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This study was designed to explore the effects of color and light on indoor wayfinding and the subjective judgments of those perceiving the environment. Furthermore, how problems experienced in buildings with complex floor plans and successive spaces are addressed using variables such as color, brightness, and correlated color temperature through a desktop virtual reality environment. The experiment was conducted with the participation of 102 university students who experienced the indoor environments with various color and light variables, and evaluated these environments using concrete concepts like clear/blurry, attractive/unattractive, navigable/unnavigable and inviting/repellent. The scores for attractiveness and remembrance of warm colors were found to be higher than those for other colors, and the median scores for the positive perception of correlated color temperature were found to be higher than those concerning high and low level temperatures. However, it was confirmed that the use of warm and cool colors in indoor environments with low light levels were not taken into consideration by users of a space and were perceived negatively. Moreover, it was determined that compared to the males, females preferred high brightness levels.  相似文献   

To improve the competiveness in the energy market, it is necessary that the wind power plants provide guaranteed power generation, although, it is not possible to forecast power availability from wind power plant accurately. This paper presents a stochastic model and solution technique for the combined operation of wind and pumped storage power plants to improve the power availability and increasing the profit considering uncertainties of wind power generation. In this model, uncertainties in wind data have been forecasted for grid connected day-ahead market using Weibull distribution model. The imbalances in the forecasted wind data and the market demand have been reduced by operating the pumped storage power plant. In this stochastic mixed integer problem, pumped storage plant can take the supply either from the grid or from the wind power plant for the pumping operation to store the energy in order to utilize this energy during peak hours for increasing the overall revenue. The reliability of the pumped storage is improved by replacing the conventional unit with the adjustable speed type pumped storage unit. In order to prove the optimality of the solution, two case studies were considered. In case studyI, scheduling is provided by operating the conventional pumped storage unit, whereas in case studyII, adjustable speed pumped storage unit has been used. It has been found that the adjustable speed pumped storage unit has further reduced the imbalance between generated power and demand. The complete approach has been formulated and implemented using AMPL software.  相似文献   

Fuzzy cognitive mapping was used to develop a participatory ecosystem management plan for Uluabat Lake, Turkey. Interviews were conducted with stakeholders belonging to six different groups. Lake pollution was the most central and most mentioned variable for stakeholders. Stakeholder groups agree that lake pollution is negatively affecting ecosystem health and thereby local economies. Thus, reducing lake pollution was chosen as the overall goal for the management plan. Possible ways to reduce lake pollution and increase ecosystem health were seen differently by the different groups. Hunters, factory managers, NGO personnel, and local people thought industry was the main cause of lake pollution, while officials from the government and local municipalities thought roads and urban development contributed the most to lake pollution. Generally the stakeholder groups did not perceive their own actions as affecting the lake as strongly as other groups thought. For example, factory managers viewed factory pollution as negatively affecting the lake but less strongly than the other groups did. According to policy option simulations, reducing lake pollution had positive effects on all variables, especially fish, birds, animal husbandry, irrigation, agriculture, and the ecological balance of the lake. Results of this analysis were used to facilitate meetings among stakeholder groups and to develop a participatory ecosystem management plan. The analysis was useful for pointing out the similarities as well as the differences among the groups. It also helped the facilitators understand the focus of each stakeholder group and enabled them to suggest activities in which each group would want to participate.  相似文献   

Two hundred and sixty-two travellers staying in caravan parks and who had completed a 340 km trip in North Queensland, Australia, were asked to draw a route map of their journey. The subjects' sex and age were recorded and they were asked for their state of origin, recency of the journey, previous travel over the route and their role as either a passenger or driver. The maps were scored for the number of landmarks, districts, paths, social comments, texture and three measures of orientation. Chi-square analyses revealed that drivers were better oriented than passengers, older subjects made more errors in labelling the landmarks but also produced more general comments (texture score) and subjects who had completed the trip more recently drew more paths. Travellers from the distant southern states also made more labelling errors and fewer general comments on the route. Travellers who had been over the route more often gained a significantly higher correct orientation score than first time or second time travellers. Overall, interaction effects among the main independent variables were not significant. No sex differences in orientation were apparent. It was argued that an understanding of the social, experiential side of leisure driving, using techniques such as the present study, is important for understanding this high energy consuming leisure activity.  相似文献   

A systematic approach to optimizing water network has traditionally been utilized to exam and plan water conservation in industrial processes. In the present case study, water-pinch technology was used to analyze and optimize the water network of a steel plant near China's Zhangjiakou city. A system design was developed and a limiting constraint (Cl(-) concentration) was identified based on investigations of water quality then the minimum freshwater and wastewater targets were determined without considering water losses. The analysis was then extended by calculating the additional input of freshwater required to balance the actual water losses. A nearest-neighbor algorithm (NNA) was used to distribute the freshwater and recycled water among each of the plant's operations. The results showed that with some reconstruction of the water network, the flow rates of freshwater and wastewater could be decreased by 57.5% and 81.9%, respectively.  相似文献   

This pilot study proposes a social map-making method based on the link between the evaluation of the neighbourhoods and the populations residing in them. It was carried on a sample of residents of Dijon’s urban area, a French city (N = 99) divided into four groups, according to the geographical location (in the city / in the suburbs) and the social status (wealthy / disadvantaged) of their living space. The procedure is inspired by social representation gathering methods. Respondents were asked (1) to evaluate their own neighbourhood and others on two scales (social reputation and personal appreciation); (2) to evaluate populations on two similar scales; (3) to determine how these populations are spared in the different neighbourhoods. The central hypothesis of this study was that evaluations of a sector would be linked to the populations living there in the representation of the individuals. Results showed that the correlation between the evaluation of a sector and the perceived proportion of French in this sector with a good reputation is strong and positive. The method has also showed patterns of repartition in the representations of the inhabitants: while certain populations are concentrated in precise sectors, others are scattered across the territory.  相似文献   

Tourism and the environment: A case study from Turkey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Whilst tourism is widely promoted as an instrument of economic development, it may also give rise to adverse social and environmental impacts in the host community. Recent commercial tourist development in the Patara Valley, Turkey, is examined in terms of facility provision, beneficial and adverse impacts, and tourists' reactions. It is concluded that, unless specific corrective measures are taken, the future development of the industry may be unsustainable.Dr Paul Selman is a Principal Lecturer in the Department of Countryside and Landscape at Cheltenham and Gloucester College of Higher Education. Pat' Morrison is a graduate Environmental Scientist from the University of Stirling, and she is currently studying for a PhD. in Geoarchaeology at the University of Birmingham.  相似文献   

Summary A pilot action forming part of the Integrated Mediterranean Programmes (IMPs) was carried out in Prespa National Park, Greece, to improve the socio-economic conditions in the area and to develop the agriculture, fisheries, manufacturing and tourism. A study on the environment of the park was carried out as part of this Programme. The study evaluated the natural conditions in the area, assessed the effects of the proposed operations on the environment, suggested opportunities for socio-economic improvement and provided guidelines for the organisation of the National Park. This paper presents certain aspects of this study and describes the mechanisms and conflicts attached to environmental conservation during implementation of the IMP.Evaluation of natural conditions was made possible by studying the land cover/use changes between 1945 and 1984 using aerial photographs. It showed a continuing concentration of land use activities in the wetland, which is the nucleus of the park. The most alarming findings were of soil erosion on the watershed, accelerating ageing and eutrophication of the lake, and destruction of the wet meadows. Evaluation of the latter revealed their remarkable biological value as feeding and resting habitats of the rare waterbird species.Assessment of the effects of the projected operations on the environment was accompanied by suggestions of alleviation measures. Further development of agriculture and an expansion of the irrigation system were expected to have a severe impact on the wetland and increase the eutrophic level of the lake. Measures for cultural practices, policy and education of the farmers were suggested. It was recognised that the projected fish breeding station would also have adverse effects on the wetland, the lake and its fisheries. Construction of the hatchery on the particular site chosen by the authorities was to cause major environmental degradation in the park.Despite the documentation provided, proposals stemming from the study and mitigation measures were disregarded. Implementation of the IMP operations had detrimental ecological effects in the area. From the first stages of the Programme, and throughout its implementation, secrecy prevailed in the procedures. There was no participation of the public nor of the local government. Lack of coordination appeared between the various levels of administration nationally and within the European Community (EC). Agencies concerned with the environment lost their jurisdiction in the area, as all decision-making was undertaken in Athens by a Ministry relatively insensitive to environmental issues. Implementation of the IMP in Prespa violated national and EC legislation as well as international treaties concerning the environment. The development plan had been prepared without integrating conservation and development while no concern was given to the impact on the environment. Lessons learned from the Prespa case should be used to improve IMPs and make development sustainable.Dr Myrto Pyrovetsi obtained her doctorate at Michigan State University, USA and is now an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.  相似文献   

Maps showing the critical loads for soil acidification and their exceedence produced by the UK Department of the Environment were examined for the potential impacts on nature conservation in England. Consideration was given to modelled depositions in 2005, after full implementation of the EC Large Combustion Plant Directive (i.e. a 60% reduction in UK sulphur emissions from 1980 levels). A second scenario was also examined, in which the remaining deposition was further reduced by 50% (i.e. an 80% reduction from 1980 levels). No examination was made of the impacts of present day deposition. Critical load exceedence maps for soil acidification were studied at the 1 km square scale for all of England. All SSSIs in England within squares where the critical load will remain exceeded were identified; geological SSSIs were excluded. In these squares 736 biological SSSIs were found to occur. The special interest for 136 of these was not considered to be susceptible to soil acidification damage. The remaining 600 sites are, therefore, considered to be at risk from continued acidification. The 600 sites represent 16.3% of the total number of SSSIs in England. The actual ‘exceeded’ area on these sites was found to represent 26.2% of the total SSSI area of Britain. If emissions are further reduced by 50% the proportions drop to 6.8% and 15.6% respectively. The sites are located throughout England, especially in upland areas of the north and west. However, a large number of sites also occur on exceeded areas on the dry acidic soils of southern and eastern parts of the country. These sites exhibit a wide range of habitat types. Most common are woodlands, peatlands and heathlands. A significant proportion of the nature conservation resource of England will remain at risk from acidification even after full implementation of existing UK government policy commitments. Even a major reduction beyond that commitment is not sufficient to prevent exceedence of critical loads on 250 of these SSSIs. Protection of Britain's natural environment would, therefore, require a very significant reduction in acid emissions beyond that which is currently agreed.  相似文献   

In rural regions, land use changes (LUC) are often the result of the decision-making of individual farmers. To influence this decision-making, compulsory and voluntary mechanisms are implemented. However, farmers’ decision-making is a heterogeneous process that depends on their ability and willingness to take certain decisions. Discrepancies between farmers’ ability and willingness and the design of voluntary mechanisms occur frequently. This makes it necessary to understand how farmers’ participation in these mechanisms can affect LUC. The aim of this paper was to demonstrate an agent-based approach to analyse and explore how voluntary mechanisms can influence LUC processes in rural regions. This approach was applied to a rural region in Australia, where clearing of native vegetation has occurred for agricultural development. Historical land cover data and semi-structured interviews were used to parameterise an agent-based model. Factors that influence farmers’ ability and willingness to participate in these mechanisms were identified. Three scenarios were simulated with the model to explore how the implementation of different voluntary mechanisms can affect the landscape structure of the region. This paper identifies how the diversity of farmers’ decision-making can influence the landscape structure in the region. The advantages and limitations of an agent-based approach in relation to LUC research and policy are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The major characteristics, problems and prospects of farming in an urban environment of a developing nation are investigated using the Ibadan metropolitan area of Nigeria as a case study. Eight hundred farmers, made up of both part-time and full-time farmers were interviewed in five urban fringe settlements in the study area. Findings revealed that farming in the urban environment is guided by the logic of survival since most of the farmers engaged in urban cultivation are mainly low-income earners and they farm mainly to reduce their expenses on food and to supplement the family's income. The major problem confronting farming in the area is competition from non-agricultural land uses. Nevertheless, more than half (50.5 percent) of the farmers, who had been approached to sell their farmlands for non-agricultural uses in the area, rejected the offer, indicating that the prospects of continued farming are thought to be good. Measures like the sale of urban land at its agricultural value, provided the land remains in cultivation, as well as the further provision of land in and around the farmers' working places, could improve their access to land for extended farming.Dr Adeniyi Gbadegesin is a lecturer in the Department of Geography at the University of Ibadan. He has published papers widely on agricultural topics.  相似文献   

There is a growing concern regarding the ‘true’ GNP. The claim is that the cost of environmental degradation should be taken into account when calculating welfare measures for society which can be derived from the system of national accounts (SNA). However, the reason that it has not been done is the difficulty of calculating the true ‘price of the environment’. The literature recognizes two types of measurements. One is based on indirect measures (e.g. hedonic methods) while the second is based on direct methods (e.g. contingent valuation methods). There is an alternative approach which is suggested in this paper. The new method relies on the assumption that what we see in reality is the outcome of a maximization process of some social welfare function which includes not only GNP but other elements of which environmental quality is one. By observing the reality, we can get some information on the implicit governmental weights and hence on the trade‐off between the GNP and the environment. This is a positive approach rather than a normative one, so future decisions can rely on this measurement as a guide for controversial decisions regarding development versus preservation. The theoretical model is then applied to the Israeli economy as an example in order to have some estimate on the price derived by this method.  相似文献   

In this paper we hypothesize that land use change can be induced by non-linearities and thresholds in production systems that impact farmers' decision making. Tradeoffs between environmental and economic indicators is a useful way to represent dynamic properties of agricultural systems. The Tradeoff Analysis (TOA) System is software designed to implement the integrated analysis of tradeoffs in agricultural systems. The TOA methodology is based on spatially explicit econometric simulation models linked to spatially referenced bio-physical simulation models to simulate land use and input decisions. The methodology has been applied for the potato-pasture production system in the Ecuadorian Andes. The land use change literature often describes non-linearity in land use change as a result of sudden changes in the political (e.g. new agricultural policies) or environmental setting (e.g. earthquakes). However, less attention has been paid to the non-linearities in production systems and their consequences for land use change. In this paper, we use the TOA system to study agricultural land use dynamics and to find the underlying processes for non-linearities. Results show that the sources of non-linearities are in the properties of bio-physical processes and in the decision making-process of farmers.  相似文献   

As a consequence of the U.S. effort to increase infrastructure security and resilience, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and other U.S. federal agencies have identified 16 critical infrastructure sectors that are considered vital to the nation’s well-being in terms of economic security, public health, and safety. However, there remains no articulated set of values that justify this particular list of infrastructure systems or how decision-makers might prioritize investments towards one critical sector over another during a crisis. To offer a more integrated and holistic approach to critical infrastructure resilience, this research employs the capabilities approach to human development, which offers an alternative view of critical infrastructure that focuses on the services that infrastructure provides rather than its physical condition or vulnerability to threats. This service-based perspective of infrastructure emphasizes the role of infrastructure in enabling and supporting central human capabilities that build adaptive capacity and improve human well-being. We argue that the most critical infrastructure systems are those that are essential for providing and/or supporting central human capabilities. This paper examines the DHS designation of criticality from a capabilities perspective and argues for a capabilities basis for making distinctions between those systems that should be considered most critical and those that might be temporarily sacrificed. A key implication of this work is that an across sector approach is required to reorganize existing critical infrastructure efforts around the most valuable infrastructure end-services.  相似文献   

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