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Since the 1960s, much effort has been devoted to collecting and formatting air quality data. This paper discusses 1) the availability of air quality data for assessing potential biological impacts associated with ozone and sulfur dioxide ambient exposures, 2) examples of how air quality data can be characterized for assessing vegetation effects, and 3) the limitations associated with some exposure parameters used for developing relevant vegetation doseresponse yield reduction models. Data are presented showing that some ozone monitoring sites not continuously affected by local urban sources experience consecutive hourly ozone exposures ≥0.10 ppm in the late evening and early morning hours. These sites experience their maximum ozone concentrations either in the spring or summer months. Sites influenced by local rural sources experience their maximum ozone concentrations during the summer months. It is suggested that further research be performed to identify whether the sensitivity of a target organism at the time of exposure, as well as the pollutant concentration and chemical form that enters into the target organism, is as important in defining effects as air pollutant exposure alone.  相似文献   

The use of mechanical monitors and passive samplers has made it possible to assess concentrations of ozone over wide areas and to develop air quality standards, like AOT40 and SUM60. Monitored ozone data and AOT40 and SUM60 are also used to predict ozone injury on local and regional scales. The data and the standards do not include or account for environmental and biological variables that affect ozone uptake and plant injury. Ground proofing via vegetation surveys must be done to verify and validate plant injury predictions. If this is not done, then the standards have no biological significance and are only exercises in air quality assessment.  相似文献   

For assessing the effects of air pollution on vegetation, some researchers have used control chambers as the basis of comparison between crops and trees grown in contemporary polluted rural locations and those grown in a clean environment. There has been some concern whether the arbitrary ozone level of 0.025 ppm and below, often used in charcoal-filtration chambers to simulate the natural background concentration of ozone, is appropriate. Because of the many complex and man-made factors that influence ozone levels, it is difficult to determine natural background. To identify a range of ozone exposures that occur at 'clean' sites, we have calculated ozone exposures observed at a number of 'clean' monitoring sites located in the United States and Canada. We do not claim that these sites are totally free from human influence, but rather than the ozone concentrations observed at these 'clean' sites may be appropriate for use by vegetation researchers in control chambers as pragmatic and defensible surrogates for natural background. For comparison, we have also calculated ozone exposures observed at four 'clean' remote sites in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres and at two remote sites (Whiteface Mountain, NY and Hohenpeissenberg, FRG) that are considered to be more polluted. Exposure indices relevant for describing the relationship between ozone and vegetation effects were applied. For studying the effects of ozone on vegetation, the higher concentrations are of interest. The sigmoidally-weighted index appeared to best separate those sites that experienced frequent high concentration exposures from those that experienced few high concentrations. Although there was a consistent seasonal pattern for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Geophysical Monitoring for Climate Change (GMCC) sites indicating a winter/spring maximum, this was not the case for the other remote sites. Some sites in the continental United States and southern Canada experienced ozone exposures in the range between those values experienced at the South Pole and Mauna Loa NOAA GMCC sites. The 7-month average of the daily 7 h average ozone concentration at 'clean' sites located in the continental United States and southern Canada ranged from 0.028 to 0.050 ppm. Our analysis indicates that seasonal 7 h average values of 0.025 ppm and below, used by some vegetation researchers as a reference point, may be too low and that estimates of crop losses and tree damage in many locations may have been too high. Our analysis indicates that a more appropriate reference point in North America might be between 0.030 and 0.045 ppm. We have observed that the subtle effects of changing distribution patterns of hourly average ozone concentrations may be obscured with the use of exposure indices such as the monthly average. Future assessments of the effects associated with ground-level ozone should involve the use of exposure indices sensitive to changes in the distribution patterns of hourly average ozone concentrations.  相似文献   

During some past two decades there has been a growing interest among air pollution-vegetation effects-scientists to use passive sampling systems for quantifying ambient, gaseous air pollutant concentrations, particularly in remote and wilderness areas. On the positive side, excluding the laboratory analysis costs, passive samplers are inexpensive, easy to use and do not require electricity to operate. Therefore, they are very attractive for use in regional-scale air quality assessments. Passive samplers allow the quantification of cumulative air pollutant exposures, as total or average pollutant concentrations over a sampling duration. Such systems function either by chemical absorption or by physical adsorption of the gaseous pollutant of interest onto the sampling medium. Selection of a passive sampler must be based on its known or tested characteristics of specificity and linearity of response to the chemical constituent being collected. In addition, the effects of wind velocity, radiation, temperature and relative humidity must be addressed in the context of absorbent/adsorbent performance and sampling rate. Because of all these considerations, passive samplers may provide under- or overestimations of the cumulative exposures, compared to the corresponding data from co-located continuous monitors or active samplers, although such statistical variance can be minimized by taking necessary precautions. On the negative side, cumulative exposures cannot identify short-term (相似文献   

Evidence shows that the current national primary ambient air quality standard, if attained, would still permit substantial injury to vegetation. Thus, in March 1987, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) began consideration of the evidence for the effects of ozone (O3) on vegetation, and of several possible state ambient air quality standards designed to protect vegetation, especially crops, from O3 injury. In its review, the CARB addressed a number of issues relevant to such a standard. One issue considered by the CARB is the relationship of an ambient air quality standard to natural background levels of O3, which would greatly influence the practicality of attainment. Attainment of a standard close to natural background could entail excessive costs. Another issue considered is the occurrence of oxidants other than O3 that can damage vegetation. Throughout much of California, O3 accounts for over 90% of the oxidant air pollutants, and the CARB considered whether, in keeping with current practice, O3 should be used as a surrogate for total oxidant air pollutants. A major new piece of information presented to the CARB was an assessment of the economic effects of several potential standards. This assessment, produced by University of California scientists at Riverside and Davis, calculated the benefits of the potential standards in comparison to current O3 levels and estimated natural O3 background. This assessment was developed using field chamber response data, local crop data, and local O3 concentration data as inputs to the California Agricultural Resources Model, which accounts for both supply and demand effects. Because of California's varied climate, agricultural production occurs on a year-round basis, with overlapping growing seasons for many crops. Over long periods of time, O3 levels may vary markedly because of the influence of various factors, and a 1-h standard may not be an accurate indicator of growing season O3 exposure. A moving three-month averaging time has been proposed as a way to approximate the growing seasons of California's 200 crops. However, a sufficiently stringent 1-h standard would serve as a surrogate for a growing season standard. The CARB reviewed evidence supporting both long-term and short-term standards. Agriculture dominates the economies of some regions within California but is a minor components of other regional economies. Because the San Joaquin Valley is California's most important agricultural area, the CARB reviewed evidence for a regional standard for this area that would be more stringent than standards for other parts of the state.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing debate as to which components of the ambient ozone (O3) exposure dynamics best explain adverse crop yield responses. A key issue is regarding the importance of peak versus mid-range hourly ambient O3 concentrations. While in this paper the importance of peak atmospheric O3 concentrations is not discounted, if they occur at a time when plants are conducive for uptake, the corresponding importance of more frequently occurring mid-range O3 concentrations is described. The probability of co-occurrence of high O3 concentrations and O3 uptake limiting factors is provided using coherent data sets of O3 concentration, air temperature, air humidity, mean horizontal wind velocity and global radiation measured at representative US and German air quality monitoring sites. Using the PLant-ATmosphere INteraction (PLATIN) model, the significance of the aforementioned meteorological parameters on ozone uptake is examined. In addition, the limitations of describing the O3 exposure for plants under ambient, chamberless conditions by SUM06, AOT40 or W126 exposure indices are discussed.  相似文献   

Present evidence suggests that ozone is the most damaging of all air pollutants affecting vegetation. It is the principal oxidant in the photochemical smog complex. Concentrations of ozone have exceeded 0.5 part per million (ppm) in the Los Angeles area. One-tenth of this level for 8 hours is known to injure very sensitive tobacco varieties. Many plant species are visibly affected after a few hours exposure at concentrations much lower than 0.5 ppm. There is also some evidence that ozone reduces plant growth. Many factors must be taken into account when considering standards to protect vegetation from ozone damage. These include ozone concentration and methods of measurement, time of exposure, possible additive effects of other pollutants, sensitivity of plant species, their economic value, and the extent of injury which can be tolerated. The response of a species to the pollutant is conditioned by genetic factors and environmental conditions. Lack of specific routine methods for measuring ozone in ambient air is a handicap. California and Colorado established standards for oxidants at 0.15 and 0.10 ppm, respectively, for 1 hour. How these standards relate to the ozone dosage causing acute and chronic injury to various plant species is discussed.  相似文献   

Atmospheric ozone: formation and effects on vegetation   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Ozone (O(3)) is present both in the troposphere and the stratosphere. Troposphere O(3) is predominantly produced by photochemical reactions involving precursors generated by natural processes and to a much larger extent by man's activities. There is evidence for a trend towards increasing tropospheric O(3) concentrations. However, tropospheric O(3) is known to account for only 10% of the vertical O(3) column above the earth's surface. The stratosphere accounts for an additional 90% of the O(3) column. There is evidence to suggest that there are losses in the stratospheric O(3) due to the updraft of O(3) destroying pollutants generated by both natural processes and by human activity. Such a loss in stratospheric O(3) can result in alterations of incidence in the ultraviolet (UV) radiation to the earth's surface. Tropospheric O(3) is known to be highly phytotoxic. Appropriate exposures to O(3) can result in both acute (symptomatic) and chronic (changes in growth, yield or productivity and quality) effects. Chronic effects are of great concern in terms of both crops and forests. A number of experimental techniques are available to evaluate the chronic effects of O(3) on plants. There are limitations attached to the use of these techniques. However, results obtained, with such techniques are valuable if interpreted in the appropriate context. Among all field evaluation techniques, open-top chambers are the most frequently used method for evaluating the chronic effects of O(3) on crops. The National Crop Loss Assessment Program (NCLAN) of the United States is the largest such effort. However, given the limitations of the open-top chambers and the experimental aspects of NCLAN, its results must be interpreted with caution. On the other hand, acute effects can be evaluated with less complexity through the use of biological indicator plants. The numerical modelling of such effects are also far less complicated than establishing numerical cause and effects relationships for chronic effects. Confounding the acute or chronic responses of plants to O(3), is the presence of other kinds and forms of pollutants in the ambient atmosphere and the incidence of pathogens and pests. The resulting complex interactions and joint effects on plants are poorly understood. Future research must address these issues. In the final analysis we have re-emphasized the fact that plant health is the product of its interaction with the physical and chemical climatology and pathogens and pests. What we have described in this context is the importance of tropospheric O(3) within the chemical climatology of our environment and its effects on vegetation.  相似文献   

Ambient concentrations of ozone in Europe are high enough to cause negative effects on vegetation. Therefore, many efforts have been made to determine exposure indices and critical levels for protection of vegetation. In this context, the choice of a suitable attribute to determine the pollutant effect is of paramount importance. Until now, much of the work has been done with attributes such as biomass or growth. In the present work correlation factors have been established between biochemical parameters (peroxidase activity, ascorbate and sulfhydryl contents) of Pinus radiata trees and exposure indices of ozone. Our results show that peroxidase cannot be used as an indicator of effects of long-term exposure to ozone but still remains as an excellent indicator of short-term ozone fluctuations in the field. Ascorbate may act as an intermediate indicator responding to both short fluctuations and long-term exposures to ozone. Finally, sulfhydryl may be used as a long-term indicator in relation to the AOT (average over threshold) exposure index. Our results also point to the fact that Pinus radiata may be affected by ozone at AOT values lower than 10 ppm.h as already observed with other tree species.  相似文献   

Rural and urban ozone (O3) monitoring data for the Tennessee Valley and crop loss models developed under the National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN) were used to estimate potential yield reductions for winter wheat, corn, soybean, cotton, and tobacco during the 1982 to 1984 growing seasons. Reductions from 0 to 20% of potential crop yields were estimated due to ambient O3. Rural O3 exposures measured in the Tennessee Valley were significantly higher than the measured urban exposures, suggesting that spatial interpolation from urban O3 records may underestimate rural O3 and thereby potential crop loss. Seasonal mean O3 exposures were highest in summer 1983, and similar in 1982 and 1984. Although a consistent inverse relationship was found between measured crop yields in the Tennessee Valley and seasonal O3 exposures, annual variation in yields was much greater than attributable to the annual variation in O3. Moisture stress, as indicated by the Palmer Drought Severity Indices, is likely the major determinant for yields of nonirrigated crops. This is consistent with field studies that demonstrate that ambient O3 levels can reduce crop yields under ideal soil moisture conditions, but cause little to no detectable yield reduction for nonirrigated crops. These models could be improved if crop response to O3 were allowed to vary as a function of environmental factors such as moisture stress.  相似文献   

The potential adverse effects of environmental change on agriculture have motivated considerable public research on this topic. Acid deposition, gaseous air pollutants, stratosphere ozone depletion and "green house" phenomena, individually and in combination, have been or are being evaluated in terms of effects on agricultural productivity. Assessments of the economic consequences of such effects have also been performed as input into the regulatory process. As with any applied bioeconomic analysis, the credibility of these economic assessments is dependent on the quality of the natural science and other data on the pollutant In question.

The ability of economists to assess the agricultural effects of one important pollutant, tropospheric ozone, has been Improved by the recently completed National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN). The structure, protocols and initial plant science findings of this U.S. Environmental Protection Agency program have been presented in this journal (see, for example, Heck et al).1-2 In a related article,3 we reported the economic consequences of those preliminary ozone crop yield effects. Summary plant science findings have now been published.4

We provide here a more complete analysis of estimated benefits from reductions in troposphere ozone based on the final results of the NCLAN plant science research. In doing so, we concentrate on improvements in the modeling and underlying data which are reflected In this current assessment. While uncertainties still remain, these improvements should result in more defensible estimates of the magnitude of ozone’s effects on U.S. agriculture.  相似文献   

Although terrestrial vegetation has been exposed to UV-B radiation and ozone over the course of evolutionary history, it is essential to view the effects on vegetation of changing levels of these factors in the context of other features of climate change, such as increasing CO(2) levels and changes in temperature and precipitation patterns. Much of our understanding of the impacts of increased UV-B and ozone levels has come from studies of the effects of each individual factor. While such information may be relevant to a wider understanding of the roles that these factors may play in climate change, experience has shown that the interactions of environmental stresses on vegetation are rarely predictable. A further limitation on the applicability of such information results from the methodologies used for exposing plants to either factor. Much of our information comes from growth chamber, greenhouse or field studies using experimental protocols that made little or no provision for the stochastic nature of the changes in UV-B and ozone levels at the earth's surface, and hence excluded the roles of repair mechanisms. As a result, our knowledge of dose-response relationships under true field conditions is both limited and fragmentary, given the wide range of sensitivities among species and cultivars. Adverse effects of increased levels of either factor on vegetation are qualitatively well established, but the quantitative relationships are far from clear. In both cases, sensitivity varies with stage of plant development. At the population and community levels, differential responses of species to either factor has been shown to result in changes in competitiveness and community structure. At the mechanistic level, ozone generally inhibits photosynthetic gas exchange under both controlled and field conditions, and although UV-B is also inhibitory in some species under controlled conditions, others appear to be indifferent, particularly in the field. Both factors affect metabolism; a common response is increased secondary metabolism leading to the accumulation of phenolic compounds that, in the case of UV-B, offer the leaf cell some protection from radiation. Virtually no information is available about the effects of simultaneous or sequential exposures. Since both increased surface UV-B and ozone exposures have spatial and temporal components, it is important to evaluate the different scenarios that may occur, bearing in mind that elevated daytime ozone levels will attenuate the UV-B reaching the surface to some extent. The experimentation needed to acquire unequivocal effects data that are relevant to field situations must therefore be carried out using technologies and protocols that focus on quantification of the interactions of UV-B and ozone themselves and their interactions with other environmental factors.  相似文献   

Critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation in Europe   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
The evidence of detrimental effects of ozone on vegetation in Europe, and the need to develop international control policies to reduce ozone exposures which are based on the effects of the pollutant, has led to attempts to define so-called critical levels of ozone above which adverse effects on trees, crops and natural vegetation may occur. This review is a critical assessment of the scientific basis of the concepts used to define critical levels for ozone and identifies the key limitations and uncertainties involved. The review focuses on the Level I critical level approach, which provides an environmental standard or threshold to minimise the effects of ozone on sensitive receptors, but does not seek to quantify the impacts of exceeding the critical level under field conditions. The concept of using the AOT (accumulated exposure over a threshold) to define long-term ozone exposure is demonstrated to be appropriate for several economically important species. The use of 40 ppb (giving the AOT40 index) as a threshold concentration gives a good linear fit to experimental data from open-top chambers for arable crops, but it is less certain that it provides the best fit to data for trees or semi-natural communities. Major uncertainties in defining critical level values relate to the choice of response parameter and species; the absence of data for many receptors, especially those of Mediterranean areas; and extrapolation to field conditions from relatively short-term open-top chamber experiments. The derivation of critical levels for long-lived organisms, such as forest trees, may require the use of modelling techniques based on physiological data from experimental studies. The exposure-response data which have been applied to derive critical levels should not be used to estimate the impacts of ozone over large areas, because of the uncertainties associated with extrapolation from the open-top chamber method, especially for forest trees, and because of spatial variation in atmospheric and environmental conditions, which may alter ozone uptake.  相似文献   

Past attempts to measure the economic consequences of ozone on agriculture have been based on limited plant science information. This paper reports on an economic assessment of ozone on U.S. agriculture using recent crop response data from the National Crop Loss Assessment Network (NCLAN). The results are derived from a U.S. agricultural sector model that includes major crop and livestock production as well as domestic consumption, livestock feeding and export uses. The economic effects of four hypothetical ambient ozone levels are investigated. The analysis Indicates that the benefits to society of moderate (25%) ozone reductions are approximately $1.7 billion. A 25% Increase in ozone pollution results in costs (negative benefits) of $2.1 billion. These estimates do not reflect compliance costs of achieving the ozone changes and hence are not net benefits.  相似文献   

Acute leaf injury data are analyzed for 19 plant species exposed to ozone or sulfur dioxide. The data can be depicted by a new leaf injury mathematical model with two characteristics: (1) a constant percentage of leaf surface is injured by an air pollutant concentration that is inversely proportional to exposure duration raised to an exponent; (2) for a given exposure duration, the percent leaf injury as a function of pollutant concentration tends to fit a lognormal frequency distribution. Leaf injury as a function of laboratory exposure duration is modeled and compared with ambient air pollutant concentration measurements for various averaging times to determine which exposure durations are probably most important for setting ambient air quality standards to prevent or reduce visible leaf injury. The 8 hour average appears to be most important for most of the plants investigated for most sites, 1 hr concentrations are important for most plants at a few sites, and 3 hr S02 concentrations are important for some plants, especially those exposed to isolated point sources of the pollutant. The 1, 3, and 8 hr threshold injury concentrations are listed for each of the 19 plant species studied. To prevent or reduce acute leaf injury, fixed, nonoverlapping ambient air quality measurements and standards are recommended for averaging times of 1, 3, and 8hr.  相似文献   

The economic impact of various ozone concentrations on California agriculture is examined using an economic model of crop production that accounts for interdependence among crops. Such interdependence recognizes that net economic effects are determined not only by yield sensitivity to ozone but also by market conditions that affect relative crop prices and profitability. Changes in crop yields due to alternations in ambient ozone concentrations are used to drive the economic model. The predicted yield changes are derived from NCLAN data under a range of assumptions concerning functional form and yield effects. The results indicate that the economic effects of ozone are substantial for 13 included crops. The economic estimates display varying sensitivity to the functional form of the response relationship. The need for additional experimental data to more precisely define the relationship depends on the range of policy actions being considered.  相似文献   

For assessing the efficacy of a specific form of the National Ambient Air Quality Standard for 03, those exposure patterns that result in vegetation and human health effects must be identified. For vegetation, it has been found that the higher hourly average concentrations should be weighted more than the lower concentrations. Controlled human exposure work supports the suggestion that concentration may be more important than exposure duration and ventilation rates. It has been indicated in the literature that the current form of the federal 03 standard may not be appropriate for protecting vegetation and human health from 03 exposures. The proposed use of the cumulative index alone as a form of the standard may not provide sufficient protection to vegetation. An extended-period average index, such as a daily maximum 8-hour average concentration, may not be appropriate to protect human health because of the reduced ability to observe differences among hourly 03 concentrations exhibited within exposure regimes. For both vegetation and human health effects research, additional experimentation is required to identify differences in responses that occur when ambient-type exposure regimes are applied. Any standard promulgated to protect vegetation and human health from 03 exposures should consider combining cumulative exposure indices with other parameters so that those unique exposures that have the potential for eliciting an adverse effect can be adequately described.  相似文献   

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