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Need and nestmates affect begging in tree swallows   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We conducted an experiment on nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) to examine predictions from signalling models for the evolution of conspicuous begging behaviour. Specifically, we examined the relationship between (1) nestling begging intensity and hunger, (2) begging intensity and parental provisioning and (3) begging intensity and nestmate condition. Forty broods of 9-day-old nestlings were removed from their nests for 1 h and assigned to one of the following three treatments: (1) all nestlings in the brood deprived of food (n = 13), (2) all nestlings in the brood fed (n = 11) or (3) half the nestlings in the brood deprived and half fed (n = 16). Videotapes before and after the treatments showed that begging intensity increased in broods in which all of the nestlings had been deprived and decreased in broods in which all of the nestlings had been fed. Deprived nestlings in the half-and-half treatment did not change their begging intensity in response to treatment, while fed nestlings in this treatment group showed a decrease in begging intensity. Parent tree swallows increased their feeding rate to deprived broods and decreased their rate to fed broods. Within broods, parents decreased their feeding rate to fed nestlings, but showed no significant change in feeding to deprived nestlings. Our results suggest that begging intensity is influenced by hunger and that parents appear to respond to variation in begging intensity. The begging of nestmates also appears to influence begging independently of need. These results are consistent with predictions derived from signalling models of begging. Received: 20 June 1997 / Accepted after revision: 19 January 1998  相似文献   

The begging display of nestling passerine birds has become a model for examining the evolution of animal signals. A particular problem for nestlings when transmitting begging signals to parents may be interference from nestmates. The strategies used by nestlings to reduce signal interference have not been studied, yet potentially contribute to the design of these complex displays. In this study, we recorded the begging calls of nestling tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) when alone and with a begging nestmate, to determine whether nestlings changed the output, structure or timing of their calls in ways that would reduce acoustic interference. We found that nestlings increased their call rate in the presence of a begging nestmate, but did not alter the length, amplitude or frequency of their calls. They also appeared not to adjust the timing of their calls to avoid those of nestmates. Contrary to expectation, nestling calls became more similar in some aspects when nestmates called together. An increase in call rate in the presence of a begging nestmate should increase the likelihood that a parent detects an individual's calls. However, if all nestlings increase their calling rate in response to competitors, then the overall level of acoustic interference across the brood is potentially increased, an effect exacerbated by the tendency for call similarity to increase when calling together. We discuss how increasing call rate may improve detectability despite this effect and we also examine how an increase in rate and call similarity may serve to produce a strong brood signal.  相似文献   

We conducted playback experiments to examine how parent tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) use nestling begging calls to distribute feedings to individuals within broods. In a first study, we used a paired-choice test to determine if parents discriminated between the taped begging calls of nestlings deprived of food and those of nestlings that had been recently fed. Our results showed that parents directed their first feeding attempt towards model nestlings near speakers playing deprived calls significantly more often than to models near speakers playing fed calls. They also made more feeding attempts overall to models with deprived calls. In the second study, we varied call rate and amplitude to examine which call features parents might use to discriminate begging calls. Parents directed significantly more first feeding attempts and more feeding attempts overall towards non-begging nestlings near speakers playing high call rates than to nestlings near speakers playing low call rates. They did not, however, discriminate between calls differing in amplitude. Previous studies have shown that parent birds use begging calls to regulate overall feeding rates to the brood. Our results suggest that parent tree swallows also use begging calls when feeding individual nestlings and, in particular, prefer calls associated with increased levels of nestling hunger. Received: 14 February 2000 / Revised: 6 October 2000 / Accepted: 16 October 2000  相似文献   

Reproduction entails parental decisions over allocation of limiting resources. ‘Begging’ solicitation displays by the offspring have been hypothesised to evolve as reliable indicators of quality, allowing parents to adopt optimal allocation strategies. To function as such, however, begging signals must covary with offspring traits that affect viability. Here we tested whether oxidative damage of nestling barn swallows predicts begging bout duration, call amplitude and intensity of postural displays both under normal food provisioning and under food shortage. Oxidative damage as determined by normal metabolism, pathological conditions and functioning of the immune system can serve as a comprehensive indicator of offspring condition because it can profoundly affect viability, senescence and reproduction. Begging bout duration was negatively predicted by oxidative damage but only after food deprivation. Postural begging negatively covaried with oxidative damage, at least when nestlings were confronted with related nest mates. Plasma antioxidant capacity did not predict begging behaviour. Thus, we show for the first time that behavioural begging covaries with a comprehensive index of chick condition, lending support to reliability of such begging traits also as signals of quality rather than need or hunger only. Future studies are candidate to decouple the effect of hunger state and individual condition on behavioural begging.  相似文献   

Provisioning rules in tree swallows   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Conflict between parents and offspring may result in offspring exaggerating their needs and parents devaluing their begging signals. To determine whether this occurs, it is first necessary to establish the link between need, begging and parental response. The purpose of our study was to examine these relationships in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Parents preferentially fed nestlings that begged sooner, reached higher and were closer to the front of the nestbox (Fig. 1). Begging intensity of both individuals and entire broods increased with relatively long periods between feeding visits. Within broods, parents responded to increased begging intensity by increasing their feeding rate, although this effect was relatively weak. Large and small nestlings did not differ in their begging behavior and all nestlings, regardless of size, were fed at similar rates. Despite the overall equity in feeding, male parents preferentially fed larger nestlings while female parents fed smaller nestlings. Nestlings did not increase their begging intensity in response to begging by nestmates. Our results suggest that begging is related to need in this species and that parents respond to variation in begging intensity. Received: 4 May 1995/Accepted after revision: 17 December 1995  相似文献   

Much of the theoretical work on the evolution of begging assumes this elaborate display is costly. The evidence for an energetic cost to begging has, however, been equivocal. Metabolic studies on nestling birds suggest that begging requires minimal energy, but some growth studies have shown that excess begging reduces growth rates. One difficulty in interpreting these results is that metabolic and growth studies have each been performed on different species. Here, we test whether high begging frequencies depress growth in nestling tree swallows, Tachycineta bicolor, a species in which the metabolic cost of begging has been measured. When we compared the growth of nestlings stimulated to beg at either high or low frequencies, we found no significant differences in their mass gained, wing growth or portion of ingested energy devoted to begging either during the experimental period or in the 24 h following the end of the experiment. We also found no significant relationship between begging intensity and growth measurements. The results of our study are consistent with previous metabolic studies on this species suggesting that the energetic cost of begging is relatively low. More generally, evidence for a fitness cost of begging via decreased growth is equivocal.Communicated by J. Dickinson  相似文献   

Begging affects parental effort in the pied flycatcher, Ficedula hypoleuca   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
It has been suggested that nestlings use begging to increase their share of parental resources at the expense of current or future siblings. There is ample evidence that siblings compete over food with nestmates by begging, but only short-term effects of begging on parental provisioning rates have been shown. In this study, we use a new experimental design to demonstrate that pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca) nestlings that beg more are able to increase parental provisioning rates over the major part of the nestling period, thus potentially competing with future siblings. Parents were marked with microchips so that additional begging sounds could be played back when one of the parents visited the nest. By playing back begging sounds consistently at either male or female visits, a sex difference in provisioning rate that lasted for the major part of the nestling period was induced. If each parent independently adjusts its effort to the begging intensity of nestlings, begging may also be the proximate control mechanism for the sexual division of labour. Received: 24 January 1997 / Accepted after revision: 30 August 1997  相似文献   

Summary Variations in the begging behaviour of the nestlings of altricial birds can provide the parents with information about the nestlings' nutritional needs and thus influence the parental feeding rate. In a series of four experiments, the stimulus situation encountered by great tits on their feeding visits to the brood was manipulated to explore its effect on feeding rate.A higher feeding rate was observed under the following conditions: (1) after a period of food deprivation, as compared with both normal conditions and satiation through artificial feeding; (2) in periods when recorded begging calls were played during feeding visits, as compared with control periods; (3) after temporary removal from the nest of heavier, as compared with lighter, siblings. The lighter nestlings in the brood benefitted more —in terms of gain in weight — from the increase in parental feeding rate following the playing of begging calls than did the heavier nestlings. Differences in weight spread within broods did not affect the amount of food the parents brought.We conclude that parental feeding rate is affected not simply by the begging of the hungriest nestling, but rather by the behaviour of all the nestlings in the brood, which makes possible an adjustment of the feeding rate to the average hunger level of the brood. The effects of hatching asynchrony and sibling competition on parental feeding rate are discussed.  相似文献   

Nestling American robins compete with siblings by begging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The evolution of intense begging by dependent nestling birds has recently been the subject of several theoretical papers. The interesting problem here is that nestlings should be able to communicate their nutritional status to parents in ways that are less costly energetically and less likely to attract predators. Thus, conspicuous begging behaviour is thought to have evolved as a result of either competition among nestmates or the manipulation of their parents to provide more food than would otherwise be favoured by selection. We studied sibling competition for parental feedings in the American robin (Turdus migratorius). We demonstrate that the probability that an individual nestling received food was related to several indices of begging. When we experimentally prevented parents from feeding part of their brood, both the intensity of begging and the number of feedings subsequently received by food-deprived nestlings increased. Furthermore, the begging intensity of those nestlings that were not food-deprived also increased in response to the begging of their hungrier siblings.Offprint requests to: R. Montgomerie  相似文献   

Although it is well-established that nestlings of many altricial species beg when parents are away from the nest, we have a poor understanding of parent-absent begging in brood parasites, including the proximate factors that may influence begging frequency and intensity. In this study, I examined how parent-absent begging was influenced by competitive asymmetries between host and Brown-headed Cowbird (Molothrus ater) nestlings under disparate levels of short-term need. Food-deprived cowbird nestlings begged more frequently and for a greater proportion of parent-absent period than when food-supplemented, with similar patterns observed in hosts of different sizes. In contrast, three metrics of cowbird begging intensity varied relative to host size but not due to differences in short-term need. Cowbirds consistently begged more frequently and intensively than host nestlings for a given level of short-term need, providing evidence that cowbird begging displays are more frequent and intense than non-parasitic nestlings during both feeding visits and parent-absent periods. In sum, the frequency of begging by cowbirds was only influenced by short-term need, whereas begging intensity during parent-absent events was only influenced by the host against which cowbirds competed. This study demonstrates that host size and short-term need had differing influences on the frequency and intensity of parent-absent begging in cowbirds, although both factors are likely important in limiting the evolution of parent-absent begging in cowbirds. Because it appears to provide no immediate benefits yet may decrease fitness, parent-absent begging should be included in future theoretical models investigating the evolution of begging displays in nestling birds.  相似文献   

In species with parental care, competition among siblings for access to limited parental resources is common. Sibling competition can be mediated by begging behaviour, a suite of different visual and acoustic displays by which offspring solicit parental care. These are mostly addressed to the parents upon food provisioning, but can also be performed in the absence of the attending parents. This so-called parent-absent begging (PAB) may function as an intrabrood communication signal and potentially affect intrabrood competition dynamics for access to food. We investigated the role of PAB in moulding sibling interactions and its effect on food intake among altricial barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings, both under normal and experimentally reduced food intake. Frequency of PAB increased after food deprivation. Nestlings that had performed PAB increased their begging intensity upon the subsequent parental feeding visit, while siblings reduced their own begging level, but only when they had not been food-deprived. As a consequence, nestlings which had performed PAB before parental arrival had larger chances of receiving food. However, nestlings did not benefit from displaying PAB when competing with food-deprived siblings. Our findings show that PAB reliably reflects need of food, indicating that a nestling will vigorously compete for the subsequent food item. By eavesdropping siblings' PAB displays, nestlings may optimally balance the costs of scrambling competition, the direct fitness gains of being fed and the indirect fitness costs of subtracting food to needy kin. However, large asymmetries in satiation between competitors may lead individual offspring to monopolize parental resources, irrespective of PAB displays.  相似文献   

The begging of nestling birds is known to reliably signal short-term nutritional need, which is used by parents to adjust rates of food delivery and patterns of food distribution within broods. To test whether begging signals reflect more than just short-term feeding history, we experimentally created 18 "small" (4-nestling) and 18 "large" (8-nestling) broods in the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Compared to small broods, large broods were provisioned by parents at a greater rate, but at a lower visit rate per nestling and with no obvious differences in load mass per visit. However, lower rates of food mass delivery per nestling in large broods did not result in any measurable reduction in nestling growth (i.e. "long-term need") or in any increase in the begging effort per individual nestling whilst in the nest. Mid-way through the nestling period we also used hand-feeding laboratory trials to assess in more detail individual begging behaviour and digestive performance of the three mid-ranking nestlings from each brood. More food items were required at the start of each trial to satiate nestlings from large broods, but despite this initial control for "short-term need", nestlings from large broods went on to beg at consistently higher rates and at different acoustic frequencies. Large brood nestlings also produced smaller faecal sacs, which were quantitatively different in content but did not differ in frequency. We suggest that different nutritional histories can produce cryptic changes in nestling digestive function, and that these can lead to important differences in begging signals despite controlling for short term need.  相似文献   

Mass differences between the sexes of dimorphic bird species often appear early in the nestling development. But how do adults know how much to feed a chick in a sexually dimorphic species? Do chicks of the heavier sex beg more? We studied begging in Cory’s shearwaters Calonectris diomedea, a species with heavier adult and juvenile males than females. We found that begging rates and call numbers were not different between male and female chicks, but parameters of begging intensity differed between the sexes in their relationship to chick body condition. For the same body condition, males had significantly higher begging call numbers and rates. Acoustical parameters, which were analysed semi-automatically, included the lengths of call and silence intervals, the minimum, mean and maximum frequency in a call and the number of frequency peaks within a call. We found no consistent differences of acoustic begging call elements between the sexes. Male and female chicks did not differ in the levels of the steroid hormones testosterone or corticosterone in the second quarter of the nestling period, and the mechanism leading to sex-related differences in begging rates for a given body condition remains unknown.  相似文献   

In diverse taxa, offspring solicit parental care using complex displays, which may evolve as reliable signals of condition or as mechanisms to manipulate parental investment. Differential sex allocation may therefore result from adaptive parental decisions or sex-related variation in competitive ability or because of sex-related asymmetries in kin selection. Under normal food provisioning, female barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings begged more loudly but did not receive more food than male nestlings. After food deprivation, begging call loudness of males but not females increased. Begging loudness positively predicted the number of feedings received by the nestlings, and males gained more mass than females after food deprivation. Male nestlings are more severely affected by chronic food reduction and may therefore accrue a larger benefit compared to females by increasing their food intake under short-term conditions of food scarcity. These results suggest that either females do not increase begging intensity to favour male broodmates which are more vulnerable to prolonged food stress, or that males prevail in scramble competition despite being similar in size to females.  相似文献   

白肚燕,又名双色树燕,栖居于五大湖流域中27个双边共同关注区域(AOCs),从2010年到2014年对其进行了污染物暴露风险评估,以协助管理者和监管者评估五大湖AOCs的污染状况。本文比较了AOCs和附近非AOCs雏鸟体内污染物浓度的差异。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟尸体中多氯联苯(PCB)和多溴联苯醚的含量分别为30%和33%,低于非AOCs的平均浓度。AOCs白肚燕雏鸟胃含物中多环芳烃(PAH)浓度和血浆中全氟化合物浓度分别为67%和64%,也低于非AOCs的平均浓度。但是与已有生殖效应记载的高PCB污染区相比,有些AOCs雏鸟尸体内的PCBs浓度只是存在小幅升高。一些AOCs食物中PAHs的浓度足够高以致引起可测量的生理响应。在AOCs中,全氟化合物全氟辛烷磺酸在血浆中的最高浓度出现在Raisin河(密歇根州,美国;几何平均数330 ng/mL),但远低于预估毒性的参考值(1 700 ng/mL)。之前有研究报道雏鸟胃含物中PAH和PCB的浓度以及尸体中PCBs的含量与沉积物中污染物的含量显著相关,从而可加强白肚燕在评估沉积物污染生物有效性方面的应用。
精选自Thomas W. Custer, Christine M. Custer, Paul M. Dummer, Diana Goldberg, J. Christian Franson, Richard A. Erickson. Organic contamination in tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) nestlings at United States and binational Great Lakes areas of concern. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: Volume 36, Issue 3, pages 735–748, July 2017. DOI: 10.1002/etc.3598

Because brood parasitic nestlings are usually unrelated to their nestmates and to the provisioning adult, they are free from indirect costs of begging. Consequently, they are predicted to beg more intensely than host nestlings, and some models predict they will beg at an invariantly high level, regardless of short-term need. Previous work has shown intense begging by parasitic cowbirds, but short-term need was not controlled. In this study, we manipulated short-term need and measured begging intensity in two species pairs of host and parasitic nestlings: shiny cowbirds (Molothrus bonariensis) parasitizing larger hosts than themselves (rufous-bellied thrushes, Turdus rufiventris), and brown-headed cowbirds (M. ater) parasitizing smaller hosts than themselves (yellow warblers, Dendroica petechia). All four species increased their begging intensity with short-term need, though the change was much less pronounced between food-deprived and control treatments than between control and hand-feeding treatments. Shiny cowbirds begged more intensely than rufous-bellied thrushes following each treatment. In contrast, brown-headed cowbirds did not beg significantly more intensely than yellow warblers under any of the treatments. Intense begging by both species of parasites was as effective as host begging in stimulating the adults to make provisioning visits, but shiny cowbirds were less successful at acquiring food from adult thrushes. A wide array of factors may underlie the apparent differences in the begging behavior and success of brown-headed and shiny cowbirds, including relative size, experience, and local risk of nest predation. Our experiments clearly demonstrate, however, that these two species of parasitic cowbirds adjust their begging intensity based on short-term need.Communicated by H. Kokko  相似文献   

Summary Magpie (Pica pica) brood defense against a human at the nest was studied in a Mediterranean population with low renesting potential. Variations in two defense measures recorded during 106 trials at 41 different nests were positively correlated with brood age. Ineremental effects due to the number of successive visits to nests by us, brood size, and the time in the breeding season were not significant. Partial correlation analyses showed that visit rate was not an important determinant of nest defense, which thus favors an adaptive explanation of nest defense patterns. Two functional hypotheses to account for the increase in defense intensity with brood age were tested: whether (1) increased parental defense serves to compensate the higher predation risk of older nests or (2) increased parental defense reflects the increasing reproductive value of nestlings as they grow older. Daily mortality and incidende of predation (estimated from contribution of whole-brood losses to total mortality) was higher early in the nestling period, hence providing weak evidence for the assumption on which hypothesis (1) is based. The timing of parental defense intensity did not mirror variations in predation risk for the nest but variations in reproductive value of the brood, as can be estimated from daily mortality, thus supporting hypothesis (2). Magpie parents increased defense intensity in response to premature escaping by almost fully-developed nestlings. Since such a response lowers predation risk for the offspring and increases their probability of survival, this finding supports hypothesis (2), but runs contrary to hypothesis (1). Parents also increased defense in response to play-backs of alarm calls uttered by nestlings during escaping episodes. It is argued that parents should continuously monitor the degree of offspring development in order to assess their reproductive value and that, by alarm calling, chicks honestly make their parents aware of the gain in reproductive value that results from enhancement in locomotory abilities that occur at the end of the nestling period.  相似文献   

Differential resource allocation by females across the laying sequence has been hypothesised as a mechanism through which females could either compensate nestlings that hatch last in asynchronous broods or promote brood reduction. In this study we artificially incubated eggs and cross-fostered offspring to manipulate nestlings’ position in the hatching order, to identify whether the competitive ability of nestlings is dependent on position in the laying sequence. In both control and experimentally reversed broods, first hatched chicks had a higher survival than last hatched siblings. Yet, nestlings that hatched from eggs laid in the second half of a clutch begged with a greater intensity than nestlings hatched from eggs laid in the first half of a clutch. In natural broods, the greater begging competitiveness of nestlings from later-laid eggs led to a moderation of sibling competition and these nestlings achieved the same body size and weight as nestlings from eggs laid in the first half of the clutch. The lack of a substantial difference in the size and condition of surviving nestlings in respect to laying order suggests that differential resource allocation across the egg-laying sequence partially compensates for hatching last in asynchronous broods and reduces the negative effects of the nestling size hierarchy. The effect of laying order, brood size and experimental treatment also differed for male and female nestlings. Our study highlights the need to be aware of the complex and subtle effects of nestling sex and laying sequence when investigating genetic and environmental influences on individual fitness.  相似文献   

American robin nestlings compete by jockeying for position   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Summary We investigated whether nestling American robins (Turdus migratorius) were capable of influencing food distribution in their nests by perceiving that certain sectors of the nest received a relatively high proportion of feedings and positioning themselves accordingly. Feeding observations were obtained from videotape recordings taken at different stages of the nestling period. Parents generally arrived at a predictable location on the nest rim and allocated proportionally more food to nestlings in the central position. The degree of nestling movement was significantly positively correlated with variation in the predictability of parental arrival locations on the nest rim. Furthermore, nestlings moved more in broods suffering brood reduction. This suggests that when competition for food is intense and the location of parental arrival is predictable, nestlings respond by jockeying for access to the most favorable (i.e., central) position in the nest. We conclude that jockeying for position by nestlings can influence the pattern of food allocation by parents, and that hungry nestlings can improve their competitive standing against nestmates by moving to positions where parents are more likely to feed them. Correspondence to: S.B. McRae  相似文献   

In contrast to most birds, nestling barn owls (Tyto alba) vocalise not only when parents are at the nest but also in their absence. Calls produced in their absence have been shown to facilitate sibling negotiation over the impending food resource. Since nestlings vocalise more vigorously in the presence of parents, they may be calling not to negotiate resources but to compete amongst each other over parental food distribution. A critical issue is to determine whether offspring need differentially affects sibling negotiation and sibling competition, that is vocalisation in the absence and presence of parents. To answer this question, I manipulated the food supply of 26 broods by adding or removing prey items. In the absence of parents, food-added broods vocalised at a significantly lower level than food-removed ones. In contrast, once a parent arrived at the nest, the vocalisation level was not significantly related to the manipulation of brood food supply. This suggests that in the absence of parents, it is more important for food-removed nestlings to vocalise intensely, and that in their presence, the relationship between begging and offspring need tends to vanish. In other words, brood food supply may affect sibling negotiation to a larger extent than sibling competition.  相似文献   

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