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磷酸燃料电池发电技术的开发及其实用化介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
谭铁鹏 《新疆环境保护》1997,19(2):24-29,34
简要地介绍日本的磷酸燃料电池发电技术的原理、研制开发过程及其实用化应用情况。  相似文献   

质子交换膜燃料电池冷热电联供系统可回收燃料电池低品位余热,实现能量梯级高效利用,在缓解能源危机及促进环境可持续发展方面具有重要研究应用价值.本文基于Aspen plus建立了燃料电池冷热电联供系统模型,针对溴化锂吸收式制冷循环性能影响因素,研究燃料电池与溴化锂吸收式制冷系统的适配性,探寻使整个系统的能源利用效率最高的状...  相似文献   

一、国内外研制燃料电池车的现状   1.国外燃料电池车的开发,已摸索出最适宜车用的氢燃料质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)车的开发方案和技术路线;开始实施辅助配套设施的建设,如制氢、输氢、加注、储存、安全使用等,并有少量标志性样车可供展示宣传.美、德、日是当今全球研制燃料电池车最积极、最活跃的国家,均有10年左右的实车研发史.通用、福特、奔驰、丰田是领导该潮流的代表公司.……  相似文献   

一、国内外研制燃料电池车的现状1.国外燃料电池车的开发,已摸索出最适宜车用的氢燃料质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)车的开发方案和技术路线。开始实施辅助配套设施的建设,如制氢、输氢、加注、储存、安全使用等,并有少量标志性样车可供展示宣传。美、德、日是当今全球研制燃料电池车最积极、最活跃的国家,均有10年左右的实车研发史。通用、福特、奔驰、丰田是领导该潮流的代表公司。目前已开发的燃料电池车,许多主要组件尚未通过严格的可靠性、耐久性、安全性试验,整车性能指标和生产成本还难与传统车竞争,要达到商品化,尚有…  相似文献   

环保部:对危险化学品企业等实施环境安全大检查近日,环保部下发了《关于开展2013年环境安全大检查的通知》。根据《通知》,重点检查尾矿库企业和存在危险化学品生产、储存、运输、使用、废弃等环节的企业。对未开展大检查或大检查工作不到位而引发重大突发环境事件的,要实行挂牌督办,并依法追究相关责任人责任;对存在重大环境安全隐患且整改治理无望的尾矿库,提出  相似文献   

因减量化、无害化和资源化的优势,生活垃圾焚烧发电的在中国垃圾处理总量的占比逐年增加。但是在生活垃圾焚烧发电项目的建设过程中,容易出现工期延误、环境污染等问题。分析了垃圾焚烧发电项目的特点及其工程管理过程,针对这一过程中需要控制的要点以及注意事项进行了分析,给出了一些工程管理中的合理建议,为今后垃圾焚烧发电项目的工程管理优化提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

针对以天然气作辅助燃料的垃圾电厂焚烧炉主厂房电气设计中存在的垃圾焚烧车间是否属于爆炸危险区域及燃气用气安全的争议问题,结合规范,提出技术观点供业内参考。垃圾焚烧车间属于非爆炸危险区域而不必电气防爆设计,但设计中应考虑用气安全保障措施的可靠性等。  相似文献   

2020年9月22日,习近平主席在第七十五届联合国大会上郑重承诺,中国将提高自主贡献力度,采取更加有力的政策和措施,努力争取2060年前实现碳中和。电力部门是我国能源系统实现碳中和的关键,而生物质能源技术在电力部门的部署对于推动实现碳中和具有不可替代的重要意义。本文针对三类生物质能源的发电技术,包括生物质直燃/气化发电、生物质耦合发电、生物质与碳捕获封存技术联合发电,分析了技术的国内外发展现状,并从技术可行性、资源可行性、经济可行性和环境影响等方面评析了其在推动电力部门低碳转型过程中的可行性。同时,结合碳中和愿景下电力部门的减排要求及对相关技术潜力的最新研判,对生物质能源技术在我国电力部门的部署提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

李剑 《四川环境》2010,29(4):120-124,138
公路经营企业应对道路交通噪声污染损害承担环境侵权责任。污染损害可归责的程度应以医学观察的可证明性为界限,在违法性和损害事实考量中,环境标准均非所问。公路经营企业的责任形式主要包括排除危害和赔偿损失。基于环境侵权的利益衡量原则,一般不宜直接判令采取公路关闭或改道等形式排除危害,而应适用设置隔声屏障、种植绿化林带、进行交通管制等调和性的"部分排除侵害"责任形式。在"先有路后有房"情景下,公路经营企业是否承担责任因受害人迁入公害时主观方面的不同而不同。受害人明知或已经预见到有遭受噪声污染的危险,且无正当理由而自愿、故意承受危险致害者,公路经营企业得根据自甘冒险原则请求拒绝排除危害、免除赔偿或减少赔偿额。  相似文献   

认知和应对漂流旅游事故有利于保护人民群众生命财产安全促进夏季旅游市场健康发展。采用质性分析、空间分析以及事故致因模型等方法,以2005—2022年中国发生的55例漂流旅游事故为研究对象。研究发现:(1)漂流旅游事故发生的直接原因是漂流游客与一线员工的不安全动作以及物的不安全状态,间接原因是漂流游客和一线员工的安全知识不足、安全意识不高、安全习惯不佳,根本原因是漂流景区安全管理体系不完善,根源原因是漂流景区安全生产理念缺失;(2)伤亡人数与漂流旅游事故致因密切相关,其中因突遭强降雨和洪水致死的人数最多,而因景区管理不当导致的事故最多,但致死人数较低;(3)不同地区发生的漂流旅游事故类型存在差异,其中因气象环境恶劣导致的自然环境类特大事故主要发生在华南和西南地区,景区运营管理类事故主要发生在华中和华东地区;(4)大部分漂流游客因暴雨、山洪、滑坡等地质灾害造成的安全隐患而致伤致死,但根本原因是漂流安全生产观念缺失。  相似文献   

Biogas production from anaerobic digestion has increased rapidly in the last years, in many parts of the world, mainly due to its local scale disposition and to its potential on greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions mitigation. Biogas can be used as fuel for combined heat and power systems (CHP), in particular for internal combustion engines (ICEs). In recent investigations, fuel cells have been considered as alternative CHP systems. In the present article, two different energy conversion systems are compared: a 1.4 MW class MCFC system, running on pipeline natural gas, and an in situ ICE, running on biogas. In the first case, biogas is considered as a source fuel to obtain upgraded gas to be injected in the natural gas grid. In such scenario, the location of the fuel cell power plant is no longer strictly connected to the anaerobic digester site. Several energy balances are evaluated, considering different upgrading techniques and different biogas methane/carbon dioxide ratios.  相似文献   

Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles pose hazards different from conventional vehicles. This paper performs a risk assessment on road collision vehicle fires with hydrogen-fueled tank of 70 MPa. The high voltage battery fire caused by road collision can lead to onboard hydrogen release or explosion. Events progressions are analyzed and typical hydrogen consequences are evaluated quantitatively, including hydrogen jet fires and tank catastrophic rupture. Perimeters around the accident scene are proposed for the safety of general public and first responders, respectively. Risks of fatalities, injuries, and damages are all quantified in financial terms to make it possible to combine and compare.  相似文献   

This paper presents a theoretical comparison between fuel cell (FC) power train and conventional petrol driven propulsion system. FC has potential to reduce the CO2-emissions from road. However, FC power trains require energy storing device, to meet the peak power during extreme drive situations and also able to recover the kinetic energy of the vehicle during break operation. The proposed system includes a polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) based drive train and a super capacitor connected in parallel. The system is designed and dimensioned for a conventional petrol driven propulsion system of the Mercedes B-Class160. The feasibility study also includes comparison between the existing conventional systems. It is shown that although FC power train is heavier compared to existing system, urban performance is better and produces no CO2 and other harmful emissions.  相似文献   


This article summarizes the results of a study for a 100 kWe DC electrical power PEM fuel cell system. The system consists of a pre-steam reformer, a steam reformer, high and low temperature shift reactors, a preferential oxidation reactor, a PEM fuel cell, a combustor, and an expander. Acceptable net electrical efficiency levels can be achieved via intensive heat integration within the PEM fuel cell system. The calculations take into account the auxiliary equipment such as pumps, com pressors, heaters, coolers, heat exchangers and pipes. The process simulation package “Aspen-HYSYS 3.1’’ has been used. The operation parameters of the reactors have been determined considering all the technical limitations involved. A gasoline type hydrocarbon fuel has been studied as hydrogen rich gas source. Thermal efficiencies have been calculated for all of the major system components for selected operation conditions. The fuel cell stack efficiency has been calculated as a function of cell numbers (500, 750, 1000, and 1250 cells). Efficiencies of all of the major system components along with auxiliary unit efficiencies determine the net electrical efficiency of the PEM fuel cell system. The obtained net electrical efficiency levels are between 34 (500 cells) to 41% (1250 cells).  相似文献   

Hydrogen-fed proton exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) has to overcome high installation and operation cost before being adopted as a distributed power candidate. Cogeneration of power and heat is a good approach to increase hydrogen energy utilization rate. A PEMFC-based power and heat cogeneration system is proposed and established in the current study to investigate system’s technological and economical feasibility. This cogeneration of heat and power (CHP) system composes of a 2.5-kW fuel cell stack, hydrogen supply system, air supply system, water and heat management system, and heat recovery system. The control strategies to automate the system operation are realized by a programmable automation controller (PAC) system. Detailed measurement of the system is also constructed along with a web-based human–machine interface (HMI) platform to facilitate experiments and demonstration. Preliminary testing of the CHP system shows good performance of heat and power outputs. System’s electrical power conversion efficiency and thermal efficiency of the CHP system are measured at 38% and 35%, respectively. System combined efficiency therefore reached about 73%.  相似文献   

The performance of an intermediate-temperature proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cell (pSOFC) hybrid system is investigated in this work. The hybrid system consists of a 20-kW pSOFC, a micro gas turbine (MGT), and heat exchangers. Heat exchangers are used to recover waste heat from pSOFC and MGT. The performance of the system is analyzed by using Matlab/Simulink/Thermolib. Flow rates of air and hydrogen are controlled by assigning different stoichiometric ratio (St). St considered in this study is between 2 and 3.5 for air, and between 1.25 and 1.45 for hydrogen. Results show that the combined heat and power (CHP) efficiency increases as the fuel St decreases or air St increases. This is because lowering fuel St means fewer fuel will be wasted from the fuel cell stack, so the CHP efficiency increases. On the other hand, as air St increases, the amount of recovered waste heat increases, so does the CHP efficiency.  相似文献   

This study used Programmable System-on-Chip to make a fuel cell controller to manage the fuel cell operating environment. When a proton exchange membrane fuel cell is reacting, its performance is closely related to the operating conditions, such as temperature, water management, etc. This article investigates purge time interval control and the related characteristics. The controller developed in this study is free from additional power requirements, using only the power provided by the fuel cell.  相似文献   

A fuel cell hybrid (FCH) mid-size car is modeled and simulated in Advanced Vehicle Simulator (ADVISOR), the results are compared with 2017 Toyota Mirai Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) to examine the capability of hybridization and compare the fuel economy of the modeled vehicle. The aim of this analysis is to understand the energy interactions of the fuel cell and batteries and to identify an optimal energy management. In the current modeling, the fuel cell power is downsized by 30% with a corresponding increase in the number of battery modules by 50% to compensate the fuel cell power by maintaining the same motor power demand. The Urban Dynamometer Driving Schedule (UDDS) and mountain driving cycle (NREL2VAIL) test cycles are considered to estimate the fuel economy for urban and hill road driving conditions. The FCH mid-size car achieves better performance in terms of acceleration and equivalent fuel economy in comparison with 2017 Toyota Mirai FCEV. The effectiveness of the optimal energy management of the hybrid FC/battery powertrain performance is better and validated with the 2017 Toyota Mirai FCEV.  相似文献   

This paper presents the performance of the solid-oxide fuel cell/gas turbine hybrid power generation system with heat recovery waste unit based on the energy and exergy analyses. The effect of air inlet temperature and air/fuel ratio on exergy destruction and network output is determined. For the numerical calculations, air inlet temperature and air fuel ratio are increased from 273 to 373 K and from 40 to 60, respectively. The results of the numerical calculations bring out that total exergy destruction quantity increases with the increase of air inlet temperature and air/fuel ratio. Furthermore, the maximum system overall first and second law efficiencies are obtained in the cases of air inlet temperature and air/fuel ratio equal to 273 K and 60, respectively, and these values are 62.09% and 54.91%.  相似文献   

Major polluters of man's environment are thermal power stations (TPS) and power plants, which discharge into the atmosphere the basic product of carbon fuel combustion, CO2, which results in a build-up of the greenhouse effect and global warm-up of our planet's climate. This paper is intended to show that the way to attain environmental safety of the TPS and to abide by the decisions of the Kyoto Protocol lies in raising the efficiency of the heat power stations and reducing their fuel consumption by using nonconventional thermal cycles. Certain equations have been derived to define the quantitative interrelationship between the growth of efficiency of the TPS, decrease in fuel consumption and reduction of discharge of dust, fuel combustion gases, and heat into the environment. New ideas and new technological approaches that result in raising the efficiency of the TPS are briefly covered: magneto-hydrodynamic resonance, the Kalina cycle, and utilizing the ambient heat by using, as the working medium, low-boiling substances.  相似文献   

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