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造纸污泥和餐厨垃圾混合发酵联产氢气和甲烷试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用联产氢气和甲烷复合工艺,对造纸污泥和餐厨垃圾进行中温-高温混合厌氧消化,通过设计两种物料的不同配比(质量比,以VS计),研究了不同比例混合的物料联产氢气和甲烷的性能.试验结果表明,造纸污泥和餐厨垃圾混合比例为2:2的反应器总气体产率最高,达496.78mL·g-1(其中,氢气64.48mL·g-1,甲烷432.3mL·g-1,均以VSfed计,下同),其VS去除率也最高,达41.33%,在反应30h后和产甲烷18d后分别完成了80%的氢气产量和甲烷产量,而单纯造纸污泥总气体产率为144.99mL·g-1,单纯餐厨垃圾总气体产率为80.4mL·g-1.综合氢气和甲烷产率、产气速率、VS去除率等指标发现,造纸污泥和餐厨垃圾混合发酵联产氢气和甲烷的最佳配比为2:2.  相似文献   

造纸污泥混煤燃烧特性及动力学研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
采用综合热重分析法,在不同升温速率及泥煤不同比例混合条件下,开展造纸污泥、煤及泥煤混合物的燃烧热重实验研究.结果表明,造纸污泥的热重曲线存在3个明显的失重区域,分别与2个挥发分析出阶段和1个固定碳燃烧阶段相对应.泥煤混合燃烧过程中,造纸污泥和煤基本保持各自的挥发分析出特性,其燃烧曲线基本位于污泥和煤燃烧曲线之间,且混合...  相似文献   

对造纸污泥、造纸污泥焦、煤、煤焦热重和压汞实验,以及燃烧、热解和孔结构进行特性分析。通过对实验现象和数据的处理与分析,得到了反应动力学参数和孔结构特性参数。热重实验显示,造纸污泥与煤基本都要经历加热、挥发份析出、挥发份着火及燃烧、固定碳着火及燃烧四个阶段。造纸污泥的燃烧、热解特性与煤有较大差异。造纸污泥在失重分解过程中挥发份所起作用远大于固定碳所起作用。得到了比孔容、比表面积、孔数与孔径分布的关系,造纸污泥、造纸污泥焦的孔隙率比煤、煤焦的大很多。造纸污泥的焦粒属于多孔介质,使得空气易于扩散到其中的气孔中,有利于燃烧。  相似文献   

预处理对造纸污泥厌氧消化产甲烷性能的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用碱(NaOH)和生物(蘑菇渣、绿色木霉)2种方法分别预处理造纸污泥,并将预处理后的造纸污泥与味精废液进行联合厌氧消化,研究不同预处理方式对造纸污泥的影响以及对后续联合厌氧消化甲烷产率的影响.结果表明,造纸污泥经过碱(NaOH)预处理和生物预处理(蘑菇渣、绿色木霉)后,污泥颗粒的结构变得紧实、平滑,颗粒间的孔隙度减少,污泥絮体中的纤维长度明显变短、污泥中的SCOD增加了35.5%~1130%、VSS降低了6%~19%、SVsludge增加了32%~192%,NH3-N浓度提高了36%~62.4%,表明预处理后污泥中的大分子物质被降解成小分子物质,且碱预处理对污泥产生的变化较生物处理大;经预处理后的造纸污泥与味精废液联合厌氧消化,甲烷得率分别为:NaOH预处理0.32m3 CH4/kg VS、蘑菇渣预处理0.23 m3 CH4/kg VS,较CK分别提高了54%~88%和12%~34%,可见碱预处理提高甲烷产率效果更明显,由于蘑菇渣预处理具有成本低、解决二次污染、实现废物再利用等优点,因此两者在预处理提高造纸污泥厌氧消化甲烷产率方面都具有重要意义.  相似文献   

造纸污泥与味精废液联合厌氧消化产甲烷性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用造纸污泥与味精废液间歇式联合厌氧消化产沼气,通过设计总固体(TS)含量、碳氮比(C/N)和接种量等不同的工艺参数,研究了不同工艺条件下各反应器的产甲烷性能.试验结果表明:在中温(37±2)℃条件下,TS含量对系统累积产气量的影响较大,各反应器的累积产气量随TS含量的增加而增加;各反应器的单位质量挥发性固体(VS)累积产气率和TS、VS的去除率随TS含量增加而降低;在TS含量为10%的3组反应器中,造纸污泥:味精废液(w/w)=10∶1的反应器产气效果优于造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=25∶1和70∶1两组处理,这与前者在消化过程中pH值下降最多、酸化能力最强有关;联合厌氧消化累积甲烷产量最大值为5482mL(TS含量为10%,造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=10∶1),单位质量VS甲烷产率最大值为362mL.g-1(TS含量为3%,造纸污泥∶味精废液(w/w)=11∶1),可见这两种工业废物联合厌氧消化具有巨大的产甲烷潜力.  相似文献   

根据浆纸生产的工艺特点和生产实际,推导出主流的制浆技术、造纸技术、浆纸废渣替代燃煤、沼气替代燃煤的CO2排放因子分别为0.229,1.304,1.5,3.69t/t.以此为基础并参考相关的资料,分析了纸机的不同部位对CO2排放因子的影响,并模拟了不同生产规模时CO2排放总量.结果表明:浆纸企业CO2排放总量中,造纸系统和废物处理系统占据主导地位分别为54.23%和33.86%,造纸系统和制浆系统中耗热工段对CO2总量的贡献比例分别为75.6%和90.22%,废物处理系统中,浆纸废渣任意弃置和沼气任意排放CO2总量的贡献比例分别为46.06%和47.59%.  相似文献   

探讨了采用电离辐射对造纸废水二级生化出水进行深度处理的可行性.结果表明,二级生化出水主要由相对分子质量为1000~3000和3000以上的有机物组成,它们对COD的贡献分别为69.5%和6.9%,它们对溶解性有机质(DOC)的贡献分别为40.6%和31.6%.电离辐射促使废水中的一些大分子有机物向小分子有机物转化,相对...  相似文献   

For the paper industry, the disposal and management of the yielded sludge are a considerable challenge. In our work, the paper mill sludge-derived magnetically separable heterogeneous catalyst (PMS-Fe-380) was prepared easily through a facile synthesis method. The morphology and structure of PMS-Fe-380 were fully characterized by means of X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Brunauer–Emmet–Teller analysis. The catalytic activity of PMS-Fe-380 was evaluated by degradation of Methylene Blue (MB). The reusability and stability of PMS-Fe-380 were evaluated in five repeated runs, which suggested that PMS-Fe-380 manifested excellent stability of catalytic activity. Moreover, leaching tests indicated that the leached iron is negligible (< 0.5 mg/L). This study provides an alternative environmentally friendly reuse method for paper mill sludge and a novel catalyst PMS-Fe-380 that can be considered as a promising heterogeneous Fenton-like catalyst.  相似文献   

Water pollution from the pulp and paper industry is one of the most serious environment problems in China. In order to prevent and treat pollution of the pulp and paper industry, the following works have been done in recent years: 1. Making necessary policies, measures and regulations; 2. Making overall planning and rational layout; 3. Relying mainly on internal treatment developing external treatment as supplement; 4. Improving the technology of treating wastewater of the pulp and paper industry.  相似文献   

Combination of 16S rRNA gene clone library and cultivation for assessing of bacterial diversity of the microflora in bulking sludge was evaluated in the study.  相似文献   

The main objective of this project was to evaluate the possibility of reducing the quantity of fibre wasted at one of many hydrocyclone (centrifugal) cleaning processes in a paper mill. It was found that the application of elutriation water to both the tertiary and quaternary cleaners was essential to minimise the fibre discharged to the sewer, and the pressure of this elutriation water had a dramatic effect of reducing the fibre wastage. Accordingly, it has been shown that 150–160 kPa as the optimum pressure range to apply elutriation water to minimise the product grade fibre wasted whilst sending undesired shive fibre to the sewer. Also, monitoring of the press uhle box wastewater revealed that the paper mill has the potential to make substantial cost savings by reducing the waste stream. Further investigation is necessary to determine the types of fibre that are being wasted, and the viability of a screen to recycle the wasted fibre to the process. However, these fibres may be unsuitable to reuse in the process and alternative uses must be found.  相似文献   

Aerobic granule is a special microbial aggregate associated with biofilm structure. The formation of aerobic granular sludge is primarily depending on its bacterial community and relevant microbiological properties. In this experiment, a strain with high microbial attachment was isolated from aerobic granular sludge, and the detailed characteristics were examined. Its high attachment ability could reach 2.34 (OD600nm), while other low attachment values were only around 0.06-0.32, which indicated a big variation among the different bacteria. The strain exhibited a very special morphology with many fibric fingers under SEM observation. A distinctive behaviour was to form a spherical particle by themselves, which would be very beneficial for the formation and development of granular sludge. The EPS measurement showed that its PN content was higher than low attachment bacteria, and 3D-EEM confirmed that there were some different components. Based on the 16S rRNA analysis, it was identified to mostly belong to Stenotrophomonas. Its augmentation to particle sludge cultivation demonstrated that the strain could significantly promote the formation of aerobic granule. Conclusively, it was strongly suggested that it might be used as a good and potential model strain or chassis organism for the aerobic granular sludge formation and development.  相似文献   

造纸污泥生物炭对四环素的吸附特性及机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以造纸污泥为原料,在限氧条件下,通过控制热解温度(300,500和700℃),制备生物炭(SBC300、SBC500和SBC700),比较了3种生物炭的基本理化性质;以四环素(TC)为目标污染物,研究了造纸污泥生物炭(SBC)对TC的吸附特性及机理.结果表明,SBC对TC的吸附以化学吸附为主,吸附平衡时,SBC300对TC的去除率最低,为38.8%,SBC700的去除率最高,为54.1%;同时Langmuir模型能更好地描述此吸附过程,且最大吸附量依次为SBC700(63.8mg/g)>SBC500(50.6mg/g)>SBC300(40.0mg/g).热力学分析表明,SBC对TC的吸附为自发且吸热的过程.pH值影响TC的存在形态及SBC的表面带电情况,对吸附过程有较大影响.通过吸附等温线分解法定量描述了表面吸附作用及分配作用的贡献率,结合FTIR分析,表明SBC对TC的吸附可能是分配作用、静电作用、氢键作用、π-πEDA作用及离子交换作用等共同作用的结果.  相似文献   

针对造纸废水好氧处理中钙离子(Ca2+)浓度过高影响生化过程和后续膜处理的问题,在实验室模拟废水曝气,研究Ca2+存在对COD去除效果的影响;对厌氧出水进行曝气实验,探究曝气量对钙去除效果的影响;分析表征造纸废水液相中Ca2+浓度和固相污泥中钙的形态,探究造纸废水曝气池中钙的迁移转化规律.结果发现:Ca2+的存在会影响活性污泥的活性,进而导致曝气过程中COD的去除率从71.76%降至36.94%;厌氧出水曝气初始阶段内曝气量越大,Ca2+的去除率越高;Ca2+浓度从厌氧出水到二沉池出水过程中逐渐下降,从游离态转变为CaCO3的结合态而除去.  相似文献   

氯酚的生物降解特性及其微生物的16SrRNA基因序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从受氯代有机物污染的土壤中富集分离到对2、4-二氯酚具有高效降解能力的微生物混合菌群。实验表明,降解1mol二氯酚可以定量释放出2mol的氯离子,在生物流化床反应器中,以聚胺酯泡沫块为固定化载体吸附固定化微生物,进行了连续降解氯酚的实验研究,当水力停留时间为24h,二氯酚的初始浓度为30μmol/L时,二氯酚的去除率均在90%以上,利用平板划线法从混合微生物菌群中分离到可以利用二氯酚为唯一碳源和能源的纯种微生物,16SrRNA基因序列分析结果表明,该微生物为Rhodococcus属。  相似文献   

同时产甲烷反硝化颗粒污泥中微生物群落结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
在UASB成功运行同时产甲烷反硝化小试基础上,针对反应器内颗粒污泥,通过构建古菌和细菌的16SrDNA基因文库、RADAR遗传变异分型和测序比对等技术进行了微生物系统发育关系和群落结构分析.结果表明,在颗粒污泥的古菌中,产甲烷髦毛菌和产甲烷杆菌是主要菌群,随机选出的88个古菌克隆子,这两类古菌的16SrDNA序列分别占古菌总量71.59%和22.73%;而颗粒污泥中细菌的多样性要高于古菌,低GC革兰氏阳性菌和ε变型菌纲分支的细菌是细菌的主要菌群,在随机选出的133个细菌克隆子中,这2类细菌的16SrDNA序列分别占细菌总量的49.62%和12.03%.  相似文献   

The changes of protein secondary structures in the extracellular polymeric substances(EPS) extracted from activated sludge by four different methods were studied by analyzing the amide I region(1700–1600 cm-1) of the Fourier transform infrared spectra and model protein test. The results showed the molecular weight distribution of organic matter extracted by centrifugation, heating and cation exchange resin(CER) was similar, while the EPS extracted by centrifugation(Control) and CER had similar fluorescent organic matter. The protein secondary structures of extracted EPS by the four methods were different. The similarities of protein secondary structures between the EPS extracted by CER with the Control were the highest among the four extracted EPS. Although the EPS yield extracted by formaldehyde + NaOH method were the highest, its protein secondary structures had the lowest similarity with those extracted by the Control. Additionally, the effects of centrifugation and CER extraction on the secondary structures of bovine serum albumin were also lower than that of other extraction processes. CER enables the second maximum extraction of EPS and maximum retention of the original secondary structure of proteins.  相似文献   

厌氧颗粒污泥对五氯酚(PCP)的吸附、解吸及生物降解   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以未驯化污泥接种的升流式厌氧污泥床反应器可形成降解五氯酚(PCP)的颗粒污泥.颗粒污泥去除PCP的主要机制是生物降解作用,而不是生物吸附作用.PCP在颗粒污泥上的吸附和解吸符合Freundlich等温方程,吸附和解吸的Freundlich常数K、1/n分别为0.7857mg/gSS、0.5079和1.1095mg/gSS、0.3782,部分PCP被不可逆吸附.与其它活或死的生物材料相比,本试验形成的颗粒污泥对PCP吸附量较小.该方程较准确地表达了UASB反应器内厌氧颗粒污泥对PCP吸附量的变化规律.  相似文献   

活性污泥过程反应池与二沉池耦合模型与模拟   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
将二沉池一维通量模型与反应池活性污泥2号模型(ASM2)耦合,建立了活性污泥过程模型.模型应用于重庆某污水处理厂,结果表明,该模型可以较好地对出水中COD、SS、TN及TP进行模拟.针对该污水处理厂现行运行条件,分析了影响活性污泥系统的因素,提出优化运行参数,将二沉池污泥回流比由原来的0.75减至0.20~0.25,剩余污泥排放量从原来的591m3/d至204~249m3/d;将反应池污泥浓度由原来的1.2g/L增加至2.8g/L,可提高系统抗负荷冲击和抗低温的能力,改善系统出水水质.  相似文献   

Based on the successful performance of a lab-scale upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor with the capacity of simultaneous methanogenesis and denitrification (SMD), the specific phylogenetic groups and community structure of microbes in the SMD granule in the UASB reactor were investigated by the construction of the Eubacteria and Archaea 16S rDNA clone libraries, fragment length polymorphism, and sequence blast. Real time quantitative-polymerase chain reaction (RTQ-PCR) technique was used to quantify the contents of Eubacteria and Archaea in the SMD granule. The contents of some special predominant methanogens were also investigated. The results indicated that the Methanosaeta and Methanobacteria were the predominant methanogens in all Archaea in the SMD granule, with contents of 71. 59% and 22. 73% in all 88 random Archaea clones, respectively. The diversity of Eubacteria was much more complex than that of Archaea. The low GC positive gram bacteria and Б-Protebacteria were the main predominant Eubacteria species in SMD granule, their contents were 49. 62% and 12. 03% in all 133 random Eubacteria clones respectively. The results of RTQ-PCR indicated that the content of Archaea was less than Eubacteria, the Archaea content in total microorganisms in SMD granule was about 27. 6%.  相似文献   

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