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During the course of its embryonic development, the Canadian lobster Homarus americanus Milne-Edwards exhibits steady increases in water content (56.2 to 86.8%) and ash (5.8 to 21.2%), and a progressive decrease in energy content from 6636 to 4292 cal/g dry weight. Mean dry weight of a single egg is 965 g, equivalent to 6.4 cal; a freshly hatched egg. The lobster hatches about 1,500 larvae per night over a period of 4 to 5 days. Dry weight, ash and calorific contents of larvae hatched on different days show considerable variations. After larvae hatch on the first day, continuous salt absorption by eggs to hatch on subsequent days leads to a steady increase in ash content from 143 g/larva hatched on the first day to 255 g/larva hatched on the fourth day, and consequently, to an increase in dry weight from 854 to 956 g/larva. Metabolism of embryos (0.1 cal/day), which are yet to be hatched on subsequent days, depletes the calorific content per unit weight (from 4637 to 3837 cal/g dry weight) as well as per larva (from 3.98 to 3.67 cal).Dedicated to my colleague K.-H. Schumann (Biologische Anstalt Helgoland) who died on December 12, 1969 due to a diving accident.  相似文献   

Groups of laboratory-reared, juvenile lobsters (Homarus gammarus, 40–50 g wet weight) were given different types of food (shrimp, mixed invertebrates and pellets, bivalves, starved) for a period of 22 wk. Haemocyanin concentration was measured weekly, moult stage and moultings noted. Haemocyanin concentration decreased rapidly in the starved group (from 0.8–0.6 to 0.2 mM). The group fed with bivalves showed a small decline with time, to 0.5–0.3 mM at the end of the period, indicating a deficient diet. The haemocyanin in the other groups did not change significantly during the experiment. Moultings decreased in frequency and the intermoult period was prolonged when the quality of food was decreased, and in the starved group moulting ceased completely after 1.5 months. Haemocyanin concentration was lowest immediately after moult and increased gradually through stages C and D. Lobsters that were starved or maintained on the bivalve diet did not reach the same premoult haemocyanin levels as those fed with shrimps and mixed food.  相似文献   

C. H. Lucas  S. Lawes 《Marine Biology》1998,131(4):629-638
The effects of food availability and temperature on sexual maturation and female reproductive output of the scyphomedusa Aurelia aurita was examined in two populations from the contrasting environments of Southampton Water and Horsea Lake, England. Trends in oogenesis and subsequent reproductive output differed markedly between the two populations. In Southampton Water, the onset of sexual maturation occurred earliest in the larger medusae, but eventually all females became ripe, the smallest being 45 mm bell diameter (BD). The decrease in minimum size at maturity was correlated with increasing temperature. In A. aurita from Horsea Lake, size at maturity varied on a seasonal basis, with the smallest ripe female being only 19 to 20 mm BD. There were spring and autumn periods of sexual maturation in this population. During the autumn period, it is likely that food limitation was playing a more critical role in determining medusa size, with decreasing temperature indirectly affecting A. aurita by limiting primary and secondary production. In similar-sized ripe medusae, fecundity was greater in Southampton Water, but the planula larvae produced were significantly smaller than those in Horsea Lake. It is suggested that in Horsea Lake, the quality of the larvae are greater in terms of biochemical content to ensure survival of the few gametes produced (i.e. K-strategy). Comparison of the reproductive effort of the two A. aurita populations revealed that medusae from Southampton Water, which experience greater food availability, are able to direct more energy to reproduction than Horsea Lake medusae. In the latter, A. aurita medusae appear to partition the available food resources into either somatic growth (and therefore increased future fecundity) when food is abundant, or reproductive growth when food is scarce. Received: 24 June 1997 / Accepted: 23 March 1998  相似文献   

To elucidate the life history of neustonic animals, growth and reproductive patterns were investigated in the hermaphroditic pedunculate barnacle Lepas anserifera in field and laboratory experiments in Wakayama, western Japan from 2006 to 2008. The effects of temperature (19, 24 or 29°C) and food availability (once or twice a week) on growth and reproduction were also studied in the laboratory. The barnacles grew and matured rapidly, especially in the field: individuals on the average grew from 3 mm to more than 12 mm in capitulum length within 15 days and some were brooding. High temperature and high food availability resulted in greater growth. High temperature also resulted in earlier maturation of both testes and ovaries, whereas the effect of food availability was less clear. The rapid growth and maturation, together with earlier maturation at higher temperatures, may be an adaptation to ephemeral floating objects to which they attach.  相似文献   

Scallops (Placopecten magellanicus) were collected in 1981–1983 from two water depths at a location in Newfoundland, Canada, where temperature and food conditions associated with shallower water have been shown to be more favourable for somatic growth and gamete production. To gain insight into the seasonal energy balance for this species, metabolic and clearance rates were measured monthly under ambient temperature conditions and natural seston levels. Stereological techniques were used to determine the gamete volume fraction in the gonad in order to establish the annual reporductive cycle. The less favourable conditions associated with deeper water were relfected in reduced rates of gamete development, but the diameter of spawned eggs and the timing of spawning appeared unaffected by poorer conditions in the natural environment. Estimates of scope for growth were low or negative during the winter, but consistently high during the spring bloom, corresponding to a period of rapid gamete maturation. Somatic weight declined in both populations as gamete development proceeded but increased again during periods of low gametogenic activity, suggesting a close relationship between energy available for growth and the reproductive cycle. Oxygen uptake and clearance rate varied seasonally in relation to ambient temperature and food conditions, all of which appeared to be interrelated in a complex fashion with the energy demands of gametogenesis.  相似文献   

A. O'Dea  B. Okamura 《Marine Biology》1999,135(4):581-588
Zooid size and colony growth of the estuarine bryozoan Conopeum seurati (Canu) (order: Cheilostomatida; suborder: Malacostegina) were examined over 15 mo at Avonmouth Dock, Avon, England. Data were analysed in conjunction with synchronous measurements of temperature, salinity and food availability. Zooid length, width and area were strongly temperature-dependent, while both food availability and colony growth rate had no significant effect on zooid length, width or area. Salinity and the interaction of temperature and salinity significantly influenced zooid length and area, suggesting that changes in zooid size may result from oxygen limitation in warm waters. The validity of a number of other mechanisms proposed to account for temperature-related changes in zooid size is discussed. The results support the use of zooid size as an indicator of both long-term trends and seasonal variations in temperature in Recent and fossil assemblages as long as data sets are large and the effects of other factors on zooid size are considered. Colony growth rate was found to be significantly influenced by both the amount of food available to the colonies and the combined effect of temperature and food availability, suggesting that growth rate increases as food increases, but that the former may be limited at low temperatures when metabolic rates are low. Received: 30 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 September 1999  相似文献   

The pattern of seasonal gonadal development and variations in plasma sex steroids were investigated in adult male and female winter flounder, Pleuronectes americanus (Walbaum), from Conception Bay Newfoundland beginning August 1987 to December 1988. The winter flounder reproductive cycle can be divided into five consecutive phases of relative reproductive activity including: (1) rapid gonadal recrudescence in the fall (August–December); (2) continued slow gondadal growth in females, or maintenance of the well developed gonads in males, during the winter (December–February); (3) a prespawning phase of gonadal maintenance in the spring (March–April); (4) spawning early in the summer (May–June) after the female gonads reach peak weight; and (5) the summer postspawned period (June–August) when the gonads remain regressed. Female gonadal recrudescence in August is characterized by small increases in plasma estrogen levels and recruitment of small oocytes (150 m) into yolk accumulation. For the winter months, estradiol-17 levels in the plasma remain stable, approximately 15 ng ml-1, until rising again together with testosterone to peak hormone levels just prior to spawning in conjunction with the highest seasonal values for the gonadosomatic index (GSI) and oocyte diameter. After spawning, the ovaries are regressed and sex steroids in the plasma fall to very low levels. Rapid seasonal recrudescence of the gonads in males is evident from rising GSI values, which reach a maximum in October, and from substantial early seasonal increases in plasma testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone. Afterwards, although GSI values subsequently decline presumably reflecting the process of spermiogenesis and/or onset of spermiation in some males, the testes remain relatively well developed with the presence of sperm throughout the spawning season. As the proportion of spermiating males increases, the plasma levels of the androgenic steroid hormones rise to peak circulating levels from April to June. At the end of the summer reproductive season, the testes of post-spawned males become regressed and plasma testosterone and 11-ketotestosterone levels fall, reaching the lowest seasonal values.  相似文献   

From August 2000 to June 2001, seven egg-carrying female lobster (Homarus americanus) from the Îles de la Madeleine population (Gulf of St. Lawrence, Canada) were held under a simulated seasonal temperature cycle to monitor egg development from extrusion to hatching. For the first time, changes in the yolk components (total lipids and major lipid classes, total proteins) and embryo growth of single eggs were monitored separately over the entire development period. Under the controlled temperature conditions, egg development proceeded in three phases. (1) Autumn, from extrusion to early December, was marked by a rapid increase in the Perkinss eye index and rapid declines in yolk total proteins and triacylglycerols (TAG). Embryo daily growth rate was estimated between 1 and 2 µg proteins day–1. (2) Winter, from late December to early April (temperature stable at ca. 1°C) was characterized by a stationary phase in the evolution of the eye index and yolk lipid use, and embryo growth slowed significantly. (3) Spring, from late April to hatching in June was the period with the most rapid changes in yolk TAG and embryo growth rates >6 µg proteins day–1 were recorded. Almost 65% of the live biomass (total proteins) of the hatching larvae was accumulated during the last few weeks of development. An index of embryo growth efficiency was estimated as the slope of the relationship between embryo total proteins and yolk TAG during egg development. A relationship was found between the initial mean egg dry weight and the embryo growth efficiency index suggesting that under the same experimental conditions bigger eggs used yolk lipids more efficiently and sustained faster embryonic growth than smaller eggs. The relationship may also explain why larger larvae originate from larger eggs.Communicated by R.J.Thompson, St Johns  相似文献   

Summary I monitored the temporal pattern of diurnal feeding activity in several wood warbler (Parulidae) species and concomitantly recorded the numbers of active (flying) insects in 2 willow habitats in the western United States. At one site the temporal relationship between the density of active and inactive (nonflying) insects was investigated. The diurnal patterns of insect and bird activity were inversely related and each pattern was significantly nonuniform throughout the day; the wood warblers were largely inactive during the middle of the day when insects were most active.As foliage-gleaning birds, wood warblers depend primarily on the availability of inactive (nonflying) insects that they pick from the foliage, and they appear to be limited in their foraging activity by the unavailability of such insects during midday. Interestingly, the duration of midday inactivity for a given bird species varied inversely with the proportion of time that species spent flycatching. Thus, food availability may play an important role in determining the temporal patterns of feeding activity in these insectivorous bird species.  相似文献   

InEmerita asiatica, the quantitative fluctuations in the glycogen content of the hepatopancreas were markedly related to the moult cycle. The glycogen content of the hepatopancreas was maximum during premoult stages. It has been suggested that reserve glycogen, in addition to meeting general metabolic needs, may be especially involved in the genesis of the sugar precursors of chitin. The marked fall in the hepatopancreas glycogen values following moulting is probably due to its utilization in chitin synthesis during and immediately following moulting. InE. asiatica, the storage of glycogen was found to be meagre in muscles, and muscle glycogen had no bearing on chitin synthesis during moulting. InLigia exotica, glycogen is stored to a lesser extent than inE. asiatica, and was found in connective tissue and muscles. Significant fluctuations were noted in glycogen values correlated with the phases in the moult cycle when chitin synthesis took place. InL. exotica, the hepatopancreas does not serve as a storage depot for glycogen related to chitin synthesis.  相似文献   

Groups of queens, Chlamys opercularis (L.), were maintained under semi-natural conditions for a period of 18 months while growth rates and spawning conditions were monitored. Temperature and phytoplankton standing crop (as chlorophyll a) were also measured. The data suggest that only 1 major growth ring is formed in 1 year (in spring), although disturbance rings may be present. Rings are the result of the build-up of a number of small growth increments (striae) formed as successive lamellae are laid down. One lamella is probably laid down during 1 day, but a lamella is not necessarily laid down every day. Lamellae are laid down most regularly when temperature is moderately high and food availability is good. It seems likely, however, that poor food availability can limit growth and thus restrict the formation of lamellae even under field conditions. Spawning does not seem to induce the formation of growth checks.  相似文献   

The annual cycles of growth and of internal storage of nitrogen and carbon in Laminaria longicruris were compared at three sites in Nova Scotia, Canada. One site had abundant nitrogen all year round, on account of local upwelling, one had abundant nitrogen for only four months and the last was intermediate in this respect. Where nitrogen was abundant year round, growth followed the seasonal pattern of light, and there was little storage of either carbon or inorganic nitrogen. Where nitrogen was only abundant in the sea in winter, growth accelerated at this time and continued throught early summer while internal reserves of nitrogen were utilized. Carbon was stored in summer and used for growth in the fall. At the intermediate site, larger reserves of nitrogen were built up in winter and a high growth rate was maintained through most of the summer. Smaller carbon reserves were accumulated and growth was minimal in winter. Experiments in which plants were transplanted between sites were not conclusive, but suggested that plants at different sites may have genetic differences.  相似文献   

The effects of body size and suspension density on filtration rates, assimilation efficiencies and respiration rates in the ribbed musselAulacomya ater (Molina) have been determined by means of short-term laboratory experiments. Filtration rates accelerate rapidly in response to increasing algal concentration up to approximately 10×106 cellsDunaliella primolecta l-1, beyond which a plateau is approached. Percentage increments are greatest in small individuals. Assimilation efficiencies are independent of body size, but decline rapidly with increasing ration to approach zero above 32×106 cells l-1. Increases in respiration rate accompany increments in filtration rate in all but the smallest size class tested. Filtration, assimilation efficiency and respiration measurements are used to calculate ingestion rations, assimilation rations and scope for growth for mussels of different sizes over a range of algal concentrations. Scope for growth, expressed as percentage change in body energy per day, is a declining function of body size, but larger individuals achieve their maximum growth rates at lower ration levels than smaller ones. Growth efficiency is independent of body size, and is maximal at 5×106 cells l-1, where 29 to 43% of ingested ration is converted into body energy. The applicability of these experimental results to natural ecosystems is discussed.  相似文献   

Since the Pleistocene, Arctic foxes, Alopex lagopus, on Mednyi Island in the North Pacific have been isolated in a small area with rich food resources and no other terrestrial carnivores. This situation provides an unusually simple system within which the effect of food dispersion on demography and social organisation was examined. We studied the composition, location and dispersal of 67 Arctic fox groups and mapped their major food resources (seabird colonies) during 1994–2000 on Mednyi. We compared our observations with the predictions of models of sex-ratio determination. Our observations are most consistent with the predictions of Julliard's (2000) model, where mothers are expected to produce more offspring of the most dispersing sex in low-quality habitats, and more offspring of the most philopatric sex in high-quality habitats. The polygynous foxes on Mednyi Island lived where the principal food resources were patchily distributed (present on 11% of the shoreline), and cub survival to dispersal age or reproductive adult was higher in rich (25/45) than in poor (24/79) home ranges. Furthermore, dispersal was strongly sex-biased: most females (60%) remained on their natal ranges, whereas very few males (9%) did so. Significantly more female than male cubs (54 compared with 24) emerged from dens in resource rich ranges, whereas the sex ratio on poor ranges was approximately equal (51 females and 56 males). While our observations are also to some extent consistent with the local resource enhancement (LRE) hypothesis (which predicts a bias towards the sex most likely to cooperate with parents), this does not account for the observed spatial variability.  相似文献   

This study investigates proximate factors influencing dispersal behaviour in the subsocial spider Amaurobius ferox. Dispersal of spiderlings from the natal web occurred as a progressive sigmoidal function (mean duration of dispersal period=31 days), with considerable individual variability in developmental instar and body mass within the clutch at the time of dispersal. The spiderlings showed a significant decrease in group cohesion on the 6th day after their second moult, which corresponded to the beginning of the dispersal period. Mutual aggressiveness appeared when the spiderlings began to show predatory behaviour (4th day post-second moult) and increased over the course of the dispersal period. While lack of prey in the maternal nest accelerated dispersal behaviour, the addition of prey items lengthened the dispersal period in previously non-fed clutches. Individuals that dispersed were smaller than the remaining individuals when measured on the day 50% of the clutch had dispersed. Timing of the appearance of the developmental characters (second moult, predation activity, agonistic behaviour against siblings, reduction of group cohesion, dispersal) suggests that the dispersal trait might have evolved in consequence of these different functional behaviours. Received: 10 August 1999 / Received in revised form: 15 March 2000 / Accepted: 1 April 2000  相似文献   

Juveniles and adult females were presented a food spectrum of three algae of different sizes (4.5, 12 and 20 m cell width). The increase in rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga with an increase in copepod size was significantly greater than the increase in rate of ingestion of the small alga. It is hypothesized that the perception of chemical signals from the small alga by a copepod decreases as the copepod moults from stage to stage. The rate of ingestion of the large alga by copepod stage V (CV) and adult females was lower than the rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga at mid- and high phytoplankton concentrations. The amount of nitrogen ingested when the medium-sized alga alone was offered was either higher than (stage C II) or not significantly different from that when the three algae were offered together (stage C IV). Ingestion rates are reduced when there is a multialgal food source. This implies that there is increased stability in the ocean because multiparticle food sources are more slowly depleted than unialgal foods. Weight-specific ingestion rates of copepods fed the three algae simultaneously increased from nauplius to stage C III and then decreased as adulthood approached. The contribution of the small alga to the total amount of nitrogen ingesied was greatest for naupliar stages while the contribution of the medium-sized cells was greater for later stages. The largest alga was readily ingested by stage C V and adult females but never contributed more than 25% of the nitrogen ingested. Eight to 12% of the nitrogen ingested by adult females was from the small alga. It is hypothesized that the algal cell size for maximum nitrogen ingestion in upwelled waters is relatively small, round or square and close to the size threshold below which adult females do not sense individual cells.  相似文献   

The movements of two species of predatory whelks (Muricidae: Gastropoda) were examined on several rocky seashores in New South Wales, Australia, from 1980 to 1984. The smaller species, Morula marginalba Blainville, moved less far than the larger species, Thais orbita (Gmelin). Intermittent but rapid movement allowed T. orbita to shelter in exposed places low on the shore, but to feed on their preferred prey, barnacles, much higher up to shore. This resulted in a dynamic and unpredictable pattern of vertical foraging movements for this species. Compared to areas with intact prey or with barnacles that had been killed but not removed, M. marginalba moved quickly away from areas from which barnacles had been experimentally removed. Many M. marginalba left experimental plots on two shores without prey or crevices in which to shelter, whereas some stayed over 30 d in areas with either prey or crevices (but not both), and most remained in plots where both prey and crevices were available. Thus, the presence of suitable prey and crevices seems to influence the movements of both species, which respond in different ways, corresponding to their different mobilities. These results are discussed in relation to the behavioural cues involved and predation by the whelks.  相似文献   

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