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基于熵权物元可拓模型的黑河中游生态环境脆弱性评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对黑河中游生态环境特点,基于PSR模型,选取9项能反映其生态环境脆弱性而彼此之间相互独立的评价指标体系,采用物元可拓理论和熵权法构建生态环境脆弱性的综合评判模型,对黑河中游各地区生态环境脆弱性进行了评价.结果表明:民乐县和甘州区整体生态环境脆弱性相对较轻,嘉峪关市中等,肃州区、高台县和临泽县较重,山丹县最严重;各地区对不同评价指标的敏感程度也各不相同.评价结果符合当地实际情况.  相似文献   

改善生态环境规划的战略环境评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了对改善生态环境规划进行战略环境评价的重要性和评价重点,结合天津市碧水工程实施方案战略环境评价实例,介绍了以总量控制和环境效益为重点的评价过程和评价方法。  相似文献   

基于RS和GIS的生态系统健康评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
徐明德  李静  彭静  钮键  曹露 《生态环境》2010,19(8):1809-1814
生态系统健康评价可以认识区域生态系统健康状况、识别生态环境问题,为制定科学的生态保护对策提供依据,对提高可持续发展和环境管理具有重要的指导作用。文章由压力-状态-响应(P-S-R)概念模型建立了生态系统健康评价指标体系和评价模型,运用RS和GIS技术及统计学分析法,形成程序化、系统化的生态系统健康评价技术方法体系,并以高平市为案例,运用定量的方法对其生态系统健康进行综合评价及分级研究,通过对压力、状态、响应评价结果及健康综合评价结果的分析,结合高平市生态系统健康的自然条件状况与人类活动影响,探讨了影响区域健康的因素,为高平市资源的合理利用与保护提供科学依据。结果表明该技术对生态系统健康评价是切实可行的。  相似文献   

生态风险评价的目的是保护生态系统功能的完整性、稳定性和持久性,为环境风险管理提供理论依据。然而,目前常见的用于保护生物的化学污染物浓度阈值大多是以个体水平的毒性试验结果为基础,忽略了物种在时间和空间相互作用等因素,不能够完全保护生态环境安全和生态系统功能的延续性。本文从生态风险评价的概念、目的和意义引出种群水平生态风险评价在环境管理应用的重要性,综述了种群水平生态风险评价的科学问题(如密度依赖、遗传变异和空间结构等),归纳了种群水平风险评价主要模型方法及其应用(如Euler-Lotka方程、预测矩阵、个体模型、空间模型和动态能量预算模型等),列举了各国现有法律法规中关于种群水平生态风险评价的规定,以期为种群水平生态风险评价方法研究及在环境管理中的应用提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

生物指标监测可以综合反映水体各种污染物质相互作用的结果,具有综合性强、持续性久、敏感性高等特点,能对现行理化监测无法反映污染综合效应的缺陷进行补充.本文通过对松花江干流水体大型底栖无脊椎动物实际状况的调查与分析,结合典范对应分析(CCA)及BIOENV分析对底栖动物群落与环境因子进行相关性分析得出结论,总磷为研究区域内底栖动物群落变化的主要影响因子.为科学评估松花江流域水污染防治规划的实施效果和让松花江休养生息政策措施的绩效,全面评价流域污染物减排效果提供了生物学依据.  相似文献   

区域生态环境质量评价研究进展与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
提高生态环境质量已成为当前人民保障生活质量的迫切需求,进行生态环境质量评价是生态建设和保护环境的重要基础工作。通过对国内外文献进行统计和分析,得出如下结论。①形式方面:20年来国际国内在生态环境质量评价方面进行了大量的研究工作且10年来加速上升,研究成果主要以期刊、学位论文、会议论文和专著等媒介展现。②内容方面:同期相比,国外的研究主要集中于各专题如水环境、气环境和土壤环境的分析及某些典型的区域问题解决。我国虽起步稍晚,在国家和省部级政府的倡导与支持下发展迅速且紧跟国际前沿,以基础和应用研究、工程技术、政策指导和行业技术指导等为导向,体现出服务于经济发展、注重实践和方法创新的特色。③手段方面:遥感和地理信息系统等高技术手段在环境质量评价方面发挥了很大的作用,有巨大的潜力和广阔的前景,发达国家更着重于环境因素的深入定量分析遥感反演,发展中国家更着重于宏观层面上的信息获取和综合质量评价应用。④内涵方面:现有的工作可归为生态环境质量评价的生态环境遥感信息获取、评价指标体系构建、不同尺度对象的评价、评价技术手段和方法模型探索以及评价思路视野目标几个侧重面。⑤局限方面:通过纵观近期的研究进展和发展趋势分析,总结出现阶段的局限主要体现在评价指标选择偏主观、评价模型偏模糊、评价对象对象尺度和属性认识偏笼统和定量遥感信息的应用不足等问题。⑥展望方面:建议今后的研究多注重于人口数量和结构对生态环境的影响、分析各指标因素间的内在联系与影响机理、充分发掘和利用遥感定量信息、评价模型基于时代经济特色和对象客观条件和功能的理想值参照等,以期待提高生态环境质量评价工作的效率和深度。  相似文献   

抗生素是环境中普遍存在的污染物,畜牧水产养殖是其主要来源之一.环境中可能同时存在多种抗生素残留,因此单一药物的毒性评价难以反映抗生素对生态环境的影响,应探究其混合物的毒性效应.本文在总结大量文献的基础上,介绍了兽用抗生素的残留现状,总结了兽用抗生素对生态环境的混合毒性研究进展,讨论了兽用抗生素残留对土壤生物和水生生物的...  相似文献   

城市生态系统代谢的能值研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市环境问题的深层原因是城市代谢过程出现了问题.城市代谢研究,是分析城市在人类各种活动影响下,如何将取自生态系统的物质和能量进行转换、利用与处理的过程,成为评价城市可持续发展的重要依据.早在19世纪末,就有有关能量流分析社会代谢的概念;近期最具代表性的是HowardT.Odum.首先从城市代谢研究的兴起和发展出发,然后分环境评价、空间层面、动态模拟三方面,对Odum的能值方法在城市代谢分析中的应用进行了回顾.环境评价方面以生态经济学为理论基础,提出发展具有生物物理基础的能值方法,对城市代谢的生态评估更为恰当;空问层面结合景观生态学,为区域空间规划提供了参考,并指出土地利用变迁与社会代谢间的相关性研究为当前的核心问题;动态层面仍以系统生态学建立整合性系统模型为基础,但空间系统模拟方法的发展仍处于起步阶段.各个学科与方法的整合促进了城市代谢研究的进一步深化.最后,建议未来应用能值研究城市代谢的4个研究方向有:(1)城市代谢与可持续发展之间相互关系的研究;(2)城市代谢与土地利用变迁相互驱动的模型发展;(3)基于代谢过程的城市管理对策研究;(4)全球环境变迁对土地利用和城市代谢的影响.  相似文献   

1996年2月5日至9日,国家环保局在中国科学院生态环境研究中心举办了“环境影响评价”岗位培训班(世行贷款第四期暨持证上岗第七期).国家环保局监督管理司乔致奇司长在培训班上介绍了我国环境影响评价工作的进展、特点,以及对环境影响评价工作的要求.他说:七十年代中期,我国开始进行环境影响评价,现已形成较为完善的环境评价管理体系,评价技术方法也逐步规范.环境影响评价作为环境管理的一项制度,对控制开发建设活动的新污染和保护生态环境,发挥了重要作用.对从事环境影响评价的技术人员和管理人员进行培训,有利于提高我国环境影响评价的技术水平.  相似文献   

社会经济活动对太湖流域的生态影响分析   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
采用系统分析的方法,围绕社会经济压力、水体污染负荷以及水体环境状态3个方面,建立社会经济活动对太湖流域生态影响的评价指标体系,利用层次分析法计算各指标因子的权重.根据太湖流域2005和2006年的相关数据,以MATLAB为工具,运用模糊模式识别方法进行流域生态综合评价,分析社会经济活动对太湖流域的生态影响.研究结果表明,太湖流域的社会经济活动对湖泊生态的影响较大,除了点源污染以外,面源污染也是太湖流域生态环境问题的重要根源.  相似文献   


Water crises have occurred in more than 400 cities in China at the beginning of 2000. Investigation and statistical data suggest that there are five main problems in the management and utilization of water resources in China. These are (1) insufficient capacity and inhomogeneous space-time distribution of natural resources, (2) outdated construction of water conservancy projects and supply engineering, (3) unreasonable industrial water consumption, (4) increased water pollution and (5) incomplete management of the river basin and waterworks in city. It is necessary to take steps corresponding to the above-mentioned reasons to mitigate and even dispel the pressure on water resources for sustainable development of China as quickly as possible.  相似文献   

根据调查数据,指出森林破坏严重、水利不过关、土壤质量低、有机肥施用量减少、以及农产品价格偏低而导致经济投入减少和管理不善,是东江流域低产耕地的主要低产原因,并提出了如下的改良利用对策:继续进行林业建设和改造,加强水利建设、完善排灌系统和采用节水措施,改良土壤提高地力,因地制宜合理利用,增加投入和制订粮食收购保护价。  相似文献   

结合“大大连”建设的规划和“十五”及2010年远景规划,选取了人口、国内生产总值、公共绿地面积三个决策变量建立目标规划模型,采取3种方案对大连市水资源承载力进行预测,通过对预测结果的分析并结合水资源承载力的特点提出增强水资源承载力的方案:以可持续发展的观点来设计城市发展规划;调整和改造产业结构;改变城市绿化结构;兴修水利,发展节水技术达到水资源可持续利用。  相似文献   

A simple mathematical fate model, Multi‐Phase Non‐Steady State Equilibrium Model (MNSEM) is proposed to evaluate distribution, persistence, and concentrations of chemicals in a model environment consisting of air, water, soil and sediment phases. The model is applied to evaluation of environmental fate and concentration of trichloroethylene and 1,4‐dichlorobenzene under generic conditions representative of Japan.

Evaluated chemical concentrations in air are within a factor of 3 of average values in Japanese atmosphere, and evaluated concentrations in water, sediment, or fish are greater than an order of magnitude below detection limits in real environments, so that evaluated concentrations are in reasonable agreement with environmental measurement data in Japan.

Although MNSEM is not a model for site‐specific evaluation of environmental fate, results suggested that this model is an adequate method to aid in evaluation of fate of chemicals under generic environment conditions. Evaluated concentration‐profiles may be used to estimate average chemical exposure concentrations for humans and the environment.  相似文献   

China's Du Jiang Yan Irrigation Project, dating back to 256 BC, is one of the world's earliest water resources projects. Although it has been benefiting the Sichuan Basin area for over 2000 years, it is facing increasing problems due to ecological deterioration, over-exploitation from local industries and agriculture, suboptimal resource allocation arising from supply and demand mismatches, and an aging infrastructure. The traditional water resources development model is no longer appropriate for current and future needs of the area. Therefore, a sustainable development framework is envisioned in which population, economy and environment coexist in harmony. Within this framework, major strategies, such as construction and renovation of infrastructure, promotion of water conserving irrigation through non-engineering measures, pollution control and ecological improvements, restructuring of management entities and exploration of new funding sources, are proposed. An evaluation system is also introduced to assess the degree of sustainability and to monitor progress towards a high level of sustainable development.  相似文献   

加拿大最佳管理措施流域评价项目评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
可持续农业的目的是在保持良好环境质量的同时获得较高的农业生产率。最佳管理措施(BMPs)在世界范围内已得到广泛应用,以减少农业污染物对水环境的影响。自2004年以来,加拿大农业部实施了最佳管理措施流域评价(WEBs)项目,在全国各地选择了有代表性的9个小流域,对BMPs的环境和经济效益进行评价。笔者对过去几年来WEBs项目的进展、研究方法及主要成果进行简要的回顾,并对在中国开展类似项目的必要性和启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

In this study, a model for assessing of environmental disasters in near-shore areas was developed using a multi-criteria evaluation method of catastrophe theory. The assessment model involved scenarios of eutrophication, pollution with heavy metals and organic compounds. An evaluation system of the model was composed of seven mesosphere indicators and twenty underlying indicators including water chemistry, water physics, water biology, heavy metals and organic pollutants in water and surface sediments. The model was applied to possibility assessment of environmental disasters in different functional regions of the Dalian Bay in 2001 and 2006. Results showed that the environmental disaster indicators in 2001 were equivalent to the Level 4 standard values of marine functional areas, but the eutrophication disaster indicators were lower than the Level 4 standard values. It is consistent with the occurrence of a large-scale red tide in Dalian Bay in 2001. In 2006, eutrophication remained the dominant problem of the region but organic pollutants, such as oil, were reduced remarkably. This coincided with ongoing local environmental-friendly practices for industries.  相似文献   

目前,环境水样个体水平的毒理学检测成本较高、耗时长,且检测后的水样若处理不当易造成环境的二次污染。通过使用易于培养和观察、个体微小的模式生物—秀丽隐杆线虫作为实验对象,利用毛细玻璃管的虹吸原理将线虫暴露于微量的环境水样进行染毒培养,实现微量水样在个体水平的毒理学评价。为了验证该方法的可行性,检测了暴露组线虫与对照组线虫的生殖腺细胞损伤水平、活性氧自由基(ROS)产生量、氧化应激水平、脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)损伤水平等生物终点的差异性。研究结果有助于为微量环境水样在个体水平的毒理学分析提供一种快速、可行、廉价的评价手段。  相似文献   

The conventional approach to wastewater system design and planning considers each component separately and does not provide the optimum performance of the entire system. However, the growing concern for environmental protection, economic efficiency, and sustainability of urban wastewater systems requires an integrated modeling of subsystems and a synthetic evaluation of multiple objectives. In this study, a multi-objective optimization model of an integrated urban wastewater system was developed. The model encompasses subsystems, such as a sewer system, stormwater management, municipal wastewater treatment, and a wastewater reclamation system. The non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II) was used to generate a range of system design possibilities to optimize conflicting environmental and economic objectives. Information from a knowledge base, which included rules for generating treatment trains as well as the performance characteristics of commonly used water pollution control measures, was utilized. The trade-off relationships between the objectives, total water pollution loads to the environment, and life cycle costs (which consist of investment as well as operation and maintenance costs), can be illustrated using Pareto charts. The developed model can be used to assist decision makers in the preliminary planning of system structure. A benchmark city was constructed to illustrate the methods of multi-objective controls, highlight cost-effective water pollution control measures, and identify the main pressures on urban water environment.  相似文献   


Goal and Scope

Planning projects concerning the environment often provoke problems due to a lack of transparency of the applied scales and the appropriate evaluation methods. This paper therefore examines the general structure of all valuation processes before describing the character of the economic evaluation method in detail. From this point of view, requirements on planning processes are coming out which are to be achieved if their duty — the provision of public goods — is to be carried out efficiently.


It will be shown that from an economist’s perspective a planning procedure acts as a surrogate of the market in coordinating individual’s preferences. The reasons for the inefficient level of the provision of environmental goods by private producers are their main characteristics: non-rivality and non-excludability; therefore public goods do not possess prices. Thus environmental goods have to be produced by cooperation and planning processes have to guarantee this. The main character of planning procedures is be seen in communication processes which is documented by a narrative study.

Results and Conclusions

Planning projects concerning the environment are strongly contingent on communication processes. Thus, they are also controllable by communication. The interdisciplinary research in communications shows that cooperative behaviour which is required for planning projects that should provide public goods can be benefited by applicative communication technologies. In this juncture (social) norms more and more emerge to act an important part in conveying cooperative behaviour. Especially so called ‘Sozialtechniken’ seem to be able to activate such norms.


From the economist’s point of view planning projects concerning the environment mostly desiderate two things: Firstly, the procedures and methods which are applied to evaluate the regarding environmental goods in many cases suffer from transparency. Secondly, individual’s preferences predominant by the local population and accordingly by the directly involved parties are mostly not acquired adequately to achieve an efficient allocation of environmental goods. Applying more communication technologies to solve these two problems in the future both an increase of efficiency and an increase of the acceptability of such planning projects can be expected.  相似文献   

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