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The model of random population dynamics in a sampling site returns geometric distribution of longevities of continuous presence (=persistence) and Poisson distribution of the presence–absence transitions. This discrete-time stochastic process describes the presence–absence pattern observed in the beetles surveyed 6 years on Mount Carmel, Israel. Homogeneous pools of species mostly on the Families rank, exhibit the predicted by the model patterns. Conformity to an ergodic hypothesis is the criterion of ecological homogeneity. This criterion assumes the equivalence of short-term behavior of entire pool and long-term behavior of any species from this pool. The pool of all 801 species of Order Coleoptera does not match the model. Thus a taxon of an arbitrary rank may not be considered a priory as a unit of ecological study. Determined from field data parameters of the model are biased and magnitude of the bias depends on longevity of the survey. Parameter of distribution depends also on species tolerance, which is the level adaptation of given species to given environment in given time interval. Random process of species turnover may be considered as a game of species to gain their presence against deteriorative fluctuations of environmental conditions.  相似文献   

非稳态条件下藻类种间非生物资源竞争理论及研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金相灿  杨苏文  姜霞 《生态环境》2007,16(2):632-638
从理论及实验研究的角度论述了藻类非稳态种间资源竞争研究进展。实验室内稳态条件下的竞争理论得到了大量实验验证,由于自然水体处于非稳状态,非稳态条件下藻类种间资源竞争日益成为藻类水华形成机制研究的重点。主要理论包括Tilman的R*法则和资源比假说,Grover的拾遗者-机会主义者交替竞争假说(VIS),中度干扰假说(IDH)及关键光强(CLIH)假说。这些假说的提出丰富了藻类资源竞争的理论体系,为研究自然状态下藻类增殖和竞争行为奠定理论基础。今后的藻类种间资源竞争的研究重点为非稳态下物理条件变化以及物理、化学和生物资源共同变化下藻类种间关系及生物多样性的研究。  相似文献   

In temperate climates groundwater can have a profound effect on vegetation, because it strongly influences the spatio-temporal distribution of soil moisture in the rootzone and therefore the occurrence of water and oxygen stress of vegetation. This article focuses on vegetation and groundwater dynamics along a hill slope by developing and evaluating a fully coupled hydrological-vegetation model for a temperate forest ecosystem. The vegetation model is described in part 1 of this series of two papers. To simulate the hydrology an extended version of the saturated-unsaturated hydrological model STARWARS has been used. The coupled model is used to investigate both the short and long-term dynamics for a system of two species. Both compete for light and water where one is adapted to wet conditions and the other to dry conditions. The daily dynamics show that the influence of groundwater is particularly strong in spring when waterlogging occurs due to decreased evapotranspiration in winter. Long simulation runs of 1000 years were performed to study the equilibrium state for the two species. Comparison of simulation results with observations of groundwater depth and vegetation types along a dry-wet gradient in a natural forest shows that a reductionist approach is able to capture these patterns well. Sensitivity analysis shows that the border between wet- and dry-adapted species moves upslope with increased rainfall, decreased slope angle and decreased aquifer thickness. These results are similar to previous findings which were based on global maximization of ecosystem evaporation or minimizing ecosystem stress. Comparison of runs with a fixed and a dynamic groundwater table shows that a dynamic groundwater table facilitates a wider transition zone between vegetation types along the hill slope. In this transition the biomass of vegetation is higher in the case of a dynamic groundwater than in case of a static groundwater table. This underlines the importance of incorporating spatial groundwater dynamics in models of groundwater influenced ecosystems.  相似文献   

Due to mounting human pressure, stakeholders in northern Thailand are facing crucial natural resources management (NRM) issues. Among others, the impact of upstream irrigation management on downstream agricultural viability is a growing source of conflict, which often has both biophysical and social origins. As multiple rural stakeholders are involved, appropriate solutions should only emerge from negotiation. CATCHSCAPE is a Multi-Agent System (MAS) that enables us to simulate the whole catchment features as well as farmer’s individual decisions. The biophysical modules simulate the hydrological system with its distributed water balance, irrigation scheme management and crop and vegetation dynamics. The social dynamics are described as a set of resource management processes (water, land, cash, labour force). Water management is described according to the actual different levels of control (individual, scheme and catchment). Moreover, the model’s architecture is presented in a way that emphasises the transparency of the rules and methods implemented. Finally, one simulated scenario is described along with its main results, according to different viewpoints (economy, landscape, water management).  相似文献   

Vegetation management in shallow groundwater table environments requires an understanding of the interactions between the physical and biological factors that determine root-zone soil salinization and moisture. In this study, the effects of groundwater depth and flood irrigation strategies on water and salt dynamics and reed water use were analyzed in the shallow groundwater region of the Yellow River Delta in China using the HYDRUS-1D model. The results indicated that there is a conflict between water, salt stress, and reed water use with variations in groundwater depth. A water table depth of 3.5 m is the minimum limit to maintain a safe level of soil salinity, but at this depth, the environmental stress on reeds is worsened by the decrease in soil water storage. Maintaining the flood pulses on the wetland, especially during May, may be critical for restoring the reed wetland in the Yellow River Delta.  相似文献   

Summary We used field surveys, field experiments and experiments in artificial pools to study the effects of variation in sex ratio and density on mating dynamics of a stream water strider, Aquarius remigis. Our field survey documented the existence of hot spots, sites of higher than average total gerrid density, a male-biased sex ratio, and higher than average female mating activity. Female gerrids frequently changed sites, usually moving upstream, perhaps to spread their eggs among many sites. Male gerrids showed two movement strategies: some males frequently changed sites, while other males were stationary at hot spots. Surprisingly, smaller males tended to be stationary at hot spots. A field manipulation of the availability of refuges for females to avoid harassment by males supported the notion that males prefer hot spots because they are sites where a scarcity of refuge for females makes it relatively easy for males to intercept females. Experiments in plastic pools compared sites with 20 males: 5 females (simulating hot spots) to pools with 5 males: 5 females. The rate of male harassment of females was higher in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools. In response to increased male harassment, females reduced their activity on the water and increased their time spent out of the water and thus unable to forage. Males showed a large male mating advantage (LMMA) in 5:5 pools, but, surprisingly, not in 20: 5 pools. This pattern can explain the field observation that small males prefer hot spots. A behavioral mechanism that can explain the LMMA is as follows. Mating occurs when males overcome female resistance. Larger males have a mating advantage over smaller males if females resist heavily. Increased harassment (e.g., in 20:5 pools as compared to 5:5 pools) might result in reduced female resistance to males and thus a reduced LMMA. Females also showed some non-random mating by size that might reflect an interplay between male preference for large females and the avoidance of males by large females. Correspondence to: A. Sih  相似文献   

Many efforts are underway to produce broad-scale forest attribute maps by modelling forest class and structure variables collected in forest inventories as functions of satellite-based and biophysical information. Typically, variants of classification and regression trees implemented in Rulequest's© See5 and Cubist (for binary and continuous responses, respectively) are the tools of choice in many of these applications. These tools are widely used in large remote sensing applications, but are not easily interpretable, do not have ties with survey estimation methods, and use proprietary unpublished algorithms. Consequently, three alternative modelling techniques were compared for mapping presence and basal area of 13 species located in the mountain ranges of Utah, USA. The modelling techniques compared included the widely used See5/Cubist, generalized additive models (GAMs), and stochastic gradient boosting (SGB). Model performance was evaluated using independent test data sets. Evaluation criteria for mapping species presence included specificity, sensitivity, Kappa, and area under the curve (AUC). Evaluation criteria for the continuous basal area variables included correlation and relative mean squared error. For predicting species presence (setting thresholds to maximize Kappa), SGB had higher values for the majority of the species for specificity and Kappa, while GAMs had higher values for the majority of the species for sensitivity. In evaluating resultant AUC values, GAM and/or SGB models had significantly better results than the See5 models where significant differences could be detected between models. For nine out of 13 species, basal area prediction results for all modelling techniques were poor (correlations less than 0.5 and relative mean squared errors greater than 0.8), but SGB provided the most stable predictions in these instances. SGB and Cubist performed equally well for modelling basal area for three species with moderate prediction success, while all three modelling tools produced comparably good predictions (correlation of 0.68 and relative mean squared error of 0.56) for one species.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2006,190(1-2):116-132
Over a period of 5 years, the agro-ecosystem model Opus was used to simulate soil water and nitrogen balance as well as crop growth for three experimental field plots. At these plots, different agricultural management practices were applied. The data set obtained from these plots consists of automatically recorded time series of daily volumetric soil water contents measured by TRIME-probes as well as daily pressure heads measured by tensiometer. Aboveground total biomass, yield, nitrogen-uptake by crops as well as nitrate contents in the soil were measured at 6–10 sample times per year. The objective of this study was an evaluation of the accuracy of Opus regarding the simulation of crop growth, soil water and nitrogen balance. The simulations of soil water contents and pressure heads correspond with the commonly measured trends in soil depths shallower than 60 cm. In depths deeper than 60 cm, some differences between measured and simulated soil water contents as well as pressure heads could be observed. Nitrate contents in the root zone and the aboveground total biomass were simulated satisfactorily. In contrast to that, simulated and observed yields show greater discrepancies. This indicates the need of a site specific calibration of crop growth parameters within the Opus model.  相似文献   

● A novel VMD-IGOA-LSTM model has proposed for the prediction of water quality. ● Improved model quickly converges to the global optimal fitness and remains stable. ● The prediction accuracy of water quality parameters is significantly improved. Water quality prediction is vital for solving water pollution and protecting the water environment. In terms of the characteristics of nonlinearity, instability, and randomness of water quality parameters, a short-term water quality prediction model was proposed based on variational mode decomposition (VMD) and improved grasshopper optimization algorithm (IGOA), so as to optimize long short-term memory neural network (LSTM). First, VMD was adopted to decompose the water quality data into a series of relatively stable components, with the aim to reduce the instability of the original data and increase the predictability, then each component was input into the IGOA-LSTM model for prediction. Finally, each component was added to obtain the predicted values. In this study, the monitoring data from Dayangzhou Station and Shengmi Station of the Ganjiang River was used for training and prediction. The experimental results showed that the prediction accuracy of the VMD-IGOA-LSTM model proposed was higher than that of the integrated model of Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition (EEMD), the integrated model of Complete Ensemble Empirical Mode Decomposition with Adaptive Noise (CEEMDAN), Nonlinear Autoregressive Network with Exogenous Inputs (NARX), Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), as well as other models, showing better performance in short-term prediction. The current study will provide a reliable solution for water quality prediction studies in other areas.  相似文献   

根-土界面水分再分配研究对于干旱、半干旱地区退化植被的恢复与重建具有重要意义,同时也是国际植物生理生态学和生态水文学界十分关注的研究领域之一.为了探明科尔沁沙地优势乔木树种樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var.mongolica)、小叶杨(Populus simonii Carr.)、榆树(Ulmus pumila)是否具有根-土界面水分再分配的现象,我们利用时域反射仪(TDR)每隔2 h连续测定植株根际土壤水分,同时应用干沙瓶分根法对3种乔木根-土界面水分再分配作了测定,结果表明:三种常见乔木树种樟子松、小叶杨、榆树均具有根-土界面水分再分配的潜力;并且榆树的水分再分配能力较樟子松和小叶杨强;三种常见乔木根-土界面水分再分配现象一般发生在14:00之后,而分配水量最大的时间多是出现在次日凌晨4:00左右,即4:00-14:00为植物的蒸腾耗水时段,而14:00至次日4:00为植物的水分再分配时段.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional hydrodynamic and water quality model was applied to Lake Paldang, a lake in South Korea that is stratified by incoming flows. The spatial and temporal patterns of phytoplankton growth in this lake were determined from the model. The model was calibrated and verified using data measured under different hydrological conditions. The model results were in reasonable agreement with the field measurements, in both the calibration and verification phases. The distributions of water quality and residence time in the lake and phytoplankton response to changes in nutrient loads were examined with the model, and the influence of the hydrodynamics on phytoplankton response was analyzed. The simulation results indicated that Lake Paldang is an essentially phosphorus-limited system, but that phytoplankton growth is limited by low water temperature and short residence time during the winter and the summer monsoon period, respectively. The results of sensitivity analyses also suggested that the hydrodynamics within the lake may have an indirect influence on phytoplankton responses to changes in the limiting nutrient loads, and that reducing phosphorus loading from Kyoungan Stream should be a high priority policy for controlling algal blooms during the pre- and post-monsoon periods. From this study, it was concluded that the three-dimensional water quality model incorporating hydrodynamic processes could successfully simulate phytoplankton response to changes in nutrient loads and that it could become a useful tool for identifying the essential factors determining phytoplankton growth and for developing the best management policy for algal blooms in Lake Paldang.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial bloom events in South Taihu Lake cause serious water quality problems and disturb aesthetic view of lake’s environment. In this study, correlations between cyanobacterial blooms and hydro-meteorological factors, including water quality, temperature and precipitation were investigated. Results demonstrated that South Taihu Lake was heavily affected by cyanobacteria and the proliferation of cyanobacteria due to variations in hydro-meteorological factors and water quality conditions. Water quality parameters, including COD, NH3-N, TN and TP improved significantly since 2008 even at an elevated cyanobacterial bloom situation. Correlation analyses have shown that the development of cyanobacterial density and chlorophyll a concentration was sensitive to a wider temperature variation. The optimum temperature for cyanobacteria was 20°C, while extremely low and high temperatures were found to suppress their growth. Moreover, unusual rainfall patterns were measured during the study period (2003–2009), which showed an adverse impact on cyanobacterial development. Findings from this study suggested that seasonal lake’s water quality monitoring; suitable treatment of cyanobacterial blooms and strict policy implementation can solve the water quality issues in highly eutrophic lakes like Taihu.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)由于具有致癌性、致畸性和致突变效应的"三致性",近年来已经越来越受到人们的关注.本文综合分析了有机氯农药(OCPs)、多氯联苯(PCBs)、二英类(PCDD/Fs)、多环芳烃(PAHs)及多溴联苯醚(PBDEs)等几种典型土壤持久性有机污染物的空间分布特征.同时,对土壤POPs的挥发作用、吸附/解吸、迁移、生物降解、化学降解等环境行为进行了深入分析,并指出了这些环境行为的影响因素,包括POPs的物质属性、土壤理化性质及周围环境等共性影响因素及其它因素.此外,针对国内外研究现状中存在的问题,提出了相关建议,指出控制土壤POPs污染的根本手段在于管理措施的完善.  相似文献   

Recent calls for the development of ecosystem-based fisheries management compel the development of resource management tools and linkages between existing fisheries management tools and other resource tools to enable assessment and management of multiple impacts on fisheries resources. In this paper, we describe the use of the Chesapeake Bay Fisheries Ecosystem Model (CBFEM), developed using the Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) software, and the Chesapeake Bay Water Quality Model (WQM) to demonstrate how linkages between available modeling tools can be used to inform ecosystem-based natural resource management. The CBFEM was developed to provide strategic ecosystem information in support of fisheries management. The WQM was developed to assess impacts on water quality. The CBFEM was indirectly coupled with the WQM to assess the effects of water quality and submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) on blue crabs. The output from two WQM scenarios (1985-1994), a baseline scenario representing actual nutrient inputs and another with reduced inputs based on a tributary management strategy, was incorporated into the CBFEM. The results suggested that blue crab biomass could be enhanced under management strategies (reduced nutrient input) when the effective search rate of blue crab young-of-the-year's (YOY's) predators or the vulnerability of blue crab YOY to its predators was adjusted by SAV. Such model linkages are important for incorporating physical and biological components of ecosystems in order to explore ecosystem-based fisheries management options.  相似文献   

A grazing experiment was started in 1984 and 1989 respectively, in two parts of a dune grassland in the nature reserve ‘Zwanenwater’, North Holland; a third part with similar geology and topography was used as a control area and not grazed. An evaluation of the effects of grazing on vegetation patterns, species composition, vegetation structure and humus form was made with the help of vegetation maps from 1986 and 1992 as well as field surveys. Dense tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria increased over the period 1986–1992 in the grazed areas, and especially in the non-grazed area (increase in area to 20 %, 22 % and 50 %, respectively). Open communities decreased in the grazed areas, but are still prevalent, while in the ungrazed area they virtually disappeared, with the result that the present percentage areas are 53 %, 38 % and 17 %. Field survey data were classified by TWINSPAN producing four vegetation types. These occur more or less equally in grazed and ungrazed areas, albeit with different percentage areas: (1) open vegetation dominated byCorynephorus canescens; (2) open vegetation characterized byKoeleria macrantha; (3) heathland dominated byEmpetrum nigrum; and (4) tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria. Within a vegetation type, species composition was only marginally affected by grazing regime. Within the open communities the number of species, vegetation height, vegetation cover and soil organic horizons were not affected by grazing. In the tall-grass communities the number of species was significantly larger and the height of the vegetation significantly lower in the area grazed since 1984. In the heathland community the number of species and cover of the moss layer were significantly higher in the 1984 area and ectorganic and endorganic horizons significantly thicker in the ungrazed area. It is suggested that these effects are the result of an increased availability of light, but possibly also of a decreased stock of organic matter and nutrients, due to a decreased input of litter and accelerated rates of decomposition. Nomenclature: Van der Meijden et al. (1992) for phanerogams; Corley et al. (1981) for mosses; Grolle (1983) for hepatics.  相似文献   

A grazing experiment was started in 1984 and 1989 respectively, in two parts of a dune grassland in the nature reserve ‘Zwanenwater’, North Holland; a third part with similar geology and topography was used as a control area and not grazed. An evaluation of the effects of grazing on vegetation patterns, species composition, vegetation structure and humus form was made with the help of vegetation maps from 1986 and 1992 as well as field surveys. Dense tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria increased over the period 1986–1992 in the grazed areas, and especially in the non-grazed area (increase in area to 20%, 22% and 50%, respectively). Open communities decreased in the grazed areas, but are still prevalent, while in the ungrazed area they virtually disappeared, with the result that the present percentage areas are 53%, 38% and 17%. Field survey data were classified by TWINSPAN producing four vegetation types. These occur more or less equally in grazed and ungrazed areas, albeit with different percentage areas: (1) open vegetation dominated byCorynephorus canescens; (2) open vegetation characteized, byKoeleria macrantha; (3) heathland dominated byEmpetrum nigrum; and (4) tall-grass communities dominated byAmmophila arenaria. Within a vegetation type, species composition was only marginally affected by grazing regime. Within the open communities the number of species, vegetation height, vegetation cover and soil organic horizons were not affected by grazing. In the tall-grass communities the number of species was significantly larger and the height of the vegetation significantly lower in the area grazed since 1984. In the heathland community the number of species and cover of the moss layer were significantly higher in the 1984 area and ectorganic and endorganic horizons significantly thicker in the ungrazed area. It is suggested that these effects are the result of an increased availability of light, but possibly also of a decreased stock of organic matter and nutrients, due to a decreased input of litter and accelerated rates of decomposition.  相似文献   

In the last three decades the western stock of the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) has declined by more than 85%. Nutritional stress resulting in increased juvenile mortality is one of the leading hypotheses to account for this decline. Competition between Steller sea lions and the commercial groundfishery for walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) has been proposed as a mechanism underlying the nutritional stress. In order to examine the competition component of the nutritional stress hypothesis, we developed a bioenergetics-based model to project the population trends of Steller sea lions under various scenarios of continued groundfish harvest. Annual energy budgets were calculated for the Gulf of Alaska population of Steller sea lions, and compared with projected available energy from walleye pollock under a variety of harvest scenarios. Model simulations produced 50-year Steller sea lion population projections consistent with current trends, as well as with published projections for stable and increasing populations from stable age distribution life table models. Model simulations were unable to produce energy deficits sufficient to account for the decline in Steller sea lions, but do suggest areas where existing data need supplementing.  相似文献   

The source–pathway–receptor (SPR) approach to human exposure and risk assessment contains considerable uncertainty when using the refined modelling approaches to pollutant transport and dispersal, not least in how compounds of concern might be prioritised, proxy or indicator substances identified and the basic environmental and toxicological data collected. The impact of external environmental variables, urban systems and lifestyle is still poorly understood. This determines exposure of individuals and there are a number of methods being developed to provide more reliable spatial assessments. Within the human body, the dynamics of pollutants and effects on target organs from diffuse, transient sources of exposure sets ambitious challenges for traditional risk assessment approaches. Considerable potential exists in the application of, e.g. physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models. The reduction in uncertainties associated with the effects of contaminants on humans, transport and dynamics influencing exposure, implications of adult versus child exposure and lifestyle and the development of realistic toxicological and exposure data are all highlighted as urgent research needs. The potential to integrate environmental with toxicological models provides the next phase of research opportunity and should be used to drive empirical and model assessments.  相似文献   

In this paper we have proposed and analyzed a simple mathematical model consisting of four variables, viz., nutrient concentration, toxin producing phytoplankton (TPP), non-toxic phytoplankton (NTP), and toxin concentration. Limitation in the concentration of the extracellular nutrient has been incorporated as an environmental stress condition for the plankton population, and the liberation of toxic chemicals has been described by a monotonic function of extracellular nutrient. The model is analyzed and simulated to reproduce the experimental findings of Graneli and Johansson [Graneli, E., Johansson, N., 2003. Increase in the production of allelopathic Prymnesium parvum cells grown under N- or P-deficient conditions. Harmful Algae 2, 135–145]. The robustness of the numerical experiments are tested by a formal parameter sensitivity analysis. As the first theoretical model consistent with the experiment of Graneli and Johansson (2003), our results demonstrate that, when nutrient-deficient conditions are favorable for the TPP population to release toxic chemicals, the TPP species control the bloom of other phytoplankton species which are non-toxic. Consistent with the observations made by Graneli and Johansson (2003), our model overcomes the limitation of not incorporating the effect of nutrient-limited toxic production in several other models developed on plankton dynamics.  相似文献   

齐鑫  陈利顶  李琪  马岩  张心昱 《生态环境》2007,16(2):564-568
土地利用对土壤养分时空动态变化的影响,不仅影响到土壤中养分元素的利用效率,同时会影响到养分流失的危险性和区域非点源污染的形成。本文通过野外采样分析,按照不同时期对官厅水库上游延庆盆地内的玉米地、蔬菜地、果园、其他经济类用地的土壤全氮含量进行了测定;分析了不同农业用地影响下土壤氮素的季节动态变化特征和土壤垂直剖面变化。结果发现:(1)0~40cm是玉米地养分活跃层;蔬菜地的养分含量在0~10cm土层变化最剧烈;果园整个剖面上养分变化均较剧烈;其它经济用地在25~40cm土层养分变化较大;(2)果园和蔬菜地是研究区内养分活动最活跃的土地利用方式,蔬菜地的表层养分流失风险性最高,对于地表水和地下水具有很高的潜在影响;果园在整个剖面上养分变化较大,其发生养分的淋溶流失的风险性最高;玉米和其他经济用地养分变化不大。研究结果建议,传统农业区在开展农业结构调整时,尤其是将传统的农作物种植改为蔬菜地和果园时,必须加强对农田生态系统研究,实施严格的科学管理,提高养分的利用效率,降低对环境的影响。  相似文献   

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