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The interactive effects of soil texture and type of N fertility (i.e., manure vs. commercial N fertilizer) on N(2)O and CH(4) emissions have not been well established. This study was conducted to assess the impact of soil type and N fertility on greenhouse gas fluxes (N(2)O, CH(4), and CO(2)) from the soil surface. The soils used were a sandy loam (789 g kg(-1) sand and 138 g kg(-1) clay) and a clay soil (216 g kg(-1) sand, and 415 g kg(-1) clay). Chamber experiments were conducted using plastic buckets as the experimental units. The treatments applied to each soil type were: (i) control (no added N), (ii) urea-ammonium nitrate (UAN), and (iii) liquid swine manure slurry. Greenhouse gas fluxes were measured over 8 weeks. Within the UAN and swine manure treatments both N(2)O and CH(4) emissions were greater in the sandy loam than in the clay soil. In the sandy loam soil N(2)O emissions were significantly different among all N treatments, but in the clay soil only the manure treatment had significantly higher N(2)O emissions. It is thought that the major differences between the two soils controlling both N(2)O and CH(4) emissions were cation exchange capacity (CEC) and percent water-filled pore space (%WFPS). We speculate that the higher CEC in the clay soil reduced N availability through increased adsorption of NH(4)(+) compared to the sandy loam soil. In addition the higher average %WFPS in the sandy loam may have favored higher denitrification and CH(4) production than in the clay soil.  相似文献   

Land-applied domestic animal wastes contain appreciable amounts of 17beta-estradiol (henceforth, estradiol) and testosterone. These sex hormones may be transported through soil to groundwater and streams, where they may adversely affect the environment. Previous column transport studies with these hormones used repacked soil and did not consider preferential flow. We, therefore, determined the sorption and transport characteristics of estradiol and testosterone in undisturbed soil columns (15-cm i.d. by 32-cm height). In the sorption experiment, isotherms for estradiol and testosterone were nonlinear with Freundlich exponents (n) less than one. Sorption of both hormones decreased with soil depth, and estradiol sorbed more strongly than testosterone. Average estradiol Freundlich sorption coefficients (K(f)) values were 36.9 microg(1 - n) mL(n) g(-1) for the 0- to 10-cm soil depth and 25.7 microg(1 - n) mL(n) g(-1) for the 20- to 30-cm soil depth. Average testosterone K(f) values were 26.7 microg(1 - n) mL(n) g(-1) for the 0- to 10-cm soil depth and 14.0 microg(1 - n) mL(n) g(-1) for the 20- to 30-cm soil depth. In the transport experiment, 27% of the estradiol and 42% of the testosterone leached through the soil columns. Approximately 50% of the remaining soil-bound hormones were sorbed in the top 10 cm of soil. In almost all instances, breakthrough concentrations of estradiol, testosterone, and a chloride tracer peaked simultaneously. Simultaneous breakthrough and HYDRUS-1D transport parameters indicated both chemical and physical nonequilibrium processes affected hormone transport. This suggests hormones placed on soil surfaces may contaminate groundwater under conditions of preferential flow.  相似文献   

Chemical treatment of animal manure with Al, Fe, and Ca salts appears capable of concentrating P in a smaller volume, thereby providing increased manure management options. However, little information is available on the fate of nutrients in soils receiving chemically treated manure. An incubation study (1 d to 2 yr) was conducted with three soils (Soils I, II, and III with 12, 66, and 94 mg kg(-1) Bray-1 P, respectively) and four manure treatments (one untreated and three chemical including Al-, Fe-, and Ca-treated) at two rates (12.5 and 25 mg P kg(-1)), and a control (no manure). Subsamples were analyzed for Bray-1 P and water-extractable phosphorus (WEP) after eight incubation time periods. Phosphorus distribution among different fractions (soluble and loosely bound; Al-, Fe-, and Ca-bound; organic P; and residual) was also determined after 1 d and 1 yr. Water-extractable P increased when soils received untreated or Ca-treated manure in proportion to P application rate. Water-extractable P, however, decreased (compared with control) for Soils II and III or slightly increased for Soil I with addition of Al- or Fe-treated manure. Water-extractable P decreased sharply between 1 d and 1 to 2 wk and then remained relatively constant or increased slightly up to 2 yr depending on treatment and soil type. Bray-1 P increased for all treatment types and soils in the following order: Ca-treated > Al-treated >/= untreated > Fe-treated > control. Within each treatment, Bray-1 P decreased between 1 d and 1 to 2 wk and then gradually increased for up to 3 mo (Soils II and III) or 6 mo (Soil I). Application of Al- or Fe-treated manure decreased P solubility with the effect being more pronounced in soils with high background P. Since the application of Ca-treated manure increased both WEP and Bray-1 P, it should be recommended for soils where the objective is to increase P availability. Several years of P input through fertilizer and manure contributed mainly to aluminum-bound phosphorus (Al-P) and to a lesser degree to other fractions. Only soluble and loosely bound P (all soils) and Al-P (Soil I) exhibited treatment-type effects after receiving chemically treated manure. The study results will help bridge the gap between our knowledge of chemical treatment systems for animal manure and the ultimate fate of P when the treated manure is land-applied.  相似文献   

Natural steroidal estrogens are an environmental concern because low nanogram per liter concentrations in water can adversely affect aquatic vertebrate species by disrupting the normal function of their endocrine systems. There is a critical need to accurately measure estrogens in dairy wastes, a potential source of estrogens such as 17beta-estradiol, to assess the risk of estrogen contamination of agricultural drainage waters resulting from land application. Commercially available enzyme immunoassay (EIA) kits have been used for measuring 17beta-estradiol in livestock manure, but it is not known if different EIAs provide similar results. We compared three EIAs by measuring 17beta-estradiol in two samples of flushed dairy manure wastewater (FDMW). The measured concentrations of 17beta-estradiol in FDMW differed according to the immunoassay used. The differences were attributed to a matrix interference associated with coextracted humic substances. Future research should develop methods that enable routine measurement of 17beta-estradiol in livestock wastes by more conclusive analytical techniques such as gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Little attention has been paid to the environmental fate of the hormones 17beta-estradiol and testosterone excreted in animal waste. Land application of manure has a considerable potential to affect the environment with these endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs). Composting is known to decompose organic matter to a stable, humus-like material. The goal of the present study was to quantitatively assess levels of water-soluble 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in composting chicken manure with time. Chicken layer manure was mixed with hay, straw, decomposed leaves, and starter compost, adjusted to approximately 60% moisture, and placed into a windrow. A clay-amended windrow was also prepared. Windrows were turned weekly, and temperature, oxygen, and CO(2) in the composting mass were monitored for either 133 or 139 d. Commercial enzyme immunoassay kits were used to quantitate the levels of 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in aqueous sample extracts. Water-soluble quantities of both hormones diminished during composting. The decrease in 17beta-estradiol followed first-order kinetics, with a rate constant k = -0.010/d. Testosterone levels declined at a slightly higher rate than 17beta-estradiol (i.e., k = -0.015/d). Both hormones could still be measured in aqueous extracts of compost sampled at the conclusion of composting. The decline in water-soluble 17beta-estradiol and testosterone in extracts of clay-amended compost was not statistically different from normal compost. These data suggest that composting may be an environmentally friendly technology suitable for reducing, but not eliminating, the concentrations of these endocrine disrupting hormones at concentrated animal operation facilities.  相似文献   

Continuous N-based application of biosolids contributes to a gradual increase of trace elements and P in soils. The objectives of this study were to assess the accumulation and vertical transport of Cu, Zn, C, N, and P within the profile of two coastal plain soils. Liquid (6-8% total solids) biosolids were applied to an Acredale silt loam (fine silty, mixed, thermic typic Ochraqualfs) and Bojac loamy sand (coarse loamy, mixed, thermic typic Hapludult) annually from 1984 to 1998. The repeated applications supplied 70, 204, and 3823 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn, and P, respectively, to the Acredale and 81, 225, and 4265 kg ha(-1) of Cu, Zn, and P, respectively, to the Bojac. The total C and N contents were not different than background levels in the Bojac soil and were slightly higher in the Acredale soil 7 years after cessation of biosolids application. Phosphorus, Cu and Zn are still concentrated in the top 0.25 m of the Acredale soil. Enrichment of P, Cu, and Zn were detected to the deepest soil increment in the coarse-textured Bojac soil. Approximately 20 to 40% of the Cu and Zn applied in the biosolids could not be accounted, which was likely due to a combination of leaching and incomplete extraction. Excessive Mehlich 1-P concentrations and a high degree of P saturation were found in amended soil, raising the potential for P release to runoff or leaching water.  相似文献   

Managing manure in no-till systems is a water quality concern because surface application of manure can enrich runoff with dissolved phosphorus (P), and incorporation by tillage increases particulate P loss. This study compared runoff from well-drained and somewhat poorly drained soils under corn (Zea mays, L.) production that had been in no-till for more than 10 yr. Dairy cattle (Bos taurus L.) manure was broadcast into a fall planted cover crop before no-till corn planting or incorporated by chisel/disk tillage in the absence of a cover crop. Rainfall simulations (60 mm h(-1)) were performed after planting, mid-season, and post-harvest in 2007 and 2008. In both years and on both soils, no-till yielded significantly less sediment than did chisel/disking. Relative effects of tillage on runoff and P loss differed with soil. On the well-drained soil, runoff depths from no-till were much lower than with chisel/disking, producing significantly lower total P loads (22-50% less). On the somewhat poorly drained soil, there was little to no reduction in runoff depth with no-till, and total P loads were significantly greater than with chisel/disking (40-47% greater). Particulate P losses outweighed dissolved P losses as the major concern on the well-drained soil, whereas dissolved P from surface applied manure was more important on the somewhat poorly drained soil. This study confirms the benefit of no-till to erosion and total P runoff control on well-drained soils but highlights trade-offs in no-till management on somewhat poorly drained soils where the absence of manure incorporation can exacerbate total P losses.  相似文献   

Treatments to reduce solids content in liquid manure have been developed, but little information is available on gaseous N emissions and plant N uptake after application of treated liquid swine manure (LSM). We measured crop yield, N uptake, and NH3 and N2O losses after the application of mineral fertilizer (NH4 NO3), raw LSM, and LSM that was decanted, filtered, anaerobically digested, or chemically flocculated. The experiment was conducted from 2001 to 2003 on a loam and a sandy loam cropped to timothy (Phleum pratense L.) with annual applications equivalent to 80 kg N ha(-1) in spring and 60 kg N ha(-1) after the first harvest. Raw LSM resulted in NH3 emissions three to six times larger (P < 0.05) than mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments reduced NH3 emissions by an average of 25% compared with raw LSM (P < 0.05). The N2O emissions tended to be higher with raw LSM than with mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments had little effect on N2O emissions, except for anaerobic digestion, which reduced emissions by >50% compared with raw LSM (P < 0.05). Forage yield with raw LSM was >90% of that with mineral fertilizer. The LSM treatments tended to increase forage yield and N uptake relative to raw LSM. We conclude that treated or untreated LSM offers an alternative to mineral fertilizers for forage grass production but care must be taken to minimize NH3 volatilization. Removing solids from LSM by mechanical, chemical, and biological means reduced NH3 losses from LSM applied to perennial grass.  相似文献   

Increasing antibiotic resistance genes in the environment may pose a threat to public health. In this study, tetracycline and sulfonamide resistance genes (Tet-W, Tet-O, and Sul-I) were quantified in 24 manure samples from three farms and 18 biosolids samples from seven different wastewater treatment plants using quantitative polymerase chain reaction methods. Concentrations of Tet-W and Tet-O genes were observed to be significantly higher (p < 0.05) in manure than in biosolids samples. The background soil samples showed significantly lower concentration of the above genes compared with manure and biosolids. Lime-stabilized biosolids showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower concentration of antibiotic resistance genes compared with other biosolids treatment methods. Elevated levels of antibiotic resistance genes (Tet-W, Tet-O, and Sul-I) were observed in the amended soil samples after the land application of manure or biosolids (Site A) monitored for a period of about 4 mo. However, at another site (Site B), no significant increase (p > 0.05) in concentration of antibiotic resistance genes was observed after biosolids application on soil. Even though the concentration of antibiotic resistance genes in manure was statistically higher than that in biosolids, when they were applied on land, the contribution to the soil depended on the background soil concentration and the soil characteristics. Further study of multiple soil samples in various locations is needed.  相似文献   

The persistence and pathways of dissipation of testosterone in three agricultural soils were examined in laboratory microcosm incubations at different soil moistures (1.7-39%) and temperatures (4-30 degrees C) using (14)C- and (3)H-labeled and unlabeled testosterone. Sterilized loam was also examined to assess possible abiotic pathways. Extractable (14)C decreased rapidly for all three soils at 30 degrees C with times to dissipate 50% of material (DT(50)) ranging from 8.5 to 21 h. Respired (14)CO(2) accounted for approximately 50% of the applied (14)C after 120 h. Androgenic activity of soil extracts declined faster than the extractable (14)C levels demonstrating that testosterone was not being converted to compounds with greater activity. Dissipation rates of nonvolatile, extractable (3)H in loam at 7, 15, and 39% moisture were similar, but the rate in air-dried loam (1.7% moisture) was significantly reduced. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis of extracts of (14)C-testosterone-treated loam incubated at 30 degrees C for 6 h revealed that the (14)C was distributed among the remaining testosterone and three major metabolites (4-androstene-3,17-dione, 5alpha-androstane-3,17-dione, and 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione), which accounted for 48.7, 23.7, and 9.6% of the remaining (14)C, respectively. Periodic analysis of soil incubated at 23, 12, and 4 degrees C showed that the rates of testosterone dissipation and metabolite appearance and subsequent dissipation were temperature dependent with rates decreasing with decreasing temperature. In sterilized loam, 4-androstene-3,17-dione was the only metabolite detected. We conclude that testosterone is rapidly and thoroughly biodegraded in agricultural soils under a range of conditions typical of a temperate growing season and thus is unlikely to pose a long-term risk to adjacent aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Land application is becoming a preferred option for disposal of sewage sludge (biosolids) from wastewater treatment plants. However, it creates potential risks due to the heavy metal contents of these materials, with copper (Cu) being of chief concern. The long-term fate of biosolid metals applied to agricultural soils is not well understood, particularly in the soils of the Middle East. This investigation was conducted to determine whether the availability of Cu changes with time in biosolid-amended and nonamended soils from Israel. Seven soils, typifying the span of properties and formation environments encountered in Israel, were incubated with and without biosolids for 7 yr, and changes in organic carbon (OC) content and labile Cu concentration were determined. Isotopic exchange techniques, using 64Cu, and ion activity measurements, using a Cu2+ ion selective electrode, revealed that the available Cu concentration remained relatively low and stable over the 7-yr incubation. This was despite substantial reductions in OC. This study shows that, with regard to Cu, application of such biosolids to these soils at rates of up to 250 Mg ha(-1) does not pose a threat to the environment in the short to medium term.  相似文献   

Enzymatic hydrolysis of organic phosphorus in swine manure and soil   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Organic phosphorus (Po) exists in many chemical forms that differ in their susceptibility to hydrolysis and, therefore, bioavailability to plants and microorganisms. Identification and quantification of these forms may significantly contribute to effective agricultural P management. Phosphatases catalyze reactions that release orthophosphate (Pi) from Po compounds. Alkaline phosphatase in tris-HCl buffer (pH 9.0), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) phytase in potassium acetate buffer (pH 5.0), and nuclease P1 in potassium acetate buffer (pH 5.0) can be used to classify and quantify Po in animal manure. Background error associated with different pH and buffer systems is observed. In this study, we improved the enzymatic hydrolysis approach and tested its applicability for investigating Po in soils, recognizing that soil and manure differ in numerous physicochemical properties. We applied (i) acid phosphatase from potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), (ii) acid phosphatases from both potato and wheat germ, and (iii) both enzymes plus nuclease P1 to identify and quantify simple labile monoester P, phytate (myo-inositol hexakis phosphate)-like P, and DNA-like P, respectively, in a single pH/buffer system (100 mM sodium acetate, pH 5.0). This hydrolysis procedure released Po in sequentially extracted H2O, NaHCO3, and NaOH fractions of swine (Sus scrofa) manure, and of three sandy loam soils. Further refinement of the approach may provide a universal tool for evaluating hydrolyzable Po from a wide range of sources.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) added to soil from fertilizer or manure application could pose a threat to water quality due to its role in eutrophication of fresh water resources. Incorporating such amendments into the soil is an established best management practice (BMP) for reducing soluble P losses in runoff water, but could also lead to higher erosion. The objective of this study was to test whether incorporation of manure or fertilizer 24 h before an intense rain could also reduce sediment-bound and total phosphorus (TP) losses in runoff. A rainfall simulation study was conducted on field plots (sandy loam with 6-7% slope, little surface residue, recently cultivated) that received two application rates of liquid swine manure or liquid ammonium polyphosphate fertilizer, using either surface-broadcast or incorporated methods of application. Incorporation increased the total suspended solids (TSS) concentrations in runoff but mass losses were not affected. Incorporation also reduced flow-weighted concentrations and losses of dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and TP by as much as 30 to 60% depending on source (fertilizer vs. manure) and application rate. Phosphorus is moved below the mixing zone of interaction on incorporation, and thus the effect of the amount and availability of P in this zone is more important than cultivation on subsequent P losses in runoff. Incorporating manure or fertilizer in areas of intense erosive rain, recent extensive tillage, and with little or no surface residue is therefore a best management practice that should be adhered to in order to minimize contamination of surface water. Results also show comparatively lower P losses from manure than fertilizer.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary non-phytin phosphorus (NPP) and phytase (PHY) concentration on total phosphorus (TP) and water-soluble phosphorus (WSP) excretion was determined. Diets tested in broiler experiments were: National Research Council nutrient requirements for non-phytin phosphorus (NRC), NRC + PHY, reduced non-phytin phosphorus (RED), and RED + PHY. Turkey and swine experiment diets included NRC, RED, and RED + PHY. For all experiments, except broiler Experiment 1, excreta were: (i) boiled, antibiotic added, then frozen; (ii) boiled, antibiotic added, incubated (37 degrees C for 72 h), then frozen; and (iii) incubated, boiled, antibiotic added, then frozen. In Experiment 1, excreta were collected and frozen or incubated for 24 or 48 h. In broiler Experiment 1, WSP was not affected by phytase but increased with post-excretion incubation. In a broiler Experiment 2, reducing NPP resulted in reduced excreta TP and WSP (11.3 to 8.3 and 5.3 to 2.7 g kg(-1)). Feeding RED + PHY diets resulted in less TP and WSP (7.6 and 0.6 g kg(-1)) as compared with NRC + PHY (11.2 and 3.9 g kg(-1), Experiment 3). Incubation resulted in increased WSP, irrespective of phytase addition such that WSP as a percent of TP was similar among treatments. Addition of antibiotics before incubation prevented the increase in WSP. Similar results were observed with turkey and swine. Therefore, when phytase is used properly (i.e., with a simultaneous reduction of NPP), WSP or WSP as a percent of TP are not affected. The increase in WSP as a percent of TP post-excretion is a function of excreta microbial activity and not dietary phytase addition.  相似文献   

Acidic (pH 4.1) and high Cd, Pb, and Zn mine tailings (mean +/- SD: 17 +/- 0.4, 3800 +/- 100, and 3500 +/- 100 mg kg(-1), respectively) from an alluvial tailings deposit in Leadville, Colorado were amended with municipal biosolids (BS) (224 Mg ha(-1)) and different types of lime (calcium carbonate equivalent of 224 Mg ha(-1) CaCO3) in a greenhouse column study to test the ability of the amendments to neutralize surface and subsoil acidity and restore plant growth. The types of lime included coarse, agricultural, and fine-textured lime (CL, AL, and FL), sugar beet lime (SBL), and lime kiln dust (LK). The FL was also added alone. All treatments increased bulk pH in the amended horizon in comparison to the control, with the most significant increases observed in the FL, SBL+BS, and LK+BS treatments (7.33, 7.34, and 7.63, respectively). All treatments, excluding the FL, increased the pH in the horizon directly below the amended layer, with the most significant increases observed in the SBL+BS and LK+BS treatments (6.01 and 5.41, respectively). Significant decreases in 0.01 M Ca(NO3)2-extractable Zn and Cd were observed in the subsoil for all treatments that included BS, with the largest decrease in the SBL+BS treatment (344 and 3.9 versus 4 and 0.1 mg kg(-1) Zn and Cd, respectively). Plant growth of annual rye (Lolium multiflorum L.) was vigorous in all treatments that included BS with plant Zn, Cd, and Pb concentrations reduced over the control.  相似文献   

Traditional corn (Zea mays L.) (TC), the primary grain used in swine (Sus scrofa) diets, stores a majority of its P as phytate, which is largely unavailable for digestion by nonruminant animals. Low-phytate corn (LPC) contains similar amounts of total P but a smaller percentage of P as phytate. When fed to swine, LPC increases P utilization and reduces P content of manure. While differences in P content between manure from animals fed TC and LPC diets have been documented, solubility and lability of manure P have not been compared. Manure P was characterized in manure from swine fed either LPC or TC diets in 2000 and 2001. Total P was lower (20 vs. 34 g kg(-1)) and N to P ratio was higher (4.5 vs. 3.3) in LPC manure than in TC manure. Manures were sequentially extracted with deionized water, 0.5 M NaHCO3, 0.1 M NaOH, and 1.0 M HCl. Extracts were analyzed for inorganic and total P. Most P (approximately 80%) in the extracts was in the inorganic form. Concentration of P in the water-extractable fraction was lower for LPC manure (10.2 g kg(-1) in 2000 and 9.7 g kg(-1) in 2001) than for TC manure (13.6 g kg(-1) in 2000 and 17.0 g kg(-1) in 2001). Percentage of total P in each extract was in the order of: H2O (60%), HCl (22%), NaHCO3 (12%), NaOH (8%), and residue (<1%). Total P and distribution of P in extracts indicates swine are able to utilize more P contained in LPC feed but the composition of P excreted in LPC manure is similar to TC manure. Solubility, crop availability, and lability of P in LPC manure should be similar to that of TC manure.  相似文献   

This study explores the economic attractiveness of afforestation as a strategy for the joint production of fibre, carbon storage and biosolids (treated municipal sewage sludge) disposal for municipalities in Southern and Central Ontario, Canada. We use a spatial, stochastic model, the Canadian Forest Service Afforestation Feasibility Model (CFS-AFM), to simulate a range of spatial biosolids application scenarios in hybrid poplar afforestation projects. Results suggest that such joint afforestation strategies could be financially attractive. Significant cost savings can be expected through decreases in transportation distances and avoided waste disposal fees. Sensitivity analysis is used to examine the effects of variations in critical model parameters on net present values. Our findings indicate that waste disposal savings from application of biosolids on hybrid poplar plantations combined with incentives for landowners to sequester carbon can easily compete with agricultural land rental values in some regions of Ontario. Social acceptance of this kind of activity, however, may be an impediment to adoption.  相似文献   

The influence of zoonotic pathogens in animal manure on human health and well-being as a direct or indirect cause of human enteric illness is examined. Available international data are considered, but the study is focused on the developing situation in western Canada, where it is certain there will be further rapid growth in livestock numbers, particularly hogs. Major pathogens considered are Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella, Campylobacter, Yersinia, Cryptosporidium, and Giardia. Canada is now the leading exporter of pork internationally, but recent increases in production contrast with constant domestic levels of pork consumption and declining levels of foodborne illness caused by pork. Effects of increased levels of manure production are not quantifiable in terms of effects on human health. The presence of major pathogens in manure and movement to human food sources and water are considered on the basis of available data. Survival of the organisms in soil, manure, and water indicate significant variability in resistance to environmental challenge that are characteristic of the organisms themselves. Generally, pathogens survived longer in environmental samples at cool temperatures but differences were seen in liquid and solid manure. Based on actual data plus some data extrapolated from cattle manure environments, holding manure at 25 degrees C for 90 d will render it free from the pathogens considered above.  相似文献   

Physical, chemical, or biological treatment of animal liquid manure generally produces a dry-matter rich fraction (DMF) that contains most of the initial phosphorus (P). Our objective was to assess the solubility and plant availability of P from various DMFs as a function of soil P status. Eight different DMFs were obtained from liquid swine (LSM) and dairy cattle (LDC) manures treated by natural decantation, anaerobic digestion, chemical flocculation, composting, or mechanical separation. The DMFs were compared with mineral P fertilizer in a pot experiment with oat ( L.) grown in four soils with varied P-fixing capacities and P saturation levels. The DMFs were added at a rate of 50 mg P kg soil and incubated 14 d before seeding. Soil water-extractable P (P) at all water:soil extraction ratios (2:1, 20:1, and 200:1) was slightly higher when DMFs were derived from LDC rather than LSM. Soil P at the 2:1 ratio was lower with anaerobically digested LSM. At the 2:1 extraction ratio, DMF P was less soluble than mineral P as P saturation in soils increased. In soils with a lower P-fixing capacity, DMF P appeared less water soluble than mineral P under 20:1 and 200:1 extraction ratios. After 72 d of plant growth, DMFs produced yields comparable to mineral P fertilizer. Although the plant availability of P from DMFs was comparable to mineral P fertilizer, P from DMFs could be less vulnerable to leaching or runoff losses in soils with a high P saturation level or low P-fixing capacity.  相似文献   

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