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This study considers the characteristics of ground-level ozone (O3) in five Korean cities over a time period of 6-8 years. The focus of this study is daily maximum 1-hr and 8-hr concentrations. For all the study cities in the period examined, the mean and most of the percentiles (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 95) for the daily maximum 1-hr and 8hr concentrations showed increasing trends, although not all trends were statistically significant. The daily maximum 1-hr and 8-hr concentrations slowly increased during late winter, and peaks were attained during the summer season (from May to September). All the selected cities exhibited a high degree of correlation between their daily maximum 8-hr and 1-hr concentrations. The daily maximum 8-hr concentrations, which were climatologi-cally equivalent to the Korean 1 hr/100 parts per billion (ppb) standard, were higher than the current 8 hr/60 ppb by a difference of 8-16 ppb. Compared with other cities in Korea, Seoul recorded a substantially higher frequency of days and hours with concentrations above 1 hr/100 ppb, and a higher frequency of days with concentrations above 8 hr/60 ppb and 8 hr/80 ppb. Seoul also recorded a substantially higher frequency of hours with concentrations above 1 hr/100 ppb than days with concentrations above 1 hr/100 ppb, implying that on some days severe exceedances persisted for more than one hour per day. During multiple-day episodes a North Pacific High dominated Korea, which is quite typical in Korea during the summer season.  相似文献   

Investigation, mitigation, and clean-up of hazardous materials at Superfund sites normally requires on-site workers to perform hazardous and sometimes potentially dangerous functions. Such functions include site surveys and the reconnaissance for airborne and buried toxic environmental contaminants. Airborne contaminants of concern usually emanate from spilled materials and require monitoring the air at the perimeter and throughout the clean-up site to ascertain the extent of contamination. Buried contaminants of major concern are often the result of leaking underground drums containing toxic wastes and require "reconnaissance excavations" to determine their location. Workers conducting on-site air monitoring risk dermal, ocular and inhalation exposure to hazardous chemicals, while those performing excavations also risk the potential exposure to fire, explosion, and other physical injury. EPA's current efforts to protect its workers and mitigate these risks include the use of robotic devices. Using robots offers the ultimate in personnel protection by removing the worker from the site of potential exposure, especially during site investigations, when there is almost always a certain encounter with unknown chemical wastes having unknown toxicity.

This paper describes the demonstration of a commercially-available robotic plat form modified and equipped for air monitoring and the ongoing research for the development of a ground penetrating radar (GPR) system to detect buried chemical waste drums. These robotic devices can ultimately be routinely deployed in the field for the purpose of conducting inherently safe reconnaissance activities during Superfund / SARA remedial operations.  相似文献   

The Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association presents its second animal directory of air pollution products. This 11-page guide lists manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation under product classifications which are shown below. These classifications are derived from McGraw-Hill’s Air Pollution Handbook, chapters 10, 11, and 13. The final portion of this guide contains an alphabetical listing of manufacturers.If any manufacturers or product categories have been inadvertently overlooked, the omission is regretted and should be brought to the attention of the editor. It will result in a more complete and accurate Product Guide/1970 to be published next December.  相似文献   

The Product Guide series which appears in the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association and the APCA Directory and Resource Book is a computer-based program. A questionnaire form provided entry into the program for responding manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation. If any manufacturers or product categories have been overlooked, the omission is regretted and should be brought to the attention of the editor, JAPCA.  相似文献   

Trace element concentrations of the lichen, Flavoparmelia caperata, were determined by neutron activation analysis before and after stringent participate controls were employed in an industrialized section of the Ohio River Valley; Initial studies in 1973 showed elevated concentrations of arsenic, cobalt, iron, vanadium, and titanium in lichens collected near coalfired power plants. Elevated values for cerium, chromium, and lanthanum were found in samples near a ferro-alloys foundry. A repeat study in 1987 demonstrated that lichen trace element concentrations were much lower after improved particulate controls were installed on the power plants and ferro-alloys foundry.  相似文献   


In Mexico City, the use and composition of fuels determine that carbon monoxide (CO) comes mostly from mobile sources, and sulfur dioxide (SO2) from fixed and mobile sources. By simultaneously measuring hydrocarbons (HC), CO, and SO2 in the atmosphere of Mexico City, the relative amounts coming from different sources can be estimated. Assuming that some HC are emitted proportionally to CO emissions, we can establish that [HC]1= m1? [CO], where the proportionality constant ml corresponds to the ratio of emissions factor for HC and CO in mobile sources. Similarly for fuels containing sulfur, it can be assumed that [HC]2 = m2 ? [SO2]. In this way, the total HC are [HC]total=[HC]0+ ml ? [CO]+ m2 ? [SO2], where [HC]0 corresponds mainly to other sources like solvent evaporation, gas consumption, and natural emissions. In this way, it can be estimated that in Mexico City 75% of average HC comes from mobile sources, 5% from sulfur-related sources, and 19% from natural sources and solvent evaporation. Compared with the HC/CO ratio measured in the exhaust pipe of vehicles, we estimated that 70% of HC emitted from mobile sources are evaporative losses, and only 30% come through the exhaust system.  相似文献   

Measurements conducted on full-scale hazardous waste incinerators have occasionally shown a relationship between carbon monoxide (CO) emissions and emissions of toxic organic compounds. In this study, four mixtures of chlorinated C1 and C2 hydrocarbons were diluted in commercial-grade heptane and burned in a water-cooled turbulent flame reactor (TFR) under two different excess air levels. No correlation between CO and organic emissions could be discerned. Reasons for this lack of observable correlations are discussed in terms of combustion and chemical reaction kinetic theory.  相似文献   


An efficient venturi scrubber system making use of heterogeneous nucleation and condensational growth of particles was designed and tested to remove fine particles from the exhaust of a local scrubber where residual SiH4 gas was abated and lots of fine SiO2 particles were generated. In front of the venturi scrubber, normal-temperature fine-water mist mixes with high-temperature exhaust gas to cool it to the saturation temperature, allowing submicron particles to grow into micron sizes. The grown particles are then scrubbed efficiently in the venturi scrubber. Test results show that the present venturi scrubber system is effective for removing submicron particles. For SiO2 particles greater than 0.1 μm, the removal efficiency is greater than 80–90%, depending on particle concentration. The corresponding pressure drop is relatively low. For example, the pressure drop of the venturi scrubber is ~15.4 ± 2.4 cm H2O when the liquid-to-gas ratio is 1.50 L/m3. A theoretical calculation has been conducted to simulate particle growth process and the removal efficiency of the venturi scrubber. The theoretical results agree with the experimental data reasonably well when SiO2 particle diameter is greater than 0.1 μm.  相似文献   

The Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association presents its fifth annual directory of air pollution products. This 14-page guide lists manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation under product classifications which are shown below. These classifications are derived from McGraw-Hill’s Air Pollution Handbook, chapters 10, 11, and 13 . The final portion of this guide contains an alphabetical listing of manufacturers.

If any manufacturers or product categories have been inadvertently overlooked, the omission is regretted and should be brought to the attention of the editor. It will result in a more complete and accurate Product Guide/1973 to be published next December.  相似文献   

The Product Guide series which appears in the Journal of the Air Pollution Control Association and the APCA Directory and Resource Book is a computer-based program. A questionnaire form provided entry into the program for responding manufacturers of emission control equipment and air pollution instrumentation. If any manufacturers or product categories have been overlooked, the omission is regretted and should be brought to the attention of the editor, JAPCA.  相似文献   


The impact of weather on air pollution was examined and evaluated for the city of Athens, Greece. We used an objectively defined synoptic classification scheme consisting of six summer and eight winter circulation types. This scheme was established using a combination of both factor and cluster analysis during 1954–1999. Surface and isobaric levels of 850 hPa data were used. Factor analysis combined with cluster analysis was used to derive circulation types based on surface meteorological data for the period 1954–1999 in Athens and on surface pressure grid data. The city was divided into three sectors according to the financial and social activities of the residents. To examine the spatial characteristics of pollutant concentrations over Athens for each synoptic type, the synoptic circulation types were then correlated with both gaseous and particulate pollutant concentrations measured in each sector between 1983 and 1999. Finally, extreme and severe episodic events were studied in terms of their meteorological and synoptic characteristics.  相似文献   

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