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The results of two field studies and an open-top chamber fumigation experiment showed that the response of mature Scots pine to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature Norway spruce. Moreover, the response of pine seedlings to SO(2) and NO(2) differed from that of mature trees. The greater increase in the needle total S concentrations of pine suggested more abundant stomatal uptake of SO(2) compared to spruce. Both pine seedlings and mature trees also seemed to absorb more N from atmospheric deposition. Mature pine was able to assimilate SO(4)(2-) derived from SO(2) into organic S more effectively than mature spruce at the high S and N deposition sites, whereas both pine and spruce seedlings accumulated SO(4)-S under NO(2)+SO(2) exposure. Spruce, in turn, accumulated SO(4)-S even when well supplied with N. Net assimilation of SO(4)(2-) in conifer seedlings was enhanced markedly by elevated temperature. To protect the northern coniferous forests against the harmful effects of S and N deposition, it is recommended that the critical level for SO(2) as a growing season mean be set at 5-10 microg m(-3) and NO(2) at 10-15 microg m(-3), depending on the 'effective temperature sum' and/or whether SO(2) and NO(2) occur alone or in combination.  相似文献   

Norway spruce seedlings were grown under greenhouse conditions in Rootrainers with a vermiculite-peat moss mixture under various N-regimes for 6 months. Either ammonium or nitrate was applied in loads of 100 or 800 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) to seedlings which were either non-mycorrhizal or inoculated with the mycorrhizal fungi Hebeloma crustuliniforme or Laccaria bicolor. The use of increasing N loads enhanced shoot and total biomass, whereas root/shoot ratio, number of short roots and mycorrhization decreased. A significant enhancement of the concentration and content was obvious for the element N, whereas a significant decrease was obvious for P and Zn concentrations. The use of ammonium, as opposed to nitrate, significantly enhanced the biomass and the numbers of short roots, and reduced the root/shoot ratios, but did not influence the mycorrhization. It further significantly enhanced the N concentrations in roots and shoots. Fungal inoculation with H. crustuliniforme or L. bicolor compared to non-inoculated controls significantly enhanced shoot and total biomass, but reduced root/shoot ratios. The mycorrhization further significantly enhanced N and P concentrations and contents, but reduced Mn. Overall, the mycorrhization improved the P nutrition of the seedlings independently on the applied N loads or N sources. Dose response curves using ammonium nitrate as N source with a maximum load of 1600 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) applied on seedlings associated with H. crustuliniforme revealed that the maximum growth was reached at a load of 800 kg N ha(-1) year(-1) with a simultaneous decrease of the mycorrhization. In both shoots and roots, N concentrations increased constantly with increasing N loads, while P, Ca, and Zn concentrations decreased constantly.  相似文献   

The effects of wet-deposited nitrogen on soil acidification and the health of Norway spruce were investigated in a pot experiment using an open-air spray/drip system. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium ((NH(4))(2)SO(4)) or nitrate (HNO(3)/NaNO(3)) in simulated rain to either the soil or the foliage for a period of two years five months. Symptoms of forest decline were not reproduced. Adverse effects relating to soil acidification and N saturation were observed and depended on the chemical form of N. The plant-soil system absorbed most of the soil-applied NH(+)(4) at doses of up to 65 kgN ha(-1) year(-1) but only 54% at a dose of 125 kgN ha(-1) year(-1). About 60% of soil-applied NO(-)(3) was absorbed in all treatments. Ammonium treatments acidified the soil, increased base cation leaching, and mobilised acidic cations. Nitrification was not the major source of acidity, however. Nitrate inputs increased soil pH. Critical loads calculated using current criteria were 60-120 and 30-60 kgN ha(-1) year(-1) for ammonium and nitrate, respectively. Ammonium is more likely to damage forest ecosystems, however, illustrating the need for care in the definition of critical loads.  相似文献   

The effects of wet-deposited nitrogen on soil acidification and the health of Norway spruce were investigated in a pot experiment using an open-air spray/drip system. Nitrogen was applied as ammonium ((NH(4))(2)SO(4)) or nitrate (HNO(3)/NaNO(3)) in simulated rain to either the soil or the foliage. Symptoms of forest decline as observed in the field were not reproduced, and there was no evidence of direct toxicity. Treatments did, however, have significant effects on tree nutrition. Both NH(+)(4) and NO(-)(3) treatment applied to the foliage lowered foliar K concentrations. NH(+)(4) to a greater extent. Soil-applied NH(+)(4) reduced foliar Mg concentrations and increased foliar Al and Fe. Soil-applied NO(-)(3) significantly reduced foliar P concentrations, and at high doses prevented the alleviation of P deficiency by fertiliser. These effects could be important in some field situations. Ammonium deposition is predicted to be more damaging than nitrate deposition, although the latter may be critical for forests where P status is marginal, such as in parts of the British uplands.  相似文献   

Smog chamber experiments were conducted to determine the relationships between SO2 oxidation and the gaseous precursors common in polluted air: NOz, NMHC (a mixture of 17 hydrocarbons) and SO2. SO2 oxidation to sulfate aerosols was first-order in SO2. The maximum rate of oxidation was strongly related to initial NMHC/NOx ratios, but over 6-h irradiation intervals, the conversion of SO2 to sulfate aerosol was only weakly related to initial NMHC/NOx ratios. For constant NMHC/NOx ratios. SO2 conversion was independent of NMHC and NO, concentrations. Typical SO2 oxidation rates for polluted air ranged from 2–8%/h. but the higher rates were sustained for only a few hours. SO2 lifetimes > 100 h are predicted from these experiments, in accord with kinetic simulations of photochemical smog and lifetimes derived from tropospheric data.  相似文献   

Both an open-air fumigation system and a laboratory-based system were used to expose decomposing Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) needles to controlled concentrations of SO(2) (arithmetic mean 相似文献   

Exposure to moderate concentrations (90-500 microg SO(2) m(-3)) of SO(2) for 5-30 days caused a decrease in the photosynthetic rate. Only the lowest concentration (30 microg SO(2) m(-3)) increased photosynthesis. There was hardly any recovery in photosynthesis after the exposure. All exposure concentrations increased dark respiration. However, the lowest concentration had the smallest effect. Exposure to high concentration (2320 microg SO(2) m(-3)) of SO(2) for 5 h caused a strong decrease in the photosynthetic rate but there was a complete recovery within 2 weeks.  相似文献   

CO(2) assimilation rate, stomatal conductance and chlorophyll content of current and previous years' needles of Norway spruce were measured in May 1988, 205 days after the cessation of ozone fumigation during the summer of 1987. Rates of assimilation were consistently higher for both needle year age classes for ozone fumigated trees in comparison to control trees, although only statistically significant for part of the day for current year's needles. A 26% and 48% stimulation, overall, in mean daily rates of assimilation for current and previous years' needles of ozone fumigated trees was observed. This was due to an enhanced apparent quantum yield and light saturated rate of assimilation of ozone fumigated trees. The temperature response regression of assimilation versus temperature was also greater, such that at any given temperature, assimilation was higher for ozone treated trees than control trees. Stomatal conductance was greater for ozone fumigated trees than the controls, but this was only marginally statistically significant. Moreover, there was a consistent increase in chlorophyll content in both year classes in ozone-treated trees. These results are discussed in relation to a possible long term effect of ozone fumigation upon the processes of conifer winter hardening and spring de-hardening.  相似文献   

The effects of artificially applied acid precipitation on growth and nutrient concentrations of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings were investigated in a long-term acid irrigation experiment in field conditions. Seedlings of northern and southern origin were planted in boxes containing peat and composted soil rich in nutrients, and sprinkler irrigated with water acidified with nitric and sulphuric acids to pH 3 or pH 4 for periods varying from two to three and a half growing seasons during 1986-1989. Water irrigated (pH 5.4-7.6) and non-irrigated groups of seedlings were also included in the experiment. At the end of the experiment needles, main and lateral shoots and roots were collected from the seedlings for the determination of height growth and biomass partitioning, and for the analysis of S, N, Mg, P, K, Ca, Mn and Fe concentrations. The treatment effects compared to the irrigated control were studied using multivariate analyses of variance and covariance. In the pine seedlings the total dry matter production increased by 25-70% compared with the irrigated controls when the total wet deposition to the seedlings exceeded 67 kg S ha(-1) and 36 kg N ha(-1) (e.g. after two growing seasons' exposure of the pH 3 treatment). The increase was mainly due to an increase in needle dry weight (54-72% greater at pH 3) and root weight (20-65% greater at pH 3), whereas the height growth or shoot weight growth were less affected. The northern provenance pine seedlings responded more clearly to the pH 3 irrigation than the southern ones. The treatments had no consistent effects on any of the growth variables studied in the spruce seedlings, however. The pines had higher root and foliage Ca concentrations as a result of the acid irrigation, whereas in spruce, acid rain decreased the Ca concentration in needles and shoots. Root Mn and Fe concentrations were higher in both species as a result of the pH 3 treatment. A higher soil conductivity and Ca concentration resulted from the prolonged pH 3 treatment. The results strongly support the hypothesis that the long-term growth and nutrient allocation response of conifers to acid precipitation is dependent both on the tree species and on the nutritional status of the soil.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Widows Creek Steam Plant from March to 1 May 1979 to investigate the effects of terrain-induced downwash. The Widows Creek Plant is located in a valley formed by Sand Mountain to the southeast and the Cumberland Plateau to the northwest. With southeasterly winds, a downward component of velocity is induced by the terrain as the air moves from Sand Mountain across the valley. Because of the proximity of the plant to Sand Mountain, the plumes are caught in this terrain-induced downwash, which then causes a significant increase in the ground level SO2 concentrations.An SO2-monitoring network was established in the downwash region and the measured SO2 concentrations were correlated with the meteorological parameters and plant operating conditions.The maximum SO2 concentrations were measured within 1.3 km of the source at locations approximately perpendicular to the Sand Mountain ridge line. The ground level concentration per unit emission rate increased with increasing wind speed and the ratio of wind speed to stack exit velocity.Neither the magnitude nor the trends predicted by the CRSTER model compared well with measured data unless the plume was assumed to be suppressed by the terrain-induced downwash. The CRSTER model predicted a maximum concentration for class A stability and negligible values for class D to G. Ground level concentrations were not measured during the few periods of class A stability that occurred. The highest concentrations were measured for stability class C and D conditions.  相似文献   

Investigations using chlorophyll fluorescence induction kinetics provide the parameters Rfd, L, and Ap to characterize different specifications of the photosynthetic system (PS). The application of ozone, with concentrations between 100 microg m(-3) and 2000 microg m(-3) to spruce in closed chambers yields a reduction of Rfd between 6% and 23% for the current year's needles, which indicates a reduced potential photosynthetic capacity. Further measurements on the current year's needles of spruce of the damage classes S0/S1, S2 and S3 show also a reduction of Rfd of between 7% and 14% in 2 successive years. In addition, the parameter L increases for damaged trees by between 11% and 49%, indicating a change of the chlorophyll content and of the internal energy distribution between PSI and PSII. As no effect of L can be observed with ozone fumigation, it is concluded that the change of some specifications of the PS can be simulated well by ozone fumigation (e.g. Rfd) while other specifications cannot (e.g. L).  相似文献   

Goo JH  Irfan MF  Kim SD  Hong SC 《Chemosphere》2007,67(4):718-723
The selective catalytic reduction (SCR) characteristics of NO and NO(2) over V(2)O(5)-WO(3)-MnO(2)/TiO(2) catalyst using ammonia as a reducing agent have been determined in a fixed-bed reactor at 200-400 degrees C. The presence of NO(2) enhances the SCR activity at lower temperatures and the optimum ratio of NO(2)/NO(x) is found to be 0.5. During the SCR reactions, there are some side reactions occurred such as ammonia oxidation and N(2)O formation. At higher temperatures, the selective catalytic oxidation of ammonia and the nitrous oxide formation compete with the SCR reactions. The denitrification (DeNO(x)) conversion decreases at lower temperatures but it increases at higher temperatures with increasing SO(2) concentration. The presence of SO(2) in the feeds inhibits N(2)O formation.  相似文献   

The root uptake of lead (Pb) by trees and the transfer of Pb by leaf litter deposition to the forest floor were investigated through a pot experiment with Norway spruce. Natural Pb and radio isotopic lead (210Pb) were determined in needles and twigs and in the pot soil spiked with 210Pb. Calculations of the specific activity in plant material and in the supporting pot soil showed that less than 2% of the Pb content of needles and twigs originates from root uptake and approximately 98% are deposited from the atmosphere. Atmospheric Pb has declined by a factor of 7 from 1980 to 2007 but is still a major pathway of Pb to vegetation and topsoils. The conclusion from the experiment is that the internal circulation of Pb through root uptake, translocation and litterfall, gives an insignificant input of Pb to the forest floor compared to atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

White oak (Quercus alba L.) seedlings were exposed to charcoal-filtered air or to above-ambient ozone concentrations for 19-20 weeks during each of two growing seasons in continuously stirred tank reactors in greenhouses. Ozone treatments were 0.15 ppm (300 microg m(-3)) for 8 h day(-1), 3 days week(-1) in 1988, and continuous 15% above ambient in 1989. The seedlings were grown in forest soil watered twice weekly with simulated rain of pH 5.2. Responses of net photosynthesis to photosynthetically active radiation and intercellular CO(2) concentration were measured three times each year. There were no significant differences in light-saturated net photosynthesis or stomatal conductance, dark respiration, quantum or carboxylation efficiencies, and light or CO(2) compensation points on any date between control and ozone-exposed seedlings.  相似文献   

The oxidation of SO2 on carbon particles in dry air and in air at 65% relative humidity (RH) was found to be greatly enhanced by the presence of gaseous NO2. Exposures of 20–80 ppm SO2 + 10 ppm NO2 on 1 mg samples of commercial carbon black were found to produce both sorption and desorption coverages (weight retained after desorption into N2) of over one order of magnitude greater than for corresponding SO2 exposures. Significant agglomeration and wetting were observed to occur progressively during exposures at 65% RH and samples, even after 150 h exposure, rarely reached steady-state weight gain. The wetting may have regenerated fresh reactive carbon surface. Sorptions conducted in nitrogen atmospheres, rather than in air, appeared to produce slightly higher sorptions and weight retentions for equivalent exposure concentrations and times, indicating that NO2 served as the oxidizer and that molecular oxygen, or some trace constituents in air, may have weakly inhibited the oxidation by NO2. Wet chemical analysis of the desorbed phase indicated that sulfate, presumably H2SO4, accounted for over half of the retained weight. Measurements of pH from water-quenched samples indicated a highly acidic surface phase and suggested the oxidation process could process in an acidic environment.  相似文献   

Formation of ectomycorrhizae of red spruce (Picea rubens) grown in natural soil was measured after seedlings were exposed to 25 or 50 applications of simulated rain of pH 5.5, 3.5 or 2.5. Ectomycorrhizae were quantified as the total number of ectomycorrhizal tips per centimeter, and as the number of ectomycorrhizal tips for each morphotype and for Cenococcum geophilum. Rain solutions were applied to the soil alone, to foliage and stem alone, or to entire potted seedlings. Final soil pH was linearly related to rain solution acidity. Lower base saturation, calcium and zinc content, and higher exchangeable acidity were observed after pH 2.5 treatments if the soil was exposed. Rain solutions and the subsequent changes in soil characteristics did not affect the total numbers of ectomycorrhizal tips. Four morphotypes of ectomycorrhizae observed for these seedlings were unaffected by simulated rain. However, the numbers of ectomycorrhizal tips formed by C. geophilum tended to increase with rain solution acidity after 50 applications. Method of rain deposition did not affect ectomycorrhizae, suggesting both plant and soil mediated responses may favor certain mycobionts. The results of this study indicate that short-term acidic deposition does not induce significant changes in the frequency of ectomycorrhizae, but higher numbers of C. geophilum tips suggest there may be changes in the relative occurrence of specific morphotypes of fungus species.  相似文献   

Intermittent exposure of tomato plants (cv. Pusa Ruby) to SO(2) at 286 microg m(-3) (3 h every heavy third day for 75 days) induced slight chlorosis of leaves. At 571 microg m(-3), considerable chlorosis with browning developed on the foliage. These symptoms were more pronounced and appeared earlier on SO(2)-exposed plants infected with Meloidogyne incognita race 1 (Mi), especially in post- and concomitant-inoculation exposures. Mi and/or SO(2) significantly reduced different parameters of plant growth. Synergistic (positive) interactions between SO(2) and Mi occurred in concomitant- and post-inoculation exposures at 286 and 571 microg m(-3), respectively. In other treatments, an antagonistic (negative) interaction was observed. However, in a few cases, additive effects of SO(2) and Mi were also recorded. Intensity of root-knot (galling) was enhanced at both concentrations of SO(2), while reproduction (egg mass production) of Mi was enhanced in concomitant-inoculation exposures at 286 microg m(-3) and inhibited at 571 micro m(-3). Exposure to SO(2) and/or Mi decreased the number and size of stomata but increased the number and length of trichomes on both the leaf surfaces. Stomatal aperture was significantly wider in the plants exposed to 571 microg SO(2) m(-3) alone and in pre-, post-, and concomitant-inoculation exposures at 286 or 571 microg m(-3). Stomatal aperture was directly related to foliar injury and reductions in growth, yield, and leaf pigments.  相似文献   

The effects of long-term enhanced UV-B radiation on growth and secondary compounds of two conifer species were studied in an outdoor experiment. Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) seedlings were exposed for two growing seasons and Norway spruce (Picea abies) seedlings for three growing seasons to supplemental UV-B radiation, corresponding to a 30% increase in ambient UV-B radiation. The experiment also included appropriate controls for ambient and increased UV-A radiation. Enhanced UV-B did not affect the growth of the conifer seedlings. In addition, neither the concentrations of terpenes and phenolics in the needles nor the concentrations of terpenes in the wood were affected. However, in the UV-A control treatment the concentrations of diterpenes in the wood of Scots pine decreased significantly compared to the ambient control. Apparently, a small increase in UV-B radiation has no significant effects on the secondary compounds and growth of Scots pine and Norway spruce seedlings.  相似文献   

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