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采用十一种有机物肥进行矿化研究,肥效试验设高、中、低化肥水平比较.结果表明:(1)不同肥料对玉米苗期干物重的影响是:粪肥>化肥>秆肥.施入62d,土场总碳量是,施粪肥的比对照高1.37倍,施秆肥的高1.24倍,单施化肥的反比对照下降14.3%。当然,不同秆粪肥的肥效也不完全一样.(2)在南方高温多雨的条件下,秆粪肥施入土壤后的分解是很快的,尤其是施后的第一个月,其分解速率杠肥平均为43.4%;粪肥为35.4%.秆肥中分解最快的是玉米秆,最慢的是甘蔗渣,分解速率分别为50.1%和23.4%;粪肥中分解最快的是鸡粪,最慢的是鸭粪,分解速率分别为55.7%和21.5%.一个月后分解速率则明显下降.秆粪肥在土壤中的分解一直延缓到三年以后。(3)施后第一年的腐殖化系数,秆肥为2.543×10(-3)-4.319×10(-3),其中番薯藤的最大,黄豆秆的最小;粪肥的除鸡粪和猪粪较小外,牛、鸭粪的达4×10(-3)以上。一年以后便逐年明显减小.  相似文献   

大连市肿瘤发生率与居民血硒水平的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用新极谱法测定大连市健康居民300例和癌症患者50例全血的硒含量,分别为146.5±51.0μg/L(148.1±50.2μg/L和144.7±51.9μg/L)和122.7±55.9μg/L是正态分布类型,均小于我国低硒地区160μg/L是  相似文献   

该书表明了如何应用行为模式来更好的理解企业为何采纳清洁技术.这是对墨西哥北部公司案例研究成果所进行的分析,在墨西哥北部,生产所需的投入有时是进口的.分析的结论与世界上其他地区有着不同经营模式的工业有关联.该书作者是荷兰应用科学研究机构的科技政策领域的高级顾问.该书是“创新经济新的地平线”系列丛书的一部分.  相似文献   

科学发展观是新时期全面建设小康社会的重要战略思想,是统领中国经济社会发展的指导思想.高等职业教育要更好地持续发展,就必须坚持科学发展观,走内涵式发展道路.在高职院校内涵建设发展中,特色教育是其提高竞争力的根本;创新管理体制是激发它办学活力的关键;创新办学思路,科学定位是其持续发展的必然要求.以科学发展观为指导探讨三者在高职院校内涵建设中的具体做法,具有重要意义.参7.  相似文献   

杉木林凋落物产量、分解率与储量的关系   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
在福建三明采用2种方法测定27a生杉木林的杉木叶和小枝凋落物的分解率.采用网袋法(孔径0.5mm尼龙网袋)测定的杉木叶和小枝凋落物残留率Olson指数模型的分解系数(k值)分别为0.7692a^-1和0.2501a^-1,相应的第1年的分解率分别为53.66%和22.13%;另一种测定矗值的方法较为准确,是通过计算凋落物年产量与地面凋落物储量的比值得到,采用该方法计算的杉木叶和小枝凋落物的矗值分别为1.788a^-1和0.8622a^-1,分别是网袋法测定值的2.32和3.54倍,相应的第1年的分解率分别为83.27%和57.78%,分别是网袋法测定值的1.55倍和2.61倍.采用后一种方法测定的凋落物分解率可以解决尼龙网袋法测定分解速率结果偏低的问题.  相似文献   

许多全球和地区多边环境协议的目的是实现减少污染.不管这些多边环境协议包含的是一般的降低的要求.还是减少特殊污染物的排放或者倾倒的目标.清洁生产的方法都能够帮助满足国家委托的事项.为此,清洁生产的概念需要扩展.有效地赋予工业以外的产业(比如农业和运输业)  相似文献   

职业教育就是就业教育.毕业生顺利就业、高质量就业是高职院校追求的目标,也是评价一所高职院校办学成功与否的关键.学生工作是高职院校中心工作之一,就业工作是高职院校学生工作的重要内容.文章从六个方面讨论了如何以就业工作为重点,创新高职院校学生工作,以求对如何创造性地做好高职院校学生工作提供实践参考.参3.  相似文献   

耐氨固氮菌是通过基因工程选育出来的新型菌株,水稻接种后,因根系活性提高、吸收功能增强、体内营养状况得到改善而增产.盆栽和田间试验结果表明.水稻接种耐氨固氮菌后增产3.1%—7.1%,氮肥利用率提高1.4%—11.2%;与对照区比较,土壤肥力并无下降的趋势,是一种投资小、简便易行的增产措施.  相似文献   

《马尔默宣言》,即《千年首脑会议宣言》,突出了改变生产和消费方式的必要性,尤其是解决贫困的必要性.《国际清洁生产宣言》不仅仅是一张纸.它是一个承诺,关键是执行.Klaus Topfer  相似文献   

Jones.  H 《产业与环境》1998,20(4):36-37
引言西澳大利亚是澳大利亚的一个主权州.它占有澳洲的西三分之一,有大约250万平方公里的面积.采矿工业在该洲经济中发挥重大作用,提供其总出口量的约70%.除个别例外,矿物产权归该州所有.环境立法是1970年代初由州政府和联邦政府共同启动的.然而,西澳大...  相似文献   

英国职业技术教育的特点   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
职业技术教育资格证书体系分为普通教育证书(OCE)、国家职业资格证书和国家普通职业资格证书,三者之间具有相互联系的等价关系.英国高等教育由双重制走向于单一制,这反映了世界高等教育发展的三大主要趋势,即强化市场意识,加强与社会的联系,重视提高质量.继续教育是指学生在16岁后所接受的教育和培训,包括普通中等教育证书考试高级水平课程、普通中等教育证书考试补充高级水平课程、国家通用职业资格和预科课程(亦称为基础课程).多科技术学院主要承担高等职业教育任务,由中央政府委托组合社团(或协会)作为学校的社会管理机构,普遍实行“三明治”教育模式.职业技术教育理念是以学生为中心,提倡个性化教育.1944年颁布的《教育法》是教育改革的基本法,对英国的职业教育具有划时代的意义;1976年制定的《综合中学设置促进法》促进综合中学迅速发展;1988年《教育法》确定职业教育必须为当地工商企业培养应用型技术人才,办学模式、管理方式、课程设置均注重与企业的结合,突出技术教育,成为英国职业技术教育的新型类型.  相似文献   

The development of soil crust on sandy land may affect the surface hydrological process. This paper investigates the process of evaporation and dew deposition influenced by different soil surface types which were dominated by sand, primitive biotic crust, and advanced biotic crust, respectively, in the south fringe of Mu Us sandy land in Northwest China from July to September of 2006. The experimental results indicate that the advanced biotic crust could increase evaporation and dew deposition compared to the primitive biotic crust and bare sand although the differences between them were not significant. The average evaporation from advanced biotic crust, primitive biotic crust and sand was 6.8, 6.6, and 6.5 mm/d, respectively, and water content is around 16.2 % in the condition of initially identical soil. The average dew amount on advanced biotic crust was 0.116 mm/d with extreme 0.05 and 0.24 mm/d. The average values on primitive biotic crust and sand were 0.105 and 0.101 mm/d, respectively, with extreme 0.04 and 0.21 mm/d for both treatments. Also, the dew deposition on advanced biotic crust seemed stable and might rest for a longer time than that on primitive biotic crust and sand. The results suggest that the advanced biotic crust possibly facilitates evaporation and dew deposition. Therefore, the development of biotic crust may potentially enhance the hydrological circulation in the upper sand layer in sandy land.  相似文献   

Data on isopods processed by the author and the literature available on the subject have made it possible to provide specific lists of isopods for coastal zones of cold and cold-temperate regions in both hemispheres and for isopods from depths of more than 2000 m for the entire World Ocean. A comparative analysis shows both faunas to be very similar with respect to family and genus; in this respect they differ considerably from the shallow-water fauna of warm zones. Comparative-anatomic data indicate that the suborder Flabellifera is the most primitive, the Asellota the most specialized group; the data permit the singling out of the more primitive as well as the more specialized families in each suborder under study. Analysis of vertical distributions of all isopods in the World Ocean suggests that primitive isopods are principally confined to tropical shelves; however, in the shelves of cold and cold-temperate waters, especially in deep seas, a considerable number of phylogenetically recent families is present. Thus, the tropical shallow-water fauna proves to be the most ancient, while the shallow fauna of cold and temperate waters may be regarded as geologically more recent. The deep-sea fauna is considered to be the youngest. The author hypothesizes the probable ascendance of the deep-sea fauna from the Antarctic fauna in the period of increasing cold, as early as the late Cretaceous period. This process was promoted by glaciation in the Antarctic Ocean, and its gradual isostatic dipping together with the shelf.  相似文献   

Summary.   The defensive glandular apparatus of primitive bombardier beetles of the tribe Crepidogastrini (Carabidae) is described for the first time. As exemplified by two African species (Crepidogaster ambreana and C. atrata), the apparatus conforms to the basic bombardier plan, in that the glands are bicompartmented and the secretion is quinonoid (it contains 1,4-benzoquinones and hydrocarbons), hot, and discharged audibly. In a number of morphological respects the crepidogastrine apparatus resembles that of the classical bombardiers of the tribe Brachinini (rather than that of bombardiers of the paussoid lineage), reinforcing the view, already held on taxonomic grounds, that the Crepidogastrini and Brachinini are closely related. That the Crepidogastrini may be primitive relative to Brachinini is underscored by the finding that, unlike brachinines, crepidogastrines do not pulse their secretory emissions. Moreover, they discharge their secretion as a mist, rather than forcibly in the form of jets. Received 22 May 2001; accepted 29 May 2001.  相似文献   

本文介绍了南岳森林土壤颗粒组成状况及其与环境间的关系,以及土壤的颗粒组成状况对其理化性质的影响。研究表明,南岳土壤质地主要为粉壤土、面砂土和壤粘土等。土壤质地的差异主要受植被类型、植物生长状况、放牧严重与否的影响,其次是受坡度和气候条件的影响。土壤颗粒组成状况显著地影响土壤的速效磷、速效钾、浸水容重、吸湿率、烧失率、pH值等,对土壤紧实度、有机质、碱解氮也有一定的影响。  相似文献   

由电子垃圾不当处理引起的环境污染问题已经引起普遍关注.采用SOS/umu测试方法对我国南方某电子垃圾处理地23个土壤样品的有机提取物的直接和间接遗传毒性进行了初步的评估和筛选.结果表明,在有机提取物最高暴露浓度相当于100mg·well-1时,只有很少一部分样品检出直接遗传毒性,而绝大多数样品的有机提取物经过代谢活化后,表现出遗传毒性.与对照地区土壤相比,从事电子垃圾回收处理的地区土壤中存在间接致突变物质的积累,这可能与当地粗放形式的电子垃圾处理活动有关.  相似文献   

Of 10 species of the genus Tisbe, 9 were shown to possess the same haploid number of 12, whereas only 1 has a haploid number of 8. The hypothesis is advanced that n=12 is the primitive condition in the genus Tisbe and that T. biminiensis with n=8, is a recent form.  相似文献   

Summary. Metrius contractus, a primitive paussoid bombardier beetle, emits its defensive quinonoid froth with accompanying sound (a faint “hiss”), but the sound is not pulsed, indicating that the secretory emission itself is not pulsed. Pulsed secretory delivery in bombardier beetles appears to occur in Brachinini only. Received 8 July 2001; accepted 23 July 2001.  相似文献   

The Lophogastrida are primitive Mysidacea and comprise only six genera. One of these, Eucopia is considered as highly specialized and constitutes the family Eucopiidae; the other genera constitute the Lophogastridae. Among the latter family, the genus Gnathophausia is closely related to Eucopia, with two species (G. gracilis and E. sculpticauda) sharing similar morphological characteristics [i.e. ornamentation (spines) of the uropods, and the gastric mill]. This indicates that these species are phylogenetically related. To test this hypothesis, the partial 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene from various representative species of Gnathophausia and Eucopia were compared. The resulting phylogenetic tree suggests that each genus is monophyletic, and that Gnathophausia, which is the deepest-branching genus, is the most primitive, with the Eucopiidae originating from the Lophogastridae. The molecular results support the morphological hypothesis, and suggest an early separation of the two genera or a rapid divergence of Eucopia due to morphological specialization. Received: 29 June 1997 / Accepted: 16 March 1998  相似文献   

Summary American Acraeinae butterflies often ingest large amounts of dehydropyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) from their Asteraceae hostplants in both larval and adult stages, but do not normally store these compounds for defence, instead biosynthesizing large amounts of the cyanogenic glucoside linamarin in all stages. This defence syndrome (rejection of plant toxins andde novo synthesis of protective chemicals) is considered to be the most evolved among aposematic (unpalatable mimicry-model) butterflies, as are the Acraeinae and Heliconiini which also synthesize cyanogens. Storage or minimal processing of larval hostplant-derived defensive chemicals is widespread and characterizes the most primitive model groups; an intermediate series (Danainae/Ithomiinae) also obtains the principal defensive chemicals (PAs) from plants, but mostly in the adult stage. These syndromes are discussed and contrasted with the pattern seen in Chrysomelidae beetles, wherede novo synthesis is widespread and considered primitive.Originally presented at the 9th Meeting on Micromolecular Evolution, Systematics and Ecology (Ribeirão Preto, SP, April 1987); see also Brownet al. (1990)  相似文献   

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