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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Regional Haze Rule (RHR) in 1999. The RHR default goal is to reduce haze linearly to natural background in 2064 from the baseline period of 2000-2004. The EPA default method for estimating natural and baseline visibility uses the Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) formula. The IMPROVE formula predicts the light extinction coefficient from aerosol chemical concentrations measured by the IMPROVE network. The IMPROVE light scattering coefficient formula using data from 1994-2002 underestimated the measured light scattering coefficient by 700 Mm(-1), on average, on days with precipitation. Also, precipitation occurred as often on the clearest as haziest days. This led to estimating the light extinction coefficient of precipitation, averaged over all days, as the light scattering coefficient on days with precipitation (700 Mm(-1)) multiplied by the percent of precipitation days in a year. This estimate added to the IMPROVE formula light extinction estimate gives a real world estimate of visibility for the 20% clearest, 20% haziest, and all days. For example, in 1993, the EPAs Report to Congress projected visibility in Class I areas would improve by 3 deciviews by 2010 across the haziest portions of the eastern United States because of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments. Omitted was the light extinction coefficient of precipitation. Adding in the estimated light extinction coefficient of precipitation, the estimated visibility improvement declines to <1 deciview.  相似文献   

Compliance under the Regional Haze Rule of 1999 is based on Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) protocols for reconstructing aerosol mass and light extinction from aerosol chemical concentrations measured in the IMPROVE network. The accuracy, consistency, and potential biases in these formulations were examined using IMPROVE aerosol chemistry and light extinction data from 1988-1999. Underestimation of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 microm (PM2.5) by the IMPROVE mass reconstruction formula by 12%, on average, appears to be related to the exclusion of sodium, chlorine, and other elements and to artifacts associated with the measurement of organic carbon, but not to absorption of water by sulfates and nitrates on IMPROVE Teflon filters during weighing. Light scattering measured by transmissometry is not consistent with nephelometer scattering or single-scatter albedos expected for remote locations. Light scattering was systematically overestimated by 34%, on average, with the IMPROVE particle scattering (Bsp) reconstruction formula. The use of climatologically based hygroscopic growth factors f(RH) suggested for compliance with the Haze Rule contributes significantly to this overestimation and increases the amount of light extinction attributable to sulfates for IMPROVE samples between 1993 and 1999 by 5 percentage points.  相似文献   

The goal of the Regional Haze Rule (RHR) is to return visibility in class I areas (CIAs) to natural levels, excluding weather-related events, by 2064. Whereas visibility, the seeing of scenic vistas, is a near instantaneous and sight-path-dependent phenomenon, reasonable progress toward the RHR goal is assessed by tracking the incremental changes in 5-yr average visibility. Visibility is assessed using a haze metric estimated from 24-hr average aerosol measurements that are made at one location representative of the CIA. It is assumed that, over the 5-yr average, the aerosol loadings and relative humidity along all of the site paths are the same and can be estimated from the 24-hr measurements. It is further assumed that any time a site path may be obscured by weather (e.g., clouds and precipitation), there are other site paths within the CIA that are not. Therefore, when calculating the haze metric, sampling days are not filtered for weather conditions. This assumption was tested by examining precipitation data from multiple monitors for four CIAs. It is shown that, in general, precipitation did not concurrently occur at all monitors for a CIA, and precipitation typically occurred 3-8 hr or less in a day. In a recent paper in this journal, Ryan asserts that the haze metric should include contributions from precipitation and conducted a quantitative assessment incorrectly based on the assumption that the Optec NGN-2 nephelometer measurements include the effects of precipitation. However, these instruments are programmed to shut down during rain events, and any data logged are in error. He further assumes that precipitation occurs as often on the haziest days as the clearest days and that precipitation light scattering (bprecip) is independent of geographic location and applied an average bprecip derived for Great Smoky Mountains to diverse locations including the Grand Canyon. Both of these assumptions are shown to be in error.  相似文献   

The [revised] IMPROVE Equation for estimating light extinction from aerosol chemical composition was evaluated considering new measurements at U.S. national parks. Compared with light scattering (Bsp) measured at seven IMPROVE sites with nephelometer data from 2003–2012, the [revised] IMPROVE Equation over- and underestimated Bsp in the lower and upper quintiles, respectively, of measured Bsp. Underestimation of the worst visibility cases (upper quintile) was reduced by assuming an organic mass (OM)/organic carbon (OC) ratio of 2.1 and hygroscopic growth of OM, based on results from previous field studies. This assumption, however, tended to overestimate low Bsp even more. Assuming that sulfate was present as ammonium bisulfate rather than as ammonium sulfate uniformly reduced estimated Bsp. The split-mode model of concentration- and size-dependent dry mass scattering efficiencies in the [revised] IMPROVE Equation does not eliminate systematic biases in estimated Bsp. While the new measurements of OM/OC and OM hygroscopicity should be incorporated into future iterations of the IMPROVE Equation, the problem is not well constrained due to a lack of routine measurements of sulfate neutralization and the water-soluble fraction of OM in the IMPROVE network.

Implications: Studies in U.S. national parks showed that aerosol organics contain more mass and absorb more water as a function of relative humidity than is currently assumed by the IMPROVE Equation for calculating chemical light extinction. Consideration of these results could significantly shift the apportionment of light extinction to water-soluble organic aerosols and therefore better inform pollution control strategies under the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Regional Haze Rule.  相似文献   

A new chemical sampling device, artificial mussel (AM), has been developed for monitoring metals in marine environments. This device consists of a polymer ligand suspended in artificial seawater within a Perspex tubing, and enclosed with semi-permeable gel at both ends. Laboratory and field experiments were carried out to examine the uptake of five metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn) by the AM. Uptake of metals by AM was proportional to the exposure metal concentrations, and the AM was able to accumulate the ASV labile fractions of metals. Uptake and release of the metals of AM are similar to those of the mussel Perna viridis, but less affected by salinity and temperature. Field studies demonstrated that the AM can not only provide a time-integrated estimate of metals concentrations, but also allows comparisons of metal levels in different environments and geographical areas beyond the natural distribution limits of biomonitors.  相似文献   

Since 1988, several federal and state governmental agencies in the US have coordinated efforts to operate the interagency monitoring of protected visual environments (IMPROVE) network at sites in remote areas. Most IMPROVE sites are equipped with either a transmissometer to measure light extinction (Bext) or a nephelometer to measure particle scattering (Bsp). Optical, temperature, and relative humidity (RH) measurements are made hourly at these sites. The diurnal and seasonal patterns in these data are examined and discussed here. At many IMPROVE sites the diurnal patterns in RH and therefore Bext or Bsp are as expected based on average temperature. On average, RH is higher at night and during the winter than during warmer times of the day and year. Also as expected, based on RH alone, at many sites hourly mean Bext or Bsp values are either in phase with RH or weakly dependent on time of day. Usually, the diurnal differences are not as large as the seasonal differences. Another group of IMPROVE sites have mean RH patterns similar to those described above but have a different diurnal pattern in measured scattering or extinction. At these sites, the highest mean Bsp or Bext occurs during mid-day rather than at night. At several of these sites, especially those on ridge tops, it is hypothesized that this is because the diurnal shifts in mixing height only allow the surface layer of the atmosphere to reach the monitor during mid-day. Several other sites have unique diurnal or seasonal patterns in average Bsp or Bext that can usually be linked to emissions in nearby source regions or local meteorology and terrain.  相似文献   

为了研究光散射颗粒物监测仪在环境空气监测中的适应性,参照《环境空气颗粒物(PM10和PM2.5)连续自动检测技术要求及检测方法》(HJ 653-2013),在北京秋季使用PQ200(滤膜采样器)对DustTrak8530、LD-6S、HBKLW-2共3种光散射仪器进行比对测试.结果表明,3种光散射仪器的平行性都达标;在监测PM10时,3种仪器与PQ200的线性相关系数都达标,斜率只有HBKLW-2达标,截距除HBKLW-2略微超标外都与标准相差较远;在监测PM2.5时,3种仪器与PQ200的线性相关系数都达标且优于PM10,斜率只有HBKLW-2和LD-6S达标,截距绝对值相比PM10有所减小,但只有HBKLW-2达标;经校正因子修正后,3种仪器与PQ200的线性回归斜率达标、相关系数不变、监测PM2.5的截距相比PM10更加接近标准值,故光散射仪器更加适用于环境空气PM2.5监测.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity of freshwater pollution was assessed by measuring DNA damage in haemocytes of caged freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus by the means of Comet assay and micronucleus test, integrated with the measurements of physiological (total protein concentration) and immunological (total haemocyte count) haemolymph parameters as biomarkers of undergone stress. Crayfish were collected at the reference site (River Mre?nica) and exposed in cages for 1 week at three polluted sites along the Sava River (Zagreb, Sisak, Krapje). The long term pollution status of these locations was confirmed by chemical analyses of sediments. Statistically significant increase in DNA damage measured by the Comet assay was observed at all three polluted sites comparing to the crayfish from reference site. In addition, native crayfish from the mildly polluted site (Krapje) cage-exposed on another polluted site (Zagreb) showed lower DNA damage than crayfish from the reference site exposed at the same location indicating adaptation and acclimatisation of crayfish to lower levels of pollution. Micronuclei induction showed similar gradient of DNA damage as Comet assay, but did not reach the statistical significance. Observed increase in total haemocyte count and total protein content in crayfish from polluted environments in the Sava River also confirmed stress caused by exposure to pollution. The results of this study have proved the applicability of caging exposure of freshwater crayfish A. leptodactylus in environmental genotoxicity monitoring using Comet assay and micronucleus test.  相似文献   

The recently completed Big Bend Regional Aerosol and Visibility Observational (BRAVO) Study focused on particulate sulfate source attribution for a 4-month period from July through October 1999. A companion paper in this issue by Schichtel et al. describes the methods evaluation and results reconciliation of the BRAVO Study sulfate attribution approaches. This paper summarizes the BRAVO Study extinction budget assessment and interprets the attribution results in the context of annual and multiyear causes of haze by drawing on long-term aerosol monitoring data and regional transport climatology, as well as results from other investigations. Particulate sulfates, organic carbon, and coarse mass are responsible for most of the haze at Big Bend National Park, whereas fine particles composed of light-absorbing carbon, fine soils, and nitrates are relatively minor contributors. Spring and late summer through fall are the two periods of high-haze levels at Big Bend. Particulate sulfate and carbonaceous compounds contribute in a similar magnitude to the spring haze period, whereas sulfates are the primary cause of haze during the late summer and fall period. Atmospheric transport patterns to Big Bend vary throughout the year, resulting in a seasonal cycle of different upwind source regions contributing to its haze levels. Important sources and source regions for haze at Big Bend include biomass smoke from Mexico and Central America in the spring and African dust during the summer. Sources of sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions in Mexico, Texas, and in the Eastern United States all contribute to Big Bend haze in varying amounts over different times of the year, with a higher contribution from Mexican sources in the spring and early summer, and a higher contribution from U.S. sources during late summer and fall. Some multiple-day haze episodes result from the influence of several source regions, whereas others are primarily because of emissions from a single source region.  相似文献   

摘要 硝化过程是自然界氨氮污染降解的主要生化机制,氨氧化细菌对于富营养的河流、海洋及土壤环境等自然生境具有重要作用.氨氧化细菌的群落结构很复杂,且在不同研究区的时空上存在很大差异性.随着分子生物技术的发展,各种自然环境中存在的氨氧化细菌得到了研究.目前,中国对氨氧化细菌的研究多集中于污水处理、土壤等方面,采用非培养方法对自然环境中氨氧化细菌的研究较少.首先介绍了氨氧化细菌的发现过程和生理特性,其次论述了不同的分子生物学方法对土壤和水生生态环境等自然生境中氨氧化细菌研究进展和研究方法,最后提出了自然生境中氨氧化细菌研究的问题和展望.  相似文献   

Concentration of butyltin compounds (BTs), including tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT) and monobutyltin (MBT) and total tin (SigmaSn) were determined in green mussel (Perna viridis), 10 species of muscle fish and sediment from coastal waters of Malaysia. BTs were detected in all these samples ranging from 3.6 to 900 ng/g wet wt., 3.6 to 210 ng/g wet wt., and 18 to 1400 ng/g dry wt. for mussels, fish and sediments, respectively. The concentrations of BTs in several locations of this study were comparable with the reported values from some developed countries and highest among Asian developing nations. Considerable concentration of BTs in several locations might have ecotoxicological consequences and may cause concern to human health. The parent compound TBT was found to be highest than those of its degradation compounds, DBT and MBT, suggesting recent input of TBT to the Malaysian marine environment. Significant positive correlation (Spearman rank correlation: r2=0.82, P<0.0001) was found between BTs and SigmaSn, implying considerable anthropogenic input of butyltin compounds to total tin contamination levels. Enormous boating activities may be a major source of BTs in this country, although aquaculture activities may not be ignored.  相似文献   

Survey of butyltin contamination in Portuguese coastal environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Butyltin compounds (MBT, DBT and TBT) in intertidal sediments collected in four different Portuguese coastal environments have been measured in order to evaluate the extent of contamination. The sites chosen were the Rias of Aveiro and Faro, and the Sado and Tejo estuaries. These zones were traditional areas for shellfish production in the recent past, but the effects of industrial development have caused a deterioration of the environment. Specific contaminations were derived from the harbour (commercial and/or fisheries) and shipyard activities, resulting in a release of TBT and causing the oyster populations of the above mentioned estuaries to almost disappear. Results presented in this study give a survey of TBT contamination levels found in the four areas. The paper discusses the importance of the pollution in comparison with other European coastal areas.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

Chlormequat (Cq) is a plant growth regulator used throughout the world. Despite indications of possible effects of Cq on mammalian health and fertility, little is known about its fate and transport in subsurface environments. The aim of this study was to determine the fate of Cq in three Danish subsurface environments, in particular with respect to retardation of Cq in the A and B horizons and the risk of leaching to the aquatic environment. The study combines laboratory fate studies of Cq sorption and dissipation with field scale monitoring of the concentration of Cq in the subsurface environment, including artificial drains.  相似文献   

多环芳烃在低氧沉积物环境中的分布状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
低氧环境普遍存在于底层水体以及表层沉积物中,随着中国水体有机污染加剧,低氧现象将越来越明显.有研究表明,中国水体普遍受到多环芳烃污染,由于其强烈的憎水性和低溶解性,大部分多环芳烃沉积在底泥中.总结了学者们对国内外河流、湿地、河口等水体沉积物中多环芳烃污染的研究成果,探讨了多环芳烃的分布规律,发现沉积物中多环芳烃含量与流域内经济发展状况密切相关,反映了经济发展过程对环境造成的负面影响.相比于国外典型区域的多环芳烃浓度,中国沉积物的多环芳烃污染处于中等水平,但处于快速上升阶段,部分点位浓度已超过生态风险区间低值(4 000 ng/g),对人们的身体健康构成威胁,所以对多环芳烃的生态风险评价、污染物排放控制需进一步加强.  相似文献   

Mesotrione is a benzoylcyclohexane-1,3-dione herbicide that inhibits 4-hydroxyphenyl pyruvate dioxygenase in target plants. Although it has been used since 2000, only a limited number of degrading microorganisms have been reported. Mesotrione-degrading bacteria were selected among strains isolated from Brazilian aquatic environments, located near corn fields treated with this herbicide. Pantoea ananatis was found to rapidly and completely degrade mesotrione. Mesotrione did not serve as a sole C, N, or S source for growth of P. ananatis, and mesotrione catabolism required glucose supplementation to minimal media. LC-MS/MS analyses indicated that mesotrione degradation produced intermediates other than 2-amino-4-methylsulfonyl benzoic acid or 4-methylsulfonyl-2-nitrobenzoic acid, two metabolites previously identified in a mesotrione-degrading Bacillus strain. Since P. ananatis rapidly degraded mesotrione, this strain might be useful for bioremediation purposes.  相似文献   

The mathematical model presented in this paper describes in detail the gas-phase chemistry (80 reactions), gas-phase/liquid-phase equilibrium (12 equilibria) and liquid-phase chemistry (27 reactions and equilibria) of acid formation. The model is used to simulate acid formation under various conditions:
  • 1.(1) nonprecipitating clouds in the Adirondacks,
  • 2.(2) raining clouds in the Ohio River valley,
  • 3.(3) night-time fog in the Los Angeles basin and
  • 4.(4) night-time nonprecipitating clouds in the Los Angeles basin. Model calculations are compared with observed values of sulfate and nitrate formation. The model is used to analyze the relative importance of sulfate and nitrate formation pathways under these various conditions.

The dissipation of chlorpyrifos (20 EC) at environment-friendly doses in the sandy loam and loamy sand soils of two semi-arid fields and the presence of pesticide residues in the harvested groundnut seeds, were monitored. The movement of chlorpyrifos through soil and its binding in the loamy sand soil was studied using 14C chlorpyrifos. Chlorpyrifos was moderately stable in both loamy sand and sandy loam soils, with half-life of 12.3 and 16.4 days, respectively. With 20 EC treatments the dissipation was slower for standing crop than seed treatment, indicative of the high degradation rates in the bioactive rhizosphere. In soil, 3,5,6-trichloro-2-pyridinol (TCP) was the principal breakdown product. Presence of 3,5,6-trichloro-2-methoxypyridine (TMP), the secondary metabolite, detected in the rhizospheric samples during this study, has not been reported earlier in field soils. The rapid dissipation of the insecticide from the soil post-application might have resulted from low sorption due to the alkalinity of the soil and its low organic matter content, fast topsoil dissipation possibly by volatilization and photochemical degradation, aided by the low water solubility, limited vertical mobility due to confinement of residues to the upper 15 cm soil layers and microbial mineralization and nucleophilic hydrolysis. Contrary to the reports of relatively greater mobility of its metabolites in temperate soils, TMP and TCP remained confined to the top 15 cm soil. The formation of bound residues (half-life 13.4 days) in the loamy sand soil was little and not "irreversible." A decline in bound residues could be correlated to decreasing TCP concentration. Higher pod yields were obtained from pesticide treated soils in comparison to controls. Post-harvest no pesticide residues were detected in the soils and groundnut seeds.  相似文献   

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