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Measurements collected using five real-time continuous airborne particle monitors were compared to measurements made using reference filter-based samplers at Bakers-field, CA, between December 2, 1998, and January 31, 1999. The purpose of this analysis was to evaluate the suitability of each instrument for use in a real-time continuous monitoring network designed to measure the mass of airborne particles with an aerodynamic diam less than 2.5 μm (PM2.5) under wintertime conditions in the southern San Joaquin Valley. Measurements of airborne particulate mass made with a beta attenuation monitor (BAM), an integrating nephelometer, and a continuous aerosol mass monitor (CAMM) were found to correlate well with reference measurements made with a filter-based sampler. A Dusttrak aerosol sampler overestimated airborne particle concentrations by a factor of ~3 throughout the study. Measurements of airborne particulate matter made with a tapered element oscillating microbalance (TEOM) were found to be lower than the reference filter-based measurements by an amount approximately equal to the concentration of NH4NO3 observed to be present in the airborne particles. The performance of the Dusttrak sampler and the integrating nephelometer was affected by the size distribution of airborne particulate matter. The performance of the BAM, the integrating nephelometer, the CAMM, the Dusttrak sampler, and the TEOM was not strongly affected by temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, or wind direction within the range of conditions encountered in the current study. Based on instrument performance, the BAM, the integrating nephelometer, and the CAMM appear to be suitable candidates for deployment in a real-time continuous PM2.5 monitoring network in central California for the range of winter conditions and aerosol composition encountered during the study.  相似文献   


Because of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) new ambient air quality standard for fine particles, the need is likely to continue for more detailed scientific investigation of various types of particles and their effects on human health. Epidemiology studies have become the method of choice for investigating health responses to such particles and to other air pollutants in community settings. Health effects have been associated with virtually all of the gaseous criteria pollutants and with the major constituents of airborne particulate matter (PM), including all size fractions less than about 20 gm, inorganic ions, carbonaceous particles, metals, crustal material, and biological aerosols. In many of the more recent studies, multiple pollutants or agents (including weather variables) have been significantly associated with health responses, and various methods have been used to suggest which ones might be the most important. In an ideal situation, classical least-squares regression methods are capable of performing this task. However, in the real world, where most of the pollutants are correlated with one another and have varying degrees of measurement precision and accuracy, such regression results can be misleading. This paper presents some guidelines for dealing with such collinearity and model comparison problems in both single- and multiple-pollutant regressions. These techniques rely on mean effect (attributable risk) rather than statistical significance per se as the preferred indicator of importance for the pollution variables.  相似文献   


In response to community concerns, the air quality impact of imploding a 22-story building in east Baltimore, MD, was studied. Time- and space-resolved concentrations of indoor and outdoor particulate matter (PM) (nominally 0.5–10 µm) were measured using a portable nephelometer at seven and four locations, respectively. PM10 levels varied in time and space; there was no measurable effect observed upwind of the implosion. The downwind peak PM10 levels varied with distance (54,000–589 µg/m3) exceeding pre-implosion levels for sites 100 and 1130 m 3000- and 20-fold, respectively. Estimated outdoor 24-hr integrated mass concentrations varied from 15 to 72 µg/m3. The implosion did not result in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for PM10 being exceeded. X-ray fluorescence analysis indicated that the elemental composition was dominated by crustal elements: calcium (57%), silicon (23%), aluminum (7.6%), and iron (6.1%). Lead was above background but at a low level (0.17 µg/m3). Peak PM10 concentrations were short-lived; most sites returned to background within 15 min. No increase in indoor PM10 was observed even at the most proximate 250 m location. These results demonstrate that a building implosion can have a severe but short-lived impact on community air quality. Effective protection is offered by being indoors or upwind.  相似文献   


Many large metropolitan areas experience elevated concentrations of ground-level ozone pollution during the summertime “smog season”. Local environmental or health agencies often need to make daily air pollution forecasts for public advisories and for input into decisions regarding abatement measures and air quality management. Such forecasts are usually based on statistical relationships between weather conditions and ambient air pollution concentrations. Multivariate linear regression models have been widely used for this purpose, and well-specified regressions can provide reasonable results. However, pollution-weather relationships are typically complex and nonlinear—especially for ozone—properties that might be better captured by neural networks. This study investigates the potential for using neural networks to forecast ozone pollution, as compared to traditional regression models. Multiple regression models and neural networks are examined for a range of cities under different climate and ozone regimes, enabling a comparative study of the two approaches. Model comparison statistics indicate that neural network techniques are somewhat (but not dramatically) better than regression models for daily ozone prediction, and that all types of models are sensitive to different weather-ozone regimes and the role of persistence in aiding predictions.  相似文献   


Particulate matter (PM) is a ubiquitous air pollutant that has been receiving increasing attention in recent years due in part to the association between PM and a number of adverse health outcomes, including mortality and increases in emergency room visits and respiratory symptoms, as well as exacerbation of asthma and decrements in lung function.1-5 As a result, the ability to accurately sample ambient PM has become important, both to researchers and to regulatory agencies. The federal reference method for the determination of fine PM as PM2.5 in the atmosphere recommends that particle-sampling filters be conditioned and weighed in an environment with constant temperature and relative humidity (RH).6 It is also recommended that vibration, electrostatic charges, and contamination of the filters from laboratory air be minimized to reduce variability in filter weight measurements. These controls have typically been maintained in small, environmentally controlled “cleanrooms.” As an alternative to constructing an elaborate cleanroom, we have designed, and presented in this paper, an inexpensive weighing chamber to maintain the necessary level of humidity control.  相似文献   


Air quality inside Asian temples is typically poor because of the burning of incense. This study measured and analyzed concentrations of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) particulate matter and their metal elements inside a temple in central Taiwan. Experimental results showed that the concentrations of metals Cd, Ni, Pb, and Cr inside the temple were higher than those at rural, suburban, urban, and industrial areas in other studies. Three theoretical parent distributions (lognormal, Weibull, and gamma) were used to fit the measured data. The lognormal distribution was the most appropriate distribution for representing frequency distributions of PM10, PM2.5, and their metal elements.

Furthermore, the central limit theorem, H-statistic-based scheme, and parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods were used to estimate confidence intervals for mean pollutant concentrations. The estimated upper confidence limits (UCLs) of means between different methods were very consistent, because the sample coefficient of variation (CV) was <1. When the sample CV was >1, the UCL based on H-statistical method tended to overestimate the UCLs when compared with other methods. Confidence intervals for pollutant concentrations at different percentiles were evaluated using parametric and nonparametric bootstrap methods. The probabilities of pollutants exceeding a critical concentration were also calculated.  相似文献   

A laboratory study was conducted of the heterogeneous catalysis of sulfur dioxide at ppm concentrations in air by insoluble particles of CaCO2, V2O5, Fe203, flyash from a coal-burning power plant, MnCO2, activated carbon, and suspended particulate matter from urban air. The investigalion was performed by utilizing a new technique for aerosol stabilization which consists of depositing the aerosol on Teflon beads in a fluidized bed. The Teflon beads with deposited aerosol particles were then packed into a flow reactor. Progress of the chemical reaction of SO2 with deposited particles was continuously monitored by determining the SO2 concentrations in the reactor effluent with a microcoulometer.

In this investigation, CaCOg, V2O5, and flyash were essentially inert to SO2 at room temperature. Fe2O3, activated carbon, MnO2, and suspended particulate matter from urban air sorbed SO2 from air streams with up to 14.4 ppm SO2 in air. Evidence is presented which suggests that a substantial part of the sorbed SO2 was physically adsorbed.

Bioassay procedures which utilize pulmonary flow resistance changes in guinea pigs to monitor response to inhaled SO2-aerosol mixtures in air have indicated the weak or non-potentiating capacity of insoluble aerosols as contrasted to soluble aerosols. Potentiating response of an aerosol appears to be strongly associated with reaction of SO2 in a water droplet containing aerosol ions and not with physically adsorbed SO2 on an insoluble aerosol.  相似文献   


Approximately 80 different crop species are grown in the United States in widely differing geographic areas, climatic and edaphic conditions, and management practices. Although the majority of cultivated acreage in the United States is planted with only about 10 primary crops, uncertainties associated with trace gas emissions arise from: (1) limited data availability, (2) inaccurate estimates because of large temporal and spatial variability in trace gas composition and magnitude of trace gas emissions from agricultural activities, (3) differing characteristics of pollutant emissions from highly dispersed animal feed-lots, and (4) limited understanding of the emissions of semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) associated with agriculture. Although emission issues are of concern, so also is atmospheric deposition to cropping systems, including wet and dry nitrogen, minerals, and organic compounds. These can have feedback effects on trace gas emissions. Overall, the many gaps in our understanding of these aspects of agricultural systems deserve serious attention.  相似文献   


Five identical, collocated, low-volume samplers were operated to collect airborne particulate matter less than 2.5 microns (PM25). Five commercially available filter types were installed in the samplers to compare the gravimetric determination of PM2.5 concentrations in the atmosphere. The filters were rotated through the five samplers for two study periods—one in summer and one in winter. The study was performed in Sheridan, WY, in close proximity to a gravimetric laboratory to minimize the introduction of errors associated with sample handling. Rigorous quality assurance procedures were employed throughout the study.Four of the five filter types provided comparable gravimetric determinations of airborne PM2.5.  相似文献   


Certification testing of locomotive diesel engines is conducted by testing the locomotive in a series of steady-state conditions, or notches. The aim of this work was to determine whether notch changes, which are made on the order of twice per minute during normal locomotive operation, significantly affect emission rates. Particulate matter (PM) measurements recorded by others over 5, 15, and 30 min immediately at notch change were analyzed. By assuming that PM emissions during steady-state conditions were constant, it was possible to determine the amount of PM emitted because of notch change. Certification line-haul and switching duty cycles were modified to include a representative number of notch changes. The results of these calculations suggest that in test cycles in which a representative number of notch changes were included, ~40% of PM emissions occurred because of notch changes.  相似文献   


An inventory of air pollutants emitted from forest and agricultural fires in Northeastern Mexico for the period of January to August of 2000 is presented. The emissions estimates were calculated using an emissions factor methodology. The inventory accounts for the emission of carbon monoxide (CO), methane, nonmethane hydrocarbons, ammonia, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter (PM). Particulate matter emissions include estimates for fine PM and coarse PM. A total of 2479 wildfires were identified in the domain for the period of interest, which represented ~810,000 acres burned and 621,130 short tons emitted (81% being CO). The main source of information used to locate and estimate the extent of the fires came from satellite imagery. A geographic information system was used to determine the type of vegetation burned by each fire. More than 54% of the total area burned during the period of study was land on the State of Tamaulipas. However, >58% of the estimated emissions came from the State of Coahuila. This was because of the mix of vegetation types burned in each state. With respect to the temporal distribution, 76.9% of the fires occurred during the months of April and May consuming almost 78% of the total area burned during the period of study. Analysis of wind forward trajectories of air masses passing through the burned areas and 850-mb wind reanalyses indicate possible transboundary transport of the emissions from Mexico to the United States during the occurrence of the major wildfires identified.  相似文献   


One of two topics explored is the limitations of the daily average in summarizing pollutant hourly profiles. The daily average of hourly measurements of air pollutant constituents provides continuity with previous studies using monitoring technology that only provided the daily average. However, other summary statistics are needed that make better use of all available information in 24-hr profiles. The daily average reflects the total daily dose, obscuring hourly resolution of the dose rate. Air pollutant exposures with comparable total daily doses may have very different effects when occurring at high levels over a few hours as opposed to low levels over a longer time. Alternative data-based choices for summary statistics are provided using principal component analysis to capture the exposure dose rate, while preserving ease of interpretation. This is demonstrated using the earliest hourly particle concentration data available for El Paso from archived records of particulate matter (PM)10. In this way, a significant association between evening PM10 exposures and nonaccidental daily mortality is found in El Paso from 1992 to 1995, otherwise missed using the daily average. Secondly, the nature and, hence, effects of particles in the ambient aerosol during El Paso sandstorms is believed different from that of particles present during stillair conditions resulting from atmospheric temperature inversions. To investigate this, wind speed (ws) is used as a surrogate variable to label PM10 exposures as Low-ws (primarily fine particles), High-ws (primarily coarse particles), or Mid-ws (a mixture of fine and coarse particles). A High-ws evening is significantly associated with a 10% lower risk of mortality on the succeeding third day, as compared with comparable exposures at Low- or Mid-ws. Although this analysis cannot be used to form firm conclusions because it uses a very small data set, it demonstrates the limitations of the daily average and suggests differential toxicity for different particle compositions.  相似文献   

For high volume air sampling, New York State uses a random once every six days schedule. To avoid double travel, this usually requires leaving filters mounted for five days before the actual sampling period of 24 hr. The starting and stopping of the sampling is controlled by a 7 day timer. (At the maximum, it is possible that a filter could be in place for 10 days with the motor idle.) The purpose of this investigation was to determine whether the filter collects a significant weight of particulate matter during the period the motor is idle, and what effect the collected windborne particulate matter has on computed TSP concentrations.  相似文献   


Emissions inventories of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) were compared with estimates of emissions based on data emerging from U.S. Environment Protection Agency Particulate Matter Supersites and other field programs. Six source categories for PM2.5 emissions were reviewed: on-road mobile sources, nonroad mobile sources, cooking, biomass combustion, fugitive dust, and stationary sources. Ammonia emissions from all of the source categories were also examined. Regional emissions inventories of PM in the exhaust from on-road and nonroad sources were generally consistent with ambient observations, though uncertainties in some emission factors were twice as large as the emission factors. In contrast, emissions inventories of road dust were up to an order of magnitude larger than ambient observations, and estimated brake wear and tire dust emissions were half as large as ambient observations in urban areas. Although comprehensive nationwide emissions inventories of PM2.5 from cooking sources and biomass burning are not yet available, observational data in urban areas suggest that cooking sources account for approximately 5–20% of total primary emissions (excluding dust), and biomass burning sources are highly dependent on region. Finally, relatively few observational data were available to assess the accuracy of emission estimates for stationary sources. Overall, the uncertainties in primary emissions for PM2.5 are substantial. Similar uncertainties exist for ammonia emissions. Because of these uncertainties, the design of PM2.5 control strategies should be based on inventories that have been refined by a combination of bottom-up and top-down methods.  相似文献   


Passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments launched the Acid Rain Program in the United States. This initiative, based on the market mechanism of a sulfur dioxide tradable “allowance” system, was a dramatic departure from traditional command and control strategies designed to reduce air pollution emissions. Power plant managers have flexibility under the program to select and implement a variety of options to reduce emissions below mandated levels. Federal agencies have collected annual performance data for affected facilities covered by the program for a number of years. Coal-burning plants are typically greater generators of sulfur dioxide (SO2) than oil burners of equivalent size. This study examined the effect of fuel type as a significant factor influencing a plant's achievement in reducing pollution emissions. Achievement was measured by using a derived variable, delta (A), defined as the difference between pounds of SO2 produced divided by the energy (in million Btu) generated, for the years 1990 and 1995. Rigorous nonparametric statistical analyses were used to compare the two populations of coal-fired and oil-fired plants. Results indicated that coal-burning facilities achieved greater program success, measured by the expected value of delta, than the oil combustors for the five-year period reviewed. Since utility managers must take steps to ensure all applicable requirements of the program are met, findings of the inquiry should prove to be useful in assessing achievable emissions reductions and aid in long-range facility planning.  相似文献   


This paper summarizes the sampling and analytical methods developed to identify and measure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and related aromatic compounds near a Horizontal Stud Soderberg plant at Jonquiere, Quebec, Canada. The primary source of PAH is the coal tar pitch used as a binder in Soderberg anodes. Twice a week at a number of sampling sites, airborne particulate matter was collected on glass-fiber filters using a Hi-Vol sampler for a twenty-four hour period. Organics on the filter were Soxhlet extracted with benzene.

Identification was done by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The vast majority of compounds present were PAH, but small amounts of alkyl PAH and polycyclic aromatic compounds with heteroatoms such as nitrogen, oxygen and sulfur were also identified. Based on the GC-MS identification, a group of 14 PAH was selected for monitoring. Frequent PAH determinations revealed that the ratio of Benzo(a- )Pyrene to total PAH on the Hi-Vol filters is relatively constant in ambient air from one sampling station to another.  相似文献   

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