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This article describes the “nuts and bolts” of implementing a waste minimization program at an industrial facility which has made a commitment to carry out such a program for waste reduction and/or elimination. Under EPA sponsorship, a waste minimization assessment methodology has been developed and applied in a total often such assessments at industrial and DOD facilities. The article reviews the eleven distinct steps that represent the preferred procedure for carrying out a waste minimization assessment at an industrial site. This procedure is presented in detail in the recently published “The EPA Manual for Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments.” Two case studies are presented which have employed this methodology to develop waste reduction options in the areas of source reduction and recycle/reuse. Lessons learned during the development and application of this methodology are also presented.  相似文献   


A new equation is proposed to predict the lower heating value of hazardous and non-hazardous materials. The equation was developed by a statistical correlation of heating value and composition data for a variety of materials as reported in a number of sources. The model takes into account the carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, chlorine, and sulfur content of the material being combusted.  相似文献   

The Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments to the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act direct the Environmental Protection Agency to determine the available treatment technologies for a number of hazardous waste streams, including halogenated organics. If it is determined that existing technology and capacity is sufficient for the safe management of the designated halogenated organic wastes, these wastes will be prohibited from land disposal, effective July 8,1987. This article summarizes the general characteristics and treatment alternatives for this waste category.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to characterize and measure indoor air quality in public facilities and office buildings. The pollutants of interest were particulate matter smaller than 2.5 μm in diameter, PM-2.5, and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS). Integrated PM- 2.5 samples were taken on Teflon membrane filters using Harvard Aerosol Impactors as a pre-size selector. Filters were analyzed by gravimetric analysis. Nicotine, which was used as a marker for ETS, was collected on sodium-bisulfate-impregnated, glass-fiber filters and was analyzed by gas chromatography. Twenty-one structures were monitored in Metropolitan Boston. Measured particle concentrations ranged from 6.0 μg/m3 to about 550 μg/m3. Nicotine concentrations were as high as 26 μg/m3 in a designated smoking room. Real-time measurements were also taken using two types of nephelometers; a Handheld Aerosol Monitor (HAM) and a Miniature Real-Time Aerosol Monitor (MINIRAM). Short-term field measurements with these instruments correlated better with the integrated PM-2.5 concentrations in smoking locations than with concentrations in non-smoking areas.  相似文献   

从法律、技术、环境、经济以及社会层面,结合国际流行管理理念,对苏南危险废物处理处置现状进行了全面评估;提出了苏南危险废物综合管理方案以及废物减量化、资源化、收集、运输、处理处置的技术模式;未来危险废物处理厂的选址方法及标准;新建现代化废弃物物化处理厂、焚烧厂以及填埋场的实施方案。  相似文献   

Recent catastrophic industrial accidents have left the public wary of most industrial facilities. Fearing illness and death from toxic releases, the public has opposed siting hazardous waste facilities in their locale. Associated with these concerns are fears of declining property values and a perceived reduction in the quality of life for a community. Recent political actions stemming from these fears have made siting these facilities an extremely unpopular and expensive process.

This paper presents a systematic, phased approach for performing a reliability and hazards analysis of a hazardous waste facility design. It also demonstrates how the results of a risk analysis can present an accurate "risk picture" of the facility for use in alleviating public fears. A typical analysis is outlined and methods that can be used to convey to the public the results of this type of risk analysis are explored.  相似文献   

The U.S. Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency believe that treatment and recovery techniques should be given maximum priority when considering methods for managing the nation's generated hazardous waste. A prohibition for the disposal of certain categories of hazardous wastes either directly onto or into the land without being treated to an accepted degree prior to such disposal practice has been promulgated.1 Wastes containing toxic metals and cyanide complexes have been selected as a group to be restricted. Due to the high generation rate associated with this category, a large capacity of waste treatment processing will be required. Existing and emerging treatment alternatives which are or have the potential to be employed for waste treatment of metal bearing wastes are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

“企业采用自愿协议式环境管理方法的意愿调查”是欧盟资助项目“自愿协议式环境管理方法在中国工业环境管理中应用的可行性研究”的主要成果之一。调查结果表明,自愿协议式环境管理方法目前在中国只是处于初步的认知阶段,但大多数企业愿意尝试采用自愿协议式方法解决环境问题,积极性较高,且谈判式自愿协议被看好。  相似文献   

As a result of recent developments In the area of hazardous waste management, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Is evaluating the performance of various technologies for the treatment and/or the destruction of certain wastes that are presently being disposed of In landfills and surface Impoundments. As a part of this program, the University of Cincinnati Is testing currently available treatment technologies that are applicable to metal- and cyanidebearing hazardous wastes at the U.S. EPA Test and Evaluation Facility In Cincinnati, Ohio. The following unit processes have been evaluated: alkaline chlorlnatlon, lime precipitation/ flocculation/settllng, multi-media filtration, anlon exchange, and cation exchange. Examination of several process configurations, utilizing the above-mentioned unit processes, did not produce any treatment train that could prevent codepositlon of cyanides and metals In the sludges when the feed stream contained mixed metals and complexed cyanides. It was also determined that special anion exchange resins are capable of removing the compiexed cyanides that are not destroyed by alkaline chlorlnatlon. Concentration of each of the metals in the final effluent from the cation exchange unit was less than 0.4 mg/L.  相似文献   


The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the success of residues from advanced Clean Coal Technology (CCT) systems as stabilization agents for heavy metal containing hazardous wastes. In the context examined here, stabilization refers to techniques that reduce the toxicity of a waste by converting the hazardous constituents to a less soluble, mobile, or toxic form.1 Three advanced CCT byproducts were used: coal waste-fired circulating fluidized bed combustor residue, pressurized fluidized bed combustor residue, and spray drier residue. Seven metal-laden hazardous wastes were treated: three contaminated soils, two air pollution control dusts, wastewater treatment plant sludge, and sandblast waste. Each of the seven hazardous wastes was treated with each of the three CCT byproducts at dosages of 10, 30, and 50% by weight (byproduct:waste). The treatment effectiveness of each mixture was evaluated by the Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. Of the 63 mixtures evaluated, 21 produced non-hazardous residues. Treatment effectiveness can likely be attributed to mechanisms such as precipitation and encapsulation due to the formation of hydrated calcium silicates and calcium sulfo-alu-minates. Results indicate that these residues have potential beneficial uses to the hazardous waste treatment community, possibly substituting for costly treatment chemicals.  相似文献   

近年来,随着宝应县大力实施工业强县战略,规模企业群体加快壮大,固体废物的产生量也随之不断增加,构成类别逐步呈现多样化,尤其是工业固废污染环境状况由此变得严峻起来。本文在近年来环境统计及2007年度污染源普查数据的基础上,对宝应县工业固体废物的产生、构成、处置现状进行了分析,并针对该县在处置利用工业固体废物过程中存在的问题,提出了相应的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Current regulatory policies for hazardous air pollutants (HAPs) target the sources of direct emissions. In addition to direct emissions, some of the aromatic, nitrogenated, and oxygenated HAPs can be formed in the atmosphere. Formaldehyde and acetaldehyde, in particular, are produced by almost every hydrocarbon photooxidation reaction. Estimates have been made that, in some urban areas, in situ formation contributes as much as 85 percent of the ambient levels of formaldehyde and 95 percent for acetaldehyde. Over 40 percent of the HAPs being regulated under Title III of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments have atmospheric lifetimes of less than one day. The transformation products of these HAPs with low atmospheric persistence are important for assessing risks to human health, especially for cases where the transformation products are more toxic than the HAP itself.  相似文献   

化工固体废物的综合利用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对我国化工固废的产生、治理、利用和重点化工行业氯碱工业等化工固体废弃物的处理和综合利用技术进行了分析、综述,并指出了该领域的发展趋势。  相似文献   

Day and night period sampling programs were carried out using a versatile air pollutant system to collect fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and coarse particulate matter (PM2.5–10) simultaneously at a traffic junction that is only 60 m from HungKuang University located in Central Taiwan. Therefore, HungKuang University is regarded as the traffic sampling site in this study. Similar measurements were carried out in a previous 2013 study by Fang and colleagues during October 2012 to November 2012. Determination of metallic element composition of fine and coarse particulates collected during the day and the night was accomplished with inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results indicated that there were no significant differences in composition of metallic elements Zn, Cu, Cr, Mn, Fe, Pb, and Cd in either coarse or fine particles for both day and night sampling periods. The statistical results indicated no significant differences for metallic elements in the PM2.5–10 particulates for day and night sampling periods. Also, no significant differences were noted for metallic elements in the PM2.5 particulates for day and night sampling periods at this traffic sampling site. The proposed reason is the limited sampling period employed in this study. Another potential reason is the presence of traffic that runs heavily both day and night being a major contributor to the ambient air metallic pollutants in this region.  相似文献   

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