对六价铬的截留作用不同。在此基础上,归纳总结了国外常用铬渣污染场地修复治理技术的优缺点,并提出具体污染场地修复技术的选取应该根据勘探情况选择合适的某些技术组合。  相似文献   

电子废物拆解场地土壤中含有重金属 、有机物等多种复杂污染物,对场地周围人群的健康与安全具有潜在威胁.概述了国内外复合污染土壤修复技术发展历程与研究现状,对比了化学修复、物理修复、生物修复技术在目标污染物、修复时间与修复效果上的差异,指出复合污染修复是未来研究的主要方向,修复技术将向多种技术联合应用发展、向绿色环保方向发...  相似文献   

射频加热强化土壤气相抽提技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
热强化土壤气相抽提技术是一种高效的土壤治理技术,广泛应用于包气带土壤中挥发性有机污染物的去除。在天津某有机污染场地开展射频加热强化土壤气提技术应用研究,研究了射频阳极连接方式对场地加热效果的影响,并考察了该技术对实验场地的实际修复效果。结果表明,射频阳极采用并联方式连接对场地的加热效果较好,加热10 d后,场地温度升高约40℃;随着SVE系统工作时间的延长,场地温度逐渐下降,土壤气中TVOCs的浓度逐渐下降;经过约2个月的修复,中浅层土壤中污染物的总去除率约90%,氯仿去除率达95%,深层土壤中的污染物去除率约64%。  相似文献   

机械通风法是一种操作简单、效果好、成本低的土壤修复技术,特别适合大型挥发性有机化合物(VOC)污染场地的土壤修复,但在环境温度低、土壤含水率高、土壤黏性大等情况下,其修复效果和修复周期会受到极大影响,且土壤中高浓度的污染物残留将严重影响场地修复目标的实现。为了解决这一问题,采用了在土壤中添加一定量生石灰的强化措施。结果表明:(1)生石灰可以显著提高机械通风法修复三氯乙烯(TCE)污染土壤的效果,缩短修复周期,降低污染物在土壤中的残留浓度。(2)生石灰对TCE的强化作用与生石灰的添加量和土壤类型有关,粉质黏土的强化效果要好于粉土和细砂,生石灰添加量越多,强化效果越好;(3)生石灰强化处理TCE的主要机制是提高土壤温度、降低土壤含水率、增加土壤通透性,促进土壤中TCE的解吸和挥发。  相似文献   

重金属污染土壤的强化电动修复技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在土壤重金属污染日益严重的背景下,寻找一种简单高效的土壤修复技术刻不容缓。电动修复技术由于操作简单、处理污染物多样、修复快速、成本低廉等优点,成为重金属污染土壤修复领域的研究热点。简述了中国土壤重金属污染的现状,电动修复的原理及其影响因素,综述了近年来国内外有关强化电动修复重金属污染土壤的研究进展及国内外应用实例,分析了电动修复技术中存在的问题,最后指明了强化电动修复技术未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

城市水源地突发性水污染事件研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日益恶化的突发性水污染事件始终是国内外大多数城市水源地安全和城市供水安全的重要威胁.从城市水源地突发性污染事件的风险源、水源地易损性、应急评估和预警技术及应急机制4个方面综述了国内外城市水源地突发性污染事件的研究进展.述评认为,应关注城市水源地的特殊易损性及突发性污染的威胁,重点研究水源地突发性污染事件的快速评估和预警技术及应急机制,全面开展城市水源地突发性污染事件的基础和实例研究.  相似文献   

多环芳烃(PAHs)作为土壤和地下水中常见的有机污染物,严重威胁了人类健康。近年来,基于过硫酸盐(PS)的原位修复技术由于高效快速且成本适中被广泛用于PAHs污染场地修复。介绍了PS的活化方式及机理,分析了4种PS原位注入技术的优缺点及应用条件,综述了土壤环境对PS氧化技术应用的影响,总结了PS在PAHs污染场地修复的实际工程应用,以及基于PS的联合修复技术的发展现状,并对PS氧化技术在实际场地修复的应用和发展进行了展望,以期为PAHs污染场地原位修复提供理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   

污染土壤淋洗技术是修复污染土壤的一种新方法 ,是对污染土壤生物修复的一种补充 ,使污染土壤修复的系统化成为可能。淋洗法主要使用淋洗剂清洗土壤 ,使土壤中污染物随淋洗剂流出 ,然后对淋洗剂及土壤进行后续处理 ,从而达到修复污染土壤的目的。因为淋洗剂的种类和淋洗方式的不同 ,土壤淋洗法可分为许多种类。土壤淋洗法主要受土壤条件、污染物类型、淋洗剂的种类和运行方式等因素影响。综合考虑多方面因素 ,就有潜力设计出经济高效的土壤淋洗系统。土壤淋洗法有很多优点 ,尽管也存在一些问题 ,但其技术上的优势也是其他方法难以取代的 ,所以有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

碱活化过硫酸盐适用于降解污染土壤及地下水中的氯代烃.以典型氯代烃类污染场地为研究对象,开展了碱活化过硫酸盐降解地下水中氯代烃的小试实验研究及中试规模工程应用.结果 表明:污染物去除率与污染物初始浓度、氧化剂投加比相关;污染物初始浓度越高,去除率越低;氧化剂投加量越大,去除率越高,用于该场地地下水修复的最佳氧化剂投加比为...  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国经济的发展,次级河流突发性水污染事件频繁发生,对生态环境及居民生活造成了严重的影响。次级河流突发性水污染事件发生后,为减少污染造成的损失和影响,保证受损的环境资源得到恢复和补偿,不仅要立即采取行之有效的应急处置措施,而且应当积极开展环境损害鉴定评估工作,全面追究污染者的环境责任。根据次级河流本身的特点,结合各省市在环境应急处置过程中的具体做法,建立了一套应对突发性次级河流水污染事件的应急处置工作程序;阐述了环境损害鉴定评估的必要性、工作方法和技术路线,同时从受损环境资源的确认、污染源和污染物的识别以及暴露途径的建立3个方面构建了开展次级河流突发性水污染事件环境损害鉴定评估工作的因果关系链条,对实际开展相关工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国土壤环境污染态势及预防、控制和修复策略   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
在综述中国土壤环境污染态势及成因的基础上,提出了土壤环境污染的预防、控制和修复策略.指出了当前中国土壤环境污染态势严峻,表现出土壤污染范围在扩大,污染物种类在增多,出现了复合型、混合型的高风险污染区,呈现出从污灌型向与大气沉降型并重转变、城郊向农村延伸、局部向区域蔓延的趋势;体现出土壤污染与土壤酸化的叠加、多种传统污染物与新兴污染物相互混合的态势,危及粮食生产、食物质量、生态安全、人体健康以及区域可持续发展.认为以预防为主,预防、控制和修复相结合是中国在相当长时期内的土壤环境保护策略;土壤污染预防需要法律法规、评价标准、管理政策和公众参与,土壤污染控制需要发展物化控制、生物学控制及其协同控制技术,土壤污染修复需要研发工程修复技术、材料、产品与设备,建立技术规范、评价标准和管理体系,推动市场化和产业化发展.  相似文献   

随着经济的高速发展,环境安全隐患逐渐显现,中国进入环境污染事故高发期,做好环境污染事件的防范工作刻不容缓。针对突发环境污染事件应对中存在的主要问题,提出了构建预防应急体系、建立有效的环境问责制、合理处置安全事故、建立全民参与机制和建立环境污染责任险制度等应对突发环境污染事件措施。  相似文献   

Characterization of a military training site containing 232Thorium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding contaminant distribution is critical to selection and implementation of effective and affordable containment and remediation efforts. This article describes the characterization of soil containing thorium at a training site on Kirtland Air Force Base, Albuquerque, NM. The site has been used by the Defense Nuclear Weapons School since the early 1960's to train personnel in emergency response to nuclear weapons accidents and for characterization and containment of radioactive contamination. The purpose of work reported herein is to describe the primary location and migration pattern of 232Thorium (232Th) and 232Th progeny (decay products) at the site. Soil containing thorium oxide (ThO2) was applied to the site for approximately 30 years (early 1960-1990) and was used to simulate a plutonium release from a nuclear weapons accident. Data presented indicate that surface 232Th and 232Th progeny at approximately 5 times background levels are approaching test site boundaries. However, the data also indicate that vertical migration has not exceeded 0.9 m because of the insoluble nature of ThO2. The major mechanisms of 232Th mobility appear to be surface migration mediated by precipitation runoff and wind-blown soil.  相似文献   

Wang S  Mulligan CN 《Chemosphere》2004,57(9):1079-1089
Soil contamination is notoriously difficult to treat because the contaminants are often tightly bound to the soil particles. Conventional remediation technologies are becoming less popular due to the high treatment costs. This paper gives a comprehensive overview and evaluation of an emerging promising alternative, surfactant foam technology. Different from other approaches, surfactant foam technology may be designed either to remove contaminants or/and simultaneously act as an augmentation for the existing technologies such as pump-and-treat systems and bioremediation processes to improve the contaminant removal efficiency and cost effectiveness. Encouraging results were achieved from laboratory and field demonstrations. However, as an innovative technology, there are many factors to be investigated with the future development. Special attention is paid to the selection of the most appropriate foaming surfactant and surfactant concentration, which are critical to the success of the implementation of the remediation process and have significant effects on the treatment costs. Moreover, development of predictive mathematical models in for future research is helpful to optimize the remediation process.  相似文献   

The European Economic Community (EEC) has proposed strict limits on emissions of dioxins and furans from hazardous waste incinerators. The proposed limit is 0.1 ng/Nm3, expressed as the 2,3,7,8 TCDD toxic equivalent of 17 specific dioxin and furan congeners. These limits will potentially redefine technology selection and design for combustion, energy recovery, and air pollution control. The EPA has a different approach for controlling emissions of products of incomplete combustion (PICs) and reformation products such as dioxins and furans. Rather than limiting these contaminants individually and quantitatively, EPA proposes controlling them by assuring good combustion as measured by stack emissions of carbon monoxide (CO) and total hydrocarbons (THC).

Dioxins and furans are combustion by-products and emission control relies mainly on control of the combustion process. These compounds can also be reformed from certain precursor compounds and elements in lower temperature regions of the system downstream of the combustion process. Air pollution control technologies have demonstrated the ability to remove dioxins and furans as contaminants on fine particulate.

This paper will discuss the two regulatory approaches, the mechanisms for the formation and reformation of dioxins and furans, and the technologies available to control emissions.  相似文献   

Electrokinetic remediation has been increasingly used in soils and other matrices for numerous contaminants such as inorganic, organic, radionuclides, explosives and their mixtures. Several strategies were tested to improve this technology effectiveness, namely techniques to solubilize contaminants, control soil pH and also couple electrokinetics with other remediation technologies. This review focus in the experimental work carried out in organochlorines soil electroremediation, aiming to systemize useful information to researchers in this field. It is not possible to clearly state what technique is the best, since experimental approaches and targeted contaminants are different. Further research is needed in the application of some of the reviewed techniques. Also a number of technical and environmental issues will require evaluation for full-scale application. Removal efficiencies reported in real contaminated soils are much lower than the ones obtained with spiked kaolinite, showing the influence of other factors like aging of the contamination and adsorption to soil particles, resulting in important challenges when transferring technologies into the field.  相似文献   

重质非水相液体(DNAPLs)是土壤及地下水中广泛存在的有机污染物,原位热处理技术是目前修复受DNAPLs污染土壤及地下水的最具潜力的技术之一。综述了国内外常用原位热处理技术的基本原理及其影响因素,介绍了相关现场应用实例,并展望了该技术未来的应用前景和发展趋势,以期为中国污染土壤及地下水的原位修复提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

土壤、地下水中有机污染物的就地处置   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有机化合物对土壤、地下水的污染已引起世界各国的普遍关注.地层介质中的有机物主要以自由态、挥发态、溶解态和固态4种形态存在.有机污染物的自然降解能力较差,如不进行人工清除,在自然环境中它们可能存留长达几十年之久,对土壤、地下水资源构成长期的威胁.传统的开挖处理技术不仅费用昂贵,而且当贮油设施的地表被利用时则无法进行开挖处理(如有建筑物等).近年来,以地下冲洗法、土壤抽水法和地下水曝气法为代表的有机污染物就地处置技术得到了迅速的发展.本文对这3种技术进行概要的介绍,总结指出决定这些技术可能性的主要因素是地层介质的通透能力,有机物的挥发、溶解能力及其可生物降解能力,并列出目前的主要有机污染物挥发、溶解及生物降解能力的相对强弱作为制定具体处置技术的参考指标.  相似文献   

Electrokinetic-enhanced phytoremediation of soils: Status and opportunities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phytoremediation is a sustainable process in which green plants are used for the removal or elimination of contaminants in soils. Both organic and inorganic contaminants can be removed or degraded by growing plants by several mechanisms, namely phytoaccumulation, phytostabilization, phytodegradation, rhizofiltration and rhizodegradation. Phytoremediation has several advantages: it can be applied in situ over large areas, the cost is low, and the soil does not undergo significant damages. However, the restoration of a contaminated site by phytoremediation requires a long treatment time since the remediation depends on the growth and the biological cycles of the plant. It is only applicable for shallow depths within the reach of the roots, and the remediation efficiency largely depends on the physico-chemical properties of the soil and the bioavailability of the contaminants. The combination of phytoremediation and electrokinetics has been proposed in an attempt to avoid, in part, the limitations of phytoremediation. Basically, the coupled phytoremediation–electrokinetic technology consists of the application of a low intensity electric field to the contaminated soil in the vicinity of growing plants. The electric field may enhance the removal of the contaminants by increasing the bioavailability of the contaminants. Variables that affect the coupled technology are: the use of AC or DC current, voltage level and mode of voltage application (continuous or periodic), soil pH evolution, and the addition of facilitating agents to enhance the mobility and bioavailability of the contaminants. Several technical and practical challenges still remain that must be overcome through future research for successful application of this coupled technology at actual field sites.  相似文献   

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