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Studies were made of some carotenoids extracted from Axinella verrucosa (O. schmidt) (Porifera: Demospongiae), a species which occurs in the Gulf of Naples. -carotene, renieratene, isorenieratene, and an unknown isomer of renieratene have been isolated.  相似文献   

Genus-specific associations of marine sponges with group I crenarchaeotes   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sponges have rich and diverse associated microbial communities, which may have important functions in their metabolism. A survey of the archaeal communities of 23 poriferan species, focusing on the family Axinellidae, was conducted over the period 2002–2004 using 16S rDNA gene libraries created with archaeal-specific primers. The 28S rDNA sequences of the sponge hosts were also obtained. Of 23 species, 19 showed evidence of archaeal communities from group C1a (marine group I; Crenarchaeota), with three of these also showing evidence of Archaea from group E2 (marine group II; Euryarchaeota). Within the Crenarchaeota, two strongly supported sponge-specific clades were identified corresponding to the sponge family Axinellidae, and a novel sponge clade denoted clade C. These findings suggest that these archaea have evolved closely with their sponge hosts and are likely to play an important role in their metabolism.
Bradley HolmesEmail:

Symbiotic cyanobacteria are associated with marine sponges in three ways: the majority are free-living in the mesohyl; large aggregates occur in cyanocytes (specialized, vacuolated archeocytes); and few are present in digestive vacuoles. The cyanobacteria in Jaspis stellifera and Neofibularia irata are morphologically similar to those described in Mediterranean sponges, whereas those in Pericharax heteroraphis are different. The freeliving bacterial populations are morphologically similar, although the number of bacteria varies between the species. The fourth sponge Ircinia wistarii contains a mixed bacterial population unlike those in the other sponges. Sponge digestion of microbial associates is rare and not considered to contribute significant nutrients.  相似文献   

Extracts from marine sponges collected along the French coast of Mediterranean in 1983 have been tested for antibacterial and antifungal activities. The distribution of antimicrobial activities against five classes of microorganisms (5 Gram-positive and 5 Gram-negative terrestrial bacteria, 10 marine bacteria, 15 human pathogenic fungi and 5 phytopathogenic fungi) among 28 species of marine demosponges is reported. Antibacterial activity against Gram-positive bacteria (77%) is much more frequent than against Gram-negative bacteria (53%). Activity against marine bacteria and yeast is less frequent (32%). Those sponges which contain a large quantily of symbiotic bacteria display a weak antifungal activity.  相似文献   

A study was made of the ultrastructure and pigment composition of filamentous cyanophytes living in symbiosis with several sponges and a colonial didemnid ascidian collected from the southern end of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, between 1983 and 1986. The sponges were Dysidea herbacea Keller and several other encrusting sponges which have not been identified; the ascidian was Trididemnum miniatum Kott (1977). The cyanophyte Oscillatoria spongeliae (Shultz) Hauck was identified as the symbiont of several of the sponges, including D. herbacea. Two other unidentified Oscillatoria species were found in a bristly papillate sponge and in T. miniatum. Chlorophyll a, alone, was present in all the symbionts with the exception of T. miniatum, which contained the cosymbiont Prochloron and where chlorophyll b was also present. Two phycoerythrins were isolated by chromatography and chromatofocusing. Both resembled C-phycoerythrin, but one of the two carried the chromophore phycourobilin as well as phycoerythrobilin possibly on both the and subunits, which had apparent molecular masses of 18 and 20 kdaltons. No subunit was present. Ultrastructurally, the three Oscillatoria species were distinguished by an unusual type of parallel, longitudinal, thylakoid organisation; the arrangement was different in detail in each species.  相似文献   

The green alga Botryococcus protuberans was isolated from its natural environment and its morphology under different cultural conditions was examined. The alga was characterized by a high starch content and reddish oil drops as the assimilatory products. Photosynthetic pigments, Chl a, Chl b, carotenoids and xanthophylls are present. Modification of environmental conditions in modified Chu-10 medium resulted in optimum growth of the alga. Fatty acid composition revealed palmitic acid being the major component, while lauric acid, myristic acid and stearic acid were found in less quantity.  相似文献   

Ecologists increasingly use network theory to examine animal association patterns. The gambit of the group (GoG) is a simple and useful assumption for accumulating the data necessary for a network analysis. The gambit of the group implies that each animal in a group is associating with every other individual in that group. Sampling is an important issue for networks in wild populations collected assuming GoG. Due to time, effort, and resource constraints and the difficulty of tracking animals, sampled data are usually a subset of the actual network. Ecologists often use association indexes to calculate the frequency of associations between individuals. These indexes are often transformed by applying a filter to produce a binary network. We explore GoG sampling using model networks. We examine assortment at the level of the group by a single dichotomous trait, along with many other network measures, to examine the effect of different sampling regimes, and choice of filter on the accuracy and precision with which measures are estimated. We find strong support for the use of weighted, rather than filtered, network measures and show that different filters have different effects depending on the nature of the sampling. We make several practical recommendations for ecologists planning GoG sampling.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycles of two closely related calcareous sponges, Clathrina coriacea (Montagu, 1818) and C. blanca (Miklucho-Maclay, 1868), were studied to determine whether they were reproductively isolated. Populations of both species were sampled at Santa Catalina Island, California, USA, for 2.5 years. The reproductive period is from July to October in C. coriacea, and from April to August in C. blanca. Seawater temperature and habitat influence reproduction in both species. Fragmentation occurs in C. coriacea in the summer, while asexual reproduction by means of budding is seen in C. blanca throughout the year. The results of the study confirm that the two sponges are separate species.  相似文献   

Consistent individual variation in behaviour has been termed ‘animal personality’ and has been identified across a range of behavioural contexts including aggression, boldness in response to a threatening stimulus and exploration. When behaviours are correlated across multiple functional behavioural categories or ‘contexts’, ‘behavioural syndromes’ are said to be present. It is possible, however, that behavioural syndromes may also show consistencies. Here we investigated the presence of behavioural syndromes linking startle responses, exploration and aggression in hermit crabs and assessed their stability across two situations (low versus high predation risk). Correlation analyses detected behavioural syndromes between startle responses, a measure of ‘boldness’, and the latency to investigate a novel object, as well as the latency to attack an opponent in an aggressive context. The startle response–investigation and startle response–aggression syndromes were stable between situations, whilst there was a lack of relationship between investigation and aggression in each situation. Here we propose that these consistent individual differences in the expression of behavioural syndromes reveal the presence of animal personality, manifesting in not just one, but a suite of interacting traits.  相似文献   

Sponges of warm- and temperate- but also cold-waters are known to synthesize structurally diverse primary and secondary metabolites. These compounds fulfill a variety of functions including adaptations of the cell membranes to environmental conditions. We show here that boreal sponges of the order Halichondrida are rich sources of brominated lipid fatty acids. The comparison of lipid compositions of halichondrid Demospongiae from boreal and warmer waters indicates an accumulation of brominated fatty acids in sponges from colder settings. Moreover, the spatial distribution of brominated fatty acids in the sponge tissue of one widely distributed sponge of the North-East Atlantic (Phakellia ventilabrum) hints to a function related to membrane fluidity and permeability rather than to defense against predation. However, brominated fatty acids are diagnostic for the presence of bromoperoxidases in sponges and may therefore be potentially useful as markers in a chemical screening for secondary metabolites of pharmacological interest.  相似文献   

Three new cases of sponge symbiosis between species of Plakortis and Xestospongia were found in reef caves and mesophotic reef habitats of the Caribbean. Plakortis sp. 1 from the Bahamas associates exclusively with Xestospongia deweerdtae which was originally described living freely on the deep fore-reef and caves of Jamaica. In addition, we found Plakortis sp. 2 from Puerto Rico which associates with both X. deweerdtae and a different Xestospongia sp. Sponge specimens were identified using cytochrome oxidase subunit 1, 28S rRNA and 18S rRNA gene sequence fragments, spicule analysis, and histological sections with SEM. Unlike previous sponge pairs, Xestospongia spp. not only grew as a thin veneer of tissue over the Plakortis host sponge but through the mesohyl, forming inner channels (0.1–1 cm) that may provide a benefit by facilitating more efficient water transport through the dense Plakortis tissue. Symbioses with both Plakortis spp. were documented from an early recruit stage through adulthood. Spicule measurements conducted on symbiotic versus free-living X. deweerdtae revealed significantly smaller spicule sizes for symbiotic individuals, suggesting a cost in terms of silicon availability, or a benefit in terms of a lower investment in skeleton synthesis for support. This study reveals new specialized symbiotic associations between distantly related sponge genera that likely represent an alternative strategy of adaptation for life in reef caves and mesophotic reefs.  相似文献   

The hexactinellid sponge Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni propagates electrical signals to arrest its feeding current in response to mechanical stimuli and sediment. The deepwater habitat of other species of glass sponge, and the difficulty of working with the tissue in vitro have so far prevented confirmation of electrical signaling in other members of the Class. Here we show in laboratory experiments (ex situ) that mechanical and sediment stimuli trigger immediate arrest in R. dawsoni and in a second species of hexactinellid, Aphrocallistes vastus, suggesting that rapid signaling may be a general feature of glass sponge tissue. Further, responses of the two species differed, suggestive of underlying physiological differences in the conduction system. R. dawsoni and A. vastus were sensitive to sediment but arrests were often prolonged in R. dawsoni, whereas in A. vastus pumping resumed immediately following each arrest. Fine sediment (<25 μm) caused immediate arrests in R. dawsoni and A. vastus, but with a higher stimulus threshold in A. vastus. Large amounts of sediment triggered repeated arrests in both species, and prolonged exposure to sediment (over 4 h) caused a gradual reduction in pumping, with recovery taking up to 25 h. During recovery, both species of sponge carried out repeated arrests, which had a precise periodicity indicative of pacemaker activity. Scanning electron microscopy of the tissue of these specimens showed many chambers were clogged. The results suggest that the glass sponge conduction system generates arrest of the feeding current that prevent uptake of small amounts of sediment, and that each species has different threshold sensitivities. However, ongoing exposure to sediment can clog the filtration apparatus.  相似文献   

The pilchards (genus Sardinops), one of the major components of the world's harvest of fishes, is distributed sporadically in the temperate zone on a global scale. Mitochondrial DNA variation in 95 pilchards from nine worldwide localities in five current systems was examined using ten restriction enzymes. Although several opinions have been proposed on the global population structure of the genus Sardinops, our results clearly rejected the hypothesis of gene flow among geographically distant populations on a global scale. Results indicate that the Japanese pilchards and the Australian and South African pilchards were derived from the eastern Pacific populations, following the speciation of Sardinops in the Pacific, after the formation of the Isthmus of Panama. An intermixing of the northeastern and southeastern Pacific populations during the Pleistocene glacial maxima is suggested from their genetic affinities.  相似文献   

It is predicted that climate change will drive extinctions of some reptiles and that the number of these extinctions will depend on whether reptiles are able to change their distribution. Whether the latitudinal distribution of reptiles may change in response to increases in temperature is unknown. We used data on reptile distributions collected during the 20th century to analyze whether changes in the distributions of reptiles in Spain are associated with increases in temperature. We controlled for biases in sampling effort and found a mean, statistically significant, northward shift of the northern extent of reptile distributions of about 15.2 km from 1940-1975 to 1991-2005. The southern extent of the distributions did not change significantly. Thus, our results suggest that the latitudinal distributions of reptiles may be changing in response to climate change.  相似文献   

The life-history traits of long-lived benthic littoral invertebrates remain poorly understood. In this study, we analysed patterns of growth in three abundant sublittoral sponges from the western Mediterranean Sea, chosen for their close phylogenetic relatedness, sympatric distribution, and contrasting amounts of photosymbionts: high in Ircinia fasciculata, lower in I. variabilis, and absent in I. oros. Sponge area, perimeter, number of oscula, and epibiont abundance were quantified from in situ digital images taken monthly for 1.5 years and volumetric growth rates were calculated from empirical area–volume relationships. Volumetric growth rates were different among species and coherent with the photosymbiont abundance: high in I. fasciculata (40.03 ± 4.81 % year?1, mean ± SE), low in I. variabilis (5.65 ± 6.11 % year?1), and almost nil in I. oros (?0.04 ± 3.02 % year?1). Furthermore, a marked seasonality was observed in the first two species, with greater growth during the warm season. The high growth rates of I. fasciculata were likely fuelled by symbiont-derived photosynthates and required to compete in the well-lit, algal-dominated habitats this species prefers. In contrast, I. variabilis and I. oros tended to dwell in shaded habitats, where competition from slow-growing invertebrates is intense, and featured lower growth rates. The flattened morphology and lower circularity of I. variabilis indicates a capacity for adaptation to any space that is freed, while I. oros had less oscula and was more massive and circular, suggesting a strategy of passive occupation and minimisation of biological interactions. The results show that even congeneric species living sympatrically can achieve important biomass using different growth and substrate occupation strategies.  相似文献   

Reproduction of meso- and bathypelagic chaetognaths, a major group of zooplankton and hermaphroditic animals, became clear after the microscopic examination of samples collected from the Pacific Subarctic Water. Species of the genus Eukrohnia carry their developing eggs in two marsupial sacs, one on each side, and the young are retained in these marsupia for at least some period after hatching. This is in line with a general trend for low fecundity, as care of the young increases. Almost all individuals are protandric, the testes maturing sooner than ovaries. These facts suggest that the reproduction of these species depends upon cross-fertilization.  相似文献   

Dinitrogen fixation associated with bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract of sea urchins appears to be a widespread phenomenon: sea urchins from the tropics (Diadema antillarum, Echinometra lacunter, Tripneustes ventricosus), the temperature zone (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) and the arctic (S. droebachiensis) exhibited nitrogenase activity (C2H2 reduction). Pronounced seasonal variation was found in nitrogenase activity of temperate sea urchins feeding on kelp (Laminaria spp.) and eelgrass (Zostera marina). The mean monthly nitrogenase activity was inversely correlated with the nitrogen content of the sea urchin's food, which varied up to fivefold over the course of a year. The highest rate of nitrogenase activity recorded for a temperate sea urchin during the 14 month sampling period was 11.6g N fixed g wet wt-1 d-1, with a yearly mean activity of 1.36 g N fixed g wet wt-1 d-1. Studies with 15N confirmed the C2H2 reduction results and showed incorporation of microbially-fixed nitrogen into S. droebachiensis demonstrating that N2 fixation can be a source of N for the sea urchin. Laboratory experiments indicated that part of the sea urchin's (S. droebachiensis) normal gastrointestinal microflora is responsible for the observed nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

During a repeat grid survey and drogue study carried out in the Lazarev Sea in the austral summer of 1994 to 1995, a sudden collapse of a rich population of the tunicate Salpa thompsoni was observed at the onset of a phytoplankton bloom. This may have been related to the inability of salps to regulate their filtration rate and avoid clogging of their filtering apparatus at particle concentrations ≥1 mg (chlorophyll a) m−3. It was at this stage that large numbers of salp individuals had their branchial cavities invaded by the copepod Rhincalanus gigas. Incubations, to compare the feeding rates of R.␣gigas in the presence and absence of salps, showed that copepods are able to utilize the high concentrations of microplankton accumulated in the food strand of the salp, thus enhancing their grazing efficiency. This is likely to represent a typical form of opportunistic parasitism. However, the timing of the invasion, and the observation that most salps could survive prolonged exposure to R. gigas invasion, suggest that the association may also constitute a novel type of symbiosis. S.␣thompsoni could potentially benefit from R. gigas cleaning its filtering apparatus when clogging due to high particle concentrations occurs. Received: 15 July 1996 / Accepted: 20 July 1996  相似文献   

The encrusting spongeHalisarca laxus forms a seemingly obligate association with the stalked solitary ascidianPyura spinifera. In 1991 we examined spatial variation and short-term temporal variation in this association at three neighbouring sites in southeastern Australia. This sponge dominated the surface of almost all the 500 individual ascidians examined, with mean cover usually exceeding 90%. This pattern was consistent among sites and throughout the year of the study. The domination of a small isolated patch of habitable substratum by a sponge is most unusual, given that they are regarded as relatively poor recruiters. To understand how this association might be maintained, we determined the underlying genotypic diversity of the sponge population using starch-gel electrophoresis.P. spinifera is a clump-forming ascidian and usually occurs in clumps of up to 22 individuals. Electrophoretic surveys, based on six variable allozyme loci, revealed that at a total of five plots within three neighbouring New South Wales populations, single sponge genotypes may cover entire ascidian clumps; although a clump sometimes played host to more than one sponge clone. Allele frequencies (averaged across four loci that appear to conform to Mendelian inheritance) showed little variation among populations (standardised genetic variance,F ST=0.013). Nevertheless, sponge populations were genotypically diverse, with samples from 63 of 172 individual clumps displaying unique clonal genotypes. Moreover, multi-locus genotypic diversity within all sites approached the level expected for sexual reproduction with random mating. Taken together, these data imply thatH. laxus produces sexually-derived larvae that are at least moderately widelly dispersed. Given the relatively small size of the patches that this sponge inhabits, we also conclude that these larvae are good colonists and good spatial competitors on their ascidian hosts.  相似文献   

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