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热带森林—砂仁生态系统可持续性的环境经济学分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以曼么村为例,从环境经济学的观点出发,对热带森林-砂仁生态系统的可持续性从经济及环境、生态等方面进行了分析。发现种植砂仁后,砂仁的经济效益的递增率不如资源环境成本的递增率快。生态环境的破坏,大大降低了砂仁的产量,从而更使得种植砂仁的经济效益停滞不前。由砂仁的外延式生产转为内涵式生产,采用轮作的经营方式,能很好地实现砂仁的持续种植。  相似文献   

探究中国热带森林改善空气环境质量的功能及其影响因子,为热带雨林国家公园康养资源及生态系统服务功能评估提供基本参数.选择海南尖峰岭4种典型森林类型监测空气负离子浓度及其变化,并以无植被覆盖的开阔地为参照对象,采用相关分析与回归分析等方法研究不同植被类型空气负离子差异及其影响因素,并采用安倍空气离子评价指数、森林空气离子评...  相似文献   

"3S"在森林病虫害预警中的应用与展望   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对“3S”技术在森林病虫害预警中的应用现状、作用进行了分析.运用3S技术,结合森林病虫害发生的特点,对可能引发的各种森林病虫害可以进行预警,指出了实现森林病虫害预警应解决的问题及应用前景。  相似文献   

阐述了张家界市森林病虫害的发生特点、森防工作面临的问题,并提出了强化森防工作的建议.  相似文献   

生态茶园建设与病虫害综合防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
综述了在茶树病虫害综合防治中生态学原理和农田生态系统科学理论的运用。强调以生态防治,即农业防治和防治为主,借助于各种2技术和现代生物科学手段,在综合防治中尽量少用化学农药,以减少对环境的污染,农药残留及天敌的伤害、维持茶园生态平衡。  相似文献   

综述了在茶树病虫害综合防治中生态学原理和农田生态系统科学理论的运用。强调以生态防治,即农业防治和生物防治为主,借助于各种农业技术和现代生物科学手段,在综合防治中尽量少用化学农药,以减少对环境的污染、农药残留及对天敌的伤害,维持茶园生态平衡。  相似文献   

本文讨论了高效林业的概念、特点及其内容,提出了建设原则与措施。  相似文献   

结合常宁市林业有害生物普查工作,在实地调查全市林业有害生物发生种类和发生现状的基础上,通过分析常宁市林业有害生物发生特点和成灾原因,结合林业工作实际,提出了常宁市林业有害生物防控对策.参7.  相似文献   

Abstract: We explored the impact of forest conversion to agricultural mosaic on anuran, lizard, snake, and turtle assemblages of Neotropical dry forests. Over 2 years, we sampled 6 small watersheds on the west coast of Mexico, 3 conserved and 3 disturbed. The disturbed watersheds were characterized by a mosaic of pastures and cultivated fields (corn, beans, squash) intermingled with patches of different successional stages of dry forest. In each watershed, we conducted 11 diurnal and nocturnal time‐constrained searches in 10 randomly established plots. We considered vulnerability traits of species in relation to habitat modification. Eighteen anuran, 18 lizard, 23 snake, and 3 turtle species were recorded. Thirty‐six species (58%) occurred in both forest conditions, and 14 (22%) and 12 species (19%) occurred only in the conserved and disturbed sites, respectively. Assemblages responded differently to disturbance. Species richness, diversity, and abundance of lizards were higher in disturbed forests. Anuran diversity and species richness were lower in disturbed forest but abundance was similar in both forest conditions. Diversity, richness, and abundance of turtles were lower in disturbed forest. The structure and composition of snake assemblages did not differ between forest conditions. We considered species disturbance sensitive if their abundance was significantly less in disturbed areas. Four anuran (22%), 2 lizard (11%), and 3 turtle (100%) species were sensitive to disturbance. No snake species was sensitive. The decline in abundance of disturbance‐sensitive species was associated with the reduction of forest canopy cover, woody stem cover, roots, and litter‐layer ground cover. Anuran species with small body size and direct embryonic development were especially sensitive to forest disturbance. An important goal for the conservation of herpetofauna should be the determination of species traits associated with extinction or persistence in agricultural mosaics.  相似文献   

热带山地雨林土壤球囊霉素的分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
球囊霉素(GRSP)作为土壤有机碳的重要组分,对土壤质量和土壤碳库有着重要的指示作用。选择我国保存最完好的热带雨林海南尖峰岭为研究对象,通过不同海拔(300、600、900、1200 m)的样品采集,研究了热带山地雨林丛枝菌根(AM)的重要分泌物球囊霉素的空间分布特征,并结合土壤因子,进一步探讨了其分布机制,旨在阐明球囊霉素对热带山地雨林土壤碳库和土壤质量的贡献,丰富丛枝菌根的功能多样性理论基础。结果表明,4个海拔的植物都具有较高的菌根侵染水平,平均为82.92%。不同海拔间,土壤总提取球囊霉素(T-GRSP)和易提取球囊霉素(EE-GRSP)含量具有相同的变化规律,都在海拔1200 m时最高,显著高于其它3个海拔。尖峰岭T-GRSP的质量分数在1.79-3.11 mg·g^-1之间,平均2.205 mg·g^-1;EE-GRSP则为0.75-1.13 mg·g^-1,平均0.904 mg·g^-1。T-GRSP和EE-GRSP占土壤全碳比值的规律在4个海拔也一致,都是在海拔1200 m时最低。在4个海拔中,T-GRSP和EE-GRSP分别占到土壤全碳质量分数的4.33%-8.87%和1.58%-4.12%。对T-GRSP和EE-GRSP的影响因素分析则表明,土壤全碳、全氮和C/N都影响着GRSP的含量;无论是T-GRSP还是EE-GRSP都随着土壤全碳、全氮和C/N的增大而增加;三者对T-GRSP变异的解释率(63.16%、58.94%和36.05%)要远远高于对EE-GRSP变异的解释率(39.59%、32.19%和19.08%)。但土壤pH则仅影响着EE-GRSP的含量变化,全磷则对T-GRSP和EE-GRSP都没有影响。可见,热带雨林土壤中,GRSP含量较高,对土壤碳库具有重要的贡献,且受到土壤全碳和全氮及二者比例的显著影响。  相似文献   

马尾松低产林套种木荷的林地与根际土壤养分特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马尾松低产林套种木荷的混交林林地与根际土壤养分特性研究表明,木荷根际对土壤养分的活化能力大于马尾松,这利于混交林中马尾松的生长.套种后所形成的混交林根际微区对土壤养分活化程度的提高改善了两树种的养分利用状况,这可能是低产林改造后林地土壤养分高于纯林地且林分生产力提高的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

Despite several decades of research on the effects of fragmentation and habitat change on biodiversity, there remain strong biases in the geographical regions and taxonomic species studied. The knowledge gaps resulting from these biases are of particular concern if the forests most threatened with modification are also those for which the effects of such change are most poorly understood. To quantify the nature and magnitude of such biases, we conducted a systematic review of the published literature on forest fragmentation in the tropics for the period 1980–2012. Studies included focused on any type of response of single species, communities, or assemblages of any taxonomic group to tropical forest fragmentation and on fragmentation‐related changes to forests. Of the 853 studies we found in the SCOPUS database, 64% were conducted in the Neotropics, 13% in Asia, 10% in the Afrotropics, and 5% in Australasia. Thus, although the Afrotropics is subject to the highest rates of deforestation globally, it was the most disproportionately poorly studied biome. Significant taxonomic biases were identified. Of the taxonomic groups considered, herpetofauna was the least studied in the tropics, particularly in Africa. Research examining patterns of species distribution was by far the most common type (72%), and work focused on ecological processes (28%) was rare in all biomes, but particularly in the Afrotropics and for fauna. We suggest research efforts be directed toward less‐studied biogeographic regions, particularly where the threat of forest fragmentation continues to be high. Increased research investment in the Afrotropics will be important to build knowledge of threats and inform responses in a region where almost no efforts to restore its fragmented landscapes have yet begun and forest protection is arguably most tenuous. Sesgos Biogeográficos y Taxonómicos en la Investigación de la Fragmentación de Bosques Tropicales  相似文献   

Abstract: We provide a cross‐taxon and historical analysis of what makes tropical forest species vulnerable to extinction. Several traits have been important for species survival in the recent and distant geological past, including seed dormancy and vegetative growth in plants, small body size in mammals, and vagility in insects. For major past catastrophes, such as the five mass extinction events, large range size and vagility or dispersal were key to species survival. Traits that make some species more vulnerable to extinction are consistent across time scales. Terrestrial organisms, particularly animals, are more extinction prone than marine organisms. Plants that persist through dramatic changes often reproduce vegetatively and possess mechanisms of die back. Synergistic interactions between current anthropogenic threats, such as logging, fire, hunting, pests and diseases, and climate change are frequent. Rising temperatures threaten all organisms, perhaps particularly tropical organisms adapted to small temperature ranges and isolated by distance from suitable future climates. Mutualist species and trophic specialists may also be more threatened because of such range‐shift gaps. Phylogenetically specialized groups may be collectively more prone to extinction than generalists. Characterization of tropical forest species’ vulnerability to anthropogenic change is constrained by complex interactions among threats and by both taxonomic and ecological impediments, including gross undersampling of biotas and poor understanding of the spatial patterns of taxa at all scales.  相似文献   

Cambodia has 57% forest cover, the second highest in the Greater Mekong region, and a high deforestation rate (1.2%/year, 2005–2010). Community forestry (CF) has been proposed as a way to reduce deforestation and support livelihoods through local management of forests. CF is expanding rapidly in Cambodia. The National Forests Program aims to designate one million hectares of forest to CF by 2030. However, the effectiveness of CF in conservation is not clear due to a global lack of controlled comparisons, multiple meanings of CF, and the context‐specific nature of CF implementation. We assessed the effectiveness of CF by comparing 9 CF sites with paired controls in state production forest in the area of Prey Long forest, Cambodia. We assessed forest condition in 18–20 randomly placed variable‐radius plots and fixed‐area regeneration plots. We surveyed 10% of households in each of the 9 CF villages to determine the proportion that used forest products, as a measure of household dependence on the forest. CF sites had fewer signs of anthropogenic damage (cut stems, stumps, and burned trees), higher aboveground biomass, more regenerating stems, and reduced canopy openness than control areas. Abundance of economically valuable species, however, was higher in control sites. We used survey results and geographic parameters to model factors affecting CF outcomes. Interaction between management type, CF or control, and forest dependence indicated that CF was more effective in cases where the community relied on forest products for subsistence use and income. Efectividad de la Silvicultura Comunal en el Bosque Prey Long, Camboya  相似文献   

在云南热区营造山桂花、西南桦、马尖相思、高阿丁枫等4种人工林,只要经营得当,对林地土壤理化性质并不造成重大影响,不会引起地力迅速衰退。4种人工林土壤变化的大致趋势是:1993~1995年肥力大多略呈下降趋势,1995~1997年有所上升。  相似文献   

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