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We use permanent-plot data from the USDA Forest Service's Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program for an analysis of the effects of competition on tree growth along environmental gradients for the 14 most abundant tree species in forests of northern New England, USA. Our analysis estimates actual growth for each individual tree of a given species as a function of average potential diameter growth modified by three sets of scalars that quantify the effects on growth of (1) initial target tree size (dbh), (2) local environmental conditions, and (3) crowding by neighboring trees. Potential growth of seven of the 14 species varied along at least one of the two environmental axes identified by an ordination of relative abundance of species in plots. The relative abundances of a number of species were significantly displaced from sites where they showed maximum potential growth. In all of these cases, abundance was displaced to the more resource-poor end of the environmental gradient (either low fertility or low moisture). The pattern was most pronounced among early successional species, whereas late-successional species reached their greatest abundance on sites where they also showed the highest growth in the absence of competition. The analysis also provides empirical estimates of the strength of intraspecific and interspecific competitive effects of neighbors. For all but one of the species, our results led us to reject the hypothesis that all species of competitors have equivalent effects on a target species. Most of the individual pairwise interactions were strongly asymmetric. There was a clear competitive hierarchy among the four most shade-tolerant species, and a separate competitive hierarchy among the shade-intolerant species. Our results suggest that timber yield following selective logging will vary dramatically depending on the configuration of the residual canopy, because of interspecific variation in the magnitude of both the competitive effects of different species of neighbors and the competitive responses of different species of target trees to neighbors. The matrix of competition coefficients suggests that there may be clear benefits in managing for specific mixtures of species within local neighborhoods within stands.  相似文献   

Robust predictions of competitive interactions among canopy trees and variation in tree growth along environmental gradients represent key challenges for the management of mixed-species, uneven-aged forests. We analyzed the effects of competition on tree growth along environmental gradients for eight of the most common tree species in southern New England and southeastern New York using forest inventory and analysis (FIA) data, information theoretic decision criteria, and multi-model inference to evaluate models. The suite of models estimated growth of individual trees as a species-specific function of average potential diameter growth, tree diameter at breast height, local environmental conditions, and crowding by neighboring trees. We used ordination based on the relative basal area of species to generate a measure of site conditions in each plot. Two ordination axes were consistent with variation in species abundance along moisture and fertility gradients. Estimated potential growth varied along at least one of these axes for six of the eight species; peak relative abundance of less shade-tolerant species was in all cases displaced away from sites where they showed maximum potential growth. Our crowding functions estimate the strength of competitive effects of neighbors; only one species showed support for the hypothesis that all species of competitors have equivalent effects on growth. The relative weight of evidence (Akaike weights) for the best models varied from a low of 0.207 for Fraxinus americana to 0.747 for Quercus rubra. In such cases, model averaging provides a more robust platform for prediction than that based solely on the best model. We show that predictions based on the selected best models dramatically overestimated differences between species relative to predictions based on the averaged set of models.  相似文献   

Shipley B  Paine CE  Baraloto C 《Ecology》2012,93(4):760-769
Although niche-based and stochastic processes, including dispersal limitation and demographic stochasticity, can each contribute to community assembly, it is difficult to quantify the relative importance of each process in natural vegetation. Here, we extend Shipley's maxent model (Community Assembly by Trait Selection, CATS) for the prediction of relative abundances to incorporate both trait-based filtering and dispersal limitation from the larger landscape and develop a statistical decomposition of the proportions of the total information content of relative abundances in local communities that are attributable to trait-based filtering, dispersal limitation, and demographic stochasticity. We apply the method to tree communities in a mature, species-rich, tropical forest in French Guiana at 1-, 0.25- and 0.04-ha scales. Trait data consisted of species' means of 17 functional traits measured over both the entire meta-community and separately in each of nine 1-ha plots. Trait means calculated separately for each site always gave better predictions. There was clear evidence of trait-based filtering at all spatial scales. Trait-based filtering was the most important process at the 1-ha scale (34%), whereas demographic stochasticity was the most important at smaller scales (37-53%). Dispersal limitation from the meta-community was less important and approximately constant across scales (-9%), and there was also an unresolved association between site-specific traits and meta-community relative abundances. Our method allows one to quantify the relative importance of local niche-based and meta-community processes and demographic stochasticity during community assembly across spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Woody plant encroachment is a worldwide phenomenon in grassland and savanna systems whose consequence is often the development of an alternate woodland state. Theoretically, an alternate state may be associated with changes in system state variables (e.g., species composition) or abiotic parameter shifts (e.g., nutrient availability). When state-variable changes are cumulative, such as in woody plant encroachment, the probability of parameter shifts increases as system feedbacks intensify over time. Using a Before-After Control-Impact (BACI) design, we studied eight pairs of grassland sites undergoing various levels of eastern redcedar (Juniperus virginiana) encroachment to determine whether responses of flora and fauna to experimental redcedar removal differed according to the level of pretreatment redcedar cover. In the first year after removal, herbaceous plant species diversity and evenness, woody plant evenness, and invertebrate family richness increased linearly with pretreatment redcedar cover, whereas increases in small-mammal diversity and evenness were described by logarithmic trends. In contrast, increases in woody plant diversity and total biomass of terrestrial invertebrates were accentuated at levels of higher pretreatment cover. Tree removal also shifted small-mammal species composition toward a more grassland-associated assemblage. During the second year postremoval, increases in herbaceous plant diversity followed a polynomial trend, but increases in most other metrics did not vary along the pretreatment cover gradient. These changes were accompanied by extremely high growing-season precipitation, which may have homogenized floral and faunal responses to removal. Our results demonstrate that tree removal increases important community metrics among grassland flora and fauna within two years, with some responses to removal being strongly influenced by the stage of initial encroachment and modulated by climatic variability. Our results underscore the importance of decisive management for reversing the effects of woody plant encroachment in imperiled grassland ecosystems.  相似文献   

We show the implications of the commonly observed age-related decline in aboveground productivity of forests, and hence forest age structure, on the carbon dynamics of European forests in response to historical changes in environmental conditions. Size-dependent carbon allocation in trees to counteract increasing hydraulic resistance with tree height has been hypothesized to be responsible for this decline. Incorporated into a global terrestrial biosphere model (the Lund-Potsdam-Jena model, LPJ), this hypothesis improves the simulated increase in biomass with stand age. Application of the advanced model, including a generic representation of forest management in even-aged stands, for 77 European provinces shows that model-based estimates of biomass development with age compare favorably with inventory-based estimates for different tree species. Model estimates of biomass densities on province and country levels, and trends in growth increment along an annual mean temperature gradient are in broad agreement with inventory data. However, the level of agreement between modeled and inventory-based estimates varies markedly between countries and provinces. The model is able to reproduce the present-day age structure of forests and the ratio of biomass removals to increment on a European scale based on observed changes in climate, atmospheric CO2 concentration, forest area, and wood demand between 1948 and 2000. Vegetation in European forests is modeled to sequester carbon at a rate of 100 Tg C/yr, which corresponds well to forest inventory-based estimates.  相似文献   

Many studies have shown that intensive agricultural practices significantly increase the nitrogen concentration of stream surface waters, but it remains difficult to identify, quantify, and differentiate between terrestrial and in-stream sources or sinks of nitrogen, and rates of transformation. In this study we used the delta15N-NO3 signature in a watershed dominated by agriculture as an integrating marker to trace (1) the effects of the land cover and agricultural practices on stream-water N concentration in the upstream area of the hydrographic network, (2) influence of the in-stream processes on the NO3-N loads at the reach scale (100 m and 1000 m long), and (3) changes in delta15N-NO3 signature with increasing stream order (from first to third order). This study suggests that land cover and fertilization practices were the major determinants of delta15N-NO3 signature in first-order streams. NO3-N loads and delta15N-NO3 signature increased with fertilization intensity. Small changes in delta15N-NO3 signature and minor inputs of groundwater were observed along both types of reaches, suggesting the NO3-N load was slightly influenced by in-stream processes. The variability of NO3-N concentrations and delta15N signature decreased with increasing stream order, and the delta15N signature was positively correlated with watershed areas devoted to crops, supporting a dominant effect of agriculture compared to the effect of in-stream N processing. Consequently, land cover and fertilization practices are integrated in the natural isotopic signal at the third-order stream scale. The GIS analysis of the land cover coupled with natural-abundance isotope signature (delta15N) represents a potential tool to evaluate the effects of agricultural practices in rural catchments and the consequences of future changes in management policies at the regional scale.  相似文献   

桉树人工林间种山毛豆对提高土壤肥力和促进林木生长有极其显著的作用。间种5年后,林地表层土壤有机质和全量养分N、P、K的质量分数,分别为18.21kg/hm^2、0.85kg/hm^2、0.43kg/hm^2、1.30kg/hm^2,而对照林地分别为13.70kg/hm^2、0.56kghm^2、0.34kg/hm^2、1.10kg/hm^2;林地土壤有效养分含量显著提高;土壤结构和土壤水分物理性质显著改善;桉树生长量显著增加,刚果W5桉平均株高增长16%,平均胸径增长22%,单位面积的木材蓄积量增加59%。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has had an enormous impact on almost all aspects of human society and endeavor; the natural world and its conservation have not been spared. Through a process of expert consultation, we identified and categorized, into 19 themes and 70 subthemes, the ways in which biodiversity and its conservation have been or could be affected by the pandemic globally. Nearly 60% of the effects have been broadly negative. Subsequently, we created a compendium of all themes and subthemes, each with explanatory text, and in August 2020 a diverse group of experienced conservationists with expertise from across sectors and geographies assessed each subtheme for its likely impact on biodiversity conservation globally. The 9 subthemes ranked highest all have a negative impact. These were, in rank order, governments sidelining the environment during their economic recovery, reduced wildlife-based tourism income, increased habitat destruction, reduced government funding, increased plastic and other solid waste pollution, weakening of nature-friendly regulations and their enforcement, increased illegal harvest of wild animals, reduced philanthropy, and threats to survival of conservation organizations. In combination, these impacts present a worrying future of increased threats to biodiversity conservation but reduced capacity to counter them. The highest ranking positive impact, at 10, was the beneficial impact of wildlife-trade restrictions. More optimistically, among impacts ranked 11-20, 6 were positive and 4 were negative. We hope our assessment will draw attention to the impacts of the pandemic and, thus, improve the conservation community's ability to respond to such threats in the future.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), well-known as an important scientific achievement, are now considered as one of the most persistent organic pollutants...  相似文献   

Adaptive maritime spatial planning (MSP) uses monitoring and evaluation of the effectiveness of spatial and temporal management measures to promote understanding and improve planning and decision-making. An adaptive approach to MSP involves exploring alternative ways to meet management objectives, predicting the outcomes of alternative management measures, implementing one or more of these alternative management measures, monitoring to learn about the effects of management measures, and then using the results to update knowledge and adjust management actions. A monitoring and evaluation plan should be designed to be both cost effective and comprehensive. The process of setting and assessing performance metrics requires that the ecological and socio-economic objectives of the spatial management plan must be clearly stated up front for management actions to reflect those objectives accurately. To evaluate the effectiveness of a MSP plan, a range of ecological, socio-economic and institutional indicators need to be developed and monitored.  相似文献   

采用点格局分析法对不同海拔的椴树(Tilia miqueliana Maxim.)种群进行分布格局及其种间关系进行了研究。结果表明:整体上群落内以中龄树个体数为最多,小树次之,成年树个体最少。随着海拔的增加可以看出:小树(d≤5 cm)随着海拔的增加而减少,中树(5 cm20 cm)的规律不明显;椴树种群的空间分布格局与空间尺度(25 m内)有密切关系,在较小的空间尺度上倾向于非随机分布,具有明显的空间相关性;在〉15 m或25m的某临界尺度时却倾向于随机分布,同时空间关联变得微弱。随着海拔的增加,各物种聚集分布的尺度有逐渐减小的趋势。种间关系随着海拔的增加,物种间的正相关尺度有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

The impact of bisphenol A (BPA) on Gammarus fossarum and Lumbriculus variegatus was studied in four artificial indoor streams (0, 5, 50 and 500?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal) over 103 days in a pulse–dose exposure scenario (weekly BPA application). For G. fossarum populations at day 103, the proportions of juveniles and of breeding females from the highest BPA treatment were in tendency reduced. For individually exposed gammarid pairs an EC10 of 17?µg?L?1 BPA (nominal) for the proportion of reproductive females in the fourth brood was determined. During the first three broods, the largest brood size occurred at the highest BPA concentration, whereas in the fourth brood it decreased concentration-dependently (fourth brood EC10?=?5?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal). Effects on L. variegatus were a reduced population growth (103?d-EC10 of 2?µg?L?1 BPA, nominal) and an increase in dry weight and the number of segments in large, complete worms.  相似文献   

采用点格局分析法对不同海拔的椴树(Tilia miqueliana Maxim.)种群进行分布格局及其种间关系进行了研究。结果表明:整体上群落内以中龄树个体数为最多,小树次之,成年树个体最少。随着海拔的增加可以看出:小树(d≤5 cm)随着海拔的增加而减少,中树(5 cm20 cm)的规律不明显;椴树种群的空间分布格局与空间尺度(25 m内)有密切关系,在较小的空间尺度上倾向于非随机分布,具有明显的空间相关性;在>15 m或25m的某临界尺度时却倾向于随机分布,同时空间关联变得微弱。随着海拔的增加,各物种聚集分布的尺度有逐渐减小的趋势。种间关系随着海拔的增加,物种间的正相关尺度有增加的趋势。  相似文献   

采用火焰原子吸收光谱(FAAS)技术,测定出苦丁茶冬青(Ilex kudingcha C.J.Tseng)的根、茎、叶及其栖息土壤中Cu的含量,并对土壤.苦丁茶树系统中Cu的分布特征进行了研究,以探讨苦丁茶树对Cu的富集规律。结果表明:栖息土壤中Cu的含量不同时,苦丁茶树巾Cu的含量表现出吸收根〉嫩叶〉茎〉主根;茶树对Cu的吸收存在饱和特性,表现为随土壤Cu含量升高,茶树对Cu的富集系数和传输效率降低,使得根际土壤中Cu含量高于非根际土壤。同时对土壤剖面不同深度Cu含量研究表明:苦丁茶栖息土壤中Cu含量呈现出随土层深度增加而增加的垂直分布趋势。本研究旨在认清Cu迁移到苦丁茶树的内在规律,以利于进一步研究其迁移的调控,使苦丁茶产品中元素处在安全有效的利用范围内。  相似文献   

A total of 250 nestboxes were arranged in five plots in a suburban area of Budapest, Hungary (19°04E, 47°41N). In each plot, 25 were placed at 50 m intervals to simulate solitary breeding and 25 3–5 m apart to simulate colonial breeding. Length of nest building period, feeding frequency, nestling mortality, nestlings' diet, productivity and parental condition were compared for colonial and solitary breeding tree sparrows Passer montanus. Parents with long nest-building periods, including the majority of first-year females, produced fewer young than parents which built over short periods. Parents fed nestlings morefrequently and nestlings had lower mortality in second than first broods; whether or not a third brood was reared was determined by the costs invested in first and second broods. Females that laid a third clutch had reared fewer young in first and second broods and were heavier than females that reared many young in two broods. Colonial birds had higher feeding frequencies, more similar diets and suffered lower nestling mortality than solitary parents for first broods, but they fed less frequently, diets were less similar, and nestling mortality was higher in second and third broods. It is suggested that colonial breeders benefited from the social stimulation of simultaneous feeding in first broods, but the advantage of synchronicity in feeding declined in second broods and the sparser breeding spacing of solitary parents was more advantageous for feeding in second and third broods. Birds that changed nest spacing between broods had fed nestlings less frequently and had higher nestling mortality before changing than birds which retained their spacing. Parents which changed from colonies to solitary nests fed more frequently with lower nestling mortality in the next brood than parents which retained colonial nests for their second (and third) brood. Solitary parents did not show such a relationship. The rearing of three broods caused higher weight loss in colonial than solitary parents.Correspondence to: L. Sasvári  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that while pattern formation can stabilize individual-based models of predator–prey systems, the same individual-based models also allow for stabilization by alternate mechanisms, particularly localized consumption or diffusion limitation. The movement rules of the simulation are the critical feature which determines which of these mechanisms stabilizes any particular predator–prey individual-based model. In particular, systems from well-connected subpopulations, in each of which a predator can attack any prey, generally exhibit stabilization by pattern formation. In contrast, when restricted movement within a (sub-)population limits the ability of predators to consume prey, localized consumption or diffusion limitation can stabilize the system. Thus while the conclusions from differential equations on the role of pattern formation for stability may apply to discrete and noisy systems, it will take a detailed understanding of movement and scales of interaction to examine the role of pattern formation in real systems. Additionally, it will be important to link an understanding of both foraging and inter-patch movement, since by analogy to the models, both would be critical for understanding how real systems are stabilized by being discrete and spatial.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted at Arid Forest Research Institute to study the effect of textile industrial effluent on the growth of forest trees and associated soil properties. The effluent has high pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and residual sodium carbonate (RSC) whereas the bivalent cations were in traces. Eight months old seedlings of Acacia nilotica, Acacia tortilis, Albizia lebbeck, Azadirachta indica, Parkinsonia aculeata and Prosopis juliflora were planted in July 1993. Various treatment regimes followed were; irrigation with effluent only (W1), effluent mixed with canal water in 1:1 ratio (W2), irrigation with gypsum treated effluent (W3), gypsum treated soil irrigated with effluent (W4) and wood ash treated soil irrigated with effluent (W5). Treatment regime W5 was found the best where plants attained (mean of six species) 173 cm height, 138 cm crown diameter and 9.2 cm collar girth at the age of 28 months. The poorest growth was observed under treatment regime of W3. The growth of the species varied significantly and the maximum growth was recorded for P. juliflora (188 cm height, 198 cm crown diameter and 10.0 cm collar girth). The minimum growth was recorded for A. lebbeck. Irrigation with effluent resulted in increase in percent organic matter as well as in EC. In most of the cases there were no changes in soil pH except in W5 where it was due to the effect of wood ash. Addition of wood ash influenced plant growth. These results suggest that tree species studied (except A. lebbeck) can be established successfully using textile industrial wastewater in arid region.  相似文献   

In this experimental study, we evaluated the effect of different lead (Pb) fractions on biological properties in soil spiked with 0, 600, 1200 and 1800 mg kg?1 Pb, during a 90-day incubation period at 25?28°C. Different Pb fractions were measured by sequential extraction at days 1 and 90 after soil treatment. Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable Pb and soil biological properties at days 1, 5, 15, 45 and 90 were measured. The concentration of Pb in soluble and exchangeable fractions was very high at day 1, but it showed remarkable transfer into carbonate and residual fractions by day 90. Substrate-induced respiration, basal respiration, acid and alkaline phosphatases, microbial populations (bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes) and biomass carbon decreased significantly with soil contamination compared with the control. With Pb ageing, these biological properties increased. Metabolic quotient (qCO2) increased significantly compared with the control with increasing Pb concentration. The toxicity of various forms of Pb for the biological status of the soil was in the following order: KNO3 extractable>NaOH extractable>EDTA extractable>HNO 3 extractable>total content Pb. Thus, the bioavailable fractions are better indicators of Pb pollution in soils.  相似文献   

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