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原废水培养基分离活性污泥中的苯酚降解细菌   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用未经处理的含酚焦化工业废水为基础配制培养基,采用平板涂布法,在10^-5稀释度下得到100个单菌落分离物.它们均能在以苯酚(500-800mg L^-1)为唯一碳源的无机盐培养基上生长,其16S rDNA基因的ARDBA多态性分析将这些分离物划分成4个分类操作单元(OTUs).各单元代表株的16S rRNA基因序列分析和检索结果表明,97个分离物与Alcaligenes faecalis同源性达99%,2个分离物分别与Arthrobacter nicotianae和Klebsiella sp.99%同源.另一个分离物与Ochrobactrum sp.96%同源.苯酚经化酶大亚基基因(LmPHs)PCR扩增表明,除类似Arthrobacter nicotianae的菌株外,其它3个分类操作单元的降酚菌都能利用多组分苯酚经化酶代谢途径进行酚代谢.图2表2参11  相似文献   

应用生物强化技术处理焦化废水难降解有机物   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过驯化富集培养,从处理 经废水的活性污泥中分离出2株萘降解菌WN1、WN2和1株吡啶降解菌WB1,研究了投加高效菌种及微生物共代谢对 经废水生物处理的增强作用,同时研究了高效菌种和共代谢初级基质组合协同作用的效果。结果表明,投加共代谢初级基质、Fe^3 和高效菌种均能促进难降解有机物的降解,提高焦化废水COD去除率,当3者协同作用时,效果最好。  相似文献   

活性污泥中细菌对邻苯二甲酸酯的降解及其途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用从活性污泥中分离到的菌种对邻苯二甲酸(PA)和邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMPE)进行好氧条件降解研究,检测了分离到的5种细菌降解邻苯二甲酸和邻苯二甲酸二甲酯的能力.结果表明,Comamonas acidovorans Fy-1在48h内将浓度高达2600mg/L的邻苯二甲酸完全矿化;两个细菌的组合(组合Ⅰ包括Pseudomonas fluorescens,P aureofacien 和Sphingomonas paucimobilis;组合Ⅱ包括S. paucimobilis和Xanthomonas maltophilia)能够在48~120h内将邻苯二甲酸二甲酯完全降解,产生的中间产物有邻苯二甲酸一甲酯和邻苯二甲酸.结果表明,邻苯二甲酸二甲酯的微生物降解需要有两种以上细菌才能完成.图4表1参14  相似文献   

郭栋生  袁小英 《环境化学》1999,18(6):552-556
利用植物毒性试验的方法,研究了不同光照条件下,焦化废水对黍和黄瓜种子发芽率,根长,根重,芽重的影响。结果表明,在光条件下用焦化废水对植物进行培养,其毒性较在黑暗培养明显增强,将焦化废水在同样的光照条件下进行预处理后,其荧光光谱发生变化。  相似文献   

焦化废水的微生物脱色   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在试验室条件下,分离出3株焦化废水脱色优势菌株,采用恒温连续进水的固定化生物膜系统,研究了焦化放心水中有代表性的难降解污染指标一色度的去除.tHR12h,系统出水色度平均由330倍降至65倍,去除率79.5%以上。  相似文献   

焦化废水生物膜样品和苯酚降解菌分离株基因盒的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用59-碱基(59be)保守序列和整合酶基因的引物进行PCR扩增,研究了焦化废水处理装置中微生物菌群的基因盒结构,并对两株分离的苯酚降解荫IS-17和IS-46的基因盒进行了扩增测序分析.从5个焦化废水生物膜总DNA样品中均获得了基因盒扩增产物.对IS-17和IS-46的基因盒PCR产物克隆建库并测序,通过序列比对等方法来研究和分析序列的功能.发现本研究获得的基因盒与已报道的基因盒存读码框序列、两端引物结合序列、间隔区大小等方面存在一些不同.本研究结果表明,在焦化废水生物膜菌群中普遍存在基因盒结构,采用基因盒PCR能够从环境或菌株中获取新基因.  相似文献   

采用液-液萃取辅以硅胶、氧化铝净化的方法,并结合GC/MS分析技术,系统分析了焦化废水中有机物的组成.在焦化废水中检测到15类558种有机物.根据有机物的分子结构、废水中的含量、毒性及环境效应,筛选出焦化废水中的特征性有机污染物,以区别于其它工业废水,可作为追溯环境中污染物来源的依据.经物理、生物和化学处理后,焦化废水中大部分有机物被去除,其中,对去除率的主要贡献是生物处理阶段.为了更好地考察生物处理阶段对有机污染物的去除特征,选定酚类、多环芳烃和喹啉类物质作为研究对象,分析了3类特征性污染物在A/O2工艺各单元中的去除状况及组成变化特征.  相似文献   

焦化废水污染指标的相关性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
焦化废水包含不同形态与化合态的化合物.废水中各类化合物在降解过程中的变化对污染风险的判断和水处理工艺的选择都有很大的影响.以74篇国内外有关焦化废水生物处理的文献作为统计背景值,结合课题组近10年的基础研究与工程实践,分析存在于焦化废水中污染指标之间的相互依赖关系,解析COD、TN、色度的构成,评价我国目前的执行标准在指导生产方面的合理性.研究结果发现,不同企业焦化废水的水质存在较大的差异,所有焦化厂普遍忽视TP、苯、PAHs、苯并(a)芘指标的监控,COD和油类的最终出水达标率仅为16.67%和28.57%.焦化废水原水中的硫氰化物、氟离子和色度的平均浓度分别为259.37、135.66 mg·L-1和713.75倍,检出率很高,建议作为控制性指标加以关注.在目前统计到的文献中,构成焦化废水COD的组分为:挥发酚(47.28%)、硫氰化物(19.48%)、硫化物(6.81%)、氰化物(2.41%)、油类和有机胺类等(24.02%);构成TN的组分为:氨氮(48.49%)、有机氮(35.89%)、硫氰化物(12.27%)、氰化物(2.35%)、硝态氮和亚硝态氮(1%);构成色度的主要组分有带显色基团的有机物、显色离子团和硫化物等.构成COD、TN、色度等3项指标的化合物几乎涵盖了焦化废水中的所有组分.综上所述,可将焦化废水指标归纳为COD类、TN类和色度等3大类,通过归一化管理实现简化的目标.  相似文献   

高压脉冲放电处理焦化废水的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
龙淼  李胜利  赵坤  杨怀远 《生态环境》2006,15(2):253-256
焦化废水中含有大量的氰化物,如直接排放将对环境产生很大的危害,本实验采用高压毫微秒脉冲产生的非平衡等离子体处理武钢焦化废水,分析了空气流量、SO2的质量浓度、放电时间等因素对实验的影响,放电之后发现当实验条件合适时,氰化物浓度可以降低90%以上,反应60min时则降低了93.93%以上。文章同时还探讨了放电等离子体去除氰化物反应机理。  相似文献   

焦化废水中溶解性有机物组分的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
焦化废水是典型的具有复杂有机质的工业废水,其复杂的有机构成制约了水处理的水质达标,且可能对排入水体构成危害.为了探明其溶解性有机物的组成,采用XAD-8大孔树脂将焦化废水中的溶解性有机物分为亲水性组分(HIS)、疏水酸性组分(HOA)、疏水碱性组分(HOB)和疏水中性组分(HON),分析了各组分的溶解性有机物(DOC)、紫外-可见光谱、色度,并采用GC/MS对各组分中有机物进行定性分析.结果表明,焦化废水中的有机物主要为HIS和HOA组分,其DOC含量分别占总DOC的44.3%和32.4%;焦化废水在200—250 nm和300—400 nm范围内有特征吸收峰,且吸收光强度顺序为HIS>HOA>HON>HOB;焦化废水的色度主要由HOA和HON构成,其在525 nm和436 nm处的吸光度分别占焦化废水吸光度的42.9%(HON)、42.1%(HON)和21.4%(HOA)、15.8%(HOA);焦化废水中亲水性物质主要是苯胺、苯酚、喹啉、异喹啉,疏水酸性物质中主要是各种甲基取代的酚类物质,疏水碱性物质主要是各种胺类和含氮杂环化合物,疏水中性物质主要是吲哚及其衍生物.  相似文献   

Wet air oxidation (WAO) is employed in this work for treating high concentration chemical wastewater containing phenol and/or phenolic compounds. Experimental results indicate that over 90% removal of phenol or phenolic compounds can be efficiently achieved in the WAO process. Despite of the high treatment efficiency of the WAO process, the treated wastewater, however, still retains relatively high chemical oxygen demand (COD) concentration and does not meet the safe discharge standard. Hence further treatment of the WAO treated wastewater by an aerobic biological treatment using acclimatized activated sludge is necessary. It is found in the present studies that the combined process, if appropriately operated, is capable of drastically reducing the COD concentration of the high concentration chemical wastewater to meet the safe discharge requirement. The operating conditions of the combined process are investigated to determine their respective effects on the overall treatment efficiency. The experimental data also indicate that the oxidation reaction can be represented by a first order kinetics in terms of the component or COD concentration. For both single component and multicomponent wastewaters, the WAO process was found to have different activation energy for oxidation below and above 200°C, suggesting possibly different reaction mechanisms between these temperature ranges. The experimental results provided in the present work can provide significant and practical information for optimizing the combined treatment method.  相似文献   

以接种驯化的活性污泥为生物强化手段,在小型生物泥浆反应器中,研究了受氯酚污染土壤的修复情况.考查了添加驯化活性污泥对土壤中氯酚降解的强化效果,并对土壤中邻氯苯酚(2-CP)、对氯苯酚(4-CP)和2,4-二氯酚(2,4-DCP)在单一污染体系中的降解情况进行了研究.结果表明,在生物泥浆反应器中添加用邻氯苯酚(2-CP)驯化的活性污泥可以明显地促进土壤泥浆中2-CP的降解,是一种有效的强化手段.该方法对土壤中的4-CP和2,4-DCP也有较好的降解效果,对三种氯酚的降解速率由大到小的顺序为2-CP,4-CP,2,4-DCP.反应结束时,泥浆体系中剩余的氯酚基本都残留在土壤中,固液分离后的水相可以直接排放或者在土壤修复过程中循环利用.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置的政策分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
岑超平  张德见  韩琪 《生态环境》2005,14(5):803-806
简要介绍了城市污水处理厂污泥处理处置技术,提出污泥产业发展政策的建议,指出土地利用是符合我国国情的污泥处置的方向之一:污泥处理技术主要有减量化、浓缩、脱水、消化、堆肥等;污泥处置技术主要有焚烧、填埋、土地利用、建材利用等。污泥处理处置应按照减量化、稳定化、无害化原则,鼓励污泥资源化综合利用。合理确定污水处理厂污泥处理处置设施的布局和设计规模;鼓励对污泥处理处置给与税、费优惠政策,明确将污泥处理处置的运营费用列入污水排污收费范围,建立科学的价格补偿机制;政府在污泥产业发展中起着较为重要的作用,主要体现为服务与监督,包括承诺、保障和协调三个方面。  相似文献   

研究了厌氧、缺氧和好氧状态下淀粉在城市污水生物处理系统中水相和泥相中吸附和降解的动力学参数,建立了淀粉在厌氧、缺氧、好氧状态下的降解动力学模型,并对模型预测的结果进行了验证.结果表明,Fritz-Schlunder模型可以较好地描述糖类在厌氧、缺氧和好氧污泥上的吸附过程,吸附的大分子糖类迅速水解为低一级的高分子物质和小分子物质;厌氧降解速率系数K厌、缺氧的降解速率系数K缺与好氧的降解速率常数的比值分别为0.40和0.64;所建立的动力学模型能较好的预测出水糖类的浓度(相对误差<10%).  相似文献   

药品及个人护理用品(pharmaceutical and personal care products,PPCPs)在污水中广泛检出,低浓度的PPCPs即可对生态环境和人体健康产生不利影响,污水处理厂出水排放是水环境PPCPs的重要源.活性污泥和生物膜工艺是目前最常用的污水生物处理工艺,这两种工艺涉及的生化过程复杂,影...  相似文献   

● Reduce the quantifying MPs time by using Nile red staining. ● The removal rate of MPs and PAEs in wastewater and sludge were investigated. ● MPs and PAEs were firstly analyzed during thermal hydrolysis treatment. ● The removal of PAEs from wastewater and sludge was mainly biodegradation. Microplastics (MPs) and plasticizers, such as phthalate esters (PAEs), were frequently detected in municipal wastewater treatment plants (MWTP). Previous research mainly studied the removal of MPs and PAEs in wastewater. However, the occurrence of MPs and PAEs in the sludge was generally ignored. To comprehensively investigate the occurrence and the migration behaviors of MPs and PAEs in MWTP, a series of representative parameters including the number, size, color, shape of MPs, and the concentrations of PAEs in wastewater and sludge were systematically investigated. In this study, the concentrations of MPs in the influent and effluent were 15.46±0.37 and 0.30±0.14 particles/L. The MP removal efficiency of 98.1% was achieved and about 73.8% of MPs were accumulated in the sludge in the MWTP. The numbers of MPs in the sludge before and after digestion were 4.40±0.14 and 0.31±0.01 particles/g (dry sludge), respectively. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) analysis showed that the main types of MPs were polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), and polystyrene (PS). Six PAEs, including phthalate (DMP), diethyl phthalate (DEP), diisobutyl phthalate (DIBP), ortho dibutyl phthalate (DBP), butyl benzyl phthalate (BBP), and bis(2-ethyl) hexyl phthalate (DEHP), were detected in the MWTP. The concentrations of total PAEs (ΣPAEs) in the influent and effluent were 76.66 and 6.28 µg/L, respectively. The concentrations of ΣPAEs in the sludge before and after digestion were 152.64 and 31.70 µg/g, respectively. In the process of thermal hydrolysis, the number and size of MPs decreased accompanied by the increase of the plasticizer concentration.  相似文献   

• Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased effluent quality and environmental benefits. • Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased energy consumption but not operating cost. • Retrofitting from CAS to MBR increased the net profit and cost efficiency. • The advantage of MBR is related to the adopted effluent standard. • The techno-economy of MBR improves with stricter effluent standards. While a growing number of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are being retrofitted from the conventional activated sludge (CAS) process to the membrane bioreactor (MBR) process, the debate on the techno-economy of MBR vs. CAS has continued and calls for a thorough assessment based on techno-economic valuation. In this study, we analyzed the operating data of 20 large-scale WWTPs (capacity≥10000 m3/d) and compared their techno-economy before and after the retrofitting from CAS to MBR. Through cost-benefit analysis, we evaluated the net profit by subtracting the operating cost from the environmental benefit (estimated by the shadow price of pollutant removal and water reclamation). After the retrofitting, the removal rate of pollutants increased (e.g., from 89.0% to 93.3% on average for NH3-N), the average energy consumption increased from 0.40 to 0.57 kWh/m3, but the operating cost did not increase significantly. The average marginal environmental benefit increased remarkably (from 0.47 to 0.66 CNY/g for NH3-N removal), leading to an increase in the average net profit from 19.4 to 24.4 CNY/m3. We further scored the technical efficiencies via data envelopment analysis based on non-radial directional distance functions. After the retrofitting, the relative cost efficiency increased from 0.70 to 0.73 (the theoretical maximum is 1), while the relative energy efficiency did not change significantly. The techno-economy is closely related to the effluent standard adopted, particularly when truncating the extra benefit of pollutant removal beyond the standard in economic modeling. The modeling results suggested that MBR is more profitable than CAS given stricter effluent standards.  相似文献   

One of the most common taste and odour compounds (TOCs) in drinking water is 2-methylisoborneol (2-MIB) which cannot be readily removed by conventional water treatments. Four bacterial strains for degrading 2-MIB were isolated from the surface of a biological activated carbon filter, and were characterized as Micrococcus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Brevibacterium spp. and Pseudomonas spp. based on 16S rRNA analysis. The removal efficiencies of 2-MIB with initial concentrations of 515 ng·L-1 were 98.4%, 96.3%, 95.0%, and 92.8% for Micrococcus spp., Flavobacterium spp., Brevibacterium spp. and Pseudomonas spp., respectively. These removal efficiencies were slightly higher than those with initial concentration at 4.2 mg·L-1 (86.1%, 84.4%, 86.7% and 86.0%, respectively). The kinetic model showed that biodegradation of 2-MIB at an initial dose of 4.2 mg·L-1 was a pseudo-first-order reaction, with rate constants of 0.287, 0.277, 0.281, and 0.294 d-1, respectively. These degraders decomposed 2-MIB to form 2-methylenebornane and 2-methyl-2-bornane as the products.  相似文献   

The present investigation was undertaken to assess the biodegradation of phenol by native bacteria strains isolated from coke oven processing wastewater. The strains were designated ESDSPB1, ESDSPB2 and ESDSPB3 and examined for colony morphology Gram stain characters and biochemical tests. Phenol degrading performance of all the strains was evaluated initially. One of the strains namely ESDSPB2 was found to be highly effective for the removal of phenol, which was used as sole carbon and energy source. From an initial concentration of 200 mg I(-1) it degraded to 79.84 +/- 1.23 mg l(-1). In turn the effect of temperature (20 to 45 degrees C), pH (5-10) and glucose concentration (0, 0.25 and 0.5%) on the rate of phenol degradation by that particular strain was investigated. Observations revealed that the rate of phenol biodegradation was significantly affected by pH, temperature of incubation and glucose concentration. The optimal conditions for phenol removal were found to be pH of 7 (84.63% removal), temperature, 30 degrees C (76.69% removal) and 0.25% supplemented glucose level (97.88% removal). The main significance of the study is the utilization of native bacterial strains from the waste water itself having potential of bioremediation.  相似文献   

废水处理生物出水中COD构成的解析——以焦化废水为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹臣  韦朝海  杨清玉  吴超飞  吴海珍  胡芸  任源  卢彬 《环境化学》2012,31(10):1494-1501
以焦化废水为例,采用连续过滤及化学分析的方法考察了悬浮组分、胶体组分及溶解组分对生物出水残余COD的贡献,并结合紫外-可见光谱和GC/MS图谱定性解析各形态组分的有机构成特征,构建了一种废水生物出水COD构成解析的评价方法.实验结果显示,焦化废水生物处理出水中悬浮态和胶体态组分对残余COD的贡献分别占COD总量的25.9%—46.3%和18.7%—44.4%,建议优先考虑采用混凝沉淀工艺去除约35.0%—45.0%的COD,使处理出水基本能够达标排放;溶解组分的COD占COD总量的24.6%—40.7%,其中4.3%—15.8%的COD由硫化物、硫氰化物等还原性物质贡献,其余部分主要由链状烃类、酯类及醇类等溶解有机组分贡献,建议采用氧化或吸附工艺进行处理,以满足更高的出水水质要求.  相似文献   

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