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Changes in agricultural management can minimize NO3-N leaching, but then the time needed to improve ground water quality is uncertain. A study was conducted in two first-order watersheds (30 and 34 ha) in Iowa's Loess Hills. Both were managed in continuous corn (Zea mays L.) from 1964 through 1995 with similar N fertilizer applications (average 178 kg ha(-1) yr(-1)), except one received applications averaging 446 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) between 1969 and 1974. This study determined if NO3-N from these large applications could persist in ground water and baseflow, and affect comparison between new crop rotations implemented in 1996. Piezometer nests were installed and deep cores collected in 1996, then ground water levels and NO3-N concentrations were monitored. Tritium and stable isotopes (2H, 18O) were determined on 33 water samples in 2001. Baseflow from the heavily N-fertilized watershed had larger average NO3-N concentrations, by 8 mg L(-1). Time-of-travel calculations and tritium data showed ground water resides in these watersheds for decades. "Bomb-peak" precipitation (1963-1980) most influenced tritium concentrations near lower slope positions, while deep ground water was dominantly pre-1953 precipitation. Near the stream, greater recharge and mixed-age ground water was suggested by stable isotope and tritium data, respectively. Using sediment-core data collected from the deep unsaturated zone between 1972 and 1996, the increasing depth of a NO3-N pulse was related to cumulative baseflow (r2 = 0.98), suggesting slow downward movement of NO3-N since the first experiment. Management changes implemented in 1996 will take years to fully influence ground water NO3-N. Determining ground water quality responses to new agricultural practices may take decades in some watersheds.  相似文献   

The relationship between local ground water flows and NO(3)(-) transport to the channel was examined in three well transects from a natural, wooded riparian zone adjacent to the Shingobee River, MN. The hillslope ground water originated as recharge from intermittently grazed pasture up slope of the site. In the hillslope transect perpendicular to the stream, ground water NO(3)(-) concentrations decreased from approximately 3 mg N L(-1) beneath the ridge (80 m from the channel) to 0.01 to 1.0 mg N L(-1) at wells 1 to 3 m from the channel. The Cl(-) concentrations and NO(3)/Cl ratios decreased toward the channel indicating NO(3)(-) dilution and biotic retention. In the bankside well transect parallel to the stream, two distinct ground water environments were observed: an alluvial environment upstream of a relict beaver dam influenced by stream water and a hillslope environment downstream of the relict beaver dam. Nitrate was elevated to levels representative of agricultural runoff in a third well transect located approximately 5 m from the stream to assess the effectiveness of the riparian zone as a NO(3)(-) sink. Subsurface NO(3)(-) injections revealed transport of up to 15 mg N L(-1) was nearly conservative in the alluvial riparian environment. Addition of glucose stimulated dissolved oxygen uptake and promoted NO(3)(-) retention under both background and elevated NO(3)(-) levels in summer and winter. Disappearance of added NO(3)(-) was followed by transient NO(2)(-) formation and, in the presence of C(2)H(2), by N(2)O formation, demonstrating potential denitrification. Under current land use, most NO(3)(-) associated with local ground water is biotically retained or diluted before reaching the channel. However, elevating NO(3)(-) levels through agricultural cultivation would likely result in increased NO(3)(-) transport to the channel.  相似文献   

In this study, we used chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) age-dating to investigate the geochemistry of N enrichment within a bedrock aquifer depth profile beneath a south central Wisconsin agricultural landscape. Measurement of N(2)O and excess N(2) allowed us to reconstruct the total NO(3)(-) and total nitrogen (TN) leached to ground water and was essential for tracing the separate influences of soil nitrification and ground water denitrification in the collateral geochemical chronology. We identify four geochemical impacts due to a steady ground water N enrichment trajectory (39 +/- 2.2 micromol L(-1) yr(-1), r(2) = 0.96) over two decades (1963-1985) of rapidly escalating N use. First, as a by-product of soil nitrification, N(2)O entered ground water at a stable (r(2) = 0.99) mole ratio of 0.24 +/- 0.007 mole% (N(2)O-N/NO(3)-N). The gathering of excess N(2)O in ground water is a potential concern relative to greenhouse gas emissions and stratospheric ozone depletion after it discharges to surface water. Second, excess N(2) measurements revealed that NO(3)(-) was a prominent, mobile, labile electron acceptor comparable in importance to O(2.) Denitrification transformed 36 +/- 15 mole% (mol mol(-1) x 100) of the total N within the profile to N(2) gas, delaying exceedance of the NO(3)(-) drinking water standard by approximately 6 yr. Third, soil acids produced from nitrification substantially increased the concentrations of major, dolomitic ions (Ca, Mg, HCO(3)(-)) in ground water relative to pre-enrichment conditions. By 1985, concentrations approximately doubled; by 2006, CFC age-date projections suggest concentrations may have tripled. Finally, the nitrification induced mobilization of Ca may have caused a co-release of P from Ca-rich soil surfaces. Dissolved P increased from an approximate background value of 0.02 mg L(-1) in 1963 to 0.07 mg L(-1) in 1985. The CFC age-date projections suggest the concentration could have reached 0.11 mg L(-1) in ground water recharge by 2006. These results highlight an intersection of the N and P cycles potentially important for managing the quality of ground water discharged to surface water.  相似文献   

Few studies have documented spatial and temporal variations in ground water quality in areas with high densities of animal farming operations (AFOs), or the long-term effects on surface-water quality. Changes in ground water quality were characterized in an irrigated area with a high density of AFOs in southern Alberta, Canada to evaluate the effect on ground water quality of manure application to fields. Fifty-five piezometers in the oxidized zone were sampled once or twice annually from 1995 to 2001, and temporal changes were analyzed using mixed model analysis. Average NO3- -N increased significantly from 12.5 to 17.4 mg L(-1) and average Cl- increased significantly from 19.4 to 34.4 mg L(-1) in piezometers installed in an unconfined sand aquifer at locations receiving fertilizer and manure. Compared with these manured locations, nitrate and chloride concentrations were significantly lower in shallow aquifer water in areas of pasture or native range, and concentrations did not change significantly with time. Nitrate and chloride concentrations in shallow ground water in fine-textured manured locations did not change significantly. Ground water below about 6 m in till and fine lacustrine sediments contains 18O signatures indicative of recharge under preirrigation or glacially influenced conditions, suggesting this ground water has a low vulnerability to agricultural contamination. Evaluations suggest that shallow ground water discharge will cause NO3- -N and Cl- in the Oldman River to increase by factors of at least 4.3 and 1.3, respectively, with more significant effects in smaller streams and under low-flow conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of soil in removing natural organic matter from humic ground waters using artificial recharge. The study site, in western Denmark, was a 10,000 ml football field of which 2,000 m2 served as an infiltration field. The impact of the artificial recharge was studied by monitoring the water level and the quality of the underlying shallow aquifer. The humic ground water contained mainly humic adds with an organic carbon (OC) concentration of 100 to 200 mg C L(-1). A total of 5,000 mS of humic ground water were sprinkled onto the infiltration field at an average rate of 4.25 mm h(-1). This resulted in a rise in the water table of the shallow aquifer. The organic matter concentration of the water in the shallow aquifer, however, remained below 2.7 mg C L(-1). The organic matter concentration of the pore water in the unsaturated zone was measured at the end of the experiment. The organic matter concentration of the pore water decreased from 105 mg C L(-1) at 0.5 m to 20 mg C L(-1) at 2.5 m under the infiltration field indicating that the soil removed the organic matter from the humic ground water. From these results we conclude that artificial recharge is a possible method for humic ground water treatment.  相似文献   

There is continuing concern over potential impacts of widespread application of nutrients and pesticides on ground- and surface-water quality. Transport and fate of nitrate and pesticides were investigated in a shallow aquifer and adjacent stream, Cow Castle Creek, in Orangeburg County, South Carolina. Pesticide and pesticide degradate concentrations were detected in ground water with greatest frequency and largest concentrations directly beneath and downgradient from the corn (Zea mays L.) field where they were applied. In almost all samples in which they were detected, concentrations of pesticide degradates greatly exceeded those of parent compounds, and were still present in ground waters that were recharged during the previous 18 yr. The absence of both parent and degradate compounds in samples collected from deeper in the aquifer suggests that this persistence is limited or that the ground water had recharged before use of the pesticide. Concentrations of NO(-)(3) in ground water decreased with increasing depth and age, but denitrification was not a dominant controlling factor. Hydrologic and chemical data indicated that ground water discharges to the creek and chemical exchange takes place within the upper 0.7 m of the streambed. Ground water had its greatest influence on surface-water chemistry during low-flow periods, causing a decrease in concentrations of Cl(-), NO(-)(3), pesticides, and pesticide degradates. Conversely, shallow subsurface drainage dominates stream chemistry during high-flow periods, increasing stream concentrations of Cl(-), NO(-)(3), pesticides, and pesticide degradates. These results point out the importance of understanding the hydrogeologic setting when investigating transport and fate of contaminants in ground water and surface water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Baseflow augmentation refers to the temporary storage of subsurface water in floodplains, streambanks, and/or stream bottoms during the wet season, either by natural or artificial means, for later release during the dry season to increase the magnitude and permanence of low flows. Management strategies for baseflow augmentation fall into the following categories: (1) range management, (2) upland vegetation management, (3) riparian vegetation management, (4) upland runoff detention and retention, and (5) the use of instream structures. The benefits of a management strategy focused on baseflow augmentation are many, including: (1) increased summer flows, (2) healthier riparian areas, (3) increased channel and bank stability, (4) decreased erosion and sediment transport, (5) improved water quality, (6) enhanced fish and wildlife habitat, (7) lower stream temperatures, and (8) improved stream aesthetics. This review has shown that baseflow augmentation has been successfully accomplished in a few documented cases. Given its clear impact on soil and water conservation, particularly in the semiarid western U.S., it appears that baseflow augmentation is a concept whose time has come. Research is needed on how to successfully integrate baseflow augmentation within comprehensive resource management strategies.  相似文献   

Topographically heterogeneous agricultural landscapes can complicate and accelerate agrochemical contamination of streams due to rapid transport of water and chemicals to poorly drained lower-landscape positions and shallow ground water. In the semiarid Palouse region, large parts of these landscapes have been tile drained to enhance crop yield. From 2000-2004 we monitored the discharge of a tile drain (TD) and a nearby profile of soil water for nitrate concentration ([NO(3)]), electrical conductivity level (EC), and water content to develop a conceptual framework describing soil nitrate occurrence and loss via subsurface pathways. Tile-drain baseflow [NO(3)] was consistently 4 mg N L(-1) and baseflow EC was 200 to 300 microS cm(-1). Each year sudden synoptic increases in TD discharge and [NO(3)] occurred in early winter following approximately 150 mm of fall precipitation, which saturated the soil and mobilized high-[NO(3)] soil water throughout the profile. The greatest TD [NO(3)] (20-30 mg N L(-1)) occurred approximately contemporaneous with greatest TD discharges. The EC decrease each year (to approximately 100 microS cm(-1)) during high discharge, a dilution effect, lagged approximately 1 mo behind the first appearance of high [NO(3)] and was consistent with advective transport of low-EC water from the shallow profile under saturated conditions. Water-budget considerations and temporal [NO(3)] patterns suggest that these processes deliver water to the TD from both lower- and upper-slope positions, the latter via lateral flow during the high-flow season. Management practices that reduce the fall reservoir of soil nitrate might be effective in reducing N loading to streams and shallow ground water in this region.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Regression models to predict baseflow alkalinity from basin hydrogeology were developed and verified for headwater streams on the Laurel Hill anticline in southwestern Pennsylvania. Predicted baseflow alkalinities were then used to estimate sensitivity to acidification and presence of trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) populations for 61 headwater streams. Sensitivity classifications were verified by surveying trout populations. Geologic variables relating to the carbonate rock burial depth, extent of carbonate rock recharge areas, and length of stream channel flowing through effluent carbonate rock outcrops were much more useful in predicting baseflow alkalinity than areal extent of carbonate rocks. Baseflow alkalinity was not well related to status of trout populations on these anticlinal basins, especially on noneffluent basins where bedrock dip exceeded surface slope.  相似文献   

In the context of agricultural nitrogen excesses in northwestern France, pyrite-bearing weathered schist aquifers represent important hydrological compartments due to their capacity to eliminate nitrate (NO3-). Under oxygen-free conditions, nitrate is reduced simultaneously with the oxidation of pyrite leading to the release of sulfate (SO4/2-). The aim of the present study is to identify the hydrological conditions under which the weathered schist ground water influences the stream water chemistry, leading to a decrease in NO3- concentration. We measured the ground water head on a small catchment over weathered schist, near the bank and under the streambed, and analyzed the chemical composition of the ground water as well as the stream water on both seasonal and storm-event timescales. Using SO4/2- as a tracer of the weathered schist ground water, we showed that ground water inflow caused a decrease of NO3- concentration in the stream during the autumn as well as during storm events in spring and summer. In summer, the NO3- concentration was controlled by the sources of the stream, and in winter by the shallow ground water inflow. The effect of the weathered schist ground water on the NO3- depletion remained relatively limited in time. This effect persisted into late autumn as long as the NO3(-) -rich shallow ground water did not feed the stream. The duration and intensity of the effect would be extended by decreasing the shallow ground water inflow, which depends on climate as well as the presence of landscape features such as hedges and buffer zones.  相似文献   

Many source and transport factors control P loss from agricultural landscapes; however, little information is available on how these factors are linked at a watershed scale. Thus, we investigated mechanisms controlling P release from soil and stream sediments in relation to storm and baseflow P concentrations at four flumes and in the channel of an agricultural watershed. Baseflow dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) concentrations were greater at the watershed outflow (Flume 1; 0.042 mg L(-1)) than uppermost flume (Flume 4; 0.028 mg L(-1)). Conversely, DRP concentrations were greater at Flume 4 (0.304 mg L(-1)) than Flume 1 (0.128 mg L(-1)) during stormflow. Similar trends in total phosphorus (TP) concentration were also observed. During stormflow, stream P concentrations are controlled by overland flow-generated erosion from areas of the watershed coincident with high soil P. In-channel decreases in P concentration during stormflow were attributed to sediment deposition, resorption of P, and dilution. The increase in baseflow P concentrations downstream was controlled by channel sediments. Phosphorus sorption maximum of Flume 4 sediment (532 mg kg(-1)) was greater than at the outlet Flume 1 (227 mg kg(-1)). Indeed, the decrease in P desorption between Flumes 1 and 4 sediment (0.046 to 0.025 mg L(-1)) was similar to the difference in baseflow DRP between Flumes 1 and 4 (0.042 to 0.028 mg L(-1)). This study shows that erosion, soil P concentration, and channel sediment P sorption properties influence streamflow DRP and TP. A better understanding of the spatial and temporal distribution of these processes and their connectivity over the landscape will aid targeting remedial practices.  相似文献   

Nitrate (NO3-) leaching to ground water poses water quality concerns in some settings. Riparian buffers have been advocated to reduce excess ground water NO3- concentrations. We characterized inorganic N in soil solution and shallow ground water for 16 paired cropland-riparian plots from 2003 to 2005. The sites were located at two private dairy farms in Central New York on silt and gravelly silt loam soils (Aeric Endoaqualfs, Fluvaquentic Endoaquepts, Fluvaquentic Eutrudepts, Glossaquic Hapludalfs, and Glossic Hapludalfs). It was hypothesized that cropland N inputs and soil-landscape variability would jointly affect NO3- leaching and transformations in ground water. Results showed that well and moderately well drained fields had consistently higher ground water NO3- compared to more imperfectly drained fields receiving comparable N inputs. Average 50-cm depth soil solution NO3- and ground water dissolved oxygen (DO) explained 64% of average cropland ground water NO3- variability. Cropland ground water with an average DO of <3 mg L(-1) tended to have <4 mg L(-1) of NO3- with a water table depth (WTD) of 相似文献   

Because catchment characteristics determine sediment and nutrient inputs to streams, upland disturbance can affect stream chemistry. Catchments at the Fort Benning Military Installation (near Columbus, Georgia) experience a range of upland disturbance intensities due to spatial variability in the intensity of military training. We used this disturbance gradient to investigate the effects of upland soil and vegetation disturbance on stream chemistry. During baseflow, mean total suspended sediment (TSS) concentration and mean inorganic suspended sediment (ISS) concentration increased with catchment disturbance intensity (TSS: R2= 0.7, p = 0.005, range = 4.0-10.1 mg L(-1); ISS: R2= 0.71, p = 0.004, range = 2.04-7.3 mg L(-1)); dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration (R2= 0.79, p = 0.001, range = 1.5-4.1 mg L(-1)) and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentration (R2= 0.75, p = 0.008, range = 1.9-6.2 microg L(-1)) decreased with increasing disturbance intensity; and ammonia (NH4+), nitrate (NO3-), and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) concentrations were unrelated to disturbance intensity. The increase in TSS and ISS during storms was positively correlated with disturbance (R2= 0.78 and 0.78, p = 0.01 and 0.01, respectively); mean maximum change in SRP during storms increased with disturbance (r = 0.7, p = 0.04); and mean maximum change in NO3- during storms was marginally correlated with disturbance (r = 0.58, p = 0.06). Soil characteristics were significant predictors of baseflow DOC, SRP, and Ca2+, but were not correlated with suspended sediment fractions, any nitrogen species, or pH. Despite the largely intact riparian zones of these headwater streams, upland soil and vegetation disturbances had clear effects on stream chemistry during baseflow and stormflow conditions.  相似文献   

The impact of vegetative filter strips to reduce the delivery of nonpoint source pollutants from agricultural land to inland water systems is now recognized as an important element in overall agro-ecosystem management. A glasshouse experiment was undertaken to measure the effectiveness of tree (Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. and Casuarina cunninghamiana Mq.) and pasture filter strips to intercept lateral movement of NO(3)-N in soil water. Tree treatments retained significantly more NO(3)-N associated with shallow soil water movement (between the A and B soil horizons) than bare ground. Nitrate-N removal was not significantly different between trees and pasture, and among the tree treatments. However, uptake and accumulation of NO(3)-N by pastures was significantly (P < 0.001) greater than the trees. The average rates of N accumulation were 0.82 g m(-)(2) and 1.52 g m(-2) wk(-1) for the tree plots and the pasture plots, respectively. The experiment also showed that the efficiency of NO(3)-N removal from soil solutions by trees was greater when NO(3)-N concentrations were relatively higher in the soil (81.4% removal at 20 mg L(-1) compared to 68.1% at 10 mg L(-1)).  相似文献   

Abstract: Interactions between surface irrigation water, shallow ground water, and river water may have effects on water quality that are important for both drinking water supplies and the ecological function of rivers and floodplains. We investigated water quality in surface water and ground water, and how water quality is influenced by surface water inputs from an unlined irrigation system in the Alcalde Valley of the Rio Grande in northern New Mexico. From August 2005 to July 2006, we sampled ground water and surface water monthly and analyzed for concentrations of major cations and anions, specific conductance, pH, dissolved oxygen, and water levels. Results indicate that irrigation ditch seepage caused an increase in ground water levels and that the Rio Grande is a gaining stream in this region. Temporal and spatial differences were found in ion concentrations in shallow ground water as it flowed from under the ditch toward the river. Ground‐water ion concentrations were higher when the ditch was not flowing compared with periods during peak irrigation season when the ditch was flowing. Ditch inputs diluted ion concentrations in shallow ground water at well positions near the ditch. Specifically, lower ion concentrations were detected in ground water at well positions located near the ditch and river compared with well positions located in the middle of an agricultural field. Results from this project showed that ditch inputs influenced ion concentrations and were associated with ground‐water recharge. In arid region river valleys, careful consideration should be given to management scenarios that change seepage from irrigation systems, because in some situations reduced seepage could negatively affect ground‐water recharge and water quality.  相似文献   

Controlling nitrate leaching in irrigated agriculture   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The impact of improved irrigation and nutrient practices on ground water quality was assessed at the Nebraska Management System Evaluation Area using ground water quality data collected from 16 depths at 31 strategically located multilevel samplers three times annually from 1991 to 1996. The site was sectioned into four 13.4-ha management fields: (i) a conventional furrow-irrigated corn (Zea mays L.) field; (ii) a surge-irrigated corn field, which received 60% less water and 31% less N fertilizer than the conventional field; (iii) a center pivot-irrigated corn field, which received 66% less water and 37% less N fertilizer than the conventional field; and (iv) a center pivot-irrigated alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) field. Dating (3H/3He) indicated that the uppermost ground water was <1 to 2 yr old and that the aquifer water was stratified with the deepest water approximately 20 yr old. Recharge during the wet growing season in 1993 reduced the average NO3-N concentration in the top 3 m 20 mg L(-1), effectively diluting and replacing the NO3-contaminated water. Nitrate concentrations in the shallow zone of the aquifer increased with depth to water. Beneath the conventional and surge-irrigated fields, shallow ground water concentrations returned to the initial 30 mg NO3-N L(-1) level by fall 1995; however, beneath the center pivot-irrigated corn field, concentrations remained at approximately 13 mg NO3-N L(-1) until fall 1996. A combination of sprinkler irrigation and N fertigation significantly reduced N leaching with only minor reductions (6%) in crop yield.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, hydrologic, and biologic factors affecting nitrate (NO3(-)) removal were evaluated in three agricultural streams draining orchard/dairy and row crop settings. Using 3-d "snapshots" during biotically active periods, we estimated reach-level NO3(-) sources, NO3(-) mass balance, in-stream processing (nitrification, denitrification, and NO3(-) uptake), and NO3(-) retention potential associated with surface water transport and ground water discharge. Ground water contributed 5 to 11% to stream discharge along the study reaches and 8 to 42% of gross NO3(-) input. Streambed processes potentially reduced 45 to 75% of ground water NO3(-) before discharge to surface water. In all streams, transient storage was of little importance for surface water NO3(-) retention. Estimated nitrification (1.6-4.4 mg N m(-2) h(-1)) and unamended denitrification rates (2.0-16.3 mg N m(-2) h(-1)) in sediment slurries were high relative to pristine streams. Denitrification of NO3(-) was largely independent of nitrification because both stream and ground water were sources of NO3(-). Unamended denitrification rates extrapolated to the reach-scale accounted for <5% of NO3(-) exported from the reaches minimally reducing downstream loads. Nitrate retention as a percentage of gross NO3(-) inputs was >30% in an organic-poor, autotrophic stream with the lowest denitrification potentials and highest benthic chlorophyll a, photosynthesis/respiration ratio, pH, dissolved oxygen, and diurnal NO3(-) variation. Biotic processing potentially removed 75% of ground water NO3(-) at this site, suggesting an important role for photosynthetic assimilation of ground water NO3(-) relative to subsurface denitrification as water passed directly through benthic diatom beds.  相似文献   

Monitoring nitrate N (NO3-N) leaching is important in order to judge the effect that agricultural practices have on the quality of ground water and surface water. Measuring drain discharge rates and NO3-N concentrations circumvents the problem of spatial variability encountered by other methods used to quantify NO3-N leaching in the field. A new flow-proportional drainage water sampling method for submerged drains has been developed to monitor NO3-N leaching. Both low and high discharge rates can be measured accurately, and are automatically compensated for fluctuations in ditch-water levels. The total amount of NO3-N leached was 10.6 kg N ha(-1) for a tile-drained silt-loam soil during the 114-d monitoring period. The NO3-N concentrations fluctuated between 5 mg L(-1) at deep ground water levels and 15 mg L(-1) at shallow levels, due to variations in water flow. A flow-proportional drainage water sampling method is required to measure NO3-N leaching accurately under these conditions. Errors of up to 43% may occur when NO3-N concentrations in the drainage water are only measured at intervals of 30 d and when the precipitation excess is used to estimate cumulative NO3-N leaching. Measurements of NO3-N concentrations in ground water cannot be used to accurately estimate NO3-N leaching in drained soils.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: To quantify and model the natural ground water recharge process, six sites located in the midwest and eastern United States where previous water balance observations had been made were compared to computerized techniques to estimate: (1) base flow and (2) ground water recharge. Results from an existing automated digital filter technique for separating baseflow from daily streamflow records were compared to baseflow estimates made in the six water balance studies. Previous validation of automated baseflow separation techniques consisted only of comparisons with manual techniques. In this study, the automated digital filter technique was found to compare well with measured field estimates yielding a monthly coefficient of determination of 0.86. The recharge algorithm developed in this study is an automated derivation of the Rorabaugh hydrograph recession curve displacement method that utilizes daily streamflow. Comparison of annual recharge from field water balance measurements to those computed with the automated recession curve displacement method had coefficients of determination of 0.76 and predictive efficiencies of 71 percent. Monthly estimates showed more variation and are not advocated for use with this method. These techniques appear to be fast, reproducible methods for estimating baseflow and annual recharge and should be useful in regional modeling efforts and as a quick check on mass balance techniques for shallow water table aquifers.  相似文献   

During the past decade bark beetle (Ips typographus) attacks killed nearly all of the Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] stands in the unmanaged zone in the highlands of the Bavarian Forest National Park. This study was conducted to predict if and how long the catastrophic event might cause elevated nitrate NO3(-) concentration in seepage water, and if the presence of ground vegetation may reduce NO3(-) leaching. A chronosequence approach was used to investigate NO3(-) leaching before and after the death of trees. Additionally, the impact of ground vegetation coverage on NO3(-) leaching was determined. Flux weighted yearly NO3(-) concentrations were significantly elevated in the first 5 yr after the dieback compared with intact stands (27 micromol(c) L(-1)), with highest concentrations in the fifth year after the dieback (579 micromol(c) L(-1)). Lowest NO3(-) concentrations were observed 17 yr after the dieback (10 micromol(c) L(-1)). Suction cups in places without ground vegetation showed significantly higher NO3(-) concentrations of 163 to 727 micromol(c) L(-1) (Year 2-5 after the dieback) than suction cups without vegetation. However, net uptake of N by ground vegetation observed during the first 7 yr after the dieback was low on a plot scale. Compared with other severe disturbances in forests, NO3(-) concentrations were elevated for a longer period. Due to high rates of precipitation, NO3(-) dilution occurred and concentrations remained mostly below the European critical level for drinking water. Part of the observed heterogeneity in NO3(-) concentrations could be attributed to different patterns of ground vegetation coverage.  相似文献   

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