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Previous research has indicated that offenses are better predictors of subsequent crashes than crashes themselves. We examined this hypothesis for 13,800 young beginning drivers in Michigan for up to nine years during the initial years of driving. Our analyses indicated that previous-year offenses are better predictors of both subsequent-year offenses and crashes than either previous-year crashes or at-fault crashes. This finding also held for the apparently higher-risk subset of subsequent-year serious offenses and at-fault crashes. Although there were no gender differences in the predictive power of crashes, it was found that the predictive power of previous offenses to subsequent serious offenses was significantly stronger for women than for men. The predictive power of incidents appeared to increase somewhat with increasing driving experience, suggesting that early incidents may be more attributable to inexperience, a characteristic of all beginning drivers, while later incidents may be more attributable to individual differences.  相似文献   

违章行为与心理因素分析   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
据统计,“三违”是安全生产事故的主要罪魁祸首。分析众多事故的原因,无外乎是由人的不安全行为和物的不安全状态造成的,而物的不安全状态归根到底也是人的因素造成的。违章行为是“三违”的表现,它不仅与安全意识淡薄、安全观念落后、安全文化素质及安全生产管理水平低下等因素有关,更重要的原因是人的心理因素,职工的心理隐患是不安全行为的潜在帮凶。研究人的心理因素对违章行为的影响,寻找出一套强化安全心理素质、调整心理因素的方法,对于提高职工的安全意识,杜绝违章行为,减少伤亡事故,保护人民群众的健康和生命财产安全,具有重要现实意义和指导意义的。  相似文献   

城市信号交叉口助动车违法行为特征分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
信号交叉口违法行驶的助动车对行人和其他车辆的安全是极大的威胁,为提出有针对性的解决措施,了解助动车在交叉口的违法特征,利用心理学行为观测与分析的方法,利用视频在国内观测上海市、武汉市和临沂市的3个信号交叉口的助动车行为并进行违法特征研究。研究结果表明:3个交叉口非机动车违法率分别为50%、70%和40%,违法情况非常严重。助动车驾驶员性别、车辆动力特征、交警执法与助动车在交叉口的违法存在相关性,男性助动车骑行者较女性有更高的违法率,燃油/燃气动力助动车骑行者较其他动力类型(电力和人力)有更高的违法率,无交警执法时较有交警执法时助动车更易违法。助动车交通设施、助动车交通法规和管理、助动车骑行者、混行交通条件等因素对助动车交叉口运行安全性有显著的影响。因此,改善交通设施、提高交通管理措施、骑行者安全教育、规范车型是提高交叉口交通安全性的可行措施。  相似文献   

基于计划行为理论的矿工故意违章行为意向研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
为进一步解释和预测矿工故意违章行为意向,寻求可能的干预对策,以计划行为理论(TPB)为基本的理论构架,加入过去行为和示范性规范2个变量,构建了矿工故意违章行为意向假设模型。采取分层随机抽样方法,对412名矿工进行问卷调查,并借助结构方程建模技术对提出的假设模型进行了验证。研究表明:违章态度、知觉行为控制、示范性规范均对故意违章行为意向有显著的正向影响;主观规范对违章行为意向没有显著的直接影响;主观规范和过去行为通过违章态度间接正向影响违章行为意向。违章态度和示范性规范对故意违章行为意向的整体影响系数比较高,转变违章态度以及发挥群体其他成员遵章行为的示范性是降低故意违章行为意向的重要途径。  相似文献   

警用头盔的人机工程学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
警用头盔是武警部队使用最为频繁的单兵防护用具,本文基于人机工程学的理论,用人机工程学的观点对武警部队现装备的警用头盔进行分析和探讨,提出解决途径的设想,展望警用头盔的发展前景。  相似文献   

为进一步探析矿工故意违章行为演化规律,在分析矿工故意违章行为影响因素基础上,基于系统动力学(SD)原理,构建矿工故意违章行为影响因素系统模型。运用Vensim软件仿真分析各因素对故意违章行为的动态影响,实现故意违章行为演化过程的动态模拟仿真。结果表明:工作倦怠和故意违章示范对矿工故意违章行为具有促进作用,安全领导和安全氛围对其具有抑制作用;各影响因素对矿工故意违章行为的作用在力度、起效时间和效用存续期方面均存在差异;在4个因素交互作用下,故意违章行为演化过程呈现出阶段性规律。  相似文献   

为研究交通事故发生前后交通流特征对事故严重程度的影响,以JT高速公路作为研究对象,长期观测和采集交通流及事故数据。将交通事故发生时段的交通流主要衡量指标与事故信息进行数据匹配,形成交通事故与事故小时交通流匹配数据集,并分析流量、速度、大车比例等交通流表征指标与不同等级事故数的分布规律。通过分析发现:在某些流量、速度或大车比例区段,交通事故数及其严重程度处于较高的水平。在此基础上,利用主成分分析(PCA)技术对衡量交通流特征的初始指标进行降维处理,用交通流主成分指标综合反映交通流特征,并建立事故严重程度与交通流主成分指标的统计分析模型。结果表明:交通流主成分指标趋于零的区段的事故严重程度明显高于其他区段。  相似文献   

基于期望理论的违章管理思维模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
根据对违章行为的产生机理的分析,提出违章行为是违章者心理动机强度和对行为结果实现意图而不发生事故的可能性估计的函数,该违章行为函数与弗洛姆的期望理论有相通之处。弗洛姆的期望理论认为,增强某一目标的效价(V)或者提高某种目标实现的期望值(E),都可以驱动某相应行为的发生。根据违章行为函数和期望理论的分析,可以得出如下结论:降低违章行为者违章动机的强度(I)或者弱化违章行为者对违章成功结果的可能性估计(P)将会抑制违章行为的发生。该结论为在生产实践中有效地开展违章管理,提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the compatibility of cars, light trucks, and vans (LTVs) involved in traffic crashes. An analysis of U.S. crash statistics shows that, although LTVs currently account for approximately one–third of registered U.S. passenger vehicles, collisions between cars and LTVs account for over one–half of all fatalities in light vehicle–to–vehicle crashes. In these crashes, 81 percent of the fatally injured are found to be occupants of the car. These statistics suggest that LTVs and passenger cars are incompatible in traffic crashes, and that LTVs are the more aggressive of the two vehicle classes. The fundamental incompatibility between cars and LTVs is observed even when the analysis is restricted to collisions between vehicles of model year 1990 or later - indicating that, despite the availability of newer safety countermeasures, e.g., airbags, the incompatibility between cars and LTVs will persist in future fleets. Through examination of crash test results, field crash statistics, and vehicle measurements, the paper explores the design imbalances between cars and LTVs, e.g., mass, stiffness, and geometry, which lead to these severe crash incompatibilities.  相似文献   

为了探讨人口因素对安全生产违章行为的影响,基于省级面板数据,构建安全生产违章行为数量与作业人员人口因素之间的固定效应变系数模型。实证研究,从业者的受教育程度、第二产业在岗职工平均工资以及人员数量规模等因素,影响违章行为方式及程度。结果表明:受教育程度的提高将显著抑制违章行为的发生;提高作业人员工资将增加违章行为的成本进而遏制违章行为的产生,但这一效果会受到作业人员所持有的风险态度的影响;作业人员规模的增加将提高工伤事故率。建议从提供受培训教育机会、提高违章成本、降低第二产业比重、减少高危行业作业人员数量等方面采取措施遏制违章行为。  相似文献   

汽车-护栏系统耐撞性研究的有限元模型   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
为了建立汽车及公路护栏组成的复杂系统的耐撞性分析模型,基于VPG与LS-DYNA软件平台,应用标准化建模方法,即通过设定建模原则,在充分利用VPG内置的标准模型数据库如悬挂、轮胎、假人、安全带等各种模型的基础上,采用分块建模法,分别建立汽车、护栏、座椅模型,定义好各自内部的接触;并利用VPG的“export”功能,生成各自的DYN文件;再利用生成的DYN文件,就可组合出汽车-护栏系统耐撞性研究的各种中间环节的有限元模型,最终实现“汽车-护栏-乘员-座椅-安全带”系统模型的一体化。仿真分析与试验结果的对比表明,笔者建立的模型具有足够的可信度,适合工程应用,并给出了一个应用示例。  相似文献   

通过对一起塔式起重机臂架断裂事故的分析,从设计、制造、使用及维修管理等不同角度指出了事故的原因并提出了建议及对策。  相似文献   

Objective: Vehicle change in velocity (delta-v) is a widely used crash severity metric used to estimate occupant injury risk. Despite its widespread use, delta-v has several limitations. Of most concern, delta-v is a vehicle-based metric which does not consider the crash pulse or the performance of occupant restraints, e.g. seatbelts and airbags. Such criticisms have prompted the search for alternative impact severity metrics based upon vehicle kinematics. The purpose of this study was to assess the ability of the occupant impact velocity (OIV), acceleration severity index (ASI), vehicle pulse index (VPI), and maximum delta-v (delta-v) to predict serious injury in real world crashes.

Methods: The study was based on the analysis of event data recorders (EDRs) downloaded from the National Automotive Sampling System / Crashworthiness Data System (NASS-CDS) 2000–2013 cases. All vehicles in the sample were GM passenger cars and light trucks involved in a frontal collision. Rollover crashes were excluded. Vehicles were restricted to single-event crashes that caused an airbag deployment. All EDR data were checked for a successful, completed recording of the event and that the crash pulse was complete. The maximum abbreviated injury scale (MAIS) was used to describe occupant injury outcome. Drivers were categorized into either non-seriously injured group (MAIS2?) or seriously injured group (MAIS3+), based on the severity of any injuries to the thorax, abdomen, and spine. ASI and OIV were calculated according to the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware. VPI was calculated according to ISO/TR 12353-3, with vehicle-specific parameters determined from U.S. New Car Assessment Program crash tests. Using binary logistic regression, the cumulative probability of injury risk was determined for each metric and assessed for statistical significance, goodness-of-fit, and prediction accuracy.

Results: The dataset included 102,744 vehicles. A Wald chi-square test showed each vehicle-based crash severity metric estimate to be a significant predictor in the model (p < 0.05). For the belted drivers, both OIV and VPI were significantly better predictors of serious injury than delta-v (p < 0.05). For the unbelted drivers, there was no statistically significant difference between delta-v, OIV, VPI, and ASI.

Conclusions: The broad findings of this study suggest it is feasible to improve injury prediction if we consider adding restraint performance to classic measures, e.g. delta-v. Applications, such as advanced automatic crash notification, should consider the use of different metrics for belted versus unbelted occupants.  相似文献   

城市道路交通事故地点文字表述方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
法律文书和交通安全分析要求事故地点记录准确、规范。为规范事故地点记录,在总结国外事故地点记录的点-线法、无规范格式法、线性参照系法、经纬度坐标法基础上,结合国内城市事故定位工作的需求,提出基于线性参照系的"五要素"事故地点文字表述方法。针对城市复杂道路网络,在道路分类的基础上,结合现场记录要求定义和说明"五要素"(事故所在道路、路侧、参照点、方位、距离),最后提出基于"五要素"的文字组合表述方法和事故地点记录实施方案。事故地点"五要素"记录法可供各地在改进事故地点记录时借鉴以提高事故数据的规范性。  相似文献   

从内在动力和外在诱因两个方面分析了管制员违章行为产生的根本原因,着重归纳了管制员有意违章的临界心理状态,揭示了违章行为的规律,并提出具体的防范控制措施.  相似文献   

Objective: The elevated crash involvement rate of young drivers is well documented. Given the higher crash risk of young drivers and the need for innovative policy and programs, it remains important to fully understand the type of crashes young drivers are involved in, and knowledge of the lifetime care cost of crashes can support effective policy development. The aim of this article is to document the number and type of young driver crashes, as well as the associated lifetime care cost over a 9-year period (2005–2013) in Victoria, Australia.

Methods: In Victoria, Australia, the Transport Accident Commission (TAC) has legislated responsibility for road safety and the care of persons injured in road crashes, irrespective of fault. TAC claims data for the period 2005–2013 were used to document the number and type of young driver crashes. Lifetime care costs (past and future payment liabilities) were calculated by Taylor Fry actuarial consultancy. License and population data were used to define the crash involvement rate of young drivers.

Results: Over the 9-year period, 16,817 claims were lodged to the TAC by drivers 18–25 years of age following a crash. There were 646 fewer drivers aged 18–25 killed and injured in 2013, compared to 2005, representing an unadjusted change of ?28.7% (?29.8% males; ?28.4% females). The total lifetime care cost of young drivers killed and injured in Victoria for the period 2005–2013 was estimated to be AU$634 million (US$493 million). Differences between males and females, single- and multivehicle crashes, and fatalities and injuries were found to be statistically significant. Run-off-road crashes and crashes from opposing direction were overrepresented in the lifetime care costs for young driver claimants. Twenty-eight injured drivers were classified as high-severity claims. These 28 claimants require additional long-term care, which was estimated to be AU$219 million; of these 28, 24 were male (85.7%). The long-term care costs for these 28 drivers (0.16%) accounts for 34.5% of the total lifetime care cost of all 18- to 25-year-old injured drivers.

Conclusions: By using no-fault lifetime care costs that account for medical and like expenses, rehabilitation, and social reintegration costs, a more accurate understanding of the cost of young driver crashes can be determined. Application of these costs to specific crash types highlights new priorities and opportunities for developing programs to reduce young driver crashes.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aims, by means of the WorldSID 50th percentile male, to evaluate thoracic loading and injury risk to the near-side occupant due to occupant-to-occupant interaction in combination with loading from an intruding structure.

Method: Nine vehicle crash tests were performed with a 50th percentile WorldSID male dummy in the near-side (adjacent to the intruding structure) seat and a THOR or ES2 dummy in the far-side (opposite the intruding structure) seat. The near-side seated WorldSID was equipped with 6 + 6 IR-Traccs (LH and RH) in the thorax/abdomen enabling measurement of bilateral deflection. To differentiate deflection caused by the intrusion, and the deflection caused by the neighboring occupant, time history curves were analyzed. The crash tests were performed with different modern vehicles, equipped with thorax side airbags and inflatable curtains, ranging from a compact car to a large sedan, and in different loading conditions such as car-to-car, barrier, and pole tests. Lateral delta V based on vehicle tunnel acceleration and maximum residual intrusion at occupant position were used as a measurement of crash severity to compare injury measurements.

Result: In the 9 vehicle crash tests, thoracic loading, induced by the intruding structure as well as from the far-side occupant, varied due to the size and structural performance of the car as well as the severity of the crash. Peak deflection on the thoracic outboard side occurred during the first 50 ms of the event. Between 70 to 150 ms loading induced by the neighboring occupant occurred and resulted in an inboard-side peak deflection and viscous criterion. In the tests where the target vehicle lateral delta V was below 30 km/h and intrusion less than 200 mm, deflections were low on both the outboard (20–40 mm) and inboard side (10–15 mm). At higher crash severities, delta V 35 km/h and above as well as intrusions larger than 350 mm, the inboard deflections (caused by interaction to the far-side occupant) were of the same magnitude or even higher (30–70 mm) than the outboard deflections (30–50 mm).

Conclusion: A WorldSID 50th percentile male equipped with bilateral IR-Traccs can detect loading to the thorax from a neighboring occupant making injury risk assessment feasible for this type of loading. At crash severities resulting in a delta V above 35 km/h and intrusions larger than 350 mm, both the inboard deflection and VC resulted in high risks of Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) 3+ injury, especially for a senior occupant.  相似文献   

汽车碰撞兼容性由于能更好地反映真实交通事故,已发展成为被动安全研究领域中最具安全技术潜力的新技术。针对侧面冲击载荷作用下车对车的碰撞兼容性问题,从理论分析和仿真分析角度出发,研究了主要影响因素:两车质量比、汽车前端刚度特性、汽车几何特征对两车碰撞兼容性的影响。结果表明:质量比是影响两车兼容性好坏的关键因素,通过降低汽车前端变形吸能刚度和主吸能位置、提高两车碰撞接触面积等可以提高被撞击车的耐撞性和降低撞击车的攻击性,从而降低所有涉案人员损伤,提高车对车侧面碰撞兼容性。  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to investigate whether driver celeration (overall mean speed change) behavior can predict traffic accident involvement. Also, to test whether acceleration, deceleration or the combined celeration measure was the better predictor. Bus driver celeration behavior was measured repeatedly in real traffic, driving en route, and correlated with accidents for which the drivers were deemed at least partly responsible. Correlations around .20 were found in several samples between celeration behavior and culpable accidents for a 2-year period. The results show that although celeration behavior is only semi-stable over time, it predicts with some accuracy individual accident involvement over 2 years. The predictive power of acceleration and deceleration was slightly lower than the combined measure, in accordance with theory. The correlations found were strong enough to warrant the use of celeration behavior as a predictive variable for transportation companies in their safety work.  相似文献   

有意违章行为动因分析与控制对策探讨   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
对有意违章行为的含义进行了界定 ,并对有意违章行为产生的动因进行了详细分析 ,提出了有意违章行为的动因主要包含违章行为与遵章行为满足生理心理需要作用的差值ΔXW、违章行为会受到法规惩处的作用FW、违章行为可导致人身伤害的主观感觉的作用RW3个方面。同时对 3个方面的动因按弗鲁姆的激励理论进行了转化 ,给出了各自的含义说明。笔者按动因分析的结果 ,给出了控制有意违章行为的步骤和措施  相似文献   

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