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王涧冰 《环境教育》2006,(12):60-61
为了野生动物贸易能够持续发展,各国制定了相应的野生动物保护法规,禁止濒危动物的捕杀和贸易,对一些受到绝灭威胁的物种限制其贸易量,以防止因狩猎和贸易对野生动物生存和持续利用造成威胁。国际上于1975年签署了《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约(CITES)》,CITES公约的目的是通  相似文献   

未自然分布于我国的野生动物及其制品的价值认定是破坏野生动物资源类犯罪案件中备受争议的内容,具体涉及《濒危野生动植物种国际贸易公约》附录Ⅰ、Ⅱ物种直接平移为国内一、二级保护动物管理的级别核准方式、参照同种国内保护动物核定价值时出现的交叉核定困境,以及确认涉案价值所依据的价格鉴定结果迥异的问题。这些问题既有碍于将有限的执法资源用于珍贵、濒危的野生动物种群,也不必要地加重了对被告人的刑事处罚。为此,需要通过人工核准、就低原则的普遍适用等措施,保障价值认定过程的正当性,在坚持罪责刑相适应的基础上保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

论自然保护区旅游活动的生态影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
自然保护区逐渐打破传统的消极保护模式,寻求保护与发展的协调,开展起旅游活动,但由此带来的生态影响不容忽视。本文从建立自然保护区的主要目的出发,就旅游活动对生物多样性及生态景观的影响进行分析,认为在自然保护区开展旅游活动,要对旅游活动强度与游客量进行合理控制,按照生态旅游的方法进行合理规划与管理,使保护区获得可持续发展。  相似文献   

美国在保护野生动物方面做了大量工作,无论是政府的政策法规,还是人们的保护意识,都已达到了一个很高的层次,美国成为野生动物的天堂。  相似文献   

人类正对自然环境造成深重的影响,而且愈演愈烈。目前足有60亿人生活在地球上,到本世纪中叶还有可能新增9亿人口。每个人都有权享有充足的清洁水、食物、住房和能源,而满足这些方面的需要势必造成深远的生态影响。  相似文献   

相较于一般意义野生动物的种群数量与规模、分布范围及生存发展现状而言,珍贵、濒危野生动物是大自然中的"活化石",其生活环境及自身生存发展受威胁程度更值得我们关注.作为我国珍贵、濒危野生动物保护的制度性规范和推动《野生动物保护法》实施的法律依据,《国家重点保护野生动物名录》自1989年1月14日由林业部、农业部发布以来,在...  相似文献   

生物入侵对我国生态安全的影响及防治建议   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
论述生物入侵对社会,经济和生态安全的影响。并提出加强对生物入侵的防治建议。  相似文献   

毕雁英 《绿叶》2013,(9):66-71
制定于计划经济时期的《中华人民共和国野生动物保护法》已远远落后于野生动物保护和建设生态文明的现实需求,对其进行修改已是箭在弦上。此次修法,应就这部法律的规范范围进行合理界定,科学与客观地处理保护与利用的关系.通过具体明确的法律制度体现立法的目的,对各方主体的职责内容予以细化,确立周密的责任追究机制,总结执法实践填补责任漏洞。应开门立法,广纳建议,提高立法的科学性、可行性与可接受性。  相似文献   

2003年,非典在中国闹得最凶的时候,我看到一位叫祖述宪的先生写的文章,题目叫“都是吃出来的毛病”。作为环保志愿者的我,这几年一直在呼吁保护野生动物,可每当我到山区采访时,好客的主人总是会向我推荐各种野味。记得一次在福建武夷山,省里的领导请我们吃饭,居然也把穿山甲摆在桌上,弄得我最后只好罢吃。不过,当时我并不是因为人会吃出毛病而罢吃。  相似文献   

为消除国道“216”工程对卡拉麦里山自然保护区的野生动物及其生存环境产生的不利影响,本文从实际出发,对保护区的生态以及水环境进行了论述,提出了保护野生动物和合理利用水资源的建设性意见,把工程建设的不利影响转变为有利影响;建立自然保护区良性循环的生态模式。  相似文献   

The fire simulation processes of the National Fire Management System's (NFMAS) Initial Attack Analysis (IAA) processor were evaluated by conducting two types of sensitivity analysis: one based on a hypothetical set of data to assess IAA's outputs under a wide range of fire input values, and the other using an actual Stanislaus National Forest database to test IAA's validity with a real set of data. The results revealed that IAA's outputs (projected annual number of fires and area burned) were most sensitive, in descending order, to the input values of the fire spread rate, the productivity rates of the suppression forces, and the initial attack time, for all fuel models tested. In contrast, IAA's outputs were extremely insensitive to variations in the fire size at discovery. Changes are necessary in the ways IAA incorporates the fire size at discovery to facilitate the comparison among various fire detection options. The program's “escaped fire situation” analysis was found inadequate, because the projected annual frequencies and final sizes of the simulated escaped fire events produced unacceptable results with the Stanislaus National Forest database. Assigning final sizes to simulated escaped fires according to the fire intensity level in which they are historically expected to occur provides a consistent way of calculation of the projected annual area burned and the consequent cost plus net value change (C + NVC).  相似文献   

高等学校人员密集,珍贵文献、标本、贵重仪器多,蜡烛、烟头、违章用电等可引起高校火灾的发生.一旦发生火灾,容易造成众多人员伤亡和重大财产损失.高校要通过加强消防宣传教育,完善校内消防器材设施等来开展消防工作.  相似文献   

Vegetation fires have become an increasing problem in tropical environments as a consequence of socioeconomic pressures and subsequent land-use change. In response, fire management systems are being developed. This study set out to determine the relationships between two aspects of the fire problems in western Indonesia and Malaysia, and two components of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. The study resulted in a new method for calibrating components of fire danger rating systems based on satellite fire detection (hotspot) data. Once the climate was accounted for, a problematic number of fires were related to high levels of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code. The relationship between climate, Fine Fuel Moisture Code, and hotspot occurrence was used to calibrate Fire Occurrence Potential classes where low accounted for 3% of the fires from 1994 to 2000, moderate accounted for 25%, high 26%, and extreme 38%. Further problems arise when there are large clusters of fires burning that may consume valuable land or produce local smoke pollution. Once the climate was taken into account, the hotspot load (number and size of clusters of hotspots) was related to the Fire Weather Index. The relationship between climate, Fire Weather Index, and hotspot load was used to calibrate Fire Load Potential classes. Low Fire Load Potential conditions (75% of an average year) corresponded with 24% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 30% of the largest cluster. In contrast, extreme Fire Load Potential conditions (1% of an average year) corresponded with 30% of the hotspot clusters, which had an average size of 58% of the maximum. Both Fire Occurrence Potential and Fire Load Potential calibrations were successfully validated with data from 2001. This study showed that when ground measurements are not available, fire statistics derived from satellite fire detection archives can be reliably used for calibration. More importantly, as a result of this work, Malaysia and Indonesia have two new sources of information to initiate fire prevention and suppression activities.  相似文献   

稠油火驱开采技术节能减排效果分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
火驱作为稠油热采的有效接替技术,与注蒸汽开采技术相比,具有采收率高,能耗低,CO_2排放少的优势。文章从火驱驱油机理特征阐述了火驱与注蒸汽技术的不同点,从燃料开采能耗、热效率、注入剂资源、数据对比四个方面分析火驱比注蒸汽热效率高,无燃料开采成本,能耗是注蒸汽的50%;从CO_2气体排放方式和排放量对比可知,火驱能够减少温室气体排放,为油田节能减排、环保生产起到积极作用。  相似文献   

Fire management planning for wildlands traditionally uses fire behavior estimated on the basis of worst-case weather at a specific site, but more realistic estimates can be obtained by considering the entire distribution of possible sites and weather conditions. Probability distributions of four widely used fire behavior variables were derived for four test cases in the Northern Rockies and Northern Intermountain Zone. The variables were rate of spread, fireline intensity, fire perimeter length-to-width ratio, and scorch height. Results were depicted in simple line graphs, three-dimensional pin graphs, and tables; they ranged from the cumulative probability of one variable to joint probabilities of four variables. Increasing the number of variables depicted increased the amount and scope of information available. Examples of interpreting the graphs and tables show how these techniques can be used in long-term fire program planning, fire suppression, management of various resources affected by fire, and interdisciplinary resource planning.  相似文献   

Federal land managers in the western United States are interested in the potential of prescribed fire as a tool to decrease fuel loads, increase vegetational heterogeneity, and increase faunal diversity in various ecosystems. I tested whether implementation of a prescribed fire program by the US Forest Service in a watershed in the central Great Basin had significant effects on butterfly species richness and composition. I monitored butterfly communities during the first two years after implementation in five to seven burn units and controls in the watershed. To estimate baseline spatial and temporal variation in butterfly communities in the greater ecosystem, I also monitored butterflies in five untreated canyons outside the project area. Butterfly species richness and butterfly species composition (measured as community similarity) did not differ significantly between burn units and controls. Geographic location had statistically significant effects on species richness. Butterfly species composition of individual locations varied over time, as did the magnitude of that variation. These results emphasize that standardized, repeatable monitoring protocols are vital for evaluating the effects of experimental management treatments and for predicting and assessing the effects of future management strategies and environmental changes.  相似文献   

Fire Management of California Shrubland Landscapes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

We evaluated a simple bioassessment method based on a priori river typology to predict benthic macroinvertebrate fauna in riffle sites of rivers in the absence of human influence. Our approach predicted taxon lists specific to four river types differing in catchment area with a method analogous to the site-specific RIVPACS-type models. The reference sites grouped in accordance with their type in NMS ordination, indicating that the typology efficiently accounted for natural variation in macroinvertebrate assemblages. Compared with a null model, typology greatly increased the precision of prediction and sensitivity to detect human impairment and strengthened the correlation of the ratio of observed-to-expected number of predicted taxa (O/E) with the measured stressor variables. The performance of the typology-based approach was equal to that of a RIVPACS-type predictive model that we developed. Exclusion of rarest taxa with low occurrence probabilities improved the performance of both approaches by all criteria. With an increasing inclusion threshold of occurrence probability, especially the predictive model sensitivity first increased but then decreased. Many common taxa with intermediate type-specific occurrence probabilities were consistently missing from impacted sites, a result suggesting that these taxa may be especially important in detecting human disturbances. We conclude that if a typology-based approach such as that suggested by the European Union’s Water Framework Directive is required, the O/E ratio of type-specific taxa can be a useful metric for assessment of the status of riffle macroinvertebrate communities. Successful application of the approach, however, requires biologically meaningful river types with a sufficient pool of reference sites for each type.  相似文献   

高校消防管理的现状和对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校属消防安全重点单位。为有效地防止火灾事故的发生,本文围绕建立一整套消防管理的体系,从四方面展开系统阐述,有很强的操作性,对高校防火工作具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

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